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Mr. Cicilline im congressman David Cicilline from rhode island. And im with representative ustos. Last july democrats launched a bold agenda. Bold economic agenda focused on better jobs and better wages for a better future. Central to that is rebuilding our country. We are here to announce a better deal to rebuild america. The democratic plan to directly invest a trillion dollars to create more than 10 million good paying jobs. In the 20th century, americas commitment to have the best infrastructure imaginable helped propel our economy, create good jobs and made our infrastructure the envy of the world. Today that is no longer the case. Our infrastructure ranks behind singapore and united emirates and in a recent report by the American Society of Civil Engineers, one out of five miles of highway pavement is in terrible condition and that is 56,000 of american bridges are structurally deficient. But the American People already know about the conditions of our roads, bridges, rail systems, schools and airports. They experience it every day, stuck in traffic, delayed at airports, disrupted in rail travel, paying high energy costs and worrying about safe water and children in schools that are unsafe. Democrats are announcing a bold comprehensive plan to address this urgent issue and make it a national priority. He deterioration is impeding our opportunity for Economic Growth and raising costs on families and creating unfit conditions for some americans. The federal government is a necessary partner in this effort to rebuild our country. Its not enough to punt it to the private sector. Rebuilding our country will require a serious smart investment of real federal resources to get this done. This means specifically repairing roads and bridges to reduce traffic and problems that make people not only late for work but also slow commerce. Building an Aviation System so americans arrive safely and on time and ensure our Railway Systems are convenient and afer for all passengers. Delivering Cheaper Energy prices to consumers and reducing the number of power failures by improving and modernizing our aging Energy Infrastructure so it is secure, efficient and resilient. Protecting Public Health especially for the most vulnerable americans to make sure every community has access o clean water. Rebuilding and modernizing our Public Schools. Every child has the opportunity to be in a safe and Healthy Learning environment. When it comes to highspeed broadband to unlock the potential of every community and rural areas can attract employers. And achieving all of these objectives while maintaining critical worker protections, safeguarding our air and water and investing in stronger more resilient infrastructure to withstand rising sea levels. This is a serious realistic plan that reflects years of work by six congressional committees and Key Stakeholders and our Ranking Members have been part of this process. I remind people, a better deal to rebuild america is five times the size the commitment that President Trump will propose. The American People deserve a real plan to rebuild our country and thats what we are committed to delivering. And i ask the Ranking Member of the transportation and infrastructure committee, Peter Defazio to come forward. Mr. Defazio well, the republicans lack a sense of history in terms of dealing with our infrastructure. What they want to do is devolve the obligation to build a national and coordinated Transportation System to the states and the cities. Now they forget history. This is the photograph from life magazine, this is 1956. This is brand new kansas turnpike. You see this odd black area here. Thats amos farm field and this is the oklahoma border. Oklahoma said, well build it, too. Oh, god, we are sorry and have economic problems here. We cant build it. For several years they built a wooden barrier and he had to throw people out of his field. And dwight eisenhower, a republican said no, we are oing to have a funded National Transportation network. And that is what we have been doing for some 70 years. Now they are breaking face with that. Congress has broken face since they took over congress. We have not increased the user fee since 1993 when bill clinton was president of the United States and democrats controlled the congress. We were about 80 billion short when we passed the last transportation bill which was focused on funding status quo and board 80 billion, pretended they had payfors and out of this white house, they re saying, we are going to come up with 200 million probably by cutting amtrak and ransit spending. I said you are forgetting history. John mica said we are going to defund amtrak. He got his head handed to him. This administration will, too, with this fake plan. This is a fake infraStructure Plan as proposed. The real elements of it, they want to push profits to their friends. They said we cant find the money to do this. The states and cities, they have to pony up and dont worry, private capital will fill in this good. It went from a trillion dollars to a trillion and a half dollars but dont even have the 200 billion as a down payment. We have a concrete plan. We want to move forward. The jobs that are created are not just people saying to me, congress, i dont work in construction. Its not just construction jobs, design, engineering, small business, small minority, womenowned businesses. Its manufacturing and actually high tech because we have 100 billion backlog to bring our transit systems let alone to build new transit systems to get cars out of traffic. Those are often now hightech jobs and manufacturing jobs. We have the strongest buy america, more stronger than the entagon. This is what we need to do to put america back to work and make us more competitive in the world economy. Mr. Pallone thank you, peter. I want to follow up on what peter said. Peter is pointing out that the problem with the republicans and the president right now is they are just too negative and dont think the federal government can do anything. We have had our issues in conference and in the middle of it. Coming out of that issues conference, the democrats feel optimistic about the future and thinking about the future. Those of you who listen in the media to Vice President s peech yesterday, he talked about how optimistic he was about the future. And i think thats what we believe as democrats. The federal government can make a difference and make a ifference for the economy by investing in infrastructure, investing in infrastructure pays back so many times in terms of jobs, the economic engine. And thats what this is all about. I wanted to talk specifically about the energy and commerce jurisdiction, because peter is stressing transportation. But infrastructure involves a lot of other things. We in energy and commerce actually put forward a proposal early last year that included roadband and Energy Efficiency and a whole bunch of things, Safe Drinking Water, brownfields, and the bottom line is we feel strongly this is an important part of the infrastructure needs and important part of the nvestment in the future. And i want to thank our message people, because that is incorporated in the better eal. The one thing i wanted to stress is broad banged because highspeed broadband connection is an important part of life and important to americans if they are looking for a job, education, whatever it happens to be. And we know we have this ruralurban divide. People in some areas who are not connected. The figures say more than 10 million urban americans. And we want to unlock these communities so they have that ccess. Im stressing mainly an investment in broadband. Maybe Something Like 50 billion investment in broadband, which i think would ridge this ruralurban divide. I want to mention also, Safe Drinking Water component also with the energy and commerce urisdiction. Flint highlighted the problem with Safe Drinking Water and the need to upgrade and expand he infrastructure not just flint, but all over the states including my home state, new jersey. Energy, we can do more in terms of Energy Efficiency and putting emphasis on renewals. And this relates to jobs. Energy efficiency means that you create jobs in actual construction and also you bring costs down because more Energy Efficiency is lower costs to the consumer. These are all good and improve the economy and creating jobs and making it possible to bridge that urbanrural divide with regard to broadband. Next, for the education component, i introduce bobby scott. Mr. Scott when you talk about infrastructure, you shouldnt forget Public Schools. Public schools are in disrepair and old. Median age is about 40 years. In 2014, the department of education estimated that it costs almost 200 billion to bring our Public Schools up to Good Condition and we know too many Public Schools lack access to sufficient highspeed Digital Infrastructure needed to support 21st century learning. Thats why weve included in our bill the rebuild America School act which will support a better deal for an economic agenda and is included because it would invest 100 billion to address the Critical Infrastructure needs in our schools and create almost two million jobs, many more jobs for the 100 billion than we expect out of the 1. 5 trillion recent tax cuts. Hose would be good paying jobs protected by davisbacon and paying the prevailing wage and not put pressure on wages. We the bill creates an Extensive National data base on the conditions of our Public School facilities. Currently no data base exists but if we have one, we would now where the problems are and where to invest our money. So we have legislation that will focus on our schools and improve education and create jobs. What could be better . I would now call on representative blumenauer who is an expert on Green Infrastructure. Mr. Blumenauer let me say a word about Green Infrastructure from the outset. Speaker pelosi and president obama, in the midst of the economic near economic collapse, fashioned the recovery act, had almost 1 trillion in debt. And it created hundreds of thousands of familywage jobs, dealt with infrastructure, broadband, roads and bridges, research. I sit on the ways and means committee, we passed 1. 5 trillion with zero investment in the future of our infrastructure and other priorities. One of the priorities we need to invest with deals with Green Infrastructure. The ways and means committee, their gesture for Clean Energy Future in the tax program they had in the house was to gut the agreement that we reached with wind energy, putting it at risk, billions of dollars of wind energy that was already under way. They are not dealing with the partnerships, with local communities that need to deal with resilience. We see on an ongoing basis, the cost of not making that infrastructure. Look at the extra costs we have recovering from the devastating hurricanes, for instance. This is let alone dealing with Climate Change. Our military and bobby scott can talk about that in terms of his district, rising sea evels, the challenges of a really desperate future, extreme weather events, puts our military facilities at risk. The department of defense is willing to be a partner with local communities and with ongress and unfortunately, this administration and my republican colleagues have turned their back on it. This is a fools errand. Our proposals will deal with strengthening those partnerships with local communities with the military o get maximum benefit out of that that is going to make a difference in the long run but lso in daytoday quality of life. And ms. Esty. Ms. Esty hat we have been working for a long time to get his addressed. My father and grandfather were Civil Engineers. I grew up on job sites. You cannot build a 21st century economy. On a mid 20th century infrastructure. It was the investments in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s that transformed america. We have that opportunity again. We need to look at the opportunity, the upside we get. With infrastructure and infostructure and green grid verywhere. And that will transform america, whether you live in northwest connecticut where you dont have sell phone coverage or broadband or live in ohio or or live in ohio or wherever you live in this great country. To participate in the economy, you need to have access to internet and to a grid. And you need to be able to get there on roads. And we have let that slide. I work with republicans and democrats on the committee. There is no d or r after potholes. The time has stopped for duct tape and bailing wire, which is what we have been doing right now. One of the major intersections in my district i84, the , mixmaster, you walk underneath it and look up through the decking and the rebar is rusted. It is dangerous and it is wrong and we can fix it. So the time is now. Republicans know that. And the 2016 election the 2016 election was about jobs. What was at the top of the list . The president promised infrastructure. Well, here it is a year later and it went from 1 trillion to 1. 5 trillion in less than a week. But with no new money. If wall street has plenty of cash to put into these projects, that has not been the problem. The problem has been leadership out of congress. Fix the basics. Get with the program. Rebuild those bridges, those roads, those Water Systems, make it safe to turn on your tap, safe to drive down the road, make sure your kids have a good school to go and getting the skills they need. Make sure no matter where you live in this great country you can participate and compete. You have the opportunity to build the american dream. Congress has been falling down on its job and the white house has, too. We have the chance to move forward and the time is now. There is no time like right now to step up to the plate to work done. Er and get this put people back to work now, make sure they can go to work and get home tomorrow. Thank you very much. I think were on to leader pelosi who she had the endurance and resilience we need for this country. On to human investment and infrastructure, leader pelosi. Rep. Pelosi thank you for your kind remarks and deep knowledge of this subject and great leadership on it. Im very proud to stand here with our colleagues who have worked so hard on this issue over time and now as part of the better deal. When we announced the better deal with the senate, with Chuck Schumer and others, we went to virginia and we talked about infrastructure being part of it. Today, under the leadership of our three cochairs on communications, who developed a better deal, David Cicilline, congresswoman bustos and hakeem jeffries, we have a comprehensive proposal that is transformational for america and what it proposes. What is so exciting about it is it adds addresses the needs of the American People as it thinks very big today as we go forward. The president talks a big act but then he proposes a small bill. A small act of congress. So we have to make sure that we take this message of greatness to the American People. Now, just in my own across the country, people take surveys of what bothers people, you know one of the issues that looms large is . Traffic. Traffic. Its a quality of life issue. Arrived to take the children to school that should take 15 minutes can take 45 minutes. This doesnt have to be. As has been said by the American Society of Civil Engineers has defined our deficit and infrastructure in the trillions of dollars. When the president proposes a 200 billion proposal over 10 years, 20 billion a year, what could he be thinking . Mr. Defazio mentioned president eisenhower. When he proposed the interstate highway system, it was a National Defense issue , connecting america. Connecting america. As a matter of fact, al gores father was the author of the bill in the senate at the time. In any case, this is about our National Security. Its about job creation. 16 million jobs will spring from this proposal. Its about quality of life for the American People, the time they spend in their cars, what it means to result in air pollution and the rest and people being in their cars, mass transit opportunities will get them out of their cars. But even when they are in their cars, to have them go from place to place in a much more reasonable and expeditious time. Its about moving products to market, especially if it is perishable. Time means everything in that regard. It is about issues that relate being part of the economy of the future in terms of infrastructure. Again another health issue, in addition to clean air, clean water. Some of our Water Systems are over 100 years old, made of brick and wood. Have a drink of water from that. This is essential. The need is well documented by the American Society of Civil Engineers. The proposals in the way past, before they were obstructionists to president obama, this has always been bipartisan. We have always worked in a bipartisan way about this. It fits comfortably into the Bigger Picture of the better deal. Build, build, build. Build the infrastructure of america all over the country in a smart way. Build it in a way that is about the future in terms of conserving energy and keeping us competitive internationally as we develop technologies to do that. Its about build, build, build. When you build all over, you bring personnel and is areas or drop on the community to build. But nonetheless those people , need services. So build the human infrastructure as you do this. Not just the School System and the rest, but invest in the education of the talent that we need to do all of this. And the third build is about democracy, to protect our democracy. And that talks to the fact that we cannot have a proposal as republicans have put forth, as the president has put forth that is about the private sector sapping the resources. We are going to underwrite and will charge tolls for. The American People pay twice. They take that. Publicprivate partnerships, we are receptive to, but not when the goal of the bill is to transfer the taxpayer dollar to the private sector. Rejecting a plan that truly invests. Now, this is something that will bring revenue back to the treasury. Invest, create jobs, pay taxes and increase what comes into the treasury and reduces the deficit. Again, i thank our cochairs of our Communications Committee as well as all of the committees of jurisdiction. This is very thoughtful. Very specific. And very bipartisan. And obviously very transparent as well. So we look forward to this debate. But what a disappointment that the president put forth i would just characterize it as something that privatizes our roads, air Traffic Control and infrastructure, takes more costly tolls from commuters and shifts the budgets to states and cities and also not smart in terms of wanting to have a National Proposal where we are connected, which was the intention of president eisenhower when he said it is a it is a National Security issue for us to be nationally connected. With that, im sure my colleagues will be happy to answer any questions you may have on this subject. Reporter did you get any commitment from speaker ryan along the lines that you were speaking yesterday . If not, will you vote against the bill . Rep. Pelosi im happy to get to that, but on this subject here, because this is very important to our economy, to our environment, to our future when we talk about broadband and the rest of that because so many times people see that as their path to the jobs of the 21st century. Reporter considering the budget deal has money for transportation, can you talk about that in the context of what you guys will do . Rep. Pelosi i can. But this is a major proposal at our caucus and im happy to answer any of those questions. And i will more fully but we , have tremendous intellectual resources here who have worked on these issues. They made brief presentations. We could make them longer. You know that. Rep. Defazio there is 20 billion for infrastructure which in trump world means virtually anything. Remember they counted the , keystone xl pipeline as part of their because they approved 1 trillion it and its going to go forward. Probably as much as we can tell, a small fraction of that 10 billion a year would go into transportation and infrastructure. Look at one major project the , gateway project in new york to in new york. Thats about a quarter of what the federal share would need to be or create in chicago, the largest freight bolt neck in the United States of america. That is an insignificant amount of money. We need a major federal commitment that is sustained, not a little bit of money. Yeah, its big money for two years. Not big money, but its some additional money for two years. It is nowhere near what we need. Rep. Blumenauer its predicated on cutting other investments. Not a net gain. Rep. Pelosi any other questions about the subject we are talking about here . Yes . Reporter Green Infrastructure part of it, but is there a rural im thinking in a way that republicans got on board of this budget deal was part of the military stuff. Is there a role in playing up the National Security implications to this . What does the pentagon think about these issues, particularly on the Green Infrastructure stuff . Is this something they are willing to put their chips down and say this is something we need . Rep. Blumenauer the Defense Department has been in the forefront of it. They have any number of studies they have analyzed. Our military leaders think Climate Change is a National Security threat and looking at their facilities that are at risk. They want to invest in alternative energy because that protects their flexibility in the field. We spent billions of dollars in the middle east transporting fossil fuel in trucks that might as well have bulls eyes on them. So the department of defense and democratic and republican administrations has been on top of it. What hasnt happened here is the administration has not embraced the need and followed through on the opportunities. Rep. Pallone we on the energy and Commerce Committee have been trying to have hearings on Climate Change, sea level rise. They will not do it. No hearings, no discussion of it whatsoever. So we had a minority hearing, which was our right. And i figured lets go to annapolis because they were having major problems with sea level rise. I called up the superintendent and told him this is a partisan hearing. There will not be any republicans. I fully expected him to say no way, congressman. He said please come down. [laughter] rep. Pallone we went down there and had the hearing in this room that could look out on where all the flooding was. It was not even a stormy day. It was a bright, Beautiful Day and you could see all the flooding at annapolis. And he testified because he was so concerned that this is affecting the military. What role says is just a reality. Rep. Cicilline it was included in the National Defense authorization bill, recognition of the challenges that Climate Change presents the military. So there is recognition. But there has to be a commitment to do something about it. Rep. Pelosi when i was speaker, my flagship issue was climate and energy under president bushs leadership in a bipartisan way to we passed the Biggest Energy bill in the history of our country in 2007. He wanted nuclear. I wanted renewables. We came to an agreement. At the time, this select committee that we established that ed markey chaired that was bipartisan, the republicans were all in denial, but it was a Bipartisan Committee that had many hearings and had documented for the record the testimony of generals and people in National Security on this issue. 2007, 2008, 2009. So this is not a new issue. The department of defense is one of the biggest users of energy in our government, in fact, in the world. And they had testified to renewals and all the rest, in costs in addition to degradation of the environment with the alternatives. Strictly committed to fossil fuels. What were seeing here is, we can document what the department of defense is telling us in terms of not only rising sea levels, but what Climate Change would do in terms of drought, migration. All kinds of other issues that fuel the flames of discontent and despair, and a provoke hostility. But putting that aside for a moment just to say there is no question. There is no question that as we build for the future, we have to do so in a way that protects the environment, creates jobs, protects the environment and keeps us safe. The safety of our infrastructure, the vitality of commerce, the quality of life, all of it is so important and multit go into a hundred billion dollars Structure Plan 100 billion infraStructure Plan without saying we have to do this with the enhanced knowledge that we have, with better opportunities that we know of to do so in a way that gets the best result for the American People. And by the way, cheaper, get more for your money. Going back to the budget, and i thank you for being on point here anybody else want to be on point and be complimented for it . Dont tell anybody i told you this. The only reason they put that infrastructure piece in there is if you follow the conversation around here, is they were hoping to get get the freedom caucus, whatever they are using, is to get them to vote. If he hurt them, they say maybe it domestic spending was on infrastructure you got the code word they were going to have something on infrastructure. I dont know how much of this is public yet, but how some of it will be spent is reflected in what you have heard here. Clean water, Safe Drinking Water, for example, issues about Rural Broadband in terms of the initiatives that we can do right up front. What we are talking about here is a much bigger approach to it all. That is not any reason to say its infrastructure. It was really a diversionary tactic. You know they want to divert attention . This agreement that i fought very hard for many of the things that are in there and i think its a good bill, its unfortunate it is taking place in an insulting way to those of us who are trying to protect the values of our country. But in this bill, it will cost a minimum, add to the debt, 250 billion. A quarter of a trillion dollars added to the debt. They didnt mind having 1. 5 trillion added to the debt, which will create no job, but they do resist any investments that do create jobs because they go under the category of domestic spending, which they are always against and very resistant to. As they kept trying to get them is by increasing the defense money, and we all believe in a stock National Defense we arent , fighting that number but we are saying, we all have to rise together. So that there is parity in the increases. We wont ever reach the Defense Budget because the start at a higher place. But parity in the increases that were successful and priorities are in the bill. I have been unease with it and i hope the speaker will man up and decide we of the house can also have what Mitch Mcconnell guarantees in the senate a vote , on the floor. But the fact is that was it is so we can say well, its about infrastructure. Its not about infrastructure. Its trying to get votes from that caucus and much smaller piece than they wanted to do in the meantime. We honored our commitment, opioids, veterans, National Institutes of health, issues of Higher Education and child care, separate from the Disaster Assistance doesnt come under the caps, but issues related to the health provisions, which on which again do not come under the cap. They are part of a different agenda because there are payfors for them. Im pleased with the product, im not pleased with the process. Reporter will you vote for it . Rep. Pelosi no, i wont. You cant go to times. Maybe we should reward you [laughter] reporter going to take that as a compliment. What did your speech accomplish yesterday . Rep. Pelosi i didnt go out to be there for eight hours but when i asked members for statements from their dreamers, they we were flooded with them. And what it accomplished was, again reminded the American People what our commitment is to our values. This isnt just about the dreamers. It is about the United States of america and who we are as a country. And the response we had was so tremendous and people will be calling in i can imagine, flooded with it all and what it accomplished was to say, we have our beliefs and are willing to fight for them and willing to fight for them on the floor of the house. And we hope that just it was a simple question to the speaker. Why cant we have a vote in the house of representatives . I think the intensity to have that vote has increased. If you consider that a hostile question, i consider it a welcomed one because you said you might take it as a take back the compliment. Now, i thank you for it. Reporter do you think there might be a need for a 24hour c. R. Tonight . Rep. Pelosi the bill is not finished yet. When we came in here. As of last night i can understand what youre saying. We didnt have texts last night, thewhen i was checking with unwritten down in the final form that would probably just be now. It just depends how long the senate decides to go forward and if the republicans have the votes. Reporter did you hear what you wanted from the speaker . Rep. Pelosi there is a lot of other stuff yesterday. Very specifically. It is the easiest thing that he could do. It is easy and we did it a number of times before. Bring everything to the floor. You want to bring goodlatte to the floor . Bring it to the floor. You lucky aguilar bill to the floor, bring it to the floor. The senate has a proposal. Get the house of vote on that. Anybody else who has something, let everybody vote what they believe. Queen of the hill means the bill that gets the most votes is the one that prevails, whether that goes to say, for example, the senate bill would go directly to the president. And it is a heard bill its more , of a conference situation. The hurd bill is bipartisan and it recognizes our responsibility to protect our borders, which we all agree, but how we do that and how much money we spend in this. I get back to the point. This is a small piece of the comprehensive immigration bill. This is like chip versus health care. Health care and how we addressed health care in our country is a Bigger Picture. Chip is about the children. Immigration big issue, dream , act, just for children. Again, we can have something that is commensurate with the number of people as far as our you are protected as far as our border is concerned. And leave the rest for another day. But build confidence and make this a first step. What we said to him, put everything on the floor, queen of the hill. Just to remind you, when we did you may recall, we had 600 days and republicans would not bring the bill. 600 days, almost two years. Overlapping two congresses. And i said to thenspeaker boehner, the republicans had a bill. They loved it. Heres what it did. Its that you are against violence against women unless you have a desolate you happen to be a native american woman, and lgbt woman, or an immigrant woman, and which case you dont have the protection of this bill. What are we talking about . They consider that a violence against women act . Not so fast. Immigrants, native americans and lgbt women. We had the bill that passed the senate in a bipartisan way and we wanted that to be brought up on the floor. Finally, mr. Speaker, bring them back. Let the people who support this think that there alleges hearts out how they want protection for women and let us have a vote on the senate bill as well. We did that. The Bipartisan Senate bill prevailed and went right to the president. They could do the same thing now. This is about one of the easiest things the easiest decisions the speaker has to make. Let the house work its will. Some on their side are wanting a guarantee of a vote on goodlatte, give it to them. We want a guarantee of a vote on the issue. We want to have the debate and see where we go and the bipartisan proposal is heard. And it is bipartisan, it is unifying and was done with great transparency. And if the senate comes up with something that they want to send here in a timely fashion then , lets consider that and see what that is and consider that as well. All we are saying is queen of the hill, put it all out there. Let the house work its will. But dont say to the house, remove your dignity as your role in this important an issue that is being discussed as a throughout the country has been stuck in the senate of the United States for cannot be discussed in a legislative framework on the floor of the house of representatives. We just cant accept that. It has ramifications. Reporter are you whipping against the caps deal or rep. Pelosi im telling people why im voting the way i am voting. Thank you. [captions Copyright National satellite corp. 2018] captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] crowd noise] after what looked like quite bit of progress in the senate today, things still not moving forward in the senate. Any kind of a budget deal for sure term resolution shortterm resolution not making its way through the senate, much less the house. 3. 5 hoursm now out until the government shutdown. We are looking again. The Senate Working all day. Not a lot of movement so far. Part of that being rand paul, senator of kentucky u. S. And taking the floor and Holding Things up. To senate cannot even move start moving forward on what they had been trying to work on which is a twoyear budget deal, or even a continuing resolution which passed earlier this week in the house. It passed on tuesday. Nobody deal, no continuing resolution and no funding for the federal government past midnight tonight. In the house earlier today, nancy pelosi was talking with her members and getting the word out that some of them may be able to vote against this. It looks like in terms of the house and the democrats, that may want to try to move things forward if they candidacy with the numbers are that are needed to get shortterm funding passed and work on this twoyear budget resolution. Even steny hoyer of maryland, the House Democratic whip was bringing up the idea of a 24 hour shortterm funding bill. Jordan carney joins us, a Senate Reporter for the hill. She has the latest on where things stand, what the status is now. Midnight deadline. No action yet in the senate, even though prospects look good earlier. Still has to make its way to the house. What is the status at this point . Focus onveryone will rand paul entity can drag this thing out until early friday morning. That would be past the deadline aevent a lapse in but lapse. Stand indo things terms of senate goes beyond rand paul . A deal could fairly easily passed the senate. You will have progressive democrats voting is it for daca were military spending. The normal coalition of conservatives. They will have to vote against it because the funding increase they have to get past the rand paul hurdle and they will be held to pass things quickly. The question is when did they get to do that . Were talking about a twoyear budget deal. What about when it gets to the house . What are the numbers they have to hit . At least 210 votes . Jordain yeah there has been a question of if the house is a that he feels comfortable to have a vote. The have largely been able to do it on her own. Democrats are still pretty mixed. What about nancy pelosi, the minority leader . Where is she on all of this and what is she telling her members . She gave that speech on the floor. She is going to vote against this deal. It is not because he does not think it is a good deal. It does not address the dreamer situation that she wants speaker in o promise and get ofe in regardless President Trump that people are following him falling in line. [indiscernible] it makes a little harder for them. You are in the hallways on capitol hill. Engineering . Seeing people in going back and forth changing their minds or has it been a locked in day . Our people our people dug into their positions . Jordain [indiscernible] a resolution throughout the day. The Disaster Relief they had an trying tofor get a better deal throughout the day. What the you think your bedtime is going to be tonight . [laughter] i think we are all waiting for rand paul. Then to see if the passage goes to the house. [indiscernible] if it will be early tomorrow morning [indiscernible] meantime, beyond midnight, the government is again shut down. We were here three weeks ago. Jordain yeah, maybe they should workother c. R. For it to through. Cornyn said [indiscernible] jordain thank you for joining us. We will continue following the reporting and we hope everything goes good for you on capitol hill. Jordain [indiscernible] the Senate Working for most of the day today, except for a holdup from kentucky senator rand paul. Holding of the action on the senate floor in terms of allowing the senate to move forward on a twoyear budget deal. And facing just a few hours away another deadline for a government shutdown. The house is in sort of a standby mode waiting for the senate to complete its work and send legislation back over to the house. We will keep you posted throughout the evening as things unfold on capitol hill. Possibly be taking your phone calls and questions if we can. In the meantime, we did hear from the white house earlier today. Most of the White House Briefing has to do with some of the situations at the white house concerning one of the staff members. We will take a look at that. The Deputy Press Secretary was the one

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