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Theresa may answered questions on the british economy. This is just over 45 minutes. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. Number one, mr. Speaker. Pm may thank you, mister speaker. This week marks the sixmonth anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire. I will be attending the National Memorial service tomorrow, and im sure i speak for members across the house when i say it remains at the forefornt of our minds as a truly unimaginable tragedy that should never have happened. Many who survived the fire lost everything that night. I assure the house that we do everything we can to support those affected, and take the necessary steps to make sure it can never happen again. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties, i purposesve out such later. The Prime Minister will be able to take to that memorial service. The thoughts and prayers of every Single Member in this house are with her. Saidnorable friend has that this is the end of the brexit process. Numbers of parliament will have the opportunity to vote on the deal. Confirm that it is still her intention to hold such a vote . I am happy to confirm to my right honorable friend that we will draft the final agreement and put it to a vote before both houses of parliament before it comes. As we have said, we expected the u. K. Parliament to vote the head of the european parliament, so we fully expect it to vote before march, 2019. To be clear, the final duty will be agreed. Right and honorable members will get the right to vote on it. The secretary has set out today to bring forward and withdraw the agreement and implement a bill to give Withdrawal Agreement, which will be subject itself to full parliamentary scrutiny. The agreement, will be followed up by one or more agreements covering different aspects of the future relationship, and will address the future relationship where needed to provide yet another opportunity or proper parliamentary scrutiny. Thank you, mr. Speaker. This week does mark six months lince the fire at grenfel tower, which injured and traumatized. I, too, will be at the service in memory of them. On fire also shown a light the neglect of workingclass communities all over this country. Since this government came to power, homelessness is up by 50 . Homelessness and rough sleeping have risen every single year since 2010. Will the Prime Minister pledge today that 2018 will be the year when homelessness starts to go down . P. M. May across this house, we do not want homelessness or anybody seeking to sleep rough on our sleeps. On our streets. The is why were backing bill that was brought forward by my honorable friend, and it is have insured a number of projects. I have to say to the right honorable gentleman that when we look at the question of housing, we need to look at ensuring that there are more homes available to people. That there is support to get into those homes. That is why the chancellor set to a whole range of ways ensure that people have their own roof over their head. Labor, or to housebuilding went down by 48 . Of homes bought and sold went down by 40 . In social housing went down by 400,000. Mr. Speaker. It was cut by two thirds during his time in office. When labour left office, the number of children in temporary accommodation was a lot less than it is now. I asked the Prime Minister for a pledge to reduce the amount of homelessness next year. The pledge was not forthcoming. 128,000 children will spend christmas without a home to call their own. 60 up on 2010. Christmas,ate this but will the Prime Minister promised that by 2018, fewer children will be without a home to call their own . Weve called on every child to wake up on their own home, particularly at christmas. But it is incredibly important. It is important that they know that they can keep a roof over their head, even in the most desperate circumstances. That is why will he placed them in a broader range of homes, for this, they can get a suitable place sooner. Weve changed the law in relation to so that families with children should not find exemptves accommodation in an emergency. To the reduction act, we ensure that families at risk can get support before they find themselves homeless. I think the honorable gentleman. I have been very clear as i was a few weeks ago that this government is going to be one that puts a clear focus on housing, on building homes that people need, on ensuring that people are given help to get into those homes, and also, on acting to prevent homelessness the for it happens. That is what we are doing. That is what will make a real difference to people. Speaker, the sad reality is that one hundred children in this country are homeless at any one time. It is a national disgrace. About what she says about the private rented section, can i quote from a letter i received from rachel this week . Knot in myi have a stomach every new year when we are due to sign a new tenant agreement. After renting the same flat for 10 years, never being in arrears, and keeping the property in good order, we were given notice to quit out of the blue. Will the Prime Minister help people like rachel and back tenure tendencies . P. M. May i praise the right honorable gentleman. He was present in the chamber when the budget was given to this chamber. T is why precisely what we said we are looking at ways in which we can encourage longerterm tendencies. Is, what is important is ensuring that people have the ability to have the accommodation that they need, that they want. As i say, we are dealing with the issue of longerterm tendencies. Renting about people their homes. His response on renting is to bring rent control. Rent control has never worked. They result in reducing the number of homes that are available for people who want to be able to have accommodation, and a roof over their heads. It is not just me who says that the policy will not help people who are renting. Shelters say they will not help people who are renting. Mr. Speaker, if actions by private landlords have caught route since 2010. Thee is no security in private rented sector, and the Prime Minister will knows it. Ronelso promised onefo replacement for Council Housing sold off to the right to buy. But just one in five have been replaced. Hundreds of thousands of people are on housing waiting lists. Will the Prime Minister apologized for what she said, and tell the house when she will deliver this replacement . P. M. May as the right honorable gentleman knows, we are accounting for this. We have put more money into affordable housing. He talked about the right to buy , and i safe what a contrast. We want to give people the opportunity to buy their own homes. The labour party would take that opportunity away. What do we see . Minister saidsing that fewer people owning their homes is not such a bad thing. What i have to say to the right honorable gentleman is that what he is offering to people on housing is that if you live in a council home, you take away your right to buy. If the shouter housing minister does not what people owning their own houses, only the conservatives will deliver the homes this country needs. If only it were true, mr. Speaker. , the hometories ownership has fallen by 200,000. Under labor, it rose by one million. Are now inhomes sold the private rented sector. The latest figures, mr. Speaker, of all rented homes are not up to decent standards. Living in dampre and unsecure and poorly insulated homes. Does the Prime Minister support homes being fit for human habitation . P. M. May of course we want homes to be fit. But can i just remind the right honorable gentleman that the number of homes meeting to decent homes standards is down by 49 . Since the peak under the labor government. While i am am talking about the record of the labor government, statutory homelessness peak under the labor government and it is now down by over 50 since then. Thisgovernment government is delivering. The labor government failed to deliver for over 13 years. I would just remind the Prime Minister, mr. Speaker, that under labor a million homes were brought up to decent home standards. I would also assume from what she said that she would be here on the 19th of january to support my honorable friend from westminsters bill to make privately rented homes fit for human habitation. When it comes to housing, mr. Speaker, as government has been an absolute disgrace. After sevenrs years, more people are living on the streets, or families in temporary accommodation, or families and homes not it for human habitation, and, fewer people owning their own homes. When is this government going to get out of the pockets of property speculators and rogue landlords and get on the side of tenants and people without homes of their own this christmas . Prime minister. Under labor, House Building down. Social housing done. One thing i will tell him that one thing did go up under labor. The number of people on the social housing waiting list. One point seven 4 Million People waiting for homes under labor government. 346 thousandover new and Affordable Homes since 2010. More Affordable Homes have been delivered in the last seven years under a labor government. Were building more homes. Builtlast year, we have thousands more. That is a record apart from the last 30 years. The past 13 years. Labor would produce failure for this country once again. It is conservatives delivering homes that people need. It is the standard of living that we are providing that people need. A 14yearold constituent of mine lost both of her hands and legs at the age of six as a victim of meningitis. Pushinge of many mps for the vaccine to be introduced to the nhs. Becoming on the way to one of the uks most accomplished junior gymnasts. She was recently handed the pride of sports award as a young achiever. What the Prime Minister joined me in congratulating isabel in receiving this Prestigious National award . P. M. May i am very happy to my honorable friend. I congratulate isabel on her achievements. Her on her commend bravery. She is an inspiration to all of us. As my honorable friend mentioned about meningitis vaccines, she was one who was campaigning on it. We know that meningitis can be a devastating disease. That is why we have taken steps to increase the availability of it. We werember of 20 15, the first country to have a National Vaccination program. My honorable friend contributed to that. That englandessary continue to raise awareness of symptoms. Its campaigns are reaching hundreds of thousands of parents. The nhs has been running a program to vaccinate thousands different strains of meningitis. My honorable friend can be pleased with the impact she had on this. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In 2008, we bailed out the royal bank of scotland at a cost of the 5 billion pounds. In 2017, royal bank of scotland paid us back by covering themselves inside of 249 of 249 our communities. Given that we are the majority shareholders, will the Prime Minister stepped in and tell the royal bank to stick to their commitment . P. M. May i think the right honorable gentleman knows that the decision to close a branch is a Bank Decision without government intervention. We do recognize its impact on communities. Scotlands secretary of state has raised this with the rbn. More people are banking online. To ensure that all customers can still access overthecounter services. That is why we established the access to banking standard. The postoffice has also reached an agreement that allows more customers than ever before to use Postal Office services. We recognize the importance in the community in a number of ways. If the Prime Minister recognizes this, she should be entity. G ross mcewans there are 13,000 in scotland. This is not acceptable. It is about time the Prime Minister accepted responsibility for ross mcewan. Tell the royal bank of scotland this must be the end. The decisions on opening and closing branches is a commercial matter for the bank, as i said. This is an issue that the secretary of state has raised with royal bank of scotland. Is thatimportant services are available to individuals. That is why they provide alternatives. Gentlemanhe honorable , that more people are banking online. That peoplensure who do not have access are able to have it. That is precisely what we are doing through the access banking standards. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In 2015, the heart of england Hospice Trust had trouble due to poor management. In response, the management under game julie moore was brought to charge. Finances, patient care and staff have improved considerably. With the Prime Minister joined me in raising my brindle and staff are this turnaround . Can i say to my honorable friend that im very happy to join him in paying tribute to the work that is been undertaken by University Hospital birmingham. We do want to see it across the National Health service. I understand there are a lot of issues. I encourage all of those involved to make progress on this matter by congratulating those in nhs who have seen that improvement and worked hard to ensure it takes place to. Does the Prime Minister agree with me . Will she agree that my , that it is disgraceful that the people have to travel 60 miles to get Emergency Care . I think Lord Kerslake made the right step in stepping down from congress. I am not surprised that the labour party is interested in this, given that Lord Kerslake is an advisor to labor. But if i can save the honorable gentleman, he might watch nhs he might listen to what he said about the improving. The financial situation at king had deteriorated seriously of the recent month. Inre now placed trust special measures to maximize the amount of scrutiny and support it receives. Fors not acceptable individual organizations to run up such significant deficits, when the majority of the sector is working extremely hard to meet their financial plans, and in many cases, have made progress. They call the situation the worst in the nhs. Kerslake, youord look at debt and deficit. At the end of their first and successful term, will my friend congratulate the teachers, parents and students of the new preschool . A school designed to raise standards . Me that togree with conservatives, great teaching like this is not just about education, but a daily battle for social justice . That we will never be distracted from it . Friend ismy honorable absolutely right. I am happy to join him in congratulating all of those involved in setting up this much needed preschool. As the chairman of governors, i know my honorable friend will recognize this with an excellent education. The school is being opposed by the party opposite. But my honorable friend is right. This is not just a question of education, but of social justice. I good quality education opens the door to the future for the lives of those children. That is why the is important that we ensure the quality of education is there, to give people a proper start in life. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Tonight, this house will have the chance to vote on my new clause for the eu withdrawal bill, which would give parliament the power at a future date to determine whether we leave the Single Market by coming out of the European Economic area. It does not dictate how you should vote, but it does ensure proper democratic oversight. Should it not be our Sovereign Parliament and not the Prime Minister that decides our countrys Economic Future . All, as ifirst of indicated earlier in response to my right honorable friend, this parliament will have an opportunity to vote. It will be meaningful. Withdrawale on arrangement. But can i say to the honorable lady, that she says it should be parliament that makes the decision about her membership in the Single Market. This parliament gave that decision about membership in the European Union to the people of this country. It is the people of this country who voted into the European Union, and it is this government that will deliver. Today, thousands of profoundly disabled children are denied the opportunity to enjoy a day out with their families simply because there is an inadequate changing room. The stories of parents at the moved me. L deeply can i ask the Prime Minister to strongly consider updating our building regulations to ensure broader provisions, and in the meantime, to urge all buildings to voluntarily install changing places to give these kids the opportunity they deserve . P. M. May my honorable friends right to raise this important which might seem at first glance to be small, but is vital. It enables these children to leave the lives they want to leave. I agree with them that the provision of changing place of changing stations can make a difference to not only the children, but their carers. Urge buildingnly owners to consider installing changing places when they can. Im sure the can indication secretary would be happy to discuss this matter further with my honorable friend. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. This week, the right reverend jeff address wrote about to city council to plead with them not the support budget. Does the Prime Minister agree with the bishop when he says that the measure of society may be found in the ways we treat our most vulnerable . Will shehe join join his cause. Will she agreed today to fund political government properly so that it can play its part . P. M. May i say to the honorable gentleman what i said in response to the questions from the leader of the opposition. We do not want to see people without a roof over their heads. We are working in a number of ways to deal with this issue. It is why we are committed to eliminating it by 2027. I also referred earlier to another a number of announcements. The allocation of one billion pounds to tackling homelessness and rough policing. A billion pounds to deal with this issue, to tackle with we agree is something we do not want to be on her streets. Dr. Carmine johnson. Mp for leesburg. During the last year, the Biggest Issue has been the position of broad banks in rural areas. They invested heavily in the area, but they still struggle with slugs connection. When my right honorable friend thatured my constituents we will do everything to ensure that everybody gets access and that nobodys left behind . P. M. May can i congratulate my honorable friend, not only on her election a year ago less yesterday, but her year in this house . She raises an issue that is a matter of concern for many rural areas. We do remain committed to universal broadband coverage. Hese 10 megabits 90 , upailable to over 26 from 2011. Weve committed over one billion pounds for next generation digital infrastructure. We have not forgotten any Community Across the United Kingdom. We recognize the importance, and are working towards ensuring everybody has that coverage. In 2016, then home secretary launched an emphasis on the need to recognize Domestic Violence refuges. In 2017, the governments proposals for shortterm house and threatened this network. In 2018, will the home secretary , now Prime Minister, support womens aid in step in to save our refugees . P. M. May i recognize the importance of dealing with the issue of Domestic Violence. When i was home secretary, we reallocated funding to support evidence of Domestic Violence. Number of made a introductions to the law. With introduced the criminal act of controls, we introduced a whole variety of changes that have improved conditions of people suffering from Domestic Violence. We are proposing a new funding mobile implementation for people who have suffered Domestic Violence. There is a very good reason for wanting to see change. That is to make people more responsive to the needs of the individuals in a time of crisis in their lives. To make the system work better. The funding is not response or enough. Ve access relies on welfare eligibility and claims. This frees those women from meeting the housing costs themselves, and the overall funding will ring the same. Will the Prime Minister join me in thanking all of the wonderful staff from across the European Union who are working in nhs . Will she give them her personal and unequivocal assurance that they and their families will have the right to remain after britain leaves the European Union . P. M. May i am very happy to join my honorable friend in thanking all of those who work in the social care sector, including those from across the European Union. They do incredible work, and we recognize the contribution not only in this sector, but in our society. That is why we want people to be that is why we want families to stay together. This was published in the joint Progress Report between the United Kingdom and the European Union. It show that where people have made that life choice to be here in United Kingdom, we support them and enable them to carry on their lives to the fullest. The Prime Minister has not shown that she has a single clue about these concerns. Said that no community will be left behind. The market has just been told that it is suffering. Breaking 700ord Bank Closures this year. That is to say nothing of the big banks delivering massive profits to themselves. Inistere prime m admit that its banking protocol has failed, and will she restore the bank levy and use some of it to stop communities losing their last bank branch . P. M. May can i say to the right honorable lady, first of all, i responded to the leader of the Scottish National party in relation to this. That is what the honorable lady is referring to. I think also, she and others need to accept that peoples behavior in relation to banking branches has changed over the years. Notwithstanding, she refers to the bank levy. There is a bank levy. Theres also a Corporation Tax surcharge, and this government is raising more money from the banks and the labor government ever did. Speaker, would buy right honorable friend join me in congratulating the uks foundations. T donated which he agreed that the Community Foundation is a perfect example of her shared society, and the funds should be provided to them to continue their very important work . P. M. May i am very happy to join my honorable friend in joining Community Foundation across the u. K. I was very pleased to be able to have a meeting with the chief executive of the Community Foundation a couple of weeks ago. I heard about the expert work they are undertaking, and i note from what my honorable friend has said that across the country, these are important contributors to the shared. An example of the shared. This scheme has already distributed more than 362 Million Pounds. It is expanding. It has the potential to significantly build on the current scheme, and the cms will be looking at this. Mr. Speaker, can i remind the 1997,minister of june 2, when i heard a competent maiden speech in which she stated the importance of the location on practical education with so many young people in our country. Is she aware that there is now a crisis, a crisis and apprenticeship . A 62 fall and apprenticeship . That there are many excellent independent traders going out of business . She break a few heads, crack a few eggs, and get this addressed . P. M. May we see a growing number of young people going into apprenticeship. Where putting 500 Million Pounds into Technical Education to ensure for the first time that we have this. I called for in 1997, and in 2017, i am delivering. Mr. Speaker, as in unenthusiastic member of the committee, i am a strong champion for the equality of women. Ofspire for the title honorary sister, and wish to bestow it upon you. Will the Prime Minister join me in congratulating roots caught her, proving that exceptional women can get the top job and housing and politics . I am very happy to agree with my honorable friend, and to introduce her. And to congratulate her. I have to say to my honorable friend, that he is aspiring to an accolade that i do not think was ever given to me. Fact of being only the second female Prime Minister in the chancellery. Manage toaybe will get a female leader of the labour party. Speaker, addressing the isact of leaving the eu surely a basic framework for negotiations, and yet the brexit secretary told a select Committee Last week that none of this is being done. Why not . It is not the case. Hat no work is being done as the right honorable gentleman knows, from the over 800 pages of Spectral Analysis published, i mr. Nicholas bowles . The Prime Minister has made clear that brexit means brexit. When it comes to the closure of a and e, would she agree to me that temporary means temporary . P. M. May what can i say . I know my honorable friend has been a strong champion on this. He is campaigned tirelessly in relation to it. He would greet with me that the First Priority must be to ensure patient safety. That is why a report was commissioned by hs improvement. Nhs improvement is continuing to work very closely with the trust. The secretary would be happy to discuss the details. In the runup to christmas, several people will be taking on give themonal work to extra cash. Many employers will be offering unpaid trial work, often where an actual job does not actually exist. It is affecting tens of thousands of people up and down the u. K. I get a bill coming in march of next year to end that. Is thee ensure that this last christmas of this exploitation, and get the Government Back in front . P. M. May i think the honorable gentleman. He knows that we already have a lead position in this country with result with respect to the National Minimum wage, ensuring that people are paid for the work they do. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The np of the Scottish Government talks about 2 billion pounds. Will the Prime Minister join me in calling the minister of out thed to rule higher package for scotts . P. M. May i have to say to my honorable friend that this is a real test of the first minister and the government in scotland. It is a test of whether or not they are willing to recognize it. Last week, or in previous weeks rather, we had strange plays being made on the impact of decisions at the u. K. Level in scotland. My friend is absolutely right. 2 billion pounds extra going into scotland. Watch carefully at how the government chooses to spend that money. Mr. Speaker, last week i tabled questions to the chancellor asking for evidence behind the extraordinary claim to the treasury select commitment that disabled workers are responsible for productivity problems. Last week, i got his response. There is, unsurprisingly, no such evidence for that claim. Since he declines to express any regret, will the Prime Minister take back control and order the chancellor to withdraw his remarks and apologize for in and offensive comments . P. M. May i think the honorable lady. Hercellor did not express claims. This is a government that values the contributions that disabled people make to our society and economy in the request. This is government that is actually working to ensure that we can see more disabled people get into the workplace. We have had some success, and theres more work to do. Take you, mr. Speaker. The draw the line campaign, which is help 6000 women and girls worldwide to have a better life. One in four women in the u. K. And 70 of girls around the world will expect to see physical or Sexual Violence in their life. Can this Prime Minister confirm that this country will continue to lead the world and addressing trafficking in explication . And exploitation . P. M. May my friend once again raises an important issue. This government introduced the modern slavery act. It is continuing to work not only to increase the ability to deal with perpetrators of these to support also, victims. I want a world in which women and girls have the confidence to be able to be what they want to be, and not to be subject to violence or trafficking or slavery. Commitment to ending violence and exploitation is absolute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It was announced that my wonderful city of coventry becomingsuccessful in the head city of culture 2001. Where bursting with pride. Will the Prime Minister join me in congratulating everyone on this achievement . P. M. May can i say to the honorable lady that i would join her in congratulating coventry on being selected as a city of culture, and as she will be aware from exchanges that are taken place, that a number of numbers of this house are disappointed that they did not achieve that particular status. But im happy to congratulate all of those who were involved in pushing the bid together. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The Prime Minister and i have many things in common, including if i may say, being called bloody difficult women. Beckons field is not in that category for many, many reasons. He is obviously a man. He is a respected and seasoned parliamentarian. Like many, he has been loyal to his party. Disloyal, orto be to bring about more disunity. The Prime Minister says she wants the meaningful vote on brexit before we leave the European Union. Would she be so good as to amendment seven, the spirit of unity . My right honorable friend makes an important point regarding concerns about having a meaningful vote on this particular issue before we complete the deal. I set out in the earlier answer i gave to my right honorable friend, that is what we will have. A meaningful vote in this house. It will of course be an opportunity to look at the implementation bill. The fact has been set out and confirmed by my right honorable friend today. We were very clear that we will not commend any such agreements until the meaningful vote has taken place. The amendment says that we should not put any of those arrangements or attachments into place until a Withdrawal Agreement in the implementation bill is reached the statute. That could be a very late stage in the proceedings, which could mean that we are not able to have the orderly and smooth exit from the European Union that we wish to have. The honorable gentleman is trying to overcome his natural reticence. I know he is shy, but i am trying to encourage him. Now, the city is suffering the biggest cuts in local government history. It suffered a further one million 100 Million Pound cut. It is the constituency at least hard hit of any. How can the Prime Minister begin to justify one law for her own constituency, and another for the great constituency of birmingham . The local government settlement has yet to become before this house. We have been very clear in relation to foreign safety arrangements, and any action that needs to be taken. They should discuss this with the department of the local government. We will ensure that it is possible for the nexus area safety work to be taken. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the womens service. Will the Prime Minister join with me and marking the Outstanding Service of women for over 100 years in the real air force and army . They can now take part in every aspect of service, and can the Prime Minister congratulate this . They also recognize the contribution that women have made. It is important that they are now able to contribute across all aspects of work in the armed services, and are no longer restricted as used to be the case in the navy. That is an important step northward. Forward. Order. Watching Prime Ministers questions from the british house of commons. On wednesdayt live at 7 00 eastern on cspan two. Or, watch it sunday night at 9 00 eastern time on cspan. Org to also go to cspan find other British Public affairs programs. Washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Monday morning, we will talk about the week ahead in washington with bloomberg congressional reporter anna edger 10, and sarah westwood. And, the state of race in. Merica, and its implications cspans washington journal, live beginning at 7 00 a. M. Join the discussion. The house and senate could vote on the tax reform bill on tuesday. Heres more about what is in the bill from todays washington journal. This is about one hour. Steve sunday roundtable looking at the plant. Joining us is andy greene, managing director for Economic Policy at the center for american progress. And, grover norquist. Grover, let us begin with you. Will it simplify americas tax code . Grover it will simplify it will reduce it. It is both tax reform, which means a lot of the complications that was there goes away,

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