Grateful nation we would like to thank them and commend them for their bravery. This attack underscores the need for congress to work with the president on Immigration Reforms that enhance our National Security and public safety. We must protect our borders we must ensure the individuals entering our country are not coming to do harm to our people and we must move to a meritbased system of immigration. Additionally, this attack comes as our Coalition Continues to make great gains against isis. Still, there is more work to be done on the ground in the shrinking isiscontrolled areas and the president s plan to annihilate isis is moving forward. We must also destroy the evil ideology that is behind isis and attacks like today. This ideology has no borders but it must be eradicated. The president has successfully rallied the world behind his cause, we will not stop until it is accomplished. With that, ill take your questions. Francesca. Reporter thank you. Wanted to ask you about the women who came forward today against the president , saying, first on a television show, then they were at a press conference and they said that he should resign and then also that there should be a congressional investigation. And i know that you said that this has already been litigated in the last election. But i wanted to get your specific reaction to this idea that there should be a congressional investigation into this. Sarah the president has addressed these accusations directly. And denied all of these allegations. And this took place long before he was elected to be president and the people of this country had a decisive election, supported President Trump, and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process. Reporter want to follow up on that. Breaking news. We just learned about. They will now allow transgender people to enlist in the military. Your reaction to that and then any followup action youre going to take . Sarah as of right now theyre simply complying with a court order and preparing to implement a previous policy. To remain in compliance. The department of justice is currently reviewing the Legal Options to ensure that the president s directive can be implemented. And for anything further, any specifics on both of those matters, id refer you to the department of defense and the department of justice. Reporter one followup. Sarah sorry, im going keep moving today. Reporter just very quickly. Nikki haleys comments saying [inaudible] sarah shes going to pick it up for you. Reporter nikki haley said, i when asked did the election mean a settled issue, she said, i know he was elected but women should always feel comfortable coming forward. We should all be willing to listen to them, specifically referring to the accusers of the president. Does the president agree with her . Sarah as the president said himself, he thinks its a good thing that women are coming forward, but he also feels strongly that a mere allegation shouldnt determine the course, and in this case the president has denied any of these allegations, as have eyewitnesses and several reports have shown those eyewitnesses also back up the president s claim in this process. Again, the American People knew this and voted for the president and we feel like were ready to move forward on that process. Reporter you think its a good thing the women who accused him are coming forward now . Sarah the president said its a good thing for women to feel comfortable in coming forward generally speaking. Reporter i want to go off of that. The president told howard stern in 2005 that he had walked into a teen beauty pageant dressing room where they had no clothes on because he could get away with things like that. Is that not an admission of Sexual Harassment . Sarah the president spoke about this directly. I dont have anything further to add. Were going to do one question and move around. Reporter the attack in new york city, or isisinspired attack in new york city, and just recently, is the president concerned that there is a growing threat against people inspired by isis to have been radicalized online . Sarah i think the president is certainly concerned that congress, particularly democrats, have failed to take action in some places where we feel could have prevented this. Specifically the president s policy has called for an end to chain migration and if that had been in place, that would have prevented this individual from coming to the United States. So the president is aggressively going to continue to push forth responsible Immigration Reform and ending chain migration would be a part of that process. Reporter the president reacted quite angrily over the weekend to a the Washington Post reporters tweet about [inaudible] that was quickly deleted. Im wondering if you can explain the discrepancy between the president s reaction to incidents like this that he calls fake news and talks quite a bit about, and his silence on actual Disinformation Campaigns like russia ran during the 2016 elections to deliberately spread false information. Both his silence on that and does he recognize the difference between these two . Sarah difference look, the president simply calling out a very direct and false accusation lodged against him. There was nothing more than an individual trying to put their bias into their reporting. And something that frankly has gotten a little bit out of control. Weve seen it time and time again over the last couple of weeks. A number of outlets have had to retract and change and rewrite and make editors notes to a number of different stories. Some of them with major impacts, including moving markets. This is a big problem and we think its something that should be taken seriously. Reporter any difference between reporters mistakes and Disinformation Campaign by a Foreign Government . Sarah i havent spoken to him about that but we would take any misinformation like that seriously. Its not something were comparing the two on. Reporter i would say that the journalists make honest mistakes and that doesnt make them fake news. Sarah when journalists make honest mistakes, they should own up to them. Reporter we do. Sarah sometimes. A lot of times you dont. Theres a very big im so sorry. Im not finished. Theres a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposely misleading the American People. Something that happens regularly. You cant say im not done. You cannot say reporter something that was completely fake. Sarah you cannot say the an honest mistake when youre purposely putting out information that you know to be false. Or when youre taking information that hasnt been validated, that hasnt been offered with any credibility and that has been continually denied by a number of people, including people with direct knowledge of an incident. Reporter [inaudible] sarah im speaking about the number of reports that have taken place over the last couple of weeks. Im stating there should be a certain level of responsibility in that process. I called on jim. Reporter this is not the line of questioning i was going down. But can you cite a specific story that you say is intentionally false that was intentionally put out there to mislead the American People . Sarah sure. The abc report by brian roth. I think that was pretty misleading to the American People. And i think that its very telling that that individual had to be suspended because of that reporting. I think that shows that the network took it seriously and recognized that it was a problem. Reporter if i could ask a question about Something Else . Sarah you used it on Something Else. Not today. Were going to keep moving, guys. Reporter if i can ask about the other jims accusations sarah im moving to a different jim, sorry. Reporter i didnt get the chance to ask the question i wanted to ask, which, is sarah im going to state once and for all that im moving on to jim and im not taking another question from you at this point. Reporter a question about [inaudible] reporter i would like to ask the question i had about these accusations of this conduct against the president. You said hes denied them. Can you say whether or not they are false . Sarah im not going to respond to that question. Reporter some investors are saying the tax reform package favors mutual funds over individual investors. Other critics who want tax reform say the bill will cause some tax increases for a few middle class tax filers, by a few i means maybe tens of thousands. But maybe more. Would the president sign the tax bill even if there are inadvertent tax increases and some of the criticisms are correct . Sarah our focus and our priorities are making sure that we provide middle class tax relief and simplifying the code, bringing businesses back here to the u. S. We will continue pushing for that and continue to work with congress to make sure we get the best tax plan possible. Reporter tomorrow theres a special Senate Election in alabama. Back on september 23, the president went down to huntsville, alabama, campaigned alongside of Luther Strange and since that time he never went down in the course of the campaign. The campaign alongside the republican nominee, roy moore. Was the president embarrassed in terms of campaigning alongside roy moore . Is that the reason we did not see him down there in alabama . Sarah the president has spoken directly about this race and who he supports and who doesnt. Who he does not. Due to the legality of that im not going to go any further and would refer you back to his past statements. Reporter what is the discorrect disconnect as it relates to this white house when it comes to then candidate trump bringing the accusers of bill clinton to the debate against Hillary Clinton and now the accusers of roy moore making these accusations, and his accusers, whats the disconnect here . Sarah as the president said, he found the allegations troubling. If they were true, he should step aside and ultimately the people of alabama will make a decision in that race. Reporter what about his own accusers . Sarah the president has firsthand knowledge on what he did and didnt do. He can speak directly to those and he has and hes addressed them. I dont have anything further to add. Reporter this is focused on him now. Sarah hes addressed it directly to the American People. Reporter more people are now speaking out. Sarah im going to keep moving. Reporter this is a huge issue. Sarah i know. And there are a lot of big issues today. Im trying to cover as many of them as possible by calling on a number of your colleagues. Ive called on trey. Reporter address this, please. Sarah he has. Ive already addressed this. The president has addressed it. I dont have anything else to add. Reporter today the suspected terrorist in new york city was described as a bangladeshi immigrant. Bangladesh is not on president s travel ban list. Does todays attack change the way President Trump is evaluating travel restrictions . Sarah we do know and the department of Homeland Security has confirmed that the suspect was admitted to the United States after presenting a passport displaying an f43 family immigrant visa in 2011. And so we know that the president s policy calls for an end to chain migration. Which is what this individual came to the United States through. And if his policy had been in place, then that attacker would not have been allowed to come in the country. Thats why the president has pushed for not one part of immigration policy, but a responsible and total Immigration Reform. And thats why we have to look at all sectors and do what we can to make sure were doing everything within our power to protect the American People. Reporter at the top of your remarks about isis, attack today, in new york city, you talked about the need to destroy the ideology animating wouldbe attackers and actual attacks. What policy changes are required to do that . How do you defeat an ideology thats been attempted since 9 11, with really no Great Success . What are you doing differently . What can you do differently in order to do . Sarah one of the best ways we have moved forward is in a process where were allowing the members of the department of defense to aggressively move forward in defeating isis. And in hopes, annihilating a lot of that evil ideology through part of that process. Were going to continue pushing and continue looking for the best ways possible to make sure that we protect americans. Reporter on korea. Give an update on sanctions. Last week you said it would be a number of days. The republic of korea ambassador was just nominated. Sarah were working through a Legal Process and, again, hope to have details further on that. Its a little bit more complicated once we get through that, well be able to walk through a little bit more detail on the reason for some of the delay. And on the other, i dont have any Personnel Announcements or comments on that at this time. Reporter a comment you made about the suspect in new york. Does the white house have any proof that this suspect was radicalized outside of the United States . Hes been a lawful permanent resident living here for some time. Sarah i cant get into any further details on that at this point. Well be happy to let you know. Reporter why would his chain migration be an issue unless you were saying that sarah there are certain parts im allowed to discuss at this point in the process. Thats one of them. Anything further i cant get into at this point. But as soon as i can, ill be happy to let you know. Reporter [inaudible] will he call for an increase in spending for nasa . Or will there be commercial partnerships or will he reduce nasa funding in other areas such as earth science, which includes the study of Climate Change . Sarah im not going to get ahead of the president s announcement but well have further details once that process is completed. Reporter two questions. Who are the eyewitnesses who dispute these allegations against the president . And can you stand here right now and say without a doubt, 100 certainty, that the more than dozen women who have come forward to accuse this president of misconduct are lying . Do you wrestle with this personally . Sarah im here to speak on behalf of the president. I can say that the president has directly responded and said that these allegations are false. And thats what im doing and relaying that information to you. In terms of the specific eyewitness account, there have been multiple reports, id be happy to provide them to you after the brief something completed. Reporter follow up on that question a little bit. As a woman standing up there talking to us, i know your job is to relate what the president and says, you have ever been sexually harassed . Im not saying by the president , im saying ever, and secondly, do you have an empathy for those who come forward because its very difficult for women to come forward . Sarah absolutely would say that i have an empathy for any individual who has been sexually harassed and that certainly would be the policy of the white house. Im not here to speak about my personal experience on that front. But im here to relay information on behalf of the president. And thats what im focused on doing here today. Reporter following up on the president s announcement last week on jerusalem, its current capital of israel. We saw days of violent protests, you are changes to the Vice President s schedule. Does the white house acknowledge, the president acknowledge that that decision increased tensions in an already volatile region . Sarah were continuing to urge calm and were open and willing and want to continue meeting and discussing a peace deal. Violence is always going to be the responsibility of those who carry it out. Not the president or anyone else. And we urge individuals and groups to remain calm and we want to continue working with our partners, allies, and others in the region to continue moving forward on the peace conversation. Reporter more violence, its about meetings being canceled, diplomatic outcry from everyone from the governments of the united kingdom, the pope. And the likes. Why is it beneficial that the u. S. Interest, as the president declared, if all of those groups, all of those countries and allies are condemning that announcement . Sarah the president is taking a bold and courageous action on a law that Congress Passed and had failed to implement for the last couple of decades. The president simply moving forward and taking that action on legislation that congress has supported time and time again. Reporter following up on that. President abbas has said he will not meet Vice President next week. Does the president have a reaction to that . Doesnt this mean that the u. S. Is effectively taking itself out of the peace process, when one side wont even show up to meet with the United States . Sarah we certainly hope not. We find it unfortunate that theyre walking away from the opportunity to discuss the future of the region. But the Administration Remains undeterred in its efforts to help achieve peace between israelis and palestinians. And our peace team remains hard at work putting together a plan and were going to continue pushing forward. Im going to take one last question. Reporter the last suspect of terrorism, were not from syria or iraq. Thursday the russians stopped their operations and said that theyd gotten rid of isis in syria. Saturday the iraqi Prime Minister said the fight against isis is won. Why would the u. S. Still need to fight on the ground over there . Sarah as long as theres any member of isis left, we want to continue pushing forward and making sure not only that theyre eradicated but that they dont quickly turn around and come back. And well continue to push forward in making sure we do what we can to defeat isis on all fronts. And certainly that we do what we can to protect american lives. Thanks so much, guys. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday morning, minnesota will join us to talk about tax Reform Efforts and an upcoming fiscal deadline. Rhode island democratic congressman will talk about the latest in the investigation into whether russia interfered in the 2016 president ial election. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern on tuesday morning. Join the discussion. Tuesday, a hearing on the implementation of the 2017 mod expanded Education Assistance programs for u. S. Military veterans. See live coverage from the House Veterans Affairs Economic Opportunity subcommittee at 2 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3, on cspan. Org, and on the free cspan radio app. Alabama voters go to the polls tuesday in a special election to fill the u. S. Senate seat vacated by attorney general jeff sessions. Is running against roy moore. 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