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Legislative business, five measures including one to increase protections for community religious centers expected to recess shortly after that and reconvene at 4 30. Rder the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of the universe, we give you thanks for giving us another day. We ask your blessing as we approach the end of the first session of this 115th congress. You know well the contentiousness of this season. Look into the hearts of all the members of this peoples house that they might discern good will within. May the good will you find be rewarded with your grace. May any contrary spirit be banished. In the days that come, help each member to understand well and interpret positively as they are able the positions of those with whom they disagree. Grant to each the wisdom of solomon and to us all the faith and confidence to know that no matter how difficult things appear to be, you continue to walk with our nation as you have done for over two centuries. May all that is done in the peoples house be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge today will be led by the gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa. Me. Lamalfa please join i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, effective today, december 8, 2017, at 12 00 eastern time i hereby tender my resignation as a member of the u. S. House of representatives from arizonas eighth congressional district. Serving in the peoples house under god and the constitution of the United States of america has been a true honor and privilege that i will deeply cherish throughout the remainder of my life. Signed most sincerely, trent franks, member of congress. The speaker pro tempore under clause 5d of rule 20, in light of the resignation of the gentleman from arizona, mr. Franks, the whole number of the house is 432. The chair will now entertain requests for one minutes. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Wilson mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Wilson mr. Speaker, the times and democrat newspaper of orangeburg, South Carolina, published a thoughtful editorial on november 21 entitled, murder is not caused by guns, trux. The editorial begins, every time violence hits close to renewed. Ebate is in the two most recent incidents guns were the weapon of terror. In new york, as weve seen in the case in europe in recent times, a truck was used to run over innocent people. The editorial continues, it takes time to look beyond the surface issues such as weapons and stop the blame game, says mary yanukovych, a licensed therapist and expert in Mental Health in the workplace with more than 27 years of experience. Clyde continues, the world will change, not by world regular nation but rather by one person at a time taking responsibility for our thought processes, creating an environment that creates unity and solutions that work. The editorial concludes by noding that clydes point is to have individuals look deeper and realize that her points back up the title of her writing, murder is not caused by guns or trucks, violent thinking. In conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, mr. Speaker. Rise today on the issue of f. C. C. Chairman paiz, the decision about the f. C. C. Will destroy the internet as we know it. I am here to say its not true. The internet was free and open before the Obama Administration implemented heavyhanded regulations in 2015 that will continue to be free and open after these relations is repealed. The chairman will there are over 4,000 internet providers in this nation. Do we want more to join . From 1996 to 2015 a light touch regulatory approach to the internet preserved the free market which soared to the tune of 1. 5 trillion. This created the Communications Infrastructure that we have in the United States today. And open the door to make americas internet the best in the world, not using 1930 regulation. This will decision will not take away anyones privacy or hinder their access to the internet, instead, stop the confusion between two governing bodies, the f. C. C. Trying to get in on action of the s. E. C. This levels the playing field, keeps competition out there instead of some of the cronesorship that we see from some of the providers. I think this gives us all more choices. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 4 of rule 1, the following enrolled joint resolution was signed by the speaker on thursday, december 7, 2017. The clerk house joint resolution 123, making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2 of the rules of the u. S. House of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on december 11, 2017, at 9 50 a. M. That the senate agrees to conference with the house of representatives h. R. 1. With best wishes i am signed incerely, karen l. Haas. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until approximately requiring the treasure secretary to report to congress on assets held by top iranian leaders. In the senate, debate and votes today on three more of president trumps Appeals Court nominees. Today at 5 30rks theyll hold a procedural vote that could advance the nomination of the eighth u. S. Circuit court. And later in the week, consideration of nominees for the fifth circuit. Watch live coverage of the house here on cspan and the senate on cspan2. On wednesday, house and Senate Conferees will come together to reconcile their tax reform bills. Live coverage starting at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Well have that on cspan3, but you can also watch live online at cspan. Org, or listen live using the free cspan radio app. And the hill with a story on tax reform. President trump will sell the g. O. P. Tax cut plans to the public on a speech on wednesday, amid efforts from Congressional Republicans to get legislation on his desk by christmas. The speech will take place at the Treasury Department where the audience will consist mainly of young people and middle class families. You can read more on the hill on thehill. Com. The house about to start for the meets legislative business. Theyll work on bills to increase protections for community and religious centers. Reconvening at 4 30 eastern. This week on the communicators, two telecommunications advocates talk about Net Neutrality and regulating the internet like a public utility. Number one, it deregulates broadband. It basically takes broadband oversight out of the f. C. C. Entirely and gives it to the federal trade commission, which does not have strong tools. Thats number one. Number two, it eliminates the rules against Internet Service providers like comcast and at t, blocking, throttling internet traffic. And allowing for whats called fast lanes. So, in other words, charging online providers to get to the consumer faster with better quality of service. Thirdly, and this is really important, it preeveryones or prohibits the states preempts or prohibits the states from protecting consumers and protecting competition with similar rules. There are three acts, three federal statutes that protect consumers and entrepreneurs here and theyre very powerful and they do have teeth. And they are the sherman act, the clayton act and the federal trade commission act. There are also state protections. The order says it preempts the states from belittling being little f. C. C. s and regulating the economics of broadband but it doesnt prevent states attorney generals, for instance, from suing providers if they harm consumers. Watch the communicators tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan2. The cspan bus is traveling across the country on our 50 capitals tour. We recently stopped in tallahassee, florida, asking folks, whats the most important issue in their state. The most important issue to my state is funding. A lot of times we talk about the lack of resources and the lack of the quality of the education at h. B. C. Hbcus, however it all starts at the source. The board of governors, everything. The amount of money they give us, its important that we rally for us to get funding but it also has to do with the students who are attending our institutions. So i think its very important for us to start at home where were telling student, come to hbcus, and it starts from there and then we can rally from our funding. So thats my primary issue. The most important issue to me in the state of florida is education. Because if we dont give our kids the skills they need to get a great job in the future, i dont know what our society holds. One of the most important issues in florida is the Educational Opportunity access. As a first generation student and a lowincome student, i pride myself on the importance of being able to afford the opportunity for students to be able to participate in Educational Opportunities across america. I understand the funding is not always resourceful and funding is not always available, but there needs to be an ongoing push and an ongoing discussion for those who are considered the underserved. My issue or my concern is the quality of life. Not the quantity. But the quality of life. In my humble opinion, i believe that the developers are overdeveloping community communltes that make it communities that make it they dont make it where its as pleasant as it could be. Voices from the state on span. White house briefing due to start any time now. Well take you there live when it does. Until then, heres some of todays washington journal on the cost of the f. B. I. Russia investigation. And how it compares to previous investigations. Washington journ continues. Host it is time for your money segment, this week we take a cost of special investigations with our guest andrea noble, who works for the covers the imes, Justice Department and Law Enforcement issues for that publication. Good morning. We talk about special investigations, but we dont talk about the cost sometimes. From the Justice Department about the cost, what did we learn . Guest weve learned the cost so which is since Robert Mueller was appointed, has been million, part of that ould have been money, 3. 5 million, money spent as part of the investigation anyhow. Parts were attributable to his direct investigation, cost for working with him and so forth. Host as total price tag of 7 illion, how does that compare to other investigations . Guest well, some have gone up 73 million for ken some around 2 million for short, concise know, igations, you depends obviously how long it goes and how much is involved, pretty broad range looking back over the last two decades or so in terms of how spent. S been host when it comes to the cost muellers investigation, they broke it down into categories. Go through the categories and get conte. About 1. 7 for salary and go thr categories benefits. People work for him and what type of salaries were talking about . 1. Se 7 million include staff, so farpport what we know, what has been on, losed about folks hired we have 17 lawyers, plus mr. Mueller. Hasnt told ounsel us how many other folks they have brought on, who are acting staff, so take that in context, not knowing exactly people that is supporting, a portion of being spent on folks who were hired from outside of that is kind , so of the money that you would see eing spent for private salaries, other folks are, coming from within the department of justice. Their salaries would have been paid regardless, they are the special counsel other than working on other matters. Host does mr. This is labeled for equipment purchases. Could you describe what those would fall snund yeah. We didnt get a breakdown of line by line items. Whats being purchased, but there were items that would be purchased as part of what they have to get up and running. When they start the special counsel investigation they have to go in and buy all new equipment, get compute, get copiers. Some of the past investigate, i had spoke within said that theres going to be a large chunk of money that needs to be spent just to get your equipment up and running at the beginning. Host continue about the cost of special investigations, about this one and others. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. You can tweet thoughts to at cspanwj. 362,000 for rent, why is that. Find a place to go, find an office to work out of. Another special, previous special counsel said it is the rent, you are getting pretty pricey place to work that can add up quickly. In their case, they are in ndisclosed area, they are work are for the duration, wanted a separate building, separate authority, they take measures to be outside of walking down the same hallway or sharing the same breakroom as folks that are employed, working on other hings. Host i was about to ask if it is a philosophical reason. Guest they stay away from that, it is a special counsel, they take pains to be outside of obviously they dont want to be in dod headquarters, that is part of the cost of what goes into it, maintaining their own ndependence. Host source of funding, coming from treasury or other sources . Guest i mean, it is money coming through the Justice Department, they expect things to happen, there is money that is going to be there and available for these things. At the beginning, special Counsel Office has to submit kind of what they think their proposed budget might be that, is not what we got with the latest disclosures, we got just a listing of the First Six Months and what they had spent. So but they disclosed that, so basically every year that the investigation is going to be ongoing, they would have to submit another proposal for the budget for the coming year. Host if you want to find out, by the way, the Justice Department did introduce that document that breaks down the cost of the investigation by Robert Mueller so far. If you want to find that go to the Justice Department website justice. Gov, for the breakdown there in a pdf format. We showed the figures, before, but compared to other investigations, the price tag, you mentioned, but overall how does this price tag compare to others and why do you think that is . Guest i think, so far, were a couple months in, obviously Robert Mueller was appointed in may, first disclosures were may through september, so at that point, you know, we have to see where it is going to go, were looking at the cost of past investigations, were looking at the whole price tag figure, looking at the whole thing. You know, when you are starting in the middle of the investigation, you dont know how long it is going to go, how far it is going to go, in order to hard to make from the outside, hard to make forecasts about where it could go from here, the way i came up with the figure, going through the past Government Accountability office reports, which broke down every six months what it spent in prior investigations. I was looking through those, the First Six Months, sometimes it was a month that an investigation was open, that was obviously a small amount for that six months, but looking at the first startup periods in which they were spending money, it seemed like the First Six Months, second six months depending when they started, one figure, there would be a spike [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] sarah in one of manhattans busiest commuter hubs. Police Department Officer jack collins apprehended the terrorist along with several other officers. These brave First Responders and the others who rushed to the scene are heroes. On behalf of the president and a grateful nation we would like to thank them and commend them for

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