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Now we take you to Salt Lake City where President Trump announced that large parts of two National Monuments in the state totaling over 3 million acres would no longer receive protection under the Antiquities Act. He made the announcement in a speech at the utah state capital more than 250 miles away from the site. [applause] sen. Hatch thank you. Introduce the to president of United States of america. Ive been given the redundant task of introducing the most famous man in the world. Its a bit like telling someone what the internet is. If you dont know by now, youve probably been living on another planet. Wed like to welcome you to planet earth. If you need us to take you to our leader, hes right here. I might mention i am set to bring him up here. Humor aside, im thankful to be here with our president. He and i have been friends for quite some time. Im so grateful he would accept my invitation to come to my home state of utah today. Ive served under many president s, seven, to be exact. But none is like the man we have in the white house today. When you talk, this president listens. I learned this during his first week on the job. It was a wednesday afternoon in january when the president called me into the oval office to discuss his agenda for the first 100 days. Immediately, he let me know he wanted to help the beehive state he said orrin, im going to help you. What can i do for utah . Our state had just been blindsided by the obama administrations lastminute monument designation of bears ears. I asked for the president s help in fixing this disaster. Without hesitation, he looked at me, looked me square in the eye and said, well fix it. For the next several months i worked closely with the president and the white house on a plan to rein in the federal overreach at bears ears and the Grand Staircase. Today that plan has come to fruition. President trump is many things. Hes the command for the chief. He is the commander in chief. A master dealmaker. And a wildly successful billionaire. But hes also a man who comes through on his commitments to the people of utah and boy, is he coming through here today. I want to thank the president for giving a voice to the hardworking people of utah who for too long have been ignored in the debate over public lands. Im grateful for his leadership on this issue and especially grateful that he would join us here in utah today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the president of the United States. [applause] [hail to the chief plays] [applause] President Trump thank you to a very special man, orrin hatch, for the introduction. And that was truly a nice enter a nice introduction and i appreciate it. You are a true fighter, orrin. I have to say, ive got ton know him very well, ive got ton know a lot of people very well you meet fighters and you meet people you thought were fighters but theyre not so good at fighting. Hes a fighter. We hope youll continue to serve your state and your country in the senate for a very long time to come. [applause] i want to especially thank you for the tremendous work in ushering massive tax cuts and reform through the senate. Just happened. We have a final step to go and i predict were going to be very successful. Talking about massive, massive tax cuts. [applause] tax cuts and reform. But i always mention tax cuts first because thats what people like to hear. Were now one huge step closer to delivering to the American People the historic tax relief as a giant present for christmas, remember, i said were bringing christmas back . Christmas is back. Bigger and better than ever before. Were bringing christmas back. And we say it now with pride. Let me just say to those here today and all across the country, Merry Christmas to everybody. [applause] and also, happy holidays and a great new year. Were going to have a great, great year. Joining us at the ceremony are many other tremendous leaders from utah, including your great senator, mike lee. Wheres mike . Come here, mike. Get up here, mike. [applause] he worked along with orrin and the rest of them. We got it done. Mike, thank you very much. [applause] its not every day the president of the United States asks you to take the microphone from him. I want to say, mr. President , thank you for your leadership, thank you for being here, thank you for standing with the people of utah. We appreciate it deeply. [applause] President Trump thank you, mike. I want to recognize your fantastic representatives who are with us, rob bishop, john curtis, Chris Stewart and mia love. Thank you all. Youre here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And i have to say, really talk about a very special guy that i made secretary of the interior, does he know the interior in he knows it, he loves it. He loves seeing it and writing on it. Ryan sinnkey who truly believes in protecting america. He is protecting america. And nobody loves it more. Ryan. Thank you. Just as he protected america as an office of the legendary seal team six, hes a tough cookie, youve done a great job, thank you, ryan. Governor gary herbert. Come on, gary, get over here. [applause] and your wife, the first lady is fantastic. Thank you very much. First lady, thank you, first lady. Attorney general shaun reyes. Thank you. Thank you. An original supporter of mine you always remember those original supporters, greg houston. Thank you. He was an original, right at the beginning, thank you, greg. He had a feeling. Finally, i want to recognize the members of the local utah navajo, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. We are honored by your presence here today and i am thrilled to be here with so many wonderful friends, so many. Is special to so many people, who said we are with him, and i am working hard to put it back. Capital,ificent special people in a special state. Thank you very much for being here. I just came here from touring welfare square with senator hatch and some amazing people from the leadership of the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints. [applause] special. I spent a lot of time with them. In fact, i went around the store, i wanted a nice can of tuna fish. And they had plenty. They really help people. Incredible. After our visit, i can truly say firsthand that utahs awesome Natural Beauty is exceeded only by the warmth and grace and hospitality of its citizens. This state has many natural treasures but its greatest treasure by far is its people. [applause] and we will ensure the right of the people to live according to the faith in their hearts which is why we will always protect your religious liberty. [applause] and weve been doing that. I know all of you feel blessed to be living among some of the most glorious natural wonders anywhere in the world you cherish utahs gleaming rivers and sweeping valleys you take inspiration from its majestic peaks and when you look upon its many winding canyons and glowing vistas, you marvel at the beauty of gods great creation. [applause] and that is why im here today. Because some people think that the Natural Resources of utah should be criminaled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in washington. And guess what . Theyre wrong. The families and communities of utah know and love this land the best and you know the best how to take care of your land. You know how to protect it. And you know best how to conserve this land for many, many generations to come. Your timeless bond with the outdoors should not be replaced with the whims of regulators thousands and thousands of miles away, they dont know your land. And truly they dont care for your land like you do. But from now on that wont matter. Ive come to utah to take a very historic action. To reverse federal overreach and restore the rights of this land to your citizens. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But before i begin, because i understood how big it is, im a real estate developer, when they Start Talking about millions of acres, i say, say it again. Thats a lot. So before i began i met with senator orrin hatch, who loves utah and loves the people of utah. I called senator mike lee, who loves utah and loves the people of utah. I called your governor. I called my original, where is he . There he is. I called all of the friends that i have in utah. I said, what do you think . I said, will this be good for our country . And will it be good for your state . They said this would be incredible for our country, it will be incredible for utah, finally, youd be giving people back their access to the land they know, to the land they understand, and most importantly to the land that they love. I also said, will it be at all controversial . They all told me no. [laughter] how did that happen . I dont think it is controversial, actually. I think its so sensible. Therefore today on the recommendation of secretary sinnkey and with the wise counsel of senator hatch, senator lee, and the many others, i will sign two president ial proclamations. These actions will modify the National Monuments designations of both bears ears and Grand Staircase escalante. [applause] as many of you know, past administrations havecy veerly abused the purpose have severely abused the purpose and spirit and intent of a centuries old law known as the Antiquities Act. This law requires only the smallest necessary area be set aside for special protection as National Monuments. Unfortunately, Previous Administrations have ignored the standard and used the law to lock up hundreds of millions of acres of land and water under strict government control. These abuses of the Antiquities Act give enormous power to faraway bureaucrats at the expense of the people who actually live here, work here, and make this place their home. This is where they raise their children. This is the place they love. For example, the Previous Administration designated more than a half a billion acres of land and water including bears ears. It did so other the loud objections of think people of the people of this state and their elected representatives. Governor, right . The results have been very sad and very predictable. Here and in other affected states, we have seen harmful and unnecessary restrictions on hunting, ranching, and responsible economic development. We have seen grazing restrictions prevent ranching families from passing their businesses and beloved heritage on to the children, the children that they love. Weve seen many rural families stopped from enjoying their Outdoor Activities and the fact that theyve done it all their lives made no difference to the bureaucrats in washington. We have seen needed improvements like infrastructure upgrades and road maintenance impeded and foreclosed. We have seen thousand tragic federal overreach prevents many native americans from having their rightful voice over the sacred land where they practice their most important and most important ancestral and religious traditions. [applause] these abuses of the Antiquities Act have not just threatened your local economies. Theyve threatened your very way of life. Theyve threatened your hearts. Our precious National Treasures must be protected and they, from now on, will be protected. \[applause] under my administration, we will advance that protection through a truly representative process, one that listens to the local communities, that knows the land the best and that cherishes the land the most. With the action im taking today, we will not only give back your voice over the use of this land, we will also restore your access and your enjoyment. Public lands will once again be for public use. \[applause] because we know that people who are free to use their land and enjoy their land are the people most determined to conserve their land. One values the splendor of utah more than ill tell you what, theres nobody out there i just came in and im looking around with orrin and with mike and with the governor and with everybody and im just saying, what a beautiful picture it is. But no one values the splendor of utah more than you do. And no one knows better how to use it. With your help in treat our natural bounty with respect, gratitude, and love, we will put our nations our nations treasures to great and wovenderful use. Families will hike and hunt on land they have known for generations and they will preserve it for generations to come. Cattle will graze along the open range. Sweeping landscapes will inspire Young Americans to dream beyond the horizon. And the world will stand in awe of the artistry god has worked right here in your great state. Together, we will usher in a brought new future of wonder and wealth, liberty and law, and patriotism and pride all across this great land. Thank you to the wonderful people of utah. May god bless you and may god bless america. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And in your honor, i will now, with your representatives, sign this very, very important proclamation. Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you. [applause] President Trump modifying the brand Staircase Escalante National monument by the president of the United States and representatives. Thank you very much. [applause] President Trump thank you. Modifying the Bears Ears National monument. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting four more years] a look at the line outside the Supreme Court earlier today as the corporate paris tomorrow to hear a new case. In 2016 the owner of the cake shop refused to make it take for a gay couples wedding, calling his cakes art, and saying he doesnt bake cakes if they go against his religious beliefs. We will be outside the court as they hear oral argument tomorrow, live on cspan 2 beginning at 7 30 a. M. Eastern. Later in the week, when the full oral argument is released, we will bring it to you as well. You can watch on friday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, only on cspan. Announcer over the weekend, cia director mike pompeo and former cia director leon panetta sent down with fox news at the annual Reagan National defense forum. They talked about north korea, cyber security, and President Trumps use of twitter. This is about an hour. [applause]

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