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On cspan. The house is gaveling back in to vote on going to conference with the senate on the republican tax plan. The committee on ways and means, over a motion. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the motion. The clerk mr. Brady of texas moves that the house take from the speakers table the bill h. R. S. With the Senate Amendment thereto, disagree to the Senate Amendment, and request a conference with the senate thereon. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. He house will be in order. The gentleman from texas is recognized for one hour. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, i strongly support this motion to go to conference on the tax cuts and jobs act. I urge my colleagues to join me in voting to advance this profamily tax reform legislation. With that i yield back the balance of my time. And move the previous question on the motion. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Without objection, the previous question is ordered. Profamily the question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from texas. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. For what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Neal i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] e speakeo tempore the yeas a 2, the nays are 192. Th motion isdoe reconsider is laid on the ble. R what purpes the gentleman from massachusett seek recognitn . Mr. Eaker, i have motion to instruct atheesk. The speaker o tempore clerk will report the motion. The clerk mrneal o massachusetts mo the managrs onhe part of the house mr. Neal cd weet order . He speaker pro tempore the houswill come t oer. Convertionsth l take their chambe. Lear the aisles. Meers will take their nversationsut o chamber. Leathe aiss. The house isot in order. Our conversations out of the chamber a clear the isle the speak pro tempore th cler will oceed th movi the motion. Part of the house of the e disareng hou of the nate amendmen to the bil. 1, be insucted1,isagrewith section 11081 of th senate amendm rating to share responsibility payment for ndividualsling t mainta nimum essential coverage and 1303 of the house bill relating to rel of deduction not approved in a ade or business the spak pro tempore the house is not in order. All members take their crsations out of t cmber d cleae aisle behind me is a replica of the National Debt clock. This clock was just reconfigured. New features have been added, just in time for the republicans to acknowledge that they are about to add 1 trillion to this National Debt clock, which they tortured democratic president s on for years about the debt. Let me provide you with some istoric perspective. The speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Members should take their conversations out of the chamber and clear the aisle. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. Let me provide some Historical Perspective in january of 2001 when bill clinton said goodbye we were looking at a 4. 5 trillion surplus and record Economic Growth. C. B. O. Said that the surplus might even go beyond 5. 6 trillion. What happened during that period of time . After the bush tration left, we were staring 6. 1 trillion worth of debt. So what happened . In 2001, the Republican Party t taxes by 1. 3 trillion and said it was all about Economic Growth. And then they came back in 2003 hasnt been owth substantial enough and cut itedly 2. 3 trillion in the tax cuts and repatriation tax holiday where the money is returned at 5. 25 . None of which happened. Where are we tonight, we are back to the same old pattern and playbook. They promised job growth and in a meeting with the president recently, he said he didnt understand why we couldnt have job growth of 4 , 5 , 6 . I dont know an economist think we are going to have that but use it as an excuse that is going to add 1 trillion to the budget deficits. All based on the following economic assumption, maybe, maybe well have growth that will help us to pay down the debt. All the economists say maybe a return of onethird of the tax cuts in terms of revenue. Joint tax, the wharton school, the tax polly center, moodys doc. None of this isnt going to say this will happen. Pay attention to this. They will say things repeatedly like, its the peoples money, that people know what to do with it. Let me say, its the peoples veterans hospitals, one million veterans who are going to be in need of longterm care. Thats the peoples responsibility. In addition, 10,000 baby boomers retire every single day in america. Social security is part of their retirement system even as it averages about 15,000 for american citizens. We are going to live longer and we herald that achievement regularly but going to be more alzheimers that families have to reconcile and say oh, because there is less revenue, we are going to have cuts in social spending. So they are going to say at the right moment and say we change the way we calculate medicare and Social Security. This is a missed opportunity above everything else. Everybody agrees on whats wrong with the tax code i yield myself an additional one minute. There was a chance here to do investment in human capital. Community colleges, vocational education, internship programs. The Labor Department reported three weeks ago, six million jobs go unanswered in america every single day and i hope tonight as the republicans confer, they can tell us what they are confering because the bubble gum they are putting a new dimension to their proposal. This should be a debate that included both parties. So i want before i yield back my time for the moment, i want to say this, we had a chance to really do something big. They have unbelievely proposed to take the entire revenue architecture of this country in three weeks without one hearing, without one witness. They are going to change it all and the middle class is about to get it in the neck to take care of people in the neck. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The house will be in order. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Braise braise mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may use. I rise in strong opposition to the motion to instruct. Today, we are moving through the crucial final stage in delivering once in a generation tax reform to the American People. The choice we face now is clear. If we want to stick with this complex, costly unfair system that today caters to special interests and drives american jobs overseas or stick with the slowgrowth tax code that keeps our economy in second gear and all but guarantees rising debts and deficits or do we think its time to go in a new direction . Do we think its time to provide our workers, our families and job creators with a tax code that is simple, thats fair, thats built to create jobs and leapfrog america back into the lead pack around the world . Do we think its time to get our economy growing again for better jobs, bigger paychecks and more opportunities are available to people throughout this country . Many in washington say they support tax reform. Yet every argument we hear is about keeping taxes high, keeping the growth of jobs and paychecks low and keeping more of this broken tax code that is so complex and so unfair to every day americans . It seems like too many in congress are rooting against a growing and prosperous american economy. Too many who claim to be concerned about the deficit today joinfully added trillions of dollars to the National Deficit when it meant washington could have spent more, when our friends on the other side took control of the house in the first year, they doubled the deficit. In the second year tripled the deficit. And then went on a roll of 1 illion or more in debt every year. They had a 1 trillion stimulus that did nothing to grow the economy. That was when washington could spend. Now when it comes to letting families and our main street businesses spend more of their hardearned money all of a sudden they say no. Come on, man. If you ask my constituents in texas, theyll tell you without a doubt, its time to go in a new direction. Its time to be progrowth. Its time to leave this slowgrowth status quo behind us for good. Without a doubt, my constituents and so Many Americans throughout our ountry are rooting for a healthier, stronger economy and a simpler, fairer tax code that allows them to keep more of their more hardearned money. Thats why right now its time for us to come together. A Conference Committee and finalize the tax cuts and jobs act for the American People. When the ways and Means Committee started working on tax reform over six years ago, we knew this road would be long and difficult. Weve had our shares of ups and downs along the way but we stuck with it because we knew the america people were counting on us. And we know theyre counting on us now. So with this Conference Committee, were going to come together to give the American People the best of what our two bills have to offer. At every step, were going to ask ourselves, how can we truly deliver the tax code americans deserve . How do we drive rates lower for families . How do we encourage in investment and job creation on main street . How do we bring jobs back to america from overseas . How can we better support parents and students and homeowners and retirees . How can we make our economy stronger and healthier than ever . How do we improve lives . We all worked hard to get to this point in the process. Im proud of the bill we delivered in the house and i want to congratulate the senate as well. Right now were closer than ever to delivering on our tax reform promise to the American People. Some of our most important work is still ahead of us. Nows the time for us to dig deep on behalf of the people we were sent here to serve. Now is the time for us to come together in the Conference Committee and unite behind one historic tax bill tax cut bill that will help americans of all walks of life. This truly is a moment and the opportunity that we and so Many Americans have worked for and waited for and deserve. Now is the time to seize it and working together, working truly together im confident we will. With that i urge my colleagues to oppose this motion to instruct that kills tax reform, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The house will be in order. The house will be in order. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. With that id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, who announced this past weekend that hes going to leave this institution and hes served this institution with distinction and grace for a long period of time, mr. Levin, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Levin thank you so much for yielding. You know, the chairman of the Committee Says, come together . You have done it alone, and you have snubbed your nose at the American People as well as the process of this institution. The g. O. P. Tax bill combines the republicans longterm faith in trickle down economics with a new brazen disregard for the facts. Its become the hallmark of the trump presidency. This bill is mostly about cutting taxes for the very wealthy, not the middle class, making the very wealthy even richer is no the pathway toward prosperity and job growth and tax cuts at the very top do not pay for themselves. Instead they increase the debt. These are the facts that have been presented by joint tax and so many others have called the republican bill a boondoggle and delusional. Republicans say the facts be damned. As they rush this legislation out of desperation, not deliberation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. I point out that a family of four in michigans ninth district will save over 1,700 each and every year. With that im proud to yield three minutes to the chairman of the tax policy subcommittee and leader on the tax reform effort, the gentleman from illinois, mr. Roskam. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Roskam thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you, chairman brady. I want to direct the memberships attention to the argument a Ranking Member made a couple minutes ago when he criticized repatriation efforts in the past. And hes right. They underperformed. Why did they underperform . Because they were a holiday, they were temporary. I wasnt around when that happened. But we learned from that, mr. Speaker, and were saying lets not do that again and said lets have a permanent policy that unlocks american dollars that are locked out overseas right now. Most folks thinks its between 3 trillion and 4 trillion that can come back home. Where does it come back home . It will come to the sixth Congressional District of illinois. It will go to massachusetts. It will go to texas. It will go to all of these places to be reinvested. Why . Because this is a dynamic, vibrant economy that can become better. This is an attractive place. We just need to make it better. The other argument that he made was essentially, look, is this really going to create growth . And hes right to point out that not all tax cuts are created equal as it relates to growth. The whole purpose, though, is not simply growth. Its also tax relief. Ive got a constituency that got jammed by democrats in the illinois General Assembly this year with a massive tax hike on the middle income folks in illinois. They need relief. So part of this is to offer relief. Now, the way that we approached this is to say, lets create this as it relates to the investment, the unexpensing. You look at the tax foundation, nonpartisan work that theyve done, and theyll tell you that investment that were making, that is throwing away depreciation schedules and telling small businesses, if you invest you can write it all off on year one. That creates activity. So we ought to shed and shun this motion to instruct and instead lets work through the normal conference process and, mr. Speaker, in closing, let me give you one quick antidote and its this. A manufacturer in my district told me this. Theyre currently planning under current their approach to invest 30 million in their manufacturing plant. Next year if we do this bill, theyre not going to 30 million in that facility, theyre going to invest 50 million. Thats one company in one culdesac, in one subdivision in suburban chicago. You ripple that out throughout the entire economy, great things happen. Vote no on the motion and lets proceed to conference. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. With that id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, a valued member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Doggett. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Doggett more than a bill, this is a lie wrapped in lies. A sneak attack on america ramming through here at warp speed before the truth catches up with the lies. A very thin sugarcoating of tax changes for some in the middle class conceals Massive Special interest giveaways. But im convinced that the reckoning will come. Americans will demand accountability of a scheme that showers its benefits overwhelmingly on corporations and those at the top of the economic ladder, including the trump family personally benefiting. The reckoning will come when students and the sick find out theyre paying not less taxes but more taxes under this bill. The reckoning will come as republicans use the huge debt burden that they are deliberately creating by this bill as an excuse to cut medicare, Educational Opportunities and other vital investments. And this sham of a bill provides rewards to Corporate Tax dodgers and creates a giant new loophole a giant new loophole for outsourcing american jobs abroad. The only coming together here is the coming together between the master of distraction, the big tweet down the street whos joined here by the masters of deceit in congress. They ignore any wrong he commits. He can embrace a child molester, attack our Law Enforcement officers, he can challenge the very basis of the free press in our country, use any means necessary, whatever deception to try to foist off this sham of a bill on america. It should be rejected. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Members are reminded to refrain from engaging the house will be in order. Members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities towards the president. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is not recognized. The gentleman is out of order. Mr. Brady regular order. Regular order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. I would note the average family of four making 59,000 a year for the 35 district of texas will see a tax cut of over 1,100. I am proud to yield three minutes to the gentleman from new york, a key leader of the ways and Means Committee, who knows what its like to create jobs in new york, the gentleman from new york, mr. Reed. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Reed thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you to chairman brady for the time to speak tonight. And before i get into my speech this evening, i just want to take a moment. I just heard a colleague on the other side of the aisle call essentially me a master of deceit. This country is sick and tired of this type of divisive rhetoric. I am here to tell you that it is time to put the American People first. I understand that we sit sometimes in this chamber on the biggest political theater in the United States of america, but at some point in time i got to say enough is enough. So my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, i would ask us, and to the American People back home, look at the legislation that we have done on the committee. Bottom line, Hardworking Taxpayers in my district are going to see 1,600 of their hardearned dollars remain in their pocket with the government not taking that money away from them in the house bill. There are differences between the house bill and the senate bill. I think there are legitimate parts of the senate bill we should consider in this Conference Committee that we are going to entertain here very shortly. Things like the medical expense deduction. Things potentially like the historic tax credit. But that is how legislation is drafted. We have a body in the senate, we have a body in the house, and we come together to put the best product forward for the American People. And i will tell you, as i have heard from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, if reducing taxes is not a part of Economic Growth, then you disagree with every governor in the United States of america. Because every governors Economic Development plan across their state, what does it do . You see the commercials as you travel around this country. Come to new york state, were open for business because we have lowered our taxes for opportunities and growth. I see it in illinois. I see it in california. I see it in texas. So what we have done with the proposal in the house is exactly that. We have focused relief on Hardworking Taxpayers, and we have lowered the tax burden overall so that people can invest in their businesses, they can invest in their families, and they can grow the economy which at the end of the day you know what that means for an american person . That means more money for them, but most importantly, it means a job. A job not only to make money, but its good for the soul. Its good for the heart. It brings you pride in knowing that you did an honest days work to get an honest days amount of pay. Thats what growth is about. Its not about numbers. Its about people and opportunity. I ask my colleagues, join us in rejecting this motion to instruct and lets get to the business of the people and finish this job once and for all. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, a valued member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Thompson, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this motion. The underlying bill raises taxes on middle class working americans. It adds over 2. 3 trillion to our National Debt and if the senate has its way, 13 Million People will lose their health care. This bill was written behind closed doors by a handful of republicans to give massive permanent tax breaks to corporations at the cost of our middle class working americans. Not one legislative hearing was held in the house on this bill. The senate bill was passed in the darkness of the night. Every Single Person should know how their member of congress voted on this because you and your children will be paying for it for decades to come. This is a bad bill and i hope this will be a serious conference to improve this reckless piece of legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady the average family of four in the Fifth District of california will see a tax cut of 2,370. I yield four minutes to a key leader of tax reform who has his certificate in accounting, the gentleman from South Carolina. Mr. Rice the American Dream separates us from the rest of the world, with hard work and determination, you can improve your station in life and your children have the opportunity for a better life than yours. But for many in the generation, the American Dream has been tarnished, just out of reach. The last time we did tax reform was 30 years ago. We were the leader. Our Economic System and tax code were competitive. But for decades, we sat by as the world passed us by. As we became less competitive, more and more American Companies and jobs left our shores, and what has been the result . We lost millions of middleclass jobs. In 1990, the middle class comprised of american families. Today, 40 . The middle class makes about the same takehome pay as they did in 1990. 27 years later, when we all worry about income disparity and the gulf between the rich and the poor in this country, this is the source of the problem, the american middle class is smaller and has not had a raise in 30 years. How could this happen . It has everything to do with this bloated overregulatorying and overtaxing government, the government that sucks the life out of the economy and forces our companies, our innovators and job creators out of the country to survive. Some folks say it doesnt matter we have the highest business tax rate. Thats not why companies left. I say the outdated tax code is an anchor around the neck of american business. Our innovators and american middle class. The American Worker can compete with anyone on a level Playing Field if we get government out of the way. Since january, we have been working to correct that. We made dramatic steps in relosing regulation and you are seeing the economic lift. Today we continue to advance the tax cut which will restore Economic Growth and put more takehome pay in the pockets of hardworking americans and restore opportunity for a generation and will bring american jobs back to america which will grow our middle class and finally after 30 years give the middle class the pay raise it deserves. If you really wish to grow the economy, you should support this tax reform package and give the middle class a wage you should support tax reform and reduce income disparity, you should support this. If you really wish to give hope to americans who have given up and left the work force and reduce crime and addiction in this country, you should support this tax support package and want america to remain a force of stability and peace in the world, you should support this tax reform package. If you support the American Dream, you should support this tax reform package. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal i yield one minute to the gentleman from connecticut for one minute. Mr. Larson i submit for the record a notice from the comptroller and the commissioner of Revenue Services for the state of connecticut who notes that a married student getting out of college would see a 767 tax increase next year and 1,167 increase in the year 2027. Look, we have already protested what we think about this bill. What you have done to this process, the stain is on this institution. 1986 has been cited. We had 12 subcommittee hearings in 1986. Now we have none. Nd now you do a bill in double secret probation, you make dean wormer look good from animal house. You perpetrate a 25 billion cut in medicare that you dont even to vote on. That is the worst cut. Talk about a cowardly act in the act. 25 billion cut to our seniors. No wonder the aarp has spoken out strongly against it. The speaker pro tempore all members are reminded they should address their remarks to the chair. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady i remind the house a family of four in connecticuts tax cutrict which see a of 3,850. I would like to recognize the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Schweikert before i start, what i wanted to share, look i have been blessed to be on the ways and Means Committee for 11 months. I have found the members on the left and the right, its a group folks with pretty high i. Q. s. We have different views within our own or their own, its a joyful to be on a committee where when you do argue with each other and we have conversations in the back and happen at a fairly high level. But can i give you sort of a personal global view of how im viewing this tax reform and i truly believe this will be the single biggest most important vote i make in my life. We know what status quo. And it says in 15, 18 years, we hit a debt crisis. Are we arguing here for status quo are our change or an argument that you dont like our changes but you agree we need to have a revolution in our Economic Growth . If we build our lives as it is set right now with 1. 9 g. D. P. Growth for the next three decades, my twoyearolds future is miserable. Those very seniors that someone was speaking about, do you understand what happens to those earned entitlements . Because there is no money. We hit a debt crisis and just a few years away from publicly held debt equaling the size of ur entire economy. If few love people, we got to grow. We have seen the attempts at managed economy, managed control, how about something much morel gant and make us more competitive. Lets get rid of all the little special deals in the tax code as many as we can politically. And do everything we can to get this economy going and its going to require more than tax reform. We have to deal with immigration and deal with technology and regulation. But we all know around here that if we do not have a revolution this tax code, our futures pretty dark. With Economic Growth our future is bright. Have crossed 3. 5 g. D. P. Growth. Maybe that misery of Economic Growth isnt our future isnt a future for my little girl. But its an opportunity for this country to start looking like as it should, the land of opportunity. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves and the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal i yield one minute to the gentleman from oregon, mr. Blumenauer. Mr. Blumenauer i listen to my friend from arizona and he is concerned about his little twoyearold and yet they finance the largest transfer of wealth by adding more debt on the backs of his children, our grandchildren and generations to come. They want the public to have more of their money, yet they are not supporting our motion to recommit that would stop this will notion that we are going to ack up premium prices, 10 a year by destabilizing the insurance markets, that the notion here that these ugly surprises that the lobbyists have snuck in and well find out about them every single week going forward. Reject this misguided approach. Lets Work Together. Rebuild and renew america. The states can raise the gas tax. We refuse to acknowledge a straightforward proposition to do that here. Lets reject this atrocity. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Braise braise mr. Brady a family of four in oregon will see tax savings. With that i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal i would like to yield one minute to the distinguished the gentleman from new jersey, a very important member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Pascrell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pascrell you know the president will see a financial windfall, mr. Speaker. And if the majority wasnt helping him hide his tax returns, the American People could see the truth. Adding 1. 5 trillion to our National Debt without benefiting the working and middle class. It is legislative malpractice. While republicans tout this as a middleclass tax cut, some taxpayers will pay more on this bill. A middleaged married couple with no children earning 80,9000 who itemize could pay 4,000 330 in 2018. Many of my quints will see a big tax increase. That is absurd. In fact the authors of this bill said the individual tax cuts will expire after 2025 and change the measure of inflation will bump taxpayers into higher income tax brackets. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady that family of four in new jerseys 9th district making 90,000 a year will see a tax cut of 2,044. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, member of the Democratic Party and he will tell you what the elimination of the state and local Tax Deduction. Is rowley the fixes he talking about are temporary. But permanent for corporations. All of your tax cuts are permanent for corporate world and not for individuals. Divided by four is 250 and borrow and divided by 300 million. Due the do the math. This is seting the future of our country to give the biggest tax cut to corporations and the wealthiest, 4 billion alone to the trump family and you do this on the backs of double taxation in places like pennsylvania, new york, california and new jersey. You are double taxing through the salt provision, state and local taxes, this is going to have an incredible impact on the lives of your constituents. How anyone with a conscience on the republican side of the aisle who could support this bill in california, new york, pennsylvania, illinois and all the other tax states in this country is unconscionable. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady im pleased to report the family of four in new yorks district making 63,000 working hard will see a tax cut of 1,251. I reserve the balance. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance time. The gentleman is out of order. The gentleman is out of order. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, a valued member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Davis, whos also a great champion of new markets tax credits and the historic tax credit which is eliminated in the republican tax plan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Chairman. Every place i went yesterday people were asking me, what will you see to the conferees . I say i will join with my colleagues and say to the conferees, help the needy and not the greedy. Im going to say to the conferees, why give 50 of the tax breaks to the wealthiest 1 of the population in this country . Im going to say, why cut medicare, medicaid, and provisions of the Affordable Care act that have kept millions of people from having the agony, pain, and frustration of not being able to find health care . I am going to say, save the children. Save the veterans. Save the central cities that are decayed, save the infrastructure, save the safety net, and save america. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to report that the family of four with two kids, median, in the seventh district of illinois making 73,000, really working hard where every dollar counts, will see a tax cut of 1,547. I reserve. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker, id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, a valued member of the ways and Means Committee, congressman higgins, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Higgins thank you. Its been said by the u. S. Reasury secretary the tax cuts pay for themselves. Not only will these Corporate Tax cuts pay for themselves, they will add an additional 2 trillion in economic activity. Nobody believes that. There is no credible report that supports that contention. What does pay for itself are tax credits. Particularly the federal historic tax credit, the one that returns generously to the federal treasury. The federal historic tax credit returns more to the treasury than a close. In fact, 25 billion in credits have returned 29 billion to the federal treasury. 5 of private investment is made for every dollar in the federal historic tax credit program. Nationally 132 billion in private investment has been made because of 25 million in federal historic tax credits. Over 43,000 buildings in downtown areas like my area of buffalo, new york, have benefited tremendously. Its eliminated in the house bill and senate bill and the conference should restore it as an issue of fairness and the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to report that that median family of four making 74,000, bluecollar workers in the 26th district of new york will see a tax cut of 1,562. Reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal i yield to the gentlewoman from alabama, a marshall scholar, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from alabama is recognized for one minute. Ms. Sewell this was written in the dead of the night. No c. B. O. Score, no debate, no time to even read the bill and now the majority thinks the bill is ready to go to conference. Really . Not. The house and the senate bills will put us at least 1. 4 trillion into debt, will cause the us to cut Social Security and medicare and raise taxes on 82 million americans. Mr. Speaker, this is a bad deal for americans and its an even worse deal for my constituents in alabama. In my state of alabama, over 500,000 families making 80,000 a year or less will see a tax increase. It will result in 205 million being taken way from students and teachers. And will have millions in charitable donations at risk. This bill will do enormous damage to the middle class. Mr. Speaker, we are not ready for conference. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, i point out a median family of four making 65,000 in alabamas seventh district would see a tax cut of 1,311. Id also point out that the Congressional Budget Office doesnt score tax reform bills. Thats the joint committee on taxation. That score was available to ways and means members the day available. And is the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker, id like to yield to the well regarded gentlewoman from washington, congresswoman delbene. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington is recognized for one minute. Ms. Delbene thank you, mr. Speaker. Over the past few weeks republicans have been cutting backroom deals that benefit the wealthy and well connected. Out of the light of day, piling hurt onto people that wont be able to speak for themselves. Now were on the verge of being force fed a bill in which corporations get massive tax cuts while hardworking americans are forced to pick up the tab. Over the life of the ryanmcconnell plan, 36 million middleclass families struggling to pay for health care, education, childcare, housing and retirement are going to see their taxes go up, and now Millions May Lose Health Care coverage as well. What happened to fiscal responsibility . Economists are telling us the increased debt wont be paid for by Economic Growth, and c. E. O. s are openly sharing their plans to reward their shareholders with their new tax breaks, not create jobs. This bill is reckless. I urge my colleagues to support the motion, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, id point out that a median family of four with two kids in washingtons First District will see a tax cut of 5,008. Id also remind my colleagues that president obama raised the in onal debt by 9 trillion New Washington spending. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield to the gentlelady from california, a distinguished member of the ways and Means Committee, congresswoman sanchez. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Sanchez what is the rush . Hy are we rushing to vote on a 1. 7 trillion tax bill that will end up being paid off the backs of working americans . And dont be fooled. Working americans will pay for this bill. Thats why the National Association of realtors warned that the typical homeowner in my state could see their home value drop between 37,000 and 57,000. Thats why the joint committee on taxation has said the republican bill would increase costs to College Students and their families by 71 billion. And we all know whose retirement republicans will raid when their overly optimistic Growth Numbers wont materialize. They will come after your medicare and Social Security. The American People deserve better than this republican tax scam, and instead of rushing to get this done, lets Work Together to get it done right. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, id point out that that hardworking family of four in californias 38th district would see a tax cut of 1,870. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker, let me yield one minute to the gentlelady from california, former revenue commissioner of california, who knows something about revenue projections, for one minute, congresswoman chu. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Chu this tax scam is one of the greatest cons ive seen in my time in congress. And the republicans know it. Why would they rush it before giving the American People time to review it that impacts 100 of our economy . In the senate they shattered regular order to have illedgeable changes in the dead of night on saturday. Perhaps its because they dont want anybody to see how far this bill strays from their promises. They promised historic tax cuts, but unless youre already rich or a corporation already seeing record profits youre unlikely to benefit. Instead, you and your children will be paying to make the rich richer. Republicans dont even deny that individuals get less than corporations. But its ok, they claim, because that money will get to you eventually, and they keep on citing these magical numbers of money that youll get. But we know these dollars wont come. Whether losing deductions for state and local taxes, paying more for Student Loans or facing Higher Health care prices, thanks to the repeal of the mandate, the g. O. P. Tax scam will hurt millions. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, id point out that that hardworking family of four, in the 27th district of california, will see a tax cut of 2,249. Proud to yield two minutes to a key member of our tax policy subcommittee and a business person himself, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Kelly thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Chairman, thank you so much. I wasnt going to speak tonight because i was just trying to figure out what it is we are trying to get to here. If its not our bill, just not the bill we want, and when we talk talk about a rush to judgment, a rush to judgment, for 31 years we have postponed the inevitable. We no longer can compete globally because of our Corporate Tax rates and the regulations. Our people and i dont care if the Republican Voters or democrat voters or people that dont vote at all, isnt it time to give them a little bit more money in their takehome pay . Isnt it time to let them get up in the morning with an idea that i can actually be better at the end of the day that i started . Ntand isnt it time for us to talk about bringing millions of jobs back to the United States as opposed to sitting here and trying to battle back and forth about something that is a political it doesnt make any sense . For the fox that are sitting at and for the folks that are sitting at home, do you realize how far were getting away what we pledged we would do for them . A robust economy that allows them more takehome pay, that allows corporations to flourish and not flounder, a tax plan that absolutely puts america back where it so deservedly belongs. With all the assets that we are blessed with, with all the talent that we are blessed with, with all the opportunity that we are blessed with, can we really think that tonights the night to turn this into a political battle to make one side look good, one side look bad . Is it always going to be the war on the wealthy . Is it always going to be the war on some entity . Does it have to be some type of identity before we say, tonight we are going to do something for every single hardworking american . And please, refrain from using the term middle class. Theres nothing i think that flies more in the face of who we arent as a society than pacifying people, oh, theyre middle class, oh, theyre upper class, which means there is a lower class. I am asking tonight for for either side of the aisle but for america to look at whats going on and say its not time for us to get back in the game. Mr. Chairman, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from South Carolina, assistant democratic leader, in references to mr. Kelly, mr. Clyburn, a real champion of the middle class. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Clyburn thank you so much. Thank you for yielding me time. Let me say to my friend from pennsylvania, its time to do all the things he spoke about, but this piece of legislation does none of those things. In fact, it raises taxes on 87 million middle income families. Cut 25 billion a year from medicare. Kick 13 Million People off of their Health Insurance. Make it easier for companies to ship jobs overseas. Eliminates longheld deductions for teachers, students, and the chronically ill, make individual tax cuts temporary but Corporate Tax cuts permanent, and increase the deficit by more than 1. 5 trillion. The hypocrisy of socalled conservatives is staggering. Corporations will save billions, and shareholders will get richer, but our children and our grandchildren will foot the bill. The motion to instruct nferees will restore the american care acts individual mandate. Doing so will stop 13 million americans from losing their Health Insurance and putting to halt the 10 premium hike that the ryanmcconnell tax scam will cause. Mr. Speaker, the individual mandate is at the heart of the Affordable Care act. Repealing it, as the g. O. P. Tax scam does, is a deliberate attempt to undercut the law, create chaos in the Health Insurance marketplaces, increase premiums and decrease choice, and coverage. I urge my colleagues to restore state and local tax deductibility and the individual mandate, and i yield he back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker, id point out that that middleclass family making 74,000 in the Fifth District of South Carolina will see a tax cut of 1,568. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Neal i yield to the democratic whip, mr. Hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Hoyer i thank mr. Neal for yielding. The gentleman from pennsylvania, as he well knows is one of my favorite members. Hes a good friend a man of great integrity. But mr. Speaker, both the house nd senate bills are bad bills. And this is a sad day in the house. Hypocrisy is on stark display. Responsibility is absent and politics and donors have subverted policy. This conference is a sham. An attempt to make it appear the house and senate are going through regular order. Sadly, we have not gone through regular order. The thought is, we will reconcile the two versions of the dangerous republican tax increase and deficit bill. I call this a debt tax. Because it will explode the deficit. As happened in 1981, when under Ronald Reagan for eight years we increased the debt of this country 189 . Chairman of the ways and Means Committee mention mrs. Obama who increased it 88 . Or less than half of the reagan increase in the debt. And we were promised then as we are promised now that cutting these taxes would grow the economy. Would that that were the case. But there wont be any real regular order in this conference. Just as there hasnt been through the this conference. There will only be further closed door, back room antics by leaders on their own asking republican members to take it or leave it. And this motion to instruct, of course, will be defeat bud democrats are offering it because from the very beginning we have made clear that we are here to work toward the kind of tax reform the American People want. Tax reform that i worked with in 1986. And they dont want an elimination of the deduction for state and local taxes which our motion would instruct conferees not to do. The deduction for state and local taxes supports schools and First Responders in our district. And the American People dont want to wick 13 Million People off Health Insurance coverage. Our motion to instruct conferees would say take this provision out. But no motion to instruct can address the way the tax bill has put our country and our future in danger. It raises taxes on 8 of on 78 million working americans, middle class households, not as a pejorative but as an income spectrum. Why . To offset massive tax cuts for those not with whom we are at war, but who are doing very well. And dont need our help. It plunges our children and grandchildren, of which i have a number, an additional 1. 7 trillion and i think thats a minimum. Making them pay tomorrow for what republicans refuse to pay for today. And for what . For what, mr. Speaker . Are we being asked to do all these things . For Economic Growth . For jobs . We know it wont grow our economy. And in any substantial way faster. Why . Because almost every economist tells us that. We know the few jobs the senate bill would create, and listen to this, that they claim that theyll create, will cost 1. 9 million per job. The vast majority of americans wont benefit from this plan. But those who are already extremely wealthy will benefit greatly. As a matter of fact, 52 times what the gentleman will tell us. Mr. Neal i yield an additional one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, theres a saying texans like to use, this dog wont hunt. It doesnt do what its purported to do it doesnt take einstein to predict what will happen this time around, when he said doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity. Ive been here. Ive seen this. Ive heard this argument. It has always resulted in the same thing. I have more to say but my time is up. Let me say to the gentleman from texas, the chairman of the committee, hes going to tell me how much people in my district get a tax break. Tell me about my children. And my grandchildren. Whose debts you will pile on them to borrow money from china or someplace else to give this tax cut that they will then have to pay off in their time, tell me how much my children will have their taxes raised, mr. Chairman. I yield to him. He apparently doesnt know. Thats sad. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The house will be in order. The house will be in order. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady i yield myself one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady im proud to report the hardworking family, median, hardwork, middle class family in the Fifth District of maryland will see a tax cut of 1,468. Mr. Hoyer will the gentleman yield . Mr. Brady i will remind everyone here tonight, the first year our democrats took over the majority in the house they doubled the deficit. The sec year they tripled the deficit. In the third year, it went above 1 trillion a year. And it stayed there until republicans took control of the house and 9 trillion my friends across the aisle added to this deficit but that was when washington was spending. They want to give people back control of their money and all of a sudden deficits matter . I believe that claim is the hypocrisy in this debate. With that, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognize the house will be in order. The house will be in order. The gentleman from massachusetts is elect niced. Mr. Neal thank you, mr. Speaker. Apparently the gentleman forgets the difference between the clinton years and the bush years as it relates to deficits. With that, i yield to the gentlelady from california, distinguished leader, congresswoman pelosi. The gentlewoman is recognized the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Pelosi thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding and thank him and the democratic member of the ways and Means Committee for being committed to the truth. To the facts. And to hear the distinguished chairman of the Committee Say what he said about the budget is almost ludicrous. Almost laughable. If it werent so serious in terms of the impact that it has on americas future. He knows that in the last four, maybe even five years of the clinton administration, the budget was in balance or in surplus. The operational budget. And it was on a path to reducing the National Debt. Until president bush came in, gave tax cuts to the high end, a giveaway to a pharmaceutical industry with the Medicare Part d legislation and three unpaid for wars, thats what the experts will tell you increased the deficit. That was on a path of the National Debt of going down. It was a swing, my colleagues, of 11 trillion. To date, the biggest swing in history, when president obama came into office. He was inheriting a deficit, not the National Debt but the annual ficit of 1. 4 trillion of 1. 4 billion. When he left it was about a thished of that. When he left office. Dont try to mislead the American People. We owe them the truth. We owe them facts. And thats why what is happening tonight in this body is so important. That the violence that the republicans are doing with their legislation on the economy of our country, robbing from our childrens futures to reward the wealthiest people and biggest corporations in america. Who i rise tonight to ask my colleagues a simple, who do we represent when we come to this floor . The American People overwhelmingly oppose the g. O. P. Tax scam. They see it as that. And they are making their voices heard. The American People are calling the Republican Congress to abandon the house and senate bills, which pillage the middle class and pad the pockets of g. O. P. , of big c. E. O. s and g. O. P. Donors. The American People want us to start over and actually put the middle class first. We should be working in a bipartisan way in order to do that. So that it will not only be right but that it will be sustainable. That therell be some certainty in our economy that this is a path forward that has bipartisan support. Has the peoples house, the republicans in the peoples house listened to the American People . No. Last month House Republicans voted to raise taxes, in this house, republicans voted to raise taxes on 36 million middle class american family, stripping deductions from students and teachers, children, teachers, homeowners and workers. Last week in the dead of night, Senate Republicans, oh and they kept saying, going to work it out with the senate. Ok. Last week in the dead of night Senate Republicans voted to raise taxes on 78 million middle lass families. While also exploding Health Premiums and exploding the number of uninsured. Republicans have sent an unmistakable message to the middle class americans, pick your poison. With either bill, the middle class families lose. The American People lose. According to anage soifs the washington post, the g. O. P. Tax scam is, quote, probably the most regressive tax cut in the past 50 years. Its hard to find a tax plan that has done less for the middle class. Thats what we talked about. Who. Who are we here to represent . Why . Why are they doing this . Well, theyre doing this to give a tax cut to the top 1 . The senate bill is 62 of the benefits of the bill go to the top 1 in our country. Is that fair . To give over nearly 1. 5 trillion in tax cuts to corporate america. While heaping other benefits on them to make it easier for them to send jobs overseas. Why . Well, some of their people have told us why. Chris collins said, my donors are saying, get it done or dont ever call me again. Senator Lindsey Graham has said, the financial contributions will stop with the if the tax bill scam scam is my word, habit word. The director of economic counsel gary cohen said the most Excited Group out there are the big c. E. O. s, corporate c. E. O. s of our tax plan. He said. This is interesting, to see the Freedom Caucus, which i thought was a valuesbased caucus reduce committed to reducing the National Debt, a debt that is being added to here that we may never recover from. What happened to the Freedom Caucus . Werent they spezzed to be deficit hawks . Has that become an endangered species . No. Its become extinct. Extinct. It does not exist on the republican side. But it does exist on the democratic side. And we intend to fight this robbing of the future by increasing the deficit into the trillions of dollars by fighting this bill to the end. Where are always republicans that promised to reduce the deficit . Our republican colleagues insist we have no funds, no funds to spare for the health care of our children, the education of our young people, the job creating infrastructure of the 21st century, unless we find offsets. And yet, 1. 5 trillion to corporate america, unoffset. Tax cuts to the wealthiest in our country, unoffset. That means children have to pay for their health care with their immunizations, its absolutely appalling. It isnt a statement of values in any way. Today, quietly, the republicans, and some of them are admitting it with glee, they are sharpening their knives for medicare, medicaid, and Social Security. Recognizing how they are increasing the they are soaring the National Debt, they have to find some way to pay for it so theyre coming after medicare, medicaid and Social Security. The understanding the understanding of some is whether they do it this year or the following year after the election. Well, i think you are in a loselose situation. You lose with your donors if you dont pass this bill. You will lose with the American People if you do. Democrats believe people deserve better. Deserve bipartisanship in how we put this together so its sustainable. We do it we are offering a better deal, better jobs, better wages and a better future. The American People deserve real bipartisan, permanent tax reform that puts the middle class first. The truth is that our colleagues either choose to ignore or do not understand the gravity of the situation, as they say in the music man, this is a terrible assault on the middle class, and so tonight, with the democrats motion to instruct conferees, we want the republicans to show where they stand. Will republicans vote yes to protect vital state and local Tax Deduction . Enable people to live in a safe place . Or will they vote to double tax middleclass families, drive down home values and endangering key funding for firefighters, Law Enforcement, and schools . Will republicans vote to protect the health care of those with preexisting conditions . No. No, no, no, no. Or will they vote to spike families premiums and add 13 million more americans to the ranks of the uninsured if this bill goes through . I have said that this was stiff competition by some of the other things they put forth, is the worse bill in the worst bill in the history of the United States congress. How can i make that claim . It has more money, hurts more people, increases the deficit by so much more, and just because everything is bigger in our country, the consequences of this bill, multitrillion dollar economy being addressed by a bill that had no hearing, o expert testimony, just for the speed of light, as jamie raskin said, in the speed of light, in the dark of night, here we are. Who else thinks this is not a good idea . This is what the United States conference of bishops have said. This proposal appears to be the First Federal income tax modification in American History that will raise income taxes on the working poor while simultaneously providing a large tax cut to the wealthy. This, the conference of bishops says, this is simply unconscionable, and i believe them. Let us remember the word of st. Augusta. A state which is not governed according to justice would be just a bunch of thieves. He said that 17 century ago. When his holiness Pope Benedict wrote in his first incyclical god is love he says sometimes you have to work hard to determine what justice is. But in doing so you mississippi beware of the dazzling blindness of money you must beware of the dazzling blindness of money and power. You did not heed that. Let us look at the g. O. P. Tax scam before us. No justice. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote yes on the motion to instruct conferees, to inject some element of fairness and common sense into this destruction, and then to reject this terrible bill. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Yielding myself 30 seconds i would point out that a hardworking middleclass family in the 12th district of california will see a tax cut of 5,508. Id point out as well that the claim that this is an attack on the middle class received four pi knowing knows is simply pinocchios is simply untrue by the washington post. President obama did inherit a deficit. He inherited from a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate and then he made it worse. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal might i inquire as to how much time there is remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has 3 1 4 minutes. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker, i have no further speakers and i am prepared to close at the right time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you. Mr. Speaker, weve heard this discussion back and forth tonight about tax relief for the middle class, and weve heard the other side say that you are going to get 1,189 for a family of four, i think, making 59,000 a year. What they dont say is that they are going to take away the state and local Tax Deduction, they are going to take away the ability of children to deduct Interest Payments on student debt, that theyre going to shave back the mortgage interest deduction, get rid of the historic tax credit, that they are going to get rid of new markets tax credits. Heres the best one of all. As champions of the middle class they are, theyre going to repeal the estate tax. The gentleman from pennsylvania, who is my friend, he said we need to stop talking about wealth. Well, how about approaching it this way . Were wealthy and were not going to take it anymore. Because thats essentially what this argument is about. When you look at the distribution tables as to who gets what in this tax proposal, the concentration of wealth at the very top is highlighted time and again. When we talk about tax relief for the middle class, when we examine what this is about to do to california and new york and massachusetts and connecticut, to name of but a few of the states that are going to pay a penalty for this tax plan and i dispute fully what the chairman said about the obama years. 14 million jobs were created during the obama years. 23 million jobs were created during the clinton years. And the day that george bush left, we were losing 800,000 jobs a month in america. Thats the reality. When you look at Economic Growth during those years, the 2 that we look at was not enough, but its now been almost 13 years when middleclass people have not had a pay raise. And time and again we heard the preposterous argument and boy, did it get us into trouble, that tax cuts pay for themselves. You cannot find a mainstream economist that will say tax cuts pay for themselves. And now you hear the repeated argument that if we cut taxes and we add dynamic scoring based upon what might occur or maybe or if, then were told that this is going to alleviate slow productivity and slow growth in america all based upon the premise of tax cuts. You know what we should be doing tonight, mr. Speaker . We should be talking about investing in human capital. We should be talking about the six million jobs that go unanswered in america every single day. We should be talking about community colleges. We should be talking about the idea of apprenticeship programs and, yes, investing in vocational education. And also talking about finally what to do about the two Million People in america who have oid addictions and dont opioid addictions. Instead, the answer always becomes the holy grail of republican economics, cut taxes for the people at the very top and plead the case what youre doing is for people in the middle class. The alternative minimum tax is devoted to people at the top. And the idea of repealing the estate tax for so few people in america is outrageous. And with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The house will come to order. The house will come to order. The house will come to order. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady this is a clear choice. Of ponents opponents tax reform make this a clear choice. They stand for business as usual, special interests as usual, losing our u. S. Jobs overseas as usual, making it hard for young people come out of school to find goodpaying jobs as usual, and washington having a greater claim over your earnings than you do as usual. Thats what the opponents of tax reform stand for today. Today is about no more. No more of that. It is time to drain the swamp. Its time to drain this tax code. T is time for a fairer and simpler tax code that americans deserve to close loopholes and special interests and lower tax rates so hardworking americans can keep more of what they earn. Say no to the swamp. Say yes to a new tax code and a new era of american prosperity. I urge a no on the motion to recommit and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. All time for debate has expired. Without objection the previous question is ordered. The question is on the motion to instruct. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, with that i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] e the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 186, and the nays are 233. The motion is not adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection, the chair appoints the following conferees on h. R. 1. The clerk from the committee on ways and means for consideration of the house bill and the Senate Amendment and modifications committed to conference, mrs. Black, mrs. Noem, messrs. Neal, levin and doggett. From the committee on energy and commerce tore consideration of section 20003 of the Senate Amendment, modifications committed to conference, messrs. Walden, shimkus and ms. Castor of florida. From the committee on Natural Resources for considerations r section 2001 and 20002 for the Senate Amendment, misers ishop of utah, young and grirge. Messrs. Bishop of utah, young and grijalva. The speaker pro tempore the chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Please take your conversations outside. Please take your conversations outside. Thank you. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you so much, mr. Speaker. Id like to talk about jamie dupree who serves as the radio news director of the Washington Bureau of cox media corporation. Ive had the privilege of knowing jamie for more than two decades with his professional coverage of both congressional and national politics, jamie has become a trusted voice for radio listeners in atlanta as well as in my home state of florida. However, in the summer of 2016, jamie, a radio reporter, lost his voice to tongue protution dystonia, a neurological condition which can create severe speech, swallowing and breathing difficulties. This is a rare condition which has no known treatment, and it prevents jamies brain from connecting to his mouth and causes his throat to push his tongue out of his mouth when he attempts to speak, squeezing the sound out of his voice, a radio reporter. However, in spite of the Severe Health problems, jamie has remained active through twitter and his news blog. Mr. Speaker, jamie dupree is a perfect example of the positive role the devoted and professional journalists play in our free society and i wish him and his family all the best during this most difficult time. Thank you, jamie. God speed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Mr. Payne mr. Speaker, i rise to congratulate my alma mater, Hillside High School, class of 1976, in hillside, new jersey. The Hillside College Football Team won their state championship Football Game against the Point Pleasant borough panthers on saturday. The hillside comets finished their season with a 93 record. They beat the topseeded panthers to bring home hillsides first state title since 1985. The comets are only the second Football Team from union county to win a state title in Central Jersey in 15 years. Mr. Speaker, the Hillside College Football Team are winners, both on and off the field. 16 players are on the honor roll, and five of them are members of the National Honor society. The teams successes are no doubt a testament to their High School High expectations set by their head coach, baris grant. I was honored to join the comets at their celebration on sunday and i am proud to have such outstanding students in my district. I ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating the Hillside High School comets, winners on and off the field. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, last year, stanford rapist and champion swimmer brock turner was sentenced to a mere six months in prison for his disgusting crime, raping an unconscious young woman behind a dumpster in the darkness of night. The judge claimed a prison sentence would have a severe impact on him, never mind a rape victim sometimes gets a life sentence of mental turmoil and anguish. Apparent hi the light punishment is still too tough for the rapist and his daddy dearest. They have gone crying and appealing to the courts trying to deny the designation turner earned as a session offender. Theyre claiming the victim was intoxicated and turner should get more leniency. The fact that the victim was intoxicated makes it worse, she could not consent or fight back. Rape is never the fault of the victim. Give brock the only title he deserves, sex offender and poster boy for rape. And thats just the way tsms the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one inute. Ms. Kaptur mr. Speaker, the American Public has caught on to our republican colleagues tax scam. They know this bill takes from the struggling middle class and bountifully rewards the billionaire class and transnational corporations that ship our jobs overseas. In fact, the only permanent tax giveaways in their bill are for rich corporations and those lovely wall street banks that care so much for the American People. 24e joint committee on tax estimates 1 trillion addition to our National Debt as a result of this bill and the Congressional Budget Office estimates 80 of americans, those making less than 100,000 a year, will see a tax increase under their plan. But you know what, theyll wait until after next years election to lock it in. Theres very lit until this bill good average americans. Our republican colleagues are pushing america into deeper financial servitude to Foreign Investors from places like china and saudi arabia who are going to buy the treasury death securities and our taxpayers will end up having to pay them principal plus billions and billions and billions of interest. You know, how does that servitude sound like making America Great again . Putting us in hock, greater and greater amounts to foreign interests . I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady rom new york seek recognition . Without objection the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise to recognize a former constituent and local legend, bella, the whitetailed deer. Bellas saga as the mascot began in 2009 when her mother was hit by oncoming traffic. Alone with nowhere to turn, a local farmer extended his barn to the motherless fawn. He took her in, cared for her

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