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Committee on Homeland Security will come to order. Hearommittee is meeting to from the administrator of the transportation security administration, david michalski. For leading a workforce of a approximately 60,000 employees. The Security Operations in nearly 450 airports throughout the u. S. , the federal air marshal service, and shared security for highways, railroads, ports, mass transit systems and pipelines. I recognize myself for an opening statement. Tsas meeting to discuss role in keeping our Transportation System secure. Before we begin, i would like to welcome and Bank Administrator david but housekeeper ski for joining us this morning. To discuss a range of important topics. Committee have just been briefed in a classified setting by the dhs Inspector General and the administrator about specific vulnerabilities to our Aviation Security. Quite frankly, i think i speak for all of us when i say that we found that briefing disturbing. We need to do more to confront the growing threats aimed at the aviation sector. I want to work with you. Remedy the situation as soon as possible given the threat level. I am hopeful that tsa is successful in implementing the recommendations that should improve screening checkpoint operational effectiveness. While all members on the committee share my concerns, i do want to remind the members that the information shared in the briefing must remain classified. Hour, we are 16 years past karen does 9 11 attacks that claimed the lives of almost 3000 people but we are only nine days past the latest terror attack to hit downtown new york. While the latest attack was carried out by a truck and not an airplane, it is a reminder that the threats we face are still real. Before he was killed, and isis leader called for lone wolf attacks, begging followers to kill the coup far in his necessary. Any means today, International Terrorists are still determined to spread fear by killing innocent people. On othery live continents, they are only one flight away. If we are going to be successful in keeping our homeland safe, we must ensure that tsa has the tools and resources it needs to carry out its mission. Easyderstand this is no task. Although there are approximately 60,000 tsa employees helping to safeguard nearly 150 airports throughout the u. S. , our aviation sector remains the crown jewel of terrorist targets. Americas enemies only have to be right once while we have to be right one hundred percent. With millions of people traveling into our country from all over the world, we must expeditiously implement policies to instill confidence and make our Transportation System safe and secure. Our committee has been dedicated to working together with tsa and other components within dhs to get the job done. Years, weast several have helped strengthen our Aviation Security with legislation from this committee signed into law. This legislation included ills that enhance security at last point of departure airports and required emergency response. Thatso passed legislation directs the tsa administrator to update and develop a fiveyear assessment plan to provide to the private sector a realistic roadmap of the Technology Needs for the agency. These are steps in the right direction. Previouse saw from our briefing, we have a lot more work to do. In 2015, we also learned through late reports from the dhs Inspector General that tsas passenger record was abysmal. Thiswas discouraging to committee and dangerous to the American People. Even though some changes have been made to correct the problem, we cannot be satisfied until we know it has been properly addressed. But, the government cannot solve the problem alone. Working with the private sector, we need to find ways to meet our security needs. These partnerships can produce Innovative Technologies that can advance or our screen process including biometrics. To slipl make it hard past screeners at the airport. New technology will strengthen our ability to keep up with emerging threats. As we discussed previously, the Ct Technology will be key in protecting traveling americans and americans that could be the victim of an airplane being blown up in the skies. Taking down airplanes is a constant goal of terrorists. How they go about trying is always changing. In late july this year, counterterrorism officials in australia worded an attack and seized material that couldve been used as an improvised explosive device to blow up an airplane. We have also seen reports that terrorists are looking for ways to use laptops and other Electronic Devices as bombs that will be detonated on airlines. Threat, if notus the most serious that we face from the radical islamists. It is a threat that must be addressed. I look forward to discussing the ways in which we can confront these issues head on. With that, the chair recognizes the Ranking Member. Thank you very much mr. Chairman. I want to begin by expressing my condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives in the heinous terror attack in new york city last week. And thank the brave First Responders that came to the aid of the injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all. I also want to express my condolences to the loved ones of those killed in sundays at the firsttings Baptist Church in sutherland springs, texas. Another American Community devastated by a man shooting and a place of worship. This week, i sent chairman toall a letter asking him move my legislation, hr 1486 for securing american nonprofit organizations against terrorist acts of 2017 as a standalone bill. Hr 1486 and establishes a program to authorize grants to nonprofit organizations including faithbased communities to assist them with acquisitions or insulation or security equipment and training related to preventing and protecting against attacks. I appreciate the chairmans prior cooperation on this issue and hope hr 1486 will be considered at the next scheduled markup to expedite consideration of this important legislation in the senate. I would be remiss if i did not followup on a letter i sent to the chairman last week urging him to reschedule without further delay the abruptly postponed for Committee Hearing to examine the federal Emergency Management agencies Disaster Preparedness and response activities originally scheduled for november 1. Our fellow americans in puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands are counting on us to ensure the federal government provides desperately needed emergency to their devastated communities as they have for those affected by recent hurricanes in florida and texas. I look forward to the committee holding this important hearing without further delay. Focusing on the issue at hand, i think the chairman i think the chairman for holding the meeting and welcome the administrator to the committee. Would istrator, we we appreciate the task you have to secure our Transportation System. The fact that the department considered banning devices larger than a smartphone from all u. S. Bound passenger planes earlier this year reflects the seriousness of the threats to aviation today. Indeed, while the september 11 attacks were 16 years ago, new and more dangerous threats are constantly emerging. To address these sets, the Trump Administration must invest in Aviation Security to strengthen tsas effectiveness. Instead, the administration appears to be hellbent on squandering millions on a boondoggle border wall that would do nothing to make the nation more secure. Billion in1. 2 8 Aviation Security fees are diverted from tsa operations in fund late offensively to deficit reduction. That 1. 28 billion being collected could go a long ways ourrds helping us secure aviation vulnerabilities. At the same time, House Republicans are currently pushing a tax package that would add at least 1. 5 trillion to the deficit while helping the wealthy and wellconnected and leaving the middle class to pick up the tab. It simply defies common sense. In addition to providing the Financial Resources necessary for the agency to do its job effectively, tsa must address the workforce challenges that have plagued it since its creation. Tsa has consistently struggled with low morale across the of 305ce ranking 303 out Government Agencies in 2016. Low morale as a nexus to the high turnover rate within turnover rate within the ranks of tsos. The represent 70 of workforce and yet they have been denied bargaining rights and opportunities to effectively raise issues in dispute to an independent third party such as the merit systems protection board. Tsos are also subject to a pay and performance system that does not track what the with the general systems wage program. In order to move the workforce forward and see necessary changes, it is imperative for tsa frontline personnel to receive these critical protections. Democrats stand ready to work with you, mr. Administrator, to ensure that the tsa has necessary to maintain the workforce necessary to carry out its vital mission. Again, i think the chairman for holding the hearing and the administrator for coming today. I look forward to working together moving forward. Members remind other a on august 10, 2017, david cow ski was sworn in as the seventh tsa administrator after serving over 30 years with the u. S. Coast guard. I want to thank you for your service and thank you for being here today. To offer testimony. Your full statement will appear in the record. Perkowski good morning. I begin my remarks by reflecting on the tragic events in new york city last weekend and in sutherland springs, texas this past sunday. I joined both of you in offering my condolences to the families of the victims and our thoughts and prayers to all injured. Today toviting me here testify on transportation security for my first time in the role as administrator. My colleagues and i appreciate the support the committee and its members have provided the dsa in the past with the passage of the Homeland Security act of 2017 and we are grateful for the relationship that tsa enjoys with the committee. I look forward to building on this relationship during my tenure at the helm of dna. I am honored by the opportunity to serve as the administrator. I have only been on the job for a short time, i am impressed with the dedication and commitment of the men and women of tsa who provide protection to millions of people every day. Tsas mission to protect americas Transportation Systems is vital to our nations security. Aviation security has come a long way in 16 years but we still face a determined adversary. The current environment is persistent. The threat to aviation is high and multiple groups remain intent on attacking our Transportation Systems. We must adapt to these changing threats. Book remains on our on our evolution. We must raise the baseline by staying ahead of threats. And working closely with our industry, Public Safety, and international partners. We must innovate to the text more complex threats more quickly, consistently, and efficiently. We must ensure that our workforce receives the best training available and is closely connected to the tsa mission. Ofraise the baseline international Aviation Security, tsa is working closely with partners across the globe. In june, tsa enhanced security measures for all commercial flights to the ice to the u. S. And in september, we increased efforts to protect commercial flights to the u. S. We are grateful to the Public Sector at home and overseas for the support of their efforts. Support ofive innovation includes exploring the use of topography systems at 3d. Points including our tsa Security Professionals are vital in accomplishing the mission. From those who work behind the scenes to those at our Airport Security checkpoints, onboard aircraft, and in our partnership with a our Transportation System owners and operators. To carry out our job effectively, we have to invest in our workforce. I communicate with employees every chance that i have the message that they are valued and their work is critically important and that the number one priority is Security Effectiveness. The recent terror attacks in new york city and sutherland springs, texas and overseas are a compelling reminder of the need to remain vigilant in all modes of transportation. We need to continue to build on our successes. Received input from all stakeholders regarding how tsa can help them improve security. I value and appreciate the oversight provided by this committee, by the department of Homeland Security Inspector General, and the general accountability office. And i pledge to be open, transparent, and responsive to every member of this committee. My key priority is improving Job Satisfaction that will equate to improved performance and efficiency. I appreciate them will build upon the already outstanding relationships that tsa has with our airport, airline, and surface transportation owners and operators, with our Public Safety partners in the u. S. And internationally. This concludes my statement. Thank you. I appreciate the testimony. To the 1993 World Trade Center bomber. Plot to blow up airlines simultaneously. He escapes. Talks to his uncle. They had still not stopped. They are relentless to bring down an airline. Even though they have been demoralized in iraq and syria to a large extent and they have called on attacks on vehicles by aatever means necessary, leader said the dream is still alive and well. We have had our threat briefings and we know they are still trying to bring down airlines through turning a laptop into an explosive device. We just had a briefing from the notector general that i am allowed to go into detail on but he did publicly state and identify vulnerabilities. I think everys, member at the briefing found disturbing. I believe there are things we can start doing today. And not waiting. I dont think the American People can afford to wait for the safety of americans. You and i talked about topography or ct. I have seen this technology. It goes from two dimensional to three dimensional. It can rotate. It highlines it highlights and identifies contra brands and explosives. We have this as a Pilot Program in only two airports. Canestion is how soon this technology be deployed to all airports in the u. S. And also the last 10 point of departure airports identified as the highest threat to airports. Topography xray systems are a significant enhancement to what we currently use. System we are protecting. The Conveyor Belts and the machine process and the interface with our officers. Hypothetically, we could deploy that technology throughout the system now because it exists. What would happen as a result of that would be an improvement in the operators ability to see images. It is 3d. And it has more fidelity. The operators success in identifying substances to look at would be improved but we are not yet at the point where we can get the throughput. Over the course of the next several months, we will be relatively close to that. The technology exists and is being tested the degree in europe and it could be deployed because the machines are already being made. This technology is already in place in our checked bag systems. I think that is what is confusing. It is very being used for checked bags. It is being used in two airports. But, it seems to me, given the high threat level we are in right now in aviation, and that is the crown jewel, why can we not move as quickly as possible to deploy Ct Technology to all airports in the u. S. And those 10 last point departure airports and then upgrade the software when that becomes available . The reason that Ct Technology checked bag area is because only recently have we been able to get the weight and size of the machines down into so they can fit into a checkpoint. We have the prototypes in we knowand boston and the capability for sizing exists. We do need to work on the algorithms which would increase the range of the substances the machines can detect and lower the weight of the substances they can detect as well. The algorithm upgrades can be deployed. We plan to do that the Development First and the deployment of the machines next. Why can we not do it the other way around . You could. But the challenge is the reduced throughput through the machines and the integration with the Conveyor Belt that brings the carryon bags through the machines. I look forward to working closely with you. As the biggest threat that we face from the radical islamists. We talk about largescale attacks. I look forward to working with you to see how rapidly we can deploy this new technology. In addition, working with the appropriators to make sure the moneys are available and reprogrammed to get this technology out to these airports and these last point of departure airports that members and i have gone to on many occasions. Bitlevel of security as a frightening at some of those airports in the high threat areas. Welcome to the job. I know you understand the threats very well. I look forward to working with you. Yes, sir. Q i very much. I would add the tea capability would be the ct capability would be a significant improvement. Additionally, in our efforts to raise the global bar of Aviation Security, there is a path to get to ct deployment at last point of departure airports in the future. The chair recognizes the Ranking Member. Thank you, district chairman. In line with what you just said, there is an ongoing interest that this committee has had about how long it takes to get new technology deployed. To be aust continues problem. Some time, we are told it is acquisition. Sometimes, we are told it is the testing of the equipment. But it just never happens. Mentioned in an earlier briefing, there are other airports around the world that have already put in new technology. , it might just sense to go to the airport and see what they are doing. Always wanting a. I am saying that because if we know vulnerabilities exist and we know technology is being deployed, think we would be remiss if we did not pursue that. Question, we were told a few years ago that we are spending somewhere around nine dollars per passenger at airports. On security. Per passenger. Do you have an idea of what we buses,nding on trains, or cruise lines per passenger . I do not. And in the airport we provide the security. Operators provide the security on trains and crew finds. We have nothing to do for security on trains . We have responsibility for the security but the way it works is the owners and operators provide the security. Unlike in the airport where the tsa provide the security. What we do in the surface transportation modes is provide guidelines for what they should do for security. Those are cooperatively developed and quite good. You are saying we have nothing to do with it other than provide the guidelines. We do not provide oversight to see what they are doing or anything like that . We do provide oversight of the guidelines we jointly developed with them and we have regular dialogue. If someone is not meeting the standard, what do you do . We go back and have a discussion on where the shortfall is. Our experience almost universally is they are very quick to remedy the observations that we make. How do you rank the surface Transportation System . Pass, fail, or marginal . In new yorkt up city and new jersey visiting the surface Transportation Systems last week. I would mark them as pass this week. How do you market that . Mark that . Does amtrak provide you with something, you review it . Developllaboratively guidelines. A beneficial process. The surface transportation from our operator we talk about the outcomes we would like to achieve and they come back with we understand the outcome, this is how we think we can best achieve that and we agree on the way forward. If you have any written Passenger Rail systems in this country, can you provide that information to the committee . Yes, sir. Are you aware there are airports in this country that have developed a moneys in modifying the airport pursuant to tsas direction to accommodate equipment that have not been reimbursed over 10 years later . I believe those are the in Mike Huckabee inline package systems. Submitted a claim for that amount. We have reviewed the claims and now the claims, once we completed our review, are back with the airports. 14 out of 19 we agreed were appropriate for review. They are back with the airports for the comments. Challenges having the funding to be able to pay for that investment that they of already made. At tsasy have made direction the improvement, spent taxpayer money, and over 10 years later, we are still backandforth trying to get to build the airport their money . Can you provide us the status of those 19 airport. There were 19 total. 14 of them submitted or we approved. Can you provide that to us is to mark yes. The last item in 2007, Congress Passed a deal i authored, and lamenting and justations implementing recommendations and it a lot required the tsa to publish regulations for transit systems to provide harm hardline workers with Security Training into it enveloped develop security plans. Enacted,after that was tsa has yet to issue these regulations. Do you have any idea why they havent done that . It has been a very long time and as i understand it there was a for training, vetting and security plans. Two of those three are in the process. One is in the proposal rulemaking and the other is in the advanced rulemaking. The third is queued up for fiscal 19. Fiscal 19. 12 years after congress that the law. Yes sir. Line with that is in how we do the technology and other things, we just somehow i know you inherited a lot of this, but at some point, some of this should be done in a more timely manner and i would encourage you to get a sense of how many of these issues are outstanding and how do we bring closure to them. Otherwise, our public will continue to lack the confidence necessary in the systems that they use to go backandforth in this country. The chair recognizes mr. Rogers. Welcome administrator. You have a real challenge ahead of you. This agency you have is broken badly and needs your attention. I want to ask you about the fast tracking of passengers in airports. We have the precheck brand which we have been working hard to make people aware of that they can do this upfront screening for a one time fee and get into a faster lane. It is a win win. There has been a practice of att tracking when the lines the normal checkpoints, they pull a group of people out and put them in a precheck line randomly. Frankly, it is confusing people who are in the precheck line. What can you tell us that we can do to maintain the brand for precheck. Our goal is to increase enrollment and free and i understand why that activity would be a disincentive in a way for people to pay the fee and enroll in for a check. We no longer move people randomly from standard line into precheck. That was done in the past, what we do is if there is a canine in and its weekly series of passengers without reaction then we feel we have done some that into the canine and remove those passengers in the precheck. Its a way to manage lanes. I talked in my office weeks ago about the need for a k9ional consortium of protection breeding and training experts and that that a bill that together and that i that which is next week will have tsa experts along with University Researchers work to create a scientifically validated standard for canines. I want to ask your commitment to work with me with the sense of urgency this issue deserves to advance out legislation. You have my commitment and im a strong supporter of canine programs did i think they provide tremendous capability. I yield back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from rhode island. The chair recognizes mr. Keating. Thank you admiral for your service. 3dnt to get back to the technology. You said hypothetically that could be done, but you are looking at this right now. There are prototypes right now. You are saying hypothetically you could do that now. Are you saying the technology doesnt exist even though its being utilized elsewhere or not . The technology most certainly exists and in fact, im going out to visit the airport next week. So what you mean hypothetically . That is notated hypothetical because of technology. So why is it hypothetical . I have to come up with the funding. That is interesting. So you could use more funding to keep people safer. To invest in the ct thenology involves money tsa does not have. There are other options for that funding. The public or surcharges are nt money. 1. 28 billion of that has been pulled back from what the public is for deficit reduction. You could use 1. 2 billion 1. 28 billion. Would that really help you . In terms of getting rid of the hypothetical for the funding . Yes sir. We compete for funding like every other agency does within the Homeland Security and federal government. How far would that go . That is a lot of money and go a long way. So we could be safer clearly because the technology and savoring your opinion. We are taking away the passenger funded money and also the president s budget decreases that. Are you satisfied with the budget . I wouldnt disagree with the fact that additional money makes us safer. Are you satisfied the keeps us safe given the technology is practically available us right now . I was not involved in that budget was im just asking your opinion. Im not blaming you for the budget. With saverisfied with that budget when you just said that money being taken away from passenger portion of this and the budget itself could make us safer because of the 3d scanning . That is not satisfactory to me. When that budget was developed, we were not on the path of ct development, so that was not a program that was reviewed for investment when the budget was developed. Now we are there though. So would you favor taking that money back . We had the funds available. We are talking about 10 million plus for a wall. We have the money. So you are telling me that we are not safe, americans are not safe. We have technology to make them safer, but it is money that is keeping us, not the technology itself. Im clear on that . I did not believe is that americans werent safe. Safer. Certainly additional investment would make travelers safer. The program a good program . Wise of being cut when it needs to be. It is a tradeoff of other priorities. You disseminated the budget and other things, it wasnt in sequence. But this was already there so we knew about it. That is being cut. That keeps us safer, but we are not funding that either. Yes sir. When you look to the budget, here is a question to think about is can use the funding to provide more transportation Security Officers in a checkpoint versus a team. I think there is a tradeoff with the wall. We know and we cant get into it, but it was discussed before at a classified hearing, but we and thatesent danger is not talking that anything is not classified. We have a present danger right now. We have the technology and resources to do it and were not doing it because of funding because were taking it away for Budget Reduction on what people pay themselves out of their own pocket to do it and we are paying for a wall. I yield back. The chair recognizes mr. Barletta from pennsylvania. For years ive called on congress and the Obama Administration to complete a biometric exit entry screening system which the 9 11 commission called an essential investment in our security. Tracking the arrival and departure of foreign visitors to the United States is a critical part of our National Security and immigration control. Without this information, it is impossible to know whether foreign visitors have left the country or overstayed their visas. Using only biographic information is not enough. Because it does not prove without a doubt the person leaving is the same person who entered. An automated entry and exit screening system for foreign nationals entering and departing the u. S. Has been required for years and has been ignored. Im pleased we now have a president whos upmost priority is ensuring the safety of the American People. President trump is clearly laid out a series of essential border and National Security priorities that include the speedy completion of a biometric exit entry traffic system for all travelers the United States. Although entry exit policy and operations are primarily under the jurisdiction of u. S. Customs and Border Protection, tsa is an important entity in protecting United States. Cep totsa working with utilize Biometric Technology to enhance National Security . Our desire is also to use biometrics as it passengers approaching the checkpoint are the first stop right now is to provide her passport and drivers license and that is checked by the officer. What would like to get to is also a biometric and our desire is to have the same biometrics the u. S. Customs and Border Protection uses. We coordinate with them extensively on this. Weve tested as a Biometric Technology in our checkpoints. Those are under evaluation right now. How is tsa working to ensure information is properly shared between the agencies . We meet with customs and Border Protection on a regular basis. We have a very strong relationship with them. I am confident we will find a way to share that information securely. The castrodes, regime has ruled with an iron fist over the nation of cuba, i believe the concession should not be made until the castro dictatorship gives their people the basic freedoms that we as americans take for granted every day. Obama administration, commercial Flight Travel between the u. S. And cuba resumed. We are still largely unaware of the day today operations of cuban airports, including employee screenings and training at overall Airport Security. The fact of the cuban government controls the vetting and hiring of many airport employees is a significant vulnerability. Can you please tell me what steps are being taken by tsa to address the security risks at cuban airports and on commercial flights between the u. S. And cuba . In our effort to raise the bar on global Aviation Security, there are series of measures, some of our even implemented. Aters begin to be implement october 26. Tsa inspectors have done an intro a tremendous job to ensure the july measures were implemented according to our guidance. All countries complied, including cuba. While they were in cuba checking for the july compliance, they also checked for the october 26 compliance and cuba is one of the first countries to calm under full compliance with the october 26 measures. So on a basis of overall standards in our inspection of their efforts to get there and achieve the standards, we have found in compliant with both measures. Thank you and thank you for your service. You have a tough job. The chairman recognizes new jersey. Thank you mr. Chairman. Mr. Administrator, i live in new jersey, and i am very concerned about the threat to surface Transportation Systems such as mass transit and Passenger Rail. We witnessed recent attacks in other places against these systems and we also know that al qaeda has tried to instruct these on how to attack kinds of places. We talked a lot about Aviation Security and all that is being done. But i need to talk you about surface transportation. Authoritysa have the that it needs to ensure that our Nations Service Transportation Systems will be secure . We have the authority to regulate and the authority to issue security directives for a Transportation Systems. Do you have the capacity to do the things you have the authority to do . That is an area i am looking at very closely. As you know, i spent some time in the new York New Jersey area last week and ive met with other owners and operators on the surface Transportation Systems. It is an area of focus for me and it want to ensure we are properly resourced for it. It is an interesting issue that is very important to me and the neck of the woods that i come from and i am planning to have a field hearing to discuss this. I would love to be able to discuss this with you there. I would like to now ask you and talk you about sort of the tsale and the placement of in sort of the network of good morale that morale. It has been traditionally a low and i was just wondering what your plan to address this low morale issue. Correct that morale is not anywhere near where we would wanted to be, but in the most recent Employee Viewpoint survey, overall numbers went up by several points. So the trend line for the first time in many years is now positive. I want to spend a good amount of time understanding this morale issue. Certainly some things that were already put in place are in place very shortly. One is investing in the leadership of a transportation Security Officers in the front line. I think it is important we provide in the skills when it comes to leadership positions so they can properly take care of the folks that are now in their charge. One of the most critical areas for security for us in our entire system, additionally i think its important we invest in training are transferred to be experts at the job they are asked to do, which are very difficult jobs under a lot of pressure. Is that our people are doing or doing an excellent job here they are dedicated to the mission. Its our job is in the agency to properly provide the training they need to perform in the support they need to be successful. Employee morale is incredibly high priority issue for me. I would submit that as morale improves some Security Effectiveness improves the same time. It is our job to see you have forresources you need money, security, procedures need to be met to keep us all very safe and for that reason, i also support not draining the aviation back into the general fund when indeed, youre such a cement such an obvious need that we have a responsibility to. I was also very interested in you is the new administrator there, your willingness to commit to reviewing all the policies and procedures that lead to pathways to more secure jobs. I have tremendous respect for your frontline employees. And how to them every time i am flying, they are courteous and i have found them to be so. My husband carried a bag with everything from his childhood to this time in his life often get taken aside going through that bag. I appreciate that because i measuree that that is a of double checking. Even though he looks real innocence and he is a little older and all, it could be a problem to anybody. The people very conscientious. Having said that, their policies and procedures that may impede successful retention as well as upward mobility for your employees and im wondering if you will commit to having a serious review of those. I commit to that and i appreciate your comments about the work. That is been my experience as well. I generally appreciate the hard work they do. One of the things were working on and we should have out in a short amount of time, because i do want to shorten the cycle ames for tsa decisions is career path for our frontline officers and required gates of training for both resident and nonresident that will be provided for them as they go to the next level in the organization as prerequisites for promotion. I want to place a great deal of emphasis and audi very happy to have that discussion with you. Thank you mr. Dennis trader and mr. Chairman, i yield back. The chair recognizes mr. Catto. Well i was waiting, i was and i noticedine eight minutes ago the Trump Administration reversed some of president Obama Policies with respect to cuba. Are you aware any of that was coming . Yes sir. It will scale back tremendously the travel. If you have an opportunity to write digest, i would appreciate you getting back on to us about what that means. As i may have mentioned in a previous setting, i got back from a congressional delegation not too long ago that left to western europe to look at airports and security. One of the things we heard from people in germany and amsterdam and jordan is that Security Officials routinely think many airports that technically meet standards are not living up to or not adhering to the standards. Have you heard that before . I have not. And a test iko that those are good standard. We need to as a Global Community implement the standards consistently across the globe and with a sense of urgency. How do we do that . Primarily from my perspective we have a quad4. Those countries, we are completely aligned to aggressively implement the standards and we represent most of the air traffic in the world. So we will continue to impress that with our partners and leadership. I would also say with the opportunity to sit down with the secretarygeneral while i was there and it is greatly improving priority of security within the organization. It was initially a Safety Organization and now it a significant security responsibility. I was impressed by the staff commitment to pursuing security and being aggressive. You sound more positive about it that our european context do. Counterparts do. They are expressing concern about many countries, especially countries flying to their airports that may not be at hearing to the minimum standards. My take is that it is a minimum standard thing at some of the airports have met that meet standards are shocking. I dont necessarily agree with you that the standards are robust. You see a lot of airports in the caribbean that technically may be meeting the standards that is jawdropping. Im going to spend a good part of the day with my European Commission counterparts on the trip to europe so what i will have that discussion. The other thing we saw what went to europe, all the European Union airports now mandate 100 employee screening. Even in the country of jordan, they mandated 100 screening. We saw firsthand at its quite robust. Separate entrances, it doesnt seem to indicate a huge burden for them. You have the differences in the u. S. Is amazing. To me, i want to know your is ithether it is that much more difficult in the u. S. To have 100 employee screening . Because the rest of the world seems to be doing it ok. I share your concerns. I think is one challenges facing us is the overall community. That and cargo with certain personal Electronic Devices. I want to get a lot more information as to what it is thats possible with in the United States airports with respect to this. Say ifre studies that you randomly screen a certain effective asre as 100 . I want to take a look at that, i havent had a chance to get a look into it. The secure areas on the tarmac and it is narrative a that i think we need to take another look at. Atlanta has gone to full screening. Since ive been in office, we have had done weve had major rug trafficking is changes the country falling insiders. Weve had flight attendants carrying drugs into checkpoints because they are not screened. In the case of dallasfort worth we had an employee who was checking the manifest to see where her fellow air marshals were flying and he was a leader for the drug traffic which he offered to bring anything on board, including bombs. So i dont subscribe to your fact that the best case screening is working. In that case they knew where the sprinters were and simply went to other entries that word not secure. Were not secure. So i respectfully ask you to respond with me in 10 days or so to whether or not employee screening is something we should employ. The chair recognizes mr. Rice. Miss rice. I would like to align myself with the comments of my colleague from new jersey. New york is one of the most extensive public Transportation Systems in the world and im glad to hear that surface transportation is a priority for you and i would like to join with my colleague to speak with you Going Forward and to the results of urinalysis your currently doing. I think the other thing that you are doing well is focusing on the morale of the employees. In the short time it ive been here, it is a persistent with regards to who sits in your chair and who holds that position. You can understand why they im glad to hear that you are focusing on the morale. If you speakhing to employees they would want to make sure that you have their back and a lot of that has to do with our you in a position, do you feel like you can tell the president or anyone in the administration that youd need certain things, but policies theyre putting in place are maybe not best for the National Security director of our country . To that end, i dont know if this is something that everyone some kind go through of comprehension process, do you were you required to take any kind of loyalty oath to the president toward ministration . No maam. I did go through a confirmation process with committees. So what would you tell employees question mark if you are doing this now and you are looking at all the information, short,f summoned him up do you feel you have the ability to say that publicly and ask for the resources from either congress or the administration through administrative actions . My job is to advocate for transportation security and advocate for it strongly and advocate for our employees having the right tools. I advocate for that as the budgets are being built in the administration so right now we are working on the fiscal 19 budget. My job is to be strong as advocate for them in that process. I have never im never going to get all the resources, nothing anyone Agency Leader would say they would. There are tradeoffs in the budget limits. My job is to make sure that those tradeoffs, if they need to be made, are made considering the urgency of the tsa. Your workforce of the first line of defense. So im glad you recognize that. Final question, you been in this position . Almost 3 months. You feel like it is a lifetime . No. No. What would you say are your Biggest Challenges as you see them in the short time you have been there . That is a great question. The Biggest Challenges, the first is bringing more technology. It is clear that needs to be done. I dont think anyone disputes that needs to be done, we are trying to do it as urgently as we can. If i were transportation Security Officer working on the frontline, i have been with many of them the last several weeks, you are going to do a better job if you are more confident, that reinforces that your agency and your government is willing to invest in the tools to do the job you are being asked to do, bringingst priority is technology into the system through innovation and the other focus is on the workforce, that workforce is the last line of defense. The workforce consists of folks at the checkpoint. We have a good number of people who do vetting for passengers before they can get to the airport around the world. We have regulations and federal air marshals. That whole system of employees to me, make sure they have the tools, training and support they need, and do that by my goal as administrator is to be out of dc as often as im in dc so had a 50 50 balance, i wanted to introduce myself, when i get in the field which is once a week or more i do town halls with employees and i want to hear their points of view and what their concerns are, once they raise a point of view or in issue to get back with a resolution. Your predecessor had a big focus on trying to increase morale among the workforce. I just ask you, i dont know if you have spoken to him, but he put a focus on training, giving additional ongoing training. I dont know if you continued that or chose to change the training of the workforce. Did not change it. Actually enhanced it. What he did was instituted the academy where all employees went to this academy for two weeks of introductory training, absolutely continued that. We have mapped out a career path for employees at the check lanes that shows the training they will receive from us to make them eligible for promotion at Different Levels in the checkpoint. That hasnt been done in the past. It has been one of the challenges of trying to think about it and map it forward and publish it so we intend to publish this so that our new employees and folks that have been seasoned employees can look at this is my career path from entrylevel to becoming a supervisor at the checkpoint and here is resident and nonresident training to be ready for those positions. Thank you, i yield back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from louisiana, mister hagans. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Admiral, thank you for appearing before us, thank you for your service to our country. Screening technology, computed tomography utilizes 3d imaging and through the noncheck line all bags are checked in this manner and in the nonprecheck line, the human being removing their shoes, checked in a similar manner. Is that correct . That is correct. And if a threat is detected in bags it goes to the screening and that bag is physically checked by tsa operators and in a similar manner as the human being, some sort of threat is detected on that human, that person is checked in a similar manner. That is correct. For the precheck passengers are they required to remove their shoes . They are not. The bag is checked in a similar manner. The difference is precheck passengers dont divest themselves of Electronic Devices. They can keep them in their bags. The precheck passenger goes through a metal detector. Will the metal detector ceramic detect ceramic or composite plastic knife . Metal detectors are designed tect metallic devices, so they wont detect some objects. Will a metal detector detect an all plastic component of pepper spray or mace device . Likely not. The 9 11 hijackers used knives and mace and pepper spray, correct . Correct. Would you agree based on what we just discussed, the final line of defense regarding protecting our citizenry from inflight hijacking threat is the federal air Marshals Service, the flight deck officer program . Would you concur that is the final line of defense . Yes, sir, but i also say theres a frontline for that overall posture and that is the vetting process that gets folks into precheck in the first place. Our assumption based on vetting of those passengers is they represent less risk. Understood, but we just determined there is the possibility given Current Technology that is in use across the country, many millions of precheck passengers could potentially pose a threat. You agree . There is never a 100 guarantee. The final line of defense being federal air Marshals Service and flight deck officer program. Federal air Marshals Service has not hired any new air marshaler new air marshal as a supervisor since 2011, correct . They have hired in the last couple years. Do you know what those numbers are . I do not. Can you provide that please . Yes, sir. I am also advised the federal air Marshals Service does not have a complete timely data report to the extent to which air marshals have completed their recurrent training. Do you have data to what extent the current air marshals have maintained their annual training . Domy understanding is we track currency with annual training, but i dont know if theres a database that does it. Are you satisfied the federal air Marshals Service, as well, let us not overlook the flight deck officer program which allows pilots and other crew members to take part in special federal air marshal training courses in self defense, close range target instruction . Are you satisfied with that level of training or share with the committee what your plans are to beef that up . The federal i have been through part of the training that is provided and that training is excellent overall. The number of people enrolled has grown over the course of time. It is a very Beneficial Program from my perspective for inflight security coupled with our federal air marshals who are there is a reasonable possibility they will be on a flight. Thank you for your attention to that matter. I believe it is urgent. I will yield back. Chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Thank you, mr. Chairman and Ranking Member. I thank you for holding this most important hearing. I want to thank David Pekoske for your comments and testimony. I reached out to john wayne airport, which is the only International Airport in orange county, california, my hometown. I was pleased to learn the airport enjoys a productive relationship with tsa and i thank you and tsa for committing to the security of our passengers in orange county. I wanted to also follow up ms. Rice and miss watson specifically on tsa personnel and morale. The more i learn about the job tsa is entrusted with the more i think of them as First Responders really, Police Officers, firefighters, the job they have is a very serious one, the burden is a tremendous one, and failure is unacceptable and so im concerned about retention rates, morale, what is your retention rate like . The retention rate for fulltime employees varies by airport based on cost of living, airport size and things like that, but average across the enterprise is 12 . I agree with you. 80 move on . Nd no, 12 attrition rate. But like i said it varies by airport. You talked about a two week academy training. Is that enough given we continue to face threats that are always evolving technologically in every other way, do you have continuing training for these individuals so they are up to par for what is going on . There is continuing Training Provided at the airport as onthejob training and instructor training at the airport coupled with tsa academy. As we build up the roadmap for our transportation Security Officers, there will be other opportunities for them to go back to georgia for training. How long does the average tsa Employee Stay . I dont know off the top of my head. I have seen the reason i ask is if you get the moraleto up, which i think is appreciating and having folks recognize the importance of tsa personnel, which is a function of ongoing training and salary and other things, the longer they are there the more expert they become at recognizing things that are not normal and being able to investigate. I would like to work with you, the committee would like to work in making sure your personnel are more professional so they are looked upon and feel like a Police Officer would feel or firefighter, which is our job is an important one, we have got to take it that way, just cant have folks showing up to work and say here i go another 8 hours, but rather, i have an important job to do. Couldnt agree more. I yield the remainder of my time. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from california. Thank you. My district is home to the port of los angeles, americas port. We just had a hearing out there. I thank the chairman and Ranking Member for doing that. The port of l. A. Manages highvolume traffic and features passenger and cargo terminals. Last week when we had the field hearing, one of the witnesses we had from that area expressed concern over the transportation worker identification credential program, he described it as a feelgood measure that was ineffective and expensive and posed significant hardship on americans who work on the waterfront. He had problems with enrollment delays, due process concerns for employees who have to appeal at interim denial. He mentioned workers who obtained Police Records in order to prove no disqualifying convictions. Ic to improve tw the program a priority for you . The program has been in place for a number of years. I used to have a twic card myself. Recently looked at the throughput data for enrollment and enrollment proceeds relatively quickly, at least as far as other potentially programs unless there is an anomaly that needs further investigation so that is perhaps what you are talking about or someone talked to you about. I will look at how long it takes to resolve those issues but most of the burden to provide documentation to support a potential twic enrollee to support their contention if they should have one falls on them. There are greater problems than the enrollment process and we can talk about that. The 114th congress, they enacted a bill, the worker identification assessment act requiring ths commission an outside organization to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the benefits and the cost of the card. Do you know what the status of that is and do you expect the assessment to be completed in a timeline established by the legislation which is in march 2018 . I dont know what the status is, but i will be happy to get back to you with that information. If we could get something in writing that would be fantastic, and i want to echo some of the concerns of my colleagues about what we had this morning, i was able to come to part of it. I had a markup this morning and i had an experience a month ago, flying home to california, and was in an airport that was pretty empty. I dont think we saw a passenger go through for 20 minutes and it allowed me to stand there and talk to some of the tsa agents. I said, if you could take one issue to congress, here we are with people tasked with stopping explosives from going through to a plane which could prevent a terrorist attack yet the morale is low and we havent had an increase in pay. I wanted to mention that because i promised the tsa agent that i ran into i would bring this back and ask about it and i wonder if that would help what we are seeing to improve not just morale but make sure we are getting people in these positions who are being very thorough and making sure we are not missing any possible threatening situations from coming to the airport. I think it would help. Part of the roadmap for career gates innt has pay it. It shows what you are paid is not adjusted because it will change by what the basic pay is and what your pay increase gaetz would be because that is a common issue i have heard as well, you join tsa and havent had a pay raise where most other employees in privatesector or government get some longevity increase along the way. What we tried to do in this key pay raises to achievement of certain training goals. For example, when you finally go to the tsa academy in the first 180 days of employment, upon graduation from the academy program, you get a pay raise and if you got promoted to a lead transportation Security Officer, someone in charge of that particular lane you get another pay raise and we map those out on a percentage basis someone could see if i entered the pay what pay within four or five years might it achieve if i got this training and i was a very good performer so part of it is to map out with a pay increase would be and importantly for me, also what kind of Development Training and leadership develop and we provide. Thank you, i yield back. Ranking member recognized. A couple things, mr. Administrator, whistleblower protection. Is there a reason we dont offer the same protection for tsa workforce as other federal employees . I dont know that we dont. I thought we did provide that, i will look at that. From my perspective whistleblowers should be protected from retaliation. Absolutely. If you would, check that out. Get back to us. There is some misunderstanding of the language, and employees feel they cant do the right thing for fear of reprisal. I think it would be very helpful. I want them to do the right thing. Absolutely. The chairman talked about ct scanners and other things. I think everyone agreed that was the way forward in terms of new technology. Some of us have looked at the cargo situation as one of the ways to move that and i think there is a demonstration perhaps on the way somewhere in light of what happened in australia and we are trying to pursue legislation that would move that along and ideas about it and we have some ideas about it and i have introduced the air cargo security improvement act of 2017. I would like to get your view back to us on where you think ct scanning makes sense and follow that. I do know the way you check can vary and be effective, the use of canines to check the cargo. The challenge with Ct Technology with respect to air cargo is the aperture is not large enough to get some pallets through so we other means Cargo Carriers can use to achieve the same security outcome. We are also working with customers on Border Protection on their advanced screening process, and we have some emergency amendments issued with respect to cargo for information coming into the United States. Thank you, admiral, for your testimony today. Firsttulations on your testimony to this committee. The Ranking Member and i will send a letter voicing our concerns over the Inspector Generals report. And addressing our path moving forward, particularly with respect to technology to address the threats we face. Members may have additional questions. In pursuant to the rules, the hearing will be held open for 10 days. Without objection, the committee stands adjourned. 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