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I see a lot of familiar faces here, my colleague diplomats, representatives of foreign of conferences and events on nonproliferation. Thank you so much for coming your today. Express e to this i would like to express special gratitude to the director for cooperating with the foreign minister. Over the years of your work, this forum has become an important platform for the discussion on nonproliferation for representatives, leaders, and all those who deal with such important aspects of nonproliferation, antidevelopment and arms control. In june we will be marking the signing, the anniversary of the signing of the nonproliferation treaty, the npt, which is the of thert nonproliferation regime. Thewe have to say that treaty that has laid down the foundations of nonproliferation is now challenged quite a lot, and it is to a large extent related to the fact that many countries are challenging the norms and values and the successes that have become the result of our collective efforts. We are worried that unfortunately, the conference, as we come to the conference in 2020, we must have all the results we want, and the results telle conference in 2015 us quite a lot. The position of russia is well known. We dont want to join the and theyons, believe that they are they want toned. Limit and Ban Nuclear Weapons completely. But the complete elimination of Nuclear Weapons is only possible if equal security is guaranteed for all. Andritten down in the npt, the document on the Nuclear Weapons ban, we are very far from these principles. We need to take into account all factors that influence stability and destabilize the nonproliferation regime. As a result, the world can become even less stable. There is more agreement on the existing elements of the nonproliferation regime. It is quite unclear, what the zone can beon free created in the middle east. , ascreation of this zone far as 1995, and the consensus in 2015 and an opportunity was lost to actually move towards implementing this. We are convinced the lack of specific steps towards this tol, from the u. K. The u. S. , all contribute to the creation of this zone will have negative effects for the progress. We still support the creative mint of the zone and will continue to work with all the interested parties and all the interested countries. Success lies in finding a consensus in a broader security context. We have still not resolved the issue of the comprehensive test of Ban Treaty Nuclear Test ban treaty. We continue to work toward implementation, and we call upon all of the eight countries to so asd ratify the treaty, to contribute to the nonproliferation regime. The terrorists they use weapons of mass destruction also need to be combated. That is why we have resolutions and conferences. Resolution 1540 of the United Nations will do a lot to prevent the Nuclear Weapons and chemical weapons from coming into the hands, following into the hands of terrorist organizations. That we need unified and comprehensive norms to tackle this problem. That is why in geneva, we will launch efforts to implement in against chemical and biological weapons. We believe this initiative is in the interests of all the states, and it can lead to progress in the geneva process. We can see a lot of attempts to resources, to direct these resources to make this instrument and of pressure on other countries to expand its mandate, to make it responsible for nuclear and for reviewing. Ilitary activities that out,e would like to point the International Atomic Energy Agency needs to remain a guarantor in the area of nonproliferation. And all states need to be responsible for providing physical security on Nuclear Weapons in their territory, including the parameters of their national systems, their security systems. Do what we can to make Everything Possible so that the guarantees of the agency remain nonpoliticized, and works towards implementing, towards a lot of issues such as the joint comprehensive plan of and theowards iran, International Agency is doing a and actually implement the plan of action in iran. In any case, the situation around the Uranium Nuclear the workaround this problem continues. It is evident that the failure of the joint comprehensive plan of action is due to one of its most active actors. It would be a warning signal to all of the members of this group tackle thee who problem. The resolution of this problem requires actions from all the parties in preventing a conflict that will lead to a great economic, political, ecological contest or fee terror catastrophe. All parties need to show restraint and all the resolutions taken with regards to the Nuclear Problem in north , there were calls to restore diplomatic processes and diplomatic dialogue. There is no other alternative. Responsible all members of the International Support the ideals laid down in the russiachina roadmap. And our foreign ministers, on the fourth of june, expressed these ideas. We believe that all these actions will allow us to deescalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula and create comprehensive security, not just in the Southeast Asia region but in the world as a whole. We call on other countries to create this balance to use this factor of force, and resolve their own issues while at the same time forging international stability. One of the most important problems is in asiapacific and on the regions, attempts to create a Missile Defense system, and moving elements of this system closer to russia and chinese borders. I would call on managing the regarding this remain unanswered. We would continue the deployment and we are worried about what is happening. We would like to lower the threshold for which Nuclear Weapons would be used. We reject placing Nuclear Weapons new the territories of other states and we call on other nations with interest, in and aof Nuclear Weapons, short range missile treaty we have talked a lot about. We have expressed our concern how itashington, continues to blame us, and this approach does not lead to any progress. We see this provocation is an attempt to show russia as a villain in the international arena, while at the same time keeping silent about their own failings. On the short range end intermediate range Missile Program is quite clear. Mr. Putin yesterday clearly expressed russias position. On national affect stability is furthered by other factors. There are threats that space can for international confrontation, military confrontation. And needs to be prevented, the russianchinese project on the nonproliferation of nuclear. Eapons in space the nonproliferation is a collective responsibility of all the world. Russia is ready to work with anyone who wants to make International Peace and security more stable. I am ready to answer your questions. Thank you. [applause] you will be given a chance to ask three questions. I will give an opportunity first of all, to our foreign friends. You has sent a very experienced ambassador now, to washington. Has experience in negotiating strategic arms control with the United States. I am wondering what you have proposed to him, to restart the arms control dialogue with the United States. You yourself mentioned, we have a big breakdown in this vital working relationship between the new between the two between the two nuclear superpowers. Lavrov we have had problems in our dialogue with the u. S. In recent months in recent years. During the Previous Administration there were many thanks that were failing there were many things that were failing. This is a different conversation. But after the Trump Administration came to the white house, we have stated our readiness to renew dialogue on all direct and. We understand clearly, the situation that the new administration is in, how much pressure it is in at the moment,. He allegations against it is still confronted by those who supported the still, we are confronted. Still, we are ready to renew dialogue in all directions. On the scale that would be comfortable to the Trump Administration. I talked about that with the u. S. President when we talked in the oval office in spring this year. Before that, i talked with rex tillerson, who came to moscow. Developed a we channel of communication. Apart from other issues, we onked at where we stand nuclear stability. The main issue we discussed was the bilateral issues, how to prevent the spiral of conflict from escalating. In september, we had a conversation on stability. Of strategicsues limitation of arms. Missiles. Ortrange i cannot say the dialogue we to see any us positive results in the near future, but this is still renewed. Onwill be continued bilateral channels. Mark fitzpatrick, from the International Institute for strategic studies. Thank you for your time. Most everyone here agrees with you that the Iran Nuclear Deal needs to be preserved. One of the threats to the deal involves questions about the verification of the socalled section t, prohibiting activities relating to Nuclear Weapons and their development. Generalthe secretary has asked for tools to be strengthened in verifying section t. Do you agree this would be a good idea to strengthen the iaes mandate to verify section t . You cannot strengthen something you dont have. There is no mandate to verify this section. Reflects the consensus with the participation of the e. U. And the security council, that the changes to any part of this i am convinced, as europe,colleagues in end any attempts to put an to these talks in terms of the iranian Nuclear Problem. Can you say two words about yourself, general . I am a retired military officer from pakistan. Impressive. [laughter] the best part was it still to come. The best part was still to come. Frankly, i am in the business of peacemaking. Armament rear mament. My question was about the stumbling blocks. Usually, as is heard often, we hope it will happen. There is a wishlist. Astutely deviate from mentioning the problem. If there are problems you would like to highlight, what is preventing us from achieving that goal . Thank you. It is not a question. A philosophical point i heard from you. We need to base our actions on the spirit of the agreement. Important to maintaining efforts toward farther limitations in production of arms in the context of a towardsnsive trek weapons reduction. The newt ignore achievements in terms of militaristic knowledge. We cannot ignore that. Those whoignore support the idea of complete nuclear ban. They ignore the actual threats, to strategic and global stability, for the creation of new, deadly weapons. Npt needs to be maintained and secured. Fferentot have a di so that someone can play games with this. And follow their own line. Include the mutual excuse of documents. We should not allow this to happen. Lavrov will answer another few questions. Thank you. When speaking a few weeks ago, to work andough administrations of russia and the United States to maintain arms control, but to also work with the congress . What is your view . Players is toof be even greater. The issues ofbout strategic stability, it is not just for militaries. It is together with the ministers of defense in russia and federal Securities Services are involved. It depends on how effective in thets are presented package we are proposing. Course, the action of the parliament depends on that. I see the administration of the u. S. President trying to work with governments. We see parties that try to use the congress to create unsurmountable obstacles for the american administration. Continue, these talks i dont think we will receive any specific reaction from the congress. The scope have been saying for quite some time. We have beena saying for quite some time. I am the ambassador for disarmament from sweden. We all agree about how crucial the agreement is. Wondering, apart from organizing this excellent morerence, what could a increased contribution be from . He Russian Federation alright. Dont ask what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. We are blames not only for in the american elections, people are worried Russian Hackers will be involved in french elections. And the elections of many other countries. Accused of trying to interfere with the minsk agreements. We are accused of the problems in the syrian peace process. Fortunately, there has been less talk about that recently. Probably, we will be made responsible for the north Korea Nuclear program issue. I dont think its reasonable to russiawill be up to whether the 2020 conference will be effective. We see here soemone someone who can tell you in detail about that. The understanding we reached on negotiations on the creation of a Nuclear Free Zone in the middle east, we are ready and prepared. I will not go into details right now. All of the people in the conference who needed to engage met with us, started to there is a lot of goodwill coming from us. Place astalks taking part of this process. We are looking for new alternatives, for ways to overcome this pressure. This confrontation. I hope when you talk to americans and other countries that you also point out to them how to make the process successful. 35 years, after the idea of convening such a conference blow tohere will be a the process. Another small question. I am the counselor of the austrian embassy. A quick question on Nuclear Disarmament proper. For the future, would you see with actions redactions in the bilateral setting to move toward a unilateral setting for Nuclear Disarmament . Currented to ensure the agreement is of limited is implemented. We need to see agreement from russia and the United States. Will continue to think about the next steps. I am convinced that dialogue will continue. Convinced it is quite difficult to talk about a round of where a new talks on further reduction of Nuclear Arsenals can take place in a bilateral format. Recited in the it is moreent than the arsenals of the United States and russia. Thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] will be back in session to consider a Disaster Relief bill. Debt relief for the National Flood insurance program. In the budget resolution by a 5149 vote. Onlypaul was the republican senator to vote against the measure. President trump said the vote stephe first set toward liberating massive tax cuts for americans. Bring you a Panel Discussion of recent Supreme Court rulings involving freedom of speech. This will be starting at 5 p. M. Eastern. Later, janet yellen will be nationalat the Economists Club dinner. She met with President Trump yesterday about her possible reappointment as fair chair as fed chair. This weekend, on American History television. 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Education labor and Pensions Committee chair alexander crafted a bipartisan deal on health care with Ranking Member patty murray joins Senate Colleagues to discuss the latest in health care policy. This came a day after a bipartisan deal was

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