Act. Illance watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern morning. Join the discussion. Next, a discussion on the nuclearf the iranian agreement. This comes a few days after President Trumps announcement that he will not certify for irans compliance with the deal, calling into question its future. Iranianhe National American council, this is an hour and 15 minutes. Hi, everybody. Ok. Such a fantastic crowd. And you are all so young. T is freaking me out seriously. Like youre so young. Its terrifying. Hi. The i am holly. I cover Foreign Policy for politico. Im really pleased to welcome everyone here today for what i hope will be a fruitful. Iscussion first let me introduce our panel ists. I can possibly do justice to all of their accomplishments. Rob malli, Vice President for policy at the International Crisis group. Served in the Obama Administration as special assistant to the president , advisor to the president s campaign and the white house coordinator for the africa and, north the gulf region. When i first got this beat cover ing Foreign Policy, i obtain robs private email address very early on but longest time for some reason i was too shy to reach out to him. And then when i finally did it turns outhim, hes actually a really nice guy. So i dont know why i didnt do it before. Sorry. Going to the other end, john of foreignrector policy studies at the cato institute, which we in the press just say the libertarian thinktank, the cato institute. Interests include grants strategy, u. S. Foreign policy, middle east, the rise of china, and the role and status andhe role of status prestige motivations in Inter National politics. That sounds like everything. [laughter] i never talked to john before so bit of research. Found out theres a john glasier who is an actor and comedian but youre not that guy , right . John that guy has no h in his name. Holly oh. Ok. And the founder of the National IranianAmerican Council. Severalis the author of books including most recently losing an enemy obama, iran, and the triumph of diplomacy. Start thewe discussion, the National IranianAmerican Council has asked me to thank representative david price office for helping secure this venue today. Thank its partners. Ok. To sit down. Ok. You can hear me . Everything ok . All right. The table a little bit. Last week President Trump going to beat hes decertify the Iran Nuclear Deal remains in the u. S. The deal unless or until congress reimposes sanctions on iran. The president also has requested the Congress Look at passing that basically states that if iran takes certain action, including non nuclear action, that that a re automatically trigger imposition of sanctions at the same time, the president wants congress to pass legislation states that the United States considers some parts of the Iran Nuclear Deal that are limited to be time actually be permanent. The goal is to get the inter and irancommunity back to the table to negotiate additional agreements that the trumpat Administration Says are flaws in the nuclear deal. At the same time, the administration is looking at other ways to counter what it activitiess malign in the middle east, which it can be argue ready many from human to backinges terrorist organizations. So im going to ask these guys, rounds ofuple of questions and depending on the factorou know, that will how many questions i have for them and then well open it up for audience questions. The free to get into minutia. I know a lot of you are congressional staffers and you specifics. So feel free to do that. K so john, lets start with you. Lets talk about the merits of administrations argument here. Doesnt the administration have that thehen it says way that the iran deal is structured it will make iran economically and that once certain limits are lifted able tothat it will be return to some sort of nuclear . Rogram while being stronger so why or why not ask congress to step in and address this and pressure the International Community to devise a new approach to a ran . Why not . John its certainly true that the sanctions that were lifted under the deal will allow iran build its economy and improve things for itself. This motion that i think i thinka bias among both sides in american politics that theres this picture of iran of being implacably in a Nuclear Weapon. And i dont think thats actual ly the case. I think theyve actually kind of decision here which is that they go the route of great er engagement with the world, they can develop more europe, both east and west actually, they can improve forgs domestically themselves, and, you know, get sanctions lifted and this kind of stuff by not pursuing a Nuclear Weapon. Or, they could go another route doggedly pursue a Nuclear Weapon and be isolated from the world, sanctioned by way north world the korea is, and sure they would have their security guaranteed by a Nuclear Deterrent but i theyve kind of made a decision that the former route serves their interests more than. He latter that doesnt mean we should give up. A robust still have sanctions i mean inspections regime and so on. Trust that that will always be their determination. But i actually disagree with the notion that we need to constant have the assumption and the presumption that iran is doggedly in pursuit of a Nuclear Weapon and its only a matter of time and a matter of youyou delay it or how prevent it. I think we have to kind of recognize their choice. Holly to that i kind of want to ask you the same question. And i guess ill, you know, add it. To why should we trust the iranian government . I mean, this is the government imprisoned americans, you know, executes ridiculous people, is backing militias and terrorist groups across middle east. I could go on. Why should we trust anything that they say . John so if this deal was built on trust, it would never have to begin with because the United States because it doesnt have trust for the iranian government for some of the reasons you just. Entioned [inaudible] they dont have much government,e u. S. And rest assured that mistrust has been significantly deepened over the course of the last week. Try ta this was never built on trust. Anything, were trusting the inspections regime that the United States itself helped design to ensure that the iranians are not cheating. And we have to remind ourselves particularly because we are within the narrative in which we say we can never trust the iran ians. Well, part of the test here was for the iranians to prove that they can be trusted. Up toats why they lived the end of the bargain. A row now, issued reports saying that the iranians are actually honoring the agreement. Entire premise was that over the course of the next 15 years iranians would prove that they actually can be a responsible player within the International Agreement by liv ends of end of the bargain. And as a result then they would come out of the position that in before in which they had been in violation of the n. P. T. And they needed to be be in goodthem to standing again. And that period ended up staggered atears, some point. But the test was, can they actually live up to their end of the bargain while we are verify ing and inspecting their toacity to do so and be able catch them if theyre not . And i have to remind everyone, particularly mindful of the fact that we have this narrative in which we always think they are untrustworthy. Im not saying that narrative is wrong. But look who it is right now violating 9 deal and talking talk killing the deal and ing about walking out of this deal. We have to face the fact that unfortunately if theres going violation right now its far more likely that that vie tation would be first committed by the United States the iranians. Holly so those are interesting hi points. But if i was a member of congress and i was skeptical of this deal, one of the arguments make isprobably something that nikki haley has said and im directing this rob. That apparently there are like of sites that the i. E. A. Has not been able to get access to in iran and that, you know, theres all sorts of things that we dont know about doing andranians are to i. E. A. Cant get access them. So what would you tell that member of congress . Thats a key piece. Them, ok,hing to tell you can access these 10 sites but not these five military sites. Why should we trust them . Rob so, thanks. Thankful for you coming out. I want to comment on a few of the other questions you asked but i will come to the point you the made because it is at core of what this debate is about. One of the questions you asked is, well, why should we do this deal the iranians will benefit with, the economy will get great er . Of course. The whole point of the sanctions was to pressure iran to get to the point where they would agree at least put real constraints on the Nuclear Program. That was why we imposed sanction so, of course, once they agree to those concessions, the only reason they would do it is because theyre going to lift the sanctions. So if were not prepared to give them any economic benefit, we should what was the whole argument about imposing the sanctions first place . I think thats number one. Yes, theyre going to get some benefit but thats because this was an agreement negotiated, compromised on all sides. Iranians got out of it was some economic benefits, of been i think so far have vast exaggerated. They got some benefit but claimed. Ear thats point one. Point two, you mentioned the audience is very young and that noticeable. Holly, can horrifying. Rob so maybe too young to days in 2013, 2014 when the entire western world and israel were focused on the issue of Irans Nuclear program existence shall issue, war and peace. Maybe there was hype but that was the issue. Thethats the issue that Obama Administration was determined to shut down so that we would not were not faced with that binary option of iran acquiring a nuclear bomb or us iran to prevent them from getting it. That was the focus. Yes, there was a price to be paid, lifting some of the sanctions imposed to get iran to make the concession. Now, you ask about are there flaws in the deal about inspection of sites. This is one of those can yards. Because there are so many to fight back. When i was there, this is one of most robustly negotiated. There are no military sites that i. I. E. Ite that the a. Cannot inspect. If theres some evidence that the United States or somebody i. E. A. Andes to the says we suspect and its not kind of whim but we have some information that theres some activity thats given militarya site, the i. E. A. Has a means of requiring that iran open it up to them. And theres a whole process for that to happen, much tighter, by than what exists with virtually any other country. So this notion that there are hundreds of sites that the i. E. A. Cant inspect, it is true that what the iranians were goistent upon was you cant on a wild goose chase and say we think theres a Nuclear Device supreme leaders bathroom so were going to inspect it. That was something they said they were worried about. Didnt want the i. E. A. To go on a fishing expect decision. Provide some evidence, which nikki haley was unable to i. E. D by her admission and a. s admission, was unable to do. Iranians refuse access and compromises, then that could be a mature breach and then were in a different world. Were not there yet. Theres not been a single instance of request of a i. E. A. Thate by the has been that iran has refus ed. Those mythsne of that are hard to combat because there are so many of them but of them that were hearing every day. Olly being thank you for that john i wanted to make a quick point. Kind of assume theres a calculus behind trump decision and there isnt of the part of the reason we know that is because virtually the nationalof his Security Team urged him to certify. Behindas no strategy decertification. All the strategizing that went was by his national Security Team to try to figure out a way irrationaltrumps distaste for the deal but not back out entirely. Its notable, for example, that trump did not impose sanctions himself which he has to do. Ht its notable that he didnt announce a formal withdrawal asm the deal which, again, the executive he has the right to do. And thats because virtually the , thee world, the i. A. E. A. Europeans, the russians, the intelligenceu. S. Community, the chairman of joint chiefs of staff, the head of u. S. Strategic command, james mattis, Rex Tillerson, h. R. Mc master, again, this was everybody agreed that not only working and iran is complying but that its in the it. Interest to stay in hes put us in a position where we have less leverage than we negotiated initially the deal which means we cant arrangementstive or more concessions out of iran. Theyveve signaled, made clear to congress that they are not asking him to reimpose nuclearrelated sanctions which the thing that actually constitutes a formal violation or withdrawal from us, not the itself. Ication so thats making explicit that decertification is non instrumental. To achievepposed anything other than to broadcast deal. S distaste for the and his babysitters in the white to make it ased easy a landing as possible. Holly that actual actually leads into my next question. But i do want to make something very clear. I think a lot of people dont realize this. Public and frankly around the hill, the United States still has numerous sanctions on iran. The only sanctions that were nuclearrelated sanctions so we still have sanctions related to their Ballistic Missiles, their human violations, and their support for terrorism which means that its actually very, if not impossible for most businesses in this country to do business with iran thats an important clarification because i think a lot of people think the u. S. Lifted all of its sanctions on not. And it has i do want to point that out for people to know. Question, john, stick the president has thrown this into the lap of congress. Play out . S going to what would you predict will happen . John well, its interesting when he made the announcement and there were about aloating around proposal from tom cotton and bob removethat essentially the goal post on the deal itself and try to basically unilateral alter the Multi Lateral agreement which is not going to happen and which would constitute a violation of itself. But before that the main was, will congress reim pose nuclearrelated sanction as they had the opportunity to do within a 60day window of the deal if its decertified or will they ignore trump . And it looked like there was momentum in favor of not reimposing nuclearrelated sanctions senator jeff flake out and said it would be un wise to unburden iran from the restrictions now that theyve benefited from economic saidions senator rand paul something similar. Representative royce, Foreign Affairs committee, said weething similar, that should enforce the deal. So there seems to be, even among that occurredg during the deals signing and afterwards, a recognition that in this deal, it is working so long as iran is complying we should not unilaterally back out and isolate ourselves from the world so it might very well be the case that congress, you know, doesnt reimpose nuclearrelated be aions but its going it close fight. Its going to be difficult. Holly rob . Rob just a little nuance on that answer. I never thought the president , administration, or congress reim impose Nuclear Sanctions because that would be such a blatant violation of the deal, isolate the u. S. , i thought, the administration, and those in congress who want to be tougher on this issue, would not go down that road. I thought and i think thats whats playing out is a different which i doo think is dangerous. I wouldnt minimize the risk, exactly what the president announced, which is he wants congress to pass tie theion that would reimposition of some sanctions, nuclearrelated sanctions to action that iran would take that are consistent with the deal. So for example, as you mentioned , under the deal some lifted afterget year 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. The legislation that the pushing, andn is that some in congress are iranrting work say if engages in activity after those constraints had been lifted, theh are consistent with deal, because the constraints would have been lifted, we would consider that unacceptable and sanctions. Thats a violation of the deal. I think the real test for congress is to make that distinction clear. Yes, we could legislation that says if iran violates the deal were going to impose that shouldf course be the case because thats what the deal itself says. Congress to say were going to impose sanctions that eithern lifted, if iran, engages in activities outside the deal like Ballistic Missiles or support for terrorism or if it takes actions in the Nuclear Field but are permit the by the j cfo a, that would be a violation of the deal and give every excuse for iran to say youre violating the deal, we same. Do the and all the benefits of the deal as we just heard every expert, including the u. S. Government working in block ing irans pathway that gone because were play ing with the deal. This argument its not a violation of the deal because i mean happens today, what would he would say if tomorrow iran announced were going to abide by the nuclear but if in two years the u. S. Has not withdrawn from iraq, all bets off, were going program. Our i think we would say thats a violation of the deal. I think we would say thats un acceptable because our deal had nothing to do with our presence in iraq. If theys to now say engage in activity permit, sanctions are coming back, that violation of the deal , would isolate us from europe, would strengthen the thatiners in iran, and would put news violation of the deal. Trita . Trita very clearly, what trump onworking with the senate right now is a measure that would be a violation of the deal for specifically looking things that absolutely ensures that the iranian will say no to it. The idea that you could have permanent punishment of iran and sign itecting iran to while youre giving them no sanctions is prepositive truss. So the path that hes suggesting there is one that will ensure the deal will be violated, will fall apart. Said, very clearly, if congress does not do this, then i will terminate the deal myself. So here you have it. Both paths that trump is proposing will lead to the deal being killed. Say he hasnt killed it because he didnt do it on friday, is essentially saying kyle it is ifto he does in one move. Hes doing in t in two moves but still killing it. So what john said, listen to what Rex Tillerson said over the weekend in one of the interviews said the real end game is regime change. Ok. Now were starting to holly dont think that was his exact words. The goal iny, like, the long run to get the iran ian Government People to get their government back. Right . Thats different. I want to be clear about that. Trita if youre throwing these things out there, expect a negotiation with the same party looke saying, well, were ing to see that regime gone. This is starting to look like iraq again in which we have a of diplomacy while were pursuing regime change a policy that quite likely will statesgetting the united into a military confrontation with iran. You combine that with the fact that as john said, his own opposition to the deal is everyone elseause inside his own administration disagrees with the decertification and walking out deal. And with the fact that hes presenting congress not with an option to actually have any to do but to ensure that Congress Becomes complicit in the decision of killing the deal. Seconds. En 10 basically what the president is telling congress is lets together, illl violate it alone. I dont think thats a deal that take. Ss should holly i think you can probably tell this panel is a little stacked on one side. Right . So let me [laughter] let me play devils advocate, my favorite role. Trump isnt the only one that doesnt like this deal. All right . Saudis dontthe like this deal. Our friends, the [indiscernible] andt like this deal will im looking at you, rob, because you used to deal with these guys all the time. The israelis do not like this deal and they are thrilled with what the president doing. Shouldnt we care about what our friends think . Rob sure, though its a little overstatement. When you say our friends the theyre holly can, not our friends . Rob no. We have Security Intelligence deal s who say this you have the former Prime Minister who used to be the defense minister who said it be a big mistake for United States to decertify. Yes, he doesnt like it now i think he speaks for israel is that what youre saying. Said theoint has alternative to this deal is [inaudible]. Prime minister netanyahu who had the famous cartoon where he showed that increasing its enrich ment capacity and said this is a threat we have to stop what. President obama stopped it. Youre right this is a stacked el but theres a reason many others have supported this deal who are not suspected of. Ny sympathy i can say in terms of our other allies, correct, the saudis have agenda against iran which we understand and we have supported them militarily so they could irans activities. It doesnt mean we have to securityct National Decisions that involve the u. S. , matters of war and peace, to preference. The ones fighting are not saudi arabia. Its the United States. Are there things not perfect with the deal . Absolutely. Its a compromise. Its not an act of surrender by iran. It was a compromise. Number two, if there are things we want to still talk about, as are, terrorism, Ballistic Missiles, the sunset clause, the not toaddress those is tell the iranians today by the way the deal is no good if you accept these things because then iran may walk a wayne all of those problems will exist, plus well have an iranian Nuclear Program that will start accelerating today not 15 years but today. To do it is lets implement this deal in good faith for a number of years. Then you want to talk to the iranians when theres mutual trust. What . Y, you know there are things we still want to address. Your Ballistic Missile program, your support for certain organizations around the world. Some of the limitation that expire. You mentioned the embargo. They still want that lifted. So have that negotiation but you cant have it when the ink on the deal that has just been sign ed is not even dry and when youre sending the message to the iranians our word is not worth the paper its written on the nexthe next day or administration were going to walk away from it. The deal that exists, make sure iran doesnt move forward on its Nuclear Program beyond what the jcpoa couldnt plates, and, then, yes, there deal with. We will to we know it. We have a pretty hostile relationship with them. Ok. Y im sure youll get your point in, trita. Heres the thing, though. I just have a difficult time surviving. This deal my question is this. Going i go ahead im to address this to john but you can all jump in. Should i go ahead and write the deal . For this heres the thing. Lets say it holds up, you know, years orext 10 whatever, and then, you know, you guys are thinking, all right , maybe now we need to come with some additional agreements, think in the long term. But the iranians have seen that is willing totes elect someone who is willing to completely overthrow the previous administrations decision. Youre iran, wouldnt you right now be making the calculus that, look, i dont care if this apart today or 10 years from now, we are going rely onbecause we cant the stability or consistency of system. Ican john . John they would be justified in coming to that conclusion. However, we shouldnt under estimate the extent to which trump has done iowa ran a favor iran a huge favor. Wedge between us and our european allies, on road from the world. And iran is still at this moment continue toe to trade with these countries and diplomacy witht them and improve relations so iran in a certain sense, im theyre nervous about the extent to which they can trust well abide by the deal but they also in a very in an interesting strategic position that weve kind of given to them on a silver platter. Talked you said youre going to enforce long answers to cut you im going off. John throw something sharp at me if if i go on too long. Im going to Say Something controversial and doesnt win me jconds even among my fellow pa supporters. Theres this bipartisan consensus that irans other regional activities are a major threat to the United States. And this is actually one favor of the jcpoa. We have a Nuclear Issue over here in a box. Ably lian more be confront iran on other activities whether its support for terrorism or Ballistic Missiles or what have you. The reality is, none of irans regional behaviors pose a serious threat to the United States. Let me say that again for emphasis. Irans regional behaviors pose a serious threat to the United States. Holly hold on. John no. Holly hold on. We have troops in iraq, troops syria. Im sorry. I dont buy that. John i will explain and then you will buy it. John only under the most expansive definition of you National Interests can even pausebly frame these issues as a threat to put it slightly slightly differently to address your objection, irans are only ahaviors threat to the United States to the extent that we continue to nose in asticking our region whose strategic importance has been massively for generations. There are essentially three strategic justifications for our excessive over involvement in this region israel, terrorism, and oil. Holly those are really important things. John no, theyre not. Listen. Israel, first of all, is power ful and Strong Enough to doesnt needednd United States. And, from our perspective, they are more of a liability than an asset, to be blunt about it. Secondly, terrorism. It turns out other than being the most egregiously inflated threat in the history of u. S. Foreign policy, it turned out the of military force is not all that effective a tool in addressing the problem. Done more to exacerbate the terrorism problem through our approach in the region post than to mitigate it and it hasnt diminished the already probability threat of an american being killed by a terrorist here in this country. Third, oil. Many of our four deployed bases in the persian gulf are purposed deter iran from attempting to close the strait. Unlike unlikely scenario. First of all, the export most of their oil through the straightso they would be damaging themselves economically by doing this and all of irans regional farls, many of whom have superior conventional military capabilities than iran does, think its a interest the s trait stays open and on top of have Rapid Deployment capabilities that can respond to fromunlikely contingencies offshore. So we can easily take a step back from this region and not damage our interests seriously. So when you hear about how iran s support for hezbollah and hamas threatens the United States, how . These groups have local concerns thate could easily make none of our business tomorrow if we wanted to. Holly can thats definitely the speaking. N in you i got to jump . Here. Holly fine two minutes. Trita i am on the panel. To ourtioned listen friends. Youre right. That means we should listen to the brits. We should listen to the germans. Listen to the french. We should listen to the south of our, indians, oven allies who support this deal. You managed to exhaust the list of opponents and theres three of them. Holly but they support the deal because of business interests. Making money. Trita oh, my god. If you think that the europeans sacrifice the American Market for the tiny Iranian Market in comparison and not about security, that they were never actually genuine about trying to prevent proliferation, i think thats an insult to our friends. Youre not listening to them. Youre insulting them bring saying this. More over, those three nations that arementioned opposed to it and rob is it quite right. In the case of israel, it is the Prime Minister and part 69 political elite. It is not the security establish. Ent there also happen to be three countryies in either their governments or parts of their government have been on record, inadvertently at times, support ing military action. Gainst iran i think it is a bit of a correlation. If you are killing this deal, a both iranprevented from getting a Nuclear Weapon and prevented war between the iran, tookes and those two options off the table, if if you kill the deal, you put backen opt thens table. Holly heres something that and rob canf you touch on. You made the point that, oh, my gosh, why would the europeans marketck the iranian over the American Market . But if i was trump, you know, or one of the people who supports hes doing right now, i would say the same thing. I would be like, look, you know, can decertify, we can impose the sanctions back on, and the europeans in the end will come with us because they care about our market more than they care about that market. Trita if it was just economics, perhaps that would work. Holly what do you think . Rob it might work. Know. T thats why i am worried about this deal. You asked should you write the eulogy . Not. E i Hope Congress will stand up to the self ininflicted wound by administration. I hope others will stand up. Is it possible that if the threat if the administration goes through with this and tells the europeans you choose our market or the iran happens. Knows what but thats not a good scenario and shouldnt be for the administration because that means at that point, and i think iranians made that as clear as can be if they have to live under the constraints of nuclear deal where theyre not getting the economic benefits which are the only benefits of getting out of this now, why would they stick to it . We would be in a position where iran will say thank you very much, inspectors are going home, constraints are forgotten, and well resume the Nuclear Program a few years ago we were saying and Prime Minister net net was saying was a threat. It might work but thats the worst outcome which would be the end of deal. Ifs is where, you know, the administrations calculation is we are going to try to pressure iran to change the terms of the deal and we could do it through the europeans, guarantee you it wont work. It will not work. The deal will not be changed this way. Ae only way you could have supplemental deal is by implementing this one in good faith. So im not contradicting you. Think that many businesses are going to say, you know, we have this American Market, we cannot matter what our leaders may say about how we need to stand firm. But that for me is a nightmare scenario where you will see iran say goodbye to this deal. And i dont see where we have a better alternative on offer right now. Holly one more question before open it up to the floor for a while. I guess i want you all to jump in quickly. Yourself in the mind of someone who opposes this deal. Ok . Advising a member of congress about what to do. What strategy would you give follow . You oppose the deal. Witz. D youre rebound rebound witz. You want us give advice . Holly can i do. Trita i was actually quite surprised that during this debate in 2015 and still today i think one of the arguments that could be used against the deal i dont happen to agree with it but unlike many of the other arguments actually have a basis whereas many of the other oh, we dont have access to these sites and things like that frankly are factually incorrect. At the end of the day, this deal ended, if it ended decades long policies pursuing an all isolation and contain ment of iran, its a deal that the United States recogniz ed for better for worse iran is a major player in the region and that were going to strategyre effective if we actually recognize that and try to talk to them and make deals with them rather than allout outt an containment strategy could work. From the perspective of the United States, even if you dont take the position john took right now of saying, look, the region carries no strategic value, i would have a variation of that of say willing that i value of theategic region has plummeted for a variety of reasons, not to say was never important, combined with the fact that the cost of getting involved in this has skyrocketed. Because its one thing to be the [indiscernible] of the region when it is a relatively function ing region of function ing states. Its a completely different be the hedgemon of a region with three failed states and potentially two additional ones in the next couple of years. Youre responsible for security region. Why would anyone want to be that compliant that with the super power, United States global be to make sure that there are no global peer competitors emerging that can challenge the United States. Not a country like iran that might challenge the u. S. Region that someone actually can challenge the u. S. On a global scale. The United States gets bogged down in what is essentially strategically margin conflict, the less of a capacity it will have to be able to address these challenges that will be coming in the next decade or two. But from the perspective of some region, whether youre saudi arabia or one of the of doesntuntries that figure in because you are faced with an iranian rival. You cannot balance iran on your so you want the United States to do the job for you. If youre saudi arabia, perhaps im notes sense but seeing the answer being the question being answered in washington. Whats in it for the United States . To especially become a proxy of saudi arabia in its own rivalr ies . Bad for the u. S. And if it is good for the u. S. , it is bad for world, that is not how the world works. There are winwin solutions, prime example of that. Why we have allies, we capacity to bring about positive, not just for ourselves, but others, as well. Essentially saying im for america, im against the capaci positive, world and that doesnt work. Holly you didnt really answer my question. I will jump over, there are who advise congressmen and some congressmen want to of thew can they get out deal, you know and what strategy justify it. I want to piggyback off trita said, i can try to shoehorn it into your question, which is impossible deal is working and effective. Touched upon something crucial, which is, in a way, the not value of this deal is what it literally accomplishes, hat it literally accomplishes is rollback of Irans Nuclear and prevention of foreseeable future and maybe forever of weaponization. The actual value to the United States, it erects psychological arrier to the United States going to war with iran for reasons. Imaginary and conflicts of interest. Trita is right to point out, art of our position in the regi region, has been to subordinate the sake terests for of other peoples interests. In private israel meetings with u. S. Officials, urged a more hawkish and perhaps militaristic approach to iran, it is true. It is true saudi arabia cut the the snake, or what have you, if they want to take that approach, they can, we should about our own interest. It is a pity that trump has with sort of ters different ideas about Foreign Policy, first of all, to have Foreign Policy, you have to know something about the world and he doesnt. What n terms of conservatives, who dont like the deal, should be argues, i hink they should take the approach that the extreme rightwing hawks that support taken rice, mcmaster, who fought in iraq on the ground, this isnt ode pink in the Trump Administration, they are arguing that we stay in this deal, effectively rolls back Irans Nuclear program and fight on other issues that i unfortunately isolated myself on, that arent actually a threat. Im sure Congress People would like to get your are hts on it, because you rob. Robert malley ill be candid, i spoke to critics of the deal, i the strategy employing now were the right one, in other words, say were not against the deal, not getting out of the deal, trying to improve on the could like the unset clause or we dont like iranian terrorism. They suffer from one major flaw, which come from the president outside, the cat is out of the bag, they made it clear as can be that they want the deal. Resident trump has said it, others have said it, as trita said, they have hints run into it. Hard not to play the game, we dont want out of the deal, were trying to improve it, when is clear, including what the president said when he said, if way, were my leaving the deal, it makes it very hard for a member of would like to get out of the deal, but doesnt want to be viewed want the viewed as responsible to play that game anymore. It is in plainview, the clear to has made it everyone, this is the objective, ind a way to get out of the deal or take away all the benefits iran get so they walk away. Nowing that, you cant unknow that anymore. So, i dont know that it could make a clever argument anymore. It was the right approach, but it was polluted the the beginning by admissi admission, honest admission that the goal was we want the deal to we got to findnd a way out of it. Olly okay, anyone with questions . Gentleman right there. Go ahead. Mic . E have a please. And please tell us your name and youre with. Question Sonny Christopher with senators office. I want to know, in lookingats picture, if the deal is killed what effect would that have on the negotiating in terms the nexT Administration . Would that make iran more or with ikely to cooperate the nexT Administration if the Trump Administration does kill it . Holly how about john, can you take that . John glaser it would make them likely to negotiate because it is less, they see the United States as less trustworthy. Is also something i have to rereference something i said in he beginning, if were trying to renegotiate aspects of the the and when the rest of world thinks it is working and we should stay in it, we have ess leverage than we had, the Obama Administration did a lot of work and rob knows a lot bout this, to bring the world along in the sanction regime to pressure against iran and they ended up making significant concessions f. Were alone, and we dont have everage overoir allies or over iran that we used to, no way to get more out of iran with less doesnt work like that. So yes, very challenging bstacle for the nexT Administration, how to fix what trump is in the midst of destroying. If i could add something. Someone in tehran with a huge smile on his face. That the United States cannot be trusted, has in sector of the ge iranian politics been vindicated. Go ahead, negotiate, we dont trust it, the United States deal, lly will kill this they will not be true to their word. In the view of many people in right now, even those that of the he paranoia United States, that has been vindicated and that has come at of the moderate lements in iran to made the argument, lets strike a deal and work this out, perhaps it will be additional changes in sides. Icies of both it was tweeted in the last weeks f the negotiation that this could be the floor instead of beginning of additional changes rather than making sure this is it and nothing else can happen. Will be s happen, it very difficult for anyone in the ranion political elite to in private, decisive meetings make the argument for negotiations with the United States. Dramatic needs to change on this side before i see their over there risking political career by making that argument. I agree with everything my colleague said, during the negotiations what is ironic, when the iranions complained tough ome of the requirements we put in the deal, to tie them down, they would would argue that we dont know what is going to happen to iran, could be a we have to guarantee against future change. Hey say the same to us and our argument was, we have a system by tradition president s respect of predecessors, so you dont need to worry about that. Us at our hey took word n. Truth, we didnt suspect would T Administration come around and tear this up. As we said earlier, the points colleagues made. Number one, why would iran trust us . Iran who those in dont want to trust us, trust us now . How can we get a better leverage andh less less coalition, that doesnt compute. Lady right question, there. She gave me her Business Card and i appreciate it. Guys, that admission, i need your Business Cards before you leave. Question erica with congressman williams office. Unfair to discount concerns by israel, when during he deal there was rhetoric calling for israel to be wiped america ap and calling the great satan and i just like you all to speak a little bit about that rhetoric and we know are sites like partian, i you say it, how that were, we didnt know about just address those few things, i guess. Holly rob, can you take that one . Robert malley sure. Think it is clear from the Obama Administration that of israel and i know john expressed controversial iew, i think it is worth articulating and hearing it, but lets take your question at its face. Israel feels iran is a threat to their security. The question is and this is a that i think president obama tried to answer, is israel moving ure with iran toward a nuclear bomb or one that is not. A conversation, so many i get your s about, concerns, lets agree if we have a deal that at a minimum for the 10 to 15 years, ensure iran cant move toward a nuclear bomb knowing right away and we will stop it. That is better than the is on that that point. Im parsing. Not only did we know about it, Sticking Point to make sure the iaea would have find issuesey could ast military dimension of the iran program would be addressed. It was addressed, we were able deal. E forward with the if there is evidence today, and when as surfaced, but vienna, she ent to said, it is true, we didnt rovide evidence of suspicious activity f. The evidence is put forward and the iaea demands says no, no, no, we face a problem if not the conflict gh resolution, we have right to say the way, we have allies with us, lets listen to they. They agree, which would if iran were to bar access in illegitimate way to military sites. Hat is not what we have today, there is no evidence. There are echos of iraq, we have o be careful of an administration manipulating and we have s down a path seen before. Comments get more attention than the Expert Community and military israel. Hment in the vast majority of whom have said this is a good deal, it off iranian Nuclear Weapon. To have iran, that doesnt have Nuclear Weapons han a breakout time of a few months. Holly question from this side. Lady right there. Hi. Stion shoeshon, debra director of policy and Government Relations at americans for peace now. Piece, pro organization, if any of you are interested in talking about organization, they organization is proiran deal, working to preserve it. My question, i want to flip the the ion on its head, question being how would you opponents of the deal to kill it. My question is, as someone with working to save this deal, what advice might you in which ways organizations like mine and like yours, of course, trita, as can push Congress People who are perhaps on the fence on say corker and cotton legislation to give them backbone, such that they might save this deal . What advice do you have . Trita, that is all you. Trita parsi thank you. Thank you so much, thank you for doing on thisbeen issue and many other issues. I would say the first thing is to actually be able to not only save the deal, make sure portantly there isnt a war and isnt a Nuclear Weapon program in iran, critical thing to make sure this deal is protected, that engage in any type of conversation or negotiation say okay, how to can we get some form of sanctions in place in the hope violation of the deal. That would end up being death of by thousand paper, paper cuts. Instead, if you strengthen this deal, do the one thing that has worked in years, there is plenty of concerns on the american side about iran, many legitimate. Of the past 37 years, there is only one example in which the nited states actually successfully has managed to change or amend iranian core any significant way and that is through Multi Lateral negotiation with closest allies, that is the only time. Verything else has only tended to atrack, make the conflicts more difficult, in fact if we adamantly optimistic about the sanctions, why is it problems today after 38 years of sanctions . Houldnt all sanctions have produced some sort of result in iran could say etcetera. It has. Iranians are in a stronger position than they ever have been. Bring them ions did to the negotiating table. Trita parsi i strongly disagree with that narrative and you will that in my book about what appened in the secret negotiations. March 2013, the United States for the first time in secret talks held by the government enrichment card and conveyed to iranians the u. S. Is form of o accept some based oment iranian soil on limitations and conditions. That is really what truly opened up the negotiations. Into that in greater detail. But the point being, we have one example that work. Plenty of examples did not work. Why are we, if we want to deal, if we want to make sure that israels security, the issue of hezbollah things are effectively addressed and we get to a better place, why are we choosing the in the last 37 years has not produced any results . Question. T yes, right here. Question hi. Mariano, congressman steven lynch. Ne of the arguments that the opponents of the deal have been making is that while we are continue to do Ballistic Missile testing, and arguments that folks in favor of the deal were can get as, well fwe the Nuclear Issue off the table, we can focus on other things. Do you think there may have been something that we could have done right after this deal went working on tart these other issues because then maybe we could have done with them and al wouldnt have this excuse that the opponents are using to find ways to kill it. Was there an opportunity missed to start doing something on the issue . Holly thats an excellent question. Rob. Robert malley not only did we not deal with them, we did it during the deal. Summits president obama held with gcc colleagues, go back and cil, look at how much was discussed countering iran, whether cyber, ballistic gulf, s, whether in the so question iran, though to that lley ill get in a second. We were trying to make sure our would be comforted, they were worried about the deal. That. Nt wait for talking about iran and other issues, it is a long story. Ite argue why didnt you put on the table during the talks . Ongoingks would still be and we would not have addressed all the issues because some of irans to the heart of regime and security doctrine, it will be very tough. Clear to me if were here, he would probably dont think iran is ready for that kind of discussion. Said, first we want to see if this works, we dont works, ericans, if is maybe we can have other conversations. Secretary kerry tried many times talk about other issues, he could only go so far, i dont minister had ign that authority. I wish that had happened, we ever banked on it, i think president obama was realistic and cleareyed, he didnt expect t by the end of his administration there would be transformation of the relationship. Hoping we could have discussions on the issues, missiles, listic hezbollah, i dont think the appetite existed in tehran. Those will be Difficult Conversations because of how big the gap is. To make the need iranian argument for them, they theystrong views about why need to predict power forward. I think that will be a very to h discussion that needs be had. Were not off to a good start, trita and john said, we dont set the stage for more difficult discussion when you the deal that easier issue to tackle. On y if i could followup her question there is another issue of the prisoners held in iran. Particular, i know, deal of members of congress, either american citizens, the iranian government is holding, i believe four, more, some held for several years now. Few w we managed to get a of them freed, the iranians get ew people or hanging on to one or two, i mean, this is just contradict anything you said, i cant, im in full some ent tis an outrage, of them are people trita and i have known for many years. Fact we dont know the people doesnt make it better or orse, these people were unjustifiably detained and being held. As so all that is true and there is ourself, still many sanctions that are being imposed and embargo wants a ist, if iran better relationship with us, they will have to live up to what our International Standards detainees. The that doesnt mean we sacrifice the nuclear deal, i dont know will help get our american citizens back home. Holly here is the thing driving this discussion, is that, you know, you guys keep iran, iran. The iranian government is make various factions, i mean, who is really in charge . Guess im just this is exactly the point. Iran has dynamic domestic so if al situation, youre trying to think to yourself, how do we improve behavior or get them to make concessions on our interests, the question is how do you do it. Here are people who believe browbeating, hostile rhetoric, threats of war are likely to get they are response, conpitulate, either or continue to be pains in the bult. Minded people understand inside domestic hard linershere are and moderates and if you do things that concede certain the other side when you make compromises, it tends who can do oderates the compromises. Wisely trump, as trita said, the hard liners in iran are olstered because they proving right, these guys warned against trusting the united beginning and their ust satisfying priors cht holly but maybe, let me run this by you, one of the arguments that some people on the conservative side of this should right is we now empower the hard liners. The idea would their priors cht if you ut be that make them really in charge, make lined, then itard will anger the iranian people enough they will take their government back. This is, ive seen white papers. This flies in the face of every bit of scholarship known about this kind of situation. You encourage a rally around the flag effect. When, you know, sanctions and of things that try to do this, what you are talking rally ofly create this around the flag effect and not ions on th own are actually all that, they dont have a lot of utility as foreign have to offer u people a way out in exchange for behavior. Action and holly trita. Trita parsi im glad you raised that point. Is not a hypothetical, theoretical conversation about what wouldhappen and the iranian people want, it is very clear. They have gone in several elections, however flawed those elections are in iran, they have they have every time that they have been given a hance voted for the least bad, the least hardlined option on the ballot. Precisely because they dont go there, they want to see a gradual change, an opening in the United States western world and they believe they are in a better position to about what they and want they think would work that with the opening up of iran, it will strengthen the voices inside the country that with ly want interaction the outside world and marginalize hardline elements. Liner necessary iran strongly agree with us, that is part of the reason they that this deal would have led to a broader been u. S. Have businesses coming in, they started arresting people right before the deal was struck in people who were thinking okay, now iran is open get in usiness, lets that market and interact with the iranians. Let me tell you something to in mind. Just recently, apple and google out all of the produced by store iranian engineer necessary iran. Appre is an it sector, every you can find there, they have uber and different things, that hould become a very important part of their economy. Now not because of any changes n the law, but because of interpretation of the political context of the sanctions law, google decided they will kick out the apps from pretty ore, which gave much death nail to many of the companies that have become quite successful. Now who do you think were hurting here . 20 to s are produced by 25yearold kids in iran iscovering new frontiers, empowering themselves in many different ways. F you go to their offices, you will not see pictures of you will see pictures of steve jobs, by this tough policy that is hurting them and not at all hurting the hard liners. Look at the head of cahon newspaper. Cahon is one of the most hardline newspapers in iran, pedalling in a lot of fake news. He said trump just gave us a big gift because this hardline approach is undercutting the moderate, embarrassing the moderates because their gamble did not work out, while causing rally around the phenomena that john just mentioned. They are certainly quite happy. On that . Put a bow eight seconds. We have a little bit of some promoting hardliner leader necessary iran. Awesome. Ork out that is the regime were dealing with now, the reaction to the excessive our medaling in this country. Bad route and it is hard to tell innocent iranians. Civilians, we n are looking out for your interest, why dont you suffer dictatorship than you are now for a little while so we can get our bones in. Right . Holly yes. Question. Hang on. Question full circle here, we will about what the u. S. Do, what will do, so to take what would stion of you recommend to conservatives, what would you recommend to leadership . If you are iran and this is do . Urring, what steps do you do you stick to the deal and ay you will stay with your excuse me, with your European Partners who you have an stake in your country . Do you what do you do . Advising iran, what would you advise them to do . Rob, why dont you start with that one and then trita. Robert malley not advising iran, i think wise to stick to the deal and put the onus on the and make sure they draw the words between the u. S. And were n allys and say, the good guys, living by the deal, the u. S. Is not. Think they will do that, that is my suspicion, they will hold until the point economic benefits of the deal start drying up because then favor n iran who are in of this approach have no argument left. Ot only is the u. S. Not making a deal, it is having an effect on the economy. Iranian leader, i the stick to it, get europeanos my side, convince them to do business despite the threat of secondary sanctions. T some point, may not be attainable, that is what i suspect they should and will continue to do. If trita agrees. Holly correct me if im wrong, understand. Rtant to a lot of u. S. Sanctions that themimposed on iran to get to come and which were listed were secondary sanctions which imposed on companies in other countries or threatened to countries on other that would do business with iran. The whole idea with secondary is not to punish iran, it is punish firms outside of do that might want to business with iran. So if congress reimposes those anctions, that is the stick they hold over companies in europe, the idea they will get kept out of the u. S. System if they do business with iran. That is a big, significant point. I want to make sure people understand that. Treta, please go ahead. Giving rsi not about recommendation, i want to share what i think they are likely to do. Think is perhaps good in the sense of making sure that the deal doesnt get killed, i think that would be bad if it was. Right now, notice they are relatively low profile, i think that is because of their calculation that trump is shooting himself in the foot, the United States and as a result, they have no nterest in interfering while hes doing that. The area i really worry about, articularly when combined with the suggestions, some of them quite explicit about regime hange, that will lead to much, much tougher position of iran in the region, rather than seeing contrary, we he will see them become more aggressive in the region as a result of this. Is my big worry. Holly rob, can i ask you one thing. Lot of your concern is like, you know, about preventing of ear war and those types things. What is it like on a personal that you ee something worked on so hard in the previous administration, like things you helped of beinge under threat thrown out, like how is it personally to watch this play the white house . Robert malley my wife works on health care, you can imagine our conversations. I try not to personalize it, lthough i admit i probably get more passionate about this than other issues. Bviously, not great, but i do think there are issues on which legacy issues im ambivalent. Told me a policy about this or that, well, may not have entirely, i feel personally vested. Rare this is a nobrainer, it i dont understand other than those who shouldnt deal with iran, we should try to squeeze regime will change, but those who think we can get a better deal this way, that t understand argument. It is not i dont think it is a matter of personal feeling, even you said never good to see several years of work, but i ers will suffer more than would if there is confrontation in the region if in fact the trita said hard liners use this to crack down, a if the iranians retaliate in iraq or syria, women in uniform will suffer, my personal feelings, i wont deny exist, are not the primary thing. Is a case, i try to have an open mind, i work at group, we al crisis put ourselves in other peoples shoes, that is what we do for a living. Hard to understand the argument, not of those who think bad actor and we should never make concessions with them, for those who think improve the deal. Every bone in my body tells me, that will not work. Put yourself in the shoes of iranian, why would they accept you a gun to their head, if dont agree to more concessions, then you agree to so far, we deal, now way the come to the negotiating table. No sense, iranian, chinese, that is not the way you do business. Alarmed, we are presenting his choice to the iranians, which basically they could only say no to, an offer they can refuse. Holly i think time for one more question. Media. Still confused with all this. There are Nuclear Related sanctions, the secondary sanctions. There are nonNuclear Related sanctions. Rita, you said if that either of those would be bad. But yet, if there is nothing, says he is going to undo the deal through Nuclear Sanctions. Isnt it better to have nonNuclear Related sanctions or congress do nothing in the next 60 days and how do we does nothing . S ive heard we should push ccarthy and mcconnell nothing goes to the floor. Could you be specific about 60 days. Olly this is fascinating, someone urging congress to do nothing. Go ahead. Trita parsi i think it is keep in mind, it is not just so if you have nuclear nothing bad ns, impose, that would be violation. If you have sanctions, even if of any on the basis other issue, terrorism, human targeting it is irans trait, rather than being argeted, that is violation of the deal. Essentially we have broadbased and immediately after they are done, we reimpose sanctions in a different form with a different basis, that obviously will not work. Violation. That is where i think there might be difficulty because everything u. S. Congress is at is going to really be difficult to find new areas of already that havent been sanctioned, arent already sanctioned. Have more sanctions on iraq than any other country. Said have beenwe lifted, they have not been lifted, they have been waved. To be ve to continue waved every 100 to 180 days. Approach, in the sense of no action in the sense of adopting new sanctions, but other things can be done. A, making sure we live up to the faith andr it in good reengage in diplomacy to address that very same issues people say in many ways legitimately are concerns. Holly were almost out of time, i want to end this on somewhat light note. If i remember correctly, referred to it s arabian gulf, right . And i can just say one thing, like there is no way to make iranians united against you than to refer to the persian gulf as the and i think, is it fair to say he might have lost that . Ans with he lost iranians with the muslim ban in january already, majority of people who were affected by this were iranians no there were really security basis for that whatsoever, no case of iranians engaging in nd lethal terror. On the contrary, its been productive thing for the United States. Already there and in the third iteration of the muslim ban, he he no cred iblt, claiming wants the best for the iranian people and hes reaching out to him. They are laughing at holly he has nothing to lose. Thank you all so much, really appreciate this. [applause] holly remember to give me your Business Cards. Thank you. Tonight on the communicators, we interviewed four cyber researchers teaching the latest techniques and Artificial Intelligence at the hat conference in las vegas. Internet of things of thing is unique from other embedded devices like phones because they autonomously, used no Human Interaction with the thermostat or industrial and weve seen some attacks where they are able to for it like web cams, example. Traditionally hacking was more around building and making stuff recently, i think, society has seen it as people breaking into systems, you know, attacking systems in an offensive manner, but approaching problems and solving problems in various different ways. I think now is probably the exciting time to start hacking, wealth of information unbelievable. It take very little to hack today, you have youtube, 20 years ago there just wasnt much, it was a true wild, wild west, just nothing out there. Now this is really exciting time. 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Org, or listen on the radio app. Earlier today, President Trump and Senate Majority leader held a press l conference in the white house rose garden, answered questions reform, health care, the Opioid Crisis and u. S. Soldiers