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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] thanks folks. What do i do after that . I said to kellyanne, what do i do . I said to the president , thanks for warming up the crowd for me. [laughter] hes from queens, im from brooklyn. We talk like that. I used to follow Ronald Reagan. I guess i can follow donald trump. I am proud to be here. I want to fill in a couple of blanks that would be an affectation to take you off on another topic. Let me comment on what our president said and some of the things he has said and done. First of all, i love the digressions of the president. Used to say ofrt her husband. , felix makes two mistakes when he speaks. First of her husband, felix makes two mistakes when he speaks. First he digresses from his topics, second he returns to the. To them. [laughter] i love when he goes off script. He is the authentic queens guy. Anyway, it is great. The times are changing. Get out your bob dylan. The times they are changing. Dont stand in the doorway. Dont block up the halls, members of congress, because the times are changing. Lets change them. It is great to see the inner he and the energy and vigor of our president. The president and the first lady visiting texas and florida and puerto rico in las vegas, i remember a book i read when i was in School Called the lord, written by an italian theologian. He said god hears every suffering, the suffering of every creature in the world. If we could hear the suffering of every creature in the world it would overwhelm us. It would kill us. I never forgot that passage. It occurred to me that as the president and mrs. Trump went to florida, texas, las vegas, puerto rico, they heard a good chunk of the suffering of the world, didnt they . And they saw a good chunk of the suffering of the world. And you know that that moved them and affected them. I cannot stand these critics and cynics who criticized the president for his efforts on behalf of the people there. It is just ridiculous. [applause] they say, well what about throwing paper towels . I said, that is what he does. That is the queens guy. Understand . Thats how we show affection to somebody. We throw something at them. This ridiculous business on puerto rico that cnn is obsessed with now i watch cnn so you dont have to. [laughter] that the people cant be there forever, First Responders can be there forever, lets parse that sentence. First responders cant be there forever. A kind of makes sense, doesnt it . But remember, before this horrible storm, there was a little bit of a problem in puerto rico and its credit. What the president once to make sure is that while supplying all of this help and assistance come up assistance, that it does not think of itself as a total dependent of the federal government, because that would be wrong and a mistake. Great example, florida and texas. They do not regard themselves. Those two governors are not federal dependence. Neither should puerto rico. They need all the help we can give them, and we are giving it to them, and the baby to clean up their own act fiscally and financially and then they need to clean up their own act fiscally and financially. [applause] at the same time that the president and first lady were hearing these tales and seeing these folks, they have undergone the most unprecedented media assault in american history. I know something about media assault in american history. I got some. My friend gary bauer got some. We got some together. Dan quayle got some. The bushes got some. Never has it been like this. Never has it been so onesided. So speak up for him. [applause] harvard study of the medias coverage of trumps first 100 days found that cnn and nbcs coverage of trump was 93 negative. And that was from harvard, so it is probably worse. They are probably trying to soften the message. If you must the tv shows other than fox and i think that is really true you would have no idea how many things the president has already accomplished. Let me go through a few and comment. I want to start with a symbolic one, the National Football league. As a patron of football former player, semipro player for one game in mississippi anyway. [laughter] as a patriot, the president has won on this issue. He has just won. [applause] jerry jones is having all of his players stand. The commissioners singing this tune as well, that is a good thing. The president knows and has stated what you all know and believe, we stand for the anthem, we kneel before god. [applause] but whatever you might want to say about these players who are kneeling, who are protesting, i think i have a little inside information i will share with the president. A lot of them dont know any better. They just dont know any better. They are alien to themselves in a culture and a country they do not understand. Who has ever told them that america is the last best hope on earth . Who has ever told them about the sacrifices at gettysburg or yorktown . Who has ever told them about the , the raising of that flag . I dont think they have been taught. I know they havent been taught it. I have been in the schools. How many of our problems go back to that . [applause] plato said to fundamental questions in society, who gets to teach the children, and what do they teach them . That still remains the question. I will take this audience teaching my children, thank you, rather than many others. Through. A lot to get i want to get through it. I will tell you about a study you probably havent heard. Take American Students 13 and 14 years old asked this is a big study done it in california whose parents were born in another country who were asked to read what they are nationally, these 13 and 14yearold said they were americans. When they finished high school, the majority of them identified themselves as hyphenated americans. The purpose of the public schools, the original purpose, to turn us into one people, has been flipped upside down. Now it is not the melting pot, but vocalization that is taught but all commiseration but vulcanization taught. It is identity politics of the democrat party, and it is an amazing fact we have to address. During the i thought campaign, when i was losing friends fast and furious on my side, bill you wrote the book of virtues, how can you support this man . I said, i have the feeling he is a sinner. [laughter] and i know youre not. [laughter] and i know im not, i wrote the book of virtues, after all. [laughter] i have to explain it to people all the time. This was not written out of strength. It was written out of need, out of aspiration. I remember telling people, if of no other reason the kind people this president will appoint to the Supreme Court in philosophy we talk about necessary and sufficient conditions. If you think he is going to appoint a real conservative to the Supreme Court, that is a sufficient condition of voting for him for president of the United States. [applause] especially compared to what we would have gotten on the other team. Boo. Right. He did warm you up for me. Thank you very much. So silly. Anyway am a to Say Something about Foreign Policy. I just want to anyway, i want to say coming up Foreign Policy. He said he is going to destroy isis. Do know something . He is destroying isis. [applause] this you will not get in the nose. In the news. He has done more damage in the last eight months than obama did in eight years. He and general mattis and ive got to tell you, as a marine father, very proud to have all these marines surrounding the president just because they have certain security. I think that is good. How about general kelly yesterday holding his first press conference, and the press guy said, what are the president s main problems . He said, you, first of all. [laughter] [applause] consider these words from a former highranking cia official. The isis reign of terror is about to end. It is about to lose its stronghold in raqqa, syria as it lost it in iraq. The caliphates days are truly numbered. James mattis said we will annihilate isis. We are doing it. Read the New York Times, and they dont say that often. Read the story on the continuing surrender of isis prisoners. They are coming with tails between their legs. Most of them when they are interrogated said they just signed up, dont know anything about the headings or anything like that. You are never all the nazis who fought on the russian front. That was the excuse. Remember as the First Response below the of government, the safety and security of its citizens. He understood the threat of isis. He is dealing with it. That caliphate and the promise of that caliphate is coming to an end, another sufficient condition for a successful president. [applause] things two other things. The president will later talk about the iran deal. I am so glad he is addressing that. Socalled sophisticated transnational liberals mocked the president when he suggested that other members of nato pay their fair share. What has happened . They are paying their fair share, a number of them. [applause] he took us out of paris, or at least the paris accords, and that was a great accomplishment. [applause] a clear signal to north korea about what will be tolerated and whatnot. As to the economy, i remember reading some of these brilliant economist at couple years ago saying the days of 3 or 4 growth are over. The economy is growing at 3 right now. We keep setting alltime highs. And something you may not know, the people who are benefiting the most from this improvement in the economy are the trump supporters, the workers, the people who get paid by the hour, the people who work on our infrastructure, and that is a just reward for them. [applause] he campaigned on a travel ban, and tuesday the Supreme Court upheld him 81. [applause] seems like a long time ago, but rumor the first few days the president approved the Keystone Pipeline and the code access pipeline . He has rolled and the code access pipeline . He has rolled back the epa war and the war on coal. [applause] he has given people in oil country and the energy part of our country great encouragement and confidence about the future. He hasnt yet guaranteed that a member of the big 12 will make it to the college playoffs, which i wish would happen. [laughter] just divided the audience. Texasoklahoma tomorrow folks. I will watch the game for you. Appointed, in my view, the most conservative cabinet and list of agency heads i have ever seen. [applause] it. Ow something about i was in reagans cabinet. That was a pretty conservative cabinet. This is a more conservative cabinet. [applause] that is kind of a stunning thing since Ronald Reagan is our guiding light. Shows he chose a secretary of education, my friend betsy devos, who is fighting to empower parents. [applause] betsy spoke at one of my alma maters a few weeks ago, and students interrupted her speech calling for a white supremacist. Because they know what democrat politics have done to minority students over the years. Kept them trapped in failing schools. She also said, i am a believer in choice. She got booed. She said, didnt you all make a choice to go to harvard . Interesting question. Yeah. And were you being antipublic education when you chose to go to a private school like harvard . Good for betsy. Good question. [applause] acosta is leading a quiet but very effective revolution at the department of labor. He is a very able man. Pay attention to him. Cabinet, important conservatives like the man i met other day, as you high understands Rural America. If you look at it demographically, Rural America is becoming the new innercity. We know where barack obama wanted money support to go. Rural america is suffering. It is suffering educationally, suffering from this horrible opioid epidemic, suffering from all sorts of things. This administration understands the problems of Rural America. Im delighted to see this gentleman at the fcc. Want to put in a plug for him. He understands it as well. Maybe you havent noticed, but there is great happiness and jubilation in the medical Research Community at the appointed of Scott Gottlieb at the fda. I notice doesnt normally get into our view, but this is a guy who believes that good drugs that looks very promising that show up in research should be approved and made available to the American People as soon as possible. [applause] we now have an administrator fda who is friendly, sound, and important in delivering the goods to the American People. I have to say my two favorite Little Things being an inside the beltway guy, he skipped the white house correspondents dinner, god love him. [applause] and the gridiron dinner. He doesnt need them, and he doesnt want them. [applause] he doesnt care about their approval. Is not afraid of the New York Times Editorial Board or hollywood. Member hollywood . Remember hollywood . Going down. [applause] i mean to say, it has been down, and now everybody is getting a good look at. That is what i mean. Nor does he fear these latenight comedians who, worst of all, are not funny. [applause] language, i of the like the knee alleges and the the terms the president has given us like drain the swamp. Heree way, when our leader at the Research Council came out this morning, i thought him backstage, i said, are the robertsons not showing . [laughter] are you trying to pose as one of the robertson kids . He said no. Drain the swamp, fake news. It is out there. And it is real. Crooked you know the rest. Rocket man. I love that one. [laughter] but best of all, and most encouraging of all, make America Great again. [applause] done, andork to be these accomplishments are real and it must be accompanied by real and substantial legislative achievements. What a Republican Congress and president can do must be shown to the American People. Lets get this tax thing through. Let us get it through. It is so important. So these, among other things, i believe are real accomplishments. Significant accomplishments. Fans know my nevertrumper in my rolodex got thinner. I say, what more do you need to know . They say, what about the tweets . What about the past . What about the profanities and vulgarities . To which i say, the president has always had the gift of always being himself. What we get is real. He does not go to us counterfeitly. [applause] when you see the president , you see him in fullness. We are conscious of his history. We are conscious of his future. As oscar wilde said come in just as every sinner has a future said, just as every sinner is the future, everything has a saint hasevery a past. [applause] great the president s current themes and you see this when he is speaking off most recently and i remind you this in the form of a question, did you ever recall seeing barack obama give a speech and the speech being interrupted a third of the way through, halfway through, or at the end with the crowd shouting usa . Never. That is what they do now. The answer is no. The president is making America Great again. Lets help him. Lets continue the work that has just begun. Let us support the president and the good works he intends to do for us and our children. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you. Thank you. I won a 20 bet from him. I bet him 20 that he could not spell the word hillary without liar, and i won. Of hert guest, because outspoken conservative values, was the number one target of nancy pelosi and the democrats during her highly effective years in the house of representatives, where she also served as the chair for the congressional chief party caucus. Family Research Council is proud to have her on our board of directors. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please welcome a true warrior for your values, michele bachmann. [applause] ms. Bachmann hello everybody. Good morning. Dont you love our president . We are thrilled and thank for all the work that happened, all our speakers have been fantastic the morning. Kellyanne conway will be our next one on stage. We have one rocking day to deal with. In my little time i had here with you today, what i want to do is talk a little bit about how we got to the point of being here at this moment feeling so good about the results that happened. A very specific group of americans gave donald j. Trump this victory so that he could be our president of the United States. Witht you to know that these eyeballs, i am looking at the reason why he is president of the United States. You. You. [applause] heard of the famous pollster george barna. Barnum. George victory,s historic they couldnt believe that their champion Hillary Clinton, of all people, wouldnt win the presidency. Well after this happened, this huge, unbelievable event which many of us believers in jesus christ attributed to the prayers of people on the knees for weeks and days ahead of time, calling out to the father of life to hear our prayer, we knew what was at stake, and he answered us and has given us a reprieve in our nation. But to look at the metrics, the famous pollster looked at all of you and asked people across america, how did donald j. Trump actually get this victory . And this is it. He found the 20 million americans that are spiritually active, government engaged people. 20 million. That is 9 of the american public. No person could win the presidency of the United States with just this cohort, but a republican cannot win the presidency of the United States without this cohort. It is the most consequential voting block in america. Block, they took a look at Hillary Clinton donald j. Trump and let me tell you how fervent they were in what they saw in the selection. This has never happened before in the history of poland. Polling. Y of 9 of all adults in this country , of that cohort, 91 showed up to vote. [applause] voted their values. 91 . Voted, they 91 who got the memo. Trump of for donald j. That cohort. It was like unanimous. Twice i have had personal conversations with george barna, and he said to me, this blew the roof off of polling. No one has ever seen one particular segment of the American Population ever vote in one unity of purpose, and we did because i believe the government engaged portion was completely driven by the spiritually active portion. America and over all over the world, there are people who were praying and fasting, singularly in the quiet of their home, praying and fasting with their Bible Studies whether local groups, praying and fasting with their churches. I was privileged on the night of the election in the Morning House with the family Research Council bus in North Carolina holding rallies all day because we were putting all of our chips on North Carolina. By the way, North Carolina, you delivered that election. Thank you North Carolina. [applause] that tipped it over. And pennsylvania, thank you pennsylvania. And did i miss wisconsin . Thank you wisconsin. And not to be outdone, michigan, you delivered. Michigan. Florida, you are pretty amazing. We could go on and on and on. Even my blue state of minnesota came within one point of electing him president of the United States, and we all know those were the fraudulent votes that al franken had to deal with. We will forgive that. But to go back to my point, this is an Amazing Group of americans. My guess is we have a room full of spiritually active government engaged americans. Millionpart of that 20 that makes all the difference in elections. , these individuals have not seen the difference between the candidates, or they just decided is not worth voting. You will hear a lot about being government engaged, but in these couple of minutes i have with you, i want to him beside the spiritually active because i believe we are coming to a culmination point in all of human history. A culmination point when we are to thepotentially convergence of events, if you read the book of daniel and is the fuel and zechariah and revelations in the book of joel and read the prophets. We see the convergence that are happening. What that tells everyone of us is that we need to have our spiritual houses in order. We do have our lamps full, we need to have our wicks trimmed. I think we had a wakeup call. Nlike any other this fall we are viewing a dechr istianization in europe. I do a lot of studying of demographics and the rise and push of islam throughout the world. I have studied this for years, particularly because i served on the Intelligence Committee and deal continue with terrorism and the impact on our country. I know how real it is and how that pushes coming. That is why we can all be so grateful that we have a president who decides to take care of evil and address evil in the way that donald j. Trump is doing in defeating isis. [applause] bennett said they had their tail between their legs, he is exactly right. They have their tail between their legs because now they are on the run. Rather than america being on the run, these bad guys are on the run. And they need to stay on the run. [applause] they need to understand that europe is and theres two walkin for the taking isnt theirs two walkin for the taking. America is and theirs to walk in for the taking. I dont like the idea of this manga that the country purchased at such a great cost, and it does so much for of this magnificent country purchased at such a great cause, and it does so much for the rest of the world, i dont like this rising tide of secularism coming in and washing out the Faith Foundation of this country. Dont let anyone tell you that we werent founded by a group of believers in jesus christ. We absolutely were founded by a group of believers in jesus christ. Beenoo long we have marinated in Political Correctness to the point where we dont even stand up for what we know is true. What we need to do in our own families, and our neighborhoods, our community, our churches come out where we live, we need to be far more spiritually active, in my opinion, then we have been. I think we have been living on the shoulders of generations of greatness whose sacrifice for us spiritually. What we need to do is make sure that millennials and their children understand the truth of the gospel and not live off of what previous generations have given to them. The builder generation, my parents, the world war ii generation, the generation that lived through the great depression, 17 of the builder generation in america hold to a biblical worldview and transfer those values. Then you look at the baby boomer generation. You look at the great spiritual awakening in the 1960s and into the 1980s. That helped to build up the spiritually active governmentally engaged people. Of that segment of baby boomers, 12 have what is considered by george barna a biblical worldview. Then youve got another generation, then you get down to the millennial generation. That would be my children. 4 biblicalion has worldview. You see, we are dropping like a rock in america. That hasthe country sent out more missionaries was the gospel of jesus christ globally than any other nation. And we are looking at faithful generations, and now as millennials, 4 holding to a biblical worldview. That is something that should give us pause. As happy and lori us as today is, if we take a victory lap and glorious as today is, if we , let me telly lap you, tony perkins and i have been in the white house with the president. He has made it very clear he knows he is president of the United States today because of the evangelical christians who supported him. He knows that. It is why he was here today. [applause] he gets how important you are, and he loves you. Meeting, Vice President mike pence was also a believer in jesus christ. He stood up unashamedly in front of the president and the president s children and president s staff and said, i want everyone in this room to know there are 25 of us having dinner with the president , i want everyone in this room to know this president is a believer. He is a solid believer. He says that to us privately, and he said it in the rose garden the morning for national day of prayer. No one can certify. No one knows the thoughts and intentions of a persons heart, but from my speculation, i do believe this president is a man of god. I do believe he is a changed man and that he has received the gospel. I think it is important that everyone understands what the gospel is. We have cameras here. Why not . Lets understand what the gospel is. We have a loving, wonderful god who created not only this world. He created everything in it, including everyone of us in this room today. When he created us, when he created the world, it was perfect. He loved us so much. He wanted to have a Perfect World and a perfect relationship with all of mankind. But something happened along the way in the garden. What happened is that man rebelled. Man rebelled against god. Both man and woman. And they sinned. God was brokenhearted for us. He is a just god come as other had to be consequences for sin, which means he had to send adam and eve out of the garden, but he didnt leave them without hope. He said, i am going to bring about a messiah for you. In genesis he told them that there would be a way back, and there would be redemption. And there was. God saw that as the nations came up against them because as we know, mankind kept getting continually sinful, and the flood came and wiped out all of mankind except for noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives they were preserved and protected during the time of the flood. After the flood, they left the ark. After the flood, things are better for a few generations. Once again send takes over, and the nations come together listing their fists in rebellion and build the tower of babel and had the spirit of rebellion about the nations against god. Man wanted to go his own way. He wanted to go against god. God loved the nations so much he said, i am going to form a nation from which i will bring messiah. And he called abram and his wife sarah out of southern iraq and brought them into what is now presentday israel, and said i will make of you a great nation. This will be your land, and out of you will come messiah. In other words, i, god, love you so much i will humble myself and take on the form and likeness and image of a man. I will live a perfect sinless life, which no one has ever done never happened before and i will willingly pay for your no man willly take my life i will go and die in a noble death die an ignoble death on the cross for you to save your sins. The answer from all of us is, do we believe . Is a free gift for every single person. Salvation is free. It is a way to come back to god. We do nothing for it. If you believe that life is made up of a pan balance, and if you did more good things than bad things that somehow that will get you into heaven, i am sorry to say you will be tragically mistaken on that final day. Theres only one way you go into heaven, and that is receiving and believing that it is god who saved your sins and that he is who they say he has. The writable thing when you read the remarkable thing when you read the bible, every archaeology find that has ever come forward has home proved the authenticity of the bible. [applause] here in this magnificent city of washington dc, very soon you in november, we will see open the museum of the bible. And the museum of the bible, there will be artifacts that will be so encouraging to show us the truth and authenticity of his word. The great Josh Mcdowell said that the greatest tool he has ever had for evangelism has been the use of the torah scrolls. Once people see the torah scrolls they know for themselves that the bible is true. So to go back to the biblical ,istory, god shows abram brought him to israel, the messiah was born, and mankind has had that chance to respond. Maybe many of you have responded. They be some of you havent yet responded yet. Of you are watching on tv and dont really know where you will spend your eternity tonight. All you need to do is confess you are a sinner. Every single one of us are. You see all these horrific stories about the most powerful hollywood mogul that there is and all of the trashy things about his life that came out in a moment. What about you to know is that everything a one of us, there will be a moment at the end of our life when we stand before holy god. Every one of our trashy sins will be before him. We look at this hollywood mogul we are no different. Every single one of us is a sinner in need of a savior. And the good thing is we have one. There is one available for all of mankind. [applause] and you see, this is the good news. This is the good news for the millennial generation to know that this world that we see isnt all that there is. This is a blink of an eye. Ushad eternity in front of from the time that the messiah left and went to join his father sitting at the right hand where he is today, he said i go to prepare a place for you. We cant even begin to imagine. The bible says, mind cannot imagine. We could not even conceive of how great eternity will be with him. It will beside ellis. That it will be fabulous it will be fabulous. [applause] as fabulous as heaven will be, there also be a literal hell where the greatest tragedy of all of history, people who do not receive this free gift, there will be a place called hell, and held last just as long as heaven and hell last just as long as heaven. Is my prayer and wish that everyone in this room make a decision today about where they will be for all of eternity. Whether it be having or whether it be hell. Whether it be heaven or whether it be hell. Be has a desire that you with him for all of eternity, and that on earth you will live and abundant life in him, walking in a life of peace. It is possible. You see, we are governmentally engaged because first we were spiritually active. [applause] and that is why i say to all of , this isthis morning not the time to just yes it is the time to revel in happiness and glory and take the victory lap for all that you did. As important as that is and is that donaldi am trump is our president today that the spiritual today, i am faithful for the spiritual activist i see in the white house today. I want to issue a challenge to all of you. We are 20 million American Adults who are spiritually active, government engaged. 9 of all americans. What if for the next 12 months, those americans make it their project speak of the gospel of jesus christ to just one more person. One forour goal to win jesus christ. Cycle the next election because that is just think, we will have 40 million, and 18 of the public. Can you imagine, if it was 40 million or 60 million or 80 million americans who knew, with full assurance, that they had a relationship with god, and they applied those values . We wouldnt be so worried about who we elect, because we know it would be one of us. It wouldnt even be an issue. Change, theation whole world is changed. Which we are told in 30 to 40 years is in the process of being d christian eyes and will be islamized. Lets not get to that point. Lets recognize and take in the free gift of jesus christ. There are people here who will play with you will pray with you today. Council,ly Research People who would love to pray with you to receive jesus christ. Spiritually active, governmentally engaged, that is how we win. God bless you. Thank you for being here today. Love you all. Thank you, michelle. All right, folks. Our final speaker this morning will be we will do an informal interview with Kelly Perkins and kellyanne conway. You can go ahead and give a shout out for kellyanne. [applause] a couple things i want to say before she comes out. As you know, she serves as the counselor to the president of the United States at the white house. She already had a highly successful pulling career prior to her engagement with the trump campaign. Initially with the cruz campaign, then the trump campaign. She would become the first woman to successfully run a president ial campaign in american history. [applause] i told kellyanne, you know, if you were a democrat, view would be gracing every magazine cover in america and be held up as the supreme feminist, and i love to response to that. Knowing that i helped the supreme feminist out of the white house makes it all worth it. [applause] night, when i stood next to donald trump, i told my wife, patricia, there is the woman who saved the world. She last and said, why on earth would you say that . I said, what do you think would have happened to america if Hillary Clinton had won . She said, you have a point there. And what do you think would have happened to the rest of the world . And i remember my wifes response because it was only the fourth time in our marriage she agreed i was right. [laughter] so ladies and gentlemen, i give you, the woman who saved the world, kellyanne conway. [applause] well, kellyanne, welcome back to the values voters summit. You were actually at the very first value odor summit. 2006. So you are a familiar face here. I want to talk about this for a moment, because you were the first female to successfully lead a president ial campaign. [cheers and applause] and i also know about your history, and how you learned about picking blueberries and being the blueberry green. Queen. The role of your faith i have known you for years. To come here as one of us, you dont come to talk to us, you are a part of us. You are faith, you are prolife, you have been in the profamily movement. How does that shape where you are today in terms of being a counselor to the president of the United States . First of all, thank you very much for having me, for having the president earlier, and i wanted to thank each and every one of you. This is the first values voter summit since the election. I wanted to thank you to view, whether you held firm, cast your ballot, helped others get to the ballot box. Heldu knocked on a door or her own in the argument with an in law or neighbor last year, if he gave a couple bucks to the campaign, however you contributed in your own way, i just came to say thank you on behalf of all of us and urge you to keep on fighting. The president said very recently in a different forum, tony, that he has a lot of alignment with people in this room, because he understands what it is like to be under siege, and i know you do as well, and we very much appreciate you Standing Firm and loving your country, freedom, democracy, and pushing us forward as well. Now, i dont know how i would be able to do any of this without lacey. Are raised in a faith centric household, you realize from the beginning that there is always something bigger and better than you. That humility is a very important attribute to take to any position that has such great gravity and responsibility as i seal hours do in the white house. I feel incredibly privileged and blast to serve my country at this moment, in this position, and if i approach it that way, i am approaching it as a woman of faith, and somebody who knows that for every time there is a season and that god places us in certain areas at certain point in our life. The greatest professional privilege of my life is to work with the president , the Vice President , and this great nation. The greatest privilege of my life by far is being a mother to four children. Tnothing compares to that for me, and i think having a full life is very important to me because it really cuts down on all the noise in the nonsense and puts things into perspective immediately and constantly. Its really great to be impervious to naysayers and critics. I turned my notifications off on twitter in january and it changed my life, i recommend everybody do it. Some people are incapable of it because they spend all day looking at their notifications. Its just, i am not in the white house to read about myself, i am there to serve and work on significant issues and challenges of the day. [applause] and that has been very helpful. You cant do that without fiath, so, because if you are too involved with yourself you will get caught up in the praise and criticism. This is the rebalancing. Also my faith informs beliefs. I have often said as tony said over the years, that you attract people culturally show me how somebody spends their weekend off and i will tell you how they will vote. Me, my faith informs many of my beliefs. I am proudly prolife, the president of the United States [applause] life back inor january and i was proud to stand on that stage and looked out at thousands and thousands of people standing in the cold because they believe along with millions of more to profess their prolife views. And why that is important is i have been working on prolife messaging for decades, literally. And it took a manhattan billionaire mail who served part of his adult life as prochoice for abortion rights to give the most impactful debate i have ever heard [applause] that is really important. Also helps you to respect other peoples viewpoints. What i am struck by in this audience is all the applause the president got because we are evangelicalin that christians at the ballot box and in conversation they are not single issue voters, they are passionate about the prolife and profamily agenda but listen to the applause he got when talked about health care and tax reform, the array and deal, struggles around the world in combating terrorism. I think you are all happy that you have a president to his willing to call terrorists terrorists. [applause] speaking of notifications, i have been waiting for that tweet to come from donald trump about the values voters so i imagine that will be coming shortly. No comment . [laughter] your greatest privileges to be a mom of your four children. Serving a president to understands the value and the importance of family. I have a net in his interactions with his children and it makes it helpful to you as a mom to work for somebody like that. That is the great untold story, i think, of the white house as a workplace. Across Corporate America did you get handbooks and page 500 will talk about the familyfriendly policies and when you try to execute on them by taking half or talking about a little vacation with your family it becomes very difficult to execute on those familyfriendly policies that are in writing. I work in the white house, in a workplace where working moms and women are respected and elevated hethe highest positions, took a chance on women in new York Real Estate when no one else would and is very comfortable and natural to surround himself and elevate and promote women to the highest positions and for him to always who we areul of personally, what our home life is like, whether we are married or not, have children or not he is always interested in the personal story of everyone. He is a great storyteller himself so it is a wonderful way to engage with the boss. Whohe is also somebody elevated another woman into a cabinet post and now he will have two women at the department of homeland security. The thing about donald trump that i have never heard him a is i think this will help with the women, or this is great because you are a woman. He doesnt see it that way. Doesnt have the identity politics the other side is so you have to look at a person for who they individual,mplex certainly in many different ways democratically and situationally. But if i didnt work for a president and Vice President and their spouses all four of whom i know and admire deeply, if i didnt work for them and didnt know who they were and how family centric they are then i wouldnt be there. There would be no reason to be there. I appreciate that because i hear a lot of people on their soapboxes, the high horse calamari, always talking about womens rights and womens empowerment i am an environment where it is practiced regularly and have never felt otherwise. And i think theres a great juxtaposition one of the major influencers in hollywood in major democratic donor being ensnared in some pretty ugly stuff and the juxtaposition of that is that r. I. M in a place where women are respected and i appreciate that as a working mom and i also want to tell each of you [applause] we kept open the first female president of the United States job. [applause] if you needy, another female recommendation for homeland security, my wife is good with a shotgun around the house. [laughter] president , every time i have spoken to the president since the election, he reminds me of how strong the evangelical social conservative vote was for him. How much we love him, and we do, we love him and appreciate him. He reminded us of the promises that he made. I remember when he promised he would come back and she kept that promise today how important is it to this administration that the entire administration stand with the president in the fulfillment of the promises he made to the American People . I it is very important and want to correct the record slightly we dont look at you as voters, we look at you as fellow americans and travelers on this journey and if there are people in this audience, certainly people here, who didnt vote for president trump, he is your president and he is there for you and he said that on november 9, that i will be the president of all americans even those who didnt support me , and he means that and he continues to do that. He made promises and he looks at some of these not just as Campaign Promises but this recipes and our time and moral imperatives. Replacing obamacare i saw a journalist wrote somewhere the reason he wants to repeal obama care is because it has the word obama in it. That is not true color for the 28 million americans dont flatter yourself. [laughter] [applause] the 28 million americans who dont have health insurance, for the people who were lied to that they can keep their doctor and their plan, it is for those who he is helping through the executive order who are caught in the middle between people like you and me who get Health Benefits through their employers and the millions who get them through the government, it is ford medicare those who cant afford the because you spent gazillions of dollars on website that didnt work. Dont confuse principles with personality. Do not confuse policy and politics. [applause] i know you have gone through the list of his prolife appointments, he has done so many things that are there to help people that dont get covered, the incomplete coverage i take is really regrettable because people arent being connected with the information they need to know whats important to them. To your point, should the the president is somebody who is an excellent listener, i know that firsthand. He accepts and expects differing viewpoints, it ideas. This is the way he has been a successful businessman his whole career and he takes it into the white house because he believes in listening and negotiating and learning, but he is the ultimate decisionmaker. I like to say i will review a list in the white house of everybody who was elected to anything and if you dont see yourself on the list, get with the program. Heres a list donald trump and michael pence. Are you on the list . He was elected to be the president of the United States and he takes that responsibility never areas like but he takes it monolithic lay, in an isolated fashion. The cabinet he has henpecked is one he engages with regularly and i love watching it up close and personal because it is the way a democracy should run, taking all the information it doesnt matter to me, it information he gets that is important in terms of the decisionmaking process. I want to get personal for just a moment. Not too personal. As the senior counselor to the president , what is that like . Let us see a day in the life of kelly and. Of kellyanne. That you dont want to see. [laughter] it begins with getting for kids to school. I am there in the morning until they leave, so that is terrific, because we were separated for the end of their school last year. That is wonderful, and talk about humbling yourself. Uniform,cant find the i know for all of those out decisions are yoga or pilates i feel blessed to have a different set of decisions in the morning. For me, when i get to the white house in the morning, i say a prayer as i walk in because every day i asked the lord to bless everyone who works in the building, everyone who that building represents, to pray for safety [applause] security, our understanding. Within the multitude of is mainly and my day in policy meetings because this is a great example this week there were six major policy initiatives, immigration, tax reform, you ran there is always something happening at the trump pace. Most of my days are in policy meetings. As counselor to the president i am there to some or 10, we have very talented people in communications but i spent three or 5 of my time engaging with media on tv because you cant be an effective communicator unless you understand the policy. To understande the ins and outs of policy and i think thats what the country deserves to hear. That is very important. That is everything from tax reform to health care to immigration, to some of the Foreign Policy meetings, thenstructure meetings some of the issues that are directly in my portfolio like dayids, probably 10 of my on the opioid issue in the west wing. Very happy to have the president and first lady and all of our administration and the entire cabinet engaged on the issue. It is the scourge of our times and it is the epidemic next door. This is not somebody elses community, it is all of us and it is our responsibility as a nation to get on the winning side of this because currently we are on the losing side. Issues like military selfemployment for example [applause] its just a dizzying pace of meetings and also because i spent decades as a pollster to try to bring the data in, whether its Public Opinion data or Economic Data or cultural data, any study that is relevant to what my coworkers are working on. And then i tend to travel frequently for the administration i am given my , i traveled with the first lady to West Virginia this week. I find myself doing more to touch americans, and i have the great privilege of two decades as a pollster i went to find out how its playing in pr you. I had visited all these states to hear from people, what they think, to get their input. I think that has equipped me tremendously to remember why we are there it is for the country, and to understand why people disagree. I think a lot of these issues suffer from information overload but i think you are not being told everything you need to be told about these issues. Go to whitehouse. Gov and you will get a lot of the information, or Pay Attention to what the president is saying and doing and dont get the filtered that is whats so great about 2017, where you can oftene information and many people are not connecting with all the great things that have happened, not telling americans about meaningful tax wouldnd what it truly mean to have a more competitive environment to repatriate these trillions of dollars sitting offshore legally, what it means to have an expanded childcare and elder care tax credit, how it impacts you to have employers to go from 30 to 20 . It affects you mightily because that money gets reinvested in its employees and inventory, and the infrastructure that surrounds that company. Andare you trying to repeal replace obamacare . That has helped Many Americans we it has hurt many more and have had the obamacare victims in the white house, they are real people with names. Press accounts with quotes around their name they told us their stories and we are there to help them and if you feel like you can do one tiny molecule of help that is a privilege beyond anything i thought i could being raised by a single mom and i think that is a true american dream, when you are in a position to help other people and you take that position and refuse to look the other way and that is i think why we are there. I know it is why the president is there, why they have agreed to serve at this time, at this level. [applause] kellyanne, speaking we are almost out of time people across america who care deeply about this problem, how can they help the president advance the agenda, the promises made, that youhe message just articulated for carrying it across the country . First of all, you are helping. You, without having ambassadors for that message all across country, we wont succeed the way we can, because it is incredibly important that people feel like they are part of this. I think it is something that mr. Trump loved to do in his campaign, his voice, his choice, not the conventional Political Campaign but people felt like they were part of the movement. This is much more important because this is our nation, and what you can do is to have a 72nd version for anyone willing to listen, why i support the the best thing he has done is ask, why, is x, y, z. Why i think he is the most prolife president in our lifetime. You come up with the answer in your own voice and the reason its important it is your voices because you are much more effective than any of us can be people see you in their churches and their communities in their places of work and will say i like you and you were like me. Those two attributes are so incredibly important, to have you. Identity with ando to the same School Church and community center, we live in the same neighborhood, i like you and you are like me. That is much more accessible and much more relatable and much more antic then getting the message in any other number of ways stop i will end by telling a story this is a great wheree of reaching out you think we can be of assistance if there is a great opportunity for the president or Vice President to come and speak last august 17 it was the president had expanded his Campaign Team and the next day i was on for my first phone call his Campaign Manager as the president went to the airport and he was giving his regret speech in North Carolina. I said, tomorrow the governor has agreed to clear his schedule and go down to baton rouge, because they were suffering from severe flooding. We were all looking at the images on the tv, with people in great need, as we have seen all too recently and all too often this year. The governor is going to go down into we are going to connect him with some false on the ground in some First Responders, tony perkins is involved he said could i go, too . I said, its my first day on the job, whats the answer . I guess the answer is always yes. Theres a fundraiser in minnesota, theres a speech here. That was such a telling moment is such thehat essence of this president , that he comes up with these ideas and says he intuitively knows where he should be to help and he went down to baton rouge and they wrote a check they listened and they learned and they helped and i remember the sitting president was on his the other candidate never went down, this is not the way people in baton rouge felt about it. But it is i story hope asked and answered of what can you do. You can also bring to our attention Great Stories of triumph and recovery and hardiness, of great and determination of america, and point out to us people in need. We are the federal government, and we believe that those closest to the people in need are those best equipped to know how we can best help and we would like to hear it. Kellyanne conway, thank you. [cheers and applause] today, on cspan, washington journal is next. A minute debate for candidates of the West Virginia government of the virginia governor. In about an hour, we will talk about the president support among religious conservatives. Rona kobell. Morning, saturday, october 14 2017. The deadliest drug epidemic in the nations history. The opioid crisis. Experts say the number of americans of using opioids is skyrocketing. So is the number of deaths. 2016 more than 64,000 people died of drug overdoses in america with synthetic opioids, hurry on, and comment heroin, and painkillers topping the list of causes. The devastating effects of opioid abuse rippling for families and neighborhoods across the country. We will get to the news of the week later but now a question for

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