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Facebook page. The president announced he will head to las vegas to visit with families and First Responders there. The white house yesterday offering words of condolence and comfort. [video clip] mr. Trump hundreds of our fellow citizens are mourning the loss of a brother, child, sister. We cannot imagine their pain, their loss. To the families of the victims, we are praying for you, and we are here for you. We ask god to help see you through this very dark period. Scripture teaches us the lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. We seek comfort in those words for we know that god lives in the hearts of those who grieve. To the wounded who are now recovering and hospitals, we are praying for your full and speedy recovery and pledge to you our support from this day forward. Host that was at the white house. On capitol hill, there were calls from House Minority leader nancy pelosi to take a look at legislation dealing with gun measures, in fact forming a committee to investigate gun violence following the shooting in las vegas. The hill says such a committee what study gun violence and offer recommendations to congress. She suggested one bill lawmakers could start with which would expand background checks for gun sales made over the internet, at classifiedr in ads. She went on to say congress has a moral duty to address this or if the and heartbreaking epidemic. We must respond to these tragedies with courage, unity, and decisive action. Our first call this morning on these events from las vegas, robert. Republican line, go ahead. I was thinking, do you think back i could have been hypnotized by terrorists to do Something Like that . That seems out of the ordinary. E, philadelphia, pennsylvania. Independent line. About someoneset made a tweet yesterday that the people at the concert deserved to be killed because they were people that voted for the republicans. I thought that was horrible. I guess that is the liberal mentality. That is all i have to say. Host going forward, is there a role for the federal government or congress . Caller pardon me . Host is there a role responding to that from the federal government . Caller of course, but when you hear people from the left talk about horrible things, these people did not deserve that and to be talked about like that i thought was horrible. Host in las vegas, the death count at 89 according to usa today. Looking at other events from orlando at the polls. Com, 49 deads. 2007 37. Tech in deaths. Ok, 26 that goes back to 2012. The university of texas at austin, that event was 16. Your events at the your reaction to the events in las vegas. If you want to call, 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. Independents 202 7488002. Another legislative effort, despite senator chris murphy of connecticut, saying yesterday he was planning to introduce legislation to strengthen background checks on gun purchases following las vegas. Hashing outas details of new background check the decision and would not introduce it immediately, but it would give democrats a bill to rally behind as congress once again confronts the divisive issue of gun control, which lawmakers have struggled to pass or even debate after every mass shooting. Knowledger openly that stricter background checks might not have flagged the las vegas shooter, stephen paddock, but he said we cant get caught in the trap of only advocating legislation that address yesterday shooting. Don on our independent line. Caller good morning. Host you are on. Go ahead. Caller ok. We have the tools, electronically, the tools to set up a database where all sellers ammunitionpairs, and should be required immediately to register with this database. Any purchases of those items so that it then can create a red database the determines somebody is adding to substantial amounts of those, and then Law Enforcement can start to question what are his or her motives . This is far more and could be far more effective than just background testing. I think it is something we have to start to look at. Requirementt the that all these markets, whether ,t be the internet or whatever and also transporters to the think we can start to establish a system. Host lets hear next from dave, democrats line, colorado. Caller yes. This is dave in denver, colorado. Host go ahead. Caller i was wondering what the c in cspan stood for. Yesterday it sounded like a bible study. I wondered if it stood for christian. What i am calling in about is the answer to this is simple about gun control. We need to stop giving delusional people weapons. I believe even a delusional person would believe that. If you are talking to an invisible guy in the sky, you should not be allowed to own a weapon. You should not be allowed to vote. That is a problem. Giving delusional people weapons. Host when you say delusional people, do you mean religious people . Caller yes, sir. Host how did you come to that conclusion . Caller i looked up the definition of delusional in the dictionary. People claiming something that no human people can now, so i believe believing in something that is not there is delusional. In northnext, kelly carolina, republican line. Caller gun control is getting out of hand. Every time there is a major crime look at the reason the major crime happened. It is due to the nut case. They all have one thing in common if you look at it. They are all liberal minded people. The fact that they had to go in there and kill transporters, we have a bigger problem than guns. I think it is liberal ideology. That is the problem. Host on our independent line, go ahead. Caller good morning. I want to make just one statement, i think the focus right now is not only on gun control, but the problem seems ry citizen in this country religious institute, government institute, focus more on the issue. It is about humanity. Everybody should work together, and i think this is very devastating. I think anybody should stand up. Host from usa today, it highlights the nevada state law when it comes to the ownership of guns, machine guns. Gun owners in that state dont need a permit to buy, purchase, or own a shotgun or handgun. They can carry a firearm openly in public. Purchasecan also machine guns or silencers from other states as long as they are not federally banned. ,nder federal law, machine guns automatic weapons are tightly regulated but legal to own as long as they were made before may of 1986 and registered with the federal government. Ye from maryland. Caller good morning. When i think about the legislation for these weapons with extra cartridges, automatic weapons, that is where we need to start. Regulatebout how we them with background checks, there is no way to tell what is in someones mind. As far as the comments of liberals thinking this is what people deserve, i have not one democrat who believes that. People kill people. Host do you think that is something that is a partisan in nature, bipartisan in that people can agree on . Caller i think it is something that should definitely be bipartisan. Weapons that we use in war atmosphere should not be available to the common american. What do we need them for . Host highlighting the federal assault weapons ban that made those weapons illegal for a decade. Lawmakers allowed that to expire in 2004. Lawmakers push for a similar ban in 2012, but that effort stalled in congress. Gun control advocates scored a narrow victory in nevada last year which mandates gun control online sales, but that has yet to be enforced. Ed on our independent line. Go ahead. Caller hello. It is a sad thing that nothing will be done about this. Several terrible mass killings and so forth, and nothing has been done about that except for speeches, and they will probably erect a monument for these poor people that were slain. What we have to do if you are really serious is call your congressperson, your senators, and your house of representative and put the heat on. Otherwise, you know, it is going to continue on, and nothing will be done about it. Caller have you contacted host have you contacted your congressperson yet . Caller not yet. I am planning to do it. I do call not only do i call my senators and representative theichigan, i call with health debate. I called all outside my state. That is what we have to do. Host what are you going to tell your legislator . Caller he is very conservative. He is a libertarian, but im going to say peoples lives counts more than the constitution. You know, historically the Second Amendment was enacted because of the british taking that isrican guns, and the reason why they put that in the constitution. I still believe people, if they want to have hunting guns or a gun inside of their home for protection that they should be allowed to do it, but they got to be responsible. Host lets go to eugene in connecticut, democrats line. Caller good morning, pedro. I am calling because i always hear a lot of people talk about this mental issue. Thatban guns from people weapons. Nals who carry they try to say people who are mental, that they should not have guns. The whole of america is in duress. You could never tell who is going to pick up a gun and do these crazy things they have been doing. For me i think this is probably a conspiracy. Thank you. Host the New York Times this morning takes a look at Hotel Security in light of the events in las vegas. About theyou writing balance between security and privacy matters, explosive equipment and extra machines will be scarce in hotels because of the enormous premium customers place on their privacy. And broker, hotels that were attacked and targeted, security tactics are much more intense. Canresponse rapid violence in downtown mumbai, attacking targets across the city, targeting major hotel chains, they began using explosive trace detectors and machines throughout the country. Fromdelaware, we will hear jim, republican line. Caller the night before all this happened, my wife was watching the walking dead show. It just struck me as the whole concept of the program is to break down peoples moral view to cheapen human life. I think a lot of this mass killing relates back to the fact that we have seen so much violence on television that it desensitizes individuals to the value of human life. They commit acts like this because they have lost their compass. Is. Moral we need to ask the media to stop doing this. After years of exposure to it, a lot of people look at other people as vermin and not worth having a life. I think that is a big problem, and it should be put at the door of the media for destroying the moral compass of certain individuals in this country. You can take all the guns away, and people will still commit violent acts. We see this because the cheapening of the life in the media. Host go ahead. Nraer i want to say the responsible, and politicians will make it about that people with mental problems can buy guns. Look at australia for example, 1996 36 people die from an insane person. They make a new law. This prevents another massacre, mass killing. Or a gunuy a shotgun that can only shoot one at a time to go hunting. You dont need a machine gun. What are they going to hunt . Gun. Eer with a machine are you kidding me . You might be lucky to kill one deer. We need to put the response of the nra and politicians we need to stop selling machine guns. How many massacres to we have in the United States . 20, this is crazy. Host that is tony from florida on our independent line. We are going to change topics and talk about the events of puerto rico before we return to your calls on the events from las vegas. President trump heading to puerto rico today. Our next guests, representative darren soto of florida. He was on the island yesterday. We will talk to him after the break. Cspann as part of our 50 capitals tour, we are in the city of West Virginia, charleston charleston, West Virginia. We will be right back. What kind of work you do . I am an entertainer. What kind of entertaining, uso . No, i was actually called by the uso, but i am an entertainer, and i dont want to go much past that. Is this share . Cher . Yes. Ok. You spent the day at 13. Walter reed. Yes. Around that took me were fabulous men, mike and john. These boys had unbelievable said forand they still the most part they were glad they did it. They felt it was their duty. For the past 30 years, the Video Library is your free resource for politics, and washington public affairs. Whether happened 30 years ago worth eating or 30 minutes ago, find it in cspans Video Library. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. Host here to talk to us about federal assistance to puerto rico is representative darren soto, serving the ninth district of florida, democrat from that state. Just back from the island. Guest good morning. Host can you talk to us about what you saw and the sense of the federal response . Guest the stories you are reading are all true. I saw people waiting in line for groceries, gas, no power on the island as well is no cell phone service. You go to different towns, and some of them have not even seen someone from fema. I was in one, and they had not seen anybody besides one or two members of the military. The traffic lights are out. Of containers at the four, but not much moving. We dont have enough assets there. We dont have enough human power there. People are still waiting to get the supplies they need, and it is over two weeks out. The federal response is underwhelming to say the least. Host as far as the ability to get supplies out, is that strictly a federal issue, or are there resources on the island itself that could have been better tended to . Dear talking about major challenges, roads are blocked. Truck drivers, many of them are dealing with problems at home. It is hard to communicate. No street lights, so it is hard to drive at night. They take not only Major Military drops but also helicopters. The type of infrastructure that most states have before hand, a lot of this should have anticipated. Host you think fema should have had these in place before hand . Caller guest or at least get them in place two or three days after maria. The stories started coming in, we realized it was much bigger than anybody anticipated. That is when you send the planes, ships, helicopters. You send them within a day or two, not waiting until day 7, 8, or nine. The Trump Administration has been slow, and we are paying for it. Host the federal response to puerto rico, you can ask our guests a question. 202 7488001 for republicans. For democrats 202 7488000. Independents 202 7488002. What kind of information would you like to see from the president . Guest it is positive that he is going. Gone to president s have puerto rico. Him being there is a positive, but we need a message that whatever it takes, get it done. Certainly he will be meeting with some veterans, something that many people dont realize. A lot of veterans, even world war ii veterans retire down there. We are talking about a senior population that i know the present is always been concerned about president has always been concerned about with regards to veterans. We need the investment of the federal government to get this back under control. Host we have seen some figures come out in light of the previous storms in houston, louisiana, and other places. What do you think as far as dollars for puerto rico . . Guest for fema to operate for the next six months, they need 1. 7 billion. Talking to the government, the loss to the state was between 40 billion and 70 billion. Imagine a state that cannot communicate with cell phone and the internet. It is hard to get a handle on it, but that is what it looks like, 40 billion to 70 billion. Host when might that be discussed on the floor of congress . Guest we have heard positive statements from the appropriations chairman and leadership of both parties, they expect a package this week or next week. We will be yelling until happens because of what we saw donna. Im hopeful that not only will we get a packet to help out the remainder in texas, puerto rico, and the Virgin Islands, but that puerto rico and the Virgin Islands will be treated as states for funding because those are americans down there. Host you obviously heard about the backandforth between the mayor and the president. What do you think about those responses . Guest i think a lot of people are emotional as of the situation down there. Certainly there needs to be a good cop, bad cop response. Governor needs to work with the administration to make sure they get all the assets down there, but there are mayors seeing constituents dying. I dont blame her for being upset. Certainly, i was very disappointed with the president s tweets attacking American People at a time of crisis. Hopefully he will see what i saw, that the stories are true, that the damage is real, that they need our help. Host how did you get around . Guest the government provided me with a helicopter to fly over the island. Flowing out the side and down. We saw one of the rural areas where the biggest damage still is, no power, no water, rationing. That was helpful. We drove to the port. We went to famous operations center. If you look at san juan, host of the lights are still out. And one who has been there, that skyline is very bright. It looks like a bomb hit it now. Host our guest is just back from puerto rico. Caller iscolor is richard, one for democrats. You are on. Caller yes, sir. By thend of embarrassed news media and White Christians that are allowing this to happen. A team city, as , 158,000ader there people in four days had to be noted that they came from the philippines, to korea, and we moved them with all of their equipment with no problem. Host thanks. Guest the positive thing is we responses oft of people from all faiths down there. We needed an overwhelming humanitarian response, military u. S. S, finally getting comfort down there. Some trucks cannot go through. My concern is we have literally invaded other countries faster than we have helped out our fellow americans in puerto rico. That is where i think we can do better. Host this is washington, d. C. , dan, republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. First of all, lots and prayers go to the people affected by hurricane maria. It is a terrible disaster. Im glad to see that people are focusing on it. I wonder if your guest can comment on, he talked about how there is trees down and the infrastructure is not there, yet he talks about how we need more resources down there. I think it is a twopart system where you have the resources down there, and you actually create the infrastructure that has been so destroyed with the people that have been affected, it is absolutely terrible. I think getting more resources down there is just starting to be part of the solution. I think we need to focus on infrastructure rebuilding and the fact that infrastructure in puerto rico is lacking even before maria came. Thank you. Guest certainly, i agree. There is the emergency response, literally getting helicopters to these rural areas, to these towns throughout puerto rico that need supplies. We did not see any helicopters in the sky when we were there. We did not see trucks going around, ships going around. That part is what i mean by resources coming in with these emergency supply measures, medical supplies. I agree with you, it is going to take a long plan for the infrastructure to come back to normal. We have most of the great out. , 85 of cellut phone towers. Is going to take construction workers to build that grid up. There are different types of resources for different moments, emergency resources and longterm resources. Host we have of you are on twitter who talks about fema, asking if fema is fully staffed or is suffering from a lack of experienced leadership. Guest there is no doubt that in his dealing with two states and territories worth of disasters. Im sensitive to that fact. They are still helping out flood victims in harvey. They are still helping victims in florida and devastation beyond what one can imagine in puerto rico and the Virgin Islands as well. There is some talk of whether we have the most experienced personnel in puerto rico because of the fact that we have two states also under siege. They are moving things along, but it seemed like there was not the urgency, particularly from the top down to get everything we need there. It is an island, but that just means we come up with solutions to fit that problem. Host such as . Guest such as getting ships down from day three or day for, rather than waiting till they seven or day eight. Getting helicopters down when we know our trucks go to these places. Getting Truck Drivers, having those folks actually know by a three or day for. Is the real issue, the delay. I think we will have a death toll that is going to surprise everybody by the end of this that could have been prevented. Today had a graphic highlighting people with access to Drinking Water. They quote the death toll at 16. You say it is going to be more. Guest that is what we hear on the ground, until we know for sure, that is something we are keeping track of. It is getting better, no doubt about it. I saw people dedicated their to making sure it gets better. The issue is why did it take so long, and what will the repercussions be . Host even in the best case scenario, how far can people get on the island given the infrastructure issues you spoke about . Guest that is why you need trucks that you can get through to the major populations around san juan and these outskirt town, but you also need airdrops of helicopters in these rural areas you will not get to for months. These folks need supplies. When i went to one city, they had no electricity, no cell phone service, have not seen any number of fema. They had seen one or two military personnel at the hospital. This is two weeks later. I asked questions of them. They asked us when i first landed, are you part of fema, we have not seen them yet . Host democrats line, anthony. Youre next. Caller can you hear me . Host go ahead. Rico, i am from Puerto San Lorenzo is where i used to live. I knew for a long time puerto rico had an unregulated Utility Company for the entire island controlled by the puerto rican government there. Im curious if that were not the case, could the outcome have been different in the way we manage things . At what point can we have a conversation should puerto rico really be a state at this point . I think we are going 100 years on as a colony, or should puerto rico the able to be independent, generate its own government to respond to these types of disasters rather than relying on the United States of america . Agree theirtainly energy should be diversified. In florida we have municipal utilities, investment utilities, rural cooperatives. Each of those create competition for each other. I am openminded to looking at having Different Energy Companies Come in. This rebuild could be the opportunity. As far as statehood, i have always been a believer in selfdetermination. Make the decision on the island. They had a vote. They voted 97 for state would. Prostatehood. They could have sovereign immunity and address these debts m a stronger decision. Position. And thelook at the debt response, having members of congress here would have made the difference in the urgency. Host our guest is representative darren soto, democrat from republican. Youre the first congressman of pottery can dissent from florida . Guest yes. Cousins are from puerto rico, my family is from a small island where we had agriculture for many years. So many of us are all in Central Florida and new york and new jersey. Of amily is this tale robust central floridian puerto rican population. Host when it comes to put reagans coming to florida, what is that to happen Puerto Ricans coming to florida, what is going to happen . Guest we expect tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. I am pleased the state is taking it seriously. I have talked to School Board Members are ready for students to be enrolled. We are already seeing dozens of them as flights are starting to happen. We expect families will open their houses to relatives. One of my Staff Members has two sets of grandparents and a great and in the same house in kissimmee, florida. We have to be concerned about whether the hospitals will be ready. Many seniors will be coming in with issues. Finally, we will have to be prepared for our food banks to be able to handle this load. We will do our best to help everybody. Host 20 think the likelihood is those coming will stay in florida . Guest that is the question. A lot of folks have come to Central Florida and stayed because it is a steady job market, although we could does higherpaying jobs always always use higherpaying jobs. The weather is pleasant. I think we will have those who are seniors who will move back. That is all they have known their entire lives. Im hearing it already, grandparents want to go back to puerto rico already. It is not ready yet. Young people, maybe, families that are raising kids to have kids halfway through the school year in florida, it could be a possibility. We will have to see how this moves. Host people leaving the island are one of the reasons given puerto ricos current debt load. What do you think should be done with that . State,if they were a they would be able to go into bankruptcy on it. Until things change, they have to fight tenaciously each of the debts in Bankruptcy Court what they are doing. The governor asked me for several things, some of them having to do with the role of promesa and the relief. Asked that lines of credit be back by the federal government for the rebuild. The fact is for the goat only has three or four weeks left of funding to operate the government right now because of the huge drop in revenue. There is a lot of issues out there financially that we are going to have to grapple with, and perhaps change their status going forward. Host this is from wisconsin, independent line. Caller hi. Good morning, gentlemen. Can you hear me . Host go ahead. You are on. Caller i guess some people have , thated my point already being that i am a taxpayer, been paying andyears and watching puerto rico, the politicians taking the money off the top, the cream, and stick it now theypockets, and did not take care of their country for their whatever you now thecall it, and infrastructure is a mess, obviously, my heart goes out to the people, so im not talking about the people. Im talking about the people at the top that stole the money. I dont want to go into it and beat a bunch of people, but facts are facts. Host ok. Thanks. Guest essentially puerto ricos Economic Growth had to do with Economic Growth through a Pharmaceutical Company that was phased out in the early 2000s. You had a lot of companies leaving the island. You had population loss. Puerto rico is the number one employer on the island and has robust benefits. This whole combination created this economic storm. Back to your question about the plight. In Central Florida, we want a rebuild of puerto rico. While we welcome everybody to we are florida, we know passionate about helping her brothers and sisters on the island because we want people to stay if they want to stay. That will be a big issue going forward. Host kisses from florida, john on our line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller yes. This istative soto, john watley, former member of the Virgin Islands National Guard. One of the things i noticed when i served is that many of your Truck Drivers are probably stuck in their homes trying to take care of their families. I think you should put the pressure down there and have some transportation units. I know the National Guard system has transportation units that can be airdropped if necessary. Go down and get those trailers off that dock. The other thing is this constant complaint about puerto rico being under developed because of this tax that lawfitedlaw this tax that benefited American Companies that then left. I think your younger generation, those coming back and started businesses on their own would do a great deal for the community, but you have to get those guys out of those towns, the Truck Drivers, or airdropped. Host thank you. Guest first, our hearts go out to brothers and sisters in the Virgin Islands. They are also in distress. You have pointed out a lot of what we talked about before. A lot of these Truck Drivers are dealing with tragedies in their own families across alan. We are facing roadblocks and fuel shortages, no power, streetlights, cell phone service. That is why this has to drop in from the air to these towns in the mountain areas and other areas outside san juan. I agree, we have the assets to airdropped these in. Airdrop these in. I did not see it while i was there. That is where the real issue is. We have the ability to do it, it was slow going, and now we dont have the assets we need. Highlights 55 of customers are without power. When is the expectation that he will see more people without power . Guest the governor told me it is going to take months. Many of the people in puerto rico cannot expect to have power back for weeks if not months. That is why having these airdrops is going to be so critical. They told me their Biggest Issue is communication for the commonwealth government. Run a government in the modern era without cell phones. They are putting a lot of pressure on the telecommunication companies. They are putting in these temporary powers across the island as they rebuild and fix the other issues. They believe the transportation problem and these other problems will be improved last telecommunication is resolved. Host judy, republican line. Caller hello. I am three in one. Community Mental Health , and National Alliance on Mental Illness, Puerto Rico Brings to mind mind i am a female registered voter, woman voter. Today is my 70th birthday. Now headed for the scene 70s. Senile 70s. Two movies, west side story and the sound of music, it is a shame what father nature or the whole family did to puerto rico. We will come back. And lets hear from pat south carolina, democrats line. Go ahead. Caller yes, i have maybe two comments. First of all, i believe the federal government should help these people. I want to know, do the people in puerto rico pay federal tax to america . The second thing i want to ask you you cut me off. I thought you are cutting me off. Host go ahead. Caller you are flying around in a helicopter, bashing donald trump because there are no helicopters, how much did you drop . Guest order against pay federal taxes. They pay Social Security and medicare. A lot of companies on the island pay federal taxes as well. Tax. Dont pay income that goes directly to their taxing authority there. If they were a state, they would be paying federal taxes. I made sure as we saw these different issues to have the andrnor follow up on a trip that they brought in assets after hearing from us since i was traveling with folks from the Governors Administration to help there. My main role in congress is to tell the stories back here in washington because there is a multibillion dollar fema package we could be voting on this week to help everybody on the island. I tried to leave a lot of that your work to our First Responders who are trained and doing as good a job as they can. Anything i say here about the response is certainly not them. It is not the heroic folks down there doing the best they can with the resources they have. The debate we have is with leadership and funding. That is why i am here today. Host do Puerto Ricans have access to safety net programs . Caller usually guest usually through their local programs. We are getting briefed today as we talked about an ag package. They get Social Security, which is a big one, and medicare, which are the two basic programs. Host lets hear from connie, california, independent line. Caller hi. What does the United States get out of puerto rico . They pay taxes, but they are still getting back the money on their Social Security and medicare. I think then we should help them. It is costing a lot of money for the United States to go over there and get nothing back in return. Yes, they get the Social Security taxes and medicare that they also receive the benefits for paying the taxes. It is not puerto rico should give more to the United States it is not right. Puerto rico should give more to the United States. This is costing the United States money. I know people are suffering. Needsited states to get something back. Guest this goes to the continental point. Puerto rico is the United States. When we are talking about it, it is not us and them. We are all americans. We all serve in the military. The folks of puerto rico pledged to our flag. They pay certain federal taxes. It is not something the United States is going to get back or naot. You are advocating that they should be a state so they pay federal income tax. 97 of the folks in the last election agree with you, but congress has yet to hear a bill about admitting them into state hood. They are 3. 3 million people, this island is bigger than more than a dozen states po pulations. We are talking about a lot of americans, including veterans. Host were talking to representative darren soto. Before we let you go, well ask you for your response to las vegas and with the federal government should do in response. Guest it was only over a year ago that we saw the polls pulselub shooting nightclub shooting. It amazes me how terrible people can be in this world. Obviously, we will be examining these highpowered weapons and the propriety of having them with people without background checks, and whether people should even have them. We did not want to have them available to these people legally. I spoke to congressman keegan who represents las vegas, and i told him livestrong, you have to ong,n the ground lead str you have to be on the ground speaking to victims and families. Right now they have to mourn and respect those victims for hanging on for dear life. Host thank you for joining us. Guest thats for having me. Response toard his las vegas. We are turning to you, how should Congress Respond to the Las Vegas Shooting . For republicans. Democrats 202 7488000. 202 7488002 independets. We will take those calls when washington journal continues. Do . Hat kind of work you i am an entertainer. What kind of entertaining, are you uso . No. I was called by the uso, but i am an entertainer and i dont to go past that. Is this cher . Yes. Ok. And you spend the day at walter reed . Yes. They were great guys. The people that took me around were fabulous man, mike and john. These boys had unbelievable courage, and they still said, for the most part, they were glad they did it. They felt it was their duty. For the past 30 years, the Video Library is your free resource for politics, congress, and public affairs. Whether it happened 30 years ago or 30 minutes ago, find it in cspans Video Library at cspan. Org. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. Host in light of the Las Vegas Shooting, the events that took place there, we are interested in hearing from you if congress has a role following that and what role they should take. Here is how you can let us know. 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. And for independents 202 7488002. Senator chris murphy from new york has an oped in the Washington Post this morning, it is titled are unamerican aversion to gun control. He writes, why are politicians so afraid to get it done . Just take the rhetoric and the gun lobby loyalists following the shooting. Some chided me for politicizing the tragedy for calling to make our communities safer. About theked inability to regulate evil as if the entire history is not entitled to pass laws such as murderiveting arson and to prevent acts of evil. We will read more about other things through the hour. Your thoughts on congress, if they have a role following the events in las vegas. 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. Independents 202 7488002. We will start with mike in new jersey, democrats line. Thanks for calling. Go ahead. Caller pedro, thanks for taking my call. My question is, sandy hook, orlando, and now las vegas, will we do anything . 20 people or so were killed in sandy hook. We did nothing. When it comes to someone speaking their mind or having an opinion, that rights seems to be triedht seems seems to be to be taken away, yet now the gun lobbyists and nra will wrap themselves around the Second Amendment and have that be there speaking that they have the right to do that. I dont think congress will do anything. Nothing at all. Thanks for taking my call. Host lets hear from a resident of florida, republican line, willy. Nothingyes, there is congress can do, president can do, nobody can do. You cannot stop guns. We have had them since the beginning of time. It is not guns they kill people. It is the crazy people. Nobody ever sees anything happening that you are not sure that does happen, how can you do it . You cannot. You have to educate people and stop all of the left from fighting the right and all the right from fighting with the left. Every time you see something come up, it is some type of protest, protest, protests. That goes back to the black panthers. If you really want to know, they backed obama from the beginning. Host you said you need to educae people, considering the amount of Mass Shootings we have had and events following that, what else is there to teach on this topic . Caller for one, you need to teach gun respect. That is about all you can really teach. Ok, im going to do this or do that. You are not going to stop violence. The world is made of violence. It has been like that since the beginning of time. Next, republican line. Caller thank you. Want to tell that representative, he made a statement that is completely ally. He said all kinds of people are dying right now in puerto rico. Mayor, rivera asked the the one causing all the trouble, i her how many people have died, how many people have died. She said they are not getting enough stuff and she says well, none, but i am just saying congress in las vegas. See how muchyou these people do love america, iron release said that the media i was listening to brian and he was trying to bring up all kinds of cramp and of crap. The senator from las vegas was great. Williams, i dont want to talk about anything what you are talking about. The want to talk about if president is doing right or if he is setting the right town. I do want to talk about gun laws. I want to talk about these people that were murdered and i just want to say a shout out, i am a republican, diehard, but when i heard her, you are what we need in washington. Host that is jan from arizona. The president sending out a tweet before his trip to puerto rico, adding the statement, i am so proud of our country, god bless america. Sam in california, independent line. Caller good morning. Thank you very much for taking our call. Perspective, i have lived half my time in the u. S. And half abroad. The United States i have not been able to come to grasp with is the guncontrol the gun culture. It is simply not there in other countries. In response to your question, what you congress do, well most of the countries dont have the Second Amendment and that is something i still dont understand why we have that in the constitution. Host what could we learn from other countries as far as what they do . He is gone. Ohio, democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine, thank you. What do you think of congress j. K. Rowling after vegas . Congresss role after vegas . About i want to talk puerto rico and all these islands that are u. S. Territories. We could easily put their electric wiring underground in a rubber conduit. They did it in germany after world war ii and then they would be able to bring their electricity grid up quickly. Vegas is myut las brotherinlaw is there and he and a lot of casualties were early because they did not know how to get out of there. If you are going to cage people like that, there should be a way to drop those fences so that these people can regress egress out of the captivity. I was a marksman in the army and it was only 400 yards from this window to where he was killing the maximum, and effective range of a m16 is 460 yards. Host that is brian in ohio. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell talked about what happened in las vegas. He talked about his thoughts on it. Mcconnell the news we woke to this morning was heartbreaking. What happened in las vegas was shocking, tragic and for those affected and theres fred and their families, it is devastating. It is hard to imagine their pain. I hope that they know we are praying for them, now. I hope they will find strength in the love and kindness of those around them in these hours of such darkness and pain. I hope they will see that our country is standing by their side. Many americans are still in shock. Others have begun to wonder why someone would do something this terrible. Investigators will continue their dedicated work in search of answers. What is clear now is that this is a moment for National Morning and prayer National Mourning and prayer. A lettercy pelosi sent to House Speaker paul ryan about the issue of gun violence. This is available on her website. She advocates for these two things, saying Congress Must legislation to keep guns out of the wrong hands, but this is only a first step. I urge you to create a select committee to study and report back commonsense legislation to help end this crisis. Bipartisan committee would make recommendations to prevent unspeakable tragedies such as the mass shooting in las vegas and restore confidence in the safety of our communities. What should congress do to respond and how should they . George in michigan, republican. Caller morning, pedro. I watch you, all the time. This is a tragic thing that has happened in vegas. A lot of those thing a lot of these Country Music people were conservative and i am going to have to go with president obama, with his programs that have caused conservatives to be under attack. Upper marlboro, maryland, independent. Caller how are you . Firsttime caller. I am listening to all the comments and im trying to figure out why are people why our people are making this a liberal thing. To me, it just seems a little crazy. It is tragic, i am also trying to figure out why isnt anybody calling this domestic terror or white terrorism . When it is a person of color, they want to go right away and or it is radical islam whatever. Why arent they calling this terror, which is which it is terrorism . Host what is the best way for congress to respond . Caller they need background checks. Everyone needs background checks. There arederstand why some in america who do not want background checks for people. No one is trying to take away the Second Amendment and i dont know why people think that. Host more background checks tha n are already conducted . Caller they need to dig more into it because people are still getting it more and more, through online sales. They need to restrict online sales and stop gun shows. That is how people will be able to get guns like that. Host john is next in virginia, democrats line. Caller good morning. My deepest sympathies and condolences to our family and friends and victims of this senseless and avoidable act. It seems like everyone is clamoring for gun control. That ship has already sailed. They are estimating five guns for every u. S. Citizen. What we need is ammunition control. If you control the ammunition, you wont have someone cartwheeling in 18,000 rounds. At the hotel. They also need to get the rounds at the hotel. They need to get the nra out of politics. They are trying to get silencers and armor piercing ammo legalized. Why do we need that for hunting . Host some comments from out of you, from some of you out there, listening. Should congress have a role after what happened in vegas . You can call 202 7488001 the republicans, 202 7488000 202 7488001 for republicans, 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. We turn to the Politico National correspondent. What has been the snap reaction to what is going on to what went on in las vegas and what sense do you get of congressional interest . Republicans are not interested in doing something along this topic. If they decide to do it, they will have been forced to do it by donald trump. That is what you are starting to see. Chuck schumer has not spoken out about this, one expects to see after consulting with his members, he will have more to say. Nancy pelosi is calling for the passage of background check legislation that famously failed in 2013. As far as this wiis congressional act, one of the things on the plate was to talk about silencers. Can you explain what is being debated and if the vote will still take place . Guest it is actually two pieces of legislation. Silencers are actually a provision in a larger bill. Concealed carry bill that would expand gun owners rights to carry concealed weapons. The silencer bill would loosen restrictions on these addons that reduce the noise generated by guns. Supporters call it the Hearing Protection act to make it easier for guns to not for gun owners to not ruin their years while shooting. Reportingvegas were this it is very unlikely this would ever pass the house floor. Its chances of getting to the president are very low. Formere saw representative Gabrielle Gifford and her husband talking about this issue, yesterday. What influence do you think they were trying to bring to this discussion . Guest the nation remembers Gabrielle Gifford for her courageous return after getting shot in the head several years ago. But is the latest iteration of theressional bravery and latest iteration of congressional bravery in the face of this act is Steve Scalise. Congress, she has tried to become a bipartisan voice in this debate. Host and then representative scalise, what response did he have and do you get a response do you get a sense he will be some kind of advocate, given his experience . Guest i dont believe he will be an advocate, although he has a lot of heartfelt condolences to deliver to the victims of this terrible attack. There are a handful of republicans willing to stick their next out for gun control measures and it is far from enough to do anything. Schor from politico, thank you for your time. We will return to your calls. Jane, from cincinnati, ohio, republican line. Caller good morning. I called about the gun issue. I remember back when they were putting it in action, all these guns floating around. Also, i remember that the democrats want to get all of the police. They dont want us to have any prisons and stuff like that. How are we going to be taken care of . Dont want to have a cowboy and indian days with the guns and everything. But then they said they want to get rid of the police and jails. What are we supposed to do . Host terry is next, in massachusetts, independent line. And it is is sharing, unbelievable sherry, and it is unbelievable that congress will do nothing about the guns. They need to do something. It needs to be banned, other than hunting purposes. There is no reason for people to have these types of weapons. I cannot believe in this day and age that people are afraid to go against the gun laws. We are the only country that does this and we are killing each other and it is all about politics and it is a very sad state of affairs. Host usa today talks about the types of weapons found, not only ,n the shooters hotel suite but the devices he may have used to increase that firepower. Two legal offtheshelf devices could have been used to achieve a automatic rate of fire. What is known as a trigger crank bolts onto the trigger guard of a semiautomatic weapon. The shooter rotates the crank. They sell online for 40 and can be purchased by mail. Another item is called a bump stock. The recoil helps fire rounds in rapid succession. The shooter could have used semiautomatic semiautomatic weapons with legal modifications or fully automatic weapons without a permit. Maryland, democrats line. Caller hello. Thank you. Issued to look at this not on a democrat or republican point. Agree that nobody is touching anyones Second Amendment. This was a act of terrorism, what happened in las vegas. Lets call it the way it is. Anddy is calling the name they have to work with both houses if they want to do something. Dont say in the demo dont say in the future the democrats were to be blamed for what happened. They have a full chamber. Why cant they do something . It is just delay, delay, delay. It is unbelievable. Congressmanrmer steve israel and a oped, takes a look at if politicians will finally act when it comes to gun violence. He comes to the conclusion of no and gives three reasons. Like Everything Else in washington, the gun lobby has become more polarized. The National Rifle association is now forced to oppose sensible gun safety measures. Redistricting has pulled republican so far to the right anything less than full gun support is seen as full gun confiscation. Third is the reader, who click another link and eventually this core event will reseed into our memory. The New York Times is where you can find that oped. Newport, kentucky, gary is up next. Caller i think it should be focused on the security in these hotels, and around the events and stuff like that. They do it for the president. Airports. T i did fl security for a long time and there are medical know the sectors to get into a Football Game metal to detectors total get into a Football Game. Host so you are saying to put those types of devices and hotels . Hes gone. Tallahassee, florida, independent line. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, go ahead. Caller im glad i got on. I appreciate everything that the washington journal does. I want to send prayers out to all the families and the victims of the shooting. Of the start by saying that i did a video on this. I also have a blog called the mo and basically, my viewpoint on this is pretty simple. It is very common sense gun laws. Control, wenition need background checks, we need to reduce the amount of power the nra has in the political scope and policymaking on gun control laws. There are a lot of things that can be done on the micro level, that can change a lot when it goes towards gun control laws without removing the Second Amendment, although that can be amended. I think people should start looking at this more logically, with more common sense in trying to protect people, because honestly, this is only happening to one sort of group. You are not seeing a lot of africanamericans, minorities going to events or to where these Mass Shootings happen. Usually, it is your own people, as in, republicans, conservatives, they are the ones causing this type of atmosphere and damage as they are going out and shooting their own people. This is not a situation where people want to say race related or they want to say it is republican or democrat. It is ideology and there are ideologies out there with a lot of people who are speaking to you, today on the phone, a lot of these people share those ideologies on how they feel. Shooter, he has a certain ideology that america he does not like and he is going out and enacting his viewpoint and his believe that it is going to make it better by doing something so devastating. Host that was elijah in florida. About lasrial talking vegas. The restrictions automatic rifles are far stricter than on the use of semiautomatic weapons. This reminds us that no gun control regime will prevent guns from being used illegally to murder large numbers of people. Disparate treatment of automatic and semiautomatic rifles provides a Good Opportunity to consider the balance that goes into guncontrol proposals. Aggressive controllers want to outlaw or restrict guns that are used in crimes. One problem is that most gun use most guns used in crimes are handguns, which are the same guns people use for home defense in selfdefense. The guns used most in Mass Shootings are semiautomatic rifles such as the ar15. This is the most popular single brand of gun in america. There is generally no distinction between the types of guns criminal used to kill people and the types of guns lawabiding people own for the lawful for lawful and valid purposes. The Second Amendment enshrines the right to bear arms as a basic civil right. As with rights in general, its night its not absolute. Lets go to gym in new jersey, jim in new jersey, democrat line. Caller you just touched on the Second Amendment. The amendment was designed so that the population could be armed to rise up against tyrannical government. Do withothing to everybody running around with a gun. Host you are saying it does not apply in this day and age . Caller yes, that would be my point. Is not about concealed carry or everybody should have a gun. It is about the population being able to rise up against their government. Idea of a bunch of farmers out there were shotguns going up against the military, it no longer applies in this day and age. It has been mentioned that there is nothing the government can do about this because there are so many guns out there. Australia found a solution. They went door to door and took away peoples guns. Took away peoples guns. I do not advocate that. I have a few guns, myself. Shotguns and rifles for hunting and varmint control. I live in a state that has open carry, no permit required. Standard ground. I do not carry a gun with me when i leave the house. I will leave it at that. Host by your original statement, you would be ok with the government taking those things away from you considering what you said about the original intent of the constitution as you saw it. Caller yeah. My guns are tools. They are not antipersonnel weapons. They could be used for that, but i shoot deer and turkey. Host lets go to sue in ohio, republican line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I get frustrated when every time a situation like this happens, everybody turns to the government for a solution. It is not the government, it is the people. Society as a whole in the last 40 or 50 years has become a hate filled horrible society. You have video games were all you see is shooting. People enjoy it, people are consumed by it. You have tv. Go flip the channels at night or during the day. You see murder, hatred. You see movies, that is all that is preached is that that is all there is, in society. They are not taught to care about each other, like each other. They are taught to hate each other. Media is filled with it. When you are constantly battered by this stuff, and you grow up older, itmosphere, im grew up in the 50s were you did not see much of this. Home preached caring about each other, caring about your community. Churches preach about caring about each other. That is lost. That is gone. You can have the best gun control, you can have the best weapon control. Look at europe. Its got nothing to do with that. People that hate, people that are angry have been taught to solve their problems with violence. That is the problem, and nobody wants to talk about it because it means loss of money, loss of revenue, to people that make movies and tv. They want to control the internet as far as speech, hate speech, but they put things on the internet and facebook. Live people being murdered. People being tortured, live. They dont say anything about controlling that. They dont say anything about it. People are not taught to accept other people, to be good to other people. To be kind to other people. You all you hear is you have to hate this one because of the color of their skin, you have to hate this one because they dont like you. People are paying a fortune to send their kids to college. What are they being taught . Host marie and mississippi, democrats line in mississippi, democrats line. Caller i would like to send my prayers to all the families that lost their loved ones. The gentleman from florida hit it straight on the head. A lot of the purchase of these guns is because of what is put in the atmosphere of why they need to go purchase guns. The nra did a commercial with the young lady with a black care who was almost telling people you need to keep your guns because of black lives matter. You may need your guns because you may go to the war you may go to war with the mexicans or muslims. A lot of people are purchasing i want tothey need quote a speech years ago. You have been waiting on the day that the black people will rise up against you, mexicans will rise up against you because of their mistreatment. Will you be surprised when it turns out to be your own people that rise up against you and that is what i want to say. Host marie joining us as part of the conversation. Following congressional reaction and if there should be congressional reaction to the events in las vegas. You can call and let us know your thoughts. 202 7488001 for republicans. Or democrats, 202 7488000 for democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. Tweet usweak us your thoughts. Go to the facebook page. As part of our programming, we are going to talk to a governor, Lieutenant Governor of West Virginia. President trump at Andrews Air Force base, that you are seeing right now, as he prepares to go to puerto rico to assess the relief effort but also talk about talk to those families who are affected, the First Responders and helping them, directly. The president expected to come back to the white house, tonight and head to las vegas, tomorrow to talk to the families of the victims of the shooting. That is the president at Andrews Air Force base. We will take your calls on congress, the response to las vegas, what they should be involving themselves in. Flat rock, north carolina, republican line. Caller i just wanted to mention that i agree with what sue from ohio said. I was reading an article last night. I dont know where it came from. It was about how to create a social state. There are eight levels of control that must be cut obtained. Gun control, welfare, education, health care. We have ticked all of those off. We are working on that gun control right now. Aboutcond amendment is the populist being able to rise up against a tyrannical government, and i think the guy from florida was not right. In society now, there is a lot government who would just as soon have a social state, a socialist state. The Second Amendment protects us from that. I hate what happened, it is awful. The man who did this is evil. I think Everyone Needs to pray for our country. Pray for all those victims. Taking the guns away is not going to help. We have to have better mental and people need to watch their neighbors and if they act weird, turn the men. Turn them in. Host several comments on facebook. Carl saying by passing a historical ban, highcapacity band, taxing ammunition, burning banning perpetrators of violence john wallace just says more gun control is not the answer. Ownou make it a criminal to a gun, then only the criminals will have guns. Several postings on facebook, this morning. This is jacqueline saying that americans should not have guns, period. Carol says how would a background check have made a difference in the las vegas tragedy, when the killer had no record . Next up is bob, oxford, pennsylvania, independent line. Caller thank you for cspan. A sad thing in our country at this time and i send my love and said that the to all those poor people out there. I really have no answers to what is going on. I do have a couple things i would like to share. Host before we go down that road, as far as congress, do you think they have a role especially with what happened . Caller it is funny you said that because that is one of the comments i was going to make. It is a proverb that says without wise leadership, the nation is in trouble but with good counselors, there is safety. The other one would be some people like to make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise soothe and heal and unfortunately, i dont think we statements from the democrats or republicans. Have a bunch of reap politicians dividing this country. Until they get their act together and understand they have divided this country with so many things, this type of thing is going to continue to happen because all they are doing is spewing hate into this country. God bless us all. I feel so bad that we cannot get our act together. We need to start with leadership and they need to remember people are listening to them. Everybody does not listen in the same way. Some people have hate in their heart and it makes them burn until they do what this guy did. Two people speaking out against gun violence, yesterday. A former representative from arizona, a victim, herself a gun violence. Her husband was out there, too. They called for congress to take action when it came to gun violence. We are calling congress to do this, to establish a special commission. Equal parts democrats and republicans, that comes together towards solutions that will save lives. Finally, dont let anybody tell you that we need more giveaways to the nra, more profits for the gun industry. Does anybody actually believe that our gun laws are too strong . Give me a break. Action to save lives is the only acceptable moral course for our country. Without action, we are asking one person to be the next person to die because of our weakness to address evil and then another, and then another and then another. The nation is counting on you. Host if you want to see that event from yesterday, you can go to our cspan Video Library at cspan. Org and find that event and others, especially on the topic of gun violence, especially if you want to see what congressman have said on gun violence over the years. Thats all at cspan. Org. Ivan in woodbridge, virginia. This country for 39 years and 30 years i was in europe. I think i am entitled to compare. You cannot solve the problem of control as is, because congress has their own rules and regulations and to you and me, the rest of us, they change the rules and does not achieve anything. Somethingssible to do when congress is the slaves of those in the new world order. Blackmailed and they otherared to say anything than what those monsters have written for them to read. [indiscernible] we have 59 People Killed this year in a mass shooting. How many people are being killed just in chicago or new york . We have the wrong idea of educating our youth and now our youth become older and older and get insane, not genetic but implanted stupidity. We have so many games that we are learning to kill and there is nothing to kill. We have 25yearold guys killing innocent people in honest and pakistan and iraq and libya. Just pushing the button just pushing the button. Host lets go to shepherdsville, kentucky, carol. Caller hello. How are you . I believe in the nra. Kentucky is a carrying state. I carry, myself. Where everybody is coming from. I have never known anybody here that has a machine gun. The people i know, they killed for food, they put it in a freezer because they like it. Rifles andwith shotguns, and you might have a pistol in your home to protect yourself, if somebody breaks in. I believe in that. I dont believe in machine guns. You are talking about my people. That only americans, but these are Country Music fans and i witha real problem somebody carrying a machine gun, especially the mentally ill and obviously this man was mentally ill or he would not have done such a bad thing. They dont need to be having machine guns anywhere, any place in america. This law dates to be put in added and arem a a fan. Nra that is an avid fan. Host that is carol in kentucky. Other things happening in on capitol hill, wall street journal highlights some of the testimony that will be done by theformer head of equifax, Rating Agency that suffered a data breach. Michael rappaport saying that a widespread breakdown in security safeguards aided hackers as they broke into company systems, gain access to personal information. Testimony included staffers not responding properly to early warnings in march about the vulnerability in software the company was using and a malfunctioning scanning tool that failed to identify the threat. Can see that hearing live, today on cspan. Tomorrow, the former ceo will appear before congress. Today, Richard Smith will appear before the House Energy Committee and tomorrow, he will appear before the Senate Banking committee. Both of those hearings are available on cspan. Concerning afghanistan, the u. S. Strategy in afghanistan. At 1 00 today, both general mattis and general Joseph Dunford will appear before the house and Senate Armed Services committee, taking a look and talking about these issues. That Senate Hearing at 1 00 on cspan3, featuring those men talking about strategy in afghanistan. Line, thisndependent is steve. Caller hello. Calling to expand on what the previous callers had said. My experience going into a gun shop and i pointed out what i called a Assault Rifle and i said can i see that assault weapon and he explained to me, we dont sell assault weapons, we sell sporting rifles is what they call them. They dont want the word assault weapons used. Home, i one, i took it opened the Cardboard Box it was in and right on top was a Free Membership to the nra, from the manufacturer. I just want to say that the first step for congress to do something about it, but a lot of them are being bought out by the rifle manufacturers. Host as far as congress doing something about it, what would you like to see them do . Guest they have to caller they have to pass a law to stop people. I dont think this man was insane. He felt his father abandoned him or something, but it could be something in his past that came up right now, since the lost since he lost the money. Somebody just cracks. They have a weak personality or have some defect and they crack at this point. You have to do something to keep the guns, these kinds of guns out of these peoples hands. There is no reason for someone to have 35 guns. There should have been something in there before he got 20 or 10. 35 guns is ridiculous. Ive met some gun nuts and they glorify them. Im not scared of them, but i am aware of them. You have to be aware of people like this. If congress does not do something about it, it is going to continue. Host that is steve in michigan. The Las Vegas Review journal, the headline, unimaginable, showing the field that the shooting took place in, in las vegas on monday. The Las Vegas Village festival grounds. If you go to the reno gazette journal, rampage in las vegas. They highlight at least 59 dead andast count, 527 wounded also photographs of people fleeing. Dave from alaska, democrats line. Caller my condolences to the victims. One of the victims was from alaska, a couple of them were. One ofthem died and them, i know their family. Gentleman thatat was just on, about people dont need that many guns. I think one of the keys is getting the nra and gun lobbyist out of the equation. Our politicians are bought and paid for, by them. I think our president got 30 million in donations from the nra. Saying thatber him may beary got elected, the Second Amendment people could do something about her. I dont think thats right. That is kind of inciting people i would think and look where we are, now. Who knows why this guy did this . We will hopefully find out. Does it really matter . Whether he had a brain tumor like Charles Whitman or he lost his money, too much at vegas and decided to take people out with him . It doesnt really matter. We have to take the assault weapons like that out of peoples hands. Lets go next to maryland, democrats line. Caller ima independent. Ast goahead caller i am independent. Ahead. Oahead go caller my condolences to all of the victims and everyone in america who has lost someone to gun violence. Try to lookdent, i at both sides of the issue, and it is up to americans to say we have had enough. Instead of imploring congress, congress should do this or do that. At the congress was going to do something after sandy hook and congress did nothing. A new round of people in congress. We need to vote in the midterm elections. Cspan callers, after you get off the phone, you need to call your congressman and women congressmen and women and tell them you want Common Sense Solutions. To shooter in las vegas, it has been reported that he had several semiautomatic rifle that he converted to fully automatic. Semiautomatic rifles and the components that can make automatic . It fully why not do that . We have to ask congress, we have to vote and also, why dont we have Police Officers and the chief of police come to congress and testify and ask them what are some Common Sense Solutions that we can do, to try to reduce the amount of people who die every year from gun violence . Host michael, monroe, new york. Democrats line. Caller i am not a big fan. I would like to see more gun control. What i see as a big part of the whole situation we are in is the movies and videos showing killing and glorifying a love that. [indiscernible] call on god call on congress to ban hollywood movies and they should stop making money. This is what happens. People see it and they are doing it. That is all i have to say. Host oklahoma, our republican line. We will hear from jeff, next. Caller this is jeff. I have called a few times before. I have 35 weapons. They run the gambit. Hunting. Used for i feed myself on hunting. I raise beef, i raise my own pork. Animals to be my able to feed myself. I dont use a grocery store. I grow my own wheat. I miller lite own wheat. Mill my ownby wheat. The reason i do this is because i cannot put up with stupid. I isolate myself. On venison,ids buffalo and several other animals. Most the way i was raised of my guns came from my relatives. They are very special to me. They were passed on. That my great great grandfather used. Im sorry. I cant let that go out of the family. These are things that were our life. It is our history. The guys who did the shooting bought all of his guns legally. He modified a couple. This happens. It is not unusual. Ive seen it before. You can license and do everything you want, but when you deal with stupid, you get stupid. Host that is jeff in oklahoma. We will continue these calls. Activities of the Supreme Court, this week. Joining us to talk about one of the case is being heard today is of bloomberg. He covers the Supreme Court. This deals with the topic of gerrymandering. Can you tell us how this case addresses that topic . , the questionse it presents to the court is can bey redistricting map ever so partisan that a violates the constitution . The Supreme Court has never said that a map can go that far and be struck down. This is a case that comes out of wisconsin. A map that was drawn after the 2010 election by the republicans who control both the legislature and the governorship. They still do. Map andcrats sued the they said the map is so partisan that there is virtually no way that democrats can ever take ,ver the state legislature specifically the state assembly. They pointf evidence to is the 2012 election, when democrats won a majority of the vote across the state, but republicans still won 60 of the 98 seats. Host how have the justices responded to this type of topic before . Guest there is a important precedent from 2004. A case where the Supreme Court refused to say that partisan gerrymandering could be unconstitutional. There was a pivotal opinion by Justice Kennedy who is so often in the middle of this court. They said i dont see at this point, a test for determining when partisanship goes too far in terms of redistricting, but i am not willing to close the door, altogether. Far more conservative justices were willing to close the door altogether and said this is something this is this is something the judges should not be getting into. Ifwill be looking to see they are satisfied with this test that the wisconsin democrats and lower court, came up with. Is that a way to separate the unconstitutional political gerrymanders from the legal ones. Host one of the people that will be the focus of attention is the newest justice, justice gorsuch. Did we get any sense of how he has responded that this type of topic . Guest he has not had a case quite like this. Certainly not as a Supreme Court justice. We do have a certain amount of evidence in other cases from within the last term where he very strongly aligned himself with the conservative wing. That frame of mind, it seems he is a very unlikely vote for the wisconsin democrats. Host how much rallying and leading up to this is taking place, particularly today . Today. Not a whole lot, that may have something to do with the other things going on. There has been a huge amount of discussion about this case. This is a big Supreme Court turn. Would say this could be the most important case goes toerm because it fundamental questions about the structure of american democracy. Go, thefore we let you justices also heard a case taking a look at the issue of classaction lawsuits against workplaces. Guest that was the first case i heard, this term. Is, ifstion in that case an employer says to a worker, in order to work here, you need to agree to arbitrate any disputes and you have to take those claims to arbitration individually, what of the courts will enforce that agreement. The workers point to federal labor laws that says workers have a right to engage in concerted activities and they say that includes it a or thection lawsuits opportunity to band together in arbitration. Justice kennedy suggested in that argument that he had his sympathies with the employers, that would be consistent with where he has been in previous cases. This is a case where we did not hear anything from justice gorsuch, kind of surprisingly because he has been vocal in arguments, last term. We did not have any indications of how he views the statutes that are driving this case. , he reports for bloomberg on the Supreme Court. We will be airing oral arguments, this friday night. Check cspan. Org for more details on that. Thank you for your time. Back to your calls. Montgomery alabama montgomery, alabama, independent line. Good morning. As far as these guns, nobody talks about when the police kills innocent person or when the military kills an innocent person. They dont holler gun control, they just holler will something bad happened, but support our military and police. Happened, but lets support our citizens and Second Amendment right. To second thing i wanted to say was nobody knows, we dont know if he actually did this. The only thing we know is that a lot of people were hurt and dead and then an hour and 12 minutes later, they stormed the way the room and supposedly found him dead. We dont know what happened. It could have been a coverup. As far as he had a couple gambling debts and when off the edge, i dont believe that. The black wall street will be the deadliest shooting or deadliest where a lot of people died in american history, where the military or the government killed and2 murdered an entire town of wealthy black intelligent americans. Host democrats line. Caller i just wanted to say that donald trump was the one andsaid if he goes out shoot somebody, nothing will come of it. [indiscernible] somebody called and said trump is a christian man. I dont know where they get that. Host the topic is congress and if they have a role after this event in las vegas. Caller i blame trump. 90 , for what happened. He is aggressive, saying that he can shoot caller good morning. Ith regards to the issue of congress and what they can do or should do, the first point id on, im a retired inice officer after 32 years virginia. What i saw on t. V. Last night horrific, being a former police officer, the first issue silencer touch on are or suppressers, some people call them. Lot of times when you are trying to Loretta Lynch an active shooter time only lot of hings you can go by is a flash and rounds being fired. And as you know, a silenced is a whole lot worse than a loud weapon because that could individual to arbitrarily just very ethodically do what they need to do. Not usly last night was methodical, it was hurt as many people as he could. And the second thing is, the urchase of large amounts of ammunition, essentially for ar15, c weapon like the or the, you know, automatic rifles. There should be a limit, congress should work with atf, security and somehow in this computer age, dealers on some kind of net or web that goes straight if somebody fices, purchases more than a normal or if a ammunition person, you know, desires to know, a gun that they may not seem totally and have a cooling period, too. In other words, apply for a and they can submit information saying hey, this guy doesnt know what hes talking about, he bought bullets, he can go is done, they fill him out, that is not his saying you , not cant have the gun, that way you get an idea who you are dealing with. Once you get a name and a few or r things, the officer federal hop on the computer and start digging. Would solve the problem. Host okay, lets hear from natalianvirginia, independent line. Caller yeah, i have a job that the world to ver share best practices in law reform, nt and legal its a foreign aid job basically. With iscussed this issue so many people that live in Foreign Countries that are Law Enforcement and also, just my observations about the way of in foreign le countries and i have to say, for me, ive come to the conclusion it is a multipronged problem and some things ive going to t how were go about fixing it just dont make sense. Biggest problems in this country, we have no community. Come home, we shut ourselves in our home and we watch t. V. Evening and in most Foreign Countries, people are out on the street talking to each other, neighbors are having a drink, sharing problems. When i hear Mental Health will not solve it will this in an hour. We have to figure out way to let have a ave more time to sense of community. One comment made to me by law nforcement in sri lanka, the Community Figures out there is a problem and they report them to officials. Ment this shooter in las vegas, they went to his brother immediately brother is like, we didnt know anything about it. We think he was completely normal. Well, that is because families dont spend time together and same ont live in the community, they live 5000 miles like infrom each other, this case. I think that is part of the problem and the other absolute that, you know, with the way congress is set up and from bigcan take money businesss and corporations, they that defy hings logic. The last guy talking about how many come on, have to die before we take this problem seriously. One more member from congress, schumer from new york spoke about the topic yesterday. Filled with shock and horror, rage, an american on fellow americans and the visitors from every corner of world were the very life blood of vegas. Questions with many whose answers well be seek nothing coming days and weeks. Monster acquire the arsenal he used to reign down on a crowd of innocence . Were the guns purchased and compiled legally . Was this person what this was persons perverted motive . Any history of Mental Health issue . What circumstances could lead a commit such violence upon his fellow human beings, complete strangers . What twisted reasoning, what emented logic, what kind of madness . We dont ch more that know than what we do know smchlt questions we have today wont answers, others are perhaps beyond our fathomming, answers and have well have to reckon with the to that this man was able assemble an arsenal of ith the fact that this man was able to assemble an arsenal of militarygrade weapons. We cannot banish evil from the earth, Congress Went do that. Congress can do and must to keep our aws citizens safe, laws that help guns, especially the most dangerous guns from falling into the wrong hands. Kevin is next from lady island, south carolina, republican line. Good morning. I just want to say, there are going to be nuts out there, you will never get rid of them. Good peoplenish the out there and take away their rights because one in a hundred people go bad. The bad guys will always get millions of people ways, whether a truck or anything like that. Events, they have to bump up security, make laws where, anything above 2000 people, they will have to have a up Team Available or bump the Police Presence to prevent Mass Shootings. Sandra, independent line, hello. Caller to answer the question, i think congress has a role in this, however, i really dont going to hing is happen regarding congress because Nothing Happened after were killed in newtown. Going think anything is to happen in light of the person you had on from politico earlier, regarding the congressional response. About how Steve Scalise was, you know, talking was shot and she evennothing would be done, in light of Steve Scalise being hot, her words were the reason for that is because hes a republican leader and that is happen. T going to it shows that the nra has paid, for republicans and congress is not going to do anything and black wall street absolutely the worst massacre themerican history and what other caller said about lewis aircon, i back what the other caller said. We need to get rid of the hate. Away ever going to go completely, that is what is ehind all this, fear, hate and racism. Thank you. Host sandra, last call on this topic. Capital tour continues on. The cspan bus is spending the capital st virginia at city of charleston and after the mitch well talk about carmichael, the states Lieutenant Governor, he will to talk about bus issues concerning state and larger issues, that conversation when washington journal continues. It became clear that my having on of breitbart outside influence on the 2016 understatement in the extreme. N fact, according to research, breitbart was the driving force on the right side of the political spectrum. Sunday night on q a, New York Times magazine will hilton writer talks about his feature story, down the breitbart hole. This is really what gets to the disparity between always heard people talk about and continue to hear eople talk about breitbart as hysterical, shouty machine for creating offense. And much more reality of the News Organization as it daytoday basis. Sunday night 8 eastern on cspans q a. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. 1979, cspan was created as a ublic service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your provider. Atellite mitch carmichael. On the cspan 50 state capital tour continues and today west in charleston, virginia and were pleased to be westd on the cspan bus by virginia Lieutenant Governor and mitch Senate President carmichael. Lieutenant governor carmichael, parttime legislature in West Virginia what are disadvantages . Lieutenant governor let me just good morning from West Virginia and also to let your watchers know and your that all people in West Virginia oin in heartfelt prayers and condolences for those experiencing the tragedy in las vegas. Hearts and prayers go out to those folks. S it relates to a parttime legislature, i think it is the best scenario because the people legislative the process also have to go out and live in the real world, have jobs and work with the budgets and the laws and the we put in place for all the people of West Virginia. So, i think it is exactly the Founding Fathers envisioned it, that we participate in the society in which we create. So im very pleased to serve in a parttime role in legislature is not a fulltime scenario. Active youre not in legislature legislating, what is sector job . Im in the technology industry. Company called city net that provides broadband Delivery Services for businesses and residential facilities. Of the technology that is propelling West Virginia career, its a great its a perfect location for me, greater sion a opportunity for West Virginia, for all of West Virginia. And the 21st century Information Age economy tis vital that we have broadband are ery services that second to none and West Virginia is aggressively pursuing that role. Host Lieutenant Governor carmichael, the national above the National Average right historically there seems to have been headwinds at the west and nia economy for years years. Why is that and what is your approach to improving that . Governor im glad you praut that up, peter. For many years, West Virginias economy has lagged the nation. In fact, i think it is one reason, the primary reason that West Virginia over the past two years have made the switch from a singleparty rule to franklycrat party now controlled in the legislature by republicans and by he governorship republicans. It is because of the lagging revitalize want to the economy, job one for us, we come to work everyday, peter, ith essentially our hair on fire, to create jobs, growth and opportunity in our state and im pleased to report some of the progress that weve made here nd i think your listeners and viewers around the world can know that West Virginia is rowing, were back on the path to prosperity. One thing in the most recent of gross rter report state product of all 50 states, West Virginia ranks second only texas in terms of growth of ur income and prosperity indexes. So it is really a great time, it is the best place in america to right now, i can go into more and more about how were do thanksgiving and what weve done economy going, but we have more left to do. Host we will get into that, we to get our callers involved, as well. West virginia, talk to the Lieutenant Governor nd mitch carmichael, 2027488000 is the number to call. And if you live anywhere else in call in, and want to 2027488001. Are the Growth Industries . Is coal one of them . Lieutenant governor yes, coal is making a comeback. Recognize fossil fuel industry is dependent on fossil virginia. Or in west what i will say, we have been, ou couldnt have put a worse scenario in washington, d. C. To attack the coal industry in our state. The is another factor in switch from affiliation in West Virginia from one party to another. This from a purely nonpartisan perspective, but washington, d. C. , the policies that were put in place were detrimental to our industry. Were not solely dependent on the coal industry, either, great natural a Gas Resources, in fact, many people characterize west saudi arabia of natural gas. We have so many opportunities fossil fuels of our industry, in gas, coal, we have resources. Ter we have a great workforce in West Virginia. Located perfectly geographically in terms of 24hour drive to 70 of americas population. Can ou know, i think you just feel in West Virginia, as our team is here on site now, feel the resurgence and optimism. Were on the comeback trail and feels good to be a part of that. Host Lieutenant Governor the modern with economy, broadband, etcetera, what is the approach west is taking and there is a story for you, as well, in issue. N this host well, in terms of expansion, weve authorized recently in the past legislative session, for startup ompanies and smaller entities that are really energized to provide World Class Service to the itizens and make it fastest speeds available. To e enabled those firms apply to states for grants, loan guarantees and so forth to go do the entrepreneurial thing to energize the economy centuries, is they take their ideas and they make money the em and bring it to people, in fact, my most interested, bring to the people f West Virginia so we participate in this Global Information economy. To do and,ight thing you know, we took that approach in the legislature. Your former employer didnt like that approach, is that correct . Lieutenant governor well, i worked for a previously i duringfor a company that that process, we were expanding the broadband delivery service, a different approach and different viewpoint on that, but at the end of the day, my and the vision of the legislature in general was to do hat is right for the people of West Virginia tochlt promote growth and opportunity in terms broadband expansion. Any listener to the program will know that Broadband Technology systems are vital to a worldclass 21st century conomy. And nothing was going to stand in the way of us promoting that vision for our West Virginia. We have a lot of need necessary that area. And i ious employer parted ways over that disagreement. Parked e cspan bus is outside the capitol in West Virginia. York, pennsylvania. Hi, leroy. Caller hello, how are you . Host please go ahead, were listening, sir. Caller i was concerned as soon he was working, as well as parttime legislator. You doing, what rules do you have in place to make conflict of no interest . Hat seems to be pretty direct host Lieutenant Governor. Great ant governor question, leroy. Thank you, peter, and thank you, the question. That is a concern of parttime legislators, we have careers and opportunitys that we must put food on the table for our families. Inhave rules and regulations place in terms of parliament procedure, we always ask for and required to have opportunities to divest from the particular vote fit affects our industry, uniquely. If i were00 eye worked in the broadband industry, i asked for be exkcused from on that issue. We separate from Public Service. Will frankly admit, there is always somewhat of an overlap, careersrticipate in our and jobs, it is important we do required ethically y to separate interests. T legislature and im not sure that is the right path itgo, in fact, im 100 sure is not the right path. Host call from monmouth junction, new jersey, you are on cspan. Go ahead, paul. Caller okay. Thank you for your time. Like to, make my comment, i want dont think the Lieutenant Governor or the Current Administration had this, but do with im alumni of technology. When i went there, it was top 10 Engineering School in the country. Played to merge and i baseball for tech. We were supposed to get all this happen, only s to thing i can see that happened there, its turned into, you turned it into maybe education corridor. Things here. Od it is nothing, but turned have the school is gone, you lost the school. People were coming from saudi arabia to go to school there. People sent one kid to perdue tech for l and engineering. He value replaced it with meth and heroin and oxycontin. It is hard to see it like that, that is my comment. The lets hear from Lieutenant Governor. Lieutenant governor well, for that comment, my brother went to West Virginia institute of technology, it was worldclass facility, you are absolutely right. This is what happens when you of our coal industry in that valley. West Virginia Institute of technology was premiere Engineering School in region. Te and our it has been acquired by West Virginia university. Movingon the path toward that to the beckley location and to get the resurgence of that facility and all of our institutions. Ion i share your concern about the imse of that facility, but also, you know, inherited this problem as we came to leadership roles and were working hard to bring that back to glory. For the important people of West Virginia to have that worldclass facility. Again, and also, youre absolutely correct in terms of drug proliferation of drugs in the region and so forth. Region, but t throughout our country. West virginia and southern west by inia has been decimated that proliferation of drugs and abuse. So, paul, i feel that the conomy, get thanksgiving economy going again and recognizing the value of energy throughout, not only america, but throughout the world, people of West Virginia done much to provide the ofurity and the energy needs not only democracy and freedom, eally, we have fought for that provide the security and the ioe energy needs of not only democracy and freedom, really, we have fought for that to provide thosehavevutsrq security and the energy needs of not only democracy and freedom, really, we have fought for that to provide thoto provide the se energy needs of not only democracy and freedom, really, we have fought for that to resources that power the world. Terms of tacked in the antagonism toward the fossil fuel industry. E want our water to be clean, we want our air to be clean, we take care of these facilities as as you can possibly imagine. So, you know, were going to do way, we appreciate the National Administration with our oot off the neck of industry and were on the march back to prosperity and were rest of help the energy. Provide lowcost host your state budget where that money ority of go . Lieutenant governor majority to public education, we spend half of our total general revenue education ublic actively we are ensureing and reviewing the money we invest as citizens of viewers will, many be pleased to know that West Virginia invest in our education at a rate per pupil expenditure that is in roughly the top 10 in the nation. E value education in our state and have people like the previous caller who have gone to school in West Virginia and gone out and had incredibly successful careers throughout the world. Are very invested in our education process. West tammy from kenna, virginia. Hi, tammy. Caller hello. Good morning. Yes, im calling in about the in my community. It seems like the broadband a lot more important water issue out here where i live in romance. List in en on a water forhern Jackson County here nine years and i dont know how wait, onger ill have to but im just hoping that, you a water can try to get line run out five mile stretch live about two miles from the beautiful woodrum lake area, you know, where we could good, clean Drinking Water tochlt me, its a lot more broadband n the host that is tammy in kenna, West Virginia. Lieutenant governor . Lieutenant governor well, first, thank you for calling in, tammy. County, as ckson well, as you probably know. Are right, the prioritization is such that water and sewer, those projects moved to the top of the list. Our comparison to broadband expansion is that our view was money to vate sector expand broadband entities our ghout our state so state dollars are utilized ery taxpayer authorize are very small component of that. I share your interest in water and sewer projects throughout our state. Money put additional into those programs as it currently stands. Legislative session. So also i ask you to, i know and been a Long Time Coming so forth, but we as new eadership team and as republicans have come to power in our state, have just inherited scenarios were trying solve. I think were on the right path, moving in the right direction on were very intent delivering world class Infrastructure Projects throughout our state. That, im glad you called in and ill have someone follow up status of see the your Current Situation as relates to water. West and governor of virginia, jim justice, was elected as democrat and august a republican. Frank in clarksburg, West Virginia. Hi, frank. Doing, peter . U senator, i dont know where to start. Next to last in just about everything. One year, p removal you have a deficit, i dont know, last track i heard, i it mentioned often dollars. R 500 million are you trying to sell road i dont know where the money went for the last situation to take care of the roads. Know there is a lot of questions there. Ive tried to talk to people in before and they just keep ongoing, coal is not the problem, if it was, West Virginia wouldnt have ny problems and ill let it go at that. Just give me common sense, senator. Have a good day now. Lieutenant governor frank, thank you for your call. Clarification de around some of your comments and the perspective on that. We have 500 million budget deficit, we confronted the last came to legislative session. 500 roposal was to spend million more than we collected the previous year. Say, those are tough decisions to make as you manage this budget process. But we did it. This legislature did it and we spending e budget in, less money than we spent the year before, made the necessary the programs that sometimes are tough to make. We want to run this government most efficient manner possible and we delivered that reduced dget that has for the past two years, year over year spending. Because of the coal industry and fossil fuel industry, you are we cannot always depend on that to provide our our state. Am to so you are in the center really gas world in West Virginia. The look to expand opportunities and in terms of Natural Gas Resources and all Stream Industries that come with the plastics, the that can all of that be just so terrific for West Virginia. This really is, frank, it really an opportunity for our state. Never that coal will provide the total income that state, we also know it provides and plays a role in the energy mix of our nation, frankly 35 of our electrical generation. So were going to continue to responsible a manner and also develop our and al Gas Resources broadband delivery, information education , higher attainment, these are honest to god good times for our state as look forward. Host one more caller, this is morefield, West Virginia. Hi, gary. Caller good morning. Yeah, id like to know more the broadband, because we dont seem to get anything in hardy county area and road system is about obsolete and are having havent seem to be addressed too much up in either, were waiting to get quarter inch completed, to the other side of the here. Nice and, you know, onnect maybe through into virginia itself. E could get a little bit more industry on this side of the state. Host Lieutenant Governor carmichael. Lieutenant governor well, thank you, that is excellent question because as we approach, in fact, saturday, eter, we have an election in West Virginia, to provide additional money and resources and Infrastructure Projects in the state. People of West Virginia are whether or not to sell some bonds, to provide expand d resources to quarter h but many other highways and biways of our state. Recognize access and fourlane access is important for our state going forward. He mentioned several different aspects and i want to bring it point in terms of our drug abuse as relates to our and opportunity in state. Studies back this up. A good job, job, a hope and opportunity provide people a on the drug abuse and grips pair that so often those who have lost work and meaningful employment. To provide that prosperous future for our state and citizens. Revenue about declining stream in West Virginia and budget with less money than we had the year before, but in that, we put 20 million additional into drug reatment facilities and opportunities in our state. We are a compassionate state, people that want to work hard and provide income and rowth and opportunity for our citizens and i feel from the legislative perspective, from the Governors Office and from administration now, e have that part of a Public Servant to do the right thing, roads broadband, expand and infrastructure project, to expand water and sewer projects and rovide, growth, Job Opportunities that will not only invigerate our economy, but help together and tay live and work and live out their reams in the beauty that is this amazing state we call West Virginia. Carmichael, state Senate President and Lieutenant Governor of the state of West Virginia. On our u for joining us capitals tour. And the cspan it is a pleasure to be with you this morning. Host the cspan bus is parked capitol in charleston, West Virginia. West virginia became a state war, it split il from the confederate state of virginia. Our partners in charleston for making our visit possible. We will be in kentucky on the washington journal continues. Host open phones until 10 00. Talk and comment on things you have heard this morning. Republicans. For 2027488000 for democrats and independents. At 7488002 on twitter cspan wj, post during this open phones. Health policy insiders see two as most likelyls candidate. Center for Medicare Services and food and drug haveistration commissioner floated National Figures like governor isiana jindal, and former pennsylvania santorum. Ick before the race, started two otential names took themselves out of the running. Ron johnson was suggested by action, but told reporters he was not interested. He republican from wyoming, also has taken himself out of consideration. That story you can find posted morning. Ll this if you turn to the pages of New York Times this morning in the ational section, they take a look at various planes used by ambers of the administration, photo of air force one by times o of the new york and highlight other planes, too. Mill tarized4b, a 747. Ion of the boeing doomsday plane, hightech bumper airborn command president and commander necessary case of nuclear war, also highlighted is c32a, the boeing 757 used as he Vice President , known air force two, if hes onboard and the first lady and members cabinet and congress. Contains a Communication Center and divideed into a state room, conference area and seating area that seats up to 32 people. Hat is the New York Times, you will find the various planes and others listed there, as well. Start with matt. Virginia, democrats line, matt, go ahead. Just want to say now is time for gun control legislation. E cant wait, all these politicians will Say Something along the lines of now is not the time to have the discussions. Think it is the time to have these discussions. Id like to see the democratic lead with gun control legislation they tried to pass connecticut. , i dont think most americans are gun control, i think they are for sensible gun control. All gun rt with asking owners to get Mental Health screening. Think figure out what we can agree is a good starting place. Ental health is the way to go, then lets get push for Mental Health screening. You. Host matt, are you still there . Gone. St california. Caller no. Well, i agree with the last caller in regard to gun control. I believe that at least we can agree on the fact that should the magazine gun that cant clips. Ore than 100 you dont need that for hunting is he state or open carry scary, its really, you should mental ey should have health, should not be able to uy guns at gun shows without going through screening. I believe it is time for us to americans gether as that make sense. Thank you. Host before you go, what makes will be this time different than other times we have had Mass Shootings and to make ok to Congress Change . Caller well, Congress Needs to ot be scared of the nra, step up to the plate and do the right thing for the American People. E are not saying you cannot have a gun, were just saying no place inons have our cities, in our country. Be used by military. That is the problem. Thank you. At politico looks President Trumps trip to puerto ico talking about political fall out that might occur from that. Matthew nessbaum saying the controversy byed blasting the poor leadership ability of puerto rican said want ho he everything to be done for them. He said the island leaders are workers to help and accuse the mayor of san juan slammed President Trump for trying to score points by him. Icizing we have done a great job with situation impossible president s tweets on sunday. It is amaze whatting they have period of time, there has never been a piece of land weve known that has been devastated. Others echo his attitude. Oing everything in our capabilities to focus on life saving measures, as well as rebuilding process, that was sanders yesterday. With the sourness from this lingering, some see reason for guarded optimism. 2009 to 2013 rom and is a lobbyist in washington supply ing to deliver necessary san juan on saturday morning and received a call from President Trump. Of white house is thinking the next phase, reconstruction phase, he said in an interview. Think this time arounded they are thinking outside the box puerto re than bringing rico back to infrastructure status, prior to maria. Open phones, democrats line, go ahead, you are next. Forer good morning, thanks taking my call. This Second Amendment is not in the bible. Constitution is and they can change it. He problem is, we keep putting flag down, we cry 10 days and the next 10 days we start, about it. Rything this gun control, it has to come what happen, we see in chicago, children dying getting 700 People Killed. I just dont understand that. Eople calling and complaining about guns, business will be use the same by next day. Go up, each they mourn, we talk about the budget, is the reality. Those people, i feel sorry about what this man did, the reality we keep talking about same thing over and over. Barack obama mentioned this thing, we attack him. Names. Publicans call him nothing will be changed, nothing will happen. People should understand that. Because nra, they whoever pay you, that is ntrol bottom line. Host the president ordered at federal buildings at staff yesterday. Albuquerque, new mexico, republican line. Hello. host youre on, go ahead. Caller yes. President trump need to come out problem hat is the around the country and the world. My children go beyond the normal s humans and start acting as heir own god as far as abortions and all these homosexual things, that is what happening, that is what is going on. It is not about gun control. Lets hear from malcomin las vegas, nevada. Malcom, go ahead. Morning. Ood i would just like to say, you know, im sitting here watching. 40 years old, im not too political, political signal has been lost from las vegas. Looking at the security detail devos, education secretary, the cost therein, 6. 5 million over the next year, according to officials told on monday saying projected cost for security is watermark the agency doesnt expect to succeed. Protective detail provided around the clock by u. S. Marshall service renewed 2018, which began saturday. Education Department Paid million for 28 protective detail from september of this year, less than projected because both gencies were able to find cost savings. Devos pays for marshalls to fly n her private plane, which reduces travel cost and devos foots the bill for the plane. At story is available politico. Tamikanaugusta, georgia, independent line. Hi. Caller how you doing . I was calling about the gun control issue. Ought to just face facts, we will never have total control of we can control army how you have to turn the ammunition, we can implement civilian society and actually have legit ccountability of the ammunition, who uses it and how they use it. From san antonio, texas, democrats line. Pedro. hi, i just want to say that i get see these time i shootings, when i see all the fficials run out to the microphone and praise first police and all that, when by their policy, they allowing regular citizens to nut jobs to be able are out weapons that forces ing the police that have to deal with them, other than the swat teams. Texas, seniore in like we especially felt are captives to where, i havent texas a movie since passed their open carry law because you never know what kind are in the Movie Theater with, you know, whatever kind of guns. On the can see people street carrying ak47s and it is scary to live like this. Nd it is going to end up changing our whole way of life when people are afraid to go to open nd of Outdoor Activities where there is any kind of crowd because you never nut is out nd of a there with, you know, an utomatic or semiautomatic weapon and i just Want Congress what would happen o skals sxals all of the ball players if that guy had had an automatic or skemy automatic weapon, it would have been very, very bad. Ost lets hear from rex in florida, republican line. Rex, go ahead. Caller good morning, how are you . Well, thanks. Caller i would like to know how people are rican stupid, they want to pass gun aws and they have all kind of other laws they have passed and they dont enforce, like illegal immigration, they want to bypass that and look over that and that is okay. Wantt understand why they to do these things, pass laws, laws, laws mean nothing unless are enforced. Thank you. Host former attorney general holder highlighted in New York Times talking about his topicrk, when it comes to of redistricting saying Democratic Group led by the accused torney general state of georgia of Voting Rights act claiming georgia republicans two districts to minimize influence of african holders oters mrchlt Group National Redistricting Foundation is expected to file atlanta on tuesday, the complaint charges race was factor in two istricts, 105th and 111th in atlanta area where white lawmakers faced both drawn in 2015, the lawsuit claims violated act and the 14th amendment mrchlt holder says eorgia district map was particularly egregious, case of and l gerrymandering atlanta and the suburbs and with redistricting measure, republicans had brought about silencing of the states approximately 3 million or so american residents, that is New York Times. Go to pages of washington talks about the attorney general sideline job for him saying that he is up with the television roducer Jerry Brukheimer drama uced csi, for a called main justice, the show justice the mainlying by legal eagles, the ripped from procedural s dramatizes the biggest legal and investigative cases in the according to the website deadline. Next to steve, in new jersey, independent line. Caller hi. Think congress ought to serotoninr approval of and psychiatric drugs. Host because . Aller because theyre implicated in extreme violence, at least one of the people at col was on or just coming off a medication. In las vegas fits the type perfectly, meaning he known criminal record, no ties to terrorist groups and think, some considerable likelihood he was flippedven drugs and he out. Ost phillys in West Virginia, democrats line. Yaukt y sir, im calling from county, several times my safety has been in danger. I call police asking for help, times, they me many inform me whoever im calling on in danger, if they are doing meth or doing drugs them. Ill not arrest there is a problem in the county. Old. 70 years i cannot young, healthy drug addicts. Ive asked over and over, gone to the courthouse, i have asked refuse to even give me domestic violence. On . E side are our police i donters or the do drugs at all, i dont want to do them. Only ask for safety and protection in my own home, which have. Not they prefer the drug dealers and users over people like me. You. God bless and god help me and god help america. Charles in p is roseville, michigan. Independent line. Caller yeah, hi. Want to call and talk about it is a jokend how and what really could have thing, this whole somebody had a rifle in their pickup truck. Went to could have their car, grabbed rifle and took the dude out. About, what america is you know. 1776, Everybody Needs to be rmed that is how you stop, no other way to do it. You cant rely on the police, it took them 72 minutes. If some citizens were armed, they could have took this dude out. Gunfree zones create victims people use not enough are armed. Host Washington Post takes a story this morning about the g. O. P. Reaction as it has reform plan tax introduced by the president concern at the centering around how it could add trillions to the deficit cuts o guarantee of tax for the entire middle class. He writes, battle lines are being drawn among rank and file epublicans such as senators rand paul and bob corker, undermining the g. O. P. Plan. To senator cork sxer highlight his concerns saying es said he is unwilling to vote for any tax plan that add penny to the deficit. On ers planning vote framework that would cost no ore than 1. 5 trillion in lost revenue with expectation tax cuts would pay for themselves through Economic Growth. Corker said he wants spending cuts, not promise of for tax tivity to pay cuts he thinks will cost far more than leaders expect. Well hear next from mary in maryland, democrats line on open phones. Hi, mary, go ahead. Caller hi. Thank you for cspan. I watched a program on span, it was written by a scholar of american history. And ead all of the notes documents from the debates over the bill of rights. When they wereas debating the Second Amendment, that there was no mention of rights. Al gun the argument was over whether or who are mpel people quakers to take up arms. Militia the reason for was three things, ill be quick, there is no standing army, they to protect, the second was o put down internal uprising and the third was to catch so the amendment t was written so that people could ake up arms against tyrannical government is just not true. Host do you remember the author necessary ose thing her book . Caller i apologize, im sorry, called thebook was bill of rights, but i cant remember. Host mary, dont worry about it, you are given the opportunity to talk about the cspan Video Library. And ive talked about a lot, if you go to a box you there is can type in topics of anything of interest to you, in this case Second Amendment, bill of rights, type in the box there, it gives you access to all video have taken in over the years, broad. Wide and so you are interested in what you could about and type topics into the box, good chance you may find the book she talking about. You can find that at our Video Library cspan. Org. Diane in connecticut, republican line. Hi. Caller hi. Are you . Host fine, thank you. Good morning. I ler good morning, yes, called about the incident in in las ok and also vegas, which is extremely distressing. S a teacher, of course when sandy hook happened, i was literally in tears because i primary grades and i remember seeing those little faces. Everyone says we need to have background checks. Hook, background checks would not have done a thing. To the dids not belong kids who killed the children. She,other bought the guns, had she survived, should have been put in prison. Son was delusional and had problems, shes the one guns. Ould not have had the one in las vegas, i was listening to another station, say, they were talking about how loose the gun that you n las vegas, can stockpile any amount of and ns, you can have guns apparently this person modified guns, how, achine you know, they are open carry, guns without being seen, without being stopped, instead of congress, go after the individual states and, talk to them and, you know, work on the states first they go after congress the second tand mendment, but my thought is there maybe, you know, going was to the brady law, that done at a time when the law came forugh and democrats pushed another law. And what i mean by that, you they you give an inch and take a mile. They did it with medical marijuana. Well, medical marijuana, why not have marijuana. Host youre a state senator, chris murphy is at the forefront seeing changes to gun laws, what do you think of that . Aller im not a fan of chris murphy, im sorry. He was district congressman in my district. Returned phone calls, he really, hes very much like rosenthal, they love being in and shoutingcamera out. Theyre attention getters as far as im concerned and i would have greater respect if he came about how things can be helped, instead of opposing party. That is what is wrong with our country. Host sorry about that, i want get a couple more calls before we leave today. Line, ohio, democrats youre next. Caller hello, good morning. Things. O say a couple first thing is that i dont know gun, its bought a really, really easy to get a gun. Brother was schizo effective and had no problem getting a gun. Picked out a gun, signed a paper and went home with that gun same day, no background for Mental Illness or anything like that. Gun . Where did he buy the caller in ohio, a local gun shop. Host they didnt have background check or anything to o further as far as his background is concerned . Caller no, just sign the paper, he got it. When it was very simple thing. Pawnshops, them at things like that, flea markets, get. Are simple to you can get them on classified ads even. Okay. About 30 seconds, what would you like to see congress do on this issue . Caller oh, just more thorough clearly, and not taking, being able to take the gun home time to day, giving process the background checks. Host got you. That is the last call we will morning. The house of representatives comes into session, well take you there now. The clerk the eakers rooms, washington, d. C. 3, 3, 2017. I hereby appoint the honorable Virginia Foxx to act as speaker pro tempore on this 3, 2017. I hereby appoint the honorable Virginia Foxx to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2017, the chair now recognizes members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chir will

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