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Sessions. We her first from the senator who conceded the election shortly after the Associated Press called the race. Applause] sen. Strange thank you all for being here. Thank you, thank you. This is a night to say thank you to each and every one of you who is here. It is not the result we wanted but i congratulate judge moore and i wish him the best. We are republicans and we care about this country and about the state and we wish him the best. One of my favorite prayers ask us to give thanks to god for setting us a task to teach him to rely on him alone. It is a hard task but at the end of the date you have to rely on something way more powerful than yourself. Youre not going to do what you do not always understand. You end up thinking, who can i rely on . It is god. That is a kind of per the really mean something. And boy have we set ourselves to a task at this race. It was really a task of a lifetime. With a political environment i have never had any experience with. I worked in the northern city, and we had some rough seas. Political seas, the political wind right now this country is very hard to navigate. Very hard to understand. It has been a tough deal. I could not be any more proud of the campaign we ran. We left everything out on the field. There is nothing else on the court. We did everything we possibly could. I would not change it at all. There is a lot of wind blowing politically. Take a scorecard to score it out and a lot of agendas. I will leave it to the pundits to figure it out and my focus has always been on alabama and the people of our great state. I will take comfort in the words of president Teddy Roosevelt who said it is not the pundits and critics who matter but the man in the arena for the man and woman or the woman per i will continue to do everything i can to encourage our citizens, especially our young folks to get involved. We have to have them. That is the future of our state. What i want to do and what i would have said if i had won or lost as i want to say thank you. I want to say thank you to every Single Person in this room. Than a mile from here. From coaches, to teachers, to friends, to matt and they shaped me to who i am. To be back here, to say thank you for your votes, your prayers, your encouragement. Just the kindness along the trail. A very top political environment. I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. Give yourself a hand. Really. Thank you. Nt to say [applause] i want to say thank you to the citizens of alabama. It is kind of like sports. You win some games and i have lost some lastsecond games and i have won some. I have one some overtime. You go into the locker room and think about what you could of done different in everybody has a different idea. I will not lose any sleep tonight. We did the right thing in the right way. [applause] sen. Strange i won to say thank you to the citizens of this state. Not just the friends and supporters in people who voted for me, but all of the citizens of the state. I have an honor to serve for six years as the attorney general during a time where we had to clean up covering. Justice for to get the gulf of mexico in the biggest environmental disaster. I was lucky enough to serve in the United States in the u. S. Senate will we had a new president. I helped elect conservative judges to the courts when we could really make a difference. I have been blessed and i went to think the citizens. If you are listening out across the state tonight i went to just say thank you. I want to say thank you to you and to my campaign team. They are here and they have worked their you know whats off. Not for lack of a good Political Team and it comes down to the person running it. I take full responsibility for success and failure. I have had plenty of success. I wanted to responsibility for that. And i do that. I want to thank my office staff and everybody who works for me in washington. If you would raise your hand, i would like for you to give them a hand. [applause] they worked, they worked tirelessly for the citizens of alabama and they do it because they love our state and they will do it for the remaining time i am in the senate. They are begging of some Public Servants and i want to thank them. Kevin turner, my chief of staff. I know he is here somewhere. I wanted to see come out. He is the kind of sharp young person you want. He started out driving me around and ended up being my chief of staff in the senate and not only been a Great Campaign friend but a great Public Servant and has given up a lot of opportunities to do that. I want to thank the president of the United States. Let us thank the president. [applause] sen. Strange the president took a chance. He did not have to come down. That is what loyal friends do. Sometimes, it is more than politics. Sometimes it is about a friendship, a common goal to make the country better. When you come as a newcomer and you see what you have to navigate, i cannot explain why he was willing to take that risk except he is a friend and a loyal friend. If this causes him any trouble, it is not his fault. The fall always lies with the candidate or the coach or the guy holding the ball, and it is my responsibility. I want to thank of the bayou president. He came last night. [applause] sen. Strange he is a great conservative leader. President of the senate, a guy ive gotten to know, a great conservative christian person. Got into the rally last night and we got a chance to talk about what is really important. He said, luther, im glad, but there are so many big things in the world than one political campaign. Keep your eye on the ball. You and melissa are a wonderful couple. You know, for a person to come when all the things happening in the world and to say that about you, that is the kind of person you want in the foxhole. Mike pence. America is lucky to have mike pence. I want to thank Richard Shelby and i took its place in he senate. The tallest guy in the senate. I said a record as the tallest guy in the senate. [laughter] sen. Strange richard was a friend for 30 years for it he took me under his arm when i came to washington and has been a great mentor and has supported me. It is always nice to have a guy and ask them, have you ever seen anything like this . He said i have never seen anything like this. Nobody has seen anything like this. I want to thank jeff sessions. He was my mentor when i came into politics. [applause] sen. Strange jeff got me into politics. He was a great attorney general. I was glad to take its place as attorney general, following his lead. He was a great senator for 20 years and i was honored to take its place in the senate and sit in the seat he sits in. Jeff will be a great attorney general for our country and i want to thank jeff and mary for being such great friends of ours. Finally, my senate colleagues. You know, the senate is a magnificent institution. In the short time ive been there, i have been able to sit and reflect on the great debates held there. Argueabout the things we about now and they seem petty would you think about slavery, civil rights, voting rights, wars, world wars. Even though we had an incredibly contentious time, swirling passions, it is nothing compared to some of the things we have handled in the United States senate. I will take right now for some of you that have been privileged to sit there, it will be a magnificent place. People get very frustrated with it. No one more frustrated than i, the friendse you, ive made there will be lifelong friends. I want you to have confidence in the institutions of this country, as i do. So lets give a hand to the our colleagues there. [applause] sen. Strange and finally, finally, you thought i was going to forget this. The most important thing i can say is how much i appreciate melissa and my family. [cheers and applause] strange she has put up with more than any one person should have to bear. And she really learned what were better or worse really means. 436 years it has been all for the better. One week ago tonight, seven days ago almost exactly, i got to hold my second grandson and my arms. Young james strange who came into the world. Let me tell you, too face this political environment, to hold thinkjames in my hand and for the next generation, why do we do this . Why do you really care . It is for that generation. This beautiful Young Children to come next after us. It really is. [applause] sen. Strange so let me leave you with this. I will leave you with what i have. I look at it every morning. My favorite bible verse and one that is gave me when i came into politics and it is proverbs 19 21. End and says, many are the plans in a mans heart but the lords purpose that will prevail, i truly believe that. I take that to heart. Every day. And i have no doubt of the truth of that first as i live here tonight. Time,ant to say one more thank you, thank you, thank you. Thisand everyone to in room. Thank you from our hearts. Bless each and every one of you. Thank you. [applause] announcer going into the election, senator strange enjoyed support from donald trump. Tonight, donald trump tweeted congratulations to the winner of the primary election in alabama. Shortly after senator strange conceded the election, senator roy moore was introduced vibrate ceo steve bannon. Ceo stevetbart

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