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Despite the fact that marijuana is illegal drug, people are allowed to buy it, sell it, smoke it with impunity, even though the federal books still say that is against the law, because this president refuses to enforce the law. The fact is that the oath matters. The oath i took as governor of new jersey said i will enforce the laws of state of new jersey. Not the ones i like. All the laws. This president does not have the right to enforce the laws he likes and not the ones he doesnt. That is why we have people getting killed in sanctuary cities, because he has refused to enforce the law. That is why we have lawlessness. You heard the governor of colorado talk about the loss of productivity. Of course, man. [laughter] are we shocked . It is so you know, the fact is that laws matter. You want to change the law you dont like . That is fine. We have a process. Go to congress. Change the law. Go to your state legislature. I dont want to be a dictator. I want to be a loyal servant of the law. Because in the end, that is what matters the most. We are a government of laws, not of men and women. You do not want us to become a government of men and women. It ise do, it is ok like what president bush used to say. A dictatorship is ok when you are the dictator. Old suddenly becomes a whole different story. I will talk a lot about enforcing the law. Enforcing the law would solve our problems with immigration. Enforcing the law will solve our problems with productivity. Enforcing the law will give everyone in this group tonight the comfort of knowing that you live under the blanket of a republic that has a president who will enforce the laws strictly and directly. All the laws. That will extend around the world as well. Order in the world, shown through american leadership, can help make it a safer place. We are going to talk about that a lot. A lot. [applause] im going to stop now and go to your questions. In new jersey, we have to have lots of rules that a townhall meeting. We have four of them. I found in New Hampshire we only need one role. We only need one rule. You just raise your hand and i call on you. Dont yell out questions. I dont answer yelled out questions. Its not because im governor of new jersey or candidate for president of the United States freedom i am a father of four. [laughter] as a father of four i have developed an acute ability to ignore things that are yelled at me. Given that we are just coming off of five days of family vacation, we are all six of us where all six of us were together. That sense right now is very finely honed after that. You raise your hands, ask questions, and i am happy to answer them. Yes, sir. There is a microphone coming for you. Thank you, governor christie, for coming out tonight. As a resident of manchester, i believe that every job, regardless of where they are born, should be an opportunity should be given opportunity to grow to their full potential. When we create partnerships and join the country and private sector we can build the foundation for strong, independent people and independent nations. If elected, will you launch a president ial initiative on global, Early Childhood development that focuses on malnutrition and Early Childhood education so every child not only survives but thrives . These children were someones sister, brother, niece, nephews, sons and daughters, and every parent wants the best for the children. Gov. Christie i was just at an Education Summit today. We had it in New Hampshire. A number of us went and spoke. What i said is that the single most important Economic Security and National Security issue of our time. Right now we are ranked 20th in science, 27th in mans around in math around the world. You cannot be at that level and expect to be the number one economic and military power in the world. Especially in our areas of great need, where our educational system is not doing well. We want to get children into the educational system as quickly as we can. We do it aggressively. Each state has to look into their own. They have to set their priorities. What i would say as president is listen you can invest now or , invest later. If we dont invest now, if we do not invest now and we had children who fail, it is going to cost us a lot more later on to do it. I would be encouraged for everyone to do it. On a global basis, listen. America needs to be a leader in every way we can be. The president s role in that function is to be persuasive. Is to speak to leaders of other countries and attempt to lead by example and persuade, and i think it is a very important thing to do. The last thing on nutrition. Is a sin that we have children and adults that come up hungry. There are ways for us to partner, as you suggested, with the government and private sector and charities to lessen the amount of hunger in our country. We know that children who are not well fed, it is almost impossible for them to learn. On that portion we have a lot of work to do at home before we do more work around the world. We will continue to help around the world that i think we have more work to do on the nutrition front at home and in partnership with private sector and with charities to be able to make sure we fill that gap of people who are hungry. What folks go to bed hungry in , quite friendly i think it is a sin to allow that to happen. I think it is a sin that is allowed to happen in a country with so much. We should not have that happening. Thanks for raising the issue. [applause] thank you. Gov. Christie come on over. I know that you have said that you believe Climate Change is real. I was wondering if you think it is a real threat to our country and if you have any plans to fight it. Governor christie i believe Climate Change is happening and i believe humans contribute to it. I dont think were the only contributors and i think climate has changed for a very long time. Do we do try to make sure it does not change into a way that becomes a threat to us . I do not believe in the apocalypse of an inconvenient truth. Nothing i subscribe to. But let me tell you what we have done in new jersey. I think we need to reach clean air goals. This is good for peoples health. There are days when people in china cannot walk around without surgical masks because of the pollution. We dont want to have that situation in the United States. We shouldnt. In new jersey, we have met our clean air goals for the year 2020 and we did it while pulling out of something that you are still in here in New Hampshire, called the regional Greenhouse Gas initiative, which is a cap and trade program, a tax. New jersey pulled out of it. Pennsylvania never joined. We pulled out because i thought we could do without the tax. 53 of new jerseys electricity is generated by nuclear. We have to look at nuclear again. A deep breathe about three mile island. The fact is we need to keep , looking at nuclear. It can be done safely. If you stay on top of it and regulate, it can be done safely. 53 of new jerseys electricity comes from nuclear. Here is one where if you go to a bar and come back here maybe this weekend. You can win a bet with anybody. I guarantee. Ask them to name the top three states in america in solar energy production. Everybody guesses california and arizona. And they are right. Who is number three . The great garden state of new jersey. Yes. No one will guess that. New jersey is number three in the country in the production of solar energy. We partnered with the private sector with tax credits and incentives to put forward a vigorous program on solar energy. We believe solar energy was the best of the alternative energies for us to invest in that people would buy and support and could be effective. We partnered with energy companies. We partnered with private business. Now, new jersey is the Third Largest source of solar energy in america. That is helping us get to our Clean Energy Goals as well. Fourth is we are now in the , process of Building Three new natural gasfired electricity plants. A cleaner burning fossil fuel. Really available to us because of the marcellus shale in pennsylvania. It has become less expensive. In the last 18 months, energy costs have gone down in new jersey 9 because we rely on natural gas. My view on this is that there are ways for us to reach our Clean Energy Goals without making us noncomparative. New jerseys Energy Prices are going down in that is going to make us more competitive in jobs where energy is a big cost driver. We reached our clean air quotas. You can do this without having to tax people. Republican can be a to say i want to have a republican solution. The democratic solution to this problem is cap and trade, tax more and more investment in failed clean energy alternatives. Lets invest in the ones we know work, and solar is one we know that works. Wind works on land. One of the other states i have been visiting a lot lately iowa. , there are a lot of windmills in iowa. You could put a windmill in new jersey. We are the most densely populated state in america. We have 8. 9 Million People in a state about that big. You put one of those windmills up in new jersey, it is going to be a major problem. This is a gift from god. We are temporary stewards for the next generation and the generation after that. We have to try to get better but i will not do it in a way that puts america at an economic disadvantage because i want you to get a job. I also want you to keep a job. To be able to support your family and do it in a way that is competitive in the rest of the world. That is my feeling on the issue. [applause] yes, sir. I will give you mine. Based on a premise that if this were, say, 1936, and we knew what was going to happen in europe, wouldnt we have done something to stop it . Today that is happening through isis. Innocent men, women, and children are being butchered. What are you willing to do to stop it . Thank you for coming to new boston, the Gravity Center of the world. [laughter] gov. Christie you are all going to have to explain the Gravity Center thing to me later. Thats all right. I do feel quite tethered to the ground. Maybe that is it. If i had told you three years ago that we would have a terrorist force that would be beheading christians because of who they believe in, you probably would have told me you wouldnt believe it. But that is whats happening right now. Right now. Christians across the middle east are being beheaded not for anything theyve done, not for any territorial type of incursion theyve made, not because of any insult that they have made to islam, but because they are christian, because they believe in jesus christ. They are being beheaded. America has to be a leader in the world. If we are the place that puts in its First Amendment to the constitution the idea of religious freedom and the provision that the government shall not establish a religion. Its both. The power of our constitution is that not only do we say that you should be able to worship god in the way that you see fit, that your soul and conscience lead you to do, we also say by the way, our government has no business of telling you that we have a national religion, either. We know that could have a Chilling Effect on your ability to freely believe in the god that you believe in in the way that you believe in it. Isis is an extraordinary threat. Lets think about this. President said isis was the j. V. Isis was not on the highpriority list of secretary clinton. They all said this was not a big deal. It is a big deal. Here is what i would do. We have to learn from what happened in iraq. What i mean by that is that america cannot become an Occupying Force in the middle east. Whenever we become an Occupying Force, we wind up being disrespected and we wind up causing even more problems in the region. The First Alternative i would pursue is this the jordanians, who had a pilot burned alive in a cage, believe me, they want to take care of isis. The egyptians, the saudis, and ratis. I they want to take care of isis and they are in the neighborhood. We need to provide leadership. We will arm you with the most sophisticated weaponry we cant give you to take these people on, first off. [applause] second, we need to say we are going to train you, and not at the high general level, down to the battalion level on how to use these weapons and build the most sophisticated fighting force the world has ever known. Third, we need to provide them with intelligence. Isis is not a nationstate. It is in all kinds of places in the middle east. We have to improve our intelligence capability and provide that intelligence to those country so they can find them and kill them where they are. Fourth, we need to provide the air power of the United States which is greater than any of those countries to soften up those targets so that when those troops move in, they are moving softened target that they can kill. I would want to give them the opportunity to do this first. Now, if they could not do it on their own, then we have to go finish the job. Because if we dont, they are coming here. We know that. [applause] it will not be my option of first resort, but it will be my option of next resort. I think that is what the American People would want. The number one job of the president of the United States is to protect the lives and security of the people of the United States. I think even this president , who still does not have a strategy for how to do with isis, and this secretary of state, former secretary of state running for president who says she will get back to us on that one, back to us on the pipeline, act was on a number of other issues that she doesnt want to deal with. We need a leader who says i will have a plan and we will execute the plan. And you know from hearing me talk about these issues that i spent seven years of my life trying to make sure that terrorism did not come back to the United States of america. I did not invest those seven years of my life and the lives of the men and women who worked for me in federal Law Enforcement to give that away to isis what we prevented with al qaeda. It is the same organization under a different name that hates america for being america and loving freedom and liberty. First, lets arm our friends, lets train them, lets give them the best intelligence and the air cover they need to fight because guess what . They dont want to live under that kind of rule either, in any of those countries. If they cannot finish the job, the United States needs to go over and finish the job with strong leadership from a strong commanderinchief. [applause] yes, sir. Right there. Coming up behind you. Good afternoon. I think one of the things that would make America Great would be to bring back jobs in this country. A lot of people today go to college, like my son. We can spend anywhere from 40,000 50,000 per year. These kids are coming out of college and some of them just dont get jobs. Why cant we keep some of these great jobs in america and start and stop exporting them to china and all these other places . Why cant we lower the tax brackets for the major corporations to keep the jobs here . Let them be profitable and let us bring the young folk so they can survive. Instead of paying rent, they can buy homes. Gov. Christie you are singing my song, man. I am with you. [applause] by the way, this is something that is personal to me and very and mary pat. We have two children in college right now. Our oldest son, andrew, is getting ready to start his senior year at princeton and he is nervous about getting a job. For that school, we are paying 60,000 a year and our daughter, sarah, is going to be a sophomore at notre dame. We are dropping her off this weekend. That school is 62,000 year. During my five days off, we were just writing those checks. Im glad this is the Gravity Center. [laughter] my wallet is much lighter than it was before, so i need this extra gravity in new boston. Here is what i propose. I put forward a specific plan. For all these plans i talk about, you can go to my website. They are all detail there. Chrischristie. Com. If you are having trouble sleeping, it will help you. It will give you all the detail you need. Heres what we need to do. I will start with where you are. We have the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world. How is it at 35 that the , country that perfected the Free Enterprise system now is the greatest taxer of the Free Enterprise system in the world . Its crazy. Its because we have a president who believes that all wisdom and answers reside in washington dc and he gets to pick the winners and losers. The way he does that is tax all of us. Use that money to pick the winners and losers himself. I say we need to lower that Corporate Tax rate to 25 . That would put us right in the middle of the rest of the world. We dont have to be the lowest rate, but if we are competitive we will keep some of those jobs. We need to lower the individual tax rate in this country. We cannot do that cheaply. It will cost us doing other things. Get rid of all the loopholes in loopholes and deductions except for two, the mortgage deduction and charitable contribution deduction. All the rest of them, goodbye. Lower the rate to 28 at the highest rate and only have three rates. Rate, 8 isighest the lowest. Pick one rate in the middle. Ill negotiate. Imagine. Rates that low, how much more of your on money you would be able to keep. You know that the tax code right now is rigged for the rich. It is. Its rigged for the wealthy because the wealthy are the ones who use most of those loopholes and deductions. Regular Everyday Americans dont. Lets get rid of them. The wealthy have never done better than they have under barack obama. Ever. Amazing, right . The guy who complains all the time about income inequality in the wealthy are better under barack obama than any other president in recent times. Imagine how quickly you would do your taxes. Here is how much you made. Heres how much you paid in Home Mortgage interest. Heres how much you paid to charity. Here is the number, multiply by whatever bracket youre in and you are done. Not only will it lower your anxiety, but can you imagine how many people i can fire from the irs when i do that . [applause] that is going to create Economic Activity as well, to help create more jobs here. The third piece is regulation. This president has regulated or regulated more than any other president in United States history. Last years alone they had 81,000 pages of new federal regulation in one year. Eight 1000 pages. The Small Business Administration Says that the cost of federal regulation for each Small Business in this country is 10,000 per employee. That is a hidden tax that every Small Business owner, whether you are an ice cream shop or bicycle shop, whether you are a garage that repairs cars or no matter who you are, 10,000 per employee to comply with federal regulation. Were going to do the same thing i did as governor of new jersey. I had the same kind of mess. Big regulating liberal democrat that i replaced as governor. The person that was his environmental commissioner became the epa commissioner under barack obama. That is all you need to know but to know about what i confronted. Day one, freeze any regulation from any department or agency in the State Government in 90 days. I sent someone out to say which are the worst regulations that are costing you the most, giving you the least benefit, driving you the most crazy . Give us the list and we will get rid of them. In my first year we got rid of 1 3 of the regulations with one stroke of the pen. We can do the same thing as president. [applause] i guarantee that will be executive order number one. Close your eyes and picture it. Im in the oval office in 2017. I walk in and go, oh, my god, im here. Then, i will sit down and sign the order freezing any new regulation from the federal government and sending the Vice President out to hold a series of Public Meetings to find out which federal regulations are the ones that are absolutely restricting our ability to create more jobs in this country. When he or she comes back with that list, then we will get rid of them the same way i got rid of them in new jersey. That is how we will create jobs in the country. The last piece is Energy Policy. We have to have the Energy Policy that says we will exploit the assets that we have, make energy costs lower. That is what brings manufacturing jobs back. The manufacturing jobs that went to china and mexico went there because of cost of labor and cost of energy. We dont want to change cost of labor because i dont want people making minimal money that wont help them have the lifestyle they need in this country. But we can now compete and win , on energy costs if we get natural gas from out from under the ground, have greater investment in alternative energies and lower the cost of , energy in the country. If we lower the cost of Energy Manufacturing jobs will come , back because we have Skilled Labor in the country to do it and they will pay for that. We could be much lower than china or mexico on the energy front. Thats the way we create jobs. That is what is in the plan that i put out. That is what i will do as president of United States, help us get jobs. [applause] yes, maam. Back there. Thank you. I was wondering if you could speak to, sort of to piggyback off that question regarding , College Education and the cost and rising cost. We have two daughters and im sure many people here share the same concerns. How can our children get a College Education and not be swamped with debt when they graduate . How can we avoid sending all of spending all our retirement and remortgage our house . Gov. Christie this is an issue that was talked about a lot. I will start were ended on the college question. Mary pat and i have two children in college. We understand what you are talking about. Eight or nine weeks ago we got this letter from the university of notre dame. It was great. From father jenkins, president. The first paragraph was Something Like this we want to thank you for the blessing of entrusting your childs soul to us here at the university of notre dame for education over the next four years. From a priest, right . You could hear the music from rudy in the background as you are reading that paragraph. [laughter] you can see touchdown jesus, the golden dome the whole thing. , my heart is pounding. Of course because he is a priest, the next paragraphe is the money paragraph. Im a catholic. I know. The tuition at notre dame will increase only 3. 9 . Inflation is 1. 5 . Only 3. 9 . Heres the kicker which he says is the lowest rate of increase in 40 years. Think about that. A nearly 4 increase in tuition is the lowest annual increase at notre dame in 40 years. It is insane. Lets talk about a few things about how we make college more affordable. First is when our students take out loans, they should be able to renegotiate those loans if rates go down. Right now theyre not allowed to do that. That is wrong. The federal government is making money off of Student Loans because they are charging 7 and borrow the money at 2 3 . That is not right. You renegotiate your mortgage you can refinance your car loan. ,no reason these kids should not be able to refinance their loans to bring down costs. Secondly we should give than the , National Service option to work this stuff all. Not just military service, but a National Service option. It says that if you want to invest a number of years at the graduate, serving your country in various capacities you can , pay off your loan through service. I think that is an option for a lot of kids that they will want to take and give them great experience. In addition to that, especially to this gentlemans question about the job market being tighter. This is a way they can be productive and get that debt off their back. I think the shame of this is that we accept the bills we get from colleges. I said this past week i just paid the bills, right . It is ridiculous, this bill. Tuition, room and board, other fees. [laughter] that is what the whole bill says. And then theres a 61,000 bill. You came in here to mollys tonight, went in and had dinner, if you had a bill for 100 and all the check said was food, 100, you would call the waiter back over and go, excuse me, could you just kind of detail this out for me so i know exactly what each thing costs and what i got to make sure that what you say i got i actually got . We do that for a 100 bill. We dont do that for a 61,000 bill from a college. We except this threeline bill. First they need to detail what they are spending their money on to us. I talked about this in New Hampshire. My daughter sarah was with me and i said for instance, what if you found out that 1 of the budget was being spent building a rockclimbing wall . I thought this was a ridiculous thing, right . My daughter grabs me from behind and says, we already have a rockclimbing wall. I know my daughter. One thing i know is that she is not climbing the rockclimbing wall. I know it. She has a lot of skills, a lot of talent, one of them is not the rock climbing wall. Maybe we dont need 40 Vice President s. Dont need all these things that colleges have been allowed to do. If they had to tell us the money they spent on, they would be embarrassed and i think we would see those things being reduced. They need to give us a chance to unbundle that bill. Goes toy our Daughter College and says i am not into , the extracurricular scene. I go to my room and i were, i go i work, i go to the library, that is what i do. That is, of course, not true. [laughter] in dads perfect world, right . You have a lot of kids who commute to school, live at home. Why cant you pay for what you are going to use . Why not unbundle it and give a checklist . This will be a great market test on what theyve provided. If 85 of the students say i dont want to pay for this, maybe you shouldnt have built it in the first place and maybe you shouldnt build a second one next time. Right now what is happening is there is no Market Forces on college tuition. The reason is us. Our daughter goes to notre dame. She loves it. I mean, she loves it. She sends pictures to my phone. Dad, look how beautiful the golden dome looks today. Look at first down moses. Look at touchdown jesus. She sends pictures as she walks around campus. She told me as she came home for christmas break, i have noxious noxiously love my school. It warms a fathers heart. Imagine i came to the conclusion that notre dame is not a value anymore. For what i am paying, im not getting enough in return. Imagine that conversation with my 19yearold daughter. Sarah, i know you love that school, but we think school x is a better value so you are leaving notre dame. I dont know how many of you in this audience have teenage daughters, but i suspect you would agree with me that after the crying and the i cant believe youre ruining my life and the stamping of feet and running to her room and slamming of the door, you know that if it is in anyway possible, you and i are sending her back to notre dame because we know she is happy there and we do know she is getting good education. We want for the best for our children, and they know it. They know it. They know theyve got us. How would i do this unbundling and make sure it happens in greater detail . Here is the kicker. If you dont do those things, you cannot have students at your school that participate in federal grant and loan problems. If you want taxpayer money, you have to be transparent and give did our parents and our kids choices to lower costs. [applause] thats the way i go about it. Unfortunately for you and i, it may be too late. I wont be president for another 17 or 18 months. It may be a little too late. Thanks, governor christie. I have two very essential questions for the future of our country. Number one, what is your favorite Bruce Springsteen song . [laughter] number two, what is your favorite pizzeria in new jersey . Gov. Christie all right. This is someone obviously who knows things important to new jersey and mean presley. My favorite Bruce Springsteen song is thunder road. It is the first song on my favorite album, which is born to run. If you have access to this song, this would be a new jersey favor you can do for me. Go home tonight and listen to thunder road. It starts right at the very beginning. Close your eyes and listen to those first few notes of thunder road and it sounds like a song that is welcoming you in. Welcoming you into a new world you will explore over the next eight songs with this guy. Oh, heck no. [laughter] there was a request for me to sing. I will do almost anything, as you know and have seen on television a number of times. Signing a capella . No. Not good for me, not for you. Favorite pizzeria, one from my youth and one current. Of my youth is a place called camarades. They made the best Pepperoni Pizza i ever tasted in my life. My mother used to buy that for us on fridays not on lent. , on lent we couldnt have pepperoni. She said im not cooking on fridays. She always got that pizza and we love it. We currently we have a great we currently have a great pizza place in our town called dantes. Our kids love that pizza. Im eating less pizza than i used to, unfortunately, but those would be our first two pizzerias. I will say one last thing. Bruce springsteen born to run, two weeks ago it was the 40th anniversary of the release of born to run. I can remember being a 12yearold kid in new jersey and going to sam goodys record store. Going in and buying that album and opening it up and seeing this incredible picture of this young bearded guy in a black Leather Jacket and a big africanamerican saxophone player and i listened to the songs and the thing that made it different for me was because being from new jersey, we get a little picked on. I listen to those songs. Those were songs about people i knew and places i knew. When bruce was later on the cover of time and newsweek, he was no longer our little he our little hero. He was a national figure. While bruce and i agree on two on maybe one or two issues politically on a really good day, he has become a friend over time and was incredibly helpful during hurricane sandy. I got to know him during that time and he and his wife and his children are really wonderful people and great representatives of new jersey, even though we belong to different political parties. Thank you for asking me about mr. Springsteen. [applause] this guy right here. The nike hat. Good evening, governor. We know our partnership with the global fund to fight aids, malaria, and tuberculosis has a proven track record of success. They save about 100,000 lives a month. We have the resources to end these epidemics. What we lack is the political will. Can you, as president , 1 3 of the National Fund . Gov. Christie yes, i will. I am really proud of the fact that the person who really brought the fight on aids to the world stage in a big way with president george w. Bush. I think that if you talk to leaders in that Movement Like i have, people like bono from you , a one of the largest voices guy named ray chambers in my state who has been the guy leading the fight in raising money to fight malaria in africa. A very wealthy, successful guy in my state. Im very proud of the fact that these all republicans that have led this fight. Democrats tend to give this lipservice and republicans tend to write checks. I think that if we can save lives, that we can walk away that we cant walk away from that. I dont want to see people dying around the world needlessly. When we take on that fight, is to say that is why we have to protect the patents and the profitability of our pharmaceutical companies in this country. It is the american pharmaceutical companies, in the main, that have taken the risks and invested the money to develop these treatments. Then there are people in the other party that are constantly attacking those corporations and belittling them and yelling about their profit when they are the ones that take the risk and put billions of dollars into research and development. My deal with the American People would be this i am happy to invest and put our full share into those type of things and for other things as well to help to fight disease around the world if it helps to make a more peaceful and prosperous world as well, but, in return, what i want is, lets lower the heat on the pharmaceutical companies. Lets be supportive. It doesnt mean everything that they do is write because there is nobody in the world that everything they do is write. No person, no corporation. The reason this stuff was available to us is because they were willing to take the risk. We can do this together and help the rest of the world. I think we should. And i believe that our party is the party that helped to lead that fight. If i am president , i want to try to end that fight. I think it is a fight worth ending. Thank you for bringing it up. Right there. Thank you, governor. What would you do to bring honor back to the veterans of this country . That is my first question. The second question is, how would you straighten out the va . Gov. Christie first off, i will take it in reverse order. To straighten out the va, we have to acknowledge publicly that we made a promise to veterans. That promise was, if you volunteer for service in our military, or for our older veterans, if you are drafted for service, and you put yourself in service of our country and put your life on the line, we promise you, in return, to care for your medical needs for the rest of your life. Not if it was convenient, not our time schedule, but for the rest of our lives we will provide you with that service in return for your service. The first thing i would do is to fire those folks that have been responsible for the incompetent handling. The president has only fired one person. There is a lot more people that deserve to lose their jobs over this. Second, i would go around the country and look for the finest Hospital Executive that i could find in the country and ask that man or woman to come in volunteer some of their time to , come back and be the new secretary of veterans affairs. What the va has become, in the main, is a provider of health care. Why not get the very best Hospital Executive we can find a we can find in the country to look at what were doing in our va hospitals and other medical service providers, and get that person to come in and task them with the job of straightening out the system. Third, because our veterans should not have to wait for that to happen, i would expand what is being done now. Every veteran should be able to take his or her card and go to any Health Care Provider in the country and get medical care. We will always need va hospitals because they provide specialized care, but you should be but you shouldnt be restricted to just the va hospital. In terms of bringing honor back to our veterans, not only is it about the way the president himself conducted himself in his interaction with veterans and conducts himself as commanderinchief so americans feel proud of their service because of the commander in chief they have. Let me tell you a couple things we have done in new jersey that are concrete to that people know about how much i care to make sure our veterans are treated the right way. About three years ago, we started a program called vets for warriors. This is a 24 hour a day, 70 week seven day a week hotline for veterans having Mental Health issues. It is run out of Rutgers University hospital in new jersey and is run nationwide. Veterans man those phones. They have been trained to deal with fellow veterans for having Mental Health problems. This is a partnership between the state of new jersey and the department of defense. This past spring, the department of defense eliminated the funding for this program. July, the program was going to close. When i heard about it this spring and i found out that we couldnt get money out of the federal government, i went to two leaders of the legislature, both democrats, and i said, we cannot let this program close. I said for 3. 3 million, we can open tohis Program Every veteran of the country. We all put in the budget together. Now, the program is still running. At the expense of the taxpayers of the state of new jersey for the entire country. That is how strongly we feel about our veterans in new jersey. Secondly, since we are carcating this hard this d program we decided to start a , Pilot Program in new jersey with trauma care hospitals. We are giving 5 million from the state, they are matching with philanthropic money, and they are guaranteeing for any that has been denied care at a va facility, if they come to one of these hospitals and presents himself and says id tried to get and says, i tried to get care and didnt get it. And didnt get it they , guarantee that that vet will get care that day. We put our money where our mouth is when it comes to our vets. Third and last example is that a lot of these vets who come home with drug or alcohol problems, Mental Health issues, and up hitting bottom and becoming homeless. In new jersey, we always have a homeless place for veterans. It is in the southern part of our state. One of our largest psychiatric hospitals was going to be closed in the northern part of the state and they suggested that we sell the hospital to a private facility. I decided no. What we did with that facility is that we opened veteran haven north so that the veterans in the northern part of our state we have place to go, too. The upside is that since most of them have drug and alcohol dependency problems there is a , private drug and alcohol counseling facility on that property. We said, you can stay on the property as long as you promise , in return to us, to provide drug and alcohol counseling to any of the homeless vets. They agreed and we now have a partnership where Homeless Veterans have a place to go, sleep, eat, and get Mental Health and drug and alcohol counseling to try and get themselves back on their feet. Those of the things were doing in new jersey to help vets. We will take the same approach as president of the United States. My staff tells me i can take one more question which means i will take two. The reason for that is, i want to remind them that im still the boss. Especially since you mentioned springsteen before. Thank you. I just want to preface this question by saying that in my 20 years of voting eligibility in this great country, you are the first candidate to really inspir candidate to really inspire not only myself, but my entire family to get out there and vote in the election of 2016. One issue that my whole family has been dealing with recently is the obamacare issue. I would love to know if you could speak a little bit about how you feel about it and how my things change if you were to be president. Gov. Christie first off, obamacare is a failure and needs to be repealed and replaced. Start off with that. Lets lets start off with that. It is not enough just to say that. Every republican will say obamacare is a failure, ok. That means you got the handbook. What you all have to be demanding up here and the rest , of the country is counting it you haved to ask for more than that because you are the president ial wine tasters for the rest of this country, and especially now with 17 of us. First, you cannot have a program out of washington dc that handles that large a piece of our economy in 50 different states. It was bound for failure. I can or member with our first i cant remember when they were first coming up with this thing and they wanted to open the state exchanges. I was refusing to open the state exchange in my state. I got a call from the white we would they said, really like you to open this exchange. I said i wasnt going to. They said you should partner with the president on this and i said no. Heres why. I said, you want me to start a program where i have no control over the rules and no say on the budget but all the responsibility for whether it is successful or not. There is no good executive in the world who would ever accept that deal. None. Not a good one. You have no control over the rules, you have no control over the costs, and you have all of the responsibility. If it goes south, theyre not going to call washington. If you have a bad exchange in New Hampshire, you are calling the locals here. So, i think we need to do is to go to a completely statebased system. Lets take our two states. New hampshire and new jersey are geographically, relatively the same size. You have 1. 3 Million People. They are spread out. There is a lot in the southern part but there is also a good piece in the northern part. Your problems are mostly access. A lot of that access has to do a distance. Now lets take new jersey. Were about the same size. We have 8. 9 million in about the same space. Our problems for health care are not about access. You trip over a hospital every four miles in new jersey, and we trip over each other in new jersey. Our problem is cost. Our access point is cost. Why would we think that one program out of washington dc could fix those problems . It cant. Why should we try to do it that way . The constitution of the United States said that anything that is not enumerated as a power for the federal government reverts to the states. I dont see health care in the constitution of the United States. [applause] so, im willing to make the governors and the legislatures in each of these states responsible for coming up with a Health Care Program that deals with access and cost in their state. Not optional, they have to come up with a program. I might not necessarily like the program that your governor comes up with, but the fact is, you have a Republican Legislature that can help to do some Different Things here. We trip over hospitals in new jersey, you guys trip over state reps. You have 400 of them. Heres the good news. You can get to them. You cant get to these people in washington if you dont like obamacare. You will find state reps all over the place. You can get to your state senators, get to your executive counselors, and get to the governor. You cant do that in washington dc. I believe each state should be tasked with the responsibility of coming up with a plan that works for their state. We have the most ethnically diverse state in the country, the most densely populated state in the country. That presents a whole bunch of Different Health care challenges, so we need to have a plan. I trust the governors, republican or democrat, because they know that, unlike people in congress, who are accountable to no one. I saw a poll that said 13 of the American People approve of the job congress is doing. The only thing i was surprised about is, who are those 13 . Who are the people that are saying, i like that . You can get to the people here. I think that the government that is done most closely to the people is the government that is the most effective. On health care, we should not be allowing the federal government to take over this. The next president has to change it, but they have to change it by also addressing the Health Care Needs of the American People. It the waytes do its should be done. That is the best way to bring change and opportunity. Lets get this gentleman here for the last question. Thanks for coming to New Hampshire. I was wondering what your opinion is on h1b visas. Disney recently laid off their entire i. T. Staff. Pacific gas electric did the same thing. Its not helping jobs. Gov. Christie heres the thing. We have an entire immigration system that doesnt emphasize quality, doesnt emphasize fairness, doesnt emphasize employee american citizens. We have a system that has totally run amok. We spend most of our time, unfortunately, talking about the border situation. The border situation is a problem and i have talked in detail about what i think we need to do to secure the southern border. That is not what your question is about. We spend a lot of time talking about that. It makes, i think, the American People seem smaller than we are. The fact is that we need to talk about the entire system and Legal Immigration. What are we going to do about Legal Immigration and how can we make sure it is controlled in a way that benefits our country and the people of our country . Side, we havent even had that conversation. We arent talking about it. This is my 17th or 18th town here. Eeting up youre the first one who is me about the visas. Not only illegal folks coming up here but we also need to do something to make sure that the American Worker is getting a fair shake. Right now, people feeling the immigration system, no matter whether you are a high skilled person like yourself or a low skilled person, they all feel like they are being taken to the cleaners. It is broken and it is a mess. I think we need to be able to do is first, secure the southern border. People wont want to talk about the visa problem until we secure the border. The president isnt going to be able to do that. Then we have to deal with the whole issue of Legal Immigration. It is extraordinary important, especially given this gentlemans question. A young kid out of college or a middleaged guy like us or whoever you are in between. We also dont want to ever be seen as a party or as a country as antiimmigrant. As it issonal for me for many citizens here. My grandfather was born on the boat between sicily and the United States. Imagine that. That means that when my greatgrandfather was having trouble getting work in sicily and applied to come to United States, my greatgrandmother was nine months pregnant. And they got on the boat anyway. They were so hungry to come to the United States. I cant imagine my greatgrandmother giving birth on that boat. My mother was a smart alec, she used to tease my grandfather and say you are nothing, not sicilian, not american, you were born in the ocean. You are nothing. My grandfather died when i was very young. One of my few memories of my grandfathers he would say, thats not true, im an american. They made me american when i got to ellis island. My grandfather was so proud of the fact that his mother and father and he made it. He came over. They worked out the bills. We dont want that part of our country to be secured ob scured. To get what we want, educated, did the right things. That is the conversation we have to have. One of the things that bothers me right now is that there is too much heat and not enough , light. Your question is a great example. No one talks about that but it is really affecting you and others. My fiance cannot get a job because of the competition. I read that senator rubio wants to triple the number, we do not need that. One other point . Back to Social Security, how about Getting Congress to pay in . Gov. Christie you are talking to a guy who does the who doesnt understand why congress has term limits and i do. [applause] somehow, the governor of new jersey, the president of the United States are dispensable but congress is not dispensable. Somehow obamacare is good for didcountry, but congress not buy it. Somehow, in my state, i dont get pension members of my legislature do. Im not asking for a pension but they should be getting on should not be getting one either. [applause] party in 1994, all the rules that Congress Passes will apply to themselves. We forgot about that. This is why people get so cynical about congress. I do too. You are right that that is exactly what should be happening in instead, they make special rules for themselves. I dont understand why we, as American People, should put up with that. They serve us. I think there should be term limits, 12 years for everybody in congress. [applause] 12 years. If you cant get it done in 12 years, then go home. Right . I have a guy my state legislature get ready for this. He has been in the state legislature for nearly 42 years. Man get out. , if you havent done everything you want to do three times in 42 years, time to go. That is part of the problem that creates the issue you are talking about. These guys in washington, i guarantee it is something in the water, i dont know, im going to let new jersey water trucked into the white house. We need to have a congress that them, buthat apply to also feel the need to be in touch with folks like you. Thank you. Gov. Christie five state troopers and this guy is helping me out here. [laughter] heres the thing. The biggest thing is that Congress Loses touch. They lose touch with people and they dont know your story. Part of the job of a governor or president who has the executive authority is to make sure and that is why did townhall meetings, because i want to stay in touch. I want real stories coming out about the theories you get pitched to you, but how these policies or lack of policies really affect real people and their families. Thank you for that. You are a first timer on that, and i didnt think out of going to get a firsttime question tonight. [applause] first off, thank you for coming in the daylight and staying until its dark. This is my first outdoor, in the dark townhall meeting in New Hampshire. I hope it will not be my last. [applause] i want to end by saying two things. First, to say thank you for being such an incredible example of the greatest democracy the world has ever known. This state reinvigorates my belief in the fact that we are getting it right, and we can get it right if we Work Together to work with each other and we care enough about the future of our country to spend the time we need to spend to pick the right leaders. You are doing that and i appreciate it very much. [applause] second thing, i think if you go to Chris Christie. Com, you go to the website, you will fall asleep, read it again, you will go through all the specific plans. It is important for you to see it, because seven years ago, the majority of the American People voted for a bumper sticker. Hope and change. Sounded like great words, but if you knew hope and change meant the weakest economic recovery since world war ii, a nuclear iran, Healthcare System that was broken. In fact it would take more of your money, if you knew that that was what hope and change meant, you would have been running for the hills. This time, i am challenging all of you. You had better figure out what the man or woman is offering themselves for the job is going to do when they get there. The only way were going to do that is to demand that they tell you now. That is why were putting all that detail the website. It is not just to help insomniacs. We care deeply about insomniacs but it is not just to help them. It is also to make sure that you know, when i show up on january 20, 2017, you better know what im going to do. And then if you complain i can say, i told you. No complaining. You voted for me, now im going to go do it. Second thing is that i cant tell you everything that im going to do because we dont know everything that is going to come across my desk. The one thing we know for a president of the United States was that george w. Bush thought he was going to be the education president. His first eight months he passed no child left behind and worked with the other side of the aisle to get education reform. All of a sudden, one morning he wakes up and hes reading to a group of schoolchildren in florida and radical islamic terrorists fly airplanes into the World Trade Center and the pentagon and he became a wartime president and a president that was going to fight terror. You dont know. He could have never told you what he would do to fight terror and you werent asking him because you didnt know. How do you make this decision then . How do you decide between the 17 of us . It cant just be the list of issues. It cant just be my record of governor because everyone has a record to look at. You have to know who we are. That is why this process is so important the way you do it in New Hampshire. You have got a chance to know who we are more than anybody else in the country. I will tell you who i am. I the son of an irish father and a sicilian mother. I hear some grumbling. [laughter] for those of you who grumble, you know what that means. That means i am the oldest child in the family. I became expert at an early age at dispute resolution. My house was a loud place and my , parents were both very emotional people and were able to really put their feelings out there. My dad is now 82 years old. Where are you, tim . Cspan has it, my father is definitely watching. My father, 82yearold guy, still is in new jersey, wonderful person. Came with me to the debate in cleveland. Was thrilled, is thrilled about all this. If he was here tonight he will would be hugging all of you. He is a big hugger. He would be telling you embarrassing stories about me when i was a kid. He is that kind of guy. My mother, on the other hand, was the driver in our house. I used to tell my father all the time that in the automobile of life he was the passenger. Mom was the driver, she set the rules, she was judge, jury, and executioner. Mom was the driver of the bus. Her biggest rule was no suffering in silence. I think she put this rule into effect so she could use it. She was the one who used in the most. Used it the most. She used to say this all the time. If you have a problem, i need to know about it. If youre worried about something, i need to hear it. If you have a problem, i want to help you fix it. If something great is happening in your life, i want to celebrate with you. When we got older, after a while, it got a bit much. She will be on it all the time. We would say, mom, enough. She would say no, christopher, you need to hear this. Youre going to hear it right now. That is the way i was raised we lost my mom 11 years ago. She was a dynamic person, but she was a lifetime smoker. She smoked from the time she was 16 years old and by the time she got to february of 2004, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. For anybody who is been through this, sometimes cancer is very aggressive and for her it was. I was a United States attorney at the time. I went to the United States attorneys National Conference in 2004. My younger brother called me and said, they put mom back in the hospital. He said if you want to see her , you need to come now. I got on the redeye flight that night. I got home the next morning. I drove to the hospital. I got to the room and they had started to give her morphine. Any of you have who have been through this, you know that is the beginning of the end, they are just trying to make her comfortable. When i got there she was kind of in and out of things. I sat there for a while. My mother has not see me for a week. Finally, she came to. She was like, what day is it . It is friday. Said, iy, she said it was 9 30 in the morning. She said, go to work. Im not going to work today. She said, christopher, it is a workday. Go to work. I said mom, what are you afraid of not getting your taxpayers money possible worth . Stop. I decided to take the day off, im taking the day off. She said to me, christopher, go to work. It is where you belong and there is nothing left unsaid between us. Other than the birth of our four children, it was the most powerful moment of my life, because my mother was giving me permission to let her go. What i thought at that moment, when i was sitting there, was that she was right. I hate to admit it, but she was right. The way she taught us to be our whole lives. There were no deathbed confessions. Every grievance had been aired, every problem had been talked about. Most importantly, i knew that she loved me, and she knew that i loved her. There was nothing else left to say. So i got up, i kissed her on the forehead and i said ok mom, im going to work. She said, good boy. And i left. That afternoon, she went into a coma, and three days later she died. It was literally last conversation i had with my mother. I had no regrets about it, not at all because she lived her life and taught me to live my life in a way that ended for her in the right way. In a place of peace. So, as one of the most psychoanalyzed politicians in america like when i said get the hell off the beach or sit down and shut up. You now know, it is her. [laughter] [applause] its her. You know now. She taught me to be that way. And i know that if she were still alive today to see this, to see this circus that my life has become with the signs in the and the lights and the , cameras, i know she would have lots to say. The first thing she would say was, so, youre running for president of the United States mr. Big shot. , i changed your diapers, i know who you are. Dont get too big for me. My mother would want me to keep my head on my shoulders. She would want me to be the person she raised me to be. The second and she would say to me is that if you are going to do this and ask people for their vote, this is the most precious they can give to anyone outside of their family. If you are going to ask them for that, you had better tell them everything. You had better tell the what you think and what you feel, what you are going to do and not going to do. In a trusting relationship, that is what we do. We do not hold back. This campaign and the slogan is a tribute to her. If she were here that is what she would want me to be. I have to make sure that i keep faith with that. That is who i am. You need to know that. Things i needour to promise you. These are within my control. I promise i will do if i am president. First, you will never have to wonder what i am thinking. I will tell you. Second, youre never going to have to wonder what im feeling. Im going to show you. Third, you will never have to wonder what i am willing to fight for because i will fight for it. Fourth, you will never have to wonder how hard im willing to fight for it because you will be able to see it with your own two eyes. Beyond that, all i can tell you is i will try my best, the same way i tried my best as governor of new jersey, attorney in new jersey, as a husband and father. I will do my best. Things you can take to the bank because that is the person my mother made me. All of us have all kinds of things that influence our lives but in the end, we cant kid ourselves. The two most important people in our lives are mother and our father. They form more of us than anything else in the world. We have to get back to respecting that in america and acknowledging it and living that every day because the strength in the core of our country comes from god and our families. If we had a greater respect for god and our families first, i think a lot of these other problems will fix themselves. We are ready to go everybody. Were ready to win this election. Thanks for coming tonight. Make the country a better place. [applause] thank you for your question, too. Gov. Christie thank you for coming. Thank you for your question. Thank you, sir. We can move it back to the other direction. Where are you from . Medicine. Madison. Governor christie thank you. Of course. Where . Sizes sameme size as our town. Thank you for coming. You. To meet you. Pleasure. You can, my they said that Gravity Center of the universe. Governor christie there you go. You. Admire governor christie thank you. Happy to be here. Thank you. Way to go. Maam, how are you . Thank you very much for coming. Thank you. My compliments. He is a big fan. Thank you, sir. Governor christie thank you. I was in the back. It was awesome. Governor christie thank you. Thank you for coming. Great job tonight. Governor christie we will keep at it. I followed you a long time. Governor christie thank you. Children. Re my we are showing them the political process. Governor christie thank you for coming in spending time tonight. I was wondering if i could get a picture . Governor christie go ahead. Way. This thank you very much. I liked what you said about your mother. I might use that with my kids. You. Nor christie thank this is my motherinlaw and my mother. Governor christie rate to meet you both great to meet you both. You are so real. Thank you. I want to see you in a debate with hillary. Governor christie me too. Thank you. Governor christie my dad is a giants fan. Work through it. My father has been able to. Thank you for coming. Governor christie how are you . Middle,e caught in the we pay all of this money, i am a social work student, so we sit in class and talk about Social Security and how it is great and everything. Are we going to see it . Governor christie yes. Thank you so much. Shake your hand. Governor christie you bet i will. Happy to have you. It has been good. Gov. Christie feeling good. Nice to meet you, governor, i am glad you came to our state. Governor christie thank you ray much thank you very much. The mets are 4. 5 games ahead. Governor, welcome to New Hampshire. Governor christie great. Ithost of the senate goes to the senate. Governor christie thank you. Sure. Gov. Christie ill be back up monday. Any question you have, i am happy to answer. Appreciate the time. Governor christie thank you so much. I would love to have you in for dinner when youre up. By all means. Absolutely. I have never voted for somebody for president that i havent met. Gov. Christie dont start now. I have an inside track. Accountability. Governor christie thank you so much. Democrat,registered but i love your message. You are sincere, knowledgeable, liked how you i addressed the question about congressional term limit. Limits. I think that the career politicians in washington make every issue about getting reelected instead of what the people really want. Gov. Christie i am totally for it and i just dont understand why they think they are indispensable. None of us are. If we get rid of the president after eight years, there is no reason they should stay longer than 12. They should be able to get it done with that. I think eight years would be reasonable. Gov. Christie so do i, by the way. The reason i picked 12 is that it is divisible by both sides. That way everybody has the same rules. I think it is important i think. I think it hurts our country. It was designed to be a Citizen Legislature where you serve for a period of time and go back home. That is how it should be. I agree. Gov. Christie thanks for taking the time to listen and hang around afterwards. I am from connecticut. Your mother was right, go to work. Governor christie how are we doing, brother . Collects my father graduated from new boston when they had a high school, 14 people in the class. What a great setting. I think i got a few bug bites. Gov. Christie the long sleeves help. The primary is in september. Keep working hard until then. Gov. Christie i remind him of that. Yes i did. I texted him today and said, you are such a showoff. You have to be a beat cancer faster. He looks good yesterday. Looked good yesterday. Governor christie he really is. [indiscernible] on the download down low. Corndogs. Xcited about september 16. Safe travels. Im the boss, i guess. We want to get one more photo. Gov. Christie sure. Absolutely behind every great man is a greater woman. Thank you. Best of luck. Last guy in line. How are you . Everybody ranted and raved about the education. No one went to Ronald Reagan and his position. Gov. Christie i think the priority is to change what is going on. I think that if you have that argument first it will be divisive. We need to get intrusion out and return curriculum control. So you are on the same wavelength as governor kasich, who said in the 1990s we were going to kill the department of education. He said everyone thought we were saying we were going to kill education. How about we call it, were going to decentralize the federal department of education in 50 directions. Governor christie i think at least 50, if you are a governor, they are in our pockets and in our curriculum. I think that is important, you do not tie it up with other things that are more controversial. If we can give the control to the state the benefit that we , get will far outweigh anything else. Just call it decentralization. Gov. Christie how about going after the actual issue and not for the symbolism. Symbolism is important, but in education, you need to get into the substance. Here is an argument. Very simple. It,lities run k12, run states finance it states run higher education. You have people in washington with no operational experience telling people who have operational experience what to do. I think the American Voter gets that. Gov. Christie we will have secretary clinton saying that that that means he doesnt care about education. Dont walk into traps. There is no reason to walk into their traps. I have watched them do it i am , concerned about getting the job done. You are here late. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] announcer our road to the white house coverage continues as the candidates walk the fairgrounds and speak at the des moines registers candidate soapbox. Onhave ted cruz and saturday, Chris Christie and bobby jindal. Join the twitter conversation. Cspan campaign 2016, taking you on the road to the white house. Republicanthursday, candidate Rick Santorum talked about immigration policy. Live athis remarks 11 00 a. M. Eastern here on cspan. Thursday a discussion on relations between thailand taiwan and mainland china. We are live from the Stimson Center here on cspan. Announcer next, candidate rick perry speaks at the iowa state fair in des moines. The former Texas Governor focuses his remarks on transportation, and increasing state powers. Remarks, his 20 minute he speaks to reporters and attendees of the fair. [indiscernible] i am carol hunter, news director at the des moines register. Welcome back to the political soapbox. Our speaker today is rick perry who is seeking the republican nomination for the presidency. Governor perry first was elected to office in the house of taxes. Texas he was elected agricultural commissioner and then lieutenant governor. He served 14 years as governor, retiring as that states longest servant chief executive. He also ran for president in the 2012 cycle. This will be his a time to grace the stage. Governor perry, please welcome back to the soapbox. [applause] perry that was awesome, thank you. It is a pleasure to be back listeningding outside banner bearspangled sung by this extraordinary talent. It is good to be back in iowa, thank you very much. This is an extraordinary state. Reminds me a lot as i travel , itss lots of miles of it reminds me of a little place i grew up. 200 miles west of fort worth, texas, in haskell county. It was a Community Called paint creek. Paint creek was not big enough to have a post office. It was 16 miles to the closest place with a post office, but it was where i call home. The values i learned there, shake my worldviews today. Those values are hard work, the dignity of having a job, values of serving your country, your state, your fellow man. Givele to get back back to this incredible country that has given us the opportunity to succeed. One of the reasons i want to be your president is because i some ofl too often those opportunities are not where they could be today, should be today, because washington, d. C. Has decided that they are the found fountain of all wisdom. Washington, d. C. Has decided that all decisions need to be made there. You know what my answer is . I am mad as hell and i am going to do something about it to change it. [applause] that is what this election is reflecting. People have a belly full of all of the decisions trying to be made 1500 miles away from where they need to be made, right here in the state. I think it was quite eisenhower that said it is easy to farm when your plow is a pencil and you are 1500 miles away from the farm. That is what we are facing today, and as we have seen this continual consolidation of power in washington dc, a place that has now become corrupt, a place that we do not trust, and a place that i will suggest to you is making america less of a place than it could be if we had the decisions evolved back to the states. Im a big believer in the constitution. I put my hand up and i swore allegiance to the constitution as i wore the uniform of this country as a pilot in the air force from 19721977. My father did the same thing. Indad was a b17 tailgunner 1944. Over nazi missions held germany to help liberate that continent. My father wanted to get married and farm, that is what he did. Manather is a 90yearold living out in paint creek, texas today. He talked to me about giving back to my country, state, and community. He understood that Public Service as an honorable thing. America is great because there are men and women who hold up their hand and say here i am, send me. There are a lot of ways to volunteer. To give back is one of the reasons we are a unique country. You can join the peace corps or the marine corps, or anything in between. Give back to this country. That is what we need in this country again, americans who believe in the american dream. Americans who believe you can obtain the american dream. We are not going to do it unless we reconstruct that krapf stuff that is going on in washington dc. You need a leader that understands how to do that. I was a governor of the state of texas for 14 years. Unquestionably, it is a place that i will suggest economically one of the great places to live in the world. It is that way because we free people from over taxation, over litigation, and we gave people the opportunity to obtain anything they wanted in their lives because we gave them the opportunity to graduate from high school and go on to that next age stage. From the 2003 until 2013 we went from 27th in the nation in High School Graduation rates to the secondhighest Graduation Rates in america. Are hispanic or african, you live in the state that has the highest High School Graduation rates in america, you want to send a message, you free up the states to make those decisions. I believe in the constitution. Our constitution was created by incredibly, incredibly visionary people. You think about what that constitution says. It clearly enumerates the powers that we are supposed to do as a federal government. We are supposed to stand a strong military. Today we have the smallest personnel in the army since 1940. We are done down to 10 carriers. We should have 13 at least to protect commerce. We are down to a ohio class submarines being the third leg of the nuclear triad. We are down to the last years of their useful life, we do not have a plan to refurbish. I am worried because the military has been hollowed out. To donstitution tells us something else, secure borders. Wouldnt it be awesome if the federal government got those two things right . [applause] then we could have a conversation if there is anything else the federal government should be engaged with. That washington dc is deciding what the curriculum should be is nonsense. The idea that washington dc decides on health care is nonsense. The idea that washington dc decides on transportation infrastructure, that should be left to the states. If washington would take a look at the constitution and read the bill of rights, it would get to the 10th amendment that says the ares now delegated reserved for the states or individual. Lets get back to being a constitutional country. [applause] read the constitution, believe it, apply it. That is what we have to do. We need a president of the United States that has got a record of delivering. You are going to hear a lot of people stand on the stage and they are going to tell you a lot of good things. All too often it is just rhetoric. I think it is time, i hope you agree that we have a president listen, we are going to have eight years of a young, inexperienced unite United States senator, from my perspective he has gotten us into the ditch economically, and in the ditch from a Foreign Policy standpoint. It is time for a president that has a record. This is going to be a show me, dont tell me election. [applause] show me what you have done, that is im talking about. Show me what you have done as the leader of the 12 largest economy in the world. Here is what i want to tell you about. How anwant to talk about individual is going to react. Have already got the record no one gave me a handbook that said. , this is how you deal with a Space Shuttle that will disintegrate over state. No one said here is how you are going to deal with this massive amount of people that are going to show upon your border, moving away from a hurricane called katrina. Your state will receive all of these people from louisiana. Last summer no one gave me the wereo book when people driven by gangs and drug cartels trying to get into this country. Our federal government absolutely failed to secure the border. No one gave me the book that said here is how you deal with it. Almost a year ago, no one gave me the manual that said listen, this is how you will deal with a disease that has scared the world that is coming to america, and it is going to show up in your state first, i am talking about a bola ebola. Americans got to see leadership by example. America saw a competent and confident governor and the people of that state dealing with all of that. Myriad of issues. We created 1. 5 million jobs from the end of 2007 to the end of 2014. While the rest of the country lost 400,000 jobs, i do not think that was an accident. It happened because we allowed the people to have the freedom to keep more of what they worked for. People have the opportunity to know that the government will not strangle them with regulations. I think that is what this country needs, a proven leader who day in and day out will go to the oval office and make washington dc as inconsequential in your lives as we can make it. [applause] that is what this country is looking for. I know how to do this. I have a record of being able to put in place tax policy, regulatory policy, and reaching across the line, i do not mind working with the that. Democrats. As a matter of fact, democrats and republicans have fouled it up. We need someone who will go in there and put this country back on track. Fatheratness of which my was a part of. I took my dad back to that old in 1944. Here he served man youngold in b17 35 timesthat and they went down that runway a verybomb laden b17 to uncertain future. I took my dad back there some years ago, it was a powerful moment for a son to be a will to stand 60 miles away from where i was stationed with my dad and talk about the most powerful time in his life. What it meant to him. My dad and i left that air station and we crossed the to. Nel on the way made the comment, son this is my 71st trip across the english channel. On the sixth of june, on that windswept plain above that beach called omaha, my dad and i thoseated in memory of 4000 plus Young Americans. Those 4000 graves on top of that windswept plain. The sacrifice that Young Americans have made for our today. Theiramericans who gave todays for our tomorrows. 4000 plus graves. Those white crosses and stars of david reflecting extraordinary sacrifice. It struck me standing there, looking at that everyone of those graves look west across the atlantic ocean. West to america. America they would never go home to. Anrica they loved america they left. I think they are there in silent judgment of us. Have two ourselves, have we earned their respect . Live our lives today, the way that we are engaged in this process of democracy in thing, theknow one people of i will understand that iowa understand that. The people of iowa expect us to be here and come to hometowns to talk to us. Of,can ask the questions what is your idea about how to get the country back on track. I believe in this country and our future. Those sacrifices were worth it. Over the course of the next six months as we come to iowa we will have the opportunity to talk about our visions. We have the opportunity to talk about the future of this country. I happen to think the future of this country is bright. There are things to be pessimistic about. I know we can do better, you know we can do better economically. People on tv and we see being murdered by isis. There are things that we are pessimistic about. I suggest to you, our best days are ahead of us. Our best days are ahead of us because i believe with all of my heart we are just a few good policy policy decisions from the days of americas future. [applause] i believe this with all of my heart. I know that we can put into play policy is to free americans from over taxation. By devolving that power back to the states. I believe with all of my heart that the governors of the states and whether it is iowa or taxes or one of the others that they know better how to deliver education, curriculum to your children then some bureaucrat in washington dc. That is why i am against common core. [applause] i believe with all of my heart that the people with iowa know how to come up with ways to deliver health care to citizens, that will do it more efficiently and effectively than some bureaucrat in washington dc. Want, you wantou washington making those decisions, or do you want the people of iowa making those decisions. I am going to stand with the people of iowa every time. I am going to stand with the people of this country every time. I want to be your president because i know our best days are ahead of us. If you give me your support, i will print make you proud of the work that comes out of washington dc. It will be incredibly limited compared to what it is today. God bless you, thank you all for letting us come and be a part of this today. Thank you. [applause] running for president who has a degree in agriculture. In Agriculture Commission freight years. Historylong story if you will of agriculture. Again, the challenges we have in this country are not in production. The challenges are the restrictions, whether it is international or whether it is the attack on washington, dc, on agriculture. All the menou and women or the allied industries that support the products they need. Community banks are what drives the ability for agriculture producers to reply to rely upon that. To receive their financial support. Thet of focus has to be on overregulation, the over taxation that comes out of washington, dc. The american entre nor, whether they are a farmer or , wel momandpop company overtax and over regulate

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