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Governor perry, welcome back to the soapbox. [applause] mr. Perry that was also. Thank you. Be looking outo this window, listening to our starspangled banner being sung by an extraordinary talent. If that aint america, you cannot find it. It is great to be back in iowa. This is an extraordinary state. Ive traveled across lots of miles of it. It reminds me of a little place i grew up, 200 miles west of fort worth, texas, a Community Called paint creek. It was not even big enough to have a post office. Closest6 miles to the post office in haskell, texas. Therelues i learned shaped my worldview today. Those values are hard work. Those values are the dignity of having a job. Those values are serving your country, serving your state, serving your fellow man, being able to get back to this incredible country that have given all of us the opportunity to succeed. One of the reasons i want to be president is because i think, all too often, those opportunities are not where they could be or should be because washington, d. C. Has decided they are the fountain of all wisdom. Washington, d. C. Has decided that all decisions need to be made their. You know what my act reaction to washington dc is . I am going to do something to change it. [applause] mr. Perry that is what this peoples reflecting having a belly full of the decisions being made 1500 miles away from where they need to be made. Eisenhower said, it is easy to farm when your clout is a pencil 1500 miles away from the farm. That is what we are facing today. As we see this continual consolidation of power in washington dc, a place that has become corrupt, a place that we do not trust, a place i would suggest that is making america less of a place and it could be ve to had decisions devol the states. I am a big believer in the constitution of the United States of america. I swore allegiance to the constitution of the United States when i wore the uniform in the United States air force from 1972 to 1977. 17 tailgunner that flew 34 missions over nazi germany to liberate the continent. He wanted to live in peace, get married, and farm. That is what he did. He is a 90yearold man in texas today, but he taught me every day about giving back to my country, giving back to my state, giving back to my community. He understood that Public Service is an honorable thing, that america is great because there are men and women who hold of their hands and say, send me. Is one of the reasons we are a unique country. You can join the peace corps or the marine corps or anything in between. But give back to the country. That is what we need in this country. Americans who believe in the american dream. Americans who believe you can attain the american dream. We are not going to do it unless we deconstruct the crap going on in washington dc. [applause] that is the challenge of our lifetime, and you need a leader that understands how to do that. I was the governor of the state of texas for 14 years. Placetionably, it is a that i will suggest, economically, one of the great places to live in the world. Is that place because we freed people from over taxation and gave people the opportunity to attain anything they wanted because we gave them the opportunity to graduate from high school and go to the next stage in life. Until 2013, we went innovation for High School Graduation rate for second. If you are hispanic or africanamerican, you live in the state that has the highest High School Graduation rate in america. A powerful to send message, you free up the states to make those decisions. I believe in the constitution. The constitution was created by incredibly visionary people. Think about what the constitution says. Powersrly delineates the to the federal government. It enumerates them. We are supposed to stand a strong military. Today, we have the smallest personnel in the army since 1940. We are down to one fighter in production, the f35. 10 carriers. We should have 13 at least to protect commerce, our outlet. We are down to five submarines. Years. Down to the last we do not have a plan to replace or refurbish them. I am worried about where we are in the world because the military has been hollowed out. Our constitution tells us to do Something Else in this country, to secure our border. Wouldnt it be awesome if the federal government got those things right . Then we could have a conversation about the things they need to be engaged with. The idea that washington, d. C. Is designing our childrens curriculum is nonsense. Idea that washington, d. C. Should be telling us how to deliver health care is nonsense. The idea that washington, d. C. Should tell us how to do transportation infrastructure, that should be left to the states. Give washington would take a look at the constitution and read the bill of rights, they would get to the 10th amendment, which says the powers are reserved for the states where the individual. Lets get back to being a constitutional country. Read the constitution. Believe in the constitution. Apply the constitution. That is what we need to do. Of the a president United States that has a record of delivering. Listen, you will hear a lot of people standing on the stage that will tell you about a lot of good things. All too often, it is just rhetoric. It is time, and i hope you agree we have had eight years of a young, inexperienced, United States senator. From my perspective, he has gotten us in a ditch economically and from a Foreign Policy standpoint. It is time for a president of the United States that has a record. This will be a show me, do not tell me election. That is what i am talking about. Show me what you have done as a leader of the 12th largest economy in the world. If you want to talk about how an react, il is going to have already got that record. Nobody gave me a handbook that here is how you deal with a spatial is going to disintegrate over your state. Nobody said, here is how you deal with the massive amount of people coming across the border from a hurricane called katrina. Last summer, nobody gave me a book, when people amassed on the border, trying to get into this country, and the country failed to secure the border. Nobody said, here is how you deal with that, perry. Nobody gave me a manual that said, listen, this is how you deal with a disease that has scared the world, that has come into america, and that will show up in your state first. I am talking about ebola. But americans got to see, in every one of those cases, leadership by example. America saw a competent and confident governor. They got to see how we deal with an economy creating the most i dynamic economy in the country. Jobs from 1. 5 million 2007 to 2014, while the rest of the country lost 400,000 jobs. I do not think that was an accident. It happened because we allow the people the freedom to keep working. The freedom to have the opportunity to know that the government will not strangle them with regulations. That is what the country needs, a proven leader who, day in and day out, will go to the oval office and make washington, d. C. As inconsequential in your lives as we can make it. [applause] mr. Perry i know how to do this. I have a record of being able to put in place tax policy, regulatory policy. I do not like working with democrats. If you believe in america and want a better future, i do not care what political party. Democrats and republicans have fouled it up in washington dc. We need someone who will put the country back on track to the father wasf which my a part. Dad back to the old airbase. 1944. He served in as a 19yearold young man. 35 times. The b17 trundled down the b17 towith a bombladen an uncertain future. I told my dad back some years ago, and it was a powerful son toor a for a stand with my dad aunts talk about the most powerful time in his life, and what it meant to him. My dad and i left the air station and cross the english , my dad mader way 71stomment, this is my trip across the english channel. June, on thatf windswept plain above the beach my dad and i celebrated in memory of those 4000plus Young Americans, the 4000 graves plain, of that windswept the sacrifices those Young Americans made for our today. Young americans that gave our todays for our tomorrows. Those white crosses and stars of david reflecting extraordinary sacrifice. And it struck me, standing vista,looking at that every one of those graves look west across the Atlantic Ocean to america. To the american those Young Americans would never go home to. The america of a loved. I think they are in silent judgment of us. Have to ask ourselves, we lived up to their sacrifice . The way that we live our lives, the way that we are engaged in the process of democracy in america . I know one thing the people of iowa understand that. Theseople of iowa vet candidates, expect us to be here , that you can ask the questions of. I believe in this countrys future. I believe those young mens sacrifice was worth every bit of it. Over the next six months, we will have the opportunity to talk about our vision. The opportunity to talk about the future of the country. I happen to think the future of the country is bright. There are things to be pessimistic about. We know we can do better economically. Ic christians being murdered by isis. There are things that give us pause. But i suggest our best days are ahead of us. The best days are ahead of us because i believe with a few , there are decisions the best days of americas future. I know we can put in place policies that will free americans from over taxation, and it starts with breaking the cabal in washington dc. I believe the governors of the iowa, whether it is texas, or the other 48 states, they know how to deliver education curriculums to your children better than some bureaucrat in washington dc, which is why i am against common core. [applause] mr. Perry i believe the citizens of iowa can deliver health care more efficiently and effectively than some bureaucrat in washington d c. Do you want washington making those decisions or the people of iowa making those decisions . I will stand with the people of iowa every time. I will stand with the people of this country every time. I want to be your president because i know our best days are ahead of us. If you give me your support, i will make you proud of the work that comes out of washington dc. Because it will be fairly limited compared to what it is today. Thank you for letting us be a part of this today. God bless you. Thank you, carol. Having been the agriculture commissioner for eight years, i have a storied history in the area of agriculture. , the challenges we have in this country are not in production. ,he challenges that we have whether it is international or whether it is an attack from washington dc on our culture agriculture, all the men and allied industries feel the brunt of this washington knows best mentality that too often costs us. People may not think about it , thisly, but dodd frank regulation put in place to keep from ever fail happening again, it has driven Small Community banks out of business in droves. Since the great depression, we have not seen the loss of Small Community banks. What driveanks are the ability for agriculture producers and mom and pop businesses to receive financial support. A lot of focus has to be on the overregulation, over taxation, that comes out of washington dc. To free the american entrepreneur, whether they are a farmer or small mom and pop business. Whether they are a big american company. We overtax, over regulate. Ithink you can actually do in a relatively speedy way, ask tiousishes way expedi way. In texas, we have had sweeping for healthh allows care opportunities and the access for health care to explode in texas over the last decade. So we can do this, but it is a matter of having someone who has the experience. That is why i tell people this show me, do not tell me election. In texas, whether it is electing Supreme Court justices or putting regulations into place to make this country more competitive, i have been engaged in this for 14 years. This country has a high incarceration rate. Would you make any changes in the criminal Justice System . Mr. Perry there is an example of that. Look at criminal Justice Reform we did in texas, this is not bragging, it is the 12 largest economy in the world, about the same size as canada or australia. We had a huge prison population. Big prison built in the early 90s. There were mandatory sentencing cramming a bunch of young, nonviolent offenders into our prisons. Money and welot of were destroying lives. This is not to make any excuses for the activities they were involved with. They needed to pay a price. But is destroying their life by throwing them in prison the answer . Judge from democrat dallas that came to me and said, governor, think about this. We were putting people in prison for huge amounts of time and there was an alternative. The alternative was a drug course. We implemented those in 2007. A republican controlled house at that point in time. This is not a partisan issue. This is a commonsense issue, from my perspective. Shorte result was, in a eightyear period of time, we , sayd down three prisons 2 billion of taxpayer money. That is smart on crime by allowing people a second chance. This country has always been about second chances. Level, i thinkl you can do the same thing. States need to compete, look at best practices. Your seeing other states follow texas on these criminal Justice Reforms. Smart on how you deal with it, whether it is regulation or taxes. That is what americans are looking for. Washington will not be the epicenter of that. Repository ofbe a best practices . Yeah. Washington needs to dissolve power to the states, let them compete against each other, whether it is social or economic issues. I think america will be stronger and happier. Is a greatthat texas state. But what is your favorite food at the iowa state fair . Mr. Perry i will have to go with a straight up pork chop. Producers do a great job. Not to say there are not other but ahings to eat here, good healthy protein. The pork producers did a great job of laying out some good eats. Thank you very much. There was a heckler in the audience. Can we get an update on your indictment . Mr. Perry i wear it as a badge of honor. Against an outofcontrol District Attorney who was three times the legal limit in driving. Thank god she did not kill someone. Send stateat i will money to that individual that she has control over, no way. If i had to do it over again, i would. This is a classic example of persecution by a democratcontrolled county. The Legislature Took away all that authority from them in the last legislature. Ken star of baylor wrote a column in the last week saying, what in the world are these charges hanging around on governor perry for . Anyone who has an understanding of the constitution, i vetoed legislation. That is what governors to. We negotiate with legislators. When that process is over with, we decided we will send a program or money forward. I want to reiterate that i wear this as a badge of honor, standing up against an outofcontrol official that had oversight on state elected officials that was absolutely ab horrent. Dime ofnot spend a texas taxpayer money. I would not let a dime of it go to that agency. How do you stay in the race and be competitive . Mr. Perry we have the best week of fundraising last week that we have had since june. I think some of you are making too much ado about the story. I will be in South Carolina at the end of the week and in iowa again. There are people who can keep a small footprint. I am one of them. Youre not going anywhere . Mr. Perry i am going a lot of places. I am not going away. Any thoughts on governor walkers plan be released yesterday on replacing obamacare . Do you think the strategy makes sense . Mr. Perry i have not looked at it. But again, you will hear a lot of people saying, repeal and replace obamacare. We have been seeing that for a long time. Believe that the states are where the decisions need to be made, not washington, d. C. The idea that washington can come up with a way to deliver health care that is efficient for new york state versus new mexico or washington, this is, on its face, not common sense. Letter people in the country decide. The in the state of texas, we do not consider it to be effective, more people have access to the best Quality Health care that you can. That is why we have the most sweeping reform in the nation. People in texas agree with that. If you want to live in a place carehigh taxes and health that is being substantially restricted, go live in that state. Anybody that would rather pick washington over the state, we will allow them to do that. Is your message sinking in with iowaans . Campaign is about ideas. It is about solutions. Here is what im going to tell you. Here is what i have done. Border control is a great example. Security of the border is a great example. We know how to secure the border. Someone said, lets just build a wall. That is good rhetoric, but the real focus is on how do you secure the border. I think a better way is to put personnel in the right places, in the right numbers. You have a border that has proper security in place. Most likely the metropolitan areas. The most important aspect is aviation aspects. 1900 miles is a long border. 247, identifying activities that are illegal or suspicious. We know how to secure the border. , a lotsecure the border of other issues people are talking about, side issues i might add, those go away. Building all wall is the wrong approach . Mr. Perry i am saying there is a better way. How long will it take . How much will it cost

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