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Trevor right now the coronavirus is giving us good and bad news, like getting laid at the family reunion. Lets get straight to the bad news. Were passing a staggering 10 million covid 19 infections, the highest in any nation. Past week, 74 americans were diagnosed every minute. Countries across europe are struggling to keep covid 19 at bay. France has reported its highly daily death toll since the start of the second wave, and the weekly death toll in england and wales has jumped by 41 , sur surpassing 1,000 for the first time in june. In utah overcrowding intensive care units forcing the governor to declare a new state of emergency. I am placing the entire state of utah under a mask mandate until further notice. Trevor thats right. Corona is blowing up in europe and america again. In fact, its rampaging across the western world so hard that scientists have had to invent new shades of red for the covid maps. Right now the midwest is blood meets fire engine but the east coast is only at pothead eyes. I see what corona did, it waited for us to be distracted by the election and, boom snuck into our lungs. How joey snuck into n sync, they were so focused on the dance moves they didnt realize the bus driver jointed the group. Its gotten so bad even utah is under mask mandate. You know its bad even when mormons are using protection. Thats the bad news. I promised you the good news, too. The news we have been waiting for pfizer said its vaccine candidate was more than 90 effective in early testing. Dr. Anthony fauci called the news extraordinary, he also says there are likely to be other effective vaccines coming soon. The news from pfizer was even better than expected. I would have been very satisfied with a 70 effective vaccine. According to a pfizer press release, out of 44,000 trial participants, 94 got sick from covid four weeks after the start of the twodose regimen and seven days after the second dose. Protection from symptomatic covid was greater than 90 . We were jumping out of the chairs, screaming, basically, this is unbelievable. Oh, my god we might put an end to this terrible pandemic. Trevor jumping out of their chairs screaming you know something is good news if it turns a laboratory into the apollo. The covid protection rate is 90 cheers and applause and maybe its because i grew up watching dexters lab, but this scientists accent makes me want to trust him more because he sounds like a scientist. Im not going to lie, if he had the voice of a frat bro, i might be a little hesitant. Dude, this protection rate is, like, 90 . Pretty much the opposite of when i bang. But this is amazing news. In fact, right now, if youre feeling chills, a little dizzy, lightheaded, that might not be corona, that might be the symptoms of hope. I know, you probably havent felt it in a while. If youve also lost your sense of smell, you should go to the hospital. Thats not hope. In a year like this, it feels so exciting to get all this good news in one week. Huh . One week, all this good news. Im going to calm down, 2020 is it my birthday . Wait, is it my birthday . Ive lost track of time. I dont need did i miss my birthday, guys . Plus dr. Fauci approves to have the vaccine, and that is a great sign. I pretty much dont do anything unless that man thinks its a good idea. Hey, dr. Fauci. I was thinking of ordering thai food and i wanted to get your thoughts. Yeah, i know youre busy but if you texted back, maybe i wouldnt have to call to be clear, there are still a lot of unknowns about this vaccine situation and how it could play out. Pfizer put out a very promising press release but they havent actually shown complete data yet. A press release is a trailer for a movie that looks cool but we still have to see the whole movie before we know for sure. Is it going to be avengers or Justice League. Paratite or Justice League . And this vaccine has to be kept cold at approximately negative 70 degrees celsius, which is like negative 4 billion fahrenheit in those imaginary numbers americans use. How are you going to keep a vaccine that cold during transport . One thing is to keep it in the limo between trump and melania, super chilly in there. Or heres my idea the government should hire every Ice Cream Truck in america to distribute the vaccine. Yeah, ill volunteer to drive. Mr. Ice cream man, we need the vaccine stop, mr. Ice cream man oh, i heard them. Im just going to make them run a few more blocks. So while were waiting for the vaccine to actually become available, we need to get the virus under control, and that job is about to fall to a new president. Joseph r. Biden and looks like hes hurting the ground running. President elect joe biden making it clear the work begins today, with the pandemic his first order of business. Biden briefed by his new Coronavirus Task force led by former obama surgeon general, David Kessler who ran the f. D. A. Under george h. W. Bush and bill clinton and dr. Marcella nunessmith a proffer of Public Health at yale. He implored every american to do their part. We can save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear mask for the next few months. Not democrat or republican lives, american lives. Trevor poor joe biden. Hes trying to hard. He sounds like the only dude who tries to follow the rules at the sauna. Guys, if we all just wore a towel, we could avoid so many unnecessary rashes. But, yeah, biden has a brandnew task force. And personally, i think its an interesting choice to fill your task force with people who know what theyre doing. Like i dont even think he asked the my pillow guy. I mean, its not what were used to, but i guess well give it a shot. Thats going to be the biggest difference between trump and biden as president. Biden will be telling us all the boring things like, be responsible, look out for each other. Meanwhile, trump was like getting the one day a month with your divorced dad. Hell sneak you into six flags an let you try beer. Good for a day or two but after four years your future looks very bleak. Remember how the white house had a coronavirus outbreak because they didnt follow the rules and you thought it would whip them into shape . Think again. This morning the Trump Administration is yet again a center of covid outbreak housing secretary Ben Carson David bosse leading the president s election team, at least nine people in trumps circle to be diagnosed in recent days. Trevor goddam people, another outbreak in Trumps White House . Another outbreak . That means coronavirus has now been in the white house longer than most of trumps cabinet, and i expected this from everyone else, but ben carson, dr. Ben carson . I know you own a mask you have been wearing one for 40 years dont let these crazy white folk bring you down, carson, you saw what hay did to herman cain at this rate theyllle find coronavirus in the white house for decades, in the walls, in the insulation. Before biden moves in theyll have to cover the whole place in one of those tents. Given how much corona is in the white house, maybe trump shouldnt leave. Thats coronas h. Q. Now. Keep trump inside, build a wall around it and get joe biden a nice airbnb in d. C. That way everybody wins. When we come back, will donald trump actually leave the white house . Well, well find out. Plus Lenny Kravitz is joining us on the show. Stick around. everyonhey im gonna show you guys how to make my famous holiday rolls, cause tis is the season first up, youre gonna wanna knead the dough. Yeah yeah, good give it some life, ya know . Then youre gonna wanna talk to the dough like its your exboyfriend. Carl im not giving you the sweatshirt back yeah, and ive stretched it so it wont even fit you anyway slaps oh, i thought you liked the slapping. Uh, okay guys. Youre not doing it. Your rolls are gonna be terrible. Keep kneading everybody its the most talked a chip so cheesy, year. So jalapenoey. It could only be called lays cheddar jalapeno. Gotta have lays. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Im sorry baby. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. How are you doing . Schedule a video visit with your doctor. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. Hello hello there he go, my baby never answers in the room steps outside, or puts it on snooze he just do whatever he do ou ee ou ou ee ou hello hello hello hello hello hello yourenope. Allowed ocome on. E wall . Is this your ride . Its my dads. Wooo lets jump more stuff. Dundundaaaa [ screams ] you went outside the wall . Our baby thunder sisters, thunder sisters. Thunder sisters [ shouts ] [ screams ] [ roars ] each febreze car vent clip gives you up to 30 days of fresh air. So, you can have open window freshness. Even with all the windows up. Enjoy fresh, any time, with febreze. Garcia,sims coming really dude . Not cool. Haha not sorry. Get double xp in call of duty black ops cold war with mountain dew. Rated mature. The daily social distancing show it has been four days since the president ial election was called for joe biden, but donald trump has still not conceded. Which i get. I mean, he wants to cling on to power as long as he can and, also, golfing isnt as much fun when youre not missing work to do it and trumps personal delusion he won the election might not matter so much but hes got a lot of people right there with him. Many are trying to steal this election from President Trump. There is no doubt about it. The real point is fraud took place and that should horrify us. I can factually tell you tonight it will be impossible to ever know the true, fair, accurate Election Results. Thats a fact. Theres simply no way joe biden was legitimately elected president , i just cant believe it i ask, oh god, that you would take your iron rod, and i ask that you would smash the delusion, father, as joe biden as our president. He is not the media said joe biden is president. Ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha laughter cheers and applause laughter trevor either that man is the devil or hes auditioning to be the next joker. The media said joe biden is president ha, ha, ha, ha laughter ha, ha, ha, ha maniacal laughing ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha whoo ha, ha, ha trevor ha, ha, ha now, whats really weird is fox has projected biden as the winner of the election but fox are the same people denying he won the election. Which is it . Like when your dog wants to play fetch and refuses to let go to have the ball. Make up your mind, fido. Whether these people are believing what theyre saying or pretending, its terrifying either way. Regardless,eth not surprising people like sean hannity and bow dobbs are trump right or die. Whats a bigger deal is republicans with actual power are also throwing their weight behind trumps election challenges. Falling in line, key republicans get behind President Trump and his claims without evidence of widespread voter fraud. The president has every right to look into allegations and eq recounts under the law. I stand with President Trump. If a democrat were doing this, they would be cheered on and were not going to let the media intimidate us. Secretary pompeo said he doesnt trust the Election Results either. There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump Administration. Overnight attorney general william barr in a Justice Department memo authorizing u. S. Attorneys to pursue substantial allegations of voting irregularities, if they find them. Trevor oh, maga fans rejoice because bill barr is on the case, yes the same bill barr who investigated obama and found nothing, with the same department of justice that investigated hillary and found nothing. So if youre looking to find nothing you know the man to call. Looks like Mitch Mcconnell and Lindsey Graham are also partnering with trump to undermine the election, which is a terrible idea, but i would love to see these three together in a heist movie. Okay, guys you steal the votes, and enill parking lot which four seasons . Mrrr here we go again. Now, look, i dont know if donald trump genuinely believes that hes the real winner of this election. I mean, keep in mind, hes actually the person who actually thinks he looks good. He does his hair in the morning and walks away from the mirror thinking, yeah, i nailed it. So who knows what he thinks. But the truth of the matter is most of the republicans know that joe biden will be the next president , and right now, theyre just saying what trump and his base want to hear, not because theyre worried about the vote that just happened but because to have the one thats around the the corner. Lindsey graham this morning fessed up as to one reason why theyre standing behind him. Theyve got two Senate Special elections that will occur in january if democrats win both. They will gain control of the senate under the new president. Lindsey graham said if we dont scrutinize these Election Results we could hurt our chances of rallying the base and turning them out in january. Theyre concerned that if they get sideways with theup, either he wont help in d. P. A. With these two seats at stake, or trump voters will be depressed and stay home. So again theyre playing this dangerous game to keep people energized. Trevor yeah, thats dangerous. Trump is screaming madeup shit thats weakening trust in american democracy, but republicans are going along with it so that they can squeeze out a few more seats in the senate. Its like burning down your house just to make smores or dating kevin fetterline so you can meet britney spears. Conceding to trump doesnt just rise concern about the democratic system, its also messing with joe bidens plans in some very concrete ways. Starting the transition of power between the trump and biden administrations is extremely critical, but biden is still unable to unlock all of the resources that should now be available to him as the winner of the election, including access to highly classified information and intelligence briefings. Holding the key, the General Services administration whose trumpappointed administrator emmy murphy has refused to cooperate with bidens transition as president elect. A spokesman telling cnn there is no election winner. Trevor to be clear, trump isnt off in a corner blowing off steam, no, his refusal to accept reality is going to affect joe bidens ability to govern effectively from day one. With all of the shit america is going through right now, joe biden needs every day that we can get. But now biden cant get briefings, cant get the money to set up his staff, and knowing trump i bet it will bet pettier than that, i bet trump will take all the Remote Control batteries when he leaves, hell replace the toilet paper with tall thin paper. Hell change the speed dials in the oval office so they call the wrong readers. President macron, how crazy is that vapt . This is Vladimir Putin so hopefully republicans will step up and give trch the tools he needs to take over the same way trump got the tools when he was going to take over because, otherwise, no one is going to be laughing. Well comment for this guy. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha trevor definitely the devil. When we come back, well talk about how previous president s have conceded and which one of them was h the shower when he got the big call. Dont forget, Lenny Kravitz is still joining us, so stay tuned. 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Now is the time to join tmobile. Finally the crispiness of ritz and the bold taste of cheese. Together in one perfectly critzpy bite. Well, a few bites. Whos gunna eat just one . New ritz cheese crispers crispy, cheesy, critzpy ritz but to someone whos tired of always ordering delivery hey google, play salt fat acid heat on netflix. Its the google dinein motivator. Nest hub from google. As weve been discussing, President Trump has shown no signs of conceding the election to joe biden. But why is that such a big deal . Lets find out, in another installment of if you dont know, now you know. The concession speech its a timehonored tradition of us politics like kissing babies, and interns without their permission. And while theres nothing about it in the constitution or the law, its become a very important part of american democracy. One of the most important norms that a person who loses an election faces is to concede that election and allow that peaceful transfer of power to go forward the loser grants legitimacy to the winner in an election through their concession speec we fought hard, it we have fought the good fight. We accept this result. We will work together. Once the decision is made, we unite behind the man who is elected. Its a simple courtesy that began in 1896 with a telegram that William Jennings bryan sent to William Mckinley two days after the election, and the tradition has continued in some form or another in every election since. Al smith gave the first radio concession in 1928 after losing to herbert hoover. In 1940, moviegoers watched Wendell Willkie concede to fdr in a newsreel. trumpeting people of america, i accept the result of the election with complete goodwill. When gerald ford lost the 1976 election, his voice gone, he turned to his wife to read his concession. The president asked me to tell you that he telephoned president elect carter a short time ago and congratulated him on his victory. Trevor you know how the saying goes, behind every great man is a great woman waiting to be pushed in front to do his dirty work. If you ask me, its a little risky having your wife concede for you, because she knows shit. Okay, you all know my husband is a loser, but you have no idea how much of a loser he is. First of all he has skid marks in his underwear like every day. So even though its not legally required, conceding is very important. Or its the same way you have to say lets catch up soon to someone you havent seen in a long time, even though you know thats never gonna happen. Or the same ways you have to wash your hands in a public bathroom if somebody sees you. First they conceded by telegram, radio, then telephone. In twenty years, don junior will have to concede to president malia by tiktok. Thats right. In modern history, every candidate has offered a concession, no matter how painful. Although there were some candidates who couldnt wait to get it out of the way. In 1980, jimmy carter was defeated by Ronald Reagan by about 10 points in 1980. The first thing jimmy carter says, i want to have the best transition in history. Carter decided very early in the evening like at 530 california time where reagan was to concede. He did this over the objection of some of his aides, who felt the polls were still open on the west coast, but carter wanted to get it over with, so he called much earlier than reagan expected. Nancy reagan was in the bath, Ronald Reagan was in the shower. When the president was on the other end of the phone, i was wrapped in a towel and dripping wet, and he told me that he was conceding, and that wasnt the way id pictured it. A guy wanting to concede that fast would actually make me suspicious of becoming president. Like when someone is a little too happy youre dating their ex. You have to admit, the story about reagan is humanizing. You never think of president s as running through the house in a towel, trying to get the phone before it stops ringing. But they did even president lincoln had to deal with it. Hold on are you calling to concede . No, im not interested in buying slaves stop calling unsubscribe i have to do something about this trevor so the formal concession has been an important part of the peaceful transition of power for nearly 125 years. But there have been a handful of times when it almost didnt happen. In 1916, the president ial race wasnt called for more than two weeks. Democratic president Woodrow Wilson beat republican Charles Evans hughes. Both claimed victory one day after election day, but he conceded on november 22nd. In 2000, it played out over 36 days. Al gore called george w. Bush to concede after a remarkably close election, only to call an hour later to take it back. After a recount and a Supreme Court case, gore decided to concede again. Many 1876 rutherford haze, governor of ohio, is running for the republicans samuel tilden, exgovernor new york at that time is running as the democratic candidate and its a very close, disputed election and two days before inauguration day, the dispute was still alive. Both sides were planning on inaugurating their candidate, and it was only a lastminute concession by tilden before did tilden concede and the country came very very close to a terrible outcome. Trevor yeah, one time america got close to having two inaugurations, which would have been a nightmare. Just imagine all the traffic alone. Plus youre gonna need two sean spicers to lie about the size of two crowds. And the dueling president ial speeches must be terrible. Its like the brandy and monica of inaugurations. The crowd is mine. Its mine. Its mine. Its moon trevor by the way, by the way, 1876 must have been a shitty time to live through a contested election. At least we got to doom scroll on twitter they could only look out their window all day waiting on some dude on a horse to deliver the news. Look, here he comes hes got the Election Results oh, no, hes just got a list of other horses i may want to follow. Just an ad. But if concessions havent always gone smoothly, but, in the end, its a gentlemans agreement that every candidate has adhered to. But donald trump is no gentleman, and its pretty likely that hes going to end his term in office by breaking one final unwritten rule. The good news is, it might not really matter. If President Trump decides not to do it, nothing consequential happens to the outcome. There will still be a peaceful transition of power, no matter if donald trump stays in the white house or if he decides to leave. The codes, the Nuclear Codes and every code will be delivered to joe biden. The constitution has a remedy. If youre not the electoral vote winner on january 20th of the following year, youre no longer the president , youre a trespasser. The Biden Campaign saying the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the white house. Trevor thats right. And best believe, if trump is escorted out, hes not gonna give a shit about keeping national secrets. trump get your hands off me e. T. Is hiding in hoover dam tupac is alive and living in montreal the moon landing was faked theres no such thing as the moon all i know is, when they kick him out, they Better Change the codes to everything. Because hes definitely gonna try to get back in, so make them something trump could never guess, like erics birthday. So, if President Trump doesnt concede, he will put a stain on the american presidency that will never go away. But on the other hand, he could be physically dragged out of the white house. So. Maybe its worth it and if you dont know, now you know. All right, dont go away because when we come back, the legendary Lenny Kravitz will be joining the show to talk about his amazing life. You dont want to miss it. You can go your own way its time you make the rules. So join the 2 Million People who have switched to xfinity mobile. You can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data thats right for you to save even more. And youll get 5g at no extra cost. All on the most reliable network. So choose a data option thats right for you. Get 5g included and save up to 400 dollars a year on the network rated 1 in customer satisfaction. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Earlier today, i spoke with rock star Lenny Kravitz. We talked about how hes been riding out the pandemic in the bahamas and the fascinating life he lived and talked about in his brandnew memoir. Lenny kravitz, welcome to the daily social distancing show. Good to see you, my brother. Trevor every time i see you, i feel like you have unlocked a cheap code to life that makes you more relaxed and cool than any other human being on the planet and i genuinely would like to know what is your secret. Man, im just, uh, im living in a constant state of gratitude, of acceptance, of growth, um, im at peace, you know. And its been a long journey getting there, let me tell you. Its been a long ride. But i feel great. Ive never felt better, and, you know, the best is in front of us. Trevor its funny you say the long ride because, you know, i grew up knowing Lenny Kravitz is the rock legend. I know Lenny Kravitzs the guy who sold over 40 million records, the guy who has four grammys, the guy who has two toured the world multiple times, but reading your book that you put out, the New York Times best seller, gave me an insight into who you are. I thought it would be a rock star book of juicy stories and rock tales, but it felt like a therapy session. It felt like a vulnerable conversation with Lenny Kravitz the human being. Talk me through why you chose to write the book about the first 25 years of your life instead of the following 25 years of your life. Well, let me tell you, first of all, i never thought about writing book, it was not in my mind. Through a mutual friend, i met david ricks at a dinner. I knew his books, i had read his books, i knew he was a great writer, and he said you should write a book and i would like to help yu do it, but you should write it. I thought, thats wonderful, but im no interested. By the end of the dinner, he convinced me. And the biggest thing for me was i thought my life was not interesting enough to write about. I really didnt. But i took it as a challenge, and when i got into it, i realized this was about healing, an it was about especially when it comes to the relationship with my father which was very challenging. And we had just made peace before he passed. So there were still issues and things that werent worked out, but through writing this book trevor right. I was able to back up and see people in my life including myself as a character, and it took that it took the personal part off of it, and i began to love my father in a way that i couldnt when he was alive. Trevor wow. And it just provided a lot of healing and, you know, the beautiful thing is, even though people may not be on the planet anymore, it doesnt mean that your relationship cant evolve based upon whats going on in your spirit and in your mind. Trevor do you think that your relationship with your father affected how you became a dad yourself . Because, i mean, one of my favorite things to watch is how you interact with your daughter zoe. You seem likest teammate. You seem like you respect each other on a mutual level but at the same time she still goes, thats my dad. Do you think maybe that affected it and you said to yourself im going to be a different kind of dad, doing the best with what i have . Yes, i knew what i didnt want to be, but the beauty was, also, i got to see him be a really wonderful grandfather and, of course, my mother and her father, my grandfathers from the bahamas, they had the relationship that zoe and i have, so i was witness to that. They were so tight, so close, they were father and daughter, they were best friends, and, i mean, we used to make fun of it. My grandfather would come out to the house and hang out all day with my mother, all day, talking, talking, talking. Hed leave and then an hour later i would hear him on the phone talking to her again. He was here for eight hours, he just left. What possibly could you have to talk about more . So thats how they were. So i was taught that. And i look at the relationship that zoe and i have, who i just spoke to two minutes before you and i got on the air, and we have that relationship and its a true blessing. Trevor you know, Lenny Kravitz is a mix of everything, you know. I related to a bit of your story just because of that, you know, coming from a biracial household, especially in the time when it was not normal, i mean, thats when you were born into this family. To have a mom who was the first interracial couple on television is a big deal. Your mom is the woman in the book you really celebrate. You say this is truly lennys love let tore his mom, and i can relate to that. What is it about your mom that make you who you are today. She was an elegant, graceful, soulful human being. She never had a bad word to say about anybody. She didnt judge people, her mind was open, she didnt gossip. It was all about putting positive energy into the world. At her funeral, robert giyam, the actor, got up to speak and he said, if roxy were sitting next to the devil himself, she would say, what a lovely red suit. It was all about always putting positive energy forth regardless of the situation, and, so, she was that person, and she also taught me to be proud of who i was, that i was a young, black person, but i had this russian jewish father, i want you to be proud of both sides, i want you to understand both sides, i want you to participate in both sides, but understand that you are black, and she taught me that from a very young age. Trevor you take the good with the bad and try to live the best life possible. I feel like thats what Lenny Kravitz does. I mean, youre the guy who got stranded in the bahamas. You know, also, its your home, its one of your homes. Right. Trevor but you went there thinking im going for a week or a weekend. A week. Trevor the pandemic hits, and then its, like, thats it. So your clothes run out, we means youre running around topless, which is great for everyone else around there. I broke out a shirt i havent worn in an entire month. Youre getting one to have the new shirts thats been hanging in the back of the closet that doesnt smell too bad. Trevor i appreciate that. Why do you think its so important for Lenny Kravitz to spend so much time disconnected . Thats something ive noticed about you as a human being. In the conversations i have been lucky enough to have with you when weve hung out, thats important to you. You find ways to disconnect. You go to the bahamas, have your farm in brazil, you have many spaces when youre not with the world. Why do you do that . Disconnecting for me is connecting, actually, because thats when it gets quite, thats when i slow down, and i become part of the nature, and i can hear, i can truly hear, and thats when the music just starts coming. Trevor right. Im not writing it, im receiving it. And, so, i lovet that, you know, keeping you know, i havent worn shoes inning amonths. Im grounded, im walking in the grass, on the dirt, on the sand, for the last eight months with no shoes. All of that, and just being quiet and being in the middle of all this nature just enables me to be more creative. Trevor wow. Yeah, man. Ill tell you this, you are living a blessed life and you bless us with those blessings. Thank you for looking after yourself. Thank you for sharing what youve shared in the book. Nice to see you, man, im always watching you. Trevor i appreciate it. Its a pleasure, my brother. I hope to see you soon in person. Trevor yeah, man, im going to get to the dreads and well walk in the streets together and they will be like, damn, look am those two guys theres a guy with a sixpack and one with without a sixpack at all. He probably eats for the other guy. Thats what happens there. Lenny kravitz, thank you so much, dude. I really appreciate it. Lennys memoir, let love rule, is available now. Were gonna take a quick break, but well be right back after this. Trevor all right, everybody. Well, thats our show for tonight, but before we go, thanksgiving is coming up. But in the corona era, homebound seniors are at greater risk than ever, especially those who dont know where their next meal is coming from. But meals on wheels is out there in the streets, delivering meals to elderly americans every day, to keep them safe and nourished in communities across the country. If you can help out, and want to support the work they do, please donate at the link below. Until tomorrow stay safe out there, wear a mask, and remember, no matter who you are, theres no shame in admitting youve lost, or in giving a concession speech, or crying big booboo tears because youre a booboo baby. No matter who you are. Now, here it is your moment of zen. Breaking just moments ago, new reporting on something we talked about at the top of the hour, this time it involves our intelligence community. Ken, what have you learned, sir . Oh, shit ~bleep . Okay. Tosh. 0 features videos from the internet is and intended for a mature audience. Comedy central does not condone the activities performed and discourages anyone from attempting them. Enjoy. [ laughter ] [ applause ] youll be fine. I can tell by the backyard, this is vicodin country. Welcome to tosh. 0. Congrats to sleepy joe for just barely beating a racist, sexist incompetent dlister with the blood of a quarter million citizens on his tiny orange hands. This is a sad day in the season of mourning. R. I. P. , maga country. You poor snowflakes, trump will never set foot in your shitty towns again. I hear obama himself will be along to pick up your gun shortly. Tonight i talk tech with a reallife keyboard cat, i analyze the election with my shows preeminent political head cases and this weeks lucky s. O. B. Now, this is by far the most exciting t

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