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So much for joining us. Ac360 begins right now 360, just 33 days before the 2024 election, the judge on sealed Jack Smith, hundred and 65, Page Argument for why Donald Trump should still face charges for trying to overturn the last one. Well tell you whats new and whether or not his revised case might survive the supreme Court Challenge also tonight, John King all over the map talking young voters in michigan whose ties, the Middle East could determine their vote. And with the race so close, perhaps tip the election. And later Gary Tuchman walking some of the worst Hit Parts of hurricane Helenes Path of destruction, or even almost a week later, the only way in its by air or on foot good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin with Breaking News in the case of conservative supreme Court Majority put on hold, if not on ice, late today. Judge Tanya Chutkan unsealed. Special counsel, Jack Smiths argument for reviving the Election Interference Case against Donald Trump. Now smith as reframe the charges in a way he hopes will now conform to the supreme courts ruling on president ial immunity. And was stan what will all but certainly be more scrutiny from the nine justices. The brief filed under seal last week is heavily redacted, but still reveals plenty of new evidence that smith intends to use some of it, apparently confirming the worst about the former President S reaction been learning his Vice President and his family had been forced to flee a mob of trumps supporters bent on hanging him. Thats pence in his Security Detail and his family fleeing right now im quoting from the filing upon receiving a Phone Call alerting him that pence to take had been taken to a secure location. Person 15 russia the Dining Room to inform the defendant and hopes that the defendant would take action to ensure pen to safety. Instead, after person 15 delivered the news the defendant looked at him and said only so what the filing also focuses on the trump tweet, which arguably put pence in such jeopardy in the first place and argued extensively for why it should be considered an unknown official act. Therefore, not immune from prosecution. That tweet, youll remember said Pens Quote didnt have the courage to do what should have been done. So those are two highlights joining us now with more cnn chief legal Affairs Correspondent Paula reid. What more are we learning from this new filing . I understand in this new filing, were really seeing the complete picture of how the Special Counsel believes it could convince a jury that trumps efforts to subvert the 2020 election were private actions that he was acting as an Office Seeker, not an Office Holder. And this is key because in july, the supreme court ruled trump cannot be prosecuted for official actions. And then this filing prosecutors write quote, at its core, the Defendants Scheme was a private one extensively used private actors and his Campaign Infrastructure to attempt to overturn the Election Results and operated in a private capacity as a candidate for office and this filing also includes some never before for seen evidence. Prosecutors argue that thing it was like conversations with Vice President Mike Pence or then Chiefofstaff Mark meadows, could all be used in their case, anderson, its not clear thats going to work because the supreme court also said official actions cannot be used as evidence in why is this coming out now . Well, this was up to the judge, Tanya Chutkan. It was her discretion to release this enormous filing from the Special Counsel and Special Counsel short time ago, seven weeks ago, they submitted this approximately 200 Page Argument laying out what they believe their case looks like after the supreme courts immunity ruling and its judge Chutkans Job until look at the supreme court ruling, look at the case, and determine what survives. But it was her choice to make this public again, just over a month before the election. And how does the Trump Campaign Responding . Well, of course theyre not happy and they are pivoting to the political former President Trump calling this quote a hit job. And theyre trying to tie it to the campaign even to last nights debate. In a statement from the campaign, theyre saying, quote, the release of This Falsehood Written Unconstitutional January 6 brief, immediately falling. Tim walzs disastrous Debate Performance is another obvious attempt by the harris Biden Regime to undermine american democracy and interfere in this election. Ill repeat, even though this was the Special Counsels argument, it was the Judges Decision to release this, and i also want to note the supreme court really had a big role in delaying a possible trial here because they waited from december of last year all the way to july to weigh in on this immunity issue, making it impossible for special Counsel Smith to bring this this case to trial. And this this filing is really the last opportunity voters will have likely to see the evidence in this case. And the former president is reelected, this case will be dismissed. Even if hes not, it will proceed, but its unclear, anderson what lies ahead for this prosecution all right. Paul reid, thank you. Before in prison has been posting about this online, including this warning using the Justice Department of violating its own guidelines. And im quoting from him now for 60 days prior to an election, the department of injustice is supposed to do absolutely nothing that would taint or interfere with the case. They disobeyed their own rule in favor of complete and total election interference. He goes on, i did nothing wrong. They did the case is a scam, just like all the others, including the Documents Case which was missed. Thats not all just moments ago he posted this. I didnt rig the 2020 election. They did joining us now, two former federal prosecutors bestselling author jeffrey toobin, Cnn Anchor Laura coates, also with us former Fbi Deputy director andrew mccabe, and retired federal judge, nancy gertner, jeff what do you make of the details that Jack Smith has laid out and do this . Think theyll survive trumps claims of immunity. This is an incredibly difficult task for Judge Chutkan because these categories, official and unofficial, are very difficult to define in the supreme court didnt really come up. They were they were vague in defining what they are. Some of this is i think clearly on the line of bon official trumps meetings with his campaign staff, with his campaign lawyers. I think that certainly will count as an unofficial, the toughest thing for Jack Smith and the most difficult question for Judge Chutkan is what about the conversations with Mike Pence . Because smith argues that pence was operating either as a campaign worker, essentially working with trump on the campaign or as president of the senate, as in the legislative branch, in his Oversight Role on January 6. Those are tough arguments for Jack Smith to make but the evidence from from pence is very damaging to trump. So smith is going to try very hard to get that stuff in law, the Special Counsel says that trump quote, explicitly excluded a white House Attorney in favor of private counsel. And one of the meetings in which the then president allegedly tried to convince pence to reject the Election Barrow votes. The filing reads and im quoting, it is hard to imagine stronger evidence that conduct is private, that when the president excludes his white House Counsel and only wishes to have his private counsel present. What kind of pushback do you think trumps legal team might offer on that point . Well, whatever pushed back, they offer is going to pale in comparison to the role of what white House Counsel is. White House Counsel . So its not the private attorney of Donald Trump or any particular president. Its for the office of the presidency. Theyre concerned with whats happening in the current administration and in the prospective administrations why they want to preserve things like what would be the Conversations President ial privileges, and the like, things that would go to the very Heart And Core mission of the office. If you exclude that particular person and say, i want my personal attorney instead, you really undermine your ability in the future to say no, no, no. I was asking because im the president of the united states yet and still the likely say, well, counsel was counseling perhaps Donald Trump was not essentially knowledgeable about the distinction he had an attorney present thats what he was trying to do and could been later go back to white House Counsel, what we see in this filing though, does not suggest that they will be able to have a successful argument. This comes down to one very basic thing jeff is right, that its vague, but either you were acting as somebody in pursuit of an office or you were in Office Holder, if you were an Office Holder you have to abide by the parameters of the office and you cannot have these fall again, detours into personal behavior, andrew, i mean, you see the complaints from trumps and the dojs violating its own rules about not making public statements about an investigation too close to an election. Obviously, trump didnt care about that when James Comey inform congress, and notably it became public for the fbi was reopening the Clinton Email Investigation Agent days before the 2016 election, you were part of the clinton investigative team. Im wondering what you make of the former President S Argument Tonight i dont find it particularly persuasive as you as you might guess, a couple of reasons. One, this is a doj rule, its a policy and its certainly one that can be waived by the Attorney General anytime he thinks its necessary to do that or in the interests of justice and the second big piece here, anderson is directed at the investigators, the fbi the u. S attorneys, the Line Attorneys who are working with agents on an individual cases. And its a caution to not take any over public actions, things that would be seen in the runup to an election. Were long past that point in this case, these are not decisions of the department of justice. These are decisions of the court and the judge decided to release this this filing today. And that is not something that the department have. Justice can control. So its really not a matter that comes within the scope of that policy whatsoever. Judge gertner, im the Special Counsel is arguing trumps interactions with pen should be allowed as evidenced because the constitution specifically excludes the Executive Branch from the certification of electoral votes. And according to the filing, the former president unquote sought to him encroach on power specifically assigned by the constitution to other branches to advance his own selfinterests and perpetuate himself in Power Contrary to the will of the people. Do you think that argument will hold up in court . I mean, the then president tweeting about Mike Pence in while Mike Pence and danger was was that not an official act of the president well, first of all, i think i disagree with jeff because i think the Pence Accusations here, the pence data i think is new and thats the difference between what we saw it with respect to the January 6 committee and now so there what Jack Smith is trying to do is show that pence was not Pence And Trump were not acting in any official capacity because there was no official capacity beyond certifying a ministerial just counting the votes and nothing more i also want to follow up with laura coates said, which i think is very telling, which is that in many of the conversations with pants, it was not just not flooding the White House, counsel, but it was also Campaign Workers were in many of these conversations. It was clear then or it should be clear to a jury that what pence was was again, acting as an Office Holder as Office Seeker rather than Office Holder pence. Smith goes into great day the tale about how the constitution expressly limits the sitting president and the sitting Vice President s role in the electoral counting process. So that Someone Cant continue their authority beyond the time that theyre term runs out the constitutional line as well as an evidentiary line and evidenced line here that would pence was doing in these conversations with trump were not official. They were campaign discussions. Jeff, a big part of the Special Counsels argument is that a law called the Hatch Act allowed trumps White House staff to basically wear two hats essentially separating their political advocacy from their official duties. The Special Counsel claims and im quoting when the president acting as a candidate engaged in campaignrelated activities with these officials are in their presence. He too was not engaging in official president ial conduct. Well, the Hatch Act is a law that says you know, highlevel government Employees Cant do politics. They have to do their job and so what Jack Smith is trying to do is say thats the line between official and unofficial. Its an understandable effort because these vague categories, at least the Hatch Act it gives give some form to that those distinctions, the problem with that argument is that the president himself is not covered under the Hatch Act the president is allowed to do both his official duties and of course to campaign so i think it helps helps him somewhat to try to draw this line, but since the main character in the drama is not covered by the Hatch Act its not, its not quite as helpful as he wants the filing references contemporaneous notes that Vice President pence at the time during a wrote during a meeting with the former president and my lawyer, John Eastman was asked to explain to pans why he should reject the Electoral College votes how important would those contemporaneous notes be in a trial well, you know, weve almost always gone back to what the Jim Comey Contemporaneous notes things was. Right. And that was because contemporaneous notes actually buttress the credibility of a person who actually wrote them. Why its close in time to when their memory would have been freshest, they would not have essentially time to concoct a story or change it and it lends itself to feeling more truthful. Thats great in front of a jury or whoever is the trier of fact that its the judge in this case solely because its so see you, theyre not trying to go back and shift in narrative or have Revisionist History The Contemporaneous notes written close in time are very important. It also shows you that there was manipulation that theyre arguing was trying to happen there. They were trying to look at him, not as somebody who was in executive role, but his legislative administerial capacity and that could bode very well for the prosecution to suggest that they went to lean on him as a Running Mate, as a candidate, not his role as the Vice President. Andrew i prosecutors have said that they have a witness whos going to testify that the former President Said to the first lady, Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump and jared kushner, quote, it doesnt matter if you won or lost the election, you still have to fight like hell is a statement like that. I mean, does that evidence is admissible i think its admissible its how persuasive it would be to a jury if in fact we ever get in front of one is the bigger question that i have this on the on The One hand, this statement purportedly shows the former president acknowledging that he doesnt actually care about the actual results of the election. The only thing that matters to him is fighting to keep the job. And thats certainly consistent with the entire theory of this prosecution. So its good in that way on the other hand, you could certainly see a competent but Defense Attorneys standing up and saying, this is a man speaking to his family, trying to tell them the value of standing up for your rights, standing up for what you believe in and fighting on when you think youre right. I think it kind of it is powerful, but it could be softened under the right circumstances. And judge, what happens if Chutkan Rules in favor of the Special Counsel on agrees the behavior in the filing is not subject to president ial immunity. What then i mean, i guess therell be an appeal by trumps team. And what would that mean for any kind of a timetable . I just have to preface the what then question which is, you know, were in new territory here. So who knows but clearly the supreme court is telling Judge Chutkan to thread the needle here and describe whats in the appropriate category in what is not what is in the nonimmune category . Brian, what is immune . I would imagine she will issue a decision. There will be an argument. Both sides will say what what they want to say. She would have to issue a decision saying this is in and this is out people have asked whether there would be an appeal. Again, were dealing with new issues. I have No Doubt that the supreme court would i, want to say . Sticking its nose in this No Matter what and the timing of it at this point doesnt really matter. But certainly not going to be a trial before the election. Theres one very simple answer to at least one of these questions, which is if Donald Trump wins the election, this case has gone away. So jeff toobin, thank you. Laura coates, andrew mccabe, Judge Gertner sinner. Thank you. A reminder. You can watch laura coates live at 11 00 p. M. Eastern tonight Coming Up next the president ial race, which this filing just dropped into with little more than a month until election day, while the latest on the race and cnns John King revisiting young michigan democrats who had misgivings about President Biden over Israel And Gaza when he was in the race the question tonight, how is a new democratic ticket change their Voting Plants settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about is the job well done. But when you get your tools from Harbor Freight, something about the job feels different. Your wallet, whatever you do, do it for less at Harbor Freight worse around here, arent they were out of food is still in the stage. Things are changing thatd be, the as possible say the mall doing, just buying a car on carbonic already got prequalified in two minutes. I can customize my terms, say my car is getting delivered in a couple of days delivered when Finance And Biden in the car with carbonic. Today if The One knows, halloween is all about blech and michaels have all the decor. We may black Family Outing shingles he doesnt care, but she words protests only shimriz is brewing over 90 effective. Shane is vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. She looks does not protect everyone who is not for those with severe alert should be actions to its ingredients or to a previous dose, an increased risk of Dion Bar Syndrome was observed after getting kingricks fainting can also happen. The most common Side Effects are pain, Redness And Swelling at the Injection Site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Asked your Doctor Or Pharmacist about Chambers Today make it easy. Was Open Door sell your home in any season for any Reason Poll you already know brow i hanako montgomery in tokyo. And this is cnn news, the unsealing of Jack Smiths case in a word for his Election Interference Case comes with the defendants still not accepting the Bedrock Factual Foundation to underneath it all, namely that the 2020 election was free and fair. Donald trump still does not accept that. And when confronted and about it on the Debate Stage last night, is Running Mate dodge the question he is still saying he didnt lose the election. I would just add that. Did he lose the 2020 election tim, im focused on the future. Did Kamala Harris Censor Americans from speaking their mind and the wake of the 2020 covid situation that is that is a nonanswer. Center vance last night deflecting and today why didnt you answer the question last night during the debate about who won the 2020 president ial election . Well, look, heres, heres, heres the simple reason. The media is obsessed with talking about the election of four years ago he told the media, cnn chief national correspondent John King joins us from the Magic Wall to 2020, trump senior Campaign Official Erinperrine and former Harris Communications Director And Jamal simmons, do you think this filing will have any impact on the race . This isnt i think The American public is pretty clear and they seen the video from January 6. They have had a couple of years of people talking about Donald Trump and his involvement in it. I dont know if this is going to be the thing that moves them. I think that the negatives on trump are what they are. The question now is, are people who ready to hand the reins over to the Harriswalz Team. And i think thats why the Vice President s spending so much time going to ever even knew she can find talking about what her plans are putting out an 85 Page Booklet its helpful to have something like this out there so that people can maybe get a little refresher for those who are looking for it. But i think the deal gets closed when the Harriswalz Team closes the deal, john, i mean, how do you see it as much as trump is complaining tonight, is this going to help him Fund Raising are rallying the base. Jamal makes a key point about the closest of the election is this where harris wants to spend her time . The question is how to Voters Process this. So this is the 2020 map by just go to 2024 republican primaries. Lets look in the Rearview Mirror first. This has helped trump in the past asked Nikki Haley as ron desantis, remember when trump was indicted on Fraud Charges in New York or when some of these federal cases came down, that the political reaction was, and even some of the republican reaction was this will hurt him instead, we got this, weve got this. It helped him with the republican base. It helped him raise money, and it helped a rally around Trump Movement because a lot of republican voters agreed with that thereafter, me, The Deep State is out to get me, Joe Biden is orchestrating all of this. Thats the Rearview Mirror. It helped him and it helped him enormously. Heres the question. And jamal just made the key point. So lets just use Battleground Pennsylvania and you the most critical of the Battleground States will it help trump in all these red rural counties where his base is strong most likely hell probably raise some more small Dollar Donor donations and rally the here they come, and that is critical in a close race to turn out your base, anything that can motivate them attacks on immigrants a tax on the prosecutors, anything to motivate your base helps Light Question is what about down here in the philadelphia suburbs where youve seen our pieces anderson, we have a number of Nikki Haley voters that republicans by dna. Some of them are thinking about voting for trump, but this stuff bothers them. Theres not a ton of them, but it doesnt take a lot of people so thats the question. Erin. I mean, this smith filing, it comes a day after the exchange between Vance And Walz to the debate i want to play what was said today about former Vice President pence who was referenced many times in this new filing. Lets play that there is a reason Mike Pence was not on that stage with me. And let me just say this let me just say that i served with Mike Pence in congress we disagreed on most issues, but in congress and as a Vice President , i never criticized Mike Pences ethics and commitment to this country. He made the decision for the constitution Mike Pence did his duty he honored his old any chose the constitution over Donald Trump . Understand in that 88th minute last night, with that nonanswer Senator Vance made it clear he will always make a different choice that Mike Pence made and as i said then and i will say now that should be absolutely disqualifying if youre asking to be the Vice President i mean, do you think aaron that the Trump Campaign should be concerned about any kind of a renewed focus on the 2020 election aftermath. I dont think that they should be, and i think both john and Jamal Hit the points that a lot of this is already baked into voters. Theyve already seen this information as of this point. I dont think its going to move Move Anybody in either direction. And i think that it could help bring out those smaller Dollar Donors, those who are going to give less than 200 to johns point during the primary We Saw Big Fundraising Opportunities for Donald Trump with each Indictment And Polling bumps. Now, his numbers are pretty solid and locked in at this point. But every little inch matters theres at this point in the election. And one thing that Tim Walz did there that i will not be surprised if i see republicans seize on is when he was pushing Jd Vance on his fidelity, right . When hes talking about that, he would be loyal to trump. Lets remember Jd Vance served in the united states marine corps, has already promised his fidelity to this nation. This is a treacherous track for Tim Walz especially given the backandforth wed already seen between Vance And Walz regarding service to this nation. I think thats actually a good point, but its a different id make a different conclusion is that The American people actually do want a Vice President and a staff that are going to stand up to the president and tell them when theyre wrong and move it. Thats why i think this is its really about the future, right . So we know what happened on January 6. We know that people storm the capitol. We know that Donald Trump egged them on. The question is, if this comes up again, how is it that we expect them to behave . And we are, we are Vice President harris and your walz. What you want to do, governor walz, what you want to do is say going to behave differently and were going to hold up the country that it is that you want and the system that you werent that is the point theyre trying to make about the future of The American democracy, that about what happened the last time john, i mean, you speak to voters in Battleground States all the time. How much do trumps legal issues actually come up resonate with them . Immunity. It doesnt seem like a tie of the Priority List among most voters know, but i just want to bring up georgia because were in georgia recently for again, a piece on Swing Voters persuadable voters in Georgia Suburbs and two of our voters did bring it up. I did not ask the question, are christine, when runs a Tea Shop just out to Cobb County just outside of atlanta, as she was undecided before because Sinwar Biden nor trump now shes for harris. I asked one of the reasons why she said ethics. Ethics. She didnt bring up the legal issue specifically. She said ethics then Suresh Armors from from Cobb County. Hes a Trademark Independent voted for trump in 2016, voted for biden in 2020. He said he has a Threestep Test for picking a president , didnt have an answer after the first two steps the third step was is the president a Role Model . Can i looked at my son and my daughter and say be proud of that person. Hes going to vote for harris because of that. Now, if there are tens of thousands of those that can swing a close state like georgia, settled by 11,000 votes. Thats my question. You know, it fires up trumps base and you know what also fires up the democratic base, the democrats who dont want trump will see this id say thats a reason to go knock on another door, sign up another voter, makes sure i cast my early ballot. The question is for that tiny slice of persuadable voters who might vote for trump because of the economy or immigration. But the Ethics Stuff bugs them. So Thats Something to watch. Are in free need. Jamal simmons. Thank you. John king is going to stay with us Coming Up next his all over the map series, John Returned to michigan what a young voters there are telling him now about who theyre going to vote for what do you talk about the news sports a little family, gaza, maybe now, you dont do that, right . Heres another topic for you. As they get older, their risk of getting really sick from a respiratory virus, lake flu, Covid19 And Rsv goes up a lot. 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Now that Vice President harris is, he went back to see what, if anything, has changed campus means football in Ann Arbor, that means go blue whatever your politics fallen campus also means Election Crunch time and here the push to vote and vote early is just about everywhere you look, you are not getting to the White House unless you get michigan and youre certainly not going to the White House unless you get gen Z Gray and Anushka Jalisatgi are former President S of the College Democrats. Jealous sake is now a Firstyear Law Student born in missouri, but this time voting in michigan, a lot of my outofstate friends are switching their registration to michigan because they know its a Battleground State University Art Museum doubles as a Voting Hub outside this Registration Desk stands out as does this School Day Concert for You And Me that very spot on our last visit in may was home to a student encampments protesting Israels Response to the hamas terrorist attack. And biden administration weapons shipments to israel University Wont allow another encampment so its harder to judge the depth of student anger. Gray now works in digital organizing and see the dramatic shift huge is an understatement. I think theres a drastic difference in support amongst young people for Vice President Harris Versus President Biden. Attendants had College Democrats meetings is strong this night, spent Phone Banking really what the michigan democratic party for a little Pep Talk from michigans democratic Governor Resentment lingers the October 7 anniversary is at hand. The election just a month away now, this is a meeting of the syrian Students Association at Wayne State in detroit. How many are hesitant . Having a hard time voting for harris because of these policies thats just about everybody. Trouble for harris is also easy to find in majority arab american dearborn. While they knew say, but its palestinian, a 26yearold Wayne State student who voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden im not voting for kamalaharris. Not in good conscience. I cannot vote for someone that uses my heart earn tax dollars to kill my friends and families overseas you say but plans to vote third party. Donald trump is a threat to our Democracy And Threat to our society. The camps divide goes well beyond picking a president at both Ann Arbor and Wayne State, anger at School Officials for how protests have been handled. And among students, a divide over how we got here yes. There were atrocities on October 7. But again, these people are fighting for their land and for there families to on October 7, they werent fighting on their land. They crossed into israel yeah so even though to this, didnt start on October 7, it really didnt. Maya siegmann is a Wayne State junior active in the campus hillel chapter, just back from a summer in israel, Propaganda War for the social media award, the News War that hamas and israel are fighting. Hamas is winning. It is hard because when people talk about being on the right side of history, and then they dont educate themselves enough to figure out which one is the right side. Its a bandwagon effect. Siegmann will vote harris, though she wishes the Vice President would give more Details Today it was hard because she didnt directly answer most of the questions. And when the clinic, the topic of the Israel Hamas War came up and there wasnt really a solid response as to how she would solve it. There are few signs of trumps support on either count is greenlight to israel, isnt what most students its want to hear. If you get a perfect world, wanted to recruit some of those disaffected democrats. Hes not helping you know, probably not next, chesky is a member of the michigan college republicans. He will vote for trump, but he is hardly a Fan Either Bit of a grifter you know, if you can kind of get him to say you believe anything, as long as he thinks thats where the votes via chesky says gop energy is up a bit as the election draws near, but that many students planning to vote trump just cant wait to move on. And we certainly do have kind of are trump is trump is basically jesus wink, wink of the club, but we also, we do actually have a very sizable, very critical of trump. Theres no Doubt Harris is running strong here Kamala Harris, strong enough is the question. If she comes up short in russia and i dont think its because of young voters i think its probably because we waited too long to make a switch i sure hope she doesnt come up short in michigan because i dont really want to be talking to people about how young people should have done more when i feel like were doing a Lot Game time in a State Harris leads to keep blue John King joins us now how is Vice President harris performing with young voters compared to how President Biden did in 2020 some Numbers Anderson to help with that question. I never want to just look at this choice for president. I want to stretch this out a little bit, excuse me for turning my back. This saar a recent New York times Sienna Poll that shows Donald Trump and the Vice President tied ty among voters aides 18 to 29. Joe biden carried that group by 24 points in 2020 in the Exit Polls from being on the ground. Remember when you poll a smaller subgroup and a pole, theres a bigger margin of error. I cant quite believe its a tie from being on the ground several times in michigan, but theres no question. The Vice President is doing better than President Biden was doing earlier this year, when a lot of young voters theres didnt want him to be the candidate anymore, but shes not doing as well as he did back in 2020. Theres No Doubt about that. Absolutely No Doubt about it. Let me get that to move either way. And heres one of the things about it. The disaffection over the israel hamas crisis, their anger at the administration about this among all michigan voters in that poll, 67 said theyre almost certain to vote only 55 of this year younger group said that young people, generally more activist. Youre trying your first election of your second election. In most cases, a little not sure. Theyre going to vote. Thats part of this. And a lot of that comes from the Israelhamas Conflict and so they seem more divided than in the past its interesting, you got to college campuses, its a great place to debate things to talk about. Things more open. This conflict has shut down a lot of those conversations you saw at The End of the piece there, and muslim students at Wayne State and a jewish student at Wayne State. Maya says shes trying to get to know some of her muslim classmates better this time because this semester, because it was so hard to have conversations on campus last semester. So you have active democrats who say, im mad about the war im mad at the administration. Why isnt there a ceasefire . Why isnt there an Arms Embargo . But what about the climate . What about abortion . What about lgbtq issues they sometimes are reluctant to talk to the students who they know are most mad, most angry at some including the arab and muslim students, because they just end up in a fight about this because some of those students say, i agree with you on all those issues. But i feel my tax dollars are funding in their view, Funding Genocide so conversations you would expect near The End of a campaign, you still sent some tension over doing it because students who want to reach consensus, instead, their experience on this issue has been, its a divide. John king. Thank you. Coming up, we have Breaking News, more explosions in beirut and over Tel Aviv Tonight israel expands its war in lebanon and debates how it will respond to Irans Missile for you saturday at nine on cnn what does a robot know about love . It takes a human to translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold Etsy Lawn back fast and unit scotts turf be the rapid grass. 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Israels military is now confirmed it intercepted a suspicious aerial target off the coast of central israel, also late Tonight And Beirut lebanon or Cnn Team their witness, other explosions. This one in central beirut, Lebanons Health Ministry says at least six people were killed explosions. Were also witnessed in beiruts southern suburbs tonight, israel has expanded its presence in southern lebanon with thousands more troops. And as rosh hashanah, the jewish new year begins still no answer to the question how israel will respond to yesterdays ballistic Missile Attack by iran President Biden today said hell speak with israeli Prime Minister relatively soon. He also says he doesnt support an attack on irans nuclear facilities. Nic robertson is in Tel Aviv Tonight slog into lebanon, turning deadly for the idf on its second day the limited localized targeted raids, as the idf characterizes them, triggering fierce resistance helicopters inside israel, picking up the casualties in nearby trauma hospital, declaring a mass casualty event, the idf confirming a dead and several others injured in attacks, hezbollah claims took place in three villages hours earlier, overlooking the area of at least one of the attacks, double that israeli Border Resident or hatton already worrying about the troops i sing that its very danger to the army to go to 11 on, because many, many trumps waiting for them. She refused to evacuate last year, was busy preparing the Troops Holiday Dinner for rosh hashanah, the jewish new year and hopeful their rates would bring her respite from hezbollah attacks i feel more surf feel more baltic because now means i the whole country however entering a new era of uncertainty following irans ballistic Missile Attack tuesday other allies blunting the impact in intercepting the majority of the fast, longrange high explosive ballistic missiles. Gonna start to 1. Iran made a big mistake tonight, and it will pay for it. We will stand by the rule established. Whoever attacks us, we will attack them. Weve been israeli officials say all the basis targeted a fully operational, including their long range combat mission, airfield with scale of Israels Response likely determining the pace of Escalation Operator she goes on other fronts continuing uninterrupted palestinian health officials claiming israeli strikes killed more than 90 palestinians and gaza wednesday as a new operation against hamas, opened up in Khan Younis Smoke Rising after a strike near damascus. Unclaimed by israel. But blamed on them by syrian State Media Airstrikes continuing deeper into lebanon to targets in beirut and beyond. Civilians in parts of the capital warned by the idf to evacuate their homes as a Countrys Death Toll passes, 1,300 good an 1 Million people displaced and Nic Robertson joins us now, what have you seen in Tel Aviv Tonight weve seen what appear to be intercepts of some kind of missile or drone out to sea these were not the sort of intersects where you have multiple launches up into the sky where theyre going really high. This was sort of more straight out which makes us think it was probably a drone, but there were several of them, several launches of intercept, several explosions were heard in the distance. Some time apart, maybe a minute or two minutes between the definitely explosions so very hard to say the ai the idf is saying that they intercepted a suspicious Ariel Vehicle out to see we heard Fighter Jets as well at one point out over the sea just here. And helicopters as well. Now, the idf says, this is correct. They dont normally Sound Alarms when the thread is out over the sea but its not often that Weve Seen Drones coming in off the board on to Tel Aviv, a houthi drone perhaps couple of months ago, did impact here coming in off the sea. So not clear precisely basically what was being targeted where it was coming from, who was it that was targeting Tel Aviv in the robertson. Thanks very much. Be careful still to come tonight. Friends taking care of friends and Hurricane Battering North carolina our Gary Tuchman reports on the Recovery Efforts and the search for survivors still in the western part of the state next introduced him to the farmers dog, its changed his quality of life deals. Number twos are really getting better better poo, better, you should go to move make it easy, was Open Door, sell your home in any season for any reason start your move it Open Door. Com Heres Something you may not know about. 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The source with Kaitlan Collins next visited both Carolinas Today inspecting the Recovery Efforts from Hurricane Helene, including taking this aerial tour in the interior part of South Carolina. Thats about an hour or so drive south of asheville, North Carolina. North Carolina Officials say that 26 people remain unaccounted for right now in asheville, the western part of the carolinas was particularly glee hard hit. Vice president harris, meanwhile, was in augusta, Georgia Today Surveying Recovery Efforts theres a lot of work thats going to need to happen over the coming days, weeks, and months and the coordination that we have dedicated ourselves to will be long longlasting, to get families, to get residents since to get neighborhoods back up and running for the White House says she is expected to travel North Carolina in the coming days. The overall Death Toll from Hurricane Helene has risen to 189 people. Its now the second hurricane in the past 50 years behind Hurricane Katrina or Gary Tuchman is in the western part in North Carolina tonight with more on the look on the hunt and the search for survivors if you want with to walk with a man who plans to deliver to fivegallon cans of Gasoline And Food to a friend who stormed damaged houses at the bottom of a North Carolina gorge the only road in and out was largely destroyed in the Storm Emergency Helicopter or by taking a vigorous and muddy Threemile Hike out about 1,000 feet up it will undoubtedly be a very long time before our vehicles are safely able to use this road again josh, how much farther you think we have . The man im walking with Josh Park or hasnt been able to get in touch with this Friend Brian and is worried. We run into other civilians who have been hiking down in order to help survivors who are either stranded or dont want to leave yeah yeah. As we approach the bottom of the Green River cove gorge, we run into fred rasic. He was among many gorge residents who rode out the storm. The older people would infirmities that man airlifted out my place, total loss, but im sorry, i expected that im sorry about him, but im alive and my Loved Ones are alive and good folk. And so. We got every by im glad youre tape that night, god, youre okay. We arrive at the bottom after about 90 minutes of hiking houses, rvs, cars, trucks destroyed roads have disappeared into the Green River, which is now so wide, its unrecognizable. The resonance your house, you can tell us beautiful ones we get back there, yeah, were going to rebuild. I think our way farther into the gorge, a helicopter starts flying directly towards us a board, the chopper are members of the South Carolina helicopter aquatic Rescue Team two of the rescuers been repelled down to the ground to make sure people are okay as of now, there have been no reports of deaths in the gorge or serious injuries. We see fred rudik again, at his property he was in his home when the Storm Hit but found higher ground this is where your house was before the storm . Yes. Where my house was the Frock Corner Kitchen red cross, and Money Grass Door be facing Ride Out is just to the left did that Push Mower . Okay. And theres this huge Tree House Cat pivoting. What is her . The arrived there against those threes before it is Debris Trap that so it didnt continue going down and around back into the river like most debris dead here its incredible. I mean, it was epic. Its sad. I mean, pretty much lost everything. The house has been in Freds Family for more than a half century. His late grandmother live there holy intend to rebuild i feel lot. My sweet grandma, katie, would have expected me to do so. She got me hooked on these Whitewater Rivers and the lovely great outdoors this was beyond my control. Grandma katie youre doing this for your grandma, for yourself. This is your life. This is it is in my blood before hiking out of the gorge, Josh Parker finally gets to his friend, brians house only to find hes not there. We are told bryan was airlifted out just hours earlier when his health became a concern. Do you want to leave the gasoline her anyway for somebody . Somebody can use it . Brians dog, maggie, wasnt taken on the chopper, but volunteers are about to take maggie on the long hike out of the muddy gorge and gary, tuchman joins us now. I mean, its so nice to see so many neighbors, friends helping each other. I mean, how long is it going to take until i mean, even getting Road Access to that community . Well, even if the gorge below us, anderson was the only community in the state of North Carolina that suffered Storm Damage the damage is so extensive that its anybodys guess how long it will take there so much to rebuild. And the fact that there are so many communities, some big and some small that have suffered immense damage, just like that. So residence we talked to in the gorge tell us they are fully expecting that it will take years to come to some sort of normalcy. I will tell you lots of people, thousands of customers are still without power throughout the state of North Carolina for 5. 5 days now, but literally anderson 20 minutes ago, the power came back on here in saluda, right above the grant, the gorge. And people on this Downtown Street in the small town. All let out a big cheer yeah so many, people in need. Gary tuchman. Thanks. Im glad youre there

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