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News . Hello and welcome. Im Anna Coren in Hong Kong The Light is now on the Breaking News coming out of gaza the Israeli Military says it recovered the bodies of six hostages from an underground tunnel in the rougher area on saturday the idf has now identified all six saying their families have been notified. They are already dinio carmel gat hersh, goldberg, polin eden, yerushalmi, almog. So rusi and Alex Lobanov israels defensive minister. Defense minister says, and six were killed just before troops could reach them. According to the initial assessment at our disposal, they were brutally murdered by hamas terrorists a short while before we reach them. They were abducted alive on the morning of October 7 by the hamas terror organization. Sheva books well, the White House put out a statement that reads in part, it is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake hamas leaders will pay for these crimes, and we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages. Then you use had led to protests in israel and new calls for israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a Ceasefire And Hostage deal the group and missing Families Forum issued a statement saying netanyahu abandoned the hostages on saturday. Protesters said netanyahu is putting the war with hamas ahead of the hostages lives in order to stop this, is to save lives lives. There is one thing that must be done for lives to be saved netanyahu must be immediately replaced for the hostages to return home. Netanyahu must lead. Now members of the Coalition Step up and take action been recorded in history as the full accomplices in the execution of the hostages oh, Paula Hancocks joins us now, live from Abu Dhabi and Journalist Elliott Gotkine joins us from london, great to see you boys. Elliott, lets start with you. Tell us what more are you learning . We know that the idf announced that they had discovered a number of bodies on saturday. They announced on saturday evening. And then weve had more details dripping through. They were discovered in a Tunnel Underground in the rougher area during fighting aboveground. The bodies were taken back into israel, were identified and the families of those six peoplE That were kidnapped on october the seventh, five of them from the Nova Music Festival that was taking place just outside the Gaza Strip. And one of them from kibbutz beeri, as she was visiting her parents, both of whom were murdered that day. This this is the information that has been put out. Now, are you gave the statement there from the White House has also been a statement from Vice President Kamala Harris Secretary State Anthony Blinken has put out a Statement And Weve heard from israeli president isaac hertzog, israeli Defense Minister, yoav gallant, has also just in the last hour or so, put out a statement saying during this painful and difficult time, my thoughts and my heart are with the families of hostages who were killed. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to put out a statement so far as im aware, unless its happened in the last minute or two and that is an i supposE That silence is something that is irking the families of Loved Ones who are still kidnapped or who have been killed even more so. Now, we know who the Singer Victims were, who the six people killed were. I suppose the most highprofile Is Hersh Goldberg Polin, the 23yearold Israeli American, who we, you recall on october the seventh, we saw with half of his left arm having been blown off, being herded onto the back of the truck and taken into the Gaza Strip . Hamas releasing a video of him when he was in captivity a few months ago, his parents very vocal advocates for his release and the release of all the hostages theyd met with President Biden they even spoke at the Democratic National Convention about ten days ago, and earlier today they put out a statement so i said how the entire family was devastated at that loss. Theres also eden year rochelle, me, she was working as a Bartender 24yearold at the Nova Music Festival. She was on thE Phone to heR Sisters when she was captured as she was trying to hide from the militants. Her last words to heR Sister, shani, were shani, they cool to me. Then theres also carmel Gat Fortyyearold occupational therapists was visiting her parents at kibbutz beeri, both of her parents were killed on october the seventh. She was described by hostages released back in november during the first and only Ceasefire Deal as a Guardian Angel, there was almost surreal he was with his girlfriend who was mortally wounded at the Nova Music Festival. He stayed behind to try to help her to, only to be kidnapped himself. There was Alex Lobanov, 32yearold russian israeli his wife gave birth to their child five months ago while he was in captivity. So he never got to meet his second child and then theres also already done nino, a 25yearold man took a number of people from the Nova Music Festival to safety in his car. One to turn around to go back to try to help more people and then be kidnapped himself. Those are the six israelis who were, whose bodies were discovered on saturday by the idf and of course, as you say, further, angering and upsetting the families who have been calling for a Hostage Deal to be done. Theyve been saying for weeks thanks for months, that time is running out. But if a Deal Isnt done, that their Loved Ones will have little to no hope of being brought back alive. And this sadly is the fate of those six hostages whose bodies were discovered on saturday and have now been returned and to israel pull this war now for 11 months, there has been growing pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu in light of these tragic developments, what are the implications, if any, for the Prime Minister who has been accused of putting the war with hamas before the lives of the hostages well, anna, its certainly going to put more pressure on the israeli Prime Minister, but he seems to have been able to withstand that significant pressure for months. Now, there have been, as elliott was just saying, so many calls within israel that a deal had to be done in order to bring these hostages back. And its worth pointing out as well, its not just about bringing the hostages back, its about a ceasefire in gaza. It is about being able to flood the Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid. Given the absolutely dire humanitarian situation in gaza at this point for them palestinian people. So it is a deal that all sides have said for some time desperately needs to be done this will put more pressure on the israeli Prime Minister though, but we have been hearing that he has been able to ignorE That pressure even from within his own inner circle. Now we know there is a very far right. Element to his cabinet, which allows him to be able to ignorE That criticism to some extent, it also puts pressure on him to not agree to a deal until in his words, hamas is completely destroyed. Something which his own military has admitted is impossible to do. But wE That hearing from israeli media just in the past day or so that there has been increased resentment within the Prime Minister and disagreements between the Prime Minister and his own Defense Minister, yoav gallant. We have a number of israeli Media Outlets saying that on Thursday Night when there was a Cabinet Meeting to decide about the Hostage Deal and about an extra condition being put forward that there were significant disagreement there now this talks about the border between gaza and egypt, the Philadelphi Corridor the israeli Prime Minister is now saying, as a condition in these talks, we understand that there should be an Israeli Military presence there to make surE That there isnt the smuggling of weapons and arms back into gaza during that first six weeks of ceasefire, the first phase of the Threephase Deal but we understand from these accounts that the Defense Minister himself was disagreeing with that, saying that hamas would not agree with it. There will not be a deal, there will not be more hostages coming back. And we have heard that there was a very acrimonious backandforth between the two leaders. According to these media reports, golan saying accusing netanyahu have running these negotiations on his own. We understand also the Chief Of Staff was theyre backing up the military, the Defense Secretary from a military Point Of View from according to these israelis he media accounts. There isnt a need in those six weeks to have this Military Presence along the border between gaza and egypt. But this is what these Hostage Negotiations and Ceasefire Deal negotiations are appear now to be centering on hamas agreeing it says to a deal the u. S. President Joe Biden had very vocally supported, had publicly announced back in may, and accusing israel and a specifically the israeli Prime Minister of moving the goalposts, putting more conditions up to prevent this deal being done. Its worth pointing out though, for for months both israel and hamas have been accusing the other of being the one to prevent this deal being done. Ana will hancocks in Abu Dhabi, Elliott Gotkine in london. We appreciate the reporting from both of you. Thank you so much. Well, im joined now by retired u. S. Army major general Mark Mccarley marc, thank you for joining us. What details are you learning about the operation in which these idf soldiers discovered these six hostages i, think what ive learned is consistent with what your reporters have already discussed. It was a course very difficult and treacherous recovery of the hostages within this subterranean environment. As ive david multiple times subterranean warfare is perhaps one of the most dangerous endeavors for ground soldiers. And in this instance, and unfortunately, tragically, while the israeli, the idf discovered these hostages, they were found dead and that certainly does not contribute at all to any resolution of this conflict. Of course, there are multiple questions that we can pursue about whether or not the actions that have been taken or the suggestion the actions such as the establishment of this Philadelphia Corridor by the idf, by israel would do anything to contribute to the hopeful resolution of this conflict . Were learning from the idf that these six hostages were killed brutally by hamas, a short while before they were discovered in the past 11 months, have, have we seen anything like this . Where the idf were obviously very close to recapturing all Reestablishing Contact with the hostages, getting the hostages safely and then then being killed by hamas militants. Certainly a fair question because im just reviewing the instances. I think there are eight that were indeed successfully extricated. And that does not include those who were released at the very outset of this conflict. But i do believe tonight or this morning that if since the idf did indeed make a statement and that statement was that these hostages, they had that that statements suggest and dead within a very short period of time before for the idf recovered what came their bodies, that this was perhaps the first instance where you had deaf almost immediately after idf had come very, very close to a recovery of what hopefully wouldve been evacuees hostages who could have been brought out alive. So this is unusual, is the wrong word. But this suggests another level of violence in this operation. And even more painful for the families of those hostages learning that that idf soldiers were so close to getting those six hostages, maybe back alive absolutely. That should be repeated multiple periods of time just to think, if we were in the shoes of the families of the hostages to realizE That if in fact the timing had been something, however, different, that their children, their spouses, their loved one please, could have come back alive its I Cant Fathom truly fathom the pain that these families are undergoing at this moment. And for the remaining hostages. Do we know how many believed to be still alive in gaza . Were operating basically on the same intelligencE That has been circulated open source. And that suggests that there are about 100 110 or so that might conceivably be alive. But we have no real confirmation of that. There arent lets say video presentations made by hamas with the various hostages speaking to their Loved Ones by some sort of video transfer. Know this is just the appellate sensE That we have in extrapolation of that intelligence where we come up with 110 figure u. S. Army major general Mark Mccarley. We certainly thank you for joining us and sharing your insights thank you well much more ahead on the recovery of the bodies of six hostages in gaza will go back to Elliott Gotkine for the latest developments itts breaeaking e ststory. Pleasase Stay Witith T is not a G Get hit heard a and tough monsnsters of Ththe Midm this is yoyour T Team unequivocacally, We E have the riright set ofof individiduals thats whatat we do w were G G to take. Us, to o the next Level Hara knknocks trainining Camp W with Ship Cargo bears, Streamaming Exclclusively on Max Check T th out. Harry hanands free sksketc, slippingng, just stetepping ini theyre amongngst the Drereamin Likeke real bobove. Im not t Dreaeaming Lawsus okay . . Im m not sure w what the Stadium M the Night T that make hahands free sketchehes, Slipup Ththe tempurppedic Breezeze M Slsleep fuelel cool. So no moro sweatingng all Night Or R blast the Aiair Conditioioning Becaua the Tetemper Breezeze feels Upu Teten degrees s cooler. 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If F Yourere F frustrated d Occasionalal Bloloating or G Ga Yoyour Bodody is givining you s its s time to try align,n, Ali Prprobiotic Wawas Typicacally Desisigned by gastroenteterologs to H Help relieveve your Occccal Bloatiting and gasas when n you the e signs, itts timeme to t align when t the Land Ofof the byrdrds now nature boyoy, its male benchch they geget Seeds T fefemales in a a Bonding R Ritu why dont you adadd to your R Sister a and gave meme swirls B Backck ribs, be E Direrected ata sesea. Were you go getet your G Drama maybe ill just go get wins for everybody. Israel defense forces say they have recovered the bodies of six hostages in southern gaza. Military officials saying the victims were killed, quote, a short while before we reach them the hostages had spent 330 days in captivity. They were brutally kidnapped by hamas militants on October 7 a group that represents families of israeli hostages says five of those who were just killed had been taken from the Nova Music Festival and one woman had been taken from her parents home where u. S. Vice president Kamala Harris released a statement about the death of hersh Goldberg Polin, one of the hostages whose body was recovered in gaza on saturday, Quote Doug and my prayers are with john, with Jon Polin and Rachel Goldbergpolin hershs parents and with everyone who knew and loved her. When i met with Jon And Rachel earlier this year, i told them, you are not alone. That remains true as they mourn their terrible Loss Americans and people around The World will pray for jon, rachel and their family and send them love and strength. As he said in the jewish tradition, my Hershs Memory be a blessing will Gideon Levy is a columnist for Haaretz Newspaper and was an adviser to former israeli Prime Minister shimon peres, who joins us now from tel aviv, get in, you are in a country that is in mourning, but also in rage. Tell us how israelis are feeling today so we cant speak about all this ryan is as one these a big, big, Big Campus Hueless this morning. Obviously morning. Everyone. But the furious spot is only about of Israeli Society because we have to remember there is also part which supports blindly Benjamin Netanyahu and whatever and they will just sit by this terrible fiasco that those hostages and many more could have been saved long time ago and only because of the rejection of the tinea, they were killed so israel is divided even on such a morning on one hand, the big, big camp, which protests now for months and months, but is variously in france on the, on the government who course to do anything. But anything possible to release the remains of the hostages on the other side, that anyhow spends her nails support this well believE That he takes care of the security of israel and whatever it does is serving only this purpose, this is obviously totally farfetched, but many people believing the considering these idf soldiers was so close to rescuing these six hostages in, do you see this as being a potential Tipping Point for netanyahu and Israeli Society unfortunately nodes, i dont think that that will be affected even by those six killed hostages, because hes very decisive about his goals, which are totally different. Then naji operational goals in this war, if they are, i told except of releasing the hostages and putting an end to this war then you will not put an end to this war. And ethanal will not agree to any deal to ending the small and therefore the protests can continue and should continue. But it will have very little Influence Mass protests have been cooled today. How many people are you expecting to take to the streets . There will be many thousands and Tens Of Thousands but as i said, i mean, its very impressive. It is touching, not be in march of 1 Million people dont expect this and the effect is that so many months of protests not change much is very frustrating when we have to pay see, it its a matter of fact its not Litany Owls are integral basis. And therefore he continues to ignore this this from his political Point Of View rightly so weve heard this argument that he has had with the Defense Minister yoav galants details leaking out from that meeting. So clearly there are deep divisions within the government as to how to proceed with this war yes. But in this government, there is only one voice which is really deciding. And Thats Nothing else was the alarm is quite marginal. He doesnt have any political basis right now. And hes struggled over a deal is very impressive, but he has no influence of the government and by the way, on you holds the majority of the ministers those Gains Seam in the government, in the coalition. Even more right Wing And Motivation listed and militaristic than him so garland has no influence in this government gideon, weve heard from the israeli president isaac herzog, hes apologized for not bringing the hostages home safely. Have we heard anything from the Prime Minister . No. And this is also unbelievable because he knows about six Bodies Patch before we know it he had enough time to publish a statement he is always there where there are successes and he always, always, always years. When they are fiascos. And here again, i guess, finally he will Phrase Something but thats not behavior for leader of a nation. A leader, i mean you know, the president of the united states at the time and his net any head the time to publish very touching an impressive announcements. Most of them. And hear that israeli Prime Minister is still missing and didnt find the time it leads to say some words to the families. This is outrageous, but you know, netanyahu is very limited in his emotional side hes not exactly like normal human me. Many times, you have the feeling that this man does not have emotions at all and has known Emotional Intelligence at all. He doesnt understand what it is about getting levy, we always appreciate your insights. Thank you for joining us. Thank you meantime, in gaza, the first group of babies have received Polio Vaccinations is a massive u. N campaign to vaccinate morE Than 640,000 children gets underway. Gaza had near universal Polio Vaccine Coverage before the war. But it seems dropped below 90 . Israel and hamas have agreed to pause fighting in three phases, beginning sunday and running through September 12 to help Aid Workers distribute the vaccine safely. But palestinian health officials stress that brief ceasefires will not be enough to get the job done not drew. We call for a real ceasefire so that this campaign can really succeed because all the arrangements that have been done cannot secure a success. Although our teams will go to all locations and wherever there is a Path Alice tinian person that is in need of this vaccine despite the dangers well, much more ahead on the recovery of the bodies of six hostages in gaza ill get some analysis from a former middle East Advisor to the u. S. Defense department monday night, a to our Host Story special, the candidates and their record on the key issues of the election season. What is their past tell us about how they will meet the whole story with anderson . Its in cooper Monday Startrting at 8 00 on C Cnn i is it P Poss to be morere capable Andnd Moro Prpractical . 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With Comcast Business, Reliability Isnt just possible. Its happening. Switch to reliable Comcast Business internet with security and get started for 49. 99 a month. Plus ask how to get up to a 500 prepaid card. Call Today Love to threetoone, threetoone say, i Mourn Liebermann at the pentagon. This cnn Closed Captioning is brought toto you by skskechers,x cushshioning you, knknow, those fat, hope is s sneakers, n nice Jews Witith the pricice, not as night. However, getters, Max Cushioning are just as fabulous at a pricE That blows them away. Try skechers, Max Welcome back. Well, lets bring you up to speed with Breaking News out of the middle east. The idf says six hostages whose bodies have been recovered in gaza were killed a short while before israeli troops reach them. The statement says they were found in an underground tunnel and the city of rafah on saturday, israel says hamas is still holding about 100 other hostages and about onethird of them are presumed to be dead. Meanwhile, a group representing a Hostage Families is now blaming what it calls delays, sabotage, an excuses. But the failure to reach a deal to free their Loved Ones. The group has also called on the public to mobilize as they accuse prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of abandoning the hostages well, lets return to Journalist Elliott Gotkine in london. Elliott, what more are you learning about these six hostages whose bodies were recovered and well, we know they were recovered on saturday, as you say, in a Tunnel Underground in rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip their bodies were brought back into israel where they are identified and other families of those six people were notified. Now, all five of the six whose bodies were discovered were kidnapped from the Nova Music Festival, which was taking place next to the Gaza Strip. This was the scene of the largest number of peoplE That were killed in the hamas led Terrorist Attacks of that day on october the seventh. And also where the largest number of people were kidnapped so perhaps the best known of the six was hersh Goldberg Polin in Israeli American 23yearsold. He was at the Nova Music Festival when he was kidnapped and we of course saw images that day of him being herded onto the back of a truck by militants with half of his left arm being blown off, missing. He subsequently appeared a few months ago in a video released by hamas, showing him in captivity. That was the first proof of life. His family had had his parents have been very vocal. Theyve met with President Biden, they spoke at the Democratic National Convention about ten days ago today. They put out a statement saying that they would devastated, that hersh had been killed, have been found dead. Theres also ed and your shirt, You Rochelle Me 20 a fouryearold. She was working as a bartender at the Nova Music Festival she was on thE Phone for hours with her family while she was seeking cover to try to hide from the militants. Its the last words that she said to heR Sister, shani, were shani, they caught me carmel gat. She was kidnapped from kibbutz beeri while visiting her parents, her mother was killed. That day. Her father survived and carmel, who was an occupational therapist, she was described by some of those who were released in the first and only ceasefire Hostage Deal back in november, as a Guardian Angel than there was almog. So rusi, he was with his girlfriend at the time of 27yearold, almog was he stayed with his girlfriend, who was mortally wounded at the Nova Music Festival and then he himself was kidnapped. There was Alex Lobanov, a 30 russian israeli. He was working as a Bar Manager down at the Nova Music Festival. His wife gave birth to their child. Second child five months ago while he was in captivity. So we never got to meet his second child and then finally, theres already dire nino, a 20th the fiveyearold man, who reportedly took a number of people from the Nova Music Festival to safety in his car and then turned around to go back to try to help more people, one to be kidnapped himself. So those are the six people whose identities have been revealed today by the idf. And causing a lot of heartbreak among israeli families and the nation as a whole extraordinary suffering suffering. Elliott gotkine in london. Thank you well, still to come, a check on some of the days other news germanys far right is expected to make major gains in key states elections. Ill talk to an expert about the implications that could have on the countrys politics thats next theres. Not a a good hit. 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Tellll dodoctor if yoyou have a Heart Conditioion or high H Blood Prpressure Befefore Takingng mao not tatake trilogygy more E Tha presescribed T Trilogy Mayay ine your Risk K of T Thrush Pneueum Anand Osteopororosis Call l you doctoror F Force and B Breathin Chest pain, Mouth Or T Tongue Swelelling proroblems, Uririnat Vivision and changeses or Eye P occur R Woululd ask Yoyour Doct Abouout ononcedaily T Trilogy Copd Becauause Breathingng shou be beaututiful all D Day and Ni Ththis is our R Call to O Inacto Answerer the Call L of the recer were gettiting Takeoutut Becau Weve beeeen out all L Day Lon its the e lazy Boy L Labor da sasale. Come in for great savings is not possible without Meteorologist Elisa Rafah on jekyll island, georgia. And this is cnn in Germany Voting is underway in two eastern states for key elections, the far right alternative for germany party or afd, is expected to take the most votes that possibility prompted thousands of antifarright protesters to take to the streets on saturday, they marched in the capital of thuringia. One of these states holding elections. If the afd wins it will be the first time and a Farright Party has held a majority in a german State Parliament since World War ii were joining me now from Los Angeles is dominic thomas, cnn, European Affairs commentator dominic, good to see you. These are of course, state elections, but in the words of one of the rising stars of the far right, it has the potential to trigger an earthquake in berlin. How did germany get to this point . Yeah well it its been coming for a while and i mean, this is a party that is only founded about a decade ago and they really came to political prominence in the aftermath of the socalled Migrants Crisis back in 2015. And they entered parliament him sanction numbers in 2017 its been the first time in 60 years that a party likE That had had come into that into that building and what weve seen them do is kind of grow incrementally in just 2023 already in the area that were watching for the electoral outcomes tomorrow. They want an administrative district and in just a few weeks ago but months ago in June Eu elections, not only did they come in second, but they came in ahead of the entire Coalition Groups and parties that are, that are currently in power. So i think as one looks ahead to just for 2025 and federal elections that are coming up just about a years time from now theres a very strong indication of not only how well they will perform at how well that Policy Agendas and likely to shape the political debates going into that election. Then explain to us, i guess the threat that they afd as well as the other Farright Party, the vfw post. They both anti Migration Euroskeptic and russia friendly yes, they all just to distinguish that the other bsw is actually an outgrowth of this of some of these ideas and groups, but they are, they call themselves a kind of leftwing populist entity, but youre absolutely right around these questions that are so central to the ifd and the ifd in particular you, Skeptic Climate Denialists against sanctions on russia. Certainly against providing ongoing infrastructural a monetary support for ukrainE That very much on the wrong side of so much of global politics. But i think that where theres political party has been especially skillful is tapping into so much of that sense of being left behind and some real genuine grievances in those five states that are located in the east of germany and that were formerly part of East Germany where unemployment levels are higher when there are still lingering disparities with western germany. The problem is that they have used and instrumentalized that scapegoating of migrants to capitalize around those votes and as so many people have pointed out with regards to say, the Brexit Vote or farright politics in france today, its not as if all of the supporters of the afd support these antiimmigration, antiislam views than what weve noticed is that the overwhelming majority of peoplE That do support as u. S have gone to the ifd. And thats why anna, this particular party is so especially dangerous in the broader landscape of europe where weve seen these questions amplified over recent elections i wanted to ask you, why is this party . These parties resonating with people in germany right now yeah. Well, i think the special does that question of kind of grievances that i just mentioned, but i think also to so many of the views of these parties have been normalized now and mainstream europe, weve seen a kind of breakdown of some of the mainstream traditional parties would sort of weaker coalition that when the ifdef, for example sits in different political groups at the European Union its not alone. There are elected Prime Ministers now that represent and share these views. And we have also seen in areas like for example, in the neck have evelyns, where the far right came out ahead in the last election where they have now been brought into government and so i think that some of that wall around them and some of that stigma of supporting those Political Parties have come down and have opened up the gates to voters to support these and to express protests, votes, but also votes in favor im certain types of policies that they dont see other mainstream parties and subscribing to and also the eighth day has been very good at kind of instrumentalizing, as i said, that sort of Mainstream Anger around some of the economic questions that are playing out in germany today. Dominic, as you mentioned, the federal election in Germany Isnt until september of next year, but what does this all mean for Chancellor Olaf Schulz and his coalition . Yeah well, if we just think back all the way to say to 2004 when Angela Merkel was first elected, you had real mainstream strong parties that went into robust coalitions. I think the writing is on the wall. What happened at the European Union vote back in june, where not only Scholtz And Spd party but also the greens and the fdp. They came third, fourth, and sixth in that particular election. And i dont see them recovering in the next year. So what were going to see im almost convinced as a kind of cdu, csu merkels formed the party that has also moved further to the right. And in many ways encroached on many of these Policy Ideas of the ifd they come out ahead. The Big Question is going to be to whom do they turn for a coalition . And whilE That wall that has enough against the ifd enterinG Government, come down a wall in which we see as will the elections up until now and tomorrow, the kind there are cracks in this particular wall and going forward and i think that that election will be therefore shaped by this kind of rhetoric. And this move to the right, all the way through now into 2025 dominic thomas, as always, we appreciate your analysis. Thank you so much. Thank you, rana monday Night To our whohole story, speciale candidates and their record on the e key issueses of the Elect Season she anticipates the strength of what the Blowback Back might be. She is a leader who sees around corners. Whahat does theheir past tels about t how they wilill lead onf the things that i think people misreaead about donald trumpmp. On often has a lot of the times these big statements are negotiating tactics. 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When Yoyour Feelingngs for h or super not its pedialyte, the number o one Doctor R rerecommended D Brand for R Hydn not every Y Decision we make W L be a as good as s getting volkswagenen savvy Vw Summer Sales Event 2024 bolts back in models cost less to maintain the nanda 0. 9 aprpr finding an thank for 3,500 Customemer Bons Onon the new 2 2024 atlalas or crosscouourt are hopining progr to expxpect some r radical induy streaming exclusively on Max Russia is marking 20 years since the start of the deadly beslan school siege, the Terrorist Attack that left hundreds dead, including 186 children president Vladimir Putin recently visited beslan in southern russia. A tribute to those who died during the attack. And subsequent Military Operation on september 1, 2004, am Chechen Separatists took some 1,200 People Hostage holding them in a school gym, rigged with explosives. This age ended on September 3 Russian Security Forces stormed the building morE Than 330 people were killed, and morE Than 700 injured Defense Officials say seven u. S. Troops are in stable condition after they were injured in array that killed at least 14 i. S. I. S. Militants in western iraq u. S. Central command says the raid was a partnered operation with iraqi Security Forces. The usas 15 militants were killed, but iraq put the number at 14. The i. S. I. S. Operatives were said to be armed with grenades and explosive Suicide Belts the u. S. Says there is no indication of any civilian casualties afghanistans leaders are apparently trying to erase half of its population from public life. Last week, the countrys taliban rulers issued new draconian laws to silence its women. That is literal. The taliban has banned women from singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public places. It is illegal for a woman to even look at a man shes not related to know, can she show her face . However afghan women refuse to disappear . Ando body is really veiled, but not silent. A woman in afghanistan sings a Song Protest against neW Laws put into effect by the taliban, that further rob women of their rights and voices might all barred jaw was in bowdoin as she sings, you made me a prisoner in my home for the crime of being a human. Would that go and under the talibans new Vice And Virtue laws, which formalize many previous restrictions a woman must be fully covered, both Face And Body should not seen or read aloud in public and should not look at a man who is family women are confined within four walls literally. Its like burying these women alive in Brick Walls its been a steady erosion of womens rights since the taliban took power, just over three years ago when women were banned from attending high School Or University restricted from working in most jobs. And earlier this year, the taliban reintroduced Public Plugging and stoning for women who commit adultery to give some context three years ago women in afghanistan could technically decide to run for president now, she may not even be able to decide when to go and buy groceries now, im not saying that three years ago, it was perfect is not perfect. But it wasnt this that it goes out meant to silence women in public has created an uproar online wed afghan women around The World posting videos of themselves singing songs of defiance an activist are calling on the international community to not only name, but punish the abuses happening in afghanistan i think the first and the basics theyve international community to recognize him qualified the Term Gender told we can take these criminals to the court the United Nations as the loss of basic rights is causing many women to lose hope with nearly 70 of afghan women describing their Mental Health is bad or very bad i came across this story of High School students who havent been able to go to school for the past three years she wrote to us that she has tried to commit suicide two times so far, and then she doesnt know what others think but she thinks she will go insane and some afghan women who were able to flee the country as sending strong messages to theiR Sisters back home during the paris olympics, afghan breakdancer, manisha to lash part of the olympic Refugee Team was disqualified after wearing a cape with the words free afghan women on it and as archaea khudadadi, an afghan taekwondo athletes on the refugee paralympic team, said her Bronze Medal Victory is a sign that perseverance can pay off because if offices since admit they paula ive wanted this medal to show It Strength for all the girls and women in my country, afghanistan. And i hopE That with this metal were all together. Its one for freedom and for peace in my country the delay vances the neW Laws are part of the islamic law and local customs. But many activists say Afghanistans Future is looking bleaker because of them with the taliban, once again, going on checked, it needs eurasia of women a recap now of the Breaking News out of the middle east. So group representing the families of israeli hostages is calling on prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the nation the statement came after israeli troops recovered the bodies of six hostages in the rougher area the idf says they were brutally murdered by hamas a short while before soldiers reach them on saturday. Earlier, the hostage Families Group called on the israeli public to mobilize saying the country will tremble in the coming hours. The group claims mr. Netanyahu has abandoned the hostages ill have more on this Breaking News after this very short break, please Tay Withth Cnn Tv on n the Edge P Premiere susunday, septptember 27, th been did nine e on trains s pla, that senense what isnnt on t . Train N Seat Use t the Power O L a. I. Andnd into the Hundndreds Mimiles of Trarack Clelearing Ty Soso You Arrivive exactly whwheu the law bring the E Phone you U Love a G Good one liline for 2 montnth when Youou Switch toto Straigight Talk plplus get to o Credit Foror a new Phonene Afte2 montnths with Ststraight Savavi yoyou save nowow, han, later, Straigight Talk real u unlimite datata, less dolollars, morere when it t comes to h how nobody assists s like l lowes s Almom Nonobody can to reveverse suppo your brainin health. Mary janenet, hey, eddie k, frasaser, frank,k, Frank Brered how a are you, frfred, fue to seven B Brain Health inindicators, includinG G You Mememory Joinened the neririvann healthth challengege. Werere standing up for our right to be lazy by sitting down and reclining because we work hard the water relax hard we the lalazy are Takaking Backck lazy a. A. I. L lazy Boy Fufurniture L boy long live the lazy conquer financial reports gaga 2000 word essays conquer 300. Thank you over what you write with a smooth writing, longest lasting, gelling pen, america t, that u. S. Aging, that horde. Kamala harris, donald trump, the debate. Everyones been waiting for follows cnn for complete coverage and exclusive pre and postdebate analysis of cnn special ben, the abc News President ial debate simulcast September 10 at nine on Cnn And Streaming on max let me back up for a minute w

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