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and bring on the good stuff. guaranteed visit four good morning to you. welcome to cnn this morning, it's sunday, june 23rd. >> i'm victor blackwell and i'm amara walker. thank you so much for being with us. >> here's what we're watching for you. >> this morning. the one one-on-one showdown between president biden and former president trump is just four days away. trump is out on the trail taking shots as his opponent while the president hunger's down with the staff at camp, david was catastrophic. flooding is prompting evacuations and rescues and states across the midwest and heat alerts persist for more than 100 million people through the weekend dc hit 100 degrees for the first time in eight years. >> also stunning accusations against a texas woman accused of trying to drown a three-year-old at a pool. why those are the community are calling the incident than a potential hate-crime. >> boeing and nasa officials are again delaying the boeing starliner capsule is returned to earth, will speak with a former astronaut on what it will take to get the starliner's crew home? we are as cambridge's said, four days away now from the cnn presidential debate, a president biden is in intense preparations with advisers, former president trump. he's on the campaign trail the president and his team has spent the weekend at camp david, intense preps now, the biden campaign says he and advisers are going over briefings. their focus because thing on trump's prior comments and holding mock debate sessions that approaches a sharp contrast to trump's back-to-back public appearances trump address christian conservatives in washington and he touched on familiar campaign messages against migrants. he also stressed his efforts to undo the federal right to an abortion by nominating the justices who helped overturn roe v wade in philadelphia. he honed in on crime, claiming the city was being ravaged by bloodshed the trump campaign is already looking past the debate toward next month's republican national convention. so you didn't, steve contorno was with the former president in philadelphia where he announced he'd made a decision about a running mate victor an amro. we have been hearing for weeks that president donald trump's choices are down to three main contenders senator marco rubio of florida, senator jd vance of ohio, and north dakota governor doug burgum. well, donald trump now says that he has made his choice, although he's not going to let anyone know it yet. >> my mind, yeah. did they no. >> nobody knows that's trump elected not to send a day behind closed doors study for upcoming debate with joe biden. >> nor is he holding mock debate sessions. this weekend. instead, he hit the campaign trail, appearing at a christian conservative conference in washington, dc stopping for affiliate cheesesteaks and attending a rally with supporters in philadelphia on saturday nights. there he did ties his upcoming debate, which you biden, as you know, he's been reported that right now, crooked joe's gone to a log cabin to study, prepare? >> no, he didn't. >> he's sleeping now because they want to get them good and strong so a little before debate time, he gets a shot that's they wanted to strengthen them up so he comes out, he'll come out. i okay. i say he'll come out all jacked up right? all jacked. >> we do know trump has been holding in formal debate prep sessions with some of his advisers and even some of the potential vp contenders. there's a lighter scheduled now heading into that critical debate with joe biden, victor, and amara all right. >> steve contorno. thank you for that. and cnn's camila de shallows joining us now, can we let this to the biden campaign wants to paint a strong contrast between the president and trump. tell us more president biden is really using this weekend to strategize more ways to show how trump when he's on a debate stage, to show how trump is unfit for office. >> and really show the american people why biden should be reelected to a second term i mean, this is biden knows that there's a lot at stake in this debate. and he sees this as a direct opportunity to talk to the american people, remind them of what he has done while he's been in office for the last four years. and what he set out to do. and the next four years, if he is reelected but a lot of that strategy in part is also talking to his opponent and really showcasing what trump has done when he was in office and really proven the case of why he's unfit and office. so that is going to be a really big goal for biden. and part of that is drawing that stark contrast between himself and trump. >> so the biden campaign also focusing on reproductive rights planning events to mark two years since roe versus wade was overturned. tell us about it. >> that's right. victor biden is preparing to hold more than 50 events with his campaign surrogates across the country. and this is very significant because his campaign has focused a lot about abortion rights and really making it a top priority for his campaign to talk about how he wants to preserve those rights and what they will do to enshrine going forward if he's reelected to a second term, i think what's really notable here to just point out is that a lot of these events are happening and key battleground states. and that's really pivotal because he's trying to use this as a mark, this two-year anniversary as a way to really have voters come out and really make this drawn case to voters about why he should be re-elected. >> camila disallows force and washington. thank you so much. that's bringing now white house reporter for politico dan to let mcdaniel good to see you. so let's start with former president trump. he says that he knows only in his mind he's not told anyone that he's made his vp choice the short list, top tier rubio vance burgum what boxes is he looking to check mega reinforcement? mega adjacent. what are they trying to do with this vp pick? >> well, he's looking for someone who can raise lots of money, who can be a forceful advocate for him, who is not going to be what they consider disloyal. i'm not going to pull another mike pence. and subvert the us constitution. and so he doesn't once someone to outshine him. he's not going to pick a nikki haley because he wouldn't trust her but he had months ago, he said he had made up his mind or had decided on a vp. and so it seems like he's going back and forth. he's trying to amp up the kind apprentice like atmosphere leading to the let's pick yes, which is what he did with that first supreme court pick that he had people both coming to washington at the same time before he picked neil gorsuch. let me ask you about some of the things that the former president said at faith and freedom forum yesterday he's backing this new louisiana law that requires the ten commissioner bam is to be posted in every public school classroom. here's what he said i said, has anyone read the thou shalt not steal voucher? >> has anybody read this? incredible. it's just incredible. they don't want it to go up. >> it's crazy world, get a crazy world that room doesn't really care whether he has read the bible, has signed the bible and sold it, or marches to a church and holds the bible upside down. >> but are they requiring a commitment on the issue of abortion? are they requiring him to say yes or no if he would sign an abortion ban federally, if it reached his desk? >> well, that's what strong christian conservatives want. who are view this as it's kinda the next avenue of a policy victory. they can get. but trump knows that this is a toxic political issue in terms of abortion. and so he doesn't, he doesn't want to claim credit too much for roe v. wade being overturned. he will say he put a conservative court and that what they did is up to them, but he knew who he was getting and so but he also knows how remember in 2022, there was gonna be a red wave are red tsunami. and because of abortion that did not happen, democrats want to repeat that again. and this year, but it has been a few years and so they need to really remind americans of the stakes and also this is one of the issues that democrats are good at. >> yeah, as we heard from camila there, they're holding these 50 events across the country to remind voters of this state two years after the dobbs decision. this from the former president on migrants. and the ultimate fighting championship. he says that he shared with the president of the ufc, dana white. listen to this i said dana, i have an idea. why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters. and then you have the champion of your league. these are the greatest fighters in the world fight the champion of that migrants. i think the migrants guy might win. that's how tough they are. >> he didn't like that idea too much, but actually it's not the worst idea i've ever had it's reminiscent of that time that he was talking about a black versus white season of the apprentice this far into the cycle though, as extreme and outrageous as a comment or proposal like that is, does that i'm really move votes. i mean, you're either with donald trump on his immigration plan and views or you are not i agree with you that if people wanted to get off, republicans wanted to get off the trump train. >> they had many stops along the way. they could have stopped after john mccain was not a war hero. after he critic besides the goldstar family, after many, after charlottesville and so i don't think that this is going to move the needle, but what by the biden campaign is going to try to do is say to the hispanics that they have lost some votes for, is that, hey, this is not a guy who represents you and that he biden, if biden said this, you know, that fox news and the conservative media would throw a connection fit yeah. let me talk to you about some new reporting cnn now has about president biden's camp. they're a bit concerned about his support with then the jewish community. it appears at some of that is waning or weakening. we know that the campaign will name director of faith engagement it's interesting that some of his jewish support is weakening, but it's because of his strong support of israel during this war with hamas that some of his heir of american support is eroding as well. what's the urgency of this jewish reported? jewish community erosion for the biden campaign while republicans try every four years, every two years to make inroads with jewish american voters. >> and they usually fail. this is a reliably democratic group and there's a lot of gratitude in the community for how strong biden has stood behind israel, even though he has paid a steep political cost and they know that future presidents and 30 years, if this issue is not solved, may not be as supportive. and so they're trying to shore up this support and remind people that trump is not good on this issue in their view that he would be too extreme that biden represents kind of a middle ground. and it's trying to he has the back of israel, but is not he doesn't really like netanyahu but if the, if the support for israel is the barometer and i'm not suggesting i see that for every american jew that it is. >> but if that is part of the equation how do the abraham accords and moving the us embassy to jerusalem as trump did at trump's support for a netanyahu how does that factor into this well, i think what they have to do is basically say that trump has made comments that people have taken as some people have taken as anti-semitic and that biden has this longstanding relationship with israel gone back all the way to golden me year that he loves the country in that as part, you kind of have to make a nuanced argument that you have to have a two-state solution ultimately, that will best protect israel security, not just ignore the palestine's altogether as trump's seems to indicate, sometimes daniel lipman, always good to have you. >> thank you so much. and be sure to join cnn. is president biden and former president trump meet for their first debate of the cycle. jake tapper, dana bash will moderate the scene and presidential debate live from atlanta, 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn and you can stream it on max. >> all right, so the calm as millions of people across the us swelter and the record breaking heatwave, others in the upper midwest are contending with catastrophic flash floods plus, a woman is charged with attempted capital murder after allegedly trying to drown a three-year-old child in a pool, white boys are being asked to investigate this as a hate crime and, nasa officials are again pushing back the boeing starliner capsules returned to earth from the international space station. why there's been a string of delays the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max at grainger. we know dealing with the unexpected is part of your job description and, you made a promise to keep the line running to power through the downpour to be the one who always gets it done and our promise is to help you do it with professional grade supplies for every industry plus same-day pickup and next day delivery on most orders, because you can't predict the future. but with the right partner, you can be prepared for him, call cook, or just stop by granger for the ones who get it done? >> the temper pedigrees make sleep, feel cool. so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels a pretended reece cooler all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling, temper, breeze mattresses sorry, it wasn't ban here. and i get minus the city is encouraging intrapreneurship on all levels every time i'm traveling out about 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their wheelchairs. >> now, in minnesota, the national guard has been authorized to help with evacuations because some of the lakes are reaching uncontrollable levels. >> more than 100 million americans are under heat alerts this weekend. >> a lot of them are on the east coast yesterday washington, dc, hit 100 degrees for the first time in eight years, cnn's polo sandoval is in new york with more on the heat wave hey, victor name or hope you're staying cool as well this weekend bringing another wave of those extremely hot temperatures. it's not just those high temperatures, but also the combination, the heat with that high humidity and making it extremely unbearable. especially that for those folks in the northeast, people who may not be used to this kind of weather, which is why all weekend long we have seen these heat advisories be issued affecting nearly 100 we didn't million americans, especially along that highly populated i95 corridor and ahead of those warnings are hearing those advisories or less recommendations from the thorny. so not only stay hydrated, stay cool in any way that you can, but also checking on the most poland noble especially elderly, perhaps those that do not have access to air conditioning in washington, dc over this weekend, those temperatures at very close to triple digits. and that was one of the reasons why the mayor of that washington this will extended that heat advisories past sunday as so many americans continued to deal with this unbearable feature during our i polo sandoval. >> thank you. in addition to the dangerous flooding and heat, we are getting reports of possible tornadoes overnight, allison chinchar is here with more good morning, alison and good morning. yes, it's one of over 100 is total storm reports in just the last 24 hours. you can see a lot of them here focused into the northeast, but also out into the midwest. this system as a whole, making its way off towards the east, even as we speak. now, one thing to note with this particular storm is, as it's coming through, it also dropped a tremendous amount of rain. look at this widespread totals here across portions of northern iowa southern minnesota, and over towards southeastern dakotas. you're talking widespread four to six inches, but there was a lot of less several places they picked up more than ten inches of rain in just the last few days. you look at a lot of those rivers, creeks, and streams just in that same area for you. we've got 26 river gauges at major flood stage and other 28 at moderate and almost 50 of them at minor flood stage. now that system as a whole is going to continue to make its way off towards the east, bringing with it the chance for very heavy rain and also some severe storms. you can see by this afternoon, we start to see more of storms develop belong that cold front before the system finally starts to take the bulk of that moisture out to sea by monday in the short term, however, still looking at the potential for more severe weather for today, that includes the potential for some hail damaging wind gusts and yes, even a few tornadoes are possible, especially across portions of new england. here where you've got that enhanced risk that's where you're really going to see the best chance for some of those really strong storms to develop. now, one perk of those storms coming through, it's going to drop some of the temperatures back. so take a look, we go from 98 today in philadelphia down to 84 by tomorrow, new york, dc, pittsburgh. all looking at those temperatures dropping back to pretty much normal once that front finally moved through. but it is short-lived because in those temperatures will jump right back up. so you still have a lot of these areas looking at the heat advisories and excessive heat watches and warnings for the day, and yes, that does include washington, dc for another day after yesterday, breaking that triple-digit mark for the first time since 2016. but the east coast isn't the only ones notice a lot more of these heat advisories now starting to pop up into the central us because that's what we're going to see our next way of heat. you really start to see a lot of that purple color fill in across the central us as we go monday and tuesday into the upcoming week. and those temperatures really start to jump back up again. >> we'll take the brief respite just a little break anyone we get? allison chinchar. thanks so much. the state department is confirming that u.s. citizens are among the nearly 500 people who've died on their hajj pilgrimage to mecca because of it's so hot there. officials fear that that number will climb much higher. >> witnesses have told cnn there are not enough medics to handle the number of people falling ill due to the dangerously high temperatures. cnn's fredricka whitfield spoke to one woman who lost both of her parents in saudi arabia. as a journey to mecca for the pilgrimage all we know is that it was of natural causes. and someone from the us embassy did advise the natural causes could have been due to a heat stroke, which based on the temperature people were saying it was over 110 degrees. there are millions of people they have to walk long hours. so it was more than likely a heat stroke for both of my parents honestly, i don't think that they work properly prepared for this trip there was a group of them maybe up to 100 people that were traveling under a certain agency and they've saved their life savings. >> i think it was about 11,500 per person since that they've saved their entire lives to save their entire lives, to embark on this journey. and they weren't, they didn't receive the proper preparation, the proper documents. it was just a nightmare overall experience of a trip just what a tragedy governments are having a difficult time determining how many deaths there are, because there are only aware of those who are registered pilgrims. >> there are many unregistered pilgrims who make the journey still ahead, police and arkansas are still trying to figure out why a man started shooting outside a grocery store for people are now dead. what more we know about the lives lost? that's next they are unpredictable sleeping giants. >> every volcano has its own personality. and if we don't understand them they are windows into part of our planet. lives will be lost violent earth, would we have schreiber tonight? did nine on cnn. >> let's take a little test together which looks better. this or this there or this seems clear to me, saving cash wins every time, which is why you'll love the y's by sales event going on right now and america's past get two pairs of single vision glasses for justice, 69, 95, or two pairs of progressive for just 12995, both operas include a comprehensive eye exam that's not just a better deal. its america's best book an exam online today 20 seconds a week to lose 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise. >> that's the power of glp-1s through row connect 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anxieties, thunder shirt can help. thunder shirts find at retailers like pet smart and petco and your head leinz this morning, a texas woman has been charged with attempted capital murder for allegedly trying to drown a 3-year-old child at a potential hate crime incident. >> police arrested 42-year-old elizabeth wolf last month after a reported disturbance between two women initially arrested for public intoxication, wolf also allegedly made racist comments and try to grab the other woman's six-year-old son. that mother intervened, but we'll think grabbed her 3-year-old daughter and forced her underwater according to the police, the mother managed to rescue her. the texas chapter of the council on american-islamic relations identified the family as muslim and palestinian and is now calling for a state and federal investigation. >> he emotionally, they are torn apart. we tried to speak with them. i actually tried to see if they could come today and they are afraid to even be seen in public they are really struggling a lot, hate against one community is hate against all of us well, if bail is set for $25,000, a fourth victim in the mass shooting at an arkansas grocery store on friday, has now died. >> this suspect in the shooting is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. police say that travis eugene posey started shooting friday morning. this was at the mad butcher grocery store in fordyce the victims range in age from 23 to 819 were hurt, four still in the hospital. one woman is in critical condition this morning. >> the fbi has joined the investigation into the cause of deadly wildfires in new mexico. they are now offering up to ten thousand dollars for tips leading to the arrest and conviction of those who started those fires. this is the aftermath of the 23,000 acres have burned thousands had to leave two people died. residents of ruidoso will be allowed back to their homes starting tomorrow and a cnn exclusive in a new call directly from his remote russian prison camp, russian detainee, paul whelan had a warning for the white house. do whatever it takes to bring him home, or russia will continue a rusting more american whelan is the former us marine who is now been detained in russia sure. for 2000 days he was arrested in moscow in december 2018 and in prison on charges of espionage that he has consistently denied. cnn's jennifer hansler has this exclusive interview from his remote camp in more do via well, victor and amara, paul whelan seemed incredibly disheartened and in disbelief that he has spent this much time in russian detention. >> it has been 5.5 years. he called that an incredible amount of time noting that you go to high school, for example, you go to college. that's four years, five a half years, far surpasses those major life events. now, he is calling on the us government to take decisive action to bring him home. he wants them to pull out all of the stops in order to bring home both himself and detained wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich. this is what he described as some of those decisive action since that they could take a usb stick walton do something, it will fill up guantanamo bay with russian officials, rushed russian spies do something that makes the kremlin sit up and take notice and say, okay, yeah, right now it's time that we're going to get evan and paul back and then we want back what you've god of hours. and we'll call it a day now, we will end told me that he thinks to us government is taking his case seriously, but he wants them to take it more seriously. >> we know the us state department put forward what they described as a substantial offer to the russians to secure both paul and evans release but to this point, the russians have not said yes to that proposal, and we don't even know if there are actually seriously considering it at this point. now, paul has spent much of his time in russian detention in a very remote penal colony, about a day's drive from moscow in a remote part of russia called more do via. and when we spoke on friday, wieland describes this situation there as very grim. he said conditions are very poor. this is what he told me about it. >> everything is dusty and dirty and nasty and you do everything you can just stay cool and stay claims. the food were served as horrible we really do rely on personal purchases to stay healthy medical cares. >> now there is no dental care at all it's it's it's the worst environment you can imagine. >> i mean, it's unbelievable that anyone could even consider this human rights it's nothing that you can get used to. >> now, whelan wants the us government to press as hard as they can to finally end this ordeal and to bring him home. victor amara all right. >> the strain relations between the white house and israeli prime minister. we're getting some insight into this fight. benjamin netanyahu says that he went public about delays in the supply of weapons from the us because months of private discussions have not yielded any results. netanyahu told a cabinet meeting that there had been a dramatic drop in the supply of armaments arriving from the u.s. to israel four months ago. >> now this comes as rescue crews report casualties after the israel defense forces struck dozens of targets in southern and central gaza overnight, we will have a live report with details next hour. >> all right. still to come stuck in space. the return to earth for boeing's starliner crew has been delayed for a third time what will it take to get them home? will ask a former astronaut next today, four days before cnn's historic precedent. >> potential debate, potential trump vp governor doug burgum plus new york democratic governor kathy hochul on thursdays, big showdown between trump and biden, state of the union live this morning, get knocked like grimy film on your teeth. >> dr. g actually the buildup of fat bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpaste quit working minutes, but cresco helps 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bags, high-tech outdoor got it. got it. got it. >> so go get it at four for certain. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta. >> and this is cnn nasa has for the third times scrubbed the planned return trip for the two astronauts on board boeing's starliner aircraft spacecraft, i should say, nasa made the announcement friday night in a blog post further adding that there's no new date scheduled and also saying you won't happen until july. you might recall the starliner launched back on june 5 for its mission to the international space station. the entire trip is only expected to last it's about a week, but helium leaks and issues with the thrusters have delayed the spacecraft's return. let's discuss now with former nasa astronaut mike mass amino mike, thank you so much for joining us this morning. let's tell us more about this latest delay. a nasa saying that it will give them a chance to quote review you propulsion system data. what do you make of that and the fact that they haven't planned for a new date for undocking well, i'm all right. >> but kinda makes sense to me and i don't think it's necessarily bad. they did have some issues with the spacecraft. they had a helium leak they had helium leaks which they have i think solved now. so they're not leaking any longer. so that's good. they also had a couple of thrusters not work for them, but they've checked him out and now they're down only one thrusters, so 27 out of 28 work and that's pretty good too. so the spacecraft has been cleared for an emergency re-entry if they needed to get out of there in a hurry? they could. >> what's also contributing to this is just scheduling, logistics. >> there's a couple of spacewalks plan. they don't want to have too many big events, a kind of backing up against each other. so with a few spacewalks coming up and with the opportunity to study these issues a little bit longer, still going to give them some extra time on orbit, which is it's not a bad thing. nine days was the initial plan, but that really was a minimum. you can i think we should look at it. is that this spacecraft could stay on board of the plan was between nine and 45. that's the max. and getting some extra time is good. it gives that to astronauts sunny and butch and extra time on orbit. they can help out the crew that's already there and the team on the ground can take a longer look at the spacecraft, the service module where they had some issues, doesn't return to earth. that's used for re-entry, but doesn't come back to earth. the only thing that comes back is the crew module. so there'll be able to study the crew module when it gets back, but they want to get as much data on that service module is possible. >> got it. >> you said in case he needed to get it out in a hurry, they would be they wouldn't be able to under what cases where they have to get out in a hurry well, that would be really bad those are bad things like you have a deep press g pressurization of the iss are you have a fire or something really bad, an emergency situation and there's no indication that that hasn't happened in over the 20 years that we've had people on board the space station. so the reason that i bring that up is because if they really had to come home, they could the spacecraft has been cleared to come home. it's just now they have some extra time to check it out in a part of that is because they they'd like the extra time, but also with the logistics of the spacewalks and other things going on. it makes sense for them to stay on orbit longer. >> yeah. and these are professionals, right? i mean, the astronauts prepare for these kinds of situations, obviously, and they're also the ones who are helping with the repairs. is that right? >> yeah. so they're both test pilots and after remember, um, or this is a test flight. so they've have butch, butch wilmore, and suni williams, two of my good friends get a veteran astronauts with multiple flights and both test pilots, they were picked for that reason, if they're a test flight experience that they can check out a spacecraft. and so they've been trained to do that. that's what their mission is really all about. and so they're on board helping with that. at most of that work though really is going on on the ground to analyze the data and make decisions and come up with a plan that the crew can execute. so it really is working as a team team effort with both the crew and the ground team working together to make sure the spacecraft is checked out properly. because again, this is a test flight, but the next time it goes up, it's going to stay on orbit longer. it's going to be taking a crew to work on the space station for perhaps six months. so they really want to make sure that this thing is ready to go for that faith this is a separate program, obviously, but as you know, we all know boeing has had to deal with some pretty bad headlines over the past few months regarding its commercial jets in terms of the pressure that boeing must be feeling to successfully complete this mission without compromising anything that especially the safety of the astronauts. >> i mean, there must be a lot of pressure there maybe, maybe not. we when i was there, i think it's the same as it is. now safety is really most important and things get delayed. it takes a little longer. >> that's a lot better than having an accident or having something catastrophic happens. >> so i think yeah, maybe the outside we see it like that, but i really think that the operational people that are in control of this, the program director on nasa that you heard, steve, steve stich, the program director. he had a press conference last week with his team. the neck going to fool around with this. there it's not it's the astronauts lives, but it's also the future of their program and if it gets delayed a few more days to take extra time, if even if they'd come back and they said, well, we've got to wait a little while until we can launch again. >> that's that's all okay. >> when you have an accident, that's really bad. so i don't think they're that i got to play around here. they're going to make sure they make the right decisions, protect the crew and protect the program. >> oh, we can't wait to see them when they get get back home, back to earth. mike mess amino, great to see you. thank you so much comin up president biden, former president trump, scheduled four days from now to face off and cnn's presidential debate. we're talking preparations and messaging ahead. >> there's no war, so hateful war between kim war between tracks house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on mac. if you're about to replace your roof, stock, there's a solution about 80% less expensive, nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof max, guaranteed to extend the life of your current roof by five to 50 15 years at a fraction of the cost of a new roof. roof max is deep penetrating power restores flexibility and water protection nobody wants to replace 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brought to you by tableau. watch, pause and record live tv subscription free. start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing quarter today at tableau world leaders, we're dealing with tensions in front of the cameras. >> spies were working behind the scenes that the paranoia of the cold war brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. >> and now decades later as the desire for de-escalation remains prominent, the lessons learned from the cold war are playing rolling the current state of geopolitics cnn's gonna golodryga takes a closer look the fall of 1983 was a particularly tense moment in u.s. >> us-soviet relations hardliner and former kgb chief yuri andropov was wrapping up his first year in office this while ronald reagan delivered his famous speech describing the ussr as an evil empire, just months prior to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire to simply call the arms race at giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil. >> in september, the kremlin would face global condemnation after shooting down a south korean civilian airliner. and by november, the west was preparing to deploy cruise missiles in europe. all of this culminating in an annual name ito nuclear exercise known as able archer. the exercise fed into and drop-offs paranoia that the reagan administration was actively preparing for war potentially even using nuclear weapons in a first strike scenario. >> his idea is that the west is out to get us that paranoia it's close to the west by al gore, df scape, a kgb officer who was an agent for british intelligence. >> both sides were very, very afraid that the nuclear war they've been warning about for decades. now is almost they are coming to fruition now more than three decades after the cold war ended another former kgb agent driven in part by that same paranoia over western intentions and perceived threats, launched an unprovoked and devastating hot war in ukraine. >> once again, like his soviet predecessors, vladimir putin has amped up his nuclear threats against the west. >> president putin has made over nuclear threats against europe. >> at the new belief the able archer exercises would go forward that november. >> but were quickly followed by a ratcheting down of any perceived provocations and threats from the us thanks. in part to go to the fcc's valuable warnings and intel, they may be gordy of skis existing or maybe maybe not the appointment in 1985 of mikhail gorbachev as the new secretary of the soviet union, would later lead to continue de-escalation intention between the ussr and the us. the nuclear confrontation is a very, very real threat because if both sides think that the other side is willing and ready to do anything, that's one step away from from a disaster. >> nuclear war was ultimately averted in 1983. the hope is that the same can happen, in 2024. bianna golodryga, cnn, new york. >> and watch the finale of the cnn original series, secrets and spies, a nuclear game tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on scene oh, royal selfie, prince william met taylor swift backstage after attending a london show for his birthday. look at those big smiles will show you how he danced the night away next hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that's a really tough call. >> who are you? >> if you look at the latest data you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff life is better with the credit gods your side, rewards, once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback rewards and lins large if you have generalized myasthenia gravis picture would life could look like with viv guard high to low a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds for one thing could mean more time for you this guard 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forward. >> can we say that video again? i've for a second, i thought that the video was sped up because he is moves were pretty rapid yeah. >> i'm good with it. i know people are making fun of him for dancing and the way he's dancing. but he's into it. yeah. i mean, let the man have a good time. his birthday as his kids sees into the music, i'm all for it and he doesn't care. he knows people someone might be recorded. i mean, he's he's got some fast moves. i got to say though. >> but hey, he's having a good time, isn't a stadia means a future king. he knows somebody's recording for sure. let it loose.

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