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closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks, separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find at retailers like pet smart and petco tonight on 360 is this evidence of a president freezing up or if the video like another recent cliff, not quite what it here's new reporting on that also tonight from massive fires on one coast to a heat wave expected on the other, the latest on some are arriving with a vengeance and vladimir are putin's rare visit to north korea. >> what he wants from king kim jong un and the global implications there, meaning could have. good evening, thanks for joining us with the first presidential debate ten days the way plenty of sunstein, the campaign accelerating we'll have the latest and the competing claims about what if anything occurred on that stage with the president in los angeles. but comments he made onstage earlier that night indicate his campaign maybe sharpening its message on trump. in a conversation with president obama, jimmy kimmel, president biden took direct aim at trump saying, quote, what he did january 6 and now he's literally saying, if he doesn't win, there'll be a bloodbath. it's outrageous when he's talking about is outrageous. his campaign was more explicit in this new ad this election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself at a president who's fighting for your family now pointing out that donald trump is a convicted criminal, is something of a departure for the president and whose only rarely mentioned his opponents. 34 count new york felony conviction, or rarely a trump campaign spokesman framed differently telling you the new york times quote joe biden and his campaign are stupid enough to highlight how they've weaponized the justice system to attack the leading presidential candidate and their opponent in order to interfere in the election. that of course is an allegation. they frequently repeated though there's no evidence to back it up, that the federal government has weaponized the department of justice. as for trump, he is preparing supporters for more claims like he's made in 2020. here he is at a conservative conference in detroit on saturday, at an event hosted by charlie kirk and once again, he's talking about stolen votes and what he claims are dangers of mail-in ballots and i said to charlie and i said to michael, i said, listen, we don't need votes. we've got more votes than anybody's ever had we need to watch the vote. we need to guard the vote. we need to stop the steal. we don't need votes. we have to sell focus, don't worry about votes. we've got all the votes are these mail-in ballots? so treacherous that treacherous these boxes, these lockbox is horrible, horrible now, the same gather and the other party code chair who's married to his son, eric vowed to track down and prosecuted code. >> anyone who thinks about cheating in an election and who is the rnc chosen to run their so-called election integrity operation? attorney christina bobb, who was recently indicted in arizona and felony charges related to her alleged efforts to overturn president biden's victory. there you cannot make this stuff up. she has a mug shot also speaking detroit podcaster and former trump strategist, steve bannon, who is heading to prison shortly for contempt of congress he took his old boss is frequent promises or revenge if reelected and turn them up to 11 november 5 is judgment day january 20, 2025 is accountability de get every single receipt into the fullest extension of the law you are going to be investigated prosecuted, and incarcerated. ladies and gentlemen. it's very simple victory or death the man and according to a source familiar with the arrangement will report next month to the federal prison and danbury, connecticut, the former president meantime, would be sentenced in new york less than a month from now, a supreme court ruling is expected. >> any de on his claim of immunity in the january 6 case? we've never had to contemplate such a mix or any mix for that matter of court dockets and the election calendar before nor be reminded of it in a campaign ad, nor seeing the target of such an ad raised the possibility almost daily of more to come more now on what actually happened at the very end of president biden's appearance saturday in los angeles, namely, was the president freezing up? with former president obama by his side, or with a former president taking in the crowd is his supporters have suggested it's a serious question in light of the president's halting gate at times, but also in the recent wake of right-wing media selectively editing video to play mr. biden wandered off the g7 summit here's the video. and the moment in la saturday cnn's arlette saenz. was at the event joined just now. so what are the white house and former president obama saying about this? >> well, i understand this moment came at the very end of this fundraiser out in los angeles. and after president biden, president obama and jimmy kimmel had can finish their conversation can they stood up, went and wave to the crowd. then president biden looked out at the crowd for a few seconds before walking out with president obama. now, there have been republicans and right at leni in the media sites who have tried to argue that this shows president biden froze in that moment and had to be led off by president biden. that is president obama. that is something that the white house and allies are really forcefully pushing back against as dishonest eric schulz, a key adviser for former president obama, posted on x. this did not happen white house spokesperson andrew bates also posted saying by pretending the president taking it and applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong. all there really admitting is one once again, is they can't take on the leadership of president biden. this is something that also came up in the white house press briefing today, where the press secretary, karine jean-pierre's, said that this was because a moment clearly between two friends. they walked out arm-in-arm leading this events at a time when there have been some trying to suggest that this was a moment where president biden rose, that is simply something that the white house is pushing back against today. >> there's this other video person biden the g7 summit last week that went viral in right-wing media circles. what still? they just on that. >> yeah, i understand that's another video that the white house has been having to grapple with us since last friday. now this was a moment at the g7 when president biden and other world leaders were watching a parachute, a skydiving presentation, a take place. and after those parachute, us had landed, president biden a turned back from the group and went in and gave a thumbs up and was kind of engaging with them. but there was a post that was selectively crops that complete showed biden turning around without that fuller description of the world leaders having been there watching the parachute is land of even the parachute just been in that mitch this is something that the white house has been pushing back against a really trying to call out these types of videos specifically describing them as cheap fakes today, white house press secretary karine fuller, video that we're showing right now where you see they're actually human beings that he is interacting with or watching right? >> and the white house has pushed back on the more selectively he deceptively cropped videos that just seemed to show that president biden is just wandering, looking off with no context behind him that was actually happening there. and today, the white house press secretary said that this was another cheap fake video, and that these are being done in bad faith or let signs. >> thanks very much. johnny is now seen and political commentators adam kinzinger and paul begala also republican strategists, duck high and cnn news nine anchor abby phillip abbe, hub. i mean, this is certainly a sign of things to come on. this is not the first video that we're going to see like this. and i'm talking about yeah. >> i mean, on the one hand, president biden is an older man. he has moments where things are slower, where he's stumbling gates. there have been times when he's fallen. as this campaign is going on. he's going to be in the public eye a lot more the american people are going to see him a lot more. and with it are going to come times when things are signs of him and his advanced age. but other times when republicans, for whatever reason decide that rather than just taking the moment for whatever it is to deceptively crop it or edited or even manipulate these videos. i think it's going to be very difficult almost impossible for the average voter if they are just glancing by in this election to really evaluate all of this. and that's going to make this, i think one of the most messy cycles that we've had with two presidents who are in their 70s, 70s, and are in their 80s, who both have actually a lot of the same issues when it comes to yeah. >> doug. hi, i'm we're going to see a lot of these moments from both candidates. frankly, we've seen a lot from former president trump, not knowing people's names, making things, saying things which are nonsensical yeah. >> and look, this is where i think for the white house, they've got two things that they have to do. the trump campaign to some extent as well. one, they need to do better job of stage management of president biden or candidate trump, former president trump, to pushing back very hard when we see pictures or images that are edited or cropped, we know they've been done for a reason that's political. you gotta do a push poll here. you've got to manage your candidate, or you're principal better and you've gotta do a better job of pushing back fully fully in hardly when when you see these things happen, paul begala, i mean, you've been around a lot of campaigns. what do you make it this yeah, i think that's got good. >> if i actually propose let me give advice to the viewers confirmation see he's lost it. >> people like me who don't like trump, you know, how much it would take to convince me that trump murder jimmy hoffa and sank the lusitania. okay. like i don't believe anything bad about trump the people who are going to determine this election though they had sitting the republicans are set the bar for this debate so low that the people who have not been following this closely who don't already have a confirmation bias are going to expect joe biden to just stumble and be terrible if in fact he performs well. >> he may. thank you, republicans who are leaking the you're putting out these deceptively edited videos because it's setting the bar for his debate performance so low do you know how rare it is that there's a lusitania reference collision. i just all the shifts picked. i'm fascinated my grandfather was upcycled loose, attenuated my great uncle was on that ship actually. >> congressman know it's congressman for your loss. >> do you think this ad from the biden i mean, do you think this idea from the biden campaign of talking about him as a convicted criminal. do you think that's wise? i mean, aren't peoples beliefs about all of these kennedy is baked in it is, yeah, i mean, there's not a lot of people that are persuadable. >> i think they have to do it though, because if you think about it and that's the thing even with these videos, which are so dishonest, by the way, let's just be clear. their lives the way they added them. if you actually look at biden on that fundraiser if you zoom in on his face, he's his face is like smiling and he's looking around. it's only when it's pulled out, but i think calling him a convicted felon and reminding is a essential because the only people really at play here are the republicans that feel really sick about voting for a convicted felon. but maybe they don't like joe biden so it's important to hammer that home and remind especially in this ad they talked about the fact that he was found liable for sexual assault as well. that's an important thing to remind people of. and then in the middle, these are the low propensity voters that maybe don't pay a ton of attention that's where it's essential to remind them that he's been convicted. >> also, the second she will assault side of things because there's a significant amount of people that don't believe it and this is why as doug said, it is essential for the white house to continue or the campaign to continue to lean forward on when these lies come out, pushing back against them because as we all know, lies can travel around the earth twice before the truth you can put the shoes on people see these videos and they believe and we've got to keep pushing back anderson, if i can say that's all that's all true. but what i think is more interesting on this, having written add scripts before, no, paul has is the phrase he's in it for himself. and that's message that they've tested at the biden campaign. clearly, they're going to look at what the reaction from this ad and maybe further adds on this are saying, we may hear a lot more of that phrase and how they can use that as a campaign to push back on donald trump. everybody knows that he's been convicted of a lot of felonies. they're going to they're going to talk about that. he's in this for himself is different and very specific phrasing that was chosen very deliberately. >> it's a character tests that they're trying to set up for voters. more so than in any of the specifics of the convictions i mean, the trump pushback, which is that you're reminding them that they're weaponizing the government. that i think is such a second next level thing, what the biden campaign wants to do is just say to voters this is the same guy that you may remember from back in 2020 who you didn't like his karam that's the reason that he didn't win that election. i think a lot of voters in the previous cycle, in particular with trump they were exhausted by him and his antics. they were disgusted by some of his behavior around covid and other things. the biden campaign has to remind voters not just of what trump has done, but who they want them to believe trump actually is as a person, the character of it all. >> and somebody who does not want to see former president trump reelected how much joy does it give you to see the former president? talking about how bad mail-in voting is. and continually talking about stolen votes yeah, it there's two trump campaigns. >> there's the one that i've been impressed by the professionalism of a susie wiles, chris lacivita. these professionals who trump is brought in, who were not part of its original cohort and then there's the real donald trump who just can't help himself voters should know mail-in voting is perfectly safe. it's very accurate. the entire state of utah votes by mail and nobody accuses utah of having a corrupt electoral system. and much most or all of colorado's does. so. it's really damaging to trump in his folks must be like completely angry about it, but i'm wondering back to doug's point, the message that wins this election for biden is trump's in it for himself. amen it for you. >> do you think they'll be like why? >> yes. because it applies before i happen to believe it's true. i think again, i don't like trump the strikes me as slightly self-interested, maybe a little self-absorbed and you can fix, you can, you can funnel every issue through it on the economy. >> trump cares about himself. he wants to cut taxes for himself and his fellow billionaires. you've got to cut your medicare social security pay for it on immigration trump killed the strongest border security bill in a generation, y to help himself and to hurt you. >> every issue you can bring back to pushing on a very open-door that people think trump is enough for himself. >> to me, that's the whole election. i'm gonna count how many times joe biden readies is that in the debate and ten days better be in the triple digits? >> all the gala adam kinzinger, doug hi, thanks very much. abby phillip, see you at ten for news night next to the latest on how he's kennedy's preparing for the scene and debate. and one of the former president is now relying on the senator. he one's called little marco to help him get ready. also with the state of michigan so close and so important how progressive group? hello femmes for dams is trying to keep it in the biden column this fall carney isolde, it's gotten me. >> i saw them. that's what i said. >> godden and saada got how to meet juicy gardenias rnas and use holes. >> you don't roll on rows a us bank and we say we're in it with you. >> we mean it not just for the good stuff. >> the grand opening celebrations, but for all the hard work he took to 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trump who are ones harsh critics of his is a long one case in point. the republican senator who was tapped to help his former rival and tormenter prepare for the upcoming cnn presidential debate. here's randy k you have a little marco rubio during the 2016 campaign, one of donald trump's favorite targets, republican senator marco rubio this little guy has lied so much about my record. >> we go the person felt my record now, that same marco rubio is helping trump prepare for the upcoming cnn debate against president joe biden is really large years the biggest years i've ever seen for awhile. >> rubio put up trump's attacks in 2016, then decided to go on the attack mocking the size of trump's hands is like 62, which is why i don't understand why his hands or the size of someone who's 5-2 and you know what they say about men? small hands you can't trust them. >> for trump, pushed back during this fox news republican debate he hit my hands. >> nobody has ever hit my is i've never heard of this. what look at those hands? are they small hands? and he referred to my head ends if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you there's no problem. i guarantee rubio wasn't just trump's punching bag at this republican debate in new hampshire in 2016, chris christie painted rubio as a robot programmed with leinz from his own debate preps beliefs about what he considered obama's liberal agenda. >> and let's dispel once in fraught with this fiction that brock obama doesn't know what he's doing, that that's what washington dc does. the drive-by shot at the beginning with incorrect and incomplete information and then the memorize 25 seconds speech. that is exactly what devices, even after that, rubio repeated the so-called canned line. >> again, here's the bottom line. this notion of brock obama doesn't know but what he's doing is just not there it is. he knows exactly what to memorize 25 seconds speech. that's there. it is there any campaign is so important because i think this notion, i think this is important point marco marco the fingers, this when you're prezi united states, when you're governor of a state, the the memorize 30 32nd speech we've talked about how great america is at the end of it, doesn't solve one problem for one person. three days after that debate was the new hampshire primary on february 9, 2016? it's team rubio finished in fifth place almost 25 points behind trump. at the time, rubio cited his own debate performance are disappointment tonight is not on you it's on me it's on me i did not i did not do well on saturday nights. >> so listen to this. that will never happen again yet last year when kristie jumped into the 2024 presidential race, rubio was quick to dispel the notion that kristie played a role in his failed 2016 campaign? >> any political reporter, commentator claiming kristie ended my campaign in 2016 is lazy or dumb. new hampshire debate sucked because instead of hitting back when attacked, like i wanted to, i listen to advice about pivoting and not punching down on a chris christie who was at 7% and about to drop out but it didn't. and my campaign and randy joins us now it's entering i mean, two, you know, there have been some talk about obviously, rubio is a vice presidential candidate. >> what's the latest your hearing? >> all the reporting really indicates anderson that rubio is very much a contender, but it's complicated and it's not just complicated because of their rocky history. it's complicated because of this provision in the constitution long story short, if trump does pick rubio as his running mate, there is a provision in the constitution that says electoral college votes from their home state of florida can't go to both of them. so in other words, there's a penalty and of course a massive disincentive for someone to pick a running mate from the same state we saw this in 2000 george bush and dick cheney, they were both from texas. cheney moved to wyoming, so they didn't lose any electoral college votes. so if trump were to pick marco rubio as his running mate, one of them would have to move away from the state of florida, randi kaye. thanks very much appreciated. joining us now is republican debate coach and strategist brad o'donoghue, former chief strategist two, michele bachmann is presidential campaign. it's worked for six republican presidential candidates, including mitt romney. doesn't make any sense you, that rubio is reportedly involve at least allegedly on a policy level, informed president trump's debate prep. i mean, just watching him being decimated by chris christie. there's is painful well, everybody has a bad debate every now and then, but marco rubio was pretty good. and in the 2016 debates and more importantly than that, he's been involved in very significant detailed policy issues as united states senator. and so my guess is he's helping president trump get up to speed. heat on some of the policies that he might get asked about in the debate. and sharpen maybe some of the attack leinz that you can use against joe biden in the debate as well. >> you've watched the foreign present obviously, debate. i mean, he's not somebody who in debate prep from everything, all the reporting gets deep in the weeds on policy issues. i mean, it seems like he is more about moments and sort of lines of attack for them going. >> well, that's what debates are about. debates are about being able to push a message and have moments where you exercise competitive advantage over your opponents, but you also have to be up on the major policy issues that congress has been debating. because joe biden's inevitable we're going to ask about some of those and you'll have to give an answer as to what his position is on some of them. so yeah, i think the president is largely about moments, but marco rubio is probably helping with both the moments and the policy. so i think i think we're, you know, we're making a lot about this instead. it's really about the person who's going to be debating and that's donald trump and joe biden. and what they bring to the debate, what do you expect from this debate in terms of their, their, their styles are strategies well, you have two people who don't like each other very much and so the question becomes, can they keep the debate centered on issues rather than themselves? and i think that's true for both of them. if donald trump debates like he did in the second debate, i think that will favor former president trump if he debates like he did in the first debate, i think that plays into joe biden's hand and so the challenge is, for donald trump to make this a referendum on joe biden's policies. and the challenge for joe biden is to make this a choice between him and president trump if you are advising both campaigns well, i mean, even by presidential campaign standards, there's obviously a lot of animosity between them. i want to play one more of that heat exchange from their first debate that you were just talking about in 22 20 the question. >> the question, justice left. would you who is on your list? you don't you write, gentlemen, i think just on the courts are not going to give a look i mean, would you obviously that was not good for the former president know and i think actually the cnn rules that you all have put in place actually help president trump. >> you're going to cut microphone's off for those whose turn it is to speak. and i think that will actually help president trump. >> but no, it's not. i think the obvious thing for president trump is to get joe biden talking, to get them talking about as policies. and to make him account for the last four years of his record. that's the that is the argument that president trump has to make much of the american public doesn't find the policies of joe biden very appealing they view them negatively. and so it's an opportunity for president trump to have joe biden defend his record that's that's the challenge for president trump to stay out of his way and force biden to defend the record of his last four years. the challenge for biden is to actually get under president trump skin and to make them interrupt and remind folks of some of the qualities that they find less than during expectations, obviously for president biden and a lot of people are going to be looking wondering if critics, variety that he's diminished in some way or it doesn't have the stamina to be president, how risky is it for the trump campaign to effectively be lowering expectations for their opponent people were where the state of the union president biden, had a combative performance with members of the audience and that seemed to work in his favor. >> yeah. i think the state of the unions different from debates he's in the crucible of arguments at that point and i think that the expectations should be rather high for president biden after all, he is the president of the united states. he has a record of four years that he has to defend and and, you know, that usually causes incumbents to stumble in their first debate. if you look back at the history of presidential debates, you, you look at obama in 2012, did not perform well in that first debate president bush who i worked with, did not perform well in the first debate in 2000 on four and ronald reagan didn't do very well in the first debate in 1984. so i think those expectations should be higher on president biden. he is the sitting president and i think that the campaign should not be lowering those expectations. rather, donald, thanks so much. next, however, progressive group in michigan called femmes for dams, is trying to secure another victory for biden. biden in the key swing state that and what inspire the group's founder to take action this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results follow the facts, follow cnn the bike riders good guys together. >> what do 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we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. >> if your dog suffers from fear of thunder fireworks, separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find it. retailers like pet smart and petco the 2024 election, like the one in 2020, will likely come down to a handful of key battleground states, including michigan, which president biden flipped from red to blue four years ago. >> that's why, as we mentioned earlier, the former president has been saturday campaign hey, there. michigan is also among several states with biden campaign is rolling out that new ad highlighting that trump is now a convicted felon given how close michigan is every detail could matter, including the efforts of a progressive group called femmes for dams soon as miguel marquez has more my name is laurie and i'm a real tour. i'm a mom. and i am a democrat, but all right. for those of you that don't like that, i could almost be a republican because i've had four kids and republicans really like women when they have babies before 2016, i didn't even vote a lot. and not only did i not vote regularly i didn't pterygoid voted for if democrats want to win michigan, you have to win open county. i take it? yes where swing-state joe biden needs us in order to prevail against donald trump it's probably one of the most, if not the most important county what do you say to democrats out there? >> that are defeatist and think that it's a done deal and trump is going to win in november. >> if you really believe that's true, you have nothing to lose by putting your back into it. get out a little bit longer i started femmes for dams back in 2016 hillary clinton was running for president so then she was the first viable female candidate in my memory that could have one that's what inspired me. what keeps you up at night well you know, the outcome of this election, even though i know, i'm doing as much as i can, i alone or the people i work with can't guarantee the outcome? >> and my kids, i've sacrificed part of their childhood and my time with them it makes me cry when i think about it why, why does that get to you because i i hope it's been worth it how, many of these events have you done hundreds, hundreds? yeah. >> if hillary had won, i always tell people i probably would just gone back to my lazy ways, but she didn't. and now i know we can never sit down you are now officially a member of the fence community we are working like crazy. >> we are doing postcards that's what we are canvas soon. we are texts, banking if oakland county doesn't come out to vote, we're not going to win here. democrats that just say, you know what? we're done. >> no i say are you kidding me? that here, not here in michigan there are a lot of laurie goldman's out there, a lot and you know, i'm tired of the status quo i'm off. >> so that's what gets me going every day. i'm tired of being quiet that's miguel marquez reporting harry enten joins us now. >> so how tight or things in michigan i tighter than my first new york city apartment. let me tell you, smaller, tight, small, quite yeah. you look at the recent polling from there, you can find a poll that has donald trump up by a little bit. you can find polling the hedge, joe biden up by a little bit, but all within a few percentage points at this point, when you look at the polling averages, there is not a tighter state that i can find than the wolverine state, the state of michigan. >> and how necessary is michigan to a biden win? i do not envision an electoral map that joe biden wins the electoral college without carrying michigan. in fact, if you go back through history, as you know, i like to do sure. go you go back since 1,960, the only democrat to win the white house without carrying the state of michigan was jimmy carter in 1,976. and of course, if you remember for that election, you may remember that his republican opponent, which jerry ford, who is from the state of michigan, michigan. very good. so the fact is, if you're a democrat, you want to win the white house, you almost certainly have to carry michigan and the electoral maps. i'm looking at this time around suggests the exact same thing for joe biden. >> so which group is button actually doing well with in michigan? yeah miguel was reporting from oakland county. one thing that oakland county has a lot of his college graduates. so if you look right now in the polling and you look nationwide, you look in michigan, you see that joe biden is trailing what he's doing in 2020, except among white voters with a college degree where he's either holding up, are doing better. that is the exact same thing that's going on in michigan right now. he's actually doing doing better among white voters with a college degree of which there are many an oakland county, if he's going to win the state of michigan, he's going to have to do very very, very well with them, given how poorly he is doing with other groups. and right now he is and that's why the race is so close. they're all right, ariane, thanks very much. thank you. ahead of potentially record breaking heat wave expected across the midwest and northeast? plus major wildfires, scorching thousands of acres in california. take a little bit potential water war as well between the us and mexico. that's ahead the assignments are going on and playing the tornado here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> marlin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn at bus to credit. we know running a business takes everything you have, and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes every new challenges years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock you carry the weight of the problems for your resolved never wavers no one else can do what? >> you do. >> we know your drive. we know your determination. >> 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always put your interests first because we do better when you do better if fischer investments were clearly different tonight a, major heat wave is building up over the midwest and northeast with more than half the us population expected to be impacted. hundreds of records could be tied or broken this week in places like detroit, new york, and boston. meanwhile, california, there are two major wildfires it's the point fire and this an omaha area and the post fire in los angeles county. tonight much the state is under red flag. warning is more than 1,000 firefighters work to contain the flames. seen it it's camila bernal is in southern california for us, so i know the fire pass through the area where you are now. what what's it like now hey, anderson, it was raging flames through so this area and now what you see here all around me is what, 15,000 acres of destroyed land looks like. >> these have been fire-fighting efforts that have taken place on the ground and in the air. we are seeing firefighters throughout the day, just doing everything they can chainsaws let's hand tools to try to get the situation under control in this area. and then we've seen a number of water drops in the air. i talked to a firefighter who told me that they have been able to keep the lines today despite very challenging conditions. but unfortunately, we did see more evacuation orders today in addition to the 1,200 people that were already under an evacuation order. and so officials here just telling people to be ready to be packed in case they have to leave at a moment's notice, anderson and whatever authorities well, you while they're very worried specifically about tonight and specifically about the the wind increasing. you can see wind gust of 304050, maybe even 60 miles an hour. and that is the challenge for a lot of the firefighters take a listen to what the forest service is saying it means we're going to be tested especially tonight, ridge top winds are going to decline for 50 mile an hour. >> wind so i'm ready tops. and during the day of valley wins 25 plus. so where were augured in and we're making a stand anderson, we also talked about just how early in the season this fire comes and the concern for that. >> there's been a huge impact in terms of climate change and what you're seeing in the intensity of these fires, in the frequency of these fires, and just the terrain that is igniting these fires. in addition to what you're seeing now, which is the when so again, that is the biggest concern for firefighters and it is the biggest challenge for them tonight, anderson, camila bernal, thanks so much. nothing about this next item is gonna be held by a long hot summer, a potential border conflict between this country and mexico. >> it's all about water and how a lack of it is putting american farmers at risk. sienna, rosa flores has that story trump's 71 and grow in citrus. that's always been my passion. who says syllabus citrus growers and the rio grande valley of south tower next is takes us to a grove. >> he has an irrigated since january. >> well, this grove is about 25-years-old to show us how his life's work could be imperil due to lack of water. >> as you can see, the leaves folding and the fruit how small it is because we haven't been able to irrigate like we should the culprits he says are both natural and man-made. there's a years-long drought that has reservoirs along the rio grande at all time lows according to texas water authorities and a dispute between the us and mexico over an 80-year-old water treaty that has silva and many texas farmers blaming mexico for their misfortunes if we had water from mexico this is grow would be you're gaining right now i'm in south texas under the 19th 44 treaty, mexico, which you see over my shoulder across the rio grande, owes the the us about 390,000 olympic swimming pools of water. >> so far this five-year cycle, which ends october 2025 when mexico released water to the us in 2020, it sparked violent protests for mexican farmers currently about 90% of the country is enduring its most expansive drought since 2011, we have a 1944 mexico's foreign ministry points to that years-long severe drought and says it plans to meet its treaty obligations by the october 2025 deadline. >> but it's too late for some farmers not only have some citrus growers pulled and burn their wilted grows when you see this, it's just heartbreaking it just breaks your heart the entire south texas sugarcane industry is dead forcing the state's only sugar mill, a $100,000,000 business that employed more than 500 people too close in april, according to this man, do you blame? mexico? >> yes. i mean, this is not a act of god. this is a manmade situation. >> tutor, you'll horn is the chairman of the rio grande valley sugar growers. so is this equipment going to be sold? >> yes. and says a group of 90 farmers went from harvesting 35,000 acres of sugar cane and churning giant pile because if sugar like this one to producing less than 10,000 acres in february, do you impart blame the state department for not forcing mexico to provide the water? it's definitely the fault of the state department because this is occurred under republican administrations and it's recurring right now under a democratic administration, few start to feel like maybe the state department doesn't care about you very much the state department tells cnn that the agency continues to urge mexico to make water deliveries and continues to work with congress to resolve the issue we have to check with the water districts. we are in a crisis. >> it said meetings like the that will say is seen by advocates for the water he needs to save his wilting groves. >> is there something maybe you guys can do that? >> but after much discussion i'm sorry, we couldn't come up with a better solution where you, but the outcome was there's no water could this mean that some of your grip? bove's die. >> there's a, there's a good chance. yes it's really heartbreaking. >> it really hurts it really does and what's. >> next for these farmers in south texas who don't have the water to irrigate their grows well, anderson, they're praying for rain there, praying for hurricane, are praying for a miracle. >> anything that will help them say the citrus industry in south texas host as seen by who just met in our story, he even mentioned in the recent rains here in houston, he wishes that the state of texas would build pipelines to divert water from areas that flood, like some areas here to south texas, to save his citrus groves. but look, he has his eyes on the gulf of mexico right now because of the weather system that is developing there. i checked with the national weather service. they are expecting to get about four to six inches there in south texas. so that's what they're hoping for, but they're also hoping that it rains in mexico oh, so that the reservoirs in mexico can fill up so that mexico can pay up the water debt. >> and there isn't any more information about what, if anything, the us is doing pressure mexico to honor the water agreement you know, aside from what the state department is doing in the talks with mexico and mexican diplomats, a group of republican lawmakers led by congresswoman monica de la cruz, who represents the state of texas. >> they added language to the 2025 budget bill that in essence anderson, what it says is that the united states is not going to give mexico foreign aid unless mexico pays its water debt. now, as you know, we don't know so with the language will stick until this bill becomes law. but the point is exactly what you said. the point is to pressure mexico to pay up and give the united states the water under the treaty, there's a florida anderson, thanks very much. appreciate it. coming up next on tuesday, russian president vladimir putin travels to north korea for the first time in 24 years is schedule is to meet with its leader kim jong-un on where the two men are expected to discuss and why they're growing. cooperation is raising internet national concern. we have an update from matthew chance inside russia now don't cause bad debt holding you bac k all your ambitions all in one low fixed rates far-left to 100 cake no fees required. >> so phi get your money, right oh crap that's a really good gift. now, we gotta get frehse something. wait, we could use xi's gift mode. >> yes. >> what are the french like anyone cheese? they like cheese, brilliant, done that, do, do now on etsy, if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rent folk once once-daily pill when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with brin vote. when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got last thinks there right three remission with rent invoke check when my doctor saw damage, brynn helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and crohn's rapidly it's symptom relief 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than normal p calm download the free app. >> now, our malloc smartboard in washington, and this is cnn just hours from now, russia's president vladimir putin arrives in north korea for the first time in more than two decades to meet with its leader kim jong on putin's two-day visit is rare, comes as he seeks more support for his ongoing battle in ukraine we're now from cnn's matthew chance and moscow this is why for moscow, north korea has become so crucial fast supplies of artillery shells helping russian forces sustain a massive bombardment on the ukrainian front lines. >> russia and north korea deny arms shipments but us officials assess millions of rounds of already been delivered so now the kremlin says president putin and north korea's kim jong to it, a space center in eastern russia last year, will cement ties even further in a to de, visit to pyongyang is fueling concerns. this is fast becoming one of the world's most dangerous relationships but moscow was played down fears. it could swap sensitive nuclear missile technology sanctioned by the un for basic north korean amara and why don't you just case for lucky you, sorry, don't need the democratic people's republic of korea has its own nuclear umbrella. putin told russian state television earlier this year they haven't even asked us for anything, but he insisted russia's ringgold's hunter, anybody, but both countries, stand to benefit the kremlin says it's working with pyongyang on a new strategic partnership treaty to include security cooperation, as well as bolstering trade in food and fuel supplies states opposed to us power looks set to join forces undermining us allies in europe and the far east it's been more than two decades since putin last visited pyongyang back when kim jong il kim john moon's father ruled the country the newly elected russian president was trying to revive moscow's waning influence with an isolated and sanctioned regime now, russia is isolated and sanctioned by the west to finally giving moscow and pyongyang a common recalls matthew has a schedule or agenda been released for putin's true but the has yes, the kremlin say that there's going to be some treat treaties that are signed, agreements on trade and cultural contact because as well as a strategic partnership treaty at which both sides are currently discussing which they say will involve a security. there's also going to be a massive parade in the center of pyongyang. and in fact, satellite images of indicated the size of that in the main square, in the center of the north korean capital so that's something that we're gonna be kind of watching very closely. but i think the most interesting stuff that's going to be decided is the stuff that's not going to be made public. the stuff that's going to be agreed behind the scenes, things like ammunition, supplies in the future from

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