>> the push for loyalty there. if trump is looking for a loyal fighter on the ticket and one who says loyalty is incredibly important for everyone else. do jd vance showing that he is capable and willing capable and willing and flexible because we all remember back in 2016, he was one of those republicans who is very critical cool of donald trump, but looks so much has changed since then yes, he did win the straw poll at that conference over the weekend. >> he was also the only one of the potential vp candidates to actually speak in person at the event. so perhaps seeing him in the flesh was actually one of the reasons he was supported. but look, he has become one of the biggest defenders of the president. there was no no doubt that he is on the shortlist. we know this because he's been spending significant time with former president donald trump. he'll be doing so again on thursday evening in cleveland, when trump goes there for a fundraiser, jake, so much of this vip stakes, if you will, husband sort of playing out right in front of our eyes, these auditions have been happening in real time. the former president well, pick one or a couple of them to fly with him to travel with them to appear at rallies with him. and he wants the buzz in the conversation to be about all of them as he makes up his own mind, talking to trump advisers. they say, look, he is going to make up his own decision. he is not going to get a much input from the outside, but it's who he feels comfortable with. but there's no doubt j.d. vance at 39-years-old, the youngest person on the list has proven himself as a strong fighter and defender of trump on television and we know that that is what the former president likes more than anything, perhaps his skills on television, he's ambitious though the question is he too ambitious? that'll be one of the questions. wait here. >> so speaking of people who sounded very different about trump in 2016, as they do now in 2024, senator marco rubio of florida, they fought each other for the republican nomination. now, rubio was reported to be there near the top of trump's shortlist as well. >> he is, and we all remember those fiery debates when the two would stand on stage and marco rubio the time a took great pleasure in making fun of donald trump. >> all that is in the past, i was talking to a rubio adviser, um, earlier and reminded me that they actually a bury the hatchet, if you will, during the trump administration, president a trump had senator rubio and his wife over to the white house for a series of dinners they made a friendship then, and he worked with him in the administration. there is no one who has been on the record so much against trump, who has completely changed his tune. he is absolutely a strong defender of donald trump. it would also bring several things to the ticket get one challenge, of course, he is a resident of florida trump, also a resident of florida. the constitution essentially prohibits that. it's not been a tested woody move someplace else would trump ignore that. we will see, but there's no doubt that marco rubio is now in trump's good graces those insults of 2016, ancient history. >> yeah, i do remember when bush pick cheney, they were both texas residents and cheney just moved back to his home state of wyoming, theoretically, i guess trump could move to new york just because marco rubio doesn't have anywhere to move back to north, nothing trumps moving anywhere though that's the question is rubio going to move somewhere else? we'll see what we're anyway, north dakota governor doug burgum doesn't have the same name. >> recognition is a vance or rubio, but then also might be part of the appeal for trump exactly. i mean, one thing he is, he so wealthy businessman. this is something that donald trump likes more than anything. and look at him there he is central casting in the view of donald trump in terms of good looks there. again, a wealthy businessman, he made his money in microsoft, he sold his company in north dakota, a self-made man without question there he tried to run and for president earlier, this is cycle. most people likely don't remember that. that's also good because his insults of trump are a few and far between. he once said he wouldn't do business with him. he corrected that over the weekend. he said, of course he would do business with them so the rolodex that doug burgum has a could be very important to the former president. but jake, these are only three. if we look at the full list here of people that donald trump is considering, it also includes some other name's tim scott, for example, the senator from south carolina, elise stefanik, of course. she's in the house byron donalds, also in the house? ben carson, of course, they close friend of donald trump's. and on from there. so one thing we do know, that one month from today, this person, whoever it is, is likely to give a speech in milwaukee at the republican national convention as the vice presidential nominee jeffrey got, tom cotton also sandi tom cotton also, sorry, i did not see him on the list, yes. senator from arkansas. >> we just had them on state of the union. yes. exactly. and his wife from nebraska, of course. so he is also on the list, but one month from today, there'll be no walkie rascals own jeff's, eleanor. thanks so much. appreciate it. let's bring in our political panel of bring him back to weigh in on this and more, let's stay with the va keep stakes. congressman byron donalds was on the graphic there, a florida and he is not shy about explaining why he would be a good running mate here he is on meet the press. they could listen it's obviously the toughest job, the biggest job, not just in our politics, but really frankly in the world look, i think that i would have an ability to step in. i'm actually pretty intelligent. i can sift through issues really, really well. do i believe in myself 100% i do what you are a former trump administration official from trump white house official. >> who do you think would be the best pick? i'm not predicting. i'm not saying tell me what you think troubled by cpu. do you think would be the best pack? i think there's several great candidates get some who had pick one governor doug burgum unquestionably qualified and questioned whether it's the private sector as governor, senator tom cotton i think senator tim scott center, marco rubio maybe congressman byron donalds, but i'll tell you that byron donalds is clearly not shy about it, but it's also earned a lot of goodwill with donald trump because you've got to remember i have all those candidates, only one of them was actually introducing ron desantis the night that he won reelection as governor and his byron donalds, he and his wife are close personal friends with governor desantis, yet he became with the highest profile endorsers and most active surrogates for donald trump of that primary process during gate built them. >> a lot of goodwill with president trump in those around him we'll see if he actually makes the final cut, but i expect it's i think it's unlikely it's gonna be someone from the house, so probably be someone who either served his cabinet or is it a senate or maybe a gun governor he didn't narrow it down at all. all right. anyway, on saturday night at a democratic fundraiser in los angeles, president biden had a lot to say, atlantic. he was very, very critical of us supreme court. here's just an excerpt the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today i mean, never i taught constitutional law for nine years. this guy knows more about it than most look, fact of the matter is that this has never been a court that's been this far out of step. >> this is a big issue for democrats. i think. >> yeah, it's a huge issue. i mean, i i've been on the road with a lot of democrats over the past couple of years talking to voters on both sides of the aisle about the supreme same court. and this is the lowest polling and confidence that we have seen in the supreme court's, you have a lot of voters, majority of voters wanting ethics reform, wanting expansion or term limits. and a lot of this happened after the dobbs decision and the polling shows that the decrease in confidence continued after affirmative action so we see that there are a couple of supreme court justice who have openly say that they want to retire under a republican president. this is the critical issue that should move a lot of democrats and it has been an issue not just this election. hillary clinton also talked about in 2016. obviously we know how that campaign went, but i think more of our base is paying attention to what is happening especial a dobbs in the affirmative action, it's a smart strategy to run on. >> i think there are probably trump's supporters out there who think that if donald trump said this about a liberal us supreme court, people would be setting their hair on fire. yeah, saying look at this, he's going up, the judiciary has no respect, for instance tuitions. do you agree do you think that there's a double standard here? i do think that present biden has to be very careful in the way he's talking about these issues. otherwise, it's going to undermine what he's now saying. it's the entire premise of his campaign that he is saying that he is the one that's going to defend american institutions, defend democracy well, last time i checked the constitution, the supreme court is a third coequal branch of government and so if he's going to show respect to the institution, clearly he's going to disagree with supreme court rulings, right? i mean, we've had presidents for since our founding, disagree with supreme court rulings. but to go after them as an institution, i think does a lot to not just undermine the credibility of the institution because undermine the key argument he's trying to make this campaign but respectfully, matt, we might disagree given our positions and our sides of the aisle, but i think the conversation around respecting the institution comes when there are conservative justices who aren't reporting the trips that they're taking. >> they're not holding themselves accountable to the way that their wives are showing up and very partisan ways let's talk, but, that is where the american people have raised their concerns. and therefore, we know how a conservative president will appoint justices who are loyal to him versus loyalty to the constitution, which we have seen so many of these activist justices do so, but i'm sure you would agree with one part of what i'm going to air right now, what we're going to run right now from president biden i'm still talking about the us supreme court and what the stakes are when it comes to the november election regarding the court, let's roll that tape the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees two more, two more? >> he's already appointed to that are been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. the idea that if he's reelected, he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really i'm i really mean so first of all, just for the record, trump appointed three supreme court justice is not to but beyond that, here are the ages of supreme court justices. thomas and 75. alito, 74, robert, 69. so to my your 69, i mean, he's not wrong. whoever wins in november could appoint two, maybe even more. >> and look, that was a big reason why conservative voters in 2016 who were still a little skeptical of donald trump as a candidate. that point came around his candidacy. i mean, i remember looking at pulling in. we're just talk about michigan for conservative evangelical western michigan had not come on board with donald trump until really the last couple of months. part of it, he campaigned on the supreme court justices and the types of folks who's going to put out there. he put out a list of potential supreme court justices. it's an issue that mother, federalist society put out the list so get it together. he signed a campaign on filling that stolen seat. that mitch mcconnell tech from the from president obama, speaking of the supreme court lengthy, i want to get your take on this this morning. trump posted to truth social quote, if a president does not have immunity, the court will be opening the floodgates to prosecuting former president and opposing hostile party will be doing it for any reason. all of the time this is of course about the immunity case that we're going to hear from the supreme court is going to rule in the next few weeks about whether or not and to what degree they think donald trump has immunity from prosecution if at all? >> look, i think this speaks to what i was saying earlier about president trump is about loyalty to himself and that loyalty to the constitution we have seen some of these justices the way that they have decided in these cases are very much aligned with some of their outspoken lives who are in donald trump's pocket. and so ginni thomas and martha-ann alito exactly and so he's signaling directly to those justices what he wants them to do and to be honest, that is extremely partisan and very concerning and throws out the loyalty to the constitution that we've been talking about. >> i'll just say real quickly that those supreme court justices have impeccable credentials impeccable education on both sides, by the way, on both ideologies. i think they're making up their own decisions, not just because their spouses telling the role one layer. thanks to both of you, appreciate it. always good to have you both next on the lead quote, we have to do better. co-chair of columbia university's taskforce on antisemitism, revealing allegations of emendation and harassment and discrimination against the school's jewish students. plus a key tasks for democrats as they look to sharpen their messaging ahead of november. why one race in new york is getting so much attention? >> they 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quote foster a community as columbia university president minouche shafik put it where debates and disagreements are rooted. an academic rigor and civil discourse. where are you right now in the process? >> questions of harassment, intimidation hey i'm just paying isolation discrimination every word you could think of came out from students experience since is jewish students experiences at columbia making it very clear to us that a lot of system in place are not working for jewish students. what we found in the listening sessions were essentially students who felt like the burden was on them to resolve it. >> professor fuchs says they found that one professor came across what may have been a jewish sounding name before an exam and ask that student to explain their views on the israeli government's actions in gaza. also, that another professor told their class to avoid reading mainstream media to clearing quote it is owned by the jews to ask the student to defend the policies of our government in israel because they are jewish, is i don't even have words to say how ridiculous that is, but also how intimidating that is for weeks, columbia university was that the focal point of nationwide protests on college campuses over the israel-hamas war. some of those nationwide protests, scott violent in and around columbia's campus. there were similar dynamics, especially just outside campus, but at the very least, there was palpable tension. some jewish students felt unsafe to the point they chose to leave campus in the lead up to graduation. we also heard from jewish their students who did not feel that way, who said they did feel safe on campus. and we also heard from muslim and arab students who also felt unsafe. i know this is an anti-semitism task force, but play appropriate question. but, but how do you deal with that dynamic? >> we are hoping that our recommendations will be relevant and be used to deal with all students who are feeling unsafe or discriminated against. we were asked to be the antisemitism task force to do the work around that the president try to constitute an islamophobia taskforce and could not find faculty to be on it. we would have preferred to have it as islamophobia to ask what's right next to us doing the work with us because this is a broader issue at a university official told cnn they didn't get enough professor bye in that for the administration, there was a will, but no willingness from those were calling for it. >> the university has to do better. >> you know, if we're, if we're about educating which is our primary mission, education and research are our primary missions. >> we have to do better the taskforce already put out a report largely focusing on columbia's rules around an protesting and recommendations on that front, which the university president says, she she supports. >> but this next report is one that's going to focus a lot more on campus climate that's where we're going to see some of their in-depth reporting about from these listening sessions that we've got some details of here,y of faculty that for that super majority they were not behaving in some of those egregious examples that were described. for example, asking a student or a particular student to defend a government's policy. but the fact that it happened bint was still concerning to this task force and they tell me the next report will also take a look at all the systems that are currently in place to report incidents like that, not just for jewish students, but for all students that are facing discrimination in this front and throughout all of this, it's a task force the university officials tell me has the full support of not just university president minouche shafik, but the wider administration as well, jake. >> all right. omar jimenez in new york. thanks so much. appreciate it. now in our politics lead a major task for democrats in a hotly contested district in new york, new york 16th congressional district, which includes parts of the bronx and westchester county. the primary is next week and eight days. it's an ugly primary race with israel's war on hamas at center-stage, the incumbent is congressman jamaal bowman he has been courting the progressive democrats critical of israel, such as aoci on the squad, as well as supporters of senator bernie sanders, his challenger george latimer, is backed by hillary clinton and more establishment democrats as well as the pro israel group, apac, cnn's gloria pazmino lays out the high-stakes race jamaal bowman is in a fight for his political life and the two term congressmen seems to know it. when my election one step closer to getting to go back to washington. >> but a series of political stumbles and democrats serious divisions over the israel-hamas war have put the left-wing congressmen at risk of losing his primary one such misstep bowman had to plead guilty to a misdemeanor after he pulled a fire alarm inside a house office building during a vote last year, then some of his past blog post resurfaced, showing he took an interest in 911 conspiracy theories bowman says he regrets to post but he also says some of the criticism he's faced is political those who are outspoken and fight for justice challenge power there's always pushed back on what i say bowman faces a challenge from westchester the county executive, george latimer, a familiar face in parts of new york's 16 congressional district. >> i may not look progressive by my demographics, but i am the to win after each other in a debate over differences in class, race, and vision for the future of the democratic party. >> there's dual to say anything i think it's time for us to pull the truth along. jamal, because you constantly misrepresent the truth, please stop it. stop. you're lying. >> bowman's early comments on the israel-hamas war led to ugly attacks on both sides bowman was forced to backtrack after calling reports ports of sexual assault during hamas's terror attacks in israel on october 7. propaganda while bowman was one of the earliest and most outspoken members of congress to call for a ceasefire. >> even the liberal repro peace pro israel lobbying group j street dropped its endorsement of bowman, saying the past few months have however, highlighted significant differences between us in framing and approach that latimer has racked up support from the local democratic stablished meant, including westchester county resident hillary clinton and the influential pro israel lobbying group, apac, has poured millions into the race. >> george latimer has sold out to republican funded aipac boolmin voted against resolutions to condemn hamas during a recent debate, latimer said, bowman's constituency is dearborn, michigan a reference to the city with the country's largest arab american community. speaking to union members just passed saturday. latimer said bowman is chasing social media attention and airtime rather than prioritizing the needs of the district and know what a legislator has to do. and it's not just get headlines. >> bowman, who has the backing of congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator bernie sanders has hit back he's not running for the brock's. >> or mount vernon on newer shallow yonkers. he's not running for the people he's running for netanyahu and he's running for the wealthiest constituents in our district. >> the district covers parts of the north bronx up to westchester county and is home to some of the wealthiest suburbs in america. a large jewish population and a majority of non-white black and latino voters many of them told us they're paying attention now jake, we spoke to many of those voters over the past week and the beginning of early voting, they told us that they're also worried about public safety, the cost of housing, the cost of food. >> what there also paying attention to what these two candidates have said about the war. now jake, just like in any other close election, this is going to come down to turnout, particularly in areas where bowman is popular. but so is george latimer partly because he has a long standing record and has represented areas in that district for a long time all right. >> gloria pazmino, new york. thanks so much for that. appreciate it. coming up next to cnn exclusive interview with two of the women who testified against harvey weinstein. their new mission as the former hollywood mogul faces of potential retrial debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america begins june 27. >> it's trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old the maginot what the gobi i lost 35 pounds as some lost the war, 46 pounds we go the and i'm keeping the weight off. we go be helped you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk. we go v is the only fda 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of harvey weinstein, women who testified against the hollywood producer are speaking to cnn detailing how his trial and now his overturned conviction have up ended their lives. and now some of these women have a new fighters. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister reports were us, they're working to change the laws that led to weinstein sex crimes conviction being overturned. >> in the first place. >> this has been such a long or deal for me you know, i would love to have that closure. >> closure that for don dunning will have to wait. her testimony as a supporting witness against harvey weinstein is among the evidence that led to his historic sex crimes conviction in 2020. it's also why the new york court of appeals overturned that conviction. this april ruling that too many women, like dunning testified to prior bad acts, even though weinstein wasn't facing charges in their cases, i think there's a lot of these nuances and these loopholes that just don't make sense. >> and really need to be updated. dumbing in others pushed for laws allowing supporting witnesses to testify in new york sex crimes cases. state lawmakers proposed a bill that passed the senate, but failed to pass the full legislature before the session ended last week another setback for dunning on a personal level what would you tell these lawmakers? i would feel let down and i would also feel like it could prevent other women from coming forward as well. women like tara wolf i just ball also one of the supporting witnesses who testified against weinstein in 2020, then struggled process the fact that the conviction was narrowly overturned because of testimony like hers, the idea that to many assaults is too much for them. >> it also highlights for me what needs to change. wolf plans to advocate for the new york law in the next legislative session. but for now, worries about what could come next. >> you're supposed to be judged on the facts of the case, weinstein and his legal team are also appealing his california conviction, which led to a 16-year prison sentence in 2022, even though california is one of 16 states that do have laws allow and supporting witnesses to testify to prior bad acts and sex crimes cases. >> weinstein's lawyers claimed a jury was prejudiced. one told of the prior new york conviction, he came into that courtroom with a stamp of convicted felon on his back, and that it was done. so fairly. and that turns out not to be the case at all is there any feeder in your mind that there could be a day? >> we're that appeal is successful when they filed for appeal in new york, i refuse to believe that was possible. this can happen. >> and then it did because all i really have is the hope that the laws are different there. and strong enough to hold in fact, conviction. >> weinstein has repeatedly denied that he ever sexually assaulted women, but accusers like dunning's say they live in fear that weinstein, who has been accused by more than 100 women of sexual misconduct won't be held accountable for his crimes. >> the thought that that he would be free again, it's terrifying. i know everyone thinks he's so old and frail and sick, but he's never going to stop. he never will stop now, jake, as we know, the manhattan da's office intends to retry this case and they say it out. trial can happen as soon as this fall new york prosecutors have said they are in touch with many women who were not comfortable to come forward in 2020, which was a different time, but now they may be willing to testify by. new york prosecutors have indicated that there could be a new indictment coming against weinstein. now, when i spoke to john dunning, who we saw in that piece, i asked her if she knows that there are other women and she says yes, there are absolutely other women who alleged that they have been assaulted by harvey weinstein, but they've been too scared for a myriad of reasons to come forward jake elizabeth wagmeister. >> thank you so much for that report. a new warning today from the us surgeon general. he is putting the addictive nas of social media in the same category as tobacco and alcohol. what this might mean for your kids, that's next wednesday. cnn celebrate juneteenth special deformities by john legend smokey. robinson we still have a lot of work to do, jude celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday at ten on cnn what if we don't get down in time to get a birthday gift for zoe, don't panic with etsy. >> we can find the perfect gift and center a preview right away thanks guy don't panic, just easy with etsy. >> this is easiest nontoxic swap. you'll ever make women to paste made by dentists designed to break up and removed toxins in the mouth a little deep, clean your teeth waiting your teeth without any sensitivity. find illumina toothpaste at a walmart and target a us bank. we know how good it feels to reach your milestones but we also know what really he goes into getting you there. that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you 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tech lead it today and urgent warning that all parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children, need to hear the us surgeon general was now demanding that congress passed legislation to put warning labels on social so media apps, dr. vivek, murthy says that like cigarettes and like alcohol, social media can be extremely damaging to the health of people, especially the health of young people. >> specifically dr. murthy says, social media can have detrimental effects on mental health for adolescents and drastically increase their risk of depression joining us now, media commentator, cnn contributor kara swisher. qarrah, do think warning labels might actually help. do you think kids are going to pay attention to them? do you think parents will well, it's a comparison to cigarettes that's what they're trying to do here. so i think yes, it would warn them people would see it. i think probably cigarette smoking did go down when you started to explain to people the deleterious health effects? i think the big question is, does it have deleterious health effects? because the studies are kind of mixed and it's not very clear that needs to be more studies. and does it violate people's first amendment rights? i so there's a lot here compared to a cigarette compared to cigarette smoking. >> to make clear that this is just a suggestion from the surgeon general. the warning labels would be legislative by congress. do you think congress yeah. would be willing to do that? >> no, i don't. i think some of them say there's enough warning that again, first amendment rights is another thing. others will say there's not enough studies done on this, although not too many, because a lot of people want to blame social media for that. and there's good cause to do so. but they also have to stress the good things about social media. there's all kinds of issues what exactly the impact is and i think that's what's wrong, but i think it's fine for the surgeon general to do this and talk about and call attention to the issues around mental health self-esteem of girls, issues around isolation of young man, and whether social media plays a role. so that's a good part of this a gallup poll from october said that teens and i have two teens spend an average of nearly five hours on social media per day. very believable and sounds a little low actually you know how the ins and outs of apps work. what can parents do right now if they're concerned about social media being bad for their kids a couple of things i think it's probably bad for people a little older actually, i think they're the ones that are spending more time on it, but you're right. i mean, the question is, should we age gait these things and age gating means that parents have responsibility of not letting them use these devices. i mean, you do have some control over your kids and you can and talk to them about it and not let them use it so much. i know it sounds like crazy, but the problem with social media and phones are parents are just as addictive as their kids, right? and so that's kind of a big issue. parents are using them in the same way that kids are slightly different way. it's a problem to do that, but i think probably you don't you tell them not to use them and take them away. but there's a lot of there's a big movement of removing them from schools at during the school day. and it showed some really good effects on schools. if you take the phone away lock it away for the school day and then give it back to kids. there's all kinds of different ways, but i think a lot of it is usage, not don't use it as much and deny them useless the gi know that controversial thing, but it's worked in a lot of places now, tiktok says that they do limit kids ages 13 to 17 an hour a day. >> but i'm sure kids easily get around that yeah. they can limited de they can it's up to the parents to do that and they're putting everything in the hands of the parents and when it's an addictive thing and they leave a lot about the addiction part of the sandwich. i think they should focus on. it's very difficult to do so. the question is, should it just be legislated that there's an age gating thing or should they do it at the app level and all kinds of things? but i think everyone's involved in this problem. everyone is addicted to it. and when you do use things like addiction, you think about warnings and you think about things like that. >> so it'd be really important to find out if it's actually doing that and getting a lot of proof and then building a case for it in congress. >> but that's going to be hard because the first amendment is also at play here compared to other health issues, china does not have the first amendment. they don't have a lot of freedoms and china, they know which their parent company started twitter they've taken drastic measures to limit screen time for chinese kids in china, they only allow people on under 18 to play video games between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekends or holidays, they have a 40 minute timer on the chinese version of tiktok for accounts under 14 i mean the fact that they do that for their own kids, and yet we see what tiktok is for our kids here in the united states seems to say a lot. >> it does say a lot. they want us to use tiktok because it's it's an app that has a lot of control over kids are has a lot of usage and it's a good thing for china to have that in this country. don't have other, other companies that do that you know, again, age gating is the way i look at it. i think if you have an h gate and we do that with movies, we do that with a lot of things. i think it might be really interesting way to do it. now, this, this call by the surgeon general, look some people in tech think it's a stunt. i think it's a good stunt to point out the problems that we can study them. and the same time get all the other problems that society that kids have around anxiety and all kinds of stuff like that. >> yeah, if it's a stunt, it just caused us to talk about this issue in a way that we wouldn't have had had the doctor morphinan announced that kara swisher always always good to see you thanks a lot. jay, surgeon general, dr. vivek murthy will join cnn's erin burnett tonight, 7:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. today, we're learning some new details about the upcoming russian trial of american journalist evan gershkovich coming up next, i'm gonna be joined by a lawyer who used to practice in russia with what we can expect when the wall street journal reporter appears in court hey, mom, how many should i decorated? have ran half blue. >> that's a really a tough call. >> who are you if you look at the latest data, you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. how this guy really knows his stuff crouch resilient creatures, true miracles of evolution, where there is one, others aren't far behind scavenging for food. the cockroach will, now that's horrifying you. it's favorite ortho home defense max, 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cameras, obviously, already, i was very skeptical that's a nice word for it. the gershkovich will be able to get a fair trial, but now behind closed doors. >> well, he has no possibility of getting a fair trial, even in the criminal justice system in russia, there is a 90 99% conviction rate in criminal cases. so there is no chance that he will get a fair trial it will there will be no chance for him to put on a reasonable defense he will be convicted and once he is convicted, then whatever negotiations between the united states and russia can take place. >> so today, us state department spokesman matthew miller said, quote, well, we have the salt, let's play that we will try to attend the trial as we tried to attend the trial of any american citizens who are detained in russia but ultimately, i don't, i don't have an answer for you yet whether that's gonna be possible is there any precedent for a us official attending a closed closed-door trial in russia? >> not that i'm aware of. >> i think they would have to have certain conditions even if to allow a us citizen to attend that trial. >> again, is an espionage trial. and they are basically trying to defend russian state secrets. and i don't think that they would really want americans to be in the courtroom so it's also very unclear that there's any actual evidence. i mean, obviously evan was working on a story, but the idea that he received or was trafficking in any sort of classified materials is has not been presented to anybody? know. and there is no evidence and there won't be any evidence. and there won't have to be any evidence because the judge will convict the defendant so it doesn't really matter you know, what the prosecutor's office claims that would happen that happened it will all be a lie and it will be taken as the truth. >> so now you note that the they can negotiations for a prisoner swap can began. russia wouldn't have done it before the guilty, quote, unquote, guilty conviction is that why russia does this so that they can get bad guys that have been locked up, whether in the united states or in our allies. i know they want this hitman who's in a german prison is that why they take people like kevin who are innocent of any serious crimes hostage in jail them, or do they do it because they want to send a signal? hello to american journalists don't come to russia i think it's it's the former that they want to basically show that they had a trial and, they want to make sure that no one wants to come to russia to investigate these trials. >> so is simply an attempt to have a hostage and to try to negotiate who they can get out of us or german prisons in the process. so it's simply just hostage taking and not really a fair trial or any attempted justice. >> so some americans have been able to get out from prisoner swaps. we obviously have covered the case i've trevor reed a brittney griner, has gotten a lot of attention. paul whelan has been there longer than anybody and he's he's been lingering former us marine paul whelan why do you think it's been so tough to get him out? >> well i don't think he was really in a position to have a good exchange from the russian perspective. so he just sits there and what do you mean by that? he, he he didn't have a equivalent person who they could exchange for him. and unfortunately for paul whelan he's been close but they have not really used paul whelan any negotiations. and so there was an attempt to have a two for two swap. and the russians simply rejected that. so it is just the tragedy that paul whelan, it's still in russian prison and i don't think that he's actually in a place where that they will negotiate for him. and so the united states, we'll just have to try to assert itself to make sure that paul whelan somehow is part of the negotiations. and we're going to keep covering both of the cases. gershkovich and we'll end william palmer thanks. thanks so much for being with us today. >> our last leads, our next the 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leads off our last leads, democratic maryland governor wes moore today signed off on partners who were won hundred and 75,000 the level of marijuana and drug paraphernalia convictions impacting about 100,000 people both living and dead. >> the action does not free anyone i'm from jail or prison instead, governor moore says it cleans people's criminal records that have been used to deny them housing and employment, and educational opportunities. in our earth matters series forecasters expecting a hurricane season far worse than normal. and the national hurricane center just issued its first morning about a system forming in the lower gulf of mexico. tropical storm watch has been issued for parts of south texas and northeastern mexico, five to ten inches of rain are possible perhaps more in just ten days, president joe biden and former president donald trump have their first debate of the general election. i will moderate that discussion along with my colleague dan bench. that's next thursday, june 27, on cnn streaming on max and elseer

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,Ones ,Age ,Problem ,Control ,Phones ,Responsibility ,Devices ,Schools ,Movement ,Phone ,Usage ,School Day ,Gi ,Tiktok ,13 ,17 ,Everything ,App ,Addiction Part ,Age Gating ,Hands ,Sandwich ,Warnings ,Addiction ,China ,Amendment ,Parent Company ,Freedoms ,Play ,Proof ,Timer ,Version ,Measures ,Holidays ,Chinese ,Video Games ,8 ,40 ,18 ,00 ,Accounts ,14 ,Companies ,H Gate ,Movies ,Don T Have Other ,Problems ,Stunt ,Call ,Society ,Anxiety ,Jay ,Stuff ,Wouldn T ,Doctor Morphinan ,Lawyer ,Evan Gershkovich ,Russian ,Eastern On Cnn ,Erin Burnett Tonight ,Reporter ,Data ,Wall Street Journal ,Have Ran Half Blue ,Stuff Crouch Resilient Creatures ,Sprinkles ,Scavenging ,True Miracles Of Evolution ,The Cockroach Will ,You ,Bugs ,Favorite Ortho Home Defense Max ,Enduring Sec Barrier One Application Kills ,365 ,Leader ,Challenges ,Bus ,Matrice Wild ,Clock ,Else ,Drive ,Determination ,Successes ,Credit Funding ,Saw Dust Settles ,Engine ,Tools ,Wallet ,Harbor Freight ,Cat ,Osteoarthritis Pain ,Everywhere ,Walking ,Cats ,Network ,Speed ,Comcast Business ,Plans ,Visit Cat Red ,T Mobile ,At T ,Verizon ,12 ,Customers ,Speeds ,Miss ,Speed Plans ,Prepaid Card ,49 99 ,9 99 ,Buttered Mushrooms ,Mushrooms ,Israel Lebanon Border ,Journalist ,Air Quotes ,Espionage Charges ,Wednesday June 26 ,26 ,80 ,Behind Closed Doors ,Profile Case ,Director ,Spying ,End ,Cold War ,Kennan Institute ,Wilson Center ,Here In Dc Practice Law Russia ,William Pomeranz ,Cameras ,Chance ,Criminal Justice System ,Conviction Rate ,Possibility ,90 ,99 ,Negotiations ,Defense ,Us State Department ,Citizens ,Salt ,Matthew Miller ,Let S Play ,Precedent ,Answer ,Americans ,Espionage Trial ,State Secrets ,Citizen ,Anybody ,Story ,Materials ,Trafficking ,Sort ,Know ,Prosecutor ,Defendant ,Judge ,Prisoner Swap ,Russia Wouldn T ,Lie ,Hitman ,Guys ,Prison ,Guilty ,Unquote ,German ,Hostage ,Kevin ,Hello To American Journalists Don T ,Signal ,Them ,Trials ,Attempt ,Wants ,Prisons ,Hostage Taking ,Paul Whelan ,Prisoner Swaps ,Trevor Reed ,Brittney Griner ,Perspective ,Position ,Exchange ,The ,Swap ,Tragedy ,Leads ,William Palmer ,Stakes Couldn T Be Higher ,Ice Cream ,Scoops ,Two Thumbs Up ,Dana Bash ,Un Backed ,20 ,Thursday June 20 ,Consumer ,Fast ,Greeting Tablet ,Slash Pets ,Wait ,Frenemies ,Foot Login ,Sap ,Ring ,Read Com ,Pool ,Screen ,Time ,Add ,Indiana ,Mountain Subway Out ,Fal Fogel ,Real Deal Maker Customize ,Him Com Priceline ,Payment ,Down Payment ,Hotels ,Car ,60 ,Flight ,Paris ,Vacation ,Baby ,Motor ,U2 ,Lisa Wasn T Toledo ,Ship ,Diary ,Keys ,Sunscreen ,Vital Sun Protection ,Brain ,Buildup ,Ultra ,Amyloid Plaques ,Neutrogena ,Players ,Uv Rays ,Six ,97 ,Domino Effect ,Blood ,Start ,Whole Foods Market ,Experts ,Gum Disease ,Toothpaste ,Dom ,Act Of Gumbert ,Breath Freshener ,Relief ,Tears ,Dry Eye Disease ,Xi Dre ,Prescription ,Side Facts ,Discomfort ,Eye ,Taste Sensation ,Factor ,Isn T A Real ,Upwork ,Costume ,Dream Kitchen ,Project Management ,Talent ,Pr ,Recruiter ,Cabinets ,Turnaround ,Thousands ,Kitchen ,Designer Styles ,Color Combinations ,3d ,3 ,Consultation ,Showroom ,Design ,Tablets ,Situation ,Wolf Blitzer ,Wes Moore ,Partners ,Convictions ,Paraphernalia ,Marijuana ,Drug ,Hundred ,Law And Justice ,Maryland ,75000 ,100000 ,Records ,Jail ,Anyone ,Employment ,Opportunities ,National Hurricane Center ,Morning ,Hurricane Season ,South Texas ,Northeastern Mexico ,Gulf Of Mexico ,Tropical Storm Watch ,Dan Bench ,Debate ,Discussion ,Rain ,Elseer ,On Cnn Streaming Max ,Thursday June 27 ,

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