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outfront. next breaking news. uh, 911, wake-up, call, intelligence official sounding the alarm two out outfront about the warning signs an imminent attack. this is cnn learns more about the eight men links to isis who entered the united states through the southern border, plus an outfront exclusive tonight on aboard a russian war ship off the coast of the us, capable of firing a hypersonic missile. and more than 6,000 miles an hour, we're going to take you on that ship tonight. who details tonight about trump's vp search is number one question, who's best on tv? well, will also tell you who's reportedly playing hard to get to win for trump. >> let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. we begin with the breaking news uh, 911 wake-up call, a major terror warning coming into outfront tonight from multiple officials who have been on the front lines of protecting america. >> the new warnings prompted by the arrest of eight men in the united states with it's possible ties to isis. >> former cia director leon panetta tells out front tonight, quote, this is a real terrorist threat that must be taken seriously by law enforcement. the goal of isis is to attack the us and they will recruit and train those who have conducted successful and failed attacks around the world this is a 911 wake-up call the former director of national intelligence, james clapper, tells us that these arrests of the people from tajikistan are quote, a stark reminder that the terrorist threat to this country hasn't gone away. we cannot take our eyes off this ball. >> and then there's the former secretary of homeland security michael chart off. >> he tells us tonight, groups like isis. now shabaab are growing membership and financials strength even increasing territorial control our own homeland security depends on taking effective steps. >> will these warnings all coming into night come after those eight men with ties to isis were arrested in major cities across the united states, specifically los angeles, new york, and philadelphia all of them, every single one of the eight men entered the united states through the southern border and sources tell cnn that some of the men expressed extremist rhetoric on social media or in direct private communications. >> and we are learning tonight that the discovery of these men's extremist views set off a flurry of emergency actions by federal agencies one major concern for officials is that these men are all from tajikistan. >> now why is that important? >> it is important because it was isis members from tajikistan that attack that moscow-area concert hall in march 140 people people, more than 140 people were killed. >> they're building burned and the worry tonight is, is that if they could do that in a country won by a paranoid former spy, a police state obsessed with terrorist threats and coup attempts maybe they could do it here. it's a warning that the fbi director, chris re issue just days before those eight men were apprehended in the united states just in the time that i've been fbi director, we've disrupted multiple terrorist attacks in cities and communities around the country, increasingly concerning is the potential for a cool ordinate it attack. >> here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall back in march josh campbell is out front in los angeles and josh, you broke the story today of this heightened concern by us national security officials of a potential attack in this country. >> what or are you learning from your sources tonight aron, we're learning it was a the us intelligence community's targeting of isis members abroad that helped this government identified those eight men who are here in the us, of course recently in congress who was hotly debated whether to strip the us intelligence community of those authorities current and former officials are telling myself and our colleague katie bow lilies that they are sounding the alarm, these arrests come as the fbi director himself says, he can't remember a time when so many different types of threats where elevated all in once? would you say that there's multiple blinking red lights out there i see blinking lights everywhere. >> i turn current and former us counterterrorism officials increasingly sounding the alarm over concerns about threats to the homeland. >> multiple us officials tell cnn eight tajikistan nationals with possible ties to isis were arrested on immigration charges in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia. the man had entered the us through the southern border and requested asylum, raising no red flags when initially vetted by immigration officials, but it was the later discovery of their potential ties to an isis affiliate that set off a flurry of virgin investigative efforts by fbi agents and analysts coast-to-coast. >> no specific attack planning was detected. >> sources said, but senior us officials decided late last week to arrest the men and again proceedings to expel them from the country rather than continuing surveilling them to determine any possible plot. the fbi investigation continues sources say, along with a renewed focus on threats from central asia. >> we have seen a number of high-profile attacks and plots, both planned and carried out by tajik nationals acting on behalf of isis-k, several in europe, as well as in particular, the deadly attack on a concert hall in moscow earlier this year that killed more than 100 people. >> the recent arrest have also renewed concerns about the vulnerability of the us southern border in 2023, us customs and border protection reported 169 encounters with non-us citizens identified as potential matches with names on the terrorism watch list, a broad category of individuals who may have only tangential connections to note three, missed, but nevertheless remain a matter of grave concern for terrorism experts in this heightened threat environment, terrorist groups are learning and adaptive organizations. they've identified vulnerability that the united states has what we need to do is increase and target our resources so that we stop people from entering illegally or if they present themselves at a border crossing ensure they never make it in. if they are, in fact a terror threat while officials say the group known as isis isis-k, an isis affiliate based in afghanistan, has dramatically ramped up its online line propaganda machine scope of the problem is really massive. >> the problem since september 11th has continued to metastasize. the enemy has not stopped. there committed to causing violence and harm to us. we have to be committed to protecting this country now, aaron, security officials tell us that it's riskier for groups like isis-k to train operatives abroad and trying to send them in this country, which is why so many of those groups have focused efforts on online radicalization, trying to find the so-called lone-wolf. >> and that is difficult for law enforcement to identify if you have a group of people who are communicating law enforcement can possibly detect those communications much more difficult if you have one extremist who doesn't telegraph to anyone but they're potentially about to do their and josh campbell. >> thank you very much with all that new reporting and our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller is out front now for nypd, deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, gregg area is also here. chief security officer of the port authority of new york and new jersey, which oversees all the bridges, tunnels, and airports in this area. also, former fbi section chief of domestic terrorism operations. so thanks very much to both of you. it's a very sobering conversation. greg, so let's start with the damage what really is at stake here when we were talking before the second began, john said he's never seen it with threat in the in this area that hasn't come to the port authority, how serious is this right now? >> it's extremely serious. i liken it to a weather front. you're seeing all the right fronts come into play. we have a border issue. we have an ideology and ideological issue. we have isis k, which is increasing their external operations. and then we find these individuals who we don't really know a lot about in our borders but that's what we know. what don't we know? who aren't we seeing that's already here or it's trying to plan to come in and john, i know you've been talking to your sources. i mean, this is not theoretical. we hear these these warnings it is, it's real and it could be imminent there's a couple of three things that have happened. i in the last two years. one, you see the end of the war in iraq. you see the end of the war in syria. you see the end of the war in the us withdrawal from afghanistan. and with that, aaron, you also saw the counterterrorism analysts and operators who were focused on that for so long being centered the other problem sets, china, russia, cyber and all of those are problem sets. the problem is during those same two years, groups like isis-k have time to regroup, to rebuild, to read engineer their social media platforms and their radicalization, outreach and redevelop the network. and when you see an attack in moscow, as was pointed out here, yeah, that's a difficult environment for a terrorist group to operate in. and then you see an attack by isis-k in iran and even less permissive environment, then you have to ask, why are we not going to see these targets? that's in the united states and this these arrests are assigned that that's a real risk. i mean, grade those eight from tajikistan arrested, right? >> as we're talking about in that news, just just days ago it was it was ice members chapter jica, but did successfully attack that concert hall in moscow more than 140 people were killed do you see the real risk of something like that? i mean, they found eight who knows what they don't know? >> we do and it's exactly as john's pointing out, you're watching in the business of terrorism, you want the notoriety, you want the media attention, or watching a group like isis-k grow and learn from that what they've done, their operations i ran and then russia and then you start to think, what's the next target that would get them the most notoriety that would make the biggest splash for them. it's hard not to come back to the united states. and then they look and as john mentioned, and we've talked about and with our intelligence community partners the fact that these groups have had time to study. now, look for, our vulnerabilities are gaps and dual planning. and that's what we're facing and what sorts of things are you most concerned about, john? are you hearing about in terms of the form that this could take? >> i think if you look at the arrest of these eight it really spells it out because when you peel back those layers, what you have is a rerun. we saw this movie before you may remember june aid hussein and his plots when you were in the fbi and i was in the nypd and isis operative who managed to work social media too. find like-minded people in the united states, recruit them. and then give them the encouragement to do these attacks. and there were multiple attacks planned that's what we were seeing with these group of tajiks where they have shifted to say, we're not looking for people from the arab world or with obvious muslim name we're going to take people who could be from eastern europe or the stands, send them to week borders and then start communicating with them. and here's the real thing, aaron, which is there was a real debate. you've been in this debate. do we watch this network? do we see what shape it takes? do we identify the plot? do we stop it? >> and the risk management people look at that and they say, do you have enough control over all of these people? >> what could happen to be able to get in front of that for certain? and the answer was no, which is why they rolled it up. >> and greg the southern border. all right. that is the heart of this concern right now. it's bigger than that, but that is big, right? and you have all, all eight of these individuals did come over that border how how many more could there be? how serious is the southern border risk to you it's incredible concern, as john said, we've been seeing the show before and now we add on top of that and it's not a political issue, it's just is what it is in our business. >> we have to deal with the facts. we have a border that people are coming freely over and we don't really know who's in their former fbi director. and one said, in the intelligence business, we're looking for a needle in a stack of needles now with the environment we're in right now, you're looking for that needle on a football field with one eye closed because we don't know where to look. it's just wide open. >> it's an extreme concern. john. >> there have been many moments of great concern in the us since 911. why is this moment different? >> it's different because it's all happening at once, aaron, we have a growing domestic terrorism threat. we have acceleration as through are looking realistically, just start a race war to have the overthrow of the us government and at the same time, we have foreign terrorist organizations were not just committing acts of terrorism against western targets overseas but are actively looking at external operations in europe and the united states. we know that from the very near miss of the attack of the cathedral in cologne the planned attack of the parliament and sweden, the fantastic work of german and german intelligence that shut those attacks down in two other countries. and what we're looking at here is a real effort to take the propaganda opportunities because what's going on in gaza and other places and say, we can stir emotions and get people to act. >> all right, well, thank you both very hey much sobering, but important for all for everyone to hear and doing real context around all of this, including the border. >> well, next and outfront exclusive. cnn goes inside the russian naval destroyer that is just 90 miles off the coast of florida, as cnn actually inside russian navy, naval destroyer, think about that russian soldiers were watching our reporters every move. we're going to take you there. and the apprentice on steroids, new reporting tonight on trump's read vp picks and the question that he asks about every single one of them. >> plus biden struggling, struggling to win over young voters. >> but 120 1-year-old is fiercely fighting for the president on tiktok were some of his videos anti-trump videos are getting up to 15 million views. >> good morning. >> can one i want to be working with? and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank. >> welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me claw radar now streaming 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inflict this strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in demonstrate the extreme adventurism of western politicians sandi, not two chance is outfront. he has live in moscow tonight and mathew, even for putin, this is harsh and dark rhetoric. sometimes it's a little bit more subtle implied rather than direct. what are you learning about the significance of him? saying this now yeah, i think it's pretty significant because it comes as g7 leaders, including president biden meeting italy, and talk about a plan to provide ukraine with financial aid using confiscated at russian assets in the west. >> that's something that putin was very angry about. he called it theft and he said that the western states would be punished for that. but look, i mean to be clear, aaron since the full-scale invasion of ukraine back in 2020 to russia has been sabre-rattling. talking about the dangers of trying to defeat a nuclear armed country like russia, saying it could end in tragedy. and putin was really doubling down on that in his speech to the foreign ministry here in moscow, earliest de, in those, in those fiery remarks, it spoke about western leaders saying they don't seem to understand the scale of the threats they themselves have created. so he's really trying to ratchet up that rhetoric. aaron, he also outlined, i know today, matthew, that conditions for a quote, final end is the way he used it for the war in ukraine. but i know that you say you've never heard him lay it out in such a way what does he say? well, i think that one of the challenges about sort of talking about why russia invaded ukraine is trying to sort of get clear what they want out of it. and i think this is one of the rare occasions that vladimir putin sort of set out the latest kremlin thinking on that and it is quite a lot. vladimir putin saying that he wanted basically ukraine to surrender vast areas of territory, including the four regions that russia has unilaterally annexed already, we're talking about zaporizhzhia region, kherson region, donetsk and luhansk as well he said he wanted ukraine to basically denounce any ambitions or renounced any ambitions to join nato. eventually, of course, he said he wanted western sanctions on russia to be, to be lifted when all that's sort of clear that that will be done. then he said he would order a ceasefire in ukraine. it's something that's been rejected out of hand by the ukrainians are by nature and by the united way, of course, other times in the past, i ceasefires have been suggested and then violated. all right. thank you very much. matthew. from moscow tonight. and now as promised, that exclusive asset access that we've gained insight, a russian naval destroyer. now this naval destroyers russian is off the coast of florida. right now, near cuba. it is part of that flotilla that we've been following that includes a nuclear-powered submarine. now there are four ships are now docked right now in havana, cuba. and it comes as the us military in a rare move is announced its own fasttrack nuclear-powered submarine is now nearby at guantanamo bay, arriving there, just this morning. patrick oppmann, is there outfront in cuba and you're gonna get to go on the destroyer now several hundred cubans weight in the borland son tour, a russian war worship russian diplomats told me the public would be allowed to visit the admiral gorshkov one of the most modern warships and president vladimir putin was navy capable we'll a firing hypersonic missiles. >> the traveling more than 6,000 miles per hour is the first of three days the ship will receive visitors are rare opportunity for people here to see up close a frigid belonging to cuba's cold war era comrades kid alive friendly going to abortion after nearly three hours waiting, having my cuban resident id card run through a database by police and passing through metal detectors. >> were told to board the gorshkov just next to us is the nuclear-powered submarine kazan the first of its kind to come to port here, the visit of the four russian ships the largest russian convoy did cuba in years is not a threat to the us both russian in cuban officials say, but the us is closely tracking their ships and their movements assigned in english by the gang plank into the gorshkov it says the ship's quote, main purpose his combat operations against enemies, surface ships, and submarines although none of the vessels were currently carrying nuclear weapons, the cuban armed forces ministry said hello, i say in rudimentary russian to the sailors aboard the gorshkov we are only allowed on the main deck and russian sailors watch our every move a deck above us. we're sophisticated communications equipment is visible. a soldier armed with an assault rifle keeps gourd cuba. good these sailors could be fighting in the war in ukraine and seemed to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the caribbean when 11 sailors show me anti rocket defense systems and a cannon. they say can fire 23 kilometers, nearly 15 miles. after only the briefest of tours were told, it's time for us to disembarks. >> so he done yet we say our goodbyes as two our russian hosts, as we leave this russian sailor counselors, one-by-one to make sure no one stays behind, to learn the secrets russian worship station, just 90 miles from the us coast and it is pretty incredible trick, you know, that you are there and you were able to go on board board this, you know, that they were allowing people in cuba to go on this destroyer top of their line has anything like this ever happened before? >> no we've, never seen my 12 years of living here. a convoys large as this one. a cubans say that they never remember a nuclear-powered submarine coming here ever even during the height of the cold war, the height of the russian presence here and then have three days were hundreds of cubans really anybody? wanted to could wait and then go on and film away. we were encouraged to fill with our phones. so this is sending a very powerful for all, not very subtle message both to cuba about vladimir putin's intentions and as well, of course, to the most important intended audience here the west, the united states, and biden administration about the fact that if the west can put lethal weapons on the doorstep of vladimir putin, will he can do the same to them yeah, absolutely. >> and of course, as we pointed out, the us now, i'm putting putting a ship at guantanamo bay, patrick. thank you very much. live in havana tonight. and next we have new reporting from a longtime trump reporter on trump. trump's top three picks for vp and how one of them is actually playing? hard to get his if he doesn't want it. >> and i'll talk to a 21-year-old who's working to get out the youth vote for biden on tiktok, and getting tens of millions of views trump is over there with his wealthy buddies at mar-a-lago saying you get a tax guy, you get a tax gut devastating and 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tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing. >> quarter today at tableau tonight, new details about the preparations going into cnn's presidential debate by both the trump and biden campaign's the rate now less than two weeks away. cnn, his learning that former white house chief of staff, ron klain is leading biden's prep, which will focus on painting trump was chaotic and divisive and for trump's part, cnn is learning that he is in policy prep sessions with senators marco rubio and eric schmidt. >> this is the bulwark markup udo reports for the final weeks of trump's vip stakes have turned into, quote, the apprentice on steroids, that three names specifically have risen to the top. those are doug burgum marco rubio and j.d. vance, all passing what is considered trump's tv test, which is when trump asks people, does he look good on television who's the best on tv? >> and all three of those men seem to know that. just look at these numbers since may 1 burgum has done more than 30 interviews for trump 30 tv interviews vance has done 20 rubio, i guess really pulling in third at 13 and there may be a reason for that. so hold for that because i want to bring mark pluto and now's mark, this as you're reporting on this, now, you have spoken to a lot of maga insiders who know what trump is thinking, what he's saying to them. so let's start with j.d. vance. >> what's the current case? >> for and against i mean, there's a lot of things that maga ville really likes about j.d. >> vance, but the big thing is that he's from the rust belt. he's from ohio and in the polling and in the estimation of the trump campaign, he just needs to win one of those rustbelt swing states, wisconsin, pennsylvania, or michigan, and he win the presidency and ohio being right next to pennsylvania, they feel really good about vance. he's a smart guy the problem however, is that he's really young, is 39, is about to turn 40 and he doesn't have a lot of political experience. he's only been a senator for two years, right? >> and his old trump criticism, liking tweets where he called them a do douchey something. i don't know why it was kfile had a great report things like okay. >> so but there's that history which but an interesting just to point out, obviously, ohio now red state, but that they think that that could get one of those neighbouring rust belt states that you lay out. okay. now, what about doug burgum, who originally had been running himself and now has been on trump's plane, bennett mar-a-lago, bennett rallies. i mean, really been tied at the hip to him yeah. the way it was described to me is they have a buddy buddy relationship. >> he 67 donald trump is my guess today he's 78. yep. >> they're the closest and age out of the three. he's independently wealthy. he really knows oil policy. he's introduced trump and helped with oil executives who are helping finance the campaign. trump really likes and they just have a good rule relationship. the thing is, you sort of a black box and north dakota is not really a very big state. it's not a huge media state. they don't have very competitive elections, not a lot of national media. so not much is known about him so who knows what you get with doug burgum, once you put them on the big stage. >> all right. let's get back to lucky or unlucky 13. we'll see what it is marco. rubio is appearances, media appearances, which we're so much, so many fewer than burgum or vance you say that is part of perhaps his strategies. so talk to me about rubio yeah to a degree, marco rubio kinda really doesn't want to go overboard. it's also not a style as opposed to jd vance or doug burgum or they went down to manhattan for instance, during the criminal trial that made sure to appear there, rubio didn't. rubio's been a little more standoffish. and in fact, trump and notice at one point he had a said to some people, hey, you like does this guy really? we want it, does he want to be vice president? the word got back to rubio and rubio quickly said, yes. and the case for rubio is pretty vast. >> the guy is very smart. he's fluent in spanish. she's bilingual. one of those 13 media appearances is on telemundo. where he just spoken fluent spanish about the case for donald trump and the republican case he's also been on the big stage, unlike the other two yes he ran against donald trump in a really competitive republican primary market in 2016. but yes, that's part of the downside, right? he was little marco rubio de insult. how do we say this on television? donald trump's genitalia, albeit by way of the size of his hands the other issue that rubio has is the far-right really doesn't like him in 2013, he tried to do comprehensive immigration reform. he hasn't gotten a lot of forgiveness for that. and a lot of people see him as a neo kohn sort of a war hawk. >> quite true if you look at his history and the history of donald trump. but that's the rapper. >> yeah, any certainly, certainly gone much more with trump find ukraine. that would be consistent with anything in the history of marco rubio. >> but, but this whole question of trump saying, well, who's good on tv? >> i mean, if fits with everything we all know about donald trump. but what does that actually mean as far as you're hearing it? what's this, what's this? whose good on tv mean? >> well, just means like, who is, who is going to defend and prosecute my case the best. now the thing with donald trump is he asks a lot of questions. he doesn't answer them. so we really don't know what does donald trump think about the answers? who looks best on television? i mean, if you talk to a lot of women and maga ville, women do light j.d. vance's eyelashes? >> yes. not joking. and has blue eyes. so he does have more of the look that donald trump is looking for. but as one of the advisers and confidence that i spoke to, spoken to donald trump, said, luck, jd vance looks like if you shave his beard, it'll be about 12-years-old and he's lucky, has got those flecks of gray in there that does matter to them. >> well, and you know what? all jokes aside about long eyelashes, we know trump cares about how people look. so i don't know how long eyelashes will go, but it's not just a laughing matter. all right. thank you very much. good to see you, mark thank you. i appreciate it. all right. and whoever trump picks will have to be sure to not go against trump on a major issue that could decide who wins and who loses. this issue is now so huge for so many single voter voter issues in america. and phil mattingly is outfront the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land since april on at least one issue, donald trump has stayed on message the states now decide on abortion. no matter the question, if it's related to abortion and trump returns to what could best be described as an unambiguous goal of ambiguity. >> states are handling it. some states will be more conservative and others will be more liberal. >> some people will be happy some people will be okay. hey some people won't be quite as happy. some will be thrilled, driven by what three people who have spoken privately, trump on the issue concede is a recognition of the electoral danger, a hard-line approach to the she poses this motivates democrats like nothing else. one of those people told cnn, he sees it and isn't going to fall into that trap. but for a former president who has managed to publicly hold diametrically opposed views on the issue i'm very pro-choice. i'm pro life, the messaging to disarm a potent democratic strength doesn't erase a very unambiguous reality. trump's first-term record, 40 years, whereas top administration officials utilized executive authority to reshape federal abortion policy at home and abroad. and i'm proud to be the most pro-life president in american history. >> and its record that anti-abortion advisers and advocates point to as a roadmap for a second term and a post roe versus wade america. >> he's a pro-life president. i believe he'll be a pro-life president in the future, also, expanding on aggressive and immediate first-term efforts to make good on campaign promises tied to abortion during my first week in office i reinstated at expanded the mexico city policy and we issued a landmark for life rule to govern the use of title ten taxpayer funding it's federal agencies with legal policy and funding authority and led by unapologetic anti-abortion appointees deployed a wave of rulemaking guidance and restrictions tied to their policy goals, which the trump white house readily touted and its list of first term accomplishments just days before he left office, all of which occurred before the corners so one of trump's anti-abortion legacy took place for 54 years. >> they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated. and i did it and i'm proud to have done it three, trump appointed supreme court justices clinched the reversal of the national guarantee to abortion access in 2020. >> me to yet it's what trump could do on his own that has drawn the most interests from anti-abortion advocates like roger severino, a former top trump hhs official. we have federal laws on the book books that prevent the interstate trafficking in abortion drugs. it's very clear that's a reference to the comstock act, an 18, 73 law that bans the mailing the drugs and tools used in abortion. >> the law held no weight. well, roe was on the books. trump has declined to answer whether he'd used the law despite promising in april to release a statement within two weeks, but a trump doj could weigh a series of interpretations from choosing to prosecute anyone who sends or receives mifepristone, which is used in roughly two-thirds of nature she might abortions are going as far as to restrict the mailing of any supplies used in surgical abortions, effectively, a total ban on the procedure if we were to have an administration that would actually enforce the comstock act then we could see every abortion facility in america shut down mark lee dickson is one of the key anti-abortion activists responsible for promoting the comstock act, lobbying dozens of cities to outlaw abortion through local enforcement of the law. >> his partner in that effort is former texas solicitor general, jonathan mitchell, author of texas of strict anti-abortion law, and trump's attorney, who argued the colorado ballot case before the supreme court in february. once a friend's theory, comstock has woven its way into conversations all the way up to the nation's highest court. this is a prominent provision. it's not some obscure subsection of a complicated, obscure law. they knew about it. everybody in this field knew about it. all laying the groundwork for the self-described, most pro-life president in american history. should he win a second term despite his current political message, will have significant authority on abortion and issues if he's an office, something he made very clear just one year ago, there of course, remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life and we saw the political balance, the foreign president is trying to strike just earlier this week, speaking at an event for a group that claims to want to eradicate abortion. the former president getting two minutes of virtual remarks not showing up in person, not actually saying the word abortion at all, but making clear that he stood side-by-side with them and that's a critical point here when you we talk about the messaging, it's the personnel that will matter more than anything else when the former president, if the former president gets into office and nobody that i spoke to for this story thinks that his personnel is going to look any different than it did in the first term. what will be different? roe versus wade no longer exists all right. >> bill. thank you very much. >> next, the 21-year-old college student who's fighting for biden on tiktok and getting up to 15 million views for a post for a minute straight donald trump talked about boat sinking, batteries, sharks, and water and next, a near collision caught on camera two planes coming dangerously close tonight, we're going to take you exclusively on board a plane testing new technology to make sure doesn't happen. >> again this is a secret war. secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn. >> i told my so if i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms but just okay. >> isn't okay? no it was done suddenly. >> if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, revoke is different and may help were invoke is a once-daily pill they can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa relief, fatigue, and stop further joint damage and in psa can leave skin unclear or almost clear run vote can lower your ability to fight 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trump have gotten as many as 15 million views. >> i don't trump is over there with his wealthy buddies at mar-a-lago saying, you get a tax gut, you get a tax got you get it. nonsense. just remember when donald trump said that he would date his own daughter i mean, oh, for a minute straight donald trump talked about boat sinking batteries, sharks and water. we have president biden who talks about wanting to lower health care costs, protecting the environment, giving women their reproductive rights. back, donald trump is talking about that. whatever that was and harry is out front now. >> so just so everyone knows you're in college now, you gotta, you've just finished your junior year. you've posted 560 videos just this year, meaning 2024 signup for biden pushing against his critics. so let me just ask you, at as someone who just finished your junior year in college, how come, why are you choosing to do this? it's obviously a huge investment of your time look, does this so much on the line right now? >> and this election is so important. and i think the choice couldn't be more clear. i've said before in my videos and i think this is the easiest choice that americans will have to make in modern american history. look, president biden is incredibly accomplished investing in infrastructure, lowering insulin cause capping insulin at $35 a month. large investment in fighting climate change and world history. i mean, the list is extensive and that's an amazing resume to run on in and of itself. then you look at the other side of the race. you have donald trump that convicted felon, the proven sexual abuser, proven fraudster, who is not actually running on anything. he's running on like, oh, i think joe biden's mean to me, the fbi socks and the doj is tara. that's his entire campaign. so the thing is though, again, you're 21-years-old. >> yeah. >> and a lot of people your age are doing other things, right? and many who aren't don't, don't have the same passion. so biden was ahead of trump by 29 points. you know, last time around for voters, 18 to 2029, you weren't even in that range at that point, right. but but he was hit by 29 points. now we only had by five it's only by five. okay. so when you look at the people that you are putting these videos out and hoping they see why is that why has that plunged you know, i think it's for a variety of reasons. >> i think that there's like some disliked toward the president right now on a couple of different issues, the middle east and tiktok ban gaza specifically, and the tiktok ban he thinks also yeah. i talked to young people every single night on like debates. i do. and i hear that pretty frequently. but, you know, my my argument back them is that trump is worse on both of these issues, right? when he was president, he ban tiktok. he had an executive order that would ban it and 45 days president biden's just looking for divestment and with gaza and the middle east, it's trapped patrick, what's happening. but president biden has been in government for decades. he has the foreign politics, foreign policy experience. he knows what he's doing, is an experienced guy and having somebody who's an office knows what he's doing is important. donald trump can't gauze on a map. >> all right, so when you are i played some of the videos, right? you're pushing back on trump specifically, and you're talking about it, was rants on stage and how he goes from one thing to another. there they implication being there's no connection loses train of thought. okay but right-wing media has been seizing on moments from biden, right? whether it's big gaps or how we walks are walking off the stage the g7, you've no doubt seen that one 20, one-year-old when you see those things from biden how he talks, how he walks the gaffs. do they give you pause never. >> never once i ever been concerned about the president's age. i mean, look, there's three things i think about when i think about the president's age republicans and world leaders have said that he's fit to serve kevin mccarthy said that he sharpie strong in negotiations president biden has also had a physical this year and on-site conducting exams were neurologist and they said that he passes exams perfectly fine. and i refer to president biden 60 minutes interview where he said, watch me in a question about his age and i'm watching him and his records fantastic. and last thing i'll say is like i spent time with the president. i interviewed him and i was never concerned. he was sharp. he didn't he didn't get any advance in the questions i was asking. he gave me really thoughtful answers and i've never been concerned about it. >> all right. so now you point out you've met him, you've been invited to events. has the white house biden campaign ever tried to tell you what to say, tried to get you to look at something no i've never gotten like a you must post this. >> you must post this. there have been briefings where they say, look, there's so much misinformation on social media. we just want you to have the most accurate information, but there's no pressure to posts, there's never been like, oh, you have to say this or we're going to be angry with you or anything like that. >> all right. well, thank you very much. i appreciate it and hope people will check out your videos and see all the work you've been doing. >> so thank you much. >> and next, we're going to take you on board a boeing plane set on a collision course on purpose two presidents, the former under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer the current democracy is still a sacred car. >> there's no country in the world better positioned to lead the world on america who will be the next? >> most anticipated moment of this election, the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 20, something live on cnn and streaming on max the darkness of 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>> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge what does it mean to be out front? >> it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. its context and curiosity. so you can be outfront let's go out front. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? i'm sara marie and washington. >> and this is cnn new tonight and outfront exclusive. >> cnn's pete man team going aboard a boeing plane intentionally set on a collision course using new technology designed to stop the rise of dangerous close calls. here's p, with more volume boarding, what looks like a normal commercial airliner. but instead of seats, there are computers, the passengers are engineers and the flight plan is a mid air crisis. >> traffic on runway this is what's known officially as a runway incursion. the dangerous near collisions rose sharply at airports nationwide and 2023 and keep happening from jfk last year, cancel takeoff clearance to reagan national airport just last month apple go around, go around in india, new video shows one such incident happening in real time. >> last fall to private jets clipped one another on a houston runway, mere inches from disaster for seeing near misses that are near and near from catastrophe inside this boeing seven i've been 57 is the first system alerting pilots to runway incursions that are about to unfold. >> it's a prototype from honeywell, which is giving us this tv exclusive. the best way to see it in action is by creating a runway incursion of our own bronny this flight is taking us from dulles international airport to a smaller airport in hagerstown, maryland, waiting for us on the ground. another honeywell airplane that will purposefully be in the wrong place at the wrong i'm time in this case sitting idle on the runway as we're coming into land, very similar to a near collision between fedex and southwest flights in austin last year i can record around this is what that looked like from the outside. >> the goal here is to put this into do airplanes, but also existing airplanes so get the chance to me, scott these incidents that are unrolling now, we are on the runway as honeywell is other plane taxis out in front of us just like last year's incident at jfk traffic and runway traffic on runway honeywell software pulls from technology already in most commercial airliners combining the system that warns of collisions with the ground, with the system that warns of collisions with other airplanes. >> both have been mandated by the federal aviation administration four years, joe duvall is our pilot and thanks. airlines won't act on new technology without another federal mandates. it does cost some money and we've got a get something that got it pushes them to that point of accepting an adopter, the tecta the national transportation safety board has been calling for runway incursion mornings in the cockpit, 424 years, a plea reiterated just last week by the agency's chair. it's going to be technology that prevents any of this from reoccurring. faa chief mike whitaker insists there is no one cause of runway incursions but it will take more than one solution so we're looking at those layers of safety. >> are there other layers that we can insert as new technology takes aim at avoiding disaster pete mundane, cnn, hagerstown,

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,Finance ,Craig ,Payments ,Living ,Purchase ,1000 ,2025 ,000 ,1500 ,Pill ,Hiv Pills ,Adults ,Treatment ,Divide ,Leo ,Vado ,Side Effects ,Doctor ,Symptoms ,Reactions ,Ingredients ,De Bottle ,Vada ,Hepatitis B ,To Vado ,Allied ,Help ,Nausea ,Liver Problems ,Breastfeeding ,Tiredness ,Pregnancy ,Serious ,Buildup ,Sleeping ,Kidney ,Headache ,Diarrhea ,Lactic Acid ,Inspection ,Appointment ,Anxiety ,Breeze ,Delano ,Board A Plane Testing ,Good ,Leaf Filter ,Callie ,Gutters ,Lee Filters ,Lee Filter Com One Second ,33 ,Pickleball ,Babies ,Ten ,College ,Saving ,Chest Off ,Tennis ,Retirement ,Morgan Stanley ,E Trade ,Burn ,Bet Science ,Got Game Ctors ,Reagan National Airport ,Captioning ,Disaster Pete Mundane ,Results ,Tableau ,Switching ,Subscription ,Watch ,Details ,Money Saver ,Tableau Tb Com ,Joe Biden ,Campaign ,White House ,Preparations ,Chief Of Staff ,Rate ,Prep ,Ron Klain ,Marco Rubio ,Vip Stakes ,Policy Prep Sessions ,The Apprentice ,Eric Schmidt ,Bulwark Markup Udo ,Television ,Best ,Doug Burgum ,Passing ,Vance ,J D ,Tv Test ,Rubio ,Hold ,Interviews ,Tv Interviews ,Numbers ,Mark ,Reason ,Pluto ,May 1 ,13 ,20 ,Case ,Thinking ,Maga Insiders ,Polling ,Trump Campaign ,Estimation ,Ohio ,Maga Ville ,Rust Belt ,Presidency ,Rustbelt Swing States ,Smart Guy ,Pennsylvania ,Michigan ,Wisconsin ,Tweets ,Experience ,Criticism ,Senator ,Kfile ,39 ,40 ,Red State ,History ,Report ,Donald Trump ,Him ,Rallies ,Hip ,Guess ,Bennett ,Buddy Relationship ,Yep ,78 ,67 ,Oil Executives ,Oil Policy ,Wealthy ,Rule Relationship ,North Dakota ,Black Box ,Stage ,Media ,Estate ,Media State ,Elections ,Media Appearances ,Appearances ,Marco ,Strategies ,Degree ,Jd ,Rubio Didn T ,Standoffish ,Style ,Instance ,Kinda ,Manhattan ,Guy ,Vice President ,Notice ,Yes ,Spanish ,Primary Market ,The Other Two ,Telemundo ,Republican ,2016 ,Downside ,Genitalia ,Size ,Marco Rubio De Insult ,He Hasn T ,Immigration Reform ,Forgiveness ,War Hawk ,Rapper ,Neo Kohn ,2013 ,Fits ,Questions ,Answers ,Women ,Advisers ,Eyelashes ,Confidence ,Light J D ,Joking ,Luck ,Beard ,Flecks ,Gray ,Lucky ,Voter ,Mark Lee Dickson ,Trump Picks ,Whatever ,Issues ,Vote ,Phil Mattingly ,Law Of The Land ,Legislation ,Ambiguity ,Some ,Conservative ,Liberal ,Danger ,Hard Line ,Recognition ,Approach ,Nothing Else ,Democrats ,Trap ,Messaging ,Reality ,President ,American History ,Policy ,Executive Authority ,Record ,Term ,Roe Versus Wade America ,Advocates ,Roadmap ,The Future ,Office ,Use ,Landmark ,Life Rule ,Mexico City Policy ,Title ,Taxpayer ,List ,Wave ,Appointees ,Authority ,Agencies ,Policy Goals ,Funding ,Rulemaking Guidance ,Restrictions ,Led ,Unapologetic Anti Abortion ,Place ,Trump Appointed Supreme Court ,Legacy ,Accomplishments ,Corners ,54 ,Hhs Official ,Interests ,Justices ,Guarantee ,Reversal ,Roger Severino ,Law ,Drugs ,Book Books ,Trafficking ,Books ,Comstock Act ,Reference ,Tools ,Laws ,73 ,18 ,Doj ,Abortions ,Mifepristone ,Statement ,Interpretations ,Series ,Supplies ,Procedure ,Mailing ,Ban ,Activists ,Abortion Facility ,Lobbying Dozens ,Theory ,Author ,Enforcement ,Ballot ,Attorney ,Friend ,Comstock ,Texas Solicitor General ,Colorado ,Texas ,Jonathan Mitchell ,Court ,Nation ,Provision ,Conversations ,Subsection ,Field ,Groundwork ,Everybody ,Balance ,Role ,Personnel ,Side By ,Person ,Nobody ,Boat Sinking ,College Student , Fighting For Biden On Tiktok ,Post ,Bill ,Collision ,Sharks ,Batteries ,Planes ,Moderate ,Spies Sunday ,Arthritis ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Tnf Blocker ,Humira ,Enbrel ,Skin ,Psa ,Relief ,Run Vote ,Joint Pain ,Ability ,Swelling ,Stiffness ,Fatigue ,Nra ,Stroke ,Death ,Infections ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Cancers ,Blood Clots ,Tb ,Gi ,Tears ,Lymphoma ,50 ,Town ,Ascii Rheumatologists ,Plank ,Attention ,Stream ,Season ,Mega ,Hiv Imagine ,Paramount Plus ,Kingstown ,Pills ,Daily Hiv ,No Pausing ,Cabinet ,Grid ,Injections ,Hiv Treatment ,Health Care Provider ,Cabinet Ova ,Cabin Uva ,Six ,Depression ,Mental Health Concerns ,Kidney Problems ,Injection Reactions ,Reaction ,Fever ,Injection Site Reactions ,Cabin Nova ,Upwork ,Credit ,Project Management ,Recruiter ,Pr ,Else ,Drive ,Problems ,Leader ,Clock ,Think ,Eforms ,Determination ,Credit Funding ,Kid ,Successes ,Ms ,Dmv ,Dad ,Data Points ,Legends ,Info ,Identity Theft ,Monitors ,Fit ,Moves ,Sale ,Vehicle ,Binders ,Coverage Floor ,Traits ,Ancestry Dna ,Liners ,Liner ,Sidewalls ,Expert ,Customer Service ,Warranty ,God ,Job ,Birthday ,Writing On Social Media ,Travelers ,Age ,Poll ,Sad ,Harrison ,Don T Trump ,Tax ,Daughter ,Health Care Costs ,Reproductive Rights ,Back ,Signup ,Gotta ,560 ,Investment ,Election ,Someone ,How Come ,Critics ,Look ,Choice ,Investing ,Couldn T ,Capping Insulin ,Insulin ,Infrastructure ,Fighting Climate Change And World History ,35 ,Felon ,Like ,Side ,Race ,Abuser ,Passion ,Socks ,Tara ,Who ,Points ,Five ,Orange ,29 ,2029 ,Reasons ,Variety ,Ban Gaza ,The Middle East ,Debates ,Single ,Argument ,Ban Tiktok ,Doing ,Executive Order ,Politics ,Foreign Policy Experience ,What S Happening ,Divestment ,Gaza ,45 ,Somebody ,Another ,Map ,Gauze ,Migrants ,Train ,Connection ,Thought ,Doubt ,Gaffs ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Exams ,Negotiations ,Neurologist ,Interview ,He Didn T ,Advance ,Events ,Biden Campaign ,Pressure ,Posts ,Misinformation ,Information ,Briefings ,Collision Course ,Presidents ,Hope ,Board A Boeing Plane Set ,Woman ,Former ,Leadership ,Democracy ,The Darkness Of Bipolar Depression ,Jake Tapper ,Dana Bash ,Thursday June 20 ,Medicine ,Flight ,Capital ,Interest ,Ada ,Symptom ,Mood Changes ,Trials ,Hello ,Thoughts ,Behaviors ,Weight Gain ,Movement Disorders ,Muscle Movements ,Muscles ,Donalds ,Risks ,Confusion ,Dementia ,Patients ,Antidepressants ,Psychosis ,Depression Calculator ,Aren T ,Try Mouth ,Sleepiness ,Dizziness ,The Darkness Of Bipolar One ,A Calculator Com ,Customer Experience ,Liver ,Connectivity ,Companies ,Employees ,Biji ,Powers Tractor Supplies ,Delta Airlines ,100000 ,Pga Of America ,Partners ,Bites ,Game Changing Innovation ,Cash ,Tacos ,Fracking ,Racket ,Blackjack ,Car Chase Freedom Unlimited ,Taco Shack ,Switch ,King ,Limits ,Freedom ,Kids ,Fee ,Cashback Jake ,Suite Silent Retreat ,Madison ,Illumina Toothpaste ,Swap ,Fine ,Teeth ,Sensitivity ,Key ,Dentists ,Nontoxic ,Toxins ,Walmart ,Car Vending Machines ,Carbonic ,License Plate ,Brand ,Techno Wizardry ,Offer ,Spot ,Value ,Carbonic Term ,Franck Bread ,Fraser Franck ,Riva ,Janet ,Fred ,Edey ,Gaza Border ,Curiosity ,Let S Go Out Front ,Bad News ,Norman ,Med School ,Deal ,Wifi ,Xfinity Mobile ,Gig ,The Go ,Doc ,Visit Xfinitymobile Com ,Stokoe Com ,Sara Marie ,Boeing Plane ,Pete Man Team ,Outfront Exclusive ,Washington ,Technology ,Calls ,Volume Boarding ,Commercial Airliner ,Passengers ,Computers ,Rise ,P ,Seats ,Runway ,Collisions ,Runway Incursion ,Traffic ,Flight Plan ,Engineers ,Mid Air Crisis ,Incident ,Video ,Takeoff Clearance ,Apple ,India ,Jfk ,Misses ,Disaster ,Jets ,Catastrophe ,Houston ,57 ,Runway Incursions ,Prototype ,Pilots ,Action ,Tv Exclusive ,Honeywell ,System Alerting ,Ground ,Airplane ,Airport ,Dulles International Airport ,Bronny ,Wrong ,Hagerstown ,Maryland ,Flights ,Land ,Fedex ,Airplanes ,Incidents ,Outside ,Scott ,Plane Taxis ,Jfk Traffic ,Runway Honeywell Software ,System ,Pilot ,Airliners ,Federal Aviation Administration ,Joe Duvall ,National Transportation Safety Board ,Mandates ,Adopter ,Airlines Won T Act On New Technology Without Another ,Mike Whitaker ,Runway Incursion Mornings ,Plea ,Cockpit ,Chair ,The Agency ,Reoccurring ,Faa ,424 ,Safety ,Aim ,

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