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cnn close captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora i can having ichi is for tenure at you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract hello product. you, cora is a life stage right today at your you cnn breaking news hello, i'm briana killer in washington alongside boris sanchez, and we begin today waiting to hear from both president joe biden i didn't and his rival for the white house, former president donald trump both expected to speak this. our trump is here in washington. he's rallying gop lawmakers behind him in his campaign for president. and it is notably his first visit to capitol hill since the january 6 insurrection. biden is in italy for the g7 summit, and we'll speak here in minutes with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy discussing the state of the war in ukraine and a new security pact between washington and kyiv. >> we're going to bring you both biden and trump live. meantime, there is also huge news. one of the most important political issues of 2024, the supreme court in a unanimous decision maintaining access to the abortion pill mifepristone by rejecting a challenge to the fda's regulation of that drug. the ruling is going to allow the pills to continue to be mailed to patients without an in-person doctor's visit, but they're decision does leave the door open to future court challenges. we're covering these three stories in depth this hour on capitol hill at the supreme court. and overseas. let's begin there with cnn's mj lee, who's traveling with president biden in italy. it sounds like she might be having some audio issues. mj. what are we expecting to hear from president and biden and volodomyr zelenskyy wellbore is just behind me. >> the two podiums are set up for that joint news conference. it's between president biden and president zelenskyy coming on the heels of some major moves by the g7 and the united states to try to shore, shore up global support for ukraine as it continues fighting. the war in ukraine. >> but g7 countries have reached an agreement on that $50 billion loan program for you ukraine, that would use money interests accrued from hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen russian assets. >> so that is a big deliverable to come out of this this week. and then the next time that we do see the both presidents on stage, they will have just signed that you bilateral security pact this is something where the two countries trees are agreeing in essentially over the course of some ten years to cooperate on everything from training, armed forces to intelligence-sharing in the production of portland at military equipment. and it's important to think about the fact that for both of these leaders, really time is of the essence, of course, president zelenskyy has made very clear in really almost all of his public it meant that he does need this kind of global support and a boost in security assistance to try to turn things around on the battlefield. and then for president biden, of course, all of this is coming just a few months before the november election, where everyone is aware of course, at the possibility of a second donald trump term could raise a lot of questions about but the endurance of the us's support for ukraine and all of the progress that is made at this g7. now, this is a two and two press conference meeting. each of the leaders will get an opportunity indeed, a call on to reporters of their choosing. and of course, again, all of this is coming at such a high stakes moment for both president biden and president zelenskyy yeah. we're looking at some live pictures mj as you are giving your report, all of that, what will this look like in a year, two years, three years, hanging over this summit there at the g7. let's go to alayna treene. now, she is following former president trump's movements on capitol hill alina, tell us what trump's goal was today with his visit there well first of all, a brand on boris. >> i do want to just lay out how significant these meetings are you mentioned that this is his first time to capital health since the january 6 attack on the capitol, something that has really made enemies of some of donald trump's republican allies on the hill are then allies on the hell people like senator or mitch mcconnell, the senate minority leader, as well as others who still remain very angered about how that all went down. but then also, this is the first time donald trump is meeting with a big group of lawmakers since becoming the presumptive republican nominee. and also since he was found guilty of falsifying a 34 counts the business records and a manhattan trial earlier this month. so a very big day indeed. but look, when i talked to donald trump's advisers in the lead up to this meeting today. they really said they wanted to be about unity. they wanted to get republican lawmakers on the same page with donald trump about messaging ahead of what is expected to to be a very contentious several months in the leadup to november. now, they also said that they wanted to discuss some key policy agenda item so that the entire party could hit the ground running. if you were to win the election in the fall. and so that was the goal of the meeting. however we were lucky to have some good reporting from inside the room this morning with his meeting with house republicans. he's currently meeting with senate republicans right now. but we were told that while he did talk about some policy including the economy, immigration, abortion, a lot of it was also kind of devolved into a chaotic pep rally of sorts. we heard donald trump's share. a lot of jokes and anecdotes similar to what we see on the campaign trail with him now he also did bring up some things he talked about taylor swift, he talked about nancy pelosi made some off-color jokes at some points. but for the most part, i will say from all of the lawmakers that are great, hilbert colleagues have talked to about this. they said that, look, we really did feel like we were rallying around donald trump. it was that rah rah kind of feel that i know a lot of republicans, but of course, donald trump's team also, we're hoping for and mg, it was a big day for the issue of reproductive rights of course, here in the us, i know as well that it was on the mind of the press president. tell us what happened there at the g7 yeah, we just got such a good reminder that domestic issues never stopping a top priority for the president, even when he is traveling abroad, what us officials have told cnn is that the president actually really fought to keep language about reporting dr rights in the g7 communique that is the leader statement that comes out at the end of the summit and really sort of pushed back on italian prime minister giorgia hello one who wanted to strip out some of that language. >> one senior official telling cnn that the president felt very strongly that the language had to include mentioned at least of the work that the gi summit did last year in japan on this issue of course, this comes as a back home. we've seen the biden campaign. the biden white house really seizing on the supreme court's decision today on abortion medication. and i don't have to tell you how much democrats believe this is an issue that is so one that they want to make central to the 2024 campaign. they believe that it is one that has galvanized a mobilize voters in the past and they want to repeat that come november and elaina, part of the reason that democrats are eager to seize on this issue is because they sense a sort of weakness or perhaps ambiguity when it comes to defining specifically, we're president trump stands on the issue of reproductive rights. >> and he talked to a republican lawmakers today specifically about abortion. what did he say that's right. >> and just as much as mj was outlining how democrats want to make this a central focus for the election. donald trump does not, he does not want republicans to be talking about this. it's something that he continues to say privately that he thinks is a political loser. but luck, we did. hear from nancy mace of republican from south carolina, who said, i'm kind of laid out what donald trump said on the issue. this is what you told our colleague kept mahara. she said, quote, he talked him push for exceptions for rape, life of the mother and incest. he talked about the way that we need to talk about it. quote, correctly, his words, not mine, and i really appreciated his comments as a woman, a suburban mom. and so this kind of aligns with all of our reporting and what we know donald trump thinks about abortion policy. he again, does not think this is a good issue for republicans to run on. he also has angered a lot of very conservative anti-abortion groups and allies by saying that he thinks it should be a state issue and he's kinda waffled between wanting to take credit for the overturning of roe versus wade, while also playing this political dance. and not trying to make this a huge issue ahead of the the election. now i also think it's very important to know the context of this coming with this major supreme court ruling. i know i reported recently that donald trump had promised in april to release policy and make an announcement on how republicans should be talking about the abortion pill mifepristone. however, that never came and i think that's just a further example. donald trump running away from this issue always two weeks away. >> the specifics are always true weeks away. alaina mj. thank you both so much cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now, nick, we want to turn back to focus on the issues facing ukraine and the question of aid. how much urgency do you think we're seeing from the gi? devin to provide help to kyiv in the face of what have been recent gains by russia on the battlefield there's a huge sense of urgency here and perhaps that's really embodied in this untried, untested initiative to take all these $300 billion of frozen russian assets and turn that into a loan for ukraine the move to get this done is because the lone needs to be the aim of the g7 is to have the loan in the hands of president zelenskyy before the end of the year. >> quite simply because once he has got that 50 $50,000,000,000 loan, which has what's expected. and he has a duty and an obligation. ukraine does ultimately to pay that back over time once his got that money, that's not something that can be reversed if donald trump becomes president and that's what concerns the majority of these g7 allies and partners here. so that part of the deal is very important. i think we get a sense of just how much they're trying to push it through the leaders have agreed this in principle support, but the details, some of the financial details of how to underwrite it really haven't been haven't been finalized yet, but they're expected that they will be a burden to be picked up but by the united states and the european union. but for president zelenskyy coming in here, look, he knows his among friends, he knows is among allies and parts but notice here and his message for ukrainians coming here was that this is really going to provide us with financial and military certainty, going for of course has got a shopping list of other things he wants like a joint fighter coalition to really give him more power in the skies, more ability to hit russian forces where it's it's going to have a major impact and affect the battlefield that air defense systems that he needs has been talking about those as well in advance of coming here. but but that big tranche of money that's a big deal. and if and if it goes to plan, that will be in his pocket before there will be at potentially any significant change in the white house so he's among friends, is he getting what he wants from his friends here at the g7 summit yeah. >> absolutely. i mean, look, when the body language was there from the greeting from georgia, giorgia meloni, the italian prime minister, who's very pro supporting ukraine, a right-wing politician has a lot of characteristics, policies, plans, ideas, ideology. in line with donald trump. however, she is very pro supporting ukraine and the body language when she greeted him when here i've really told you a lot about the reception he was going to get. and when he sat down around this symbolic huge olive tree table where the leaders were sat the warmth of reception, the way that he interacted with the leaders. they're told you again, he felt that he was among friends. is he going to get all he all he wanted we know president zelenskyy, right? there are always other things on his wishlist but he's getting this bilateral security arrangement with the united states. that's big, that's significant president biden expanded to now additional sanctions on russia to stop it circumventing sanctions and getting things like chips and technology that it's using in its weapons. so he, and he's also who here i think we should remember ahead of a peace summit that is going to this weekend. of course, it's a peace summit without russia because russia is not in the business of making in peace with ukraine right now. so he's got bigger exposure outside of ukraine with friends going to get more exposure over the weekend. so this his all that all that he can take back to ukraine and this is what he's telling the ukrainians that this is, this will give that a support for the country during the very tough time. so they're having right now neck notably part of that bilateral agreement includes essentially executive approval on behalf of the united states meaning that a future us president could essentially undo it. and that ten-year agreement is undone. what are you hearing from other g7? when leaders about the potential for another four years of donald trump, who has been reticent to send anything to ukraine there is concern about that. i think kind of what's interesting about the way that these security arrangements are strike lectured builds in a little bit of resilience to how ukraine gets it support. >> if donald trump won the presidency and decided to turn this back? >> the security arrangement, what president zelenskyy would then be able to turn to, and it wouldn't be the same whether let us not fall ourselves that way. but he will also have multiple other bilateral security agreements with other nato nations. it's not the same law last year at the nato summit, he wanted to get the article five then attack on one is an attack on all he wanted to get under that nato umbrella so that everyone would come to his aid. but what he got instead are these individually very strong particularly when you bring them together like a bundle of sticks, if you will, they're much stronger together than they are individually. but if you pull out one stick from this bundle and his left with just 31 bilateral security relationships and agreements as power buffaloes, the united states one is with his other partners in nato. that strong, that some resilience, but nobody is under any illusion here that donald trump some could turn this around, could make it much more difficult and that could put zelenskyy in a very difficult position of needing of needing potentially to get into talks with russia. and this is something the europeans absolutely do not believe is the right way to go because they think putin would just want and take more. that's where they stand all right. >> nick, thank you so much for that report. life for us from italy. >> and next much more we're on the major news coming from the supreme court, the justices allowing the abortion pill, mifepristone, to remain on the market, suggesting other ways opponents can try hi to restrict the medication though the latest details and what it all means right after this this election season since day with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> 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abortions were medication abortions where the patient got the pills by mail after a tele the health visit before roe v. wade was overturned in 2022. that number was just 4% of the same survey found thousands of women every month that live in the states where abortion is severely restricted, get abortion pills in the mail today's decision is the first major one on reproductive rights since the court overturned roe. and it's a setback back for the anti-abortion movement, joining us now is cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid polo, walk us through how the high court came to this decision. >> and this is one of the biggest cases we were watching chang this year. and here justice kavanaugh wrote the opinion for the unanimous court. and he's effectively saying, look, we know a lot of people, a lot of citizens, lot of doctors have concern about broaden access to mifepristone. but they lacked standing here. you have to illustrate that. you have actually been injured, right by this drug in order to have the right to bring the case that's what standing is. instead, he said, quote citizens and doctors who object to what the law allows may do, may always take their concerns to the executive i can give and legislative branches and seek a greater regulatory or legislative restrictions on certain activities. so as effectively saying if you don't like broaden access to this drug, you should call your congressman or congresswoman because that is your path to changing access. we can't do it here unless you're someone who has actually been injured. so what they did here is they basically preserve the status let's quo. and the reason we've been watching this case is because at the enormous impact it could have not a leon wait for women who want access to this drug. but the question was whether the fda had overstepped its authority to this could have enormous implications for the fda, for the entire pharmaceutical industry and potentially for the november election, because this is a big issue with the way they ruled on this though. yeah, not really addressing the actual issue head-on. are you expecting that there's going to be some other way that a case is brought. it works its way up to this frame court challenging medication abortion. yeah, i really do think that is likely it takes years to get to the supreme court. >> but in the opinion, justice kavanaugh really left that door open. some people may even read it as sort of an invitation, right? and there are already cases that could be this case but he would have to again, establish that they had standing. but to your point, they didn't actually decide, yes, the fda had the authority. this was proper and if, if mifepristone will continue to be protected in this country, they sidestep that they tossed this case, but the issue remains potentially alive. one, if you can find someone with standing, but this is not the only abortion case. the supreme court is looking at. we are still waiting for a decision on another case that deals with what happens when you have restrictive state laws do those when those run up against federal laws which one, right? which one rules in the wake of the court overturning roe v. wade. >> so this is one of two big abortion cases. the first one again, they tossed it on standing the second one, we're still watching and waiting over the next few weeks for how they decide. >> yeah, it's a big few weeks. big few weeks for you to paul reads it's going to be thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. medication abortion has now become the most common form of abortion as we were saying, that accounts for nearly two out of three abortions in the us. when you look at the numbers from 2021 according to an analysis of cdc data, and it's also been shown to be safer than both procedural abortion or childbirth? yeah the rate of major complications for medication abortions is only about one-third of 1% it's safer than common prescription drugs like penicillin or viagra, according to data analyzed by cnn. let's discuss with emergency room physician, dr. megan renee. she's the dean of yale school of public health. dr. thank you so much for being with us. what's your reaction to the court's decision? >> this is a victory for science. this is a victory for our regulatory process for medications in the united states. and it is of course, a victory for women and families who are seeking access to these medications but the fight is not over. they made so clear in their decision as your previous commentator mentioned, that this is still in the hands of legislators and the executive branch. the elections ahead matter, both in terms of who we elect as legislators in terms of ballot initiatives to preserve access to medication, abortion, and of course, in terms of the executive branch, knowing that that's who appoints the head of the fda. and if we're going to continue to have a science-based process of approving and retaining approval for medications at the fda, we have to make sure that the head of the fda is still empowering chord to act based on science. but overall, i and many others across the country are quite relieved by this decision and as paul mentioned, they're there is this other issue that we are waiting for on abortion from the supreme court which has to do with whether idaho hospitals must provide abortions for women whose health is at serious risk as an er physician, how important? >> is the court's decision on this so that decision is the one that worries me as much, if not more than this one as an emergency physician. >> i have a responsibility to take care of anyone who walks through my door to stabilize them, to save their life, to do whatever procedures or treatments are needed. in order to save them if that supreme court case goes the wrong way, it is going to limit the ability of physicians and other health care providers in idaho and likely and other states to be able to save women's lives it is going to literally result in deaths. it is going to result in doctors and other health care providers leaving those states. and it is going to further worsen are already abysmal maternal mortality rates in this country doctor, you're obviously an er physician at a teaching hospital. >> i'm wondering if you've had any conversations with medical students that might be making decisions about where to start their careers based on varying state laws when it comes to abortion medical students residents. >> so people that have finished medical school and are in training and public health professionals are all making decisions to not move to states with restrictions on abortion because they are afraid that they are not going to be able to provide the care that is needed both to respect to patients autonomy, but also potentially to save a woman's life. it is absolutely impacting those decisions and i hear it on an almost daily basis. >> it's really interesting, dr. meghan randi. thank you so much for being with us on a very important de we appreciate it thanks. and still to come, we're waiting for both the president biden and former president trump to speak one on the world stage, one on capitol hill and also this hour, the senate will vote on a bill to protect nationwide access to in vitro fertilization procedures will have an update from the hill. >> we're also following a potentially catastrophic situation in south florida. that area has been swamped and rain for three straight days and more is still to come the. cd you take off. >> there's no one that does the things i do. >> we are personal limits of what for wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited eight on tbs whether you're doing it yourself for hiring the pro today. >> let's paint. >> maybe air exclusively at a home depot. we talk about cash back kevin hart and that i'm talking about cash bank, we told night row not talking about bragg cash banking word. we talking about cashback, cash, cash back in, cash back like a pro with 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following a flash flood emergency in south florida, torrential rain leaving part of the state under water dozens of drivers rescued homes, swamps, residents forced to evacuate as well. >> yeah, these pictures are unbelievable. check this out right now. billions of people are on alert and there is more severe weather on the way. so that is very bad news. indeed, we have cnn's carlos suarez in fort lauderdale, which has it's just been drenched in the past 24 hour. 24 hours, i should say. carlos, tell us what you've been seeing well, a briana and boris, the range kenya is about to move over us again. >> we're looking at another two to three inches of rainfall later this afternoon and into tonight. and so the flooding that you're taking a look at here behind me is only going to get a little bit more worse as you all noted in the past 48 hours, more than a foot of rain fell across parts of fort lauderdale. now, an aerial look of much of the county out here shows just how much of a situation folks have been dealing with for the last couple of hours. this really was pretty wide spread. the video that shows some of this is in neighboring miami-dade county as well. now, in in miami and in the city of miami beach. folks, they're also dealt with several inches of flooding because of all of the rain that we've had now over in southwest florida, the folks there have also been trying to dry out after more than a foot of rain fell across that part of the state on tuesday and wednesday here now, is a resident in hollywood, florida, here in broward county, talking about just the mounting frustration that the past couple of days has been it's pretty frustrating i mean, obviously for the older people that don't have trucks, because then they're stuck over there and then they can't get in. >> i got truck up to mow my truck and now it's just a nurturing some lines and so late last night, south florida governor ron desantis, he declared a state of emergency in five counties, allowing for state resources to partner up with a cities to try to help folks try to get out of all of this flooding here that we're seeing across the south florida. >> again, boris and briana were expecting the rain to move in. again this afternoon, another two to three inches on top of for more than a foot of rain that we've seen over the last 48 hours. and we're still expecting more rain on friday. guys just a nap as the situation carlos suarez, life for us from fort lauderdale. >> thanks so much at any minute, former president donald trump is set to speak in dc after meeting with senate republicans we can show you a live look of what it looks like right now. you see all these republican senators huddled around the podium. i see jama rosseau looks like rick scott is there a jd vance is in the background. he could be a vice presidential pick and they are all just awaiting the former president to speak has first-time visiting capitol hill since january 6, 2021. will of course, bring it to you live 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sound system heycause, get started today. >> this is cnn the world's news we are awaiting and so are all of these republican senators. they are very ready for former president donald trump there at the nrsc on capitol hill. he's going to be making some comments which quite frankly just judging by how ready they all appear, these comments do seem quite imminent when you say boris, i would say they'd been waiting there for a few minutes. this sort of gallery of republican senators awaiting former president trump. his first visit to capitol hill since january 6, the first time that he's seen many of these lawmakers in-person in the nation's capital. and he is walking out now to applause. will be listening into former president trump as he delivers his message. he spoke earlier in the day with congressional republicans, house members, and actually seem to be happy that many of those who voted to impeach him during the second impeachment were no longer around he also, during this afternoon session with senators seem to have a sort of reproached mount with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell's somebody who criticized him heavily after january 6, now economy, is supporting him in his bid for the presidency. curious donald trait meeting. >> this tremendous unity and the republican party we want to see borders. we want to see strong military will want to see money not wasted all over the world. we don't want to see russian ships right off the coast of florida which is what they are right now. that's unthinkable. we want to see just success for our country and we don't have success right now. we have inflation that's killing everybody. we have levels of inflation that nobody's seen four, they say 42 years they say 53 years and they say 75 years. i would say probably all of them are wrong. probably we've never seen levels like this before, and we're going to end that. we're going to bring back our jobs. we're going to bring back common sense to government we're going to have strong borders and we're going to have people come into our country, but they're going to come in legally. they're not going to pour in from prisons all over south america and all over the world. and it's not just south america by the way, it's all over the world and we're not going to have important for mental institutions, which is where they're coming from large numbers and large numbers are terrorists. and we're not going to have this so what's happening to our country is of great concern to the group of people standing alongside of me and i just wanted to say that we have great unity. we have great common sense a lot of very smart people in this room and a lot of people that love our country, they love our country beyond just about all else. and the only thing that may be supersedes it is their family and maybe their faith in certain instances. and that's very nice but they want this country to be great again, and we're gonna make it great again. and so i just wanted to thank the republican senate and i want to thank also the house we met as you know, with the full house republican house today and we had a tremendous meeting with them also. and there's great unity a very similar, different topics actually, but not that different. and is one thing in common we want to make america great again, we want to make our country great again, we're a nation that's in decline, were declining nation, we're a nation that is being left at all over the world we have a leader that's being left at all over the world and we're going to turn it around. we're going to turn it around fast. the polls are looking like they're very strongly for us and if no matter where you look, in fact, a lot of states that people thought weren't in play are very strongly in place some were actually leading in but we have to get elected. we have to take this this beautiful place and we have to make it i really something very special again right now, it's not special right now. it's being scorned and being used it as example of when they look at the crime on the streets, when they look at all of the problems that we have they using us as a bad example of democracy and they're getting away with murder and we're not going to let it happen. so i just want to thank you for coming and i want to thank everybody here. you're all either elected or you're going to be elected again and reelected. and with every one of you and you know that i'll be with you always. and thank you very much for inviting me and we're going to have great success. i think we're going to have a tremendous election. it's november 5 is very important, but we really start much earlier than that. you have north carolina as an example, you have north carolina september 6th, you have pennsylvania's starts on september 22. these are things different from the old days we had election day and yet paper ballots and you had voter id unfortunately, maybe someday we'll get back to that but you don't have that right now. but this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1,000%. there was me, thousand percent. we three just about everything. and if there isn't, we work it out and we've had i've had a really great relationship with just about everybody here, with everybody here just about all of the senators and if it wasn't fantastic, it gets worked out. and we have one thing in mind and that's making our country great so thank you all very much. we appreciate you being here and thank you for all right. >> president trump, they're making brief remarks at the nrsc his first visit back to capitol hill since the insurrection, not going to the cat apple logo, this is obviously the political arm of senate republicans, which is just a stone's throw from the capital holding. >> but he's got a lot there that we do need to fact check, so we're gonna go through some of it. >> he talked about crime on the streets. i mean, listen, i think everyone has anecdotal complaints. she would like things to relive in washington dc. i think we would like things to be better here, however sort of inconvenience statistics for the former president, violent crime dropping by more than 15% in the us during the first three months of 2024. this is according to statistics released on monday by the fbi, homicide rates getting historically low. and interesting for the former president to say that crime was such an issue. he also talked about inflation, the likes of which nobody has ever seen, never seen levels like this before. actually, the inflation rate, the cpi numbers that came out, i believe yesterday or the day before, they had inflation at roughly three 3.3%. the highest inflation has ever been in the united states was just about 18%, right back in 1917. so two quick fact checks, their, the president also talking interestingly enough about his great relationship with everybody here and then he paused for him on and said just about everybody here. obviously, his relationship with top republican mitch mcconnell has been fraught over the years since january 6. we have a crew of folks to talk about the president's remarks. we have alayna treene with us, scott jennings and daniel dale as well. let's hand it over to daniel dale because he is the expert fact checker. we just sort of dabble in it. that's right. daniel's the actual guy whose title includes fact-checkers. so daniel, what did you hear? >> yeah, i was going to talk about three things, two of which you covered. so crime stats show that crime is down sharply since the beginning of 2023 and again, in the first quarter of 2024 inflation nowhere near record high. we did have about a 40 year high in june 2022 when it was 9.1%. but former president trump basically never acknowledges that it has since plummeted. as you said, down to 3.3%. that is nowhere near a 40, 40 year high. it's nowhere near a 75 year high, certainly nowhere near the all-time high. and the other one i want to mention with something he says in pretty much all of his so-called press conference remarks like this. he talks about people flooding in across them the border from prisons and mental institutions. i have repeatedly tried to get information from his campaign, anything that would corroborate this claim that that foreign countries are emptying out prisons and mental institutions to send people here as migrants. they have not been able to corroborate that at all, nor had any of the experts on immigration that i've spoken to. so that clock claim seems to have been conjured by the former president out of thin air, but he keeps saying it over and over and, you know, alaina, i want to chat with you about this. >> what do you think about what you heard from him there, but also this sort of welcome that he is getting from not just senate republicans, but from house republicans. and what this means as he is building the support from llama makers, right? >> so donald trump, i mean, this is what he wanted. he wanted to see a rallying around him from these lawmakers. and it's funny because a lot of the things that you fact-checked are exact same things. he says on the campaign trail, we're also told even though these were closed door meetings, we've got some reporting from inside the room of him repeating a lot of these false claims behind closed doors to them as well. but luck, i think this was a huge moment for donald trump very significant and his first time really meeting with a massive group of lawmakers since leaving office. and also he's now the presumptive republican nominee. >> he would as recently convicted. this is his first time meeting with them after that verdict in manhattan. and so this was important for him when i talk to donald trump's advisers, they stressed to me that they really wanted to see unity. of course, there were some people missing today. we know senator susan collins and our lisa murkowski to people who often break with donald trump and republicans at large. we're not there you mentioned the the icy relationship with mitch mcconnell, which continues to be ic despite mcconnell having endorsed donald trump earlier this year. >> but they really want everyone to be supporting the former president particularly as we head into this stretch into the summer and the fall, of course it's not just donald trump, who is facing an election. >> it's many of these members as well. all of the house members and many of these senate republicans. and so that was a big part of this too. they want everyone to be on the same message. they want them to be showing their support fort for donald trump. and that's what we're told really happened that they were giving him the warm welcome that he very much expected and was hoping he would have he was predicting success for republicans across the board. he told folks in the room that many of them would be re-elected. let's talk to scott jennings to get some perspective scott, i really want to ask you about mitch mcconnell. you obviously worked for the senator, but there was something that i realized after he stopped talking, he said we have to get elected he made no mention of a huge issue, reproductive rights and abortion, despite the fact that there was this supreme court decision earlier today, what do you make of the fact that the president didn't actually bring up an issue that's in the headlines right now. >> well, it's not running on it. i mean, that's what joe biden is running on. i mean, when you're running a political campaign, you try to frame campaigns and the issues of the day around what you want to be talking about and the things he started with today. we're borders are military and the fact that there are russian warships off the coast of florida. and so trump's entire strategic imperative every day, i think, is to frame this election is strength versus weakness. and the first first three things he brought up fit right into that frame. so i'm not surprised. >> he didn't bring it up, although he's been quite clear about his position, should be left to the states. >> he's pro ivf, he believes in the exceptions, which is the old reagan position he's laid out a marker and i think most republicans are kinda fallen in line behind that. >> but that's not what he's running his race on. >> its the other stuff that i mentioned and that's why i started with it. i think today when he said they're using us as a bad example of democracy. and he said right now the us is not special who do, do you have a sense of who he's talking about? is using the us as a bad example of democracy. maybe besides china or other generally america doesn't really care too much about their opinions well, he has repeatedly said that he believes the criminal indictments in trials against him are an attempt to interfere in the election or to interfere in democracy. >> so it was supporters obviously will agree with that. democrats will disagree with it. i do find it noteworthy in the polling national and in the states that when you ask people whose better for democracy, biden or trump, it's very evenly split and even in a survey i saw to georgia last week, trump was ahead on that measurement. so i think starting out the election cycle, a democrats thought this was going to be something that they were going to be able to run on and have a wide lead on that in particular issue point. but it really hasn't borne itself out. i think trump goes back to that. well, because i think they think they've successfully muddy the waters on this issue, and i think he believes his criminal issues is legal issues is what he would point to as the interference and democracy. yeah. >> i mean, i do think you make an interesting point there, scott, because the numbers are very close, i think our recent polling shows that biden is actually a edin that maybe buy a few to several points but considering what trump's attempts were, win the election, it's very surprising that it is that close for us. yeah. and scott quarterly, your reflections on his seeming reunification. i don't know how to describe it as like an interesting way. >> i said it was still kind of an icy relationship. >> where do you see the relationship between trump and mitch mcconnell here's what i will tell you about mitch mcconnell. >> he has a singular focus winning back the senate majority, and he knows that donald trump at the head of the ticket, will have a huge impact on that. look at where the races exist ohio trump's going to win ohio montana i'm just going to win montana, nevada trump's doing very well here and so all these are top tier senate races and it is imperative in vital, i think for the republican party to have the senate committee under senator danes and the presidential campaign rowing the boat in the same direction. so that reunification is about winning the senate, which is what mcconnell wants to get accomplished this year. >> scott alina, daniel. thank you so much to all you would do. appreciate you sticking with us after those comments. thank you. and we're now waiting for president biden. he's speaking at the g7 here summit in italy shortly he'll be talking alongside ukrainian kenyan president volodymyr zelenskyy. so we're monitoring that should be starting here momentarily and we're going to bring that to you live next hour or so, stay with us this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn, right now, you get a free foot-long august subway. >> just buy it at foot login to app and get one free, just scan the qr code and enter promo code, fifo go. it only worked on the other side of the screen. buddy if you still got a landline or your house on amount of subway out she random place like a puppy. >> again, it's number to use is a brand new dog all in less than a year people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog they often say that it feels like magic, but there's no magic involved it's simply fresh meat and vegetables with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets, just food 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