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wife, amy, his daughter, meredith, his son, nick. may his memory be a blessing thanks to our panel for being here today. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central start parts right now we are standing by for the announcement of a unprecedented security agreement with ukraine. >> it is supposed to last ten years, will last ten months if donald trump is elected for the first time since january 6, insurrection, and for the first time since he became a convicted criminal, donald trump returns to capital hill, meeting with republicans looking to rally their support behind closed doors with vp hopefuls, allies and former foes and south florida drowning in a deluge in some spots, almost a what and a half, a rain since just tuesday and even more is on the way. >> i'm farrah cider with kate baldwin, john berman. this is skin, a new central well look, who's here i see that we coordinated without even talking. apologize for you right here. >> when it is absolutely wonderful to be back it was not wonderful waking up at 3:30, but seeing your faces, seeing the crew's faces, happy to be back. >> i feel lighter for a reason. >> today's here, the junctions, but she's met. >> but i'm happy. i'm on i'm really, really happy to be back on the team we are thrilled. >> you are back, you inspired us even in your absence and to welcome you we made sure none of your logins worked nothing worked, but i promise i will try not to mess up. >> best critic funny as jokester. well as seriously still in hospital beds, still texting us and i was watching the show from the hospital bed like, what am i supposed to do? >> thank you. know, drink something out of a soup lake, going to drink out of a straw i'm not you guys and critique, but you're feeling good doing going guide your back. i'm back going back. maybe we'll say let the undertake, let's see how good i got all right this morning, president biden, taking a stand for democracy with world leaders at the g7 summit in italy. >> as his predecessor, donald trump returns to washington, dc for his first meeting with lawmakers on capitol hill. since the january 6 insurrection. trump will meet with house and senate republicans today including minority leader senate senator mitch mcconnell, who is saying this now about the presumptive republican nominee, quote, i support him trump and mcconnell had not even spoken to each other since december 2020. biden meanwhile, is hoping to send a message to russia with a $50 $50,000,000,000 lifeline for ukraine. sources say g7 liters could announce the loan as soon as today, potentially cnn's mj lee is in italy before us. mj, the work that is starting right now will all lead up to this key meeting between president biden and ukrainian president zelenskyy tonight, correct? >> that's right. sarah, all of the g7 leaders have now arrived at this very picture ask resort. here in southern italy. each of them was greeted by prime minister meloni of italy. and now they disappear for awhile into a number of these working sessions where so much of the focus is going to be about the group fortifying its support for ukraine as the war goes on and this evening, as you said, the president is going to be signing this new bilateral security agreement with ukraine. it's an agreement that came into being after months of negotiations between the two countries and the us is committing to for ten years or so, the training of ukrainian armed forces, the two countries working together on things like military equipment production and weapons production. and also intelligence-sharing, military assistance but as symbolically significant as that packed is particularly given the moment that we are in with the war now fully in its third year and russia making gains in the battlefield recently, it's really important to note the fine print here and that is that this pact is basically not necessarily binding for future us president. so a future us president that isn't president biden. so say for example, donald trump from doesn't necessarily have to with uphold this pack that the president is going to be signing tonight. and i think that is the reality that is underpinning this entire g7 summit this reality that all of the leaders are aware of the reality that next year things could look politically speaking, very, very different. and just a reminder too that this is president biden's final g7 summit of his first term in office. and three years ago when he was attending his first g7 summit, he pledged on the global stage that he was going to bring back america america's leadership on the global stage. and i think as the summit really gets underway, we are going to see that question really being crystallize the question of has he made good on that promise, that he made three years ago, sarah yeah. >> there will be some consternation as to what might happen if he is not president in 2025 so we will say thank you so much for your reporting their from southern italy and donates right now to talk about this, as retired us army lieutenant colonel alexander venkman, he served as a top ukraine expert on the national security council. >> it's good to see this move, this loan, the move to loan money to you ukraine backed by the profits from frozen russian assets what do you think this could mean for ukraine's efforts once a longtime coming, this has been part of the discussions since even the days before the war started. >> there was an idea of levying some sort of sanctions on russia to warrants a russia off then for the subsequent two-and-a-half years, there's been a push to take a look at these frozen assets some 300 billion across different countries in the west. and shifting those over to ukraine, either in the reconstruction phase or currently in russia's or ukraine's war phase, to be able to build out industries. so this is a welcome move. this is a welcome move in conjunction with a oppress of a flurry of bilateral engagements between ukrainian top leadership and the us bolstering support, demonstrating that the us and going anywhere on the heels of passing the you $60,000,000,000 , ukraine aid supplemental. it's another good sign the provision of military aid has already had an effect on the battlefield stalling russia's summer offensive. all this is building towards another series of meetings in the coming weeks the 75th anniversary of nato, which will be critical. there'll be a series of pledges not going far enough in terms of bring ukraine into nato, but at least moving the needle, moving things in the right direction. i'm sure that's going to be a topic of discussion at this g7. because ukraine's is not going to get everything in at once neither are they eastern europe, european nations that want to bring ukrainian to kind of start to wind down this war. >> but this is a move in the right direction also, just thinking is the whole idea behind this. >> it drives this. >> there's also taking frozen russian assets to the profits from the holding russian assets, the taking money from these frozen russian assets. and using it to prop up and to support ukraine. just wondering the impact of just that in theory and concepts that would have on vladimir putin well, i think it's, it is a pretty critical if you think about what's happened over the past couple of days we levied or another round of sanctions. >> they forced the shutdown of the russian stock exchange. you start seeing some images in the streets of people are running quite, a bank run yet, but people started to get worried about getting their resources out of their banks. and banks of freezing access to hard currency. same thing with exchanges. you can exchange russian rubles for foreign currency. and then you hear the rhetoric out of the former president dimitry medvedev, who's talking about all sorts of crazy escalation ideas. it doesn't amount to much. >> i wouldn't take his rants a particularly seriously, but it's certainly indicates that those sanctions are biting all this, again is a direction we now we're seeing a lifting of some of the constraints that we put on the use of a western weapons by the ukrainians against the russian targets just across the border where those, where those targets are actually directly involved in the war effort. this is good movements i would also say that this agreement that's being signed, most of these things are aspirational at this point the success or failure determines is going to be determined by implementation. >> follow through part of that, what happens with regards to the upcoming election? >> now the hills is welcoming the republicans on the hill, or welcoming an insurrectionist a felon to the hill person that precipitated the january 6 insurrection. >> if he ends up being elected, the next president all of this could easily be undone. putin could be encouraged to continue the war if biden has a second term intent is to continue to support ukraine with weapons, with financial supports and pressure putin to end the war. that's the only way this ends. it doesn't end with trump being reelected. it ends with a biden second administration and putin looking for an off-ramp, a way out on the idea of pulling back some of the constraints that have been put on ukraine just this morning. asked if ukraine should be able to use f6 f-16s to fire into russian territory or russian airspace once they're training on the fighter jet is complete. >> the nao secretary general actually said, and this is how he put it, said ukraine, quote has the right to strike military targets on russian territory seeming to leave the door open to that. >> that that's to me that was a pretty big statement. it is. but if you think about the way arms sales go around the world, when the russians sold arms to the north koreans are provided arms to the vietnamese they didn't really constrain how those weapons are used. that's not the way international arms sales work. once they're sold to a sovereign independent state, it's up to that sovereign independent state or how do they employ these weapons? >> the only reason that there had been a constraints on ukraine is because we've in the us have treated russia as a special case. >> we've basically restricted the ukrainians use of these weapons and we're finally coming around to more normal approach to security assistance is security cooperation so i think that's well within ukraine's right to take a weapons that have been given to it to employ for national defense and meets all the obligations of a un charters and international agreements. it's the right thing to do. we're just kind of going back finally to some sort of normalcy. it's a strange thing to say but that's the way things are played out and foreign affairs and wars. >> so it's a welcome, move. >> i think it's also not just about weapons that ukraine has been struggling with the needs, recruiting soldiers and recruiting more help in terms of just people to fight has been an ongoing problem. >> i mean, from everything you have seen, how serious is this recruitment problem for ukraine and what is the fix it is a serious problem. >> i hope that part of the bilateral engagements is a more frank discussion. at times, you find yourself in these diplomatic dialogues managing crises, and crises you take the kind of the most important issue which is ukraine survival and put that at the forefront with ukraine having a little bit more breathing room, you can have some hard discussions on things like ukraine making investments into its own industrial base, into its own defense. including this recruitment issue. >> i think the fact is that the ukrainians probably need somewhere in the ballpark of 150 correct. >> than 300,000 troops? to replace the losses that they've had to fill up depleted units to rotate units off the front line, but also to build offensive capacity over the course of the next year, to be able to take back, liberate territory, right now, it's hard to see how they get there. they've not quite done all the things that they need to do there's a lack of some lack of will by the president of ukraine, president zelenskyy tim to take these unpopular steps to advance conscription and drafts. but that's, that's an essential. an essential function. for zelenskyy to undertake in order to liberate ukrainian territory. so i think it's how did they get there they could probably reduce the draft age from 25 down to 18, like we do, and we have a draft age of 18. i think they probably need to make sure that they reduced the evasions. they're taking some steps there. these are not easy things to do, but that ukrainians can do it if they showed the will and resolve to do so. >> the santa curl alexander goodman. thank you so much. >> john or it as you heard there, this morning, donald trump returns to capitol hill for the first time since telling crowds to fight like hell on january 6, the biden campaign this morning has a message for a state of emergency declared in flood warnings for millions. >> the rain will just not let up and then overnight chaos at the congressional baseball game eight people arrested after rushing the field. what was the impetus here? also, sara sidner is back this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn from roger two. >> we there yet so many ways to say life ready while it happy. that's 365 by whole foods market. >> dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or td so his doctor prescribed us dead oh, xr a once-daily tv treatment for adults barstow xr significantly reduced dance std movements. some people saw response as early as two weeks with us stato xr, dan can stay on as mental health mets, cool hair, acetyl xr can cause 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the first time trump has been on capitol hill since the january 6 insurrection, the biden campaign is taking the visit as an opportunity to launch this new ad highlighting the role the former president played. that debt on january 6, donald trump lit a fire in this country, stoking the flames of division and hate now, he's pouring gasoline. they were unbelievable pages pledging pardon the extremist who tried to overthrow our government. there is nothing more sacred than our democracy, but donald trump, ready to burn it all down let's get right to lauren fox, lauren water we expect from these meetings today yeah. >> so many republicans who are in congress right now have had ongoing relationships with donald trump. >> but this meeting today, just off campus is going to be a critical moment for donald trump to get the party on the same page to unify the message and to try to make the case to some of those colleagues in the room as to what his strategy is to not just win the presidency for himself, but oh, well, so take back the house and the senate for republicans in congress, we do expect that mitch mcconnell, who has had a very icy relationship with donald trump over the last several years. the two them famously had not spoken census certification of the election on january 6. >> he will be in the room today with donald trump as he addresses many republican senators. >> the first meeting on capitol hill will be with house members, just off campus than later this afternoon. he will meet with republican senators just off campus. but i just wanted to give you a sense of what mcconnell is expecting from this meeting i've said three years ago, right after the capital was attacked i would support our. >> nominee regardless of who it was included. >> him i've said earlier this year, i support you emmys been earned the nomination by the voters all across the country. >> and of course, i'll be at the meeting tomorrow and there is an array of expectations that lawmakers have. >> some of them, one, donald trump to lay out the winning strategy for the campaign. others want him to get into some details about what he wants to do. if you were to win. another term. here's a little bit of that representative, matt gaetz said, i think it's gonna be a pep rally environment for the former and future president senator tom, tell us, joked to think we are going to talk a whole lot about a governing agenda on thursday seems a little naive to me. that's like measuring the curtains and then shut grasslands said to me yesterday, what do i expect you have no idea what trump is going to talk about. it's just totally unpredictable. so despite the fact that all these lawmakers have expectations for this meeting today, i think the underlying reality is donald trump's going to talk about exactly what is on his mind in the moment john. >> no, he speaks here. mike johnson was even doing a donald trump impression apparently yesterday, it'll be interesting to see if he does that with trump himself. there are obviously a lot going on here. law foxx, thanks so much for being with us sarah signer. thank you. john berman, still ahead. southern baptist convention's surprising vote on women pastors, and they're new advice to members avoid ivf. we will discuss that and record rainfall, putting more than eight million people under flood watches in southern florida all that's ahead devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home we'd be ready. silent, earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. >> here's to getting better with age. >> here's the beat least to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein. complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't. so here's two now this is what we call with question. student body math proficiency. when we say it's good, fair, satisfactory, like a percentage if you had to guess understood great. >> student-teacher ratio we. 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forcing drivers to abandon their vehicles to get to safety. now, more than 8 million people are currently under flood watches as the risk of flash flooding worsens. throughout friday, cnn's carlos suarez is on the ground in fort lauderdale. carlos row, lot of water behind you there. i think that is a road or used to be. what are you saying? >> i will, sarah. good morning. so the good news at this hour is that much of the flooding across a south florida has receded. however, the bad news is more rain is in the forecast. now, we are in a neighborhood, it just north, of fort lauderdale, hollywood international airport where the flooding is still a concern. the folks, out here are still having a difficult time getting out of their homes. all of this really a result of what we have seen at the pass for 48 hours in the city of fort lauderdale alone more than a foot of rain fell across this part of broward county. it is a scene that we saw play out as well down in miami-dade county and the city of miami beach as well as adventurer and hollywood beach. now, over on the southwest coast of florida, the folks, they're the folks that live in fort myers and naples. they are still drying out after rainfall totals. there on tuesday and wednesday, we're anywhere between six to eight inches. now as a result of all of this flooding, governor ron desantis last night declared a state of emergency in five counties, including miami dade and broward county. all of this allows the florida division of emergency management to go ahead and start getting some he's forces to some of the some of the hardest hit areas across a southern florida right now. now, we're in this neighborhood where in april of 2023, a storm system dumped more than two feet of rain. and after that incident, officials here installed new drainage systems, they put out water pumps. but as you can see, all of these systems it's thumbs are still having a really difficult time trying to get all of this water out. again, sarah, the good news right now is the water levels have receded, but with more rain expected throughout the day, we expect to see more flooding. sarah it is so unfortunate as we head into what is known as hurricane season as well. >> and a bunch of hurricanes forecasted as well for the area. this is not good news and we'll be checking back with you. i know more wane as you mentioned, is on the way. thank you so much, carlos chaos breaks out and the congressional baseball game was protesters storm the field. >> what happened and how many arrests? for then made. and a cnn exclusive with the former georgia special prosecutor, the man at the center of the controversy swirling around the fulton county da and potentially threatening the case against donald trump why nathan wade's team pauses his sit down with cnn wednesday. >> cnn celebrates june deformities by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> june celebrating celebrating freedom and legacy 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thought they were going to yesterday hello, this week, the group expelled a church for having a woman as a pastor for women and children. this morning, eight climate activists face federal charges after storming the field last slice congressional baseball game, they were arrested immediately. the group climate defiance claimed responsibility. they posted video on x of protesters jumping over a real so something is spicy in the state of denmark, as they say in hamlet, to spicy, apparently, denmark were called three kinds of the buldak hot chicken ramen saying spice levels could poison consumers. the noodle company said, this is a first for them. these particular fire noodles apparently launched in 2012 they became a thing on social media, cardi b tested them i am told reliably on tiktok sarah, john, i'm gonna get you some yes. >> i think i think we should try them. >> these. i just can't eat them in denmark that's correct. >> but we are here in america and you can have this splicing angle. all right, knew this morning, fulton county district attorney, fani willis is asking a georgia appeals court to dismiss donald trump's motion to disqualify her from prosecuting the 2020 election interference case against him and his allies in the state of georgia. this comes as former special prosecutor, nathan wade speaks exclusively to cnn for the first time since being forced to resign from the case in march for having a romantic relationship with de a. willis. watch what happens though when kaitlan collins asked about the timeline of their relationship? >> just to clarify, when did the romantic relationship between the two of you start yeah. >> so we get into there's been this effort to to say that. okay. these these exact dates are are are at issue in these exact dates are i'm getting i'm getting signaled here everything. >> okay. yeah just to revisit the question, it was to clarify when the wrote romantic relationship started and when it ended sure. so i believe that the public has through through the testimony and other interviews, the public has a clear snapshot that this is clearly just a distraction it is not a relevant issue in this case. and i think that we should be focusing on more of the facts and the indictment in the case all right. >> cnn's nick valencia, joining us now for marietta, georgia. nick, are you expecting to hear from fani willis today? >> yeah fani willis has an event scheduled later today where she's going to speak to a wide range of parishioners, congregants, and faith leaders from across the stage is expected to do that later this morning, but more on this interview with nathan wade, he had a lot to say sara and at times it was very bizarre. you saw that moment there where his media consultant interrupted the interview and he didn't appear to answer a very simple question as to when his relationship with fani willis began. that's important because it was a fundamental part of the disqualification hearings earlier this year in which defense attorneys allege it wasn't just the relationship, but when it began, that fani willis was able to financially benefit from that. but in his interview with cnn, nathan wade continued to push back on that claim and also said that the current delay in trump's criminal case in georgia has nothing to do in his eyes with his relationship with fani willis do i believe that my actions cause this delay? no, no, no, i do believe though that at the timing of a personal relationship, but i had was probably bad. it was bad timing but you don't pick and choose when in those things happen, they happen organically and you deal with the situation as it comes. >> do you have regrets about it the only thing i regret is the timing of it the case is still up in the air with many questioning if this case we'll even go to trial at all. it's certainly in sort of standstill right now. but nathan wade says, even if trump wins a second term and is the sitting us president, he believes in his eyes, this case will go to trial do you believe he can be on trial if he's in the white house i do believe that he came. >> don't i don't believe that it looks good to the rest of the world but certainly, i don't think that there's anything that would prevent that from happening now, for today, fani willis expected to make that speech to the congregants here in this church behind me at 10:45. >> you remember sarah the last time she did something like this? her speech got politicized with steve sadow, trump's attorney here in georgia accusing her of prejudicing potential jurors in this case by in his words, bringing up the race card, fani willis said that she was being attacked because of her race and that nathan wade was being singled out because he was a black man a source close to her. those tells me that she's going to focus more so on local policy issues. remember, she's up for reelection this year. so we should hear more so of a local speech on criminal justice later this morning. >> sara nick valency, i was really under saying hearing from nathan wade and seeing the reaction in there to kaitlan collins question about the timing of all of us appreciate you all right. >> shortly donald trump will be back on capitol hill for the first time since the january 6 insurrection. the biden campaign is taking the opportunity to remind voters what happened that day and the role that donald trump plate on january 6, donald trump lit a fire in this country, stoking the flames of division and hate now he's pouring gasoline they were unbelievable badges pledging to pardon the extremist who tried to overthrow our government. there is nothing more sacred than our democracy, but donald trump, ready to burn it all down? now with us now is democratic senator chris murphy from connecticut center. thank you so much for being with us back on january 6, senator, did you ever think you would see this day? what does it tell you about your colleagues? >> that they're welcoming donald trump on capitol hill with open arms well, it's absolutely extraordinary that we have a major party presidential candidate who is so openly endorsing the use of violence in our politics his advertisement that if he's elected, that he will pardon the individuals who tried to violently overthrow our government is of course, just an invitation for people to do the same thing. >> again. and so i am deeply worried about violence as we head into this fall's election, i'm worried about what happens if joe biden wins the election. whether we will see mass scale violence that makes january 6 look like child's play. i don't know why we just don't take down trump at his word, he's said that he's going to use dictatorial powers on day one. he is shown a cavalier about democracy. you shown an endorsement for violence and i just get sick thinking about my republican colleagues in the senate, many of whom i consider to be friends, many of whom i node is support american democracy watching them get behind this candidate that they know to be a danger to american democracy hunter biden was convicted of federal gun charges this week. >> and republicans, some republicans have had interesting responses to that, particularly ones who would criticize the justice system is biased beforehand, but there was one that i just saw on twitter like seconds ago as i was coming out to do this interview from your colleague, senator ted cruz, who wrote the biden white house, wanted hunter biden to be found guilty on the gun charges since they the only ones that do not implicate joe biden i just want your reaction to senator cruz i mean, i i generally don't respond to ted cruz who really is only looking to get clicks on line and drive donations to his web-page the reality is that republicans sort of brazen decision to endorse the justice system's decision-making when it convicts a democrat, like the president's son and decision to call this system rigged when it convicts a republican like the former president is a real worrying advertisement from republicans that they are planning to potentially use the justice system as a mechanism to target trump's political opponents i wasn't i accept the jury's decision with respect to hunter biden? >> i accept the jury's decision as it respected to donald trump, but republicans seem to only believe the justice system is working right when it convicts democrats and believe that it's illegitimate when it convicts republicans and that to me is a signal that they may be very open to using the justice system as a political tool to persecute opponents if they get power again secretary state anthony blinken, in the middle east yesterday, basically said that hamas seems to be moving the goalposts when it comes to ceasefire and hostage shock. so they come back with new demands even on things that they agreed to before you've been critical at times of how israel is conducting this war in gaza so what can israel do? what can the united states do if hamas doesn't want peace well it's pretty clear that hamas doesn't want peace. >> and i think it's even for those of us who have been critical of israel's military occupation, i think it is worth repeating over and over again that this all started because of hamas is brutal terrorist attack on october 7, and hamas has had the ability throughout this conflict to be able to save lives inside gaza by surrendering. hamas does not care about the people of gaza that is just plainly true. all that being said, if your goal, as israel says is to defeat hamas and to decrease the likelihood that a terrorist group, hamas or another terrorist group is going to be able to attack israel in the future. i just don't think the conduct of this war is effectuating your war aim ultimately, the number of civilians being killed in rafah right now in gaza throughout this conflict it becomes bulletin board recruiting material for hamas or other non-state actors that are going to replace hamas. just like happened to the united states and afghanistan. this war in the end may make the threat israel more serious. that's why i have counseled israel to pause these military operations to prioritize humanitarian relief i actually think that that is the best way ultimately to try to decrease the threat that hamas or any other organization poses to israel in the future. >> finally, center, there was a high school graduation in newtown, connecticut yesterday, which was your role congressional district. and you are in the house from that district the day of the sandi the hook massacre. there were graduates were in first grade that day and they had 20 of their classmates killed before their eyes. six staffers as well. i just want you to reflect on this moment. as these high school seniors move on yeah. >> i am i was at sandy hook that day in 2012. i was at the firehouse with the parents as they found out that their first-graders were lying dead on that classroom there's just isn't a de where i don't regret the things that i saw and heard that day. it seems like yesterday to me. and so i think that yesterday was actually the day that those kids should have been graduating from college. it's just stunning. it's heart-breaking and shocking there were 20 kids that should have graduated high school yesterday but there were hundreds others that did graduate in newtown, connecticut. kids that had been living with the trauma of listening to those gunshots perhaps have stepping over their dead classmates bodies and what those kids have done over the course of the last decade and a half is really extraordinary. many of them have become part of the anti gun violence movement. many of them just played small roles and trying to help their classmates recover. many of them took part in charity activities charities that were started by the parents of those kids who died in sandy hook elementary school there are hundreds of heroes who have grown up to be really amazing young adults in new town who lived through that experience and sandy hook. and so i grieve for the 20 kids that should have been graduating yesterday but i also really celebrate some amazing young men and women who survived who have done some amazing things to heal over the course of the last last decade and a half, hundreds of heroes that's a nice way of looking at it. >> senator chris murphy, thank you for being with us this morning. i appreciate it coming up for us. >> the celtics seem like they can smell victory at this 0.11 away. now from an nba record 18th title and a shocking finding, nypd pulls over driver and finds a stockpile of weapons in his car here's to getting better with age here's the beat least to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition unit without the stuff you don't. >> so here's two now. >> i have moderate to severe crohn's disease now, they're sky rosie, things are looking at dancing i'm not crosby that been thing to feel significant symptom 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celtics, they just went on a massive run. jaylen brown, watch this throws down the monsters slam brown and jayson tatum. they actually outscore dallas themselves in the third, they would take a 21 point lead. but the map, so their credit, they came all the way back in the fourth, they went on a 22 to to run to get within one. but with a little over four to go, watch this flow here. it was very important. luka guarding brown gets called for the foul that was his six first-time ever. he's fouled out of a playoff game. the maths tried to hang tough without luka, but brown here the clutch jumper put boston up four with a minute to go. brown and tatum combined for 61, celtics, went 106 to 99, take a commanding three oled zero proof to it's awesome. >> i mean, i can't i don't even really have a worries. it doesn't even feel real right now. and i'm just trying to stay in the moment. it feels it feels great to be up three you in this series like the job is not done i want to say nothing but, you know, six following the nba finals i basically i'm like this come on man yes, celtics can now go for the sweep tomorrow night in game four there and dallas and i will say, john, you're your five-year long painful wait for another championship for boston it's almost over. >> i haven't had a title since 2019. that's long time for you that's right. >> the long national nightmare. finally, be over andy shells. thank you for all of this. this morning. i do appreciate i will note what does happen when you make luka dancing, play defense. it becomes a bit of a problem 100 rounds of ammunition, a loaded gun, and heavy body armor that is some of what the nypd found inside a car during a traffic stop in nauta sparked a bigger investigation seen as polo sandoval has much more on this. what's going on? polo? >> a job. good morning. it was just last night that new york governor kathy hochul reacted to this case calling the nature of the allegations and acceptable and also reminding us that the joint terrorism task force is working with the nypd to try to establish a motive. now we should be clear. >> this far. they have not confirmed any actual link to terror here, but there's certainly considering all options here given what they found this all started yesterday morning, john, when nypd officers pulled over the driver of a black suv, they search the vehicle and inside, we can see for yourself what they actually found a nine millimeter glog pistol, about eight magazines that were fully loaded with nine millimeter ammunition handcuffs and why pd uniform items is how they described it. and again, you'll see some of the, some of those items and just a few moments here, they also found a stun gun and expandable the taiwan in the list. does go on. i also want you to hear from one of the new york police officials, who say that they make weapons seizures every day but this one is certainly extraordinary and obstructive plate turns it into an arrest for person that is heavily armed. >> gun nods, weapons very dangerous. what community sense and is the man in his late 20s, at police are speaking to you right now, cnn working to identify an attorney right now. again, they have not been able to confirm any actual link to terror, but there's certainly pouring all there the sources guys, to try to learn a little bit more about the man and a motive if they learned that there actually was one. >> all right. pull us out of all thanks so much for that is they're all right. >> joining me now to discuss a cnn senior national security analysts, juliet chi m, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. one of the smartest people on this subject. i do want to talk to you a little bit about now what the police said that they found and what stood out to me was the nyc transit vest along with all of these guns and ammunition and a stun gun. when you hear all the details of this, what does it tell you about the suspect? >> well, it tells me that the magnitude of the ammunition that type of uniforms, the type of paraphernalia, which is sort of mimic law enforcement. it wasn't just nypd, it was also transit. so you have a subway concern and the fact that he had them all in one place and in transit means two things. one is the nypd did a great job. i mean, there's just no question about it. someone transiting with these kinds of materials is unlikely, just doing it for storage that there was probably an attack planned or imminent. and that's why he had it in his car assuming if he if he has a home, there'll be checking out that as well the second is just this increased threat environment that we're in. again, we don't know his motive. i will say in one of the press conferences or press releases, there was a discussion of writings that seemed to me to be a clue that they have some sense of what but the motive could be. there are his writings. and so we'll find out what his intent may have been the third is just this it's right environment that we're in overall. as we know, 2024 has a lot going on in it. and we will find out the true motive. i think the connection to law enforcement or attempt to mimic law enforcement can be quite scary. and just goes to the increased vigilance that we need in this period that the fbi director says, we all need to be vigilant. >> and there was another incident in arizona where someone was arrested who was targeting black people. and there's just we've been warned about this from the fbi over and over and over again. christopher way warning that this could be happening and the threat is high. julian the km yoal

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About Democracy , Endorsement , Gun , Responses , Hunter Biden , Danger To American Democracy , Justice System , Ted Cruz , Colleague , Gun Charges , Wanted , Ii Generally Don T , Justice , Decision , Donations , Drive , Clicks , Web Page , Line , Decision Making , Son , Planning , Jury , Respect , Mechanism , Secretary State , Signal , Tool , In The Middle East , Anthony Blinken , Hamas , Israel , Goalposts , Hostage Shock , Demands , Gaza , Hamas Doesn T Want , Terrorist Attack , Military Occupation , October 7 , 7 , Conflict , Ability , Goal , Surrendering , Being , Lives Inside Gaza , Terrorist Group , Likelihood , Conduct , War Aim , Bulletin Board Recruiting Material , Actors , Civilians , Rafah , Threat , Relief , Operations , Afghanistan , District , High School Graduation , Organization , Poses , Newtown , Sandi The Hook Massacre , Classmates , Graduates , Grade , High School Seniors , Staffers , Sandy Hook , Yeah , Parents , First Graders , Firehouse , Classroom , Isn T A De 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Hepatitis B , Cases , Disability Progression , Injection , Pml , Mab , Center Grab Hepatitis B , Injection Reactions , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Trials , Antibodies , Vaccines , Headache , Place , Haven T , Crack , Windshield , Flight , Nine Live On Cnn , Ship , Keith Symptom , Max , June 27th , Beach , Appointment , Safe Flight Dodgers Tom , Safe , Central , Auto Glass , The , Safe Flight , Like Com , Cnn Sport , Job , Andy Scholes , Nba Championship , Hold A Moment Of Silence , Maths , Champions , Wrap , League , History , Go Up Three , 156 , Jaylen Brown , Run , Game Three Last Night , Jerry West , 86 , Credit , Third , Fourth , Map , Slam Brown , Jayson Tatum , Dallas , 21 , 22 , Luka Guarding Brown , Foul , Playoff Game , Flow , Boston , Tough Without Luka , Proof , Oled , Worries , Zero , 106 , 61 , 99 , Following , Finals , Sweep , Man Yes , Nightmare , Championship , Title , Shells , 2019 , Ammunition , Play Defense , Rounds , Body Armor , Loaded Gun , 100 , Kathy Hochul , What S Going On , Investigation , Traffic Stop , Nature , Polo Sandoval , New York , Polo , Nauta , Motive , Terror , Link , Terrorism Task Force , Allegations , Options , Magazines , Officers , Inside , Suv , Pistol , Nine Millimeter , Nine Millimeter Glog , Stun Gun , Uniform Items , Handcuffs , Go On , List , Items , Taiwan , Arrest , Plate , Weapons Seizures , Police , Community Sense , Gun Nods , Late 20s , Guys , Senior , Pleasure , Analysts , Subject , National Security , Juliet Chi M , Nyc Transit Vest , Guns , Suspect , Magnitude , Type , Law Enforcement , It Wasn T Just Nypd , Uniforms , Paraphernalia , Subway , Someone , Transit , Storage , Materials , Attack , Environment , Second , Writings , Press Releases , Press Conferences , Clue , Connection , Director , Vigilance , Fbi , Warning , Arizona , Julian , Km Yoal ,

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