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june 27 at nine live on cnn and streaming on max cnn breaking news. i'm wolf blitzer in washington and we begin this hour with breaking news closing arguments based soon get underway in the federal gun trial of hunter biden. take a look at this. this is video of the president's son arriving at court earlier this morning, just a short time ago. his defense attorneys arrested there case and announced that he will not take the stand to testify in his own defense cms senior justice corresponded evan perez is outside the court for us in wilmington delaware. evan, what are the jurors likely to hear in these closing arguments well, what if we expect that those closing arguments are going to get underway? >> any time now? and what jurors are going to hear first from the prosecution is that there's a mountain of evidence. there is a volumes of evidence showing that hunter biden was using drugs around the time that he bought this gun back in october of 2018. now, the fence has been focusing on the fact that so far there's no evidence direct evidence showing that hunter biden was smoking crack around the time in october of 2018. now, there's there's text messages, there's photographs, there's testimony of drug use in september of 2018, in november of 2018. and so one of the last things that happen just in the past hour is an fbi agent, lee took the stand on the part of the defense i'm sorry, on the part of the prosecution to try to home in on some text messages in october of 2018 where there is some discussion a hunter biden was waiting for a drug dealer not far from here in wilmington. in the end, the defect, the fbi agent told the court that she didn't have location data to show where hunter biden was when he when he sent those text messages. and so therefore, again, from the part of the defense, they believed that draws some doubt as to whether those text messages or really determinative of what was happening at that time. so when the jury gets this case, wolf, they'll have to decide whether the prosecution has proved beyond the reasonable beyond reasonable doubt that hunter biden was doing drugs, that he knowingly violated the law when he filled out the form that allowed him to buy that gun in october of 2018 are you'll be watching it will be in close touch with you. i've in thank you very much. evan perez, outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. i want to continue this conversation right now on the breaking news, joining us, the former federal prosecutor, at least out of said and seth berenzweig or white-collar defense lawyer and constitutional attorney, at least. what did you make of the defense's case now that they have rested? >> well, i think the defense made the right choice by not calling hunter biden. write defendant has a constitutional right not to testify, and most of the time, they don't. i think the defense did a good job knowing when to stop. we've seen recent examples when they didn't and other cases, but here naomi biden and provided testimony on friday that she didn't see her dad using drugs during that critical time period in october and that she had been proud of him. now the prosecution did cast some doubt on that account by then confronting her with text messages from hunter where he was apologizing for not being president, but i think her testimony was strong enough to rest on and so i think with the strategy which is just reasonable doubt, the defense ended a strongly as they possibly could defendant has a right to testify and not to testify in these kinds of criminal cases. >> what are the pros and cons most lawyers tell their defendant don't testify. >> that's absolutely right. i spent a lot of time as a prosecutor. i am now a white-collar criminal defense attorney, and i would always advise my clients unless in the most rare occasions not to testify. right. because the defendant has a constitutional right not to. it is the government's burden to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt once the defendant is on the stand, who knows what's going to happen. of course, they will tell their story, but then it opens the door for the prosecution to cross-examine them. and then the jury can consider what they've heard the defendants say. they could find them not credible. whereas if it is just the prosecution's case the defendant does not testify, then the burden is where it should be, which is on the prosecution. it's just too risky to have a defendant testify because you don't know what the prosecution he's going to ask them. >> let me ask you this. if you are representing hunter biden, seth, would you advise him to testify and tell his side of the story or it just remained silent. >> i would tell them to remain silent. i concur i think that it was too risky to put him on the stand. abbe lowell has been around the block times yes. and i'm not surprised by that decision. i think it was the right decision and i think it's very telling to see who's testifying right now. i'm a little bit surprised that the prosecution's putting on a rebuttal witness. this is the special agent that testified earlier in the trial, and this person is being brought back on the stand to tie up loose ends with regard to what happened just a couple of days after hunter biden sign that form question 11 whether he knowingly misrepresented, whether he was a user, an attic. and interestingly, the facts of that show that within a couple of days and when he signed the form, he texted his then girlfriend that he was going to meet mulkey, who was a dealer to go ahead and get more drugs. achilles was only as strong as is he'll and the achilles heel in this case is, or the mountains of evidence which is really just including a lot of piles of dirty laundry showing that he used shortly before and shortly after the forms. so that's the reason four for the rebuttal witness. and then we're gonna get into closing arguments because it seems like the prosecution in this case has a pretty strong case right now. >> i absolutely to test point, they do have a mountain of evidence. they have i believe they they put on a forensic chemist to testify that there were some residue found on the gunpowder to prove that there was some contemporaneous drug use with the possession of the weapon. we have hunter biden's own words taken from his memoir, which i believe i was very strong for the jury and quite frankly, the defense tried the best that they could, but they weren't really able to bring a lot out to cast doubt. it is all about did hunter biden know that he was not to be considered himself an addict during those 11 days. and at the time he signed those forms and there is no direct evidence, but there sure was a lot of circumstantial evidence. so if i was to prosecution, i'd be feeling pretty good going into closing argument hunter biden's defense lawyers, including abbe lowell, who is well-known here in washington, called only three witnesses on friday, did not have any more witnesses to testify today. what does that suggest to you? >> well, it didn't surprise me. i didn't think that they really had a lot of evidence to affirmatively put on his daughter provided some very emotional testimony. she was subject to a pretty aggressive direct examination. i think that the defense overall has done a good job in so far as they have tried to keep the car right in the middle of the road then they've been very, very specific, but even if that evidence and i agree with you, i think the evidence is pretty overwhelming, even if that evidence gets them to say the one yard line, the only way that he's gonna get the defense counsel is going to get the ball into the goal line. is if they pull it the heartstrings or the jury, this has to be a very emotionally pulling closing. they have to humanize and sympathize hunter biden, and that's going to be i predict a real silly big part of the closing argument of the defense in this i'm sure that's one of the reasons with first lady has been sitting there during this course of this trial to show her support for her son absolutely. >> she's been there. i believe every day she flew back from france to be to be there for him. and i think the jury sees that. i think it's also important to note that i think it's something like eight out of the 12 jurors have been personally affected by addiction, either in their family or themselves. and so they're going to be bringing that experience to their deliberations and when they are listening to the summations that said they're gonna be instructed by the judge that they need to focus on the evidence in this case. blue, i agree with sat that the feelings that the defense is going to evoke during the closing arguments is important, but then they're going to be told that they have to focus yes. on the evidence, apply the facts to the law, and i think the government is prove their case if he's convicted on all three counts to these charged with right now, potentially potentially, he could face up to what, 25 years in prison. is that realistic at all? >> no he's not going to face 25 years in prison under the sentencing guidelines. >> he could face no prison time at all, or maybe incarceration during the weekends. the other thing to point out as well is that any kind of a sentence will be stayed pending appeal. there are some appeal issues here, and i know it's a little bit premature to talk about that because we don't have a jury verdict til they'll will probably have one in a couple of days. you have a very interesting recent decision out of the fifth circuit court of appeals, stating that this kind of a prosecution essentially constitutes unlawful discrimination based upon prior drug use, because people can't have their right to gun ownership and inhibited by by prior use. and there could be an argument that then this defense has said during these 11 days, no one saw him use drugs. and what they're asking get a jury du is to infer and essentially collapsed that down into the window of time because of his prior drug use. so you have an issue on the law you're going to have an issue with respect to the judge barring expert witness testimony with regard to his state of mind. so it's going to be a close call, but if there is a prosecution, if there is a conviction standby for appeal, yeah. and a lot of lawyers have said to me that they think he should have pled guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence recommendation from the prosecution. you think that would have been wise that's very hard to say. >> it's hard to say what was in the mind of the defense or of mr. biden himself when you plead guilty, you give up your appellate rights and to such point, there are some real questions about the constitution she already of this particular statute. so it could be that it was a hail mary decision will go to trial the best-case scenario we get an acquittal, the worst-case scenario, it goes up on appeal a lot of times we do as defense attorney recommend taking a plea when the evidenced as strong as it is here, because that is taken into account during sentencing, and because he is eligible for probation, it might have put him in a better position, but it's really tough, especially with where the statute stands legally he leaves and seth, the both of you. good discretion. thank you very, very much. we'll. stay on top of this story and still ahead this our secretary of state, antony blinken, is in tel aviv right now, about to meet with the israeli prime minister benjamin ateneo as political pressure on the israeli leader is clearly growing, plus donald trump set to be interviewed any moment now by a probation official. this is a necessary step before sentencing scheduled for next month in his criminal hush money case and a severe hail storm, sigma inefficiently damages and austrian airlines flight passengers say they could feel the hale hitting the plane will have detailed stay with us here in the cnn newsroom this election season. stay with 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infections and lower your ability to fight them tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge trim phi and asked your doctor about trump via this is no, secret war. secrets and spies. sunday at ten on cnn there's breaking news on our top story. >> the judge's not reading the jury instructions in the hunter biden trial after this, the court will take a quick lunch break and then have closed zhang arguments. we'll of course, continue to monitor all of this, bring you the very latest standby for that. but there's other important news we're following right now as well. secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in israel. he's there for a crucial meeting with the israeli prime minister benjamin, a time you in tel aviv, justice short time from now, this meeting followed was a tumultuous few days that saw israeli forces rescue four more hostages in gaza. while killing scores of palestinians. and a resignation by a war cabinet member benny gantz as a direct protest against an attack on you. secretary blinken's set of just a short time ago that is focus remains on pushing the biden peace proposal posel forward. listen the best way. the most effective way to get everyone home, including the american hostages, is through this proposal, is through the ceasefire deal it's on the table right now. that's what we're focused on. that's what we're determined that see achieved president biden announced the peace proposal on the table right now and said it was an israeli proposal. >> i want to bring our correspondent in tel aviv right now, oren liebermann into this for us are in good to have you back in israel? right now, our chief national security correspondent, alex mark, is here with being the cnn newsroom, but or in these new details that are emerging about how this israeli raid unfolded and how the us military provided support, walk us through what we're learning now well, this was a massive military operation from the israeli military that took weeks of planning, as well as hundreds of personnel, not only military, but also intelligence and a special police unit to make this happen, it all began to play out just before noon on saturday. >> that's when israeli forces moved dan witnesses say that somebody israeli forces were disguised dressing as either hamas militants or displaced palestinians to get as close as possible to what israel said was their goal to apartment buildings that had four hostages held in those buildings. and that was where they were aiming for to get in, get the hostages, and get out as quickly as possible. it took some time. but in the end, israel was able to bring four hostages, including one of the most prominent hostages back from october 7, out of hamas captivity. and back into israel. it was celebrated throughout the country including by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but it came at a staggering cost on the ground as israel had to extract from a very difficult situation, essentially a firefight that played out midday on saturday as israel tried to extract those hostages. that's when the palestinian ministry of health says israeli strikes killed 274 palestinians and wounded hundreds more. israel disputes those figures saying it were less than 100 casualties cnn cannot independently verify either of those numbers, but in either case it remains one of the deadliest days in gaza in months of warfare here. and it has drawn international condemnation, swift and severe. of course, the us is backed israel in this case welcoming the release of the hostages, but also saying that palestinians were tragically killed as part of this operation. that is the fraught environment into which secretary of state antony blinken now enters here on top of that, of course, the resignation of one of the war cabinet ministers. so a touchy situation equation all around here will very touchy indeed. are in standby to get back to you. i want to bring alex into this conversation. now, there's, you know, secretary blinken has arrived in israel, coming from egypt. we with egyptian president. el-sisi earlier in the day he's also expected to meet with benny gantz, the now former israeli war cabinet. ministry who departed in protest against some of netanyahu's policies right now how close do you think secretary blinken is to actually producing a deal that will result in more hostages being released, would result in greater medical and food going into the palestinians. gaza would create at least a temporary ceasefire. >> i don't think that there's an expectation that it's imminent or that secretary blinken will emerge from the middle east with some kind of announcement, but he is certainly there at this pivotal moment. now that we've entered the ninth month of this war to try to get this deal across the finish line, certainly from the israelis in these meetings with the prime minister and the defense minister, he will be seeking guarantees that if hamas were to agree to this deal, that israel would certainly agreed to it. i don't think that's guaranteed at this moment we've heard prime minister netanyahu say that it's a nonstarter. they would agree to a permanent ceasefire of hamas is not destroyed. then on his other stops egypt, jordan, qatar. he is looking to those countries to put renewed pressure, more pressure on hamas to agree to the ceasefire deal. that is, that is on the table. this is a deal that the us says is entirely on hamas to accept. that is something that a that he says that they have put forward themselves just a few weeks ago, so they should agreed to it now, but it is clear that there is still a sticking point about the end of the war. secretary blinken was in egypt, as you mentioned, just earlier today, only for a few hours. we know that egypt spoke with hamas earlier in the day, so he was there frequent egyptians to pressure hamas is going to cut are later in the week to do the same thing. i think there are new questions about how much, how close we are to that, that ceasefire and to what extent do is complicated by this israeli operation which thankfully brought four hostages home. but as orton was just saying, killed scores of palestinians and certainly the us has had major concerns about the way israel has carried out its military operations because of civilians and the threat to them, egypt and qatar are key intermediaries between the us and israel. on the one hand, and hamas on the other. the us orden and his robe don't deal directly with hamas, but egypt and qatar do are their major players. >> they are the main mediators throughout this process. the us has been engaged with the other mediators and with israel and those two, egypt and qatar deal directly with hamas. but right now, what we're looking at is a situation where hamas is not ready to enter into a ceasefire agreement unless they get an agreement from israel that the war will end. and israel is simply saying, we're not going to agree to that until we get our our hostages home. now we could have a situation where a ceasefire, a pause let's gets off the ground for several weeks and dozens of palace of israeli hostages are released. palestinian prisoners are released but it is really the question about an end to this war and what will happen in the longer term? that is really the sticking point. and you can certainly be sure to secretary blinken is going to be pressing israel on what the plan is for what we call the de, after this war, because the criticism of prime minister netanyahu and his government from the us and others has been that there is no plan that israel has not been engaging on that diplomatic and political front to decide to figure out what will happen in gaza after this. because if nothing is decided, there will be a vacuum into which hamas could reemerge. >> that was the same criticism that benny gantz, the former is israeli war cabinet minister. a level of just before his resignation as well alex, thank you very much. and aurin, thanks to you as well until a v for us, i want to get some analysis, write down these purely fast-moving events. mark esper is joining us. he's now a cnn global affairs analyst. he was the defense secretary in the trump administration. mr. secretary, thanks for joining us. what message do you think secretary blinken needs to deliver? the, prime minister netanyahu and his upcoming meeting. that's about to begin well, i think the message wolf will be that continue along the path of supporting this deal that is on the table. >> i think the more important meetings were in cairo where he just came from. and then of course, there'll be going to qatar and probably talking to others. he needs them to put pressure on hamas to finalize this still it's, it's been there for what, a week now previous deals have been out there that hamas has rejected. so i think at this point in time, it's a matter of pressing the arab states to put pressure on hamas to sign up to the deal we're learning new details. mr. secretary, about the israeli rescue mission some witnesses say they saw israeli soldiers disguised as hamas fighters and civilians. we know it took place in broad daylight and 11:00 a.m. local time. the hostages were rescued from various apartment buildings. what does all that tell you? >> clearly it's a very complex mission, a very dangerous one, but one that they thought was worth the risk to rescue these for israelis, would have been held now for what, nearly nine months. and as we other reporting talks about rehearsals being conducted, mockup sites to du practices, all kinds of other things thanks. but i think it shows, of course the commitment they have to returning. now, israeli hostages well, if there are, if there are two things that the israeli population wants, and they probably in this order are number one, bring the hostages home. and number two, and hamas, make sure hamas can never do again what they've done and so i think this reflects that that notion and today, i think bibi netanyahu is still celebrating the success of the idf and his riding that wave a little bit and of course that that comes into contradiction a little bit with what benny gantz did yesterday. but i think this will continue to play out along these lines. >> as you know, mr. secretary gazan officials say this is really raid killed what they call at least 274 palestinians, making it potentially the bloodiest day in gaza over the past six months israel disputes that figure and believes it's under 100 could the idf have responded differently when it came under fire in a way that would have killed fewer people at this rather densely packed refugee camp well i don't believe they'll hamas numbers they'd been dubious from day one. >> and so i discount them. i'm more inclined to trust the israeli numbers. it's hard to tell without knowing exactly how the operation went down. we know that the first the first hostages was rescued rather cleanly. but at the second site, they were it was interrupted by hamas and that's when a street fight broke out. and so it's hard to tell what the details were with regard to how they tried to protect the rescue team, how they tried to protect the hostages as they were taken from the site. and taken to safety. so it's hard to say look, you can always say we could have done this better could have done that better, but at the end of the day, it's good to see the israel of hostages rescued. i think the bigger question again, and we keep reminding the audience about this is why is hamas hiding hostages within dense civilian populations? why are they being held with in the apartments of palestinian civilians? i mean, all these questions continue to come up, which is why pressure needs to be put on hamas to release the hostages and stop using innocent palestinians as human shields. >> mark esper are the former defense secretary. thanks very much for being with us and coming up. first for a former president of the united states, donald trump is expected to speak to a probation officer today just ahead of his july sentence. we'll have more on the process now that he's a convicted felon, we have details that's coming up next the most anticipated moment the selection and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27. >> tonight's live on cnn and streaming on max first, we did the impossible you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. and now there the been law cookies backend subway cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. >> and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, city in the world food programme empower families across the globe everywhere. >> but the seed, the seed is 11. now, you 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we know they're the ever bought and demographic, but these are the folks that it's just not working so far. and so what he continued to do is defy logic and i think his campaign team is probably going to grow pretty tired of him using, again, a certain line of reasoning. it's not reasoning. we know that it's not logical. >> but at the rallies is where he feels emboldened to take it a step further, it's just not going to work. >> we're almost let's didn't july we're almost a convention. he's got to try something else and start focusing on the other segment of the republican party, trump and his supporters, maria, they continue to compare him to jesus i assume that could be offensive to christians out there who are watching as a practicing catholic will. it is so incredibly disturbing that his supporters would say that and use that kind of language. it is offensive. and what the clip that you just showed, i'm so glad that you showed it because that demonstrates right there. >> first of all, it just how far from the teachings of jesus he is. but just how focused and selfish and egotistical donald trump is, which we always knew that, right? >> but for him to say to his rally, it's one of the few times when he's told the truth, he has said to them, i don't care about you. i just want your vote. i don't care about you that to me is indicative of everything that voters should know about in terms of donald trump a president should be focused on what he can do for the american people. that is what joe biden has been focused on for the last four years. that is what he will be focused on for the next four when he gets reelected, it's the case that he's making to the american people. and frankly, donald trump just now helped him make that case because voters don't want to hear that it's all about you. they want to hear what are you gonna do for me and donald trump has made it very clear that he is only in this to stay out of the prison, especially now that he is a convicted felon 30 times over 34 times over rena trump has now also suggesting that those individuals who stormed the us capitol back on january 6, our quote, warriors, i want to play a clip. >> listen to this. he just said this but those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they victims of what happened, all that we're doing is protesting a rigged election that's what they were doing. so when we get in, it's got let me go very rapidly. we're gonna do a lot of things. we're going to look very strongly a j6, those people there has never been people treated more horrifically then j6 hostages, water set-up that was what's your reaction to that? >> the country loves to move on. and donald trump doesn't. and that is a problem for the republican party that has persisted since 2020. and therefore, you see the elected officials at the highest perch, not break away from him a because they also feel that they are victims in a way. >> and that's just something that's so unusual in this, in this era. >> i've never seen anything like it in the years that i've been in doing politics for two decades now, there has been a sense that we will talk about the kitchen table issues every four years. we will be disciplined. that message discipline when is not there because these people on capitol hill also feel some kind of victim hood, which is just bizarre because on january 6, 2021, we all know how they acted. they were all scared, they all push back on donald trump. they said that he was a problem. he could right the course. he hasn't decided to do any of that. and so by again saying that these j six defendants hundreds of them that have met the law and have face the consequences, have gone behind bars by thing that they are victims two, i don't see who he's winning, and that again, is a political problem of the moment. he's gotta get on board with what his consultants wants and what him to do. they don't want him to do this. they mean he'd him to turn around and stop trying to court the base to turn out because they're going to turn out for him no matter what in november, he needs to turn it around. >> he's also did during now, maria, i don't know if you heard it, but i'll play a clip that he's called the fallen us service members suckers and losers despite so many multiple eyewitness accounts that he did precisely that listened to what he is now saying they made up a story. >> they just out of thin air. i'm standing there with generals and military people in a cemetery. and i look at them, i say these people are suckers and losers now, i think of it. unless you're a psycho or crazy person are very stupid person who would say that anyway go ahead. >> you're smiling. a psycho in a crazy person would say that because he said that he is a psycho and a crazy person. i hope that in the next debate that they play, cnn plays that tape for him when he calls them suckers, when he calls him losers to see what he says about that, we all know how incredibly important military service is to our nation. the goldstar families who have given the ultimate in sacrifice. this is a slap in the face to them and especially now when we do have so many things going on around the world and our military is the best in the world, the most prepared in the world. >> but we have to honor them. >> and this is something that joe biden does better than anyone. he was over in europe talking about d-day of focusing on the massive service and what families gave up in order to keep us safe and in order to keep our democracy something that is thriving, that is gonna be a huge contrast going in to this coming election, because the more that donald trump focuses on denying that he insulted goldstar families and our military members. the more that joe biden is going to be able to make that contrast between somebody who is a massive threat to our democracy maria cardona, thank you, rena shaw, thanks to you. thanks as well up next, we'll get back to our top story closing arguments are set to begin very shortly in the hunter biden's federal gun trial, relied outside the court stay with us urine, the cnn newsroom devastating and sudden power of sooner it happened in far away lands, and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, we'd be ready. >> silent birth would liev schreiber they had not on cnn. >> it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don't you just get a fixed? 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>> while we're going to come back from this lunch break, this early lunch break that we have right now, and after the judge completes the jury instructions, we're going to hear both sides tried to put forward their case. the government believes that hunter biden knowingly violated the law that he new he was struggling with drug addiction. he knew he was struggling with crack addiction. and he went and bought a gun in october of 2018 and they believe that based on on all the evidence, all the text messages, two photographs that shows him with drug paraphernalia that around this time in october of 2018, that there was plenty of evidence to show that he was using drugs. now, the defense believes that based on what you've seen so far, that you can put you can place a hunter biden using drugs in september of 2018 and in november of 2018. and so that's the point they're going to drive home with the jury to try to sow some doubt that a time that he filled out the form to buy those gun, that he knew he was addicted to drugs, both evan perez we are update. >> thank you very much. or say on top of the story, also coming up a may day in the skies and austrian airlines plane was forced to make an emergency landing after the plane suffered significant damage heat montane our aviation corresponded his here. we'll get to the latest developments, right after this you 19th celebrates juneteenth. >> expression performances by john legend eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legs wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn first, we did the impossible. then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. >> and now there by the foot law, cookies, back-end subway with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that honor, all less work, more clean your skin is ever changing. >> take care of it with gold ponds, age, renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. for all your skin's cold bond i told myself i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms but just okay. >> isn't ok. >> knows done suddenly, if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel result is different and may help were invoke is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa relief, fatigue, and stop further joint damage and in psa can leave in clear or almost clear revoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb, serious infections, and blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin part attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or maybe become pregnant. >> done suddenly ascii rheumatologists, or revoke then take back what yours could help you save time, depress rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. >> it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to target since cell turnover and fight not wanted, but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena this looks romantic welcome i'm your host checkup we believe it goes meanwhile, at a vrbo when other vacation rentals have no privacy, try one that has no one, but you arthritis pain we say not today tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers are really the first is passed. the second is long-lasting. we give you your de back so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain you know, priceline helps families have 60% on family-friendly hotels. so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation baby take it easy, paris and u2 for motor now, please. wasn't alito gueriniere happy priceline? power ea trades award-winning trading app makes trading easier with it's customizable options chain, easy to use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from 510200, coventry direct redefining insurance i'm alex harakat in washington and this is cnn passengers on an austrian airlines flight endured a harrowing experience in flight when a severe hail storm hit the plane on route from spain to austrian sunday the storm heavily damaged the front of the plane, taking off part of its those leaving a dent in the cockpit and cracking several glass windows. >> the plane with 173 passengers on board was able to make a safe landing in vienna. and thank god, no one was hurt our aviation correspond to people and teams joining us right now, what more are you learning about this truly scaring, scary. and there been so many scary incidents lately. it's very true passengers describing so relieved to be on the ground. >> the good news here and the images are really a testament to the strength of this airplane. those airbus april 20 that was able to make it onto the ground. you can see it there in vienna, part of the nose cone where the radar is housed is damaged pretty heavily there. and that's something you seem pretty commonly when an airplane flies through a severe hail storm like this, and that is what officials in austria are describing this as i just want to give you a little bit of context here. there is a definition for a severe hair storm when it comes to encountering hail and an airplane, i've got some props here. these are coins a dime is about seven tenths of an inch in diameter. that's at the top here the faa says just a few seconds of dime sized hail, about a half inch in diameter can cause severe damage to an airplane severe hail storm that starts at about a quarter size. that's a little bit bigger. and then of course we're all familiar with golf ball-sized hail. that's about one and three quarters inches in diameter. that's probably close most of what these passengers on this plane experienced, everybody was able to get off. okay. but just want you to imagine the sound of this hale hitting the front of the airplane. this is really incredible. so the fact that this formed in such an incredible way, and the pilots were not able to avoid it. that is something that's not terribly uncommon. you can see the damage to the windscreen. they're the good news is there are multiple panes of glass there. so typically it doesn't actually penetrate into the cockpit, but hail forms when there are droplets of water inside a thunderstorm cell and then they get up, drafted to the top of the cell where they may refreeze and then they go through this cycle top to bottom, top to bottom. you've seen a hail stone on the ground. it's sort of likes looks like rings of a tree. if you're bisect it in into. and that is what happens these layers of water keep freezing over and over again. now, why could the pilots not see this that would be the big question that investigators will have here. and they have their work cut out for them the issue with hale is that it can be very dry, meaning is no longer liquid meaning the radar on the airplane can no longer pick it up. so in some cases, if a pilate's trying to shoot the gap between two different thunderstorm cells. and there's hale in-between it. they may not be able to detect it until it's too late could be what happened here. very scary and de them. >> so passengers were frightened big time. pete. thank you very, very much into our viewers. thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington there now of course, be back later. and i 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room right back here tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern in the cnn newsroom. stay with us inside politics with dana bash starts right after a short break rthritis pain. >> we say not today. tanno, eight-hour arthritis pain has two layers of really the first is past, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day bag you can give it everything tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis, pain, itch itch scratch must not stop the ip sanity with cortisone ten for bug bites, poison ivy, and other edges, cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended. >> it works fast and lasts for hours cortisone ten this home-style chicken salad rafah, subway. >> this is how you do it. savory chicken chris veggies, all wrapped up. these maps are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem. >> stay fresh out there. all new reps from subway electric for short trips, gas for long yeah. like the paradox, it really is both the lexis rx plug-in hybrid belly, i need help with a clicker one second, grandma, this guy's going to buy my car. >> are you still there? 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