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l tough call. >> who are you if you look at the latest data? you're probably going to need a, lot of, those purple sprinkles. >> how this guy really knows his stuff cnn, breaking news and good morning. you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm sure costa in washington, breaking this morning, hunter biden's defense attorney indicates that the president's son will not testify in his own defense. that means closing arguments could soon get underway in his federal gun trial. cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez joins us from outside the court. evan, how big of a risk would it have been for hunter biden to take that stand it's a big risk jam. >> i think that's the reason why you had the defense spent the weekend weighing the pros and cons of this one of the things that they wanted to do if he took the stand was to argue that and to tell the jury that hunter biden has been sober since 2019, and so that would perhaps in their view, at least go a little bit of a way of reversing some of the damage from all of this testimony this volumes of testimony from the from the prosecution about his drug use from 2015 through 2019 that's part of what they're trying and to figure out how to limit the damage of now, if he were to take the stand, the the prosecution had a warrant that among the things that we're going to bring up was the fact that he was discharged from the navy after testing positive for drugs about a decade ago. and also that he had pleaded agreed to plead guilty i think to all of these charges as part of a plea deal that fell apart last summer here at this very courthouse. so in the end, we anticipate that when the defense and the prosecution rests are case and they go to the jury, will hear officially formally that hunter biden is not going to take the stand. one of the things that the defense attorneys have been arguing behind the scenes and what they've agreed on is that the jury will be told that if the defendant doesn't take the stand, that they can't hold that against him what are the jurors likely to hear in the closing arguments? do you think while the big thing that that abbe lowell a hunter biden's attorney, wants to bring home to the jurors. >> is that from out from all of the four-and-a-half days of testimony, ten witnesses, what the prosecution has not shown is that 100 did drugs on in october of 2018, which is when he bought this gun. and why we're here. that's what those are. the three charges he is facing. and the other thing is that they want to argue that he never need he didn't knowingly lie on those forms that he filled out the federal form in order to get the background check to tbi, the gun. and also that in his mind, he didn't believe he was addicted to drugs at that time. now, we're going to hear from the prosecution. but again, to remind people about some of his own family members who have testified that they believe he was doing drugs during that time. and in the end, what what the judge has already ruled is that prosecutors don't have to prove that hunter biden was doing drugs on that day in october only that he was used doing drugs and using drugs around that time. what that around that time exactly actually means. it'll be up to the jury to interpret that jim. >> all right. evan perez. thank you very much. let's continue this conversation, joining me now, cnn senior legal analyst and former state and federal prosecutor elie honig, and defense ternary and former federal prosecutor shan wu. >> le. year. your take on hunter biden, apparently not taking the stand yeah absolutely. >> the right move. absolutely. his right. it would have been way too risky for him to take the stand. there's no upside and to the extent the defense wants to make the case, which they do that well, the prosecution has not proved that he was an addict at that key time in october 2018, they've already done that. they called naomi biden, hunter biden's daughter or to the stand? she testified that as far as she knew he was sort of in recovery than she did see him using drugs at that point that's more than enough. if you want to make your defense it's the right move not to call him. it's a constitutional right not to take the stand. they did the right thing. good call. can you think? >> yeah, i think it's a sign when they don't call the defendant, there are different reasons, different sort of atmospherics that come from that here to me, it's a little bit of a sign that the defense's ceiling pretty confident that the moment as confident as they can in the case like this putting a defendant on sort of a hail mary pass, i mean, a you got to think he's gonna do really well. and b, you got to think we really need him to come across to the jury a little bit of a choice here for them, that tough one, which is they think the atmospherics have been looking pretty good. i mean, the first lady has been in the audience ceos lot of sympathy going on. here so as a lawyer, you're thinking defense council, am i going to regret not putting them on if there's a conviction or if there's a conviction. and i got to think might have done this as an acquittal. but for the fact that he didn't do well, i think they're feeling pretty good, right now as well as they can be and no need to take that risk. >> yeah. le what do you think? >> i mean, is the defense looking good heading into closing arguments? it's such an unusual case because the facts are really largely not contested, right? >> there's two parts of this crime. one, did he possess a firearm? >> the defense has conceded that there's no way they can and they have not argued that he did not. >> of course, see possess a firearm. so it's all going to come down to this term of addiction. and i was talking with sham before. i mean, this was a crime we never charged where i was at in the southern district of new york in part because it's obscure and in part because how do you define when someone's an addict or not? and so what the defense is doing, the language in that gun for it, it's yeah, it's very broad. yeah. >> and what the defense is arguing here is sure he was an addict before and after the time period, but they haven't proved necessarily within that 11 day time period that it was an addict. so i think the evidence is strong for the prosecution here, but the defense has given itself a fighting chance and and they've given a jury if the jury feels any sense of sympathy for hunter biden or antipathy towards the prosecution. they've given the jury a way to say, now, we're throwing this out. and if there's a conviction, shan't could we see 100 biden going to jail? oh absolutely. yeah. i mean, he definitely faced president's son. >> yeah, absolutely. good. definitely face that question. and just to add to what i was saying, it it's even harder than proving these quote, an attic. they also have just showed he thinks he is an addict during that time period. so there's a lot of fuzziness there. and i think defense has done a good job working at in la. you were saying that this is not prosecuted? >> you'd have very much why not? >> well, a couple of reasons when we would do these cases, there's a whole category of what we call prohibited persons, people under federal law who are not allowed to possess firearms far and away. the most common category that's prosecuted is prior felons, people had previously been convicted of felony crimes it doesn't come up that often for one thing, it's also like i said, there's fuzziness around the term and addict and frankly, they're seen as the less important of the prohibited persons categories. there's seven or eight categories and this one is just seen as sort of small potatoes. so it was something i never even really heard of what i was a prosecutor. it exists for sure. it is charged hunter biden's is not the only person ever to be charged with it, but it's rare to see he the charge, especially in isolation, hunter biden has the tax charges separately in california, but it's rare that you see essentially a case entirely based on an addict and possession. what do you think can usually you want to see that before you charge it, that the gun had been used and so this is just like a purely possession kind of crime. >> do want to say this idea of him testifying. we might have touched upon this, but part of that decision, as evan was reporting, was the idea that the prosecution says, we're going to bring up this honorable discharge. they also seem assert that they're going to bring up his plea agreement, which i just think is totally off. i mean, if they were successful in doing that one, it's appealable to you, bring that up because i'll say yeah, well, you guys were willing to play this out. the diversion. that's going on here. so that seemed will be questionable du me. do our variance two guys will be watching. >> thanks so much could have talked to about you coming up in just a few moments, secretary of state tony blinken will meet with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's trying to push for a ceasefire deal as it israel's war cabinet is facing a major shakeup is coming up do 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. >> g10, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19, when cnn what's brilliant boring, think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what's drops bold, do a rocket hurdles and into space or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happy to fill, which is pretty unvarying if you think about it with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms to fine. you emerge as you withdrawn via most people saw 90% clear skin. eye four months and the majority stayed clearer at five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just let's dose a year after to starter doses. >> cbd is allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you dr, if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine, are plan to emerge as you emerge trim fired, ask your doctor about trump via this is a premium hand selected begun rapidly mignon that's aged for tenderness and trimmed to perfection. >> this is a neck tie. what do you think dad wants for father's day visit omaha slash tv to order the dad wants date package today for just 99, 99. and we'll include eight additional burgers free. >> so get him not this this go to omaha slash tv today because dad deserves it just a little. father's day wisdom from omaha steaks nine out of ten people don't get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it's plant-based prebiotic fiber nerves parishes, good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit number is your fiber, your way? 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>> it could have a significant impact. it could certainly give netanyahu confidence that he can free hostages through military operations and not need to do it through these negotiate patients. it could easily make hamas receipt and say, we have almost 300 people according to them, who had been killed. we're not going to talk about a ceasefire right now. so it is a very fraught time and secretary blinken on the tarmac in cairo just moments ago, he only spent a few hours in cairo speaking with the egyptians. really emphasizing sense of urgency right now to try to get this use fire across the finish line the ninth month of this war just started. you have over 100 hostages who are still alive in the us really sees this ceasefire as a way to ending this war. and so secretary blinken is going to countries that have relations with hamas, egypt just left heel in qatar later this week to really pressure them, to pressure hamas. because the us has been insisting that the onus is on hamas to accept this deal. is it a guarantee that if hamas accepted a deal that then israel would. i don't think it is, jim, because netanyahu has stated clearly that unless hamas is completely destroyed, they will not agree to a permanent ceasefire and hamas is saying, well, we're not going to regrade your release any hostages without without a permanent ceasefire deal. so in israel. >> blinken is certainly wanting to get assurances on that, but also gym for the day after because one criticism the us has had israel is that israel has not been engaging in political or diplomatic discussions about what comes after this war is over. >> and alex, the israeli military says hostages were being held in civilian buildings. what does that tell us that the israelis are putting that out? >> well, it tells us that these are extremely complicated operations. it tells us that the remaining hostages are not necessarily all down and rafah with a large part of the palestinian population. this was a refugee camp in the central part of the gaza strip in civilian apartment buildings. and we're certainly a hamas militants were killed as part of this raid. there were certainly scores we believe of palestinian civilians who were killed as part of this raid. israel and the us will argue when they are arguing that this just goes to show that hamas is hiding behind civilians and using them as civilian in shields on the pro-palestinian side, this is going to reinforce the argument that hamas, that israel doesn't care about killing civilians as long as they reach their, their military objectives and getting these hostages home. so it's obviously an extraordinarily complicated situation, but this will give a little bit more leeway netanyahu, who has been criticized for not doing enough to get the hostages home. now he has proven he can get some hostages home, and he may try to free more through operations like this one, right? >> he's been under tremendous pressure on that front. alex, very important reporting there. let me go to paula hancocks our international correspondent. she's joining us as well. >> paula how ami just talking about this with alex a few moments ago. >> how does this raid impact the ceasefire talks? does it make life a little more difficult for tony blinken? >> well, jim, we've certainly heard from an egyptian official that this does jeopardize things. this certainly will be taken into account when the man yahya sinwar, who is going to decide whether or not this deal will be agreed to by hamas looks at the civilian casualties of this right now as alex was just saying, they were almost certainly hamas militants that were killed in the raid. we saw from the images, from mars cnn producer on the ground of those coming into the al-aqsa martyrs hospital, there were women and children everywhere. there were certainly significant numbers of civilians that were killed. two, we don't have a breakdown of civilian versus militants at this point, but it will have an impact. now we've heard from the israeli sayyed, we heard the missing families the hostages four, and this is the families of those that are still being held saying that they hope this won't make a difference. we are hearing also from the mother of one of those almog meir jan, who was rescued on saturday she has said beyond thanking the idf and being delighted that her son is back clearly that there needs to be a deal. so even those who are have just had their loved ones handed back to them in this raid, in this mission they are also calling for a deal that this is the way to get more, more of these hostages back. and this is really a unified voice. we're here hearing from all the hostage families, even those that have had their loved ones rescued. and in such a dramatic fashion, gym alright, paula hancocks and alex mark ward, thanks to both. >> you really appreciate it. i want to bring in former name maybe you seal commander of dan o'shea. he was also the coordinator of the hostage working group at the us embassy in iraq dan, thank you very much for joining us apparently, these hostages were being held in people's homes and gaza. what does that tell you about the execution of this rate? >> well, it on top of the fact that they were held in a civilian homes, the fact there was a daylight raid your reports are coming in that israeli, the idf course, they infiltrated the area in broad daylight under the cover of the coming in as gazan refugees. so felkel aerobes and that's when they got, again, the critical thing for hostage rescue mission as, the thought that these horses are always on the standby being killed and murdered by those that are guarding them. so that's why this subterfuge or ruse to get in was critical to the mission set and obviously the escalation when they entire neighborhood as he quote, a civilian neighborhood the, entire idf rescue force came under fire as they were evacuating the actual hostages after they'd secured them. and then the hoyer, it blew up into a pretty significant firefight. and that's when we know idf helicopters and others engaged, which is why the escalation of the casualties. but the reality is fired shots were being fired at the idf throughout this entire mission as they were pulling this off. and that's why that's why i turned into a massive firefight. but incredible successful that they got all four hostages and the loss of one idf soldier in emission that is fraught with risk and danger to both the rescuers. the rescue ease, and of course, those on the ground and then the gaza health ministry says at least 274 people were killed in this ray. the idf is disputing that numbers, saying the number of casualties is under 100. cnn cannot independently verify the death toll could this have been done with fewer palestinian deaths? what's your sense of it? >> well, again, the reports i'm reading coming out on various number of sadow groups that are coming from the ground that the force came under attack and they responded in kind. so again, when you're holding hostages in civilian locations that happened to be armed civilians that are firing print out the rescue force. of course, there's going to be casualties and that quote civilian term. is probably exaggerate in terms of the numbers and this term civilian is loosely used because we know hamas routinely fires from hospitals. they fire from churches, they fired from senegal from moss and from schools. so this is part and parcel. they they are in a sense, keeping the entire gaza and population under high hostages themselves to their ideology. and that's, this is the result when, that, when that kind of law of armed conflict as ignored and you holds, you hold hostages in civilian, civilian houses. you're going to have civilian deaths when you watch a hostage rescue mission and dan, there was a lot of speculation before this raid that most of the remaining hostages were were dead. i mean, at least that's what you heard from some corners what does this tell you about the possibility that there may be more hostages alive than people recognize. i mean, it's very difficult to say conclusively. >> yeah. well, i've seen multiple reports that a large majority of the hostages have been killed. there's been reports of 30, 40 that the hamas has reported have been killed in an idf strike. so again, what is that number? is 30. is it 40? is it 100? yeah. we really don't know but. the. fact that the idf world to get the intelligence on the hostage location, again, not in rafah with the center of the focus of idf is right now, but in the center of gaza, that was a daring raid. i mean, this, this will go down in the annals of the radon entebbe for the idf. and it's a remarkable accomplishment to be honest. and i know that someone who was in the special operations world for 30 years pulling up these missions is fraught with risk, and it is a successful mission regardless of the numbers have civilian casualties getting their hostages back as the end state is a state of go netanyahu and he's proving to the israeli people that he's speaking as pharmacists tourney no stone to pull to get back all these hospitals all right. >> dan o'shea. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate thank you coming up. pow, donald trump gets out the vote in vegas by the way, is that breeze nice. you feel the breeze because i don't want anybody going on me. >> we need every voter. i don't care about you. i just wanted get a vote. i don't care more of his remarks in his first rally since becoming a convicted felon. >> that's next silent. >> earth would liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn recipes recipes that are more than their ingredients recipes. >> written by hand and lost to time can now be analyzed and restored using the power of del ai. reserving memories and helping to write new ones for over 25 years, loved sack has been rewriting rules of comfort it's okay to change your style get messy yet immersed with love, sac you make the rules row engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and faster acting and long-lasting grad, the moment get started at slash sparks we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant went to get new uniforms with all the locations. he found great products, uploaded new art, and had boxes sent to all the shops. customer makes it so easy. get started today at chances for plane crash, 111 million. >> you're not continuously assault and that's right but never waking up from anesthesia one and 185,000 valley, your parking or to see her what's dress about the unlikely does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery? 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so put me in a hot seat. yeah yeah i mean, like i think a lot of evangelicals, we'll look at the former president's oh, you know, that's a little bit of fodder. >> they have their religious believes and you see some people who were at the event. i actually talked to someone who was there and he said a lot of people looked at it as sort of joke and jokes and bluster. they really want to hear the president, former president make his case about why he's did better alternative his case against democrats, as cases against president biden. that's what really, really rao the crowd up. they laughed at some of this comment matairie. so i think for those folks that don't take the former president to serious, well, there's something that i think was very serious. israeli megan he took his rhetoric surrounding january 6, step further suggesting that those who stormed the capital were quote warriors. a lot of people may have overlooked this over the weekend, but that's the language you use. let's watch but those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that's what they were doing. so when we get in, it's going to go very rapidly. we're going could it do a lot of things? we're going to look very strongly a j6, those people there has never been people treated. more horrifically. then j six hostages, water set-up that was now reality check. megan, the police officers who were defending the capital on january 6, they were the warriors they were under attack. they defended the capital. and i think the other thing that's outrageous about this as this, this happened just a few days after d-day those are worried storming the beaches of normandy. that's a warrior, not storming the capital. >> yes, i think the wires just like you said, are the folks that president biden and other world leaders we're honoring today. or honoring a few days ago in france for d-day and also just like you mentioned, the police that were there descending the capital, its offensive that he would call these folks who broke the law, who are insurrectionist wires. but i mean donald trump is saying exactly who he is and he is saying exactly what people need to be listening to when it comes time to nevada megan the biden folks have been grappling with this this this what they call trump amnesia. i mean, is this is as january 6 is just been sort erased for a lot of voters minds in a way that is not, not good for the president. >> no, i don't. and i think that people do have short-term memory. i think that's been proven over and over again every time we have an election. but i do think when it comes time to start voting in november, trump is going to continue to say things and continue to incite this incendiary language like he's doing and he's very like comparing himself to jesus. that's very narcissistic i mean, topics. so i think that people are going to start paying attention and start to remember. so i don't necessarily think that people are going to forget when it's time to vote. i just think people need to be reminded. i think that's what the biden campaign is trying to do. i'm not sure it's working just yet, but i think they have five months that hope that yeah. >> i mean, i suppose folks might blow off the jesus stuff and it's okay. like you were saying earlier, it's just kidding. and that sort of thing. >> but when donald trump calls the people who attack the capital on january, say the capital images were sitting in front of it warriors isn't there a part of you that just recoils so strategically again? megan made a really, really good point. >> this is a part of the problem i would argue for the trump campaign and i know for a fact that some of the folks on the campaign would prefer the former president to stick to the issues because if you look at some of the polling, it does pretty well shortly after he calls them hostages this now he's calling it bove imagery that could turn out some people who are on the fence about president biden, who are saying, you know what, i'm just going to stay home. i'm going to disengage all together, which does benefit the former president. those folks who will see this stuff constantly. and if the biden campaign continues to do ads on social media, radio ads, television ads. it does sort of remind people who know what i just don't think i want to be bothered with another four years of chaos. that isn't good for the former president. so if i was advising, my advice is stick to the issues people don't want to be reminded of chaos. it turns them off, jim. yeah and that's also a good point in general for people to vote. they need that contrast. they need to know who they're voting for for good or bad on both sides, they need the contrast. so to your point, they both should be sticking to the issues and not the incendiary language yeah. i agree. >> and megan, today, trump is meeting with the probation officer about this hush money trial conviction and so on do the biden folks think that this has any staying power is in terms of an issue, when you look at some of the polling, i mean, it just doesn't seem to register with trump's supporters. maybe it has some effect on people in the middle. >> what are you hearing? i do think it impacts of people who are that consider those double-haters who are going to start to move over to joe biden. >> i do think it has staying power. the more you continue to tell people he's a convicted felon i mean, is unprecedented to have a former president who's running for president and the nominee meeting with a probation officer, like he is under court supervision. that is unprecedented. territory that we're in. and i do think it matters to these undecided voters, especially it's the bourbon women's these suburban women in places that matter like outside of philadelphia yeah sure. >> michael me trump was also talking about jack smith going after the special counsel. let's listen to that we have a deranged individual named jack smith. >> he's at deranged that dumb guy is at dumb son of a, and i just want to get off normal. no third world country has a border like that. and no therapy. >> i tell you what, no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can't get elected anything without cheating now, one of the things that i mean, that is coming to donald trump's rescue in all of this is the supreme court. >> i mean, yeah, our judicial system, the one that he's attacking for convicting him in the hush money trial and kinda coming to his rescue as it not on the documents case with judge cannon. i mean, it's beneficial until it's not beneficial. >> a lot of price is not blowing a kiss to judge catching a lot of republican voters they agree with the former president in terms of the jack smith, they agree with the foreign president in terms of the hush money case, out of new york by that misdemeanor case at best that became a felony case so i think there's a mixed bag on this, i guess is the point i'm trying to make your gym. >> yeah. the arm basis just like you know what we need to drive it home, how corrupt the system is. do you have some of the more moderate republicans that are just like yeah, we don't really care about that. let's figure out the economic issues some of the military issues, immigration issues, and so i think with the former president is trying to do is have a balancing act of maintaining that drive with his arms supporters, but also trying to touch on some of the issues with some of those moderate leaning republicans that somewhat are skeptical of some of his rhetoric. but i would argue that he needs to pull in some of the folks like the nikki haley voters, some of the republicans that really don't want joe biden, but they really are skeptical of his constant perpetuation of divisive rhetoric. >> yeah, and i suspect they were doing a lot of wincing, listening to sounds rather here okay, guys, megan. sure. michael, thank you for coming up the far-right, surging and european parliamentary elections. we'll talk about the global impact of that next the, cnn presidential debates, june 27 at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. that's rob. it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your home central, give everybody i hope he foundations putting your you're plus try centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults my name is marie and 49-years-old, and i'm a business owner. >> i owned a lemonade, an ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my leinz have gotten deeper just from year out in the sun i've still murray and i got botox cosmetic. i did not want to dramatic change. >> i want is something subtle and a really, really happy with the results. >> it's still on me, but with fewer lines botox cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines cross feed and for headlines, look better. >> the effects of botox cosmetically spread hours two weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition, do not receive botox cosmetic if you have a skin infection, side effects may include allergic the actions injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid, drooping eyelids, swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects see for yourself that botox shipping trucks, advanced camera technology lets you see over under through down. and any other direction you may need hey available cameras and 14 views so you can focus on the view that really matters you miss a thing these, got chevrolet together. let's drive this is a freemium hand selected begun rappleyea mignon that's aged for tenderness and trimmed to perfection this is a neck tie. what do you think dad wants for father's day? 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>> well, the advance of the far-right had been widely predicted in the poll tim. in fact, there had been pulls that would suggest that it would be worse than what we actually saw. in fact, the message from the european union this morning is that the center has held the last block to come out in european parliament will be the center-right, that of ursula von delaying but the far-right, substantial gains and that will make a difference. these are these are parties who are barnard whilst not being a monolith euroskeptic many aligned clue more closely with moscow, then with the idea of continued supports ukraine, and they're now being the second largest bloc in the european parliament will have an effect on things like the european in unions, unity, its voice on immigration issues and essentially on how it's his itself and manages its future. so it's a substantial win for them and for many at the center of european politics, extremely worrying development him and those are what border we know about these snap elections. and france that are going to take place just before the start of the paris olympics. i'm sure it's busy enough as it is already there in paris we had our work cut out for us as it was even before this remarkable decision that really took everyone by surprise in money or michael didn't have to call this election now just to be perfectly clear, it has nothing to do his presidency, he will remain present until 2027. >> what it does mean though, is that we're going to have snap parliamentary elections by the end of the month. this is what he told the nation i'll start off after his party scored. so disney in these european elections this is a situation that i cannot come to terms with. >> the rise of nationalists, of demagogues is a danger for our nation, but also for our europe, for france is placed in europe and in the world what happens now is that the country will hold parliamentary elections 33rd, june 7 of july for the second round, we're going to get a new prime minister as a result of those new government. >> and if the polls are correct and they do as well, the far right, that is as they just did in the european elections, then the expectation, the possibility is there we will find ourselves with emmanuel macron was president of far-right prime minister. and national assembly. that leans that way. and that really would be a remarkable remarkable turn of events, jim and would change the way he's able to govern. no doubt, going forward, gym absolutely. >> very big changes. there aren't melissa bell. thank you very much for joining us live in paris. and just moments ago, secretary of state john, you wonder why tel aviv is set to meet with the israeli prime minister in just a short while for tomorrow, he is expected to meet with one of netanyahu's main rivals, benny gantz, who resigned from the work cabinet of that country over the weekend, afford to parting cairo. blinken said his egyptian counterpart weren't communication with hamas as recently as a few hours ago, he is also urging middle eastern countries to press hamas to say yes to a permanent ceasefire and release of the hostages in gaza, turning back to domestic items, the supreme court, nearing the end of its term, time is running out to release potential blockbuster decisions on a range of major cases with significant effects for this country here with me to discuss cnn's senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, jaume. great to see you as always up first, we want to show our viewers. we have two cases on abortion. the most closely watched one, whether to impose new restrictions on the abortion pill. mifepristone, the other would decide if a near near-total abortion ban in idaho conflicts so the federal law requiring emergency medical care for patients, i remember we cover both of these cases live on this program. what are the justices said about these? what are you expect to happen? sure. remember, jim, were two years now from when the justices just by a narrow five to four vote reversed all abortion rights, nationwide constitutional abortion rights. so these are sort of the next generation in the first one that i think is the most closely watched involves the food and drug administration's approval of the drug mifepristone, which is an abortion pill, right now in america, most women who need to pregnancy do it through abortion medication, not through surgery. so access to that mifepristone is crucial this case test, the fda's authority for finding any drug's safe and effective as they did for mifepristone and for practical consequences on the ground, it would involve whether the fda regulations that allow it to be available at ten weeks of pregnancy rather than seven, which had been the prior rule. and whether could be obtained by mail rather than in person but more broadly, this case tests fda authority for any drug's approval and the conditions for it. so it really goes to broad fed federal regulatory authority and a threshold question is, who can actually challenge that? in this case, a group of anti-abortion physicians have challenged it and during oral arguments, jim, the justices were pretty hung up on that on whether this these doctors actually had what's referred to as legal standing. so this this ruling could turn out to be more incremental than long-lasting in terms of fda authority. so we're watching for that one especially and joe, we also have a trump's appeal for immunity from special counsel, jack smith's election subversion charges i mean, they the supreme court what did this on april 25th, if my memory serves me, that seems like a long time ago. >> your memory is rife but you're going to do those, right? they they have to they have to do this. and just so viewers know about where they're going to go for these abortion cases that trump-related cases. they tend to get out by the end of june on their annual accession session. so we can see this ruling in june 27, june 28, or maybe in this case because it's such a big one, they could slop over to july 1, which is a monday. but let's just tell people what what's involved. donald trump is claiming absolute immunity in the election subversion case that special counsel jack smith is brought on behalf of the department of justice, and on h actually so he has claiming absolute immunity. the justices will probably reject that, but they could still rule partially for donald trump by saying we need to decide or the lower courts need to decide what acts here in the election subversion charges go to his official actions are private actions in the case could go back to lower courts. now you remember, jim, this is one where a trial judge was about to actually start a trial of donald trump back in march 1 week in march. so it's already been delayed by the supreme court consideration in the supreme court could send it back for further proceedings on legal issues and factual issues that could take us well past the election. >> that would mean there's no doubt but this will not happen before election day. >> there's a sliver of doubt, but virtually nivre. >> joan, thank you very much, really appreciate it coming up. you could soon have ai integrated into your phone the expected announcement we're talking about apple just a few moments these territories meno come try, you use enlarge this year everyone had much needed, but yeah. >> an american saga, read it out our new central menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms posit with a multivitamin plus hot flash support daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. centrum powered by clinically studied and gradients. >> so we decided to put in an in ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them and it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful, we wanted something that our children will feel happy zooming in and we love it and still love it connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at we just shipped are millionth monthly coffee subscription boxes. >> so we're sending custom thank you gifts to our team, our customer, and grab is just as excited as we are and knows what great quality products to get celebrate your milestones with custom gear, get started today at here's some information about replacing windows and doors that just may surprise you. >> i'm brian gary. i'm here with brian price from renewal by anderson. >> hey, brian, homeowners always ask my windows aren't even 10-years-old. why do i have to replace them? 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>> yeah, jim, the biggest thing that we're expecting here today is the potential that apple is going to upgrade siri with artificial intelligence potentially with the same technology that openai is using for chatgpt. this could make siri into a much more effective the personal virtual assistant it could do things like tell you things about the weather or answering detailed questions about the news potentially could help you draft emails or text messages, or search through old photos. we also could see things like ai capabilities for apple maps and look, the stakes are really high for apple here it hasn't given you there's a really compelling new feature that would encourage them to upgrade their iphones in about four years, which is really taken a hit to sales. and also many of apple's competitors are out ahead in terms of articulating a strategy for artificial intelligence, you have competitors like microsoft and samsung that have already rolled out ai powered devices as and so in all say it's really important that apple brings some kind of wow factor today in these ai announcements, gym interesting, and might this really fuel sales for apple? >> i mean, that's what they're looking for here. >> it's really important. apple is in this sort of tricky moment where iphone sales have slowed, especially in china, which is a really key market where it's facing a lot of competition. it's also facing antitrust regulations lawsuits. and you have the vision pro, which it launched with so much fanfare earlier this year and sales have really been lottery cluster for that, you might also see some ai capabilities for that vision pro as apple looks to really supercharge its hardware sales all right, fascinating, clare duffy, thank you so much and thank you for joining us this morning. >> i'm jim acosta, our next our of newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after short break. have a great time i voted buttons grabbed my rainbow kid. it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political nicole symbols. and there's room for everyone. >> yeah plus cans, puke rainbows, white taken nine out of ten people, don't get enough fiber. >> bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it's plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy ben of fiber is your fiber, your way high? 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Worry , Customers , Phone , With Ja , Supporters , Interview , Felony Counts , Head , Republican Party , Martyrdom , Chrome , Hush Money Trial , Nevada , Las Vegas , 34 , Nominee , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Jesus Oh , Roman , Michael Me Trump , Everybody , Generation , Grid , Digits , Temperatures , Rhetoric , Bathing , History , Messianic , Dog , Sweating , Suicide , Presidency , Reshared , Trump , Trials , Martyr , Cast , God , Somebody , Michael Singleton , Political Commentator , Megan Hazen , Seat , Evangelicals , Offensive , Messiah Stuff , Christians , Event , Jokes , Joke , Fodder , Bluster , Folks , Megan , Democrats , Rao , Comment Matairie , January 6 , 6 , Stormed The Capital Were Quote Warriors , Warriors , Anything , Worries , J6 , Let , Election , Victims , Horrifically , Capital , Water Set Up , Reality Check , Police Officers , Six , D Day , Beaches , Normandy , Police , Wires , Warrior , France , World Leaders , Trump Amnesia , Voters , Memory , Voting , Topics , Campaign , Attention , Hope , Warriors Isn T , Trump Campaign , Problem , Recoils , Issues , Polling , Imagery , Fence , Chaos , Radio Ads , Together , Social Media , Television Ads , Contrast , General , Sides , Advice , Stick , Bad , Isn T Good , Staying Power , Probation Officer , Issue , Effect , Joe Biden , Middle , Court Supervision , Territory , Running , Jack Smith , Special Counsel , Bourbon Women , Matter , Places , Outside , Philadelphia , Country , A , Third World , Individual , Border , Therapy , Weaponization , Candidates , Cheating , Supreme Court , The One , System , Documents , Cannon , Price , Kiss , Misdemeanor Case , Felony Case , Republicans , Bag , New York , It Home , Basis , The System , Arms Supporters , Figure , Immigration Issues , Drive , Nikki Haley , Perpetuation , Wincing , Elections , Central , Max , Rob , June 27 , 27 , Ice Cream Shop , Business Owner , Lemonade , 49 , Botox , Change , Leinz , Cosmetic , Florida , The Sun , Effects , Fda , Results , Really , Botox Cosmetically , Headlines , Injection , Lines Botox Cosmetic , Frown Lines Cross Feed , Actions , Side Effects , Botox Cosmetic , Eye Problems , Headache , Breathing , Condition , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Eyelid , Injection Site Pain , Difficulty Swallowing , Speaking , Eyebrow , Drooping Eyelids , Conditions , Medications , Nerve , Muscle , Botulinum Toxins , Camera Technology , Botox Cosmetic Com Shipping Trucks , Views , Cameras , Direction , 14 , Freemium Hand , Rappleyea Mignon , Got Chevrolet , Tv , Intel , Goldmine , Corn Festival , Corn Pudding , Redmond Deselect , Eyebrows , Corn Chowder , Honor , Bam , Comer Doughnut Shops , Empire Bar , Neighborhoods , Summer , Homes Com , Run , Oliver Associates , Ewc , 11000 , Hair , Comfort Wax , The Best Of , Comfortable , 15 , Legend , Wax , Moves , Lessee Rotation , Ancestry Dna , Ingrown Hair , Quality , Factory , Performance , Tools , Backyard , Gift , Fathers , Dab , Loved One , Fs 56 Rc Gas , Meso Book Com , Closed Captioning , 56 , Questions , Parties , European , Gains , Book , Far Right , 14000 , Emmanuel Macron , Snap Election , Record Number , Member States , Seats , Parliament , Eu , Paris , Melissa Bell , Millions , Macron News , Verizon , Scene Ends , Message , Poll , Advance , Saw , Tim , Center Right , Delaying , Clue , Monolith Euroskeptic , European Parliament , Ursula Von , Moscow , Unity , Bloc , Immigration , Unions , Ukraine , Development , Many , Enough , Snap Elections , Start , Place , Win , Center Of European Politics , Paris Olympics , Money , Michael Didn T , Nothing , Surprise , Nation , Party , 2027 , Nationalists , Rise , Demagogues , Polls , July , Government , Expectation , 7 Of July , 33 , 7 , Prime Minister , Events , Turn , National Assembly , Secretary Of State John , Set , Changes , There Aren T , No Doubt , Forward , Counterpart , Work Cabinet , Rivals , Weren T Communication , Benny Gantz , Items , Joan Biskupic , Viewers , Blockbuster Decisions , Cnn S Senior Supreme Court , Orange , Jaume , Mifepristone , Abortion , Abortion Pill , Conflicts , Restrictions , Abortion Ban , Justices , Program , Abortion Rights , Drug Mifepristone , Approval , Broad Fed Federal Regulatory Authority , Drug , Case Test , Medication , Regulations , Consequences , Whether , Rule , Mail , Threshold , Ruling , Standing , Group , Oral Arguments , Physicians , Election Subversion Charges , Immunity , Appeal , April 25th , Abortion Cases , Accession Session , 28 , June 28 , Election Subversion Case , Behalf , Big One , July 1 , 1 , Department Of Justice , Courts , Trial Judge , Trial , Proceedings , Supreme Court Consideration In The , March 1 , Joan , Doubt , Sliver , Nivre , Apple , Announcement , Territories Meno Come Try , Menopause Supplements , American Saga , Multivitamin Plus Hot Flash Support Daily Z , Extra , Clarity , Gradients , Ground Pool , Angie , Pool , Sleep , Centrum , Contractors , Look , Choices , Bids , Reviews , Level , Projects , Professionals , Zooming , Team , Coffee Subscription Boxes , Angie Com , Windows , Doors , Milestones , Grab , Information , Gear , Brian Gary , Homeowners , Builders , Aren T , Bathrooms , Brian Price , Kitchens , Anderson , 10 , Reputation , Industry Thanks , Replacement Window Division , Service , Window , Door , Master Installers , Installers , Field Training Programs , Mastering , Thousands , Classroom , Homeowner , Isn T Companies , Blame Game , Manufacturer Points , Installer Points , Installer , Contracts , Manufacturer , Worst , Finger , Installation , Consultation , Process , Nice , Estimates , Named Renewal By Anderson , Replacement Window Companies , Discount , Home Improvement Resource , Patio Door , Entry Door , June 30th , 35 , Payments , Purchase , Interest , 00 , 12 , Businesses , Appointment , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Los Angeles , Partnership , Artificial Intelligence , Effort , Super Charge , Phones , Help , Draw , Iphone Sales , Tech Giant , Chatgpt Maker Openai , Potential , Iphone , Ai Features , Clear Duffy , Openai , Virtual Assistant , Weather , Chatgpt , Capabilities , Stakes , Text Messages , Photos , Emails , Apple Maps , Sales , Competitors , Iphones , Feature , Strategy , Hit , Microsoft , Factor , Ai Announcements , Devices , Samsung , Market , Competition , Antitrust Regulations Lawsuits , China , Vision Pro , Hardware Sales , Fanfare , Lottery Cluster , Time , Newsroom , Buttons , Clare Duffy , Wolf Blitzer , Fascinating , White , Room , Cans , Yeah Plus , Rainbow Kid , Puke Rainbows , Nicole Symbols , Jacuzzi , Bathroom Model , Offer , Tv Offer , Friends , Bathroom , Model , Design , Mess , Installation Costs , Stress , Shower , Joy , Burden , Family Bath , Features , Safer , Grab Bars , Upgrade , Warranty , Brand , You Haven T , Interests , Advantage , Specialty , 63978 , 805 , 163978 , Hurdles , Straps , Rocket , Mold , Fill , Steak Com , State Packets , Uper Beta ,

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