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i think he should get an award for that and loved the lead with jake tapper starts right now james, trump debating whether they should try to push his july 11 sentencing, elite starts right hand the question of the moment for the trump campaign. should they try to move the former president's sentencing date or keep it as it is. the republican convention begins july 15 in milwaukee, sentencing july 11. ahead, what sources are telling you know, about this dilemma plus dr. anthony fauci back on capitol hill facing questions and some attacks about the coronavirus pandemic you, the american people deserve to be abused like that. >> mr. fauci, because you're not dr. your mr. fauci and my few minutes is this what we have become is this what congress has become? >> and that flagrant foul on wnba superstar caitlin clark, was it? all just part of the game or intended to be a lot more personal welcome to oled on jake tapper and we start today with our law and justice lead and brand new cnn reporting on the politics at the heart of donald trump's current legal issues. >> trump's attorneys are currently debating whether they're going to try to push his july 11 sentencing date in the hush money case given that that date is just four days before the start of the republican national convention in milwaukee bots, a source familiar with those deliberations tells cnn's paula reid that the decision is not going to be ultimately up to the lawyers instead, trump and his political nicole advisers will make the call as they weigh whether or not they can successfully frame the former president is something of a martyr. being unfairly pursued by biden's politicized justice department to voters. and as far as that sentencing goes, trump says he would be okay with house arrest or even with prison it's a supporters who wouldn't the world, not just south. >> i don't know that the public would stand it i don't i'm not sure the public would stand four with a house arrest for i think i think it would be tough for the public to take a certain point. there's a breaking point here in washington, congress returned to work today with the verdict front of mind for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, democrats seem divided on how much they should campaign on trump's legal troubles, while the pro trump republican response sounds pretty consistent and a lot like this. we are in a serious country anymore. we're literally a banana republic. so what does it matter of finding the government, the american people don't give a cnn's kristen holmes joins us now a christian, let's start with the trump team's legal strategy here. what do you hearing from your sources about the sentencing scheduling july 11, well, there are two schools of thought, so just a reminder before we actually landed on july 11, or the judge did todd blanche trump's attorney, had asked for the end of july to be the sentencing which would have been after the convention. and i will tell you that they had been concerned about the convention and this case running up against it for quite some time, even when they were doing their delay tactics they were worried at a certain point that if they were to successful, that he could actually be in court while that convention was supposed to be going on. >> so this has been an ongoing issue for them. so now the political team is assessing whether or not this actually helps him or doesn't help him politically. part of the reason that it could potentially help them is because what we've seen, these outrage i just fund raising numbers. the fact that you've seen these republicans rallying around him, does it energize republicans going into the convention or as time goes on, is it something that would turn republicans off or even potentially independent or conservative leaning independent voters off right ahead of the convention. so a lot to wait here for the trump team and we should not republicans have touted some tangible wins including fundraising numbers. you just mentioned in a new bay abc news poll shows americans views of trump are largely unchanged even after his conviction on 34 felony charges, 31% of voters you him favorably 29% in march. that's pretty much the same thing, if not a tick up. what is the trump campaign strategy moving forward to try to boost those rather dismal approval ratings. although we should note that his opponent is in a similar situation, yeah, it's similarly dismal donald from seem right now is waiting to see how this actually plays out in these polls. >> those are very, very new there fresh on this conviction just happened. they are waiting to see what this actually looks like long term, because what they believe is that they want to make this election all about the economy particularly inflation and immigration, crime rates as well. that might not, be possible given the fact that he was just a convicted of a felony or felony charges but what they're trying to do now is really tried to continue to boost his popularity among republicans while they searched for low propensity voters, people who don't often vote, trying to bring them into the fold, which they have been successful at doing a lot in 2016, stick with me, kristen, let's go to capitol hill now, seen as manu raju has been speaking to republicans and democrats today about the verdict, manu, let's start with the republicans how much are other republicans on the same page as congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who said that america is a banana republic and voters don't care about even funding the government, given how awful the united states is. >> now. >> well, that view has not yet picked up steam yet among house republican leaders, but a fight is brewing over funding. the federal so government in the fall, just weeks before the november elections. in fact, just moments ago, the judiciary committee, chairman in the house, jim jordan, issued a letter calling for the defunding singer or to cut federal funding for certain prosecutions that he says, guard going after quote, a political opponents. also the same time, some of donald trump's closest allies in the united states senate are vowing to bottle up any legislation at all, any moves to confirm president biden's nominees in retaliation over the verdict in new york's you're seeing some of this play out here on capitol hill, jake, but undoubtedly some republicans will be uneasy about those tactics. >> but when it comes to democrats, there seemed to be some divisions on exactly how much they should be talking about. trump's conviction from from the house races all the way to president biden's campaign, right? >> yeah, that's right. in some say, your nation embrace it. in fact, bang the drum and say that they are running against a convicted felon. other democrats are telling me that in fact that joe biden should not be talking about this. let his surrogates do the talking about the convictions and said talk about economic issues, bread and butter issues. and i caught up with also joe manchin, who just became an independent after being coming due as a democrat for pretty much his entire political career. and i am as tim about the impact that he believes this vertical have on voters bolden trump, i think it did. >> i think in bolding and basically it basically shored up is support and his base and he's got a lot of new people coming on board, but he's a convicted felon now, i know it makes it very difficult. i don't know how in the world you get the past that when you go to the polling both, but there's a raised question about its character again? well, i think we already know that that's been thrown out the window. >> he is a convicted felon and a con man. i think it's important for all of us to remind the public of that think the president should stay on focus on his issues and on delivering for the american people were talking about a twice-impeached convicted felon told america to inject itself with bleach during covid-19. and i think people have a strong sense of who he is and jake as a senate return from its memorial day recess, the majority leader of the senate, chuck schumer, opened the floor of the chamber to talk about the trump verdict and saying, quote, former president donald trump is now a convicted felon. >> jake. all right, manu raju. thanks so much. cnn's kristen holmes still here along with cnn political director david challenging and cnn national politics correspondent, even again, eva, you are out on the campaign trail talking to voters all the time. how much do you get the sense that a there, they're closely following trump's legal troubles and b, it plays a role in their votes. >> so voters are not following every incremental legal development. but what i can tell you when you are at forums with a large concentration of conservative voters. so i think about the faith and freedom events i went to, you often hear these voters tell you they feel more inclined to support him as these indictments king down, and we're seeing that same sort of defiance in the wake of the conviction they trump has effectively messaged to a significant amount of conservative voters that they have some sort of shared struggle. and you hear that, but i also attended a lot of nikki haley rallies and i would hear time and time again from conservative voters that they were exhausted of trump, that they were tired of the chaos this alleged criminality. and i don't see how this conviction does anything for trump trump in terms of bringing those voters into his camp, david, we just heard trump say that he's not sure if quote, the public would stand for it. if he was sentenced to house arrest or prison this is how democratic congressman and senate candidate adam schiff of california responded on cnn's state of the union this is clearly donald trump once again inciting violence potential violence, when he is sentenced what do you make that comment as well as the split in the democratic party that manu discussed. well democrats are seizing on that comment. this is classic trump sort of rhetoric here, right? he, he tossed is something out there that's dangling out there that could be interpreted his opponents get enraged by it and we see his supporters get fortified around it. the split that mountain was talking about. we see that split almost on a daily basis, even inside the biden campaign. and i don't mean a split strategically, jake though, but like today, the biden campaign put out a press release with a comment from their spokesperson, adding this comment that trump made about his the public may not be able to say four it into a litany of things that they say this is somebody who is once again going to invite violence here and calling him a victim felon and all that. yet, joe biden himself when he speaks, doesn't quite use that kind of language. and so even within the realm of the biden campaign, the candidate and the staff are planning in both of those notes because i don't think they see it as an either or kind of position. i think they believe both end can be part of it sort of above the fray for the candidate and then getting in the mud with it from his spokespeople. >> is there any risk for the biden campaign four, to act as though every single thing donald trump says can be interpreted in the worst possible way. i mean, is there a boy the cries wolf kind of idea that or is the audience for that so narrow cast, i think it's i think you answered the question. the ladder offer their of the option. i do think this is such a narrow cast. these are about dialed in voters who are watching cable news and that kind of, i don't know how much harm it is to the actual voters that they need to court, which are those that are disengaged and largely not paying attention to this right now, kristen, a allowed of the republican potential trump vp picks appeared on sunday shows. >> how how much, how closely are the trump is trump watching these auditions and how close are they to a decision? well, when it comes to a decision, i think no one knows, but donald trump himself and he was at dinner as all week last week floating different names just on thursday the night that he was convicted, he had a dinner with donors where he was talking about tim god nikki haley was mentioned. we know that just in the last two weeks, tom cotton has appeared as a potential pick that came from a number of allies and donors who have seen an opening there and decided that they were going to strike because they like tom cotton. >> that also just being said, shows you just how far he is from this decision that mentioning tom cotton how makes donald trump mentioned him in dinners over and over again and all of a sudden, tom cotton has emerged. >> so in terms of when the decision is going to be made, only one person knows and that's donald trump himself. now, whether or not they're watching people, of course they are, they want the most and particularly donald trump. he watches all of the cable news shows. you watch this clips. he's provided by sf some of them, the candidates themselves or their allies that show them all over donald trump supporting him, talking about how he is a political prisoner, et cetera of course, donald trump is watching that, and of course, anyone who wants to be a potential vice president for donald trump knows that donald trump is watching that and making sure sure that he's seeing every single clip that they do on media. >> somebody who's not on the last on the shortlist is former maryland republican governor larry hogan, who's running for sanity's the republican senate nominee in the moments before the trump verdict was read, he posted on x quote regardless of the results, i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process it went on from there, but it was basically just a call for calm. >> this is how republican national committee co-chair lara trump, donald trump's daughter-in-law responded on state of the union hey, i'll tell you one thing. >> i don't support what he just said there. i think it's ridiculous. he doesn't deserve respect of anyone in the republican party at this point. and quite frankly, anybody in america, if that's the way you feel that's very upsetting to hear that i, mean, regardless of whether or not governor hogan feels that way, and i think that's probably reflective his feelings. he's running for the senate in a blue state, deep blue state. he has a chance of winning. but if he does it, he has to appeal to democrats. yeah. >> i mean, she just not care. well, it would be a vote for mitch mcconnell would be vote for trump if he wins, it'd be vote for his legislation. i mean, for all those reasons, by the way, that's why it's such an uphill battle for even a former popular republican governor, larry hogan in deep blue maryland in the context of a senate race. >> so let's just, that's an uphill battle to begin with, even though he may make more competitive than other republicans now of course, lehrer, trump or trump world going after larry hogan could have some appeal to independents are democrats and hogan trying to woo because enemy of my enemy could be your friend, kind of a thing. but clearly, he also would need every single republican in maryland basically do be with him in this effort. and that is a potential hello on that side of the equation that he needs. i don't think senate control or how many votes they have. we're probably playing into her thinking there because what is so critical for trump world is the total unified force, all singing from the same page on this, any crack in that is just simply intolerable. >> she can also say what she wants to say. >> we'll appease him in that format. that really has nothing to do with the behind the scenes strategy in order to get hogan to win that competitive senate seat, we know that the republican establishment views him even running as a huge victory all right, one and all thanks for being here. i had de one in the criminal trial for the president's son, hunter biden, the first lady in attendance as the felony gun case begins, and the monumental election, mexico electing its very first woman to be president. what her victory could mean with one of the united states is most important hello guys we have schreiber, so get knocked on cnn. we talked about cashback, kevin hart, and that if you talk about cashback, we talked about i'm not talking about bragg cash banking word. we talking about cashback, cash back in cash back like a pro, will chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash cashback? >> used car shopping two rows, two dogs they're sold oh, whoa, let's are the facts oh, like nearly half of all us cars, this puppy has been in an accident, but car shows how an accident impacts price. >> so you don't have to overpay unpause wow, this is cool. they shop with the facts at the all new car and our family, there was a passion for glass making. >> that's passed down through the 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jury selection is nearly done in hunter biden's federal gun case. and the judge expects opening statements to start tomorrow. cnn's evan perez is outside the courthouse and wilmington, delaware haven't. what questions are the potential jurors being? in well, jake the jurors are being asked a potential jurors are being asked about everything from politics, their views on gun instead, of course, their views on addiction and recovery. >> those are all themes that very loom very large over this case as you pointed it out we are probably going to have a jury by the end of today. >> they've narrowed it down to 36 potential jurors started the day with 250 people who are called to this courthouse. they're trying to seat a jury of 12 plus four alternates. and there's a variety of reasons why people were dismissed. some of them said that they had hardships, serving, and this jury one this afternoon was was dismissed because he was a squash partners of beau biden, but there's a lot of this has been a focus on addiction. there was one retired maintenance worker who told the court that his daughter was struggling with addiction he said, everyone deserves a second chance he remained in the jury pool as of the last time we checked one woman said that she wanted to ban all guns and after donald trump was elected in 2016, she joined what? called a resistance group, both sides agreed that she should be dismissed. there was also a wilmington are tired wilmington cobb who told the court that trump donald trump was a victim of political persecution and he said he didn't think that democrats suffered from the same fate. >> all of those things come into play in jury selection. >> so hunter did by the gun, and he admitted that he was on drugs at the time. what's the defense's argued jake 11 quick addition. >> just been told our team inside the courtroom says that a jury has now been selected. a jury of 12 and four alternates have been having selected. and so now we expect that that the opening statements will begin in the morning. that's what the plan is, but the defense from hunter biden is really focusing on the issue of addiction. and when he signed those documents, the atf form that allowed him to buy this firearm in 2018, you remember he owned his gun for 11 days? and he had to attest that he was not addicted to drugs what they're saying is that at the time he it's not it's not clear the government can't prove that he believe he was an addict to drugs. of course, the government has a lot of evidence of they're going to present, they're going to bring in dumped infamous hundred biden laptop. they're going to a show text messages where he's talking about buying drugs. they're going to have testimony from three of his x's who are going to testify about his his use of drugs. and of course, his own memoir farm, where he talked about being addicted to drugs during that very period. >> jd. >> alright. having patterson, wilmington, delaware. thanks so much. then of course, there is the president himself, the executive order he is expected to issue in an attempt to address one of the biggest division issues in the country. but is it too little too late? >> good afternoon the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher by mocker sees on the back hello, your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there is nothing we cannot do. we will make america powerful again, the president and the former president, one day two very different visions for america's future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, to live on cnn and streaming on max. >> here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now switch to shopify. so you can build it better scale is faster and sell more much more take your business to the 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spies. sunday at ten on cnn international units a pivotal week for both sides of the us-mexico border. one day after mexico elected it's very first female president. sources briefed on the action tells cnn the president biden is about to announce a sweeping executive order on immigration. this could happen as soon as tomorrow. it would effectively shut down the us mexico border to asylum seekers. it's a policy that immigration rights advocates and some democrats said was way too harsh when it was proposed under the trump administration. let's get right to cnn's mj lee at the white house md, walk us through this new policy well jake sources who were briefed on this executive order tells cnn that what it would allow the administration to do is effectively shut down the us mexico border to asylum seekers. >> if the number of daily crossings at the border reaches and star passes certain number. now, we are told that unaccompanied children would be accent from this. but that is actually worrisome to immigration advocates because they say that that actually has the effect of incentivizing seeing an encouraging some desperate families from actually chilled ascending children to the border on their own. now, president biden would be using an authority called the 212f authorities. this was a regulation you might recall that was used by former president donald trump during his administration. and at the time was really widely denounced, including by many democrats. or you could easily imagine president biden getting a lot of heat and getting a lot of criticism for being hypocritical for leaning on this same authority. now now it's really impossible to ignore here the politics that are looming over all of this, of course, border security is one of the biggest political vulnerabilities for president and biden and for democrats, they've gotten a lot of pressure to do more, take more actions to get a better handle on the situation at the border while at the same time former president donald trump has made a hardline immigration policies. so central to his presidential campaign. now, the white house, of course, is not conforming. this expected announcement that could come tomorrow. but a spokesperson saying in a statement to cnn, as we have said before, the administration continues to explore a series of policy we'll see options and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system. now, of course, the big caveat here is that there could be some changes that are made to the final tax before tomorrow, but it will be a sweeping action that the president announces he will get backlash, but he's hoping that it can earn him some political points. again ahead. that presidential election that is coming in november, right and mj, it can't be a coincidence that the order is expected to be rolled out as soon as tomorrow yeah. i think you can assume that politics is really driving much of the timing here, given that we are in the middle of a presidential election. but more specifically, we are just 3.5 weeks away from that first presidential debate between president biden and donald trump, hosted by cnn so taking action now, you can imagine would allow the president, president biden to go onstage and point to this as actually some that he has taken on this issue. the other thing of course is that this will be coming right on the heels of the mexican presidential election. that is significant because it would force mexico to take some action in other words, take back some of those asylum seekers that were turned away at the border all right. >> mj lee, thanks so much. meanwhile, president biden congratulated claudia, sheinbaum on her historic projected win as mexico's very first ever female president today, the expected landslide victory saw the largest voter turnout in the country's history. the former mexico city mayor has a phd and she'll also be the first mexican president with jewish heritage cnn's gustavo valdes dives into sheinbaum's background at this consequential time in the united states is relationship with me mexico mexico is making history. value ashamed bumps landslide victory will make her the country's first female president and the first jewish person to ascend to its highest office. a significant achievement in a mostly catholic country known for its deeply patriarchal culture. three, this triumph of the mexican people is a triumph of a revolution of mine. >> she's known as la doctora for her phd in energy engineering, chamberlain it's a climate scientist working before politics to find solutions to the extreme climate events, we are facing choose the former mayor of one of the world's most populous cities, mexico city. now on the verge of running out of water amongst her biggest challenges lead the country to safer days as mexico's homicide rate ranks among the highest in the world. >> may we will take mexico along the path of peace and security. duty is and will always be to look after each mexican without distinction. >> the us closely monitoring sunday's results for the country's relations and how key issues are handled from trade to cracking down on drug trafficking, to their shared border the us has relied heavily in mexico to step up immigration enforcement and helped stem the flow of migrants candidate, she mentioned the need to work with the united states and canada to push for legal migration. because according to shame bound, those countries need workers. but for a long-term solution shamed bound has said central american nations, where most of migrants come from, need investment from wealthier countries to reduce the incentives to leave. it will be much more economical than building the wall and fences. she said last march, woman in mexico did not enjoy universal suffrage until 1953. more than three decades after women gained the right to do so in the us sane band will be sworn in just a month before americans head to the polls in november jake, the same bone spended day quietly receiving all this congratulation calls from world leaders, including president lopez so brother who also sees his victory as a validation of his policies. he said today that he is not going to tell her what to do but he did say that between now in october when she takeover, you're going to consult to see what changes can be made before she takes over jake. >> all right. chris, top of all this. thank you so much. coming up next, dr. anthony fauci, and that rather heated hearing on capitol hill you said about four or five things. >> congressman, that would just not true well, we have emails, just prove it well, you don't. the questions and attacks that kane his way next the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming cottonwoods. the need to do something is urgent fly with birth, with we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day. >> despite treatment, 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connected together it's not invited vision works, see the difference this is cnn world's news in our, politics lead today, ugly congressional partisanship on display during dr. anthony fauci is testimony about the us covid-19 response and the origins of the virus at one point congresswoman marjorie taylor greene not only said the doctor fauci should have his medical license taken away, she said fauci should be thrown in jail. fauci was grilled mostly by that republicans over vaccine mandates and other pandemic guidelines. he also detailed death threats made against him and his family, seen as lauren fox has more on today's hearing on capitol hill after retiring in 2022, dr. anthony fauci, once again defending his actions and recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic we were having people for reasons that had nothing to do with public health as science refusing to adhere to public health intervention measures, as republicans sought to undermine his credibility. you, the american people deserve to be abused like that. mr. fauci, because you're not doctor, your mr. fauci and my few minutes, republicans accusing fauci of trying to downplay a theory that the court coronavirus may have originated in a lab, something fauci adamantly denied. i did not edit any paper as shown in my official testimony. >> so you said about four or five things, congressman, that would just not true. >> well, we have emails, just prove it well, you don't fauci maintaining he has not been definitive one way or another about the virus's origins. >> i keep an open mind. i feel based on the data that i have seen, that the more likely not definitive, but the more likely explanation is a natural spillover from an animal reservoir during the nearly for our hearing, republican seizing on a series of private emails suggesting some nih aids may have attempted to bypass public disclosure requirements the individuals at the nih and nid are of a very committed group of individuals. >> and this one instance that you point out isn't a barren see in an outlier. >> and republicans questioning some of the key guidance government officials gave in the early days of the pandemic. >> while policy decision it should have been based on scientific data. some frankly, we're not the burdensome six foot social distancing rule did not have sufficient scientific report in your words, it just sort of appeared democrats sought to defend fauci applauding his leadership on the covid vaccine, and defending his right to be addressed as a doctor in the hearing room. >> are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we don't want him to be a doctor yes. >> because in my time that man does not deserve to have a license is a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in suspend. >> today's completely unacceptable to be able to deny dr. fauci who's your respected member of the medical community, his title and that's actually an a personal attack on on his care. >> and i haven't trusted not respected and i've instructed her to address them as doctor tonight. address doctor and dr. fauci acknowledged as he was being grilled by republicans, jake, that so many of the decisions he was making were the best that he could make at the time, given the fact that there were hundreds at times thousands of americans dying every day, he said, of course, in hindsight, he does think through whether or not i'm decisions could have made differently. he said that is the job of a scientist of a public official who is garnering and trying to get the country through a pandemic. jake or alarm it's on capitol hill for us. thanks so much coming up next, how star power is helping save the lives of some of america's youngest cancer patients. say what really win? 19 a cnn special, move it. it's time to celebrate freedom progress and the trailblazers who paved the way everybody she acknowledge it. everyone should celebrate it joined cnn's victor blackwell for a native interviews and performance is by john legend. >> patty lewbel smokey robinson, and so much more cnn special event, june celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19, in on cnn, if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in two different ways. up devo and your voice can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment, these problems can be severe and lead to death see your doctor right away if you have a cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, constipation, severe stomach pains, severe 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advantage generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder, but the picture started changing when i started on viv guard if guard is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti aca char antibody positive in a clinical trial, vif guard significantly improved most participant's ability to do daily activities when added to their current gng treatment most participants taking the guard also had less muscle weakness and your vif guard treatment schedule is designed just for you in a clinical study, the most common side effect facts included urinary and respiratory tract infections and headache. fifth guard may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection garten can cause allergic reactions available as viv guard for iv infusion and also as bib garden high to low for subcutaneous injection, additional side effects for viv guard high, true. let me like a pro pain-free absorb been pro this situation room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six once cnn that's our health lead collision with our pop culture lead. >> it's a celebration dedicated to saving some of the most precious lives. and one of the most meaningful plants i attend every year raising awareness and money for the fight to combat pediatric cancer and other child health challenges. it's called the big slick it's a weekend and kansas city to benefit children's mercy hospital in kansas city and started 15 years ago. as a charity poker tournament by actors and comedians robert eagle and jason sudeikis. the team is now helm as well by familiar faces, paul rudd and eric stonestreet and david tech nar and heidi gardner from sin to life. there's a softball game at the royals kaufman stadium it was touch and go there for a bit. but we're lucky enough to be out here doing this and celebrating this incredible weekend or raise money for this unbelievable hospital. >> paul talking about the rain there. folks mangel, an auction off experiences once again, give it up for your blades one person offered a sizable donation to children's mercy if s and snl alum and act here, we'll forte dove into the hotel fountain and sang a verse from the famous james ingram hit just once it was definitely worth it, there were real singers of course, though at that the talent show on saturday night, among them, this year, sheryl crow we also had a return of the famous 90s saturday night live skit, the bears, featuring george wendt and jason sudeikis and robert smigel, who is also the voice of triumph and so comic dog and the bears fans. >> they're on stage, enjoyed the opportunity to grill. a kansas city chiefs star travis kelce tram what do you got to make an honest woman at her you've got taylor doesn't need to be working anymore. and again, i know your kicker agrees with me for the record, no answer from travis kelce about taylor swift there beyond the glitz, of course the most memorable moments of the weekend, always calm when we get to visit to see the kids at children's mercy and we get to meet their families who are enduring these horrible experiences that are made slightly better by the incredibly competitive passionate, and knowledgeable staff, aided by cutting edge technology at children's mercy. >> here's the story of one, just one brave girl named parker it, was like a wednesday and she wasn't feeling very good and it progress even further to friday and we got into the doctor and they send a straight to the emergency room and they found a large mass and her abdomen that next monday, she had the mass removed. >> that's when they asked if we are willing to do any of the research, if they could do any research on her tumors hello her treatment for all that research studies. and of course, we didn't because i'm both myself and parker sad have cancer history and our family anything we could do to help other kiddos in the future, maybe not have to go through what parker went through in being able to do that and have that funding it was free for parker. and after seeing the mass that was removed from her, i mean, some of them describe it the size of a cantaloupe out of her little abdomen. so going from thought to having a few small spots and now they're gone stage for like she beat it beat it the big slick team this year raised a record-breaking 3.9 million. this weekend, bringing the total 15 year hall to more than 25 million but the very need for the altruism of the big slick underlines, a victory real problem, the imbalance, and how much this nation invests in research to benefit children as opposed to adult two. i get it. >> they have a lot more money and a lot more sway. and they have the ability to vote here to help us better understand the need and the disparity is nancy goodman, founder and executive director of kids v. >> it's an advocacy group calling for more government funding to fight pediatric cancer and we're just going to keep doing this. i'm going to keep going to the big slick and coming back telling the story and having you in until they take care of this insanity because let's talk about this. these kids are tremendous. they pull in anyone's heartstrings pediatric cancer accounts for 4%, 4% of the national cancer institute budget, less than 1% of the biopharma industry is recent searching development budgets. and then the last 30 years, the fda has approved 200 adult cancer drugs compared to six for kids why and what can we do? it's such a great question, and especially such a great question because we do care so much about kids. you know, there are as many children's cancers as there are adult cancers. jake and so really the national cancer institute should spend half their budget on children's cancers and half their budget on adult cancers, right so i think part of it is culture. i think just having these conversations and talking about it really is going to matter and we just have to increase the nci's budget it's not it's not where it needs to be where the money is, the money and private sector and bias biopharma. biopharmaceuticals. and so there we need congress to pass some laws too. in a require industry and incentivize industry to do more to study kids cancers, and they have done that in the past for other disparities, gender disparities, racial disparity. >> they have. >> so it look, nobody wants anyone to pass away from cancer but i mean, do people not see that there's a difference between a 95-year-old dying of cancer and a five-year-old dying of cancer. >> well, hopefully congress which congress is considering couple of bills now and hopefully they will see that there is a difference you put a bill in front of congress it's really hard to get some traction when there are thousands of other bills in front of congress. but i think we're doing a good job and the pediatric cancer community and hopefully hopefully it's going to work. but you know these kind of fundraising events that you put on really, really matter. i mean, the fact is that most drug development for kids does not occur in industry. it occurs in hospitals. >> let's think about what these guys rods known streets day because wriggle and heidi gardner and david pecker 25 million that really could make a difference. >> it could make it and it makes a difference. and hospitals do an enormous amount of money with this with what's raised locally and if you look at the pediatric cancer drugs that have been developed recently, there are six last 30 years. >> they all started in hospitals all of them. >> where do you find hope will advance is like crispr. this is a new genetic tool immunotherapy offer some hope to these kids were at a moment of there's going to be a greatly forward in science and new cancer drugs are going to cure people who now have terminal diseases, adults and children so where i find hope and what i hope is going to happen is that kids are going to get access to these drugs two, and that there's going to be enough to fund researchers who are researching drugs for children. so that's why what you're doing is so important. >> and your website again, for everybody at home, kids, v, i knew it. i just want wanted to say thank you, nancy, it's so great to see you. and i want to thank nancy and all of those involved in the big slick and the fight to combat pediatric cancer and everyone at children's mercy, an incredible hospital. thank you so much. >> we have some breaking news today from israel, the idf declared that for people taken hostage on october 7, were killed. >> the tragic development comes amid confusion and frustration over the latest ceasefire proposal we're going to go live to jerusalem next sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary. >> he and his secret is betrayed. >> its bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies, a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn there are giant so much they are the minute woman building or babies next generation submarines. >> they are giant and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow, where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beast. they four we built because it takes what to build one who are you? i'm in a child you really need in live is some fricking tome force are teaching a toward get you going now we're talking i love carbon's. >> hello, i know our job wanted are two totally torqued out crossover if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because their places like to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections in low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. >> stop taking four secret and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis this is carmen before using their breath mouthwash, she 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Patients , Trailblazers , Special , Everybody , Interviews , Performance , John Legend , Smokey Robinson , Patty Lewbel , Victor Blackwell , Lung Cancer , On Cnn , Event , June Celebrating Freedom And Legacy Wednesday , Wednesday June 19 , Voice , Adults , Immune System , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Chemotherapy , Combination , Devo , Attack Cancer , Egfr , Pd L1 , Fight Cancer , Parts , Up Devo , Problems , Chest Pain , Body , Ways , Cough , Confusion , Irregular Heartbeat , Memory Problems , Eye Problems , Stomach Pains , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Appetite , Shortness , Constipation , Itching , Weakness , Flushing , Fainting , Dizziness , Nausea , Thirst , Urine , Fever , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Extreme Tiredness , Side Effects Problems , Nervous System Problems , Immunity , Chest Radiation , Conditions , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Voy , Plans , Challenge , Shipping , Surcharges , Fees , Uncertainty , Life , Pricing , Advantage , Picture , Myasthenia Gravis , Usps , Guard , Char Antibody Positive In A Clinical Trial , Participant , Vif Guard , Viv Guard For Iv Infusion , Activities , Participants , Vif Guard Treatment Schedule , Respiratory Tract Infections , Gng Treatment , Side Effect , Study , Muscle Weakness , Symptoms , Infection , Headache , Infection Garten , Bib Garden , Side Effects , Spain , Subcutaneous Injection , True , Viv Guard High , Health Lead , Situation Room , Collision , Wolf Blitzer Didn T Night , Money , Cancer , Awareness , Pop Culture Lead , Child Health Challenges , Lives , Celebration , Weekend , Slick , Comedians , Charity Poker Tournament , Actors , Faces , Children S Mercy Hospital , Jason Sudeikis , Robert Eagle , Softball Game , Touch And Go , Sin , Paul Rudd , Heidi Gardner , David Tech Nar , Eric Stonestreet , Royals Kaufman Stadium , Experiences , Auction , Hospital , Folks Mangel , Mercy , Donation , If S And Snl Alum , Verse , Hotel Fountain , James Ingram Hit , Talent Show , Singers , Saturday Night , Sheryl Crow , Saturday Night Live Skit , George Wendt , Return , Dog , Famous 90s , Robert Smigel , 90 , Opportunity , Fans , Tram , Star Travis Kelce , Kansas City Chiefs , Got Taylor Doesn T , Record , Kicker , Glitz , Answer , Taylor Swift , Cutting Edge Technology At Children S , What Parker , Emergency Room , Research , Mass , Abdomen , Tumors , Research Studies , Family Anything , Kiddos , Parker Sad Have Cancer History , Size , Cantaloupe , 3 9 Million , 25 Million , Victory Real Problem , Imbalance , Sway , Altruism , Disparity , Nancy Goodman , Advocacy Group Calling , Government Funding , Kids V Cancer Org , Founder , Heartstrings Pediatric Cancer , Insanity , National Cancer Institute Budget , 4 , Industry , Fda , Searching Development Budgets , 1 , 200 , 30 , National Cancer Institute , Budget , Adult Cancers , Conversations , Biopharma , Laws , Bias , Sector , Disparities , Kids Cancers , Gender , Nobody , Bills , Dying , Hopefully Congress Which , Bill , 95 , Traction , Fundraising Events , Hospitals , Drug Development , Guys Rods Known , David Pecker , Immunotherapy , Hope , Crispr , Cancer Drugs , Diseases , Drugs Two , Researchers , Website , V Cancer Org , Doing , Incredible Hospital , Israel , Idf , Intelligence , Ceasefire Proposal , Hostage , Frustration , October 7 , Jerusalem , 7 , Back , Hand Secrets , Share , Adversary , Bullet , Nuclear Gain Sunday , Place , Babies , Skills , Building , Submarines , Careers , The Beast , Tome Force , Teaching A , Chronic Kidney Disease , Crossover , Carbon , Ketoacidosis , Places , Circular , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Sega , Blood Sugar , Kidney Failure , Bar , Dehydration , Reaction , Perineum , Disinfection , Deep Clean , Breath Mouthwash , Free , 99 , Debt , Thera Breath Deep , Sick Pigeon , Models , Beverage Companies , Bottles , Same , Plastic , Ones , 100 , Uncle , Price Lock , Clock , Guarantee , Commercials , Price , Him , Name , Un Carrier , Unruly , Connection , Session , Uncalled For , Find , Walmart ,

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