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tamar. and maria rds for budget reminder, all campaign smart. >> he has a judge >> this is cnn, the world's news but the twice and peach president says he'd be okay with serving prison time. this comes just days after the historic verdict that found trump guilty on all charges in his criminal hush money trial. this morning and is only interview since he was convicted, trump warned a harsh sentence could anger his base judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. >> they couldn't face what that does. >> i'm okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers. he had the day on television saying, oh, no, you don't want to do that to the press. i don't get a bag for anything. you just the way it is. i don't know that the public would stand it. you know, i don't i'm not sure that the public would stand for with a house arrest or i think i think it'd be tough for the public to take at a certain point. there's a breaking point now, just days after president biden reacted to all of this saying that no one is above the law his own son will stand trial in the biden's home, state of delaware well, we're that case starting tomorrow and it is a case with ramen with major ramifications for hunter biden who could face some real jail time if he's convicted it could also have some political implications. >> as the president seeks reelection in november, we are joined now by democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland he's the ranking member on the house oversight committee, congressman, thanks so much for being here with us this sunday evening. first, i want to go back to those comments from the former president from this morning where he talked about a breaking point for some of his supporters. if he is indeed given jail time or house arrest, i just first want to ask you what make of those comments well, we we've heard those kinds of comments before from donald trump and they have led to violence as we saw on january 6, when nearly 150 police officers were wounded, injured hospitalized by a mob that donald trump hidden incited in insurrection against the government in order to block the peaceful transfer of power so obviously we have to take those kinds of threats to the rule of law seriously. >> i would call on mike johnson and any other republican leaders out there who i know are following donald trump in attacking his verdict but i would call upon them to denounce and renounce any threats of violence and to say that it is our responsibility as us citizens to stand by the rule of law and not to engage in violence against law enforcement officers. police, judges, prosecutors and the others who are in the criminal justice system. it's intolerable. >> we have one of our political analysts got chang's on a republican just the last hour and i pose the same question to him. and he he pushed back and said well, but there were no riots on the de of the conviction. there was no violence on the day of the conviction he's not asking for political violence or what do you say to that argument well, then he should restate his determination that there be no violence and call on any of donald trump's supporters to remain nonviolent and peaceful. >> donald trump has had every right of his respected the right to presumption of innocence, the right to testify at trial, which he didn't do. he declares his innocence right now, but he was not willing to get up on the stand and to explain why he was innocent. that was his decision, but for him to go back on it now and somehow to say he was foreclose the possibility of testifying is ridiculous. so we're saying he couldn't speak. that's absurd. he had every right respected and due process and the presumption of innocence. but 12 jurors found him guilty of those offenses. and donald trump as president, had no problem presiding over department of justice that put lots and lots of us citizens in jail and in prison for nonviolent offenses like drug offenses, like perjury and so on and so i don't see why there should be a different standard for him. >> do you support jail time for the former president? and if you do think that that's what he ultimately happens for him what effect do you think that has on the american psyche of having a former president going to jail i am neither for it nor against it. >> i'm just for the rule of law operating the judge in the case has been scrupulously fair to the defense and has respect did both the rights of the defendant and also the rule of law. and i'm just four that process working its way through. obviously, there are arguments on behalf of no jail time because it's first criminal offense. it is a non-violent offense. on the other hand, you have a defendant who engaged in a serious crimes against the election process and continues to levy threats against the rule of law. and so i trust it to the court system and the rule of law to figure those things out. it's not about having the election, it's about allowing the court system to operate some people said this was the right verdict. >> the wrong case. >> they wanted to see the january 6 case go forward before the election, which looks highly unlikely now, i know you said on the select committee, the january 6 committee you listened to that testimony. >> you were there for those presentations what how fair do you think it is to the american arkin people that trial will not happen, likely will not happen before this election well, first of all, there's no mystery about what happened. >> anyone who followed the activities in the report of the january 6 select committee understand exactly what happened also, donald trump was impeached each by the house of representatives in a vote of 230 to 197 of bipartisan vote for inciting an insurrection. and then there was a 57243 vote in the senate to convict him that was not enough to get to the two thirds, but you have commanding bipartisan majorities in both the house and senate who find that he obviously did engage in insurrection against the union i think that it's too bad that the supreme court decided to take up the near farcical claim that a president is somehow above the law and immune to prosecution when that is it's not been in the understanding of our country for more than two centuries. the dc circuit court opinion, which was a bipartisan opinion written by judges appointed both by democrats and republicans was magisterial and authoritative on that point. and the supreme court really doesn't have anything to add other than money it's in months of delay in this process. so that is unfortunate, but i think the country can see that this is a president who are former president, who exhibits spectacular disrespect for the rule of law, for the justice system. and is essentially incorrigible and personal behavior or its shocking to me that you have the remnants of a once-great political party gathered around this cult of personality. a convicted felon that's a party that doesn't even want to allow convicted felons who've done good time, who've finished probation and parole to vote they're opposing the right of people to vote and they want this convicted felon to be able to run for president the united states, and their supporting him to try to restore him to power after he has pardon a whole bunch of political criminals like michael flynn roger stone, paul manafort, to dinesh d'souza, you name it and he's going around the country promising to pardon the january 6 hostages as he calls them, were political prisoners, the people who were the violent shock troops of his insurrection against the government. so it's dangerous situation that we're in as a society right now republican house speaker mike johnson he has spoken out about trump's conviction. >> i think you mentioned that he said he wants to hold oversight hearings on this. i'll play a clip of what he said we are the rule of law party of chaos is not a conservative value and we have to fight back and we will, with everything in our arsenal, but we do that within the confines. >> and so the rule of law we believe in our institutions and he's also called on the supreme court to step in here into this appeals process. >> but he's calling the trump trial a weaponization of the government, while also saying that they want to be the party of law and order how do you think that all squares it's too little too late. >> he's obviously scrambling because the country understands how he and his party have embraced the chaos and the criminality in the delinquency of donald trump. i mean, he's a one man crime wave. and they've thrown himself complete from themselves completely into his camps. and so for them now to claim the mantle of the rule of law is just comical after what happened on january 6 and how they continue to play into the big lie. we had 60 federal and state court decisions rejecting every claim of electoral corruption or fraud that they were raising. it was donald trump who is trying to promote electoral corruption and fraud. and all of his claims about what took place were repudiated and rejected in court. and yet they continue to maintain this nonsense that somehow donald trump won an election that he lost by more than 7 million votes to joe biden and we're not going to be able to run a constitutional democracy based on lies and based on fraud. and so we have to declare what the truth is. joe biden won the election in 2020 and donald trump has just been convicted by a jury of his peers. and so what they're attacking now is the jury system, the 12 jurors whose sat impartially over that trial took in all of the evidence and voted to convict. now donald trump as a criminal convict still has the right to appeal and he should have every right to take that up to the system. but just like he had a right to testify, which he decided not to use. he's got a right to appeal and we should respect whatever it comes out of the appellate process. but in the meantime, mike johnson and his party should call off all the attacks on the rule of law if they don't want to be seen as the party of criminals and it's donald trump, of course, who brought a bunch of people who are involved in crime up to his rally in brooklyn the other day and he's been pardoning a whole bunch of political criminals and now he is threatening to pardon the people who wage violence against our police officers on january 6, 2021, before i let you go, i do want to ask you about the israel-hamas war and what the biden administration is doing, what president biden and set on friday, we heard from the national security spokesman, john kirby, he downplayed some of the negative reaction that we've heard from israel around the truce plan. >> that's laid out. i we i think we have that clip. let's play it prime minister netanyahu, just team. in fact, his foreign minister, again just said that they welcome this this announcement by the president and that they did in fact agree that this was their proposal and congressman, to be clear, we are now awaiting hamas's response to this proposal that president biden said, israel crafted. >> what what is your take on all of this? do you think the biden administration and the president did the right thing by coming out on friday and announcing this in the way that he did absolutely. we need to get the hostages back. they've been gone for eight months and we've got to get the israeli and american hostages back with their families as quickly as possible. this atrocity has gone on for way too long, and it is become a living hell in gaza from the war. and so we are totally behind find the biden administration's offensive to get the hostages back to declare a six-week ceasefire within which time the parties will be able to consult and negotiate for a permanent ceasefire and a cessation of military hostilities. and we hope movement towards a two-state solution which will be the only the way to get us out of these repeat cycles of terrorism and war that have been such a nightmare for the people in the region. >> all right, congressman jamie raskin, and we really appreciate your time. thanks so much. >> you bet as we just mentioned, the white house is pushing hamas to accept a ceasefire deal proposed by israel. >> but top israeli officials, some of them are pushing back on the plan. ahead. we're going to talk with a top israel insider about the divisions within israel's own government get cnn newsroom in one of the most active 22 seasons you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store the premier of violent earth with liev schreiber tonight did nine on cnn millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from noon, like stephanie, who lost 38 pounds. the fact that it truly is just a few minutes a day is life changing your building this foundation to set you up for life. all you have to do is listen get started today and lose 15 pounds and 15 weeks here you can expect to find crystal 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the island after the country's president last week condemned and israeli airstrike that hit a refugee camp camp in rafah in response is israel's foreign affairs minister is telling citizens to avoid traveling there and urging those already in the country to leave. and it comes amid rising tensions over a potential peace plan between israel and hamas with israel's defense minister today warning the country will not accept any deal that allows hamas to rule over gaza. his comments, echoing those of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who pushed back on the plan, laid out by president biden on friday, joining us now cnn political and global affairs analyst barak ravid, he's also the politics and foreign policy reporter for axios, brought great to have you on, on this sunday evening. >> first, let's just start with this deal that the president pushed hamas to accept on friday saying that it was an israeli proposal. but there is an interesting push and pull internally in israel because benjamin netanyahu is presiding over this government. if, if he accepts anything too far to the left, the right's going to abandon him and then vice versa. so help people understand the dynamics at play and why there's an israeli proposal on the table that's also getting some pushback publicly from some people in power in israel as well. >> yes jessica, right. it's complicated as israeli politics is. and let's try and unpack distinct first, president biden was right when he said that the plan that he laid out does not his plan is the plan of these ready government. it was approved food by the israeli war cabinet, by premised on a town self n equals presented already to hamas by the qatari and egyptian mediators meaning when biden spoke, hamas already knew what the israeli proposal is but inside the israeli government, only the war cabinet at the proved it, which is a group of five ministers, meaning all the others ministers did not know it existed until president biden laid it out in speech. and some of the ministers were not in the loop, or the more radical right ministers, ultra nationalists like. but salah's smoke and itamar ben gvir. and when they heard prison and biden speak, they came out against this plan. and now the main question will be whether hamas says yes, we want to take this, this is the mean that, that's the most basic point. and if it does say that, does benjamin netanyahu is ready to go forward with his own proposal and take it through and implement this deal exactly the president and the white house trying to force some sort of resolution here to come out and say this on friday afternoon, really trying to push netanyahu, but also push hamas and put a lot of pressure on them as well. yes, i think what president biden want to do is first for the whole world to know what the israeli proposal is, meaning what is on the table now for more or less, ending this war. and he wanted both the people of gaza to know what's on the table and the please rarely people to know what's on the table. and now both sides, both hamas and ten, you need to make decisions. first, camaros needs to say whether it's reading engaged on this proposal, basically say yes and then if it does, netanyahu will have to pass this thing through his cabinet which could result in the collapse of his own coalition right? >> and so you have you've been reporting on this war since it began. you have talked to a lot of people as this has been unfolding, we've been through many iterations of peace talks and trying to get to an agreement do you get the sense today from talking to your sources that this is this one has a better chance than the ones that have common. the last several months or is this more of the same? >> i don't know if it has a better chance, but i do know this if this proposal is not accepted, they will not be another one, meaning i think and it's clear to the biden administration and it's clear to egypt and qatar, the mediators and i hope it's clear to hamas that the israeli negotiation team, and these really war cabinet exhausted their maneuvering space, meaning they will not be more forward leaning proposal that the one they got. if hamas says no to this, i think the whole issue of a hostage deal in a ceasefire will be off the table for a very long time. and this war will likely escalate. this is what's at stake right now. >> there is not going to be as according to what i hear from the most senior israeli officials dealing with this they will not be a better both right. and as the president said, that and the administration has said they are concerned to echo what you're hearing that the window is closing. all right. barak ravi always good to see you. thanks so much. >> thank. you pulls in mexico are expected to close soon. >> and what could be and historic election there at stake. the presidency and 20,000 additional positions across the country with two women leading the presidential race. we could see mexico's first female president but the elections have been marked by murder. dozens of assassinations of local candidates. cnn's rafael romo has the latest just now on how dangerous these elections have been it happened in broad daylight candidate and mexico shot in the head on the last day of campaigning, he was killed in front of all his followers. >> and he had ten people who are supposed to be providing him security because he had been threatened. >> the porter is the latest example of a wave of political violence in mexico as voters get ready to go to the polls on sunday in early april, another mayoral candidate in the city of saliva was gone down. >> one of more than 20 political killing since september, according to the mexican government by some estimates, that number is even higher, at least 34 candidates murdered according to mexican consultancy firm integralia alamos and violent and deadly elections in mexican history, former us deputy assistant secretary of defense, ana maria salah says, organized crime. >> is that the root of most public political violence in mexico? >> well, they're controlling the economy. the formal economy of these, of these municipalities. so they're hostages and this is clearly being reflected during this electoral process, where they're trying to alter control who's going to be elected? >> mass only seizes mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador acknowledged in early may that there have been more murderous than in previous administrations, but he also said that other crimes like robberies and kidnappings are down. it's a multi-dimensional problem which lowpass or our hasn't tackled but political risk consultant carlos ramirez says the precedence policy of spending on social programs in the hopes of improving the security situation has failed? yes. >> lopez obrador charis shares that some of the criminal numbers have been going down but really they have been going down marginally. and others have been going up very quickly as extortion, for example, there are nearly 99 million men so get voters who are eligible to participate in this election. mexican official say there will be around 170,000 polling places around the nation, but security analysts say many voters may choose to stay away because in some areas, exercising one's right to vote is not safe. >> the threat of political violence is personal for his shoes corona, the mural candidate in the central mexican city of qual plus survive and assassination attempt earlier this year when two men on a motorcycle sped past and open fire. >> again. like i'm fine. >> they want me to drop out of the campaign. he said, they don't want me to participate. they want to continue with this corrupt government the risk of violence has also faced by those tie to the candidates including relatives and aides according to integralia, more than 700 people have been threatened, kidnapped extorted, or murdered, among other crimes since campaign started in september rafael romo, cnn atlanta i fell. >> thank you. former president trump's lawyers insist they plan to appeal his historic conviction for what legal grounds do they have? >> we'll take, a look at his options i hadn't seen a newsroom night of new cnn original series first, violent birth with me it's hard to imagine the power of mother nature swallowed by secrets and spies, a nuclear game back-to-back premieres starts tonight, it nine on cnn first, we did the impossible you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. >> and now there by the log cookie is back at subway isn't urgent. >> appeal for nature, forests are burning, glaciers are melting, and wildlife he's facing an extinction crisis. we urgently need your help to protect wildlife and their habitats visit this website called or scan this code now, join with your $12 monthly gift to be counted for this urgent appeal your gift will support wwf's global conservation work that's just $0.40 a day to protect wildlife and their habitats 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june 19 at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one for 14000 as donald trump awaits his sentence on 34 felony counts, the former president continues to rage against the proceedings, calling the judge in the case, quote, a devil and attacking witnesses in his prosecution it is the same, judge, juan merchan, who will oversee trump's sentencing and plans to appeal despite his clients tirades, his lead attorney in the case is optimistic that their appeal will succeed. >> you've used a few of you arguments on the appeal. when do you plan to file your appeal? >> well, there's a look. this is one step in the process, right? so we have motions due in a couple of weeks in front of judge more, shawn, which we're going to vigorously fight and restate a lot of what i'm saying to you tonight and other things that happened in the trial that we think just made the trial unfair and including the testimony of mr. daniel's. if that is not successful, then as soon as we can appeal, we will in the process in new york because there's a sentencing and then and then and then we appeal from there. >> david oscar marcus is a criminal defense attorney. he joins us now from miami. david great to have you on. i understand you just you just interviewed trump's attorney, todd blanche. we just saw in that clip with katelyn. kaitlan collins on your podcasts for the defense one of the topics you discussed was the defense team's trial strategy, whether it was the right one, will listen to part of your interview our trial strategy, maybe enough people told me that i screwed up, but i'll change my mind, but it was the right one. right. which is that michael cohen. >> there were a lot of corroboration around michael cohen that included with who were never call, right? >> allen weisselberg and dylan howard and folks that were part of conversations that the government was talking about repeatedly, but they didn't call the witnesses. >> and i think that that was the right strategy. >> it's it's it's tough so david, what do you think? how was their strategy? >> well, listen, every criminal defense lawyer will tell you they would do it their own way. it's not like a doctor, you know, you go in with a broken arm. every doctor treats the broken arm the same way. every criminal defense lawyer would try it his own or her own way and it's easy to criticize when you're not the one doing it. todd's a good guy. he gave everything to this case and i feel for him, you know, i i've i've spoken about criminal defense lawyers when they're in trial, there are so few trials less left. and so he gave everything he had to the case and it didn't turn out as what and i also want to ask you about the attacks that we're seeing on american institutions. there have been attacks by the former president that the election is rigged, that our democratic process use is in question. and now complaints about the judicial system. >> you're an officer of the court. >> you participate in the judicial system how did those attacks land with you? and how do you think they affect the broader criminal justice system and how people feel toward it in this country it's very troubling to see the attacks on the judicial system because it's the one institution that sort of a check on the executive on legislature. >> so it's an important institution and it's troublesome to see it now trump's not the ordinary defendant. of course. so he's got all kinds of other considerations. he's running for office, of course. so it's interesting to see how the judge is going to deal with it. i'm not sure the gag order applies anymore. the gag order was there to protect witnesses. it's there to protect the trial the trial is over. there are no more witnesses, so i'm not sure the gag order is in effect right now and so just brought more broadly after this interview and after taking in all of this information, what do you make of trump's attorneys? >> tastes there appeal case, and how good of a chance do you think they have? what do you think is their best argument here yes. >> we criminal defense lawyers know how hard it is to win at trial. >> it's even harder to win on appeal. it's really, really difficult to get a case overturn, although we see it happened right in new york at recently happened with harvey weinstein. no one thought his this case would get overturned and it did. there were just lots of errors in the case and trump's lawyers are trumpeting lots of errors in his case i'd like to underscore one thing, jessica, at the timing. so you don't get to appeal it until after the sentencing and then it takes about a year to work its way through the new york system. i know so people are saying, well, what about going straight to the united states supreme court? you cannot go to the united states supreme court until you've gotten all the way through the new york system. so you're talking about at least a year before the new york appeal is done and then trying to go to the supreme court. so we've got a long road ahead on just this new york appeal, let alone all the other and we are hearing from the former president. he's person, he is gone personally after the judge, which he did not violate the gag order in doing that, that was allowed. but since the conviction, we have seen him really doubled down. he's called the judge judge merchan, a devil judge merchan is going to have he will preside over the senate sentencing phase. >> is if you're his attorney, are you counseling him against doing that does that help him in any way? >> it doesn't seem like it would no, of course, it's not going to help him in. and the defense lawyers, i'm sure are not happy with him speaking about the judge like this in advance of sentencing. but remember he's he's running for office, so he's gonna do all these things to raise money to try to get votes and, and he sort of not caring about how it's going to affect the sensing. i am a bit surprised at some of my progressive friends who are saying they think he should go to jail. remember he's a first-time offender, non-violent offender. he's an old offender. and this is the least serious felony. you could be convicted of in new york. so i'm, surprised people are saying he's going to go to jail on this because in any other case of course, the defendant would not and two, what do you think about jail time? >> do you think that's a possibility for him here? >> i think it's a possibility because of how outspoken he is about the judge and the judicial system. and because of the gag order violations early in the case, i do think it's a possibility at the end of the day, i think the judge will not do it. and so he i think he will sentence into some something else. and i think he will suspend that sentence until i after the election. so if trump wins, i don't think you'll be doing community service like we've been hearing or anything like that until until after and you had a chance to represent the former president and a separate case, you turn that down. >> do you feel like that was the right choice? >> i do for me and my family was the right choice listen, it's hard as a criminal defense or to watch and not say, man, i wish i was on that huge stage and doing my thing and part of me of course, would have would have loved to have done that. but for me and my family was the right thing. so before i let you go. i do want to talk about the next trial that we are turning our attention to president biden, son hunter biden will go to trial on felony gun charges in delaware tomorrow. it could carry gel time what are you expecting from that trial? >> well, this is going to be a pretty short trial. it's not going to be like the new york trial, which lasted a long time that the charges here are pretty straightforward and simple and we're seeing now lots of these kinds of charges, trump charges, biden charges i mean, i'm not sure that this is all good that we're gonna be having all these sorts of cases. going forward. >> the biden case also seems like a case that would not have been charged if his last name was invited. >> so i'm i'm a little surprised that but it's the system we have now all right. >> david oscar mark is always lovely to have you on. thanks so much for making time. we appreciate it thank you so much we'll be right back years after de jake tapper talks to tom generals about the state of democracy. >> are we protecting what? going to say? >> there has been democratic backsliding around the world. are you concerned the whole story with anderson cooper next on cnn what impacts you every day in undeniably, there's one influential book that shapes the way we measure create ignite, change. the bibles in fact, is all around discover how at museum of the bible weight. >> right at, simply save, we design the number one rated home security system powered by 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cure for childhood cancer. it means everything helps st. jude give kids with cancer a chance first, we did be impossible then you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. >> and now they're the, cookie is back at subway wait. >> you can design a personalized weight loss plan for me. >> well again why there's no plans brass newest plans can be personalized for both your needs get your personalized plan today at >> finally, earth with the liev schreiber premieres tonight at nine on cnn another historic trial in the middle of a major election campaign, president biden's son, hunter, will stand trial and the family's home, state of delaware that starts tomorrow. >> and the charges surround the purchase of a gun, a process during which a hunter biden allegedly line on a federal form about his drug use. cnn's kaitlan, poland's has more the son of the sitting president on trial in another criminal case with big political implications, they ridiculed, might struggle with addiction. hunter biden's addiction and purchase of a gun in october 2018 is at the heart of this case. the justice department accusing him of lying on gun purchasing forums. they required him to attest he wasn't addicted to drugs. a special counsel brought the case last year after a prior deal fell apart in dramatic fashion at his plea hearing. >> i'm here today to announce the appointment of david weiss as a special counsel on monday, jury selection begins potentially a challenging task in his hometown of wilmington, delaware, federal prosecutors plan to highlight a part of his memoir where he writes about struggling with drug addiction around the time he bought the gun, i return that fall of 2000 in an 18 after my most recent relapse in california with the hope of getting cleaned through new therapy in reconciling with halle, neither happened. >> and they have evidenced from the week of the gun purchase, a hunter biden texting he was waiting for a dealer and sleeping on a car, smoking crack. the trial also may feature testimony from the women hunter biden's life, his ex-wife, his brother's widow, and a woman he pays child support to prosecutors, say the women witnessed his drug addiction i'll joe biden continues to seek reelection. the president has avoided commenting directly on the prosecution of his son. >> i'm very proud of my son, yet the trial is like lead to dredge up more republican attacks on the bidens, including about a laptop containing embarrassing messages and images that prosecutors have obtained. the biden crime family sold out america and the american people have had enough republicans have been investigating hunter biden's business dealings as part of an impeachment probe of president biden. that's come up short. >> maga republicans have impeded my character invaded my privacy attack my wife my children my family, and my friends after his trial on felony gun charges ends, hunter biden is set to face a second one in federal court in california on tax charges. now, hunter biden's defense team at the gun trial, they're likely going to try to sow doubt around whether he believed he was an addict and about how the special counsel conducted parts of its investigation. he has denied all wrongdoing in both of the cases. he faces back to you kaitlyn polantz. >> thank you so much more when we come back here in the cnn newsroom hey, mom, how many should i decorate each have ram, have blue. >> that's a really tough call. >> who are you if you look at the latest data? >> you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff shoved way routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we lavage, wrap, family, or refreshing lunch to taster murphy for pro athletes like me, right? get off, finish all new rafah and subway today a new group does assignment so much in my bag like a bunch of groceries. are cheese and greens just contemplate freedom. >> you can take your eyes off the 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stable condition. the cause of the fire remains under it investigation. this thursday marks the 80th anniversary of d-day when the us and its allies launched the largest ever seaborne invasion attacking western europe their goal to free france defeat germany, and restore democracy to europe. that fight for democracy is still being waged on the continent today. and as part of jake tapper new documentary, d-day, while we still fight, here's jake with a preview yes. jessica, thursday is the anniversary of d-day. >> the de the allies attacked norman de of fight with eventually helped restore democracy to europe. and while the battle of normandy ended 80 years ago, the fight for democracy is still happening around the globe in places such as ukraine, which is why we produce d-day okay why we still fight for democracy. here's a preview you were retired general when the intel started coming in, that putin was going to send russian forces into invade and attack ukraine. what were you thinking when you started hearing? >> what my sense was, we didn't stop him on the carcasses. we kind of did what he wanted and so the next step for a gala, kim is attack someone else. >> it sounds a lot like hitler in terms of their never being satisfied with acquiring land. >> he's not necessarily trying to read the establish. you'll soviet union, but certainly the old russian empire pray, pray, pray that he never crosses that line, but you never know with a guy like putin, if he thinks he can get away with it just like the dictator of north korea, if those kind of people think they can get away with it, they'll go for some d-day veterans, the russian invasion of ukraine has disturbing echoes of the german occupation as history all over again showloading, let down. >> putin is just like hitler you tell a big lie and you're telling it often enough, people get to believe you the threat he poses a real, he's a creature straight out of dusty dfc kinda put and be contained absolutely. >> putting could be contained. so long as the democracies state tightly linked i would just point out though right now, you're watching china and north korea. and i ran stand with russia those would be allies that putin has. the question is, well, the western allies stand with ukraine. and if the pro-putin caucus in the us congress has their way than of course, you wouldn't. the bill is passed you saw 75% of the congress vote for aid d-day, why we still fight for democracy errors tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the whole story with anderson cooper, jessica, back to you all right. >> jake tapper, we'll look forward to it. thanks so much. thank you for joining me this evening i'm jessica dean. we'll see you again next weekend he russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them in this friday this is a war but secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game premieres tonight at ten on cnn first, we did the impossible, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. >> and now 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