abby phillip starts right now to president's two speeches to alternate realities. that's tonight on newsnight good evening. >> i'm abby philip in new york tonight to stories with very different tones from the men who were vying for the same job. first, the sobering president's biden's of appeal to end the violence in gaza hamas is hobbled biden says, and the time to end this war is now. biden announcing a path forward for tomorrow. and the day after, in hopes of a lasting peace. now, to the response from donald trump to his conviction on 34 counts in his home state of new york trump pulled out some of his best words, rigged, scammed, et cetera to describe how the hush money case mostly papering over the fact that this jury of his own peers found him guilty of breaking the law that trump's words today also clash with the trump in all of our memories once upon a time, he claimed that hillary clinton couldn't run, shouldn't run for president because of the specter of a trial that would break the government she shouldn't be allowed to run if she were to win this election. >> it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment. and ultimately a criminal trial. >> it would grind government to a halt now trump claims that his own conviction as a sign that the system is corrupt, not him a, case where if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. these are bad people. these are in many cases, i believe sick people now, in 2016, it was lock her up she should be locked up. dahlia right now for what she's done, they should lock her up. >> hillary clinton will be under investigation. locker up is right. how guilty is she? >> if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because you'd be in jail than in 2020. it was lock him up come up, you shouldn't lock them up lock up now, in 2024, it's how could they even think about locking me up it's a rigged it was a rigged trial. >> we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial we didn't get it we wanted a judge change. we wanted a judge. it wasn't conflicted and obviously he didn't do that president biden was asked about the trial today and gave a pretty much just the facts recitation of the process it was a process that owed respect in his view this juror is chosen the same way. every jury and america's chosen was a process that donald trump's attorney was part of the jury heard five weeks of evidence, five weeks after careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict they found donald trump guilty on all 34 felony counts now only be given the opportunity as he should two pill that decision, just like everyone else has that opportunity that's how the american system of justice works. >> he already heard trump, but make no mistake. this is not just him. if you happen to flip over to fox tonight, you saw this across the bottom of the screen. quote, biden convicts trump than smirks that's just a lie. 12 jurors convicted trump, and there's no proof that biden had anything to do with it, but if you listen to republicans, like soldiers, they are falling in line. they're making promises of payback and talking about a country that's in tatters that's what it feels like. yeah, a banana republic. >> i have a travel advisory put new york city a very conservative or a republican or trump supporter. beware, i think lawfare is far too soft. it's far too nine. this is warfare. >> i think it may be the undoing of our country. >> i think this will not only solidify the base, it will radicalize it. >> we're not going to go down that we're going to get back up we're going to regain our strength and then we're going to vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this republic that's a discuss we've got our panel here in new york is it dangerous for republicans to be doing what they're doing right now, biden called it dangerous there's and reckless. >> is that how you see it it's absolutely dangerous because if nothing else is going to hold the country together is going to be the rule of law. >> we're going to make sure that we have courts that are going to be independent and make sure that someone who has authoritarian principles is not gonna be able to use those authoritarian ways to take over donald trump, who has said he was suspend the constitution. he said he would be a dictator on day one the thing that down trump has met this week is that the courts have finally hold him accountable in a way that no other institution in the country has. and i think he is wrestling personally, it seems he's wrestling with that. we as a country now have to wrestle with what do we do was to dana jurors politician. and how do we make sure that he stays out of the white house? and that's the biden campaign. >> robert odin, i mean, a lot of people disagree with this verdict. they just agree with the case, but to say what some of these folks are saying, i mean, is that dangerous in your view? >> i still believe in have faith and trust in the criminal justice system. >> there are problems with the criminal justice system i think it's we look we used to be a country where when there is a trial victory the victor was magnanimous and the loser, while not necessarily agreeing with the result. >> at least came to respect the fact that a result was delivered. i were talking about i think is working within the system. he has every as the president biden, i think correctly said donald trump has an appeal like everybody else, but the fact of the matter is when this whole process started more than a year ago now before the new york district attorney's office, i said then and also with regard to the other three cases that the country is going to rue the day that we've ever traveled down this road. i still think it was an exceedingly bad idea. if you listen to todd blanche last night, i mean, they got discovery in this case that indicated that after donald trump announced for the presidency, he, alvin bragg in panel a grand jury less than two months after that announcement. this is unavoidably going to be tainted with politics i don't particularly like that result but it's just so whether they bought the case or not, you have to acknowledge whether this case should have been brought. it was and it was 12 jurors who decided this case. and i believe i'm going to turn you have to believe in our judicial system. i have to believe that when we bring in jurors who don't know each other have different backgrounds. they come together here. all of that information, pore over for days, four days, they were in they're asking for follow-up questions we have to trust what they saw, what they heard, and the opinion that they came out with if we don't trust that, then the system doesn't exist. but it's not improper. jury. it's not in property challenge. there's nothing wrong as part of that appellate process. nothing wrong with challenging the fed is nothing political about it either. no, a jury. there is something political about the fact that donald trump isn't a unique situation. he's a candidate for office. >> he believes that this process was not fair. >> you can use the adjective rage or just stay out of the negative connotations and just say that he hasn't a legitimate appellate argument that he did not receive a fair trial. there were rulings that were made in this case. i think many observers have question whatever the results may be, but i do believe to answer your question, the way to handle that is not to just sort of drift rogue out of the process. i think the legal system and the constitutional system is capable. your point is capable of handling this in the appropriate way. there's going to be an appeal. unfortunately, that appeal obviously is not going to be resolved by the time the election occurs. and there's implications to what happened here. that's going to affect the election. >> one of your arm to your point, robert, i mean, it's moving beyond the legal system. it's not like these folks are saying, okay, let's go through the appellate process marco rubio, senator, maybe one time vp contender says it's time to fight fire with fire, you've got tucker carlson saying that trump will win and anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family and other right-wing commentator, matt walsh says that trump should make a list of democrats to arrest when he takes office. and the first on that list should be joe biden i mean, this is well beyond the scope of the legal system and these folks are basically saying, forget about the legal system. >> this is a public perception problem. it's an education problem. so trusting the judicial process means you have to understand the judicial process. i mean, one of the things to know here is that donald trump's team got to select which jurors they did not want to be a part of this process if they thought they were going to be biased, this went through all the right systems. but when you have an echo chamber society, it doesn't matter if you're going through all the right systems, if they're listening to these types of voices discount the process that's what they're going to believe. and by the way, let's take a look at the media from last night during the 5pm hour when this verdict was announced, where did the vast majority of americans tuned in fox news then followed by the other nic, cable and broadcast networks. i think it just shows you that where our attention lies is where we're getting our perception and that's going to shape potentially what happens november every were also in a really delicate time politically. and so we know that there are right-wing sites are talking about doxxing the jurors, finding their information and putting it out. we know they're talking about going after alvin bragg. we saw the former president in us states going after the judge himself on when he was in the middle well, if his press conference, these are all things at a time we were at a set a delicate moment there could be something more than just a judicial process that could be something violent. and we've got to become luck. we have a july 11 sentencing and the issue is going to be whether this is going to be a talk of prison or something else. >> what do you think? >> i think he should go to prison he's a convicted felon with 34 counts. and when you look at this case, when i'm representing someone and i go into the sentencing, there's things that i bring up that will make a judge give me the minimum sentence or even relaxed from what the minimum is. those things aren't here for trump. you can't say here he's remorseful. you'd have to say he's in the same he was convicted 34 felonies for a case that involves trying to influence an election. he's now running in an election that's like me saying my client is convicted of being a bank robber. but judge, don't sit in a jail because he has to go to a banking convention. >> i mean, if you're do that, todd blanche was on top hello, vision again was actually very soberly saying, we really hope that judge merchan is going to look at the law and is going to not give him a prison sentence and trump though, is really not doing anything to make his lawyers lives easier when it comes to that, i mean, is there anything that can be done? >> only every done, but he's in the middle of a campaign to so everything he has to say has to be viewed not just through the lens of what an ordinary defendant might say in connection with a sentencing, but also there's a public platform here and he's running for office and with all due respect, the other half of the country doesn't agree with you with regard to this. >> so i'm and i'll just say the first and foremost, because i wasn't as clear as i should've been last night. that is not meant to suggest or to send any signal to anybody by me that i can don't. violence with regard to any of this. i still have great faith. i've spent my entire professional life in the pursuit of justice as a defense lawyer and as a prosecutor and as an independent council working within our constitutional system, i intend to continue to do that and i have said from the beginning of this thing, even though i don't agree with this prosecution and i think that there are some real fundamental questions about whether or not donald trump got a fair trial but nevertheless, that prison sentence, i don't i don't and i think it's nuts to suggest otherwise, but fine. let you put up the thing about what was said in the past and i guess we're going to go through this sort of for tat takeaway to exercise. some are president, what argument do you have that will make this, judge say, i'm the prison sentence generally right here i'll come on the books and records to books and records may be a first-time offender who 77-years-old with regard to go to with regard to an e felony. >> well, first of all, you can talk about any sentence you want. it ain't going to happen. and if it were imposed, it's certainly not going to be is not going to run hey, there not lie to anybody. i can apply the law, not going to run during the pendency of this campaign because it would interfere with an election. and anybody who thinks that that's going to be allowed is going to get a lesson in a hurry from the supreme court about the supremacy clause. they will step in. let me ask you this what is the one-on-one? >> grounds? because todd blanche talked about this too. yeah. going straight to the supreme court. what grounds with this room card take the sat if they if there's if there are conditions either of through imprisonment or probation, that interfere with a candidate who's running for president and? his ability to run for office? they're going to put a stop to it temporarily. temporarily is no longer in that situation. yeah, of course. i'm not suggesting that he wouldn't ultimately be subject to justice, but presidents are unique. and people running for president are you he could have probation and we'd have to check him with his probation officer before he moves in eastern data does anything outside of new york state theoretically so but if it becomes onerous and it interferes with his ability to run, that's not an interference just with a candidate that's an interference with the electorate. >> and i'm tabbing here, he deserves to go to jail. >> this is what's going to step is clear. >> he deserves to go to jail question is whether or not it's the best thing for our democracy friend go to jail and it's something i think i think you have somebody to do that even if he should go sarah verse real quick. i mean, fox news is really pushing the extremes of this as per usual. but they've been burned by this stuff in the past with the big lie in 2016 are they venturing into that territory? >> no. i think they know where the line is now because they lau's a $787,000,000 loss, they've got lawyers all over it. they're not venturing into this territory. they're not calling calling something, saying you don't agree with the trial is very different than saying that an election was unfairly stolen but we duplicate it, say that biden convicted trump is also ally? >> yes, it is. why it's misleading 100%. and i think that i think that they know where the line is and what you're seeing is that they're going to toe and get up as close as they possibly can, because that's what's good for ratings and that's what's good for their audiences. >> the challenge though, abby, is that what's different now versus after 2020 is there's actually a lot less energy around this i mean, look at the television ratings, look at, i look at media all the time, like the digital clicks and all of that. >> there are some interests in this, and that's because we're not just in of course, his first criminal case. yeah. us but we have four indictments later. right? people are exhausted from it and i think that it's just fox is not going to have the same outcome that they didn't 2020, but they need a better argument that's saying somebody was convicted of trying to influence an election. but be lenient on him so he can run in another election that doesn't make sense to me we're going to we're going to hear a part of it is $50 million that he raised as a result of the of the conviction. that's definitely going to be a factor in the selection, everyone. thank you very much. great discussion coming up next for us. chris wallace will join me about how the vp contenders are now flocking on television to fill and those very flames you've been talking about. plus bill maher on his surprising prediction for the next election. and also what voters think about that verdict and what happens now franklin's joins me how many of you really thought that donald trump was innocent? >> raise your hands this year the. one thing republicans and democrats have been common, they're both waiting for their nominees to die this such white trash in congress you have young american same than lobbies getting it, right. why don't you take a gap year in a bada bada i have a show were right and left talk to jump sanity needs a safe space. >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn. >> every day, more people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food developed with made from real meat and veggies portion since for your dog and delivered right to your door it's smarter, healthier pet food to take advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, joining aarp for $9 per year with a five-year term and your second membership is free. get access to discounts on everyday purchases. i care and prescriptions and tools and tips to help manage your money. and maximize your health. plus aarp fights to protect yourself sure security medicare and more joy in and get it insulated trunk organizer free plus aarp, the magazine color go to join now 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faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? 369369. >> today i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn donald trump is tonight calling himself a political prisoner and his possible running mates are helping him fanned the flames of retribution you cannot say that this trial was anything more than politics masquerading as justice. >> this was certainly a hoax, a sham. this was devastating for the average american watches clinically, i think trump benefits from this. i think they elect the president last night. >> the president is still in good spirits. he's going to fight on and i will help donald trump, however, i think that i can 20 me now is chris wallace host of the chris wallace show. and who's talking to chris wallace? chris great to have you on as always. i wonder what you make of this decision by the trump campaign essentially, to take away the teleprompter and allow him about 35 minutes. so just kinda ramble. what is it? pretend for the next couple of weeks of the campaign, which culminates in a big debate with biden well, you know, it's the let trump be trump. and i'm not sure that given the emotions from yesterday, there was any way you were going to be able to control that the thing that has always surprised me about donald trump is that he keeps winning the same voters over and over again. if you're a member of the trump base, the maga graph out and you love him and you were outraged by yesterday. well, then what he had to say today was cat nap it was red meat. but there was no attempt as you'd get with most politicians to try to reach out to other voters. so you didn't hear a lot about what donald trump was gonna do for you. you heard an awful thought about what had been done to donald trump it seems to me just as a matter of smart politics and in a very close race, and especially with the debate coming up, he's got to change that focus from what's on his mind, his grievances, the past, what's been done to him too? but he's going to do for voters because that's what they vote for sources around the campaign are telling reporters that this is the campaign message. >> this is what trump wants it to be about and large part because he thinks that it's working. but to your point, it's very early in this race when a lot of the persuadable voters are not plugged in yet. and so that's what's going to ultimately matter. and for those persons gradeable voters, the rhetoric around this verdict has really been ratcheted up. hearing people talk about banana republics, about fascism suggesting even that there could be violence directed at trump as a result of all of this, what is the impact do you think of the freak out on the right over this verdict right now? >> well, there's the political impact and then what i would call the the impact to our country, the political impact is it certainly. and you'll see it in the fund raising tens of millions of dollars raised in the 24 hours since the verdict the right really is rallying around donald trump on around the argument that this was a politically inspired trial for trying to take down the leading republican opponent to the president despite the fact that it was a state trial, not a federal trial. and joe biden had no direct control over this whatsoever. the thing that concerns me more is the impact on the country and when you have one would say, think pretty responsible people, senators figures of former secretaries with state talking about that this raises huge questions or just shows that the justice system is a sham. and then you're starting to hear some people in the right more than the talk tv or talk radio. people say. instead of giving us a list of his supreme court nominees, donald trump needs to give us a list of the ten and democrats he is going to put in jail when he becomes president. >> he also have the vice presidential contenders who want to be on trump's ticket. i'll going out there. we had tim scott on this show last night and not wanting to address what we actually have heard from trump, which is that he wants to prosecute his political enemies if he is elected, there is a desire among the people who want to be trump's running mate to ignore all of that and try to paint this broccoli conspiracy where there really is no evidence of what i mean right now, you've got a bunch of democrats who are being prosecuted, including by joe biden's own justice department. >> look as donald trump decides who his running mate is going to be, very little reason to doubt that the number one qualification is going to be loyalty to being on the trump train and and right now, that means saying that this trial was a farce, that it was a political takedown of the president's leading opponent. and to give you a sense of just how highly charged this whole thing is, you have larry hogan, who is a moderate republican who gives, the republicans are really good chance to flip a blue seat to read in maryland a very liberal state, which might be the margin by which they take control of the senate. he had the audacity to say yesterday, after the verdict, you know, we should respect the decision of the jury and for that, one of trump's campaign manager has said his campaign has finished so there's very little room for anything other than the trump party line inside the trump party at this moment? >> yeah. and chris, i know that you had on your show, bill maher, who is really in the middle of so much of this political conversation kind of irritating both the left and the right at different points. i want to play a part where he talks about trump's chances in this next election. >> starting in 2018, you started predicting with some regularity that if donald trump lost his bid for reelection in 2020 that he wouldn't leave. >> i said it before he was elected the first time, i kept saying slow-moving coup, which it's happening, and it's going to happen, and we see it. i mean, the stage use of it. we just keep going down this road. and i noticed that the right-wing now has sort of talk themselves into this idea that he's just this before niche comedian, he says crazy things. he's always had crazy things. he, it's like he's not a serious, so they don't take it seriously. and that's the problem we have, is that this is very serious and he's running a much more serious campaign this time so what do you think happens if he loses this time? >> well, i'm january 20, 2025, he's going to show up on an arguer issue, whether he went or loses because he will claim that he won. that is the one thing i can absolutely predict with utter certainty. he will never, as i kept saying, all those years, will never concede in an election certainly not going to concede this one. >> so you also have a podcast called club random. and on it recently, you told jerry seinfeld that if he wins, not loses, but winds, you're not going to go nuts again. so is it that you think trump to point out wouldn't be as bad or you just don't care as much. >> i care. i just want i'm not going to do is just lose my nervous system at every step of the way. i think he just thinks of power. he just wants to get that back. this is the guy who's going to be probably president. and again, so i'm thanks. yeah. >> i think it probably odds-on. yes. i mean, he's certainly winning now and biden does not look like a very good candidate. >> so january 20 or or maybe election day, i mean that's when you'll lose your mind. i we could lose a lot more than my mind you know, chris, i don't know if no, if at the end there it was a little bit of ambivalence that you heard in bill mars boyce and in what he had to say, but it made me think perhaps he's reflecting what a lot of america i can feel as they approach this next election. >> another rematch between trump and biden know he's, he's clearly not thrilled by the troy's, but he obviously thinks trump is a much greater threat to the country then biden is. >> and, you know, i would say that that's kind of the conventional wisdom right now among most people in the chattering class, that if you had to bet right down, well, maybe before 5:00 yesterday afternoon, you would have bet that trump was the favorite and more likely than not to be elected president. what's going to be interesting to see is how big a difference yesterday is. verdict is according to the polls about 7%, which isn't very much. but 7% of people who said they now support trump say they either will not vote for him over to reconsider voting for him. if he if he were convicted. now that was an if we will have to see what happens now and, you know, is that as it is, this is a big deal. the first convicted felon president, former president, we've ever had you don't even know how big a deal this is going to be, five to six months from now when we get to the november election, how many different things abby are going to happen between now and then, the people will lose their minds open. >> i cannot emphasize now if it is so early in this race and we've seen this before 2016 and in 2020, there are so many things that can happen and do happen in these elections nobody knows anything. let's, let's put it right there for now. chris wallace. great to see you, you know, a lot, but just not who's going to win great to see you. >> thank you, abby. >> catch more of course this conversation with bill maher on who's talking to chris wallace available exclusively on max. and don't miss chris is show tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. eastern time right here on cnn next pollster frank lens will join me on what voters told him immediately after the verdict plus a former apprentice producers now saying he heard trump use a racial slur about a black contested we will speak with that contestant ahead one of the most active tornado seasons. you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store premiere? >> finding earth with 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tonight's verdict. >> surprising, crazy an easy talking partisan on affected, not surprised, uneasy validate us salts as far an easy and franklin's joins me. >> now frank, so of the 11 voters only one said that they are now less likely to vote for trump because of this conviction. >> how do you think this reflects where the broader electorate of undecided voters will stand on trump more broadly well, first off, maybe maybe 4% of americans are still undecided there are only seven states that are truly in play. so you're looking at less than 1% of the american people who are going to decide the future of 330 million people second, the trial for trump people with just the evidence, once again, of things being rates for those anti-trump. he was guilty from day one. >> what i thought fascinating is that more money was raised by donald trump in 24 hours than ever online in a single day. >> in in presidential history. and second, the idea that it had no impact, 34 charges, 34, guilty verdicts had no impact on trump's support whatsoever. >> that to tell us, so we're going to have the meanest, toughest, most divisive campaign we've ever had in this country, some multiple of the voters in this focus group, they mentioned that they are afraid about what is going to happen next. >> one of those concerns is obviously violence it's never happened i want to emphasize this happened 90 seconds after the trial was announced. we convene those voters. they were swing voters. they are not made up their minds. they came from key states and their, for the first time, afraid of what could happen on election day and then the period before them, it is frightening to me where we stand right now as a country, because there's no one saying enough on the democratic side, on the republicans sayyed they're doing everything we can to energize their votes. they're succeeding at the expense of the country. >> that's really fascinating. franklin's thank you for bringing that to us thank you next, a former producer of the apprentice says publicly for the first time that he heard donald trump he is a racial slur about a black contested. i'll speak to that contested kwame jackson and get his reaction mr. adrenaline like every turn shot of, adrenaline, right to the heart like writers, there weren't a lot of clubs back then johnny's might have been first. >> you will make it. >> we were outcasts but now we belong it can't help it's. his board. so people would rather cry slow down like writers we did are only peters june 21st in official message from medicare about fraud, tree knee brace for my medicare number. medicare fraud can happen through text call or email. wholly try next hello i'm. >> calling about your medicare. >> i don't give out my information to confirm my medicare number. >> nope. >> delete. don't give your medicare number to someone you don't know, regularly check your medicare claims to make sure they're right. learn more at slash fraud paid for by the us department of 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trump's seem to have an issue with this idea. all a lie you could see him reacting and shaking his head wobbling his head, grimacing, wincing before he said, you have it wouldn't america by the end, he said the n word winning and i remember i was looking radek carolyn, when this was spoken and she is very pretty blonde woman whose skin when bright scarlet and. then i looked at trump to see the reaction that he was giving, like it was some sort of joke and he was still wincing. and bobbing his head and he was serious now cnn cannot verify that claim and the trump campaign in a statement called pruitt story, quote, completely fabricated. joining me now, the apprentice contestant who was the alleged subject of that racial slur quantity jackson kwame, thanks for joining us again. >> so there have you for having me abbey. there have been rumors about this story for years, but now we have pruitt coming forward and saying that he actually heard trump use that word. have you heard about this before? and what's your reaction to now knowing? you were allegedly the subject of that comment well, first i want to say thank you for having me one. >> sure. as always, abby and i wanted celebrate tonight. i'm in a mood of jubilation. i have on my 34 sweetness jersey for the 34 convictions for donald trump. i do think it's a moment of june believe for the african american community and people who had been long trumpeting the ills of donald trump and even in the spirit of walter payton, who was called sweetness. this is a sweet de, this is a sweet victory. and he had a saying, they said never die easy. and i think that's what we've done in terms of fighting this fight, bringing it through the courts, and making sure there was a conviction the next step is to make sure there's adjust sentencing. i want to celebrate those 34 convictions first in regards to what he said about the inward one, let's be clear. he did not say it to my face because it would have gone down much differently. so i cannot verify that he said that. i don't know if a tape exists. i do believe bill pruitt, he is a friend and i'm happy that he finally came forward i can not give him a red badge of courage. or profile encouraged like john f. kennedy for doing that 20 years later. >> but we are where we are and because of that, we're in a situation where we're not asking the right question. it's not whether he called me the inward the question we should be asking is because he did call me the n word. what kind of permit? bisschen structure has been created downstream to make racism flourish in america. >> so all the ills that we think about that have come from that allegation now america feels a permission structure to be more racist, to rollback d&i efforts at my alma mater, the university of north carolina at our join alma mater harvard, where claudine gay it was fired over, over racist allegations as well. >> and so i think it's about the permission structure and the climate and the storm that's been created around racism, not whether trump called me the inward or not, that's very kind of like fifth grade energy. your mama joke. >> sorry. i guess i wonder though. i mean, do you think that this is something that actually voters should listen to and here and say, this is who donald trump is and what do you, what do you want to say? to people about what his use of that comment might represent about him as a person yeah. >> and i do think that on the margin, going back to your previous segment, on the margin, this may make a difference if that tape did come out and there's an ability for people to hear it like they heard the unfortunate comments about grabbing by the pss. why if they heard those types things, maybe on the margin in the seven key swing dates where we know there's going to be very slim margin voting in the suburbs of philadelphia in the suburbs and milwaukee in the suburbs of wisconsin of phoenix. we know that that's where it's going to make a difference with voters who are still on the margin, undecided. but beyond that, the base is the base and they've been given a permission structure to be racist to do things like charlottesville and to do things that really deny the truth and reconciliation that's often needed. america. so what's really needed at this point is for america to do the hard work. >> i wonder call me whether you think that donald trump is who is reportedly considering senator tim scott congressman buyer? during donald ben carson. >> do you think that he would actually pick a black person to be on his vice presidential ticket i've never known mr. trump to be comfortable around black people. >> i think he might be comfortable around a certain sliver of black people, a certain type of black people. but i've never known him to be comfortable in our general company. i remember when i was on the apprentice, there was always this stilted interaction between us where he couldn't quite figure me out. i was that unicorn. and i'm trying to figure out how do i interact with this guy? do i adapt them up? do i talk about sports? do i refer to his wall street experience? he can never quite figure out my background and where i fit in and so i've never known him to have comfort around anyone who's not just in his soul box. and so i would think it's very unlikely that no matter how much tim scott acts as a x-like a buffoon, no matter how much ben carson acts like a yes man, no matter how much they say, we sick boss, there's there's not an opportunity for them to go and basically slide their way into that opportunity or that job. >> those men, all of them have suggested that black voters can actually relate to trump more as he is facing prosecution because he's now a convicted felon. what's your response to them you know, that's a sad, sad reality. >> i do think that trump has an appeal to black male voters in very, very small percentages. and what i mean by that is black male voters are off it's been pray to his false bravado, his false swagger is false, kinda like dmx type energy that he's bringing into the, into the arena. and they see that and they say, okay, this guy has got swagger. i can relate to that, or some of them are prey to the fact that they have an economic reality, whether it's a lower tax rate, are taking more money home in their pocket at trunk is going to take care of my pockets and that's all that matters. so that's a very selfish reality. and i don't think it's a one that's shared by a larger black populace. but i do think there's a small percentage of brothers that we can't save. harriet tubman. you solve for and say are there are there was a saying about harriet tubman that says, never argue with somebody that harriet tubman would have shot. so i'm not going to argue do with those african-americans i'm going to let them do them and continue to pursue folks who i know are in our camp and on the margin and who can be saved climate jackson. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me, abby and a major inflection point tonight in the war in gaza as president biden pressures both israel and hamas to end the war. >> now hear how hamas is responding tonight. that's next when the competition is a nuclear competition, spying is extraordinarily important. russia is we're trying to spy on us. we were spying on them it's very difficult to determine whom you can trust. i was study frank everything got out of control this is a war. the secret was secrets and spies a nuclear game. premiere sunday at ten on cnn. >> what i look forward to contractor is someone who's reliable and skillful. >> that's where angie comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. sandi can connect you with the right pro for any home in project five, top rated certified pros in your area at, whatever your business seems, vista print. print it. yeah. this sprint, like rachel need to fund packaging so this bridge design and print a new stickers tape and thank you. cards 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foreign affairs correspondent, rena nine and rina, it is so interesting to hear president biden and the white house setup it's press conference to announce this potential deal that israel has agreed to. but israel is not the one who announced this deal. how, how did that happen? >> now, that the timing was really interesting to me and kind of quite surprising. >> it's in the middle of this trump's cycle news cycle that the white house could have just laid low. >> they did it in the afternoon, which was shabbat in israel and so families were gathered around their tv already. many cases are having dinner and they had a great captive audience over and israel. but the thing is present at yahoo because of the situation of it being shabbat didn't address the cameras, couldn't address the cameras. what was interesting to me, there are two big surprises out of this to me, was netanyahu's team did release a statement where they said yeah, this is our proposal. it's the israeli proposal and we think that this works. and then you hear hamas, which has frequently come out and said that they're not into these proposals, respond positively. so these are two good signs about where yeah, i mean, it's it's really important and positive that we are here and what do you make of the tone and the timing? i mean, it strikes me is really the first time the biden administration has said now is the time to end the war, not whenever israel wants to do a down in the future. now absolute victory, it's something that netanyahu says, we're going to do this until we get this victory. it's really hard to define what that is and what biden was trying to convey is a sense of urgency. this is the moment. take it now, one of the things hamas it has been incredibly successful it is turning world opinion against israel. and they have been successful in doing that. so this allowed the president to set the narrative and say, listen if hamas doesn't abide by what we have agreed on here, not only do you have the right to fire back militarily, we're going to help arm you on that. so it gives netanyahu some cover in that regard as well. but it also sets the tone of the stage of where this is headed. >> and talking about the day after which is so important, how to rebuild gaza. who is going to rebuild gaza is going to be a huge part of the conversation going forward rena do you think that this signs do you call them positive? are you feeling like hearing from your sources momentum momentum for sure. >> i think it's incredibly wonderful that both sides are saying yes, we're for this, but having watched the region for so long, you know, you're always cautiously optimistic and it's pretty remarkable at how far they've been able to get this together. this isn't some deal that the white house has put forward. the israelis had this proposal. it's been workshop with hamas and through the mediator of qatar so you'll have to watch and see where this goes. but it's interesting that they've had this moment to say, if hamas doesn't abide by this israel is in the right to defend themselves and we will help. >> and obviously the hostages are still a huge issue in this ab returned arena nine and great to see you. thank you so much. next week, president biden and dignitaries from around the world will head to northern france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day in his new documentary, jake tapper takes a look at their fight what were we? >> we were locked in a battle with fascism. we're fighting for our freedom, for the freedom to think as we wish, talk, as we wish they gave their life to preserve and protect that constitutional big died for our democracy. >> that wasn't the thing that we're thinking about when they ran out of the landing craft, whatever. but at the end of the day, that's it's what they were protecting you can watch

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,Jake Tapper ,80th Anniversary ,80 ,Freedom ,Battle With Fascism ,Wasn T ,Democracy ,The Thing ,Whatever ,Landing Craft ,

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