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A thunderstorm that caused this deadly dropping out to 2d. We will take you inside Boeing Simulator and we are live in tehran, just arriving on the ground thousand because in spilling into the streets extensively to mourn the death of their president as Conspiracy Theories grow louder tonight lets go out fine and good evening im Erin Burnett Outfront tonight. The battle Behind Closed Doors for more than two hours, the Trump Legal Team debated with prosecutors over instructions to the jury and these instructions are obviously the key to the verdict. They are going to explain to the jury what those individuals have to do specifically to find trump guilty or innocent, or to convict him on 34 criminal charges trumps team pressing the judge to instruct the jury that hush money is not illegal. Well, thats true, but prosecutors firing back saying, well, thats your job accusing the defense of wanting the judge to make their clothes using arguments for them outside of court as all of this was going on for hours and hours today trump made it personal chapters. Take a look look at a look at where he cant stand since now, are scheduled for a week from today, next tuesday and in the interim time, the jury will be at home with friends and family during the Holiday Weekend. We know at least one of them going to an airport and, you know, all sorts of Television Screens like cnn on in that airport, talking about the trial, what the judge is asking of the 12 jurors and six alternates is virtually impossible because the judge said today, and i quote from a transcript because we did get it just a bit of goh, please do not talk either among yourselves or anyone else. About anything related to the case. Do not visit our view any of the locations discussed in the testimony do not review or listened to any accounts or discussions of the case, please do not communicate with anyone about the case by any means, any lists, whether thats text or anything else, and do not google or otherwise search for any information about the case i mean, that is incredibly tall order just to live in the modern world, you are assaulted with information about the case. When the jury does finally get this case they are Behind Closed Doors to deliberate likely not until next wednesday after those Closing Arguments conclude. What will, happen then how quickly will they render a verdict after such a long break now, this is interesting. So when you try to look at this, you look back at a number of other high highprofile cases this one obviously it historically precedent breaking case, but other highprofile cases, deliberation is often very swift, often just hours, and the oj simpson case bass he was acquitted by jurors who deliberated . Yes. And four hours after months and months and months of a trial, samuel bankmanfried found guilty on all counts and his cryptocurrency fraud trial. It only took them three hours. Casey anthony, that was a word or trial. Not guilty and less than 11 hours george zimmerman. Remember that not guilty and 16 hours. So that was of course that would be two days. As for trump himself, two of his companies were found guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying Business Records by a manhattan jury in the same courtroom as this one. Judge merchan also provide presiding and that verdict took less than ten hours. So could we see a verdict in these sorts of timeframes that would be next week. Engine grasses Outfront Live Outside the new york courthouse and brynn, the other thing is court was originally scheduled for this thursday. If they were going to be working wednesday, thursday, friday, maybe youd have a verdict this week but now everythings pushed off until next week. Why did the judge decided to do that yeah. Aaron, the judge really choosing to push it off so that there is a clear runway for these deliberations to have happen for the jurors, although he did hint in court that this break in time, of course, not ideal the Hush Money Trial Of Donald Trump will soon be in the hands of a jury we have without hearing from the defendant, at least in the courtroom, that proven there is no prime instead, jurors will be left with a key moments from the prosecution, three star witnesses michael cohen, the former trump fixer in prosecutions star witness, spending 17 hours on the stand testifying. He paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels quote, at the direction of donald j. Trump. And for the benefit of donald j. Trump to cover up their alleged affair which trump denies cohen said he paid the money to ensure that the story would not come out, would not affect mr. Trumps chances of becoming president of the United States in fierce crossexamination that Trump Defense got cohen to admit he has at times been a liar and a thief also bringing up Text Messages and phone calls questioning cohens motives, including a tense confrontation between cohen and Defense Attorney todd blanche over Text Messages. Cohens sent to trumps bodyguard, Keith Schiller on october 24, 24, 2016. Cohen had told prosecutors that he had reached out to schiller to speak with trump about the daniels payment, but under crossexamination, blanche read cohen a text sent minutes before the call. Cohen texted schiller, who can i speak to regarding Harassing Calls to my cell and office, the dope forgot to block his number. Schiller texted back soon after call me the exchange key as prosecutors need to prove trump knew about the payments and violated Campaign Finance laws by authorizing them prosecutors highlighting a different call cohen made to Stormy Daniels, attorney Keith Davidson when cohen expressed referring to trump. I cant even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate that the fact that we did it earlier in the prosecutions case, david pecker, the former chief of the national enquirer, who called trump a mentor. Pecker explaining how he worked with cohen to catch and kill salacious stories about trump, which Defense Attorneys painted as just usual business Stormy Daniels may have been the testimony that anger trump the most as she walked jurors through her alleged affair in vivid detail, daniels explained how cohens interest in her story skyrocketed automatically attracted to beautiful. I just after the infamous access Hollywood Tape and discussions about payments began days before the election they were interested in paying for the story. Daniel set of cohen and Trump Defense attorneys painted daniels as money hungry and driven by a hatred of the former president. Am i correct that you hate President Trump . Trumps attorney asked, yes, daniels replied, you want him to go to jail if he is found guilty . Absolutely. Daniels responded at the end of the day today, the judge telling both the prosecution and the defense that he will be giving his final draft of these Jury Instructions to the lawyers at the end of a thursday. Thats going to give both sides the long weekend to write those Closing Arguments, how theyre going to summarize their entire cases to this jury, erin. All right. Brian, thank you very much. And are experts with us tonight. Marco meira. And would you start with you you served as Defense Attorney on obviously extremely highprofile criminal cases. George zimmermans among them. So now were looking at tuesday, the jury is going to be off for a week, wont be in deliberations for more than a week long Holiday Weekend impossible to not hear about this case and some way shape and form as they go about their lives. Whats your reaction i think its very problematic. I think the idea of not in these jury is not having some types of infection, which is what it would be into their deliberations by what theyre going to hear for the next week. That inner of itself, its very problematic. I sort of thought when i first heard it, its gonna be a week that maybe they would be sequestered. And theyre not theyre going home. So thats one problem. The other problem is its supposed to go trial. Here are the instructions decide the case and just having a week in between, you lose stuff, you forget stuff, you rearrange hes got being your brain. I think its very problematic. There were waiting a week before this jury does with theyve been waiting to do since the beginning of the trial, which is their job to decide the fate. I mean, in arlo just to i want to put aside for a second what they are going to hear and see over the next. Theres also the reality that after week goes by, you do forget yet Closing Arguments, but we just spent weeks listening to testimony that every day what about this high on transcripts . So if they actually are going to print through and read it, youre looking at im just making the point thats reasonable to expect that theyre going to do that. But this is whats going to happen. Youre away for week, youre going to forget all of this yeah. Well, i guess first of all id say that i think the prosecution got the better of today because the defenses last witness, costello, really imploded and became a prosecution witness. So that was a great note, i think to go out with for them for them, i do think that the jury will be okay on that respect, notwithstanding the week i mean, i think the job anyway of the sides in summation is going to be to take all of that complicated stuff that even if you had summations, basically get what you heard. Were gonna give you the cliffs notes. Goh with that. Its not just the cliff notes for the prosecution. Its even harder. Its marrying the story that they told the jury and the openings but what was the crime . Now theyre going to have to marry up all that evidence into the framework where when judge instructs the jury on what the legal charges are, the prosecution can get that in. All right. So chair, you have been in that courtroom every single day. So youve been watching the jury and youve been watching how closely and attentive theyve been. But you have concern as you as you take a step back now, there could end up a mistrial here. Absolutely. I mean, they are listening to all of the evidence, the testimony theyre looking at the document. And i think they will remember at the end of the day what went on. And i know that the prosecutors will sum up tie the dots together as the defense. But the jury themselves, theyre going to all have to come together and i think i think we cant predict what theyre going to do. But if i had to guess right now, getting 12 people to agree that donald trump intentionally falsified these records to influence the election. We have the records, but do we have all of that intent . Yes, we have cohen and yes, we have him saying that he said, do this. Right. But we dont have anything from trump himself and that i think is missing and it could very well be that one person holds out and that means its a misra and thats all you need because they went to this to a criminal trial. You just need one. You just need one. But thats to acquit. I mean, never mind the have diminish trial. Hung jury. Theres are these are even other issues without questions. So obviously the way it works is that you have to have 12. They need to be unanimous with respect to their finding. If you have one, then its a mistrial. I think prosecutors will try their level best not to make it this will be a battle of the narratives to be clear, you mentioned erin. Yes, theres theyd lay over to mark amarice point. Thats very problematic, but its the job of the lawyers to remind you what you saw, what you heard, and what is your duty to do. Thats what Closing Arguments about. And i believe that theyre going to come out both sides swinging with back to the narrative. And heres what i think briefly youll hear from the prosecutions perspective, bills try to minimize the significance of cohen and remind the jury that Everything Else tells you that trump was involved. Everything else tells you he would have the motivation to be involved with respect to Access Hollywood and on the heels of that, what allowing Stormy Daniels took them out. And by the way, hey, karen mcdougal, the playboy model he knew about that. He wouldnt know about this. And also the sharpie and the pens and the check. Theyre going to make it very clear and theyre going to say prosecution wants to make this about a phone call and whether were not as bodyguard, what lets not just talk about the phone call. Lets talk about all the other opportunities the president to know on the alternative. Sayyed, i think that the fences hes going to make it all about cohen. If you dont believe cohen, you can convict. Hes a liar, hes achieved, hes a bp, steals money, he has hatred for the president. And so those are the narratives and if the prosecution can craft it around the issue all of your common sense and good judgment. Theyll have done their job and yet mark, you have a midst all of this. What youre asking a jury to do, which is to convict a former president of a crime which has never before been done. I mean, this is this is a whole different level of burden in that jury room, isnt it . Is going to. Be very, very difficult to get any top Union Anybody in a case like this, wed know that on average half of the people in their trumps supporters, thats not an insult or degrading them. Half of them are democrats supporters. But when youre going to tell six of those people, lets say were just a couple convict the former president , who you are in favor of being the next president convicted of a Felony Making him ineligible to do exactly what we want unfortunately, its going to be almost impossible for that to happen with this unanimity thats required properly. So for criminal conviction, it is very, very difficult this case as a greater chance that mistrial in any of the ones we have seen and have covered with the past couple of years, among all, i thought its going to be difficult, even the trumps civil trial i thought was going to be difficult. They accomplish it there. This is going to be tough for getting a unanimous verdict. Right . And i mean, even if you look at just the voter registration, manhattan, that jury would have a trump supporter on it i know trump likes to say that its an antitrump jury, but the reality of it is statistically, there would be trumps scores on that jury. Arlo. Okay. So the closing statements themselves could take more than a day, according to the judge. That is a long time to sit and really absorb information for anyone yeah. Absolutely. And i think there might be a temptation for both sides to make them longer than they need to be because that doesnt help jurors either. The longer theyre up there, the more the jurors are going to expect every moment of it to be something and then really influences them and impacts their view with the case. So its about i think having your most effective points, getting out the key facts getting out the theories, and just one thing in response to what joey said, the defense is absolutely going to focus on how cohen is a devious, dishonest, terrible person, a terrible lawyer, and the Prostate Confusion and rebuttal is going to look at trump and say, you know what . This is, the man that hired him. And why do you think that is yeah. And so thats sort of the backandforth. And terry, what i know sitting in that room, you watched jurors and sometimes i would i would play the game for lack of a better phrase of watching one and sort of watching them in various moments and white just to get a better feel. Now youve had so many hours and days in that courtroom whats your read on how long it takes them to return a verdict or if it ends up in a mistrial, just as you see their sort of because over time there were some interactions between them, not at first, but then there were therell they sort of got to know each other all right. Lack of a better word. I think theyre going to come back relatively fast. I think two to five hours maybe. I think they already know either verdict or a mistrial with either a verdict or miss trial. Thats right. I think were going to go around and take a straw poll and theyre going to say, where are you and theyll see how many are already in agreement and then theyll talk about the evidence in really theyve only got 34 counts to look at and theyre all the same. And the question is, was this intentional . I think theyre going to go back to the testimony. And as joy was mentioning, tying those dots together as to whether or not he uses a sharp your whether or not hes a micromanager, didnt know what he was doing and i dont think its going to take them that long. All right . Well, thank you all very much. Next, we are going to hear from a passenger who was on board that boeing triple seven that suddenly plunged hundreds of feet and just seconds dropped. So terrifying. And deadly, it left one man dead, seven critically injured, as we know tonight so what went on inside that cabin . Were going to talk to the passenger next. Plus Breaking News out of georgia polls just closing where two Major Players and trumps election case are on the ballot. Fani willis, the results could have major implications for the Georgia Criminal Trial Against Trump was Actress Scarlett Johansson taking on open ai sam altman accusing him of stealing her voice. So can you tell whos johansen and who is not even meeting in five minutes. 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In about a minute and a half, 90 seconds turbulence, so violent and horrifying one man is dead and seven others are still in Critical Condition tonight. More than 70 are injured. Theyre broken bones, Head Injuries people were bleeding from their ears and noses and in a moment, im going to speak to a passenger who was on that flight. You see him here on your screen live. Andrew daibes is going to be with me. This as we understand it still unclear what caused the plane to experience such severe turbulence the Satellite Images that i have on the screen right now show thunderstorms forming in the area near the plane, not exactly where it was and not actually active yet, but forming. And i want to show you that those abrupt movements that i referenced. Heres an animation showing exactly what happened. The plane makes them extremely violent maneuvers up and down, and then suddenly dropping dramatically. It climbs again. It drops, and then jobs again hundreds of feet, causing passengers, some of them we understand to do somersaults in the air, all of this happening in just seconds. Ive been watson is in bangkok tonight. That is where the Singapore Airlines plane made its Emergency Landing and he is out front injuries and death after several minutes of terror, more than 30,000 feet in the sky a Singapore Airlines flight hit with severe youre turbulence throwing passengers and crew throughout the cabin. Ten hours into the flight the incident was so rough lighting in the Air Ventilation the tubing fell out of the ceiling. Food trays from breakfast littered across the Floor Emergency Workers raced to bangkoks so when they Bloom International airport on tuesday afternoon after the flight turned deadly Traffic Control on the tarmac quick to redirect ambulances and set up, makeshift medical tents for injured passengers flight sq321 departed from london and was on route to singapore, but severe turbulence force pilots to make an Emergency Landing in thailand a 73 yearold british man, jeff kitchen died on board the flight at least seven others were in Critical Condition with dozens more injured and the plane landed at the airport and the medical team was sent to the same basic, many injuries occurred. So the airport had to issue an emergency plan. Holdout teams winning to help out to the airline has launched an investigation into the incident with the british embassy. Also deploying officials to support those in hospital the passengers left with the question of how this all went. So wrong now, aaron, a special relief flight has landed safely in singapore. It was carrying 131 one of the original 211 passengers from this stricken Singapore Airlines flight sq 321. We know that more than 70 of the passengers heres an crew have been hospitalized. Here in bangkok after the plane had to make this Emergency Landing here. Thats nearly a third of all the passengers and crew that were originally on board the plane just giving you a sense of how many people were hurt it during this period of violent turbulence. The investigation is underway. The damaged aircraft is here. Weve learned that there is a team from the us national from Transportation Safety board on way to come and investigate this to try to figure out what could have caused this with especially with Singapore Airlines, a Regional Airline that has an enviable Safety Record back to you, erin . Yes, certainly. One of the best, if not the best in every record and Safety Survey around the world. Thank you so much, ivan. I want to go down to andrew davies. He was on that plane and andrew, look, a horrific ordeal. I im so glad youre okay. I spoke to you briefly before you went on i were here on air together. But can you just tell all of us what happened . I mean, youre ten hours in i would imagine people are relaxing your midflight. I mean, no one expecting anything. What happened . Well, i mean, youre quite right. I mean, i travel a lot. I travel of the business, so i do a lot of transatlantic flights. I was working in austin, texas just just a few weeks ago. In fact i was heading from london to wellington on business the fine was perfectly normal. I mean, just nothing unusual at all. It is we had some food is quite smooth. In fact, i dont remember any turbulence at all. And then as you say about 9 10 hours into the flight, i was watching a movie and i. Had my headphones on so i didnt hear any announcements, but i saw the Seat Belt Sign come on so far the diligently put my seat belt on. Thank goodness i did because within moments of doing that all hell broke loose the plane just felt like drops it probably. Only lasted a few seconds, but i remember vividly seen shoes and ipads and iphones and cushions and blankets and cochlea and plates and cups flying through the air and crushing to the ceiling the gentleman next to me had a cup of coffee, which went straight all over me in an up to the ceiling gosh, it just it just even imagine that when you mentioned the seat belt that you put it on and thank goodness you had the second or so to do that we know more than 70 people are injured. Theres broken bones, theres serious injury seven and Critical Condition then what did you see me more people literally flying around at some point or the somersaults in the air that have been described i didnt see that first and the else issue most of the firms facing the bulkheads, so i didnt see that personally. As soon as the plane settled off, i kind of made try to make a joke and bit late conversation with the gentleman next to me who was also shaken, but theres some screaming and it was when it was actually i realize the gravity of it when i looked over my shoulder and soul, the people sitting behind me with a lady who had a big gash in her ahead and blood point down her face. And then as we know, gentlemen passed away and that gentleman was sitting right behind me the plane had settled off. It leveled off, so i got up and obviously lots of people needed some help, but wed be tended to this change from an and helped him get him out the seat and we lay on the floor. So thats in medical professionals could could administer cpr whilst they were doing that, which they gave him cpr for at least 20 minutes i ran around and just got people blankets and cushions and bought and did what i could really helped with i guess one thing for me was i was sitting in premium economy is in one small part of the cabinet and i already saw whats happening in that small section. Ive ive heard since that some awful things happened in Business Class and Economy Class just as it got to the hotel just now that the Economy Class two seats coming loose and panels coming off the ceiling, the oxygen masks came down, the nose. I left the airplane. I looked around and it was quite quite as seen crisis seeing coupling smashed glass on the floor. It was quite horrendous andrew, the man behind you, who whos died. And its just a horrible thing. I know you talk about you all laid them down and you were trying to give cpr for more than 20 minutes . At, what point did you realize that he was dead and what goes through your mind at that point, you realize that this is an incident that has killed a person its so difficult to say i mean, it was fairly obvious that he passed mfa from the moments we call it onto the floor say they gave good 20 minutes of cpr and then they they pronounced in dad, you know, they they they covered him with a blanket and the poor gentleman was was on the aisle, on the floor. So from that point onwards, it was to try and preserve as much deacon see is possible in those circumstances when we landed the plane, as your News Reporter said, lots of tie medics came on board. Im guessing about 20 or so. Can swarmed on board and tended to people with laceration isnt cutscenes bolton partially the poor gentlemen had at that stage gone it was obvious for all to see oh, im so sorry. I as you say, to try to preserve the decency, but to imagine after that someone is there and there someone is dead and people are in such pain youre saying you for sitting next to me. Wife was sitting next to me. Was she the one with the gash that you referenced sheets . She was another one with a gas. She did have a nasty gash, very, very nasty gash on her head and she was shes elderly lady and she was in severe shock as youd expect. Theres an australian lady who was sitting next to her as well, and she comforted the widow, the wife of the gentlemen and was a wonderful human being and showed extraordinary kindness. In fact, a lot of peoples showed extraordinary kindness, thrilled the whole deal. Everybody. And at the end of it in the holding area, a lot of People Exchange numbers. And the fifth thing, new friendships, maybe new relationships have been developed from that i can use numbers. Weve been swapped and people with vowing to keep in touch and visit each other. So in some kind of way there was a nice coming together, but yes, altogether bother her experience andrew, did that did the pilots obviously, they they were experiencing this as well. State the obvious, but they were also flying the plane did they afterwards try to explain what happened . Or give you any sense of what caused this or or do they not i dont really recall. I dont remember them doing so i assume that the only time i remember them speaking to us was to say theres obviously been some severe turbulence. And then when they announced we were going to bangkok, the the cabin crew themselves were extraordinary. I didnt see any member of cabin crew that wasnt injured. They all every single having crew person i saw had had an injury of some sort as i was leaving, there was a Cabin Crew Lady whos sitting down with a very nasty gash to ahead and leg in a bandage there was another Gentleman Member of the cabin crew who was in awful pain with a bad back. Yet he was being extremely stoic and continue being on and passing walsh out to people and helping the madix wherever he could i was very impressed with them and the heart goes out to that actually, because they were doing their job and they have quite vulnerable as well because theyre on the airplane they werent seated, obviously didnt have the seat belts on because they were doing going about their duties so that they will extremely vulnerable. And as i say, not one of them was uninjured that i could see andrew. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk all of the talk through all of this and then all. Its a chance to, understand both the horror and while the incredible Human Kindness that you are talking about, thank you. Nice Human Kindness. You very welcome. Nice to talk to you. All right. You to andrew. Im glad youre well and safe now, mark weiss is an aviation analyst. He was a former triple seven pilot for American Airlines and hes joining me now from inside a simulator there are seven, 7307 simulator, but mark, i know youve explained that what youre going to show us and what were seeing in here is extremely similar, almost identical to the boeing cockpit. Were all this took place mark when trying to understand its interesting what andrew was saying that he doesnt remember, doesnt think the pilots came on, but its sort of saying, well, in the sense of the trauma that everyone and was going through, perhaps they did but to try to explain what happened, we dont know, but we do know that as the turbulence took place, there were thunderstorms developing near by nearby from what you see on the Satellite Images and what you just heard andrew describe does that fit for you . Well, you have to understand that thunderstorms are a natural event pilots go through them, or not through them, but we go around whether all the time so seeing Thunderstorm Activity is not uncommon you dont want to go through a thunderstorm and you really want to try and stay at least 20 miles away from them. What happened today was obviously a tragedy but it obviously occurred in an instant when you have to think that were really all guests of Mother Nature we do our best in a caucus to make sure that we stay away from Severe Weather i have here is a display in the cockpit. This is a 7 37, 800 simulated here, dream arrow its very similar to what you have in the boeing triple seven what ive put on here are airports that we can go to in case of an emergency and so when passengers sitting in the back and eating, were watching a movie, what have you the pilots upfront are always thinking about what happens if that a particular scenario. But what happens if we have to divert somewhere . Where are we going to go . Whether the pilots had time to get on the pa . To make further announcements to the passengers or just to be able to get in touch with the crew to let them know what they were going to be doing. To alter the destination of the aircraft . Im not sure. But may have to understand that the first yeah. Im just trying to understand, i guess from your perspective as a pilot though, what andrew described know how suddenly it happened, right . He does were and i thought one thing was interesting and he was saying is a lot more people would have been injured or dead if they hadnt put that Seat Belt Sign on, that very instant, it did come on. He put his on, others did as well, right . But obviously many people were not able to just shows the swiftness with which this all happened with the pilots in the cockpit. What would their reaction have been when something . Like this came out of nowhere immediately to put a Seat Belt Sign on, but its not uncommon to for the pilots to say whenever you seated, please keep your seat belts fastened for any unexpected turbulence because that cant always be predicted but truthfully, i mean, even the gentleman before had been talking about, hes strapped in at the very last minute, even though he was seated it says the power of the seat belt and why you should always be strapped. And when you have that Seat Belt Signon. Now we recognize that people have to go to the laboratory or get up and stretch their legs. Thats understandable, but obviously Something Like this. And can happen in an, in a flash. You as a pilot, you want to stay away from Thunderstorm Activity, convective activity because you know, it can be disastrous and you know, a can strike at any minute so normally, keep your seatbelt fastened all the time. Well, theres one thing to take away from this and i hope i know. I do and i am sure everyone watching does as well, mark, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. Next we, have some Breaking News from georgia. Polls are just closing there. And you say polls for what . Well, its a crucial election. It is one that could sink or save georgias case against trump fani willis were live in atlanta, plus Actress Scarlett Johansson going after tech giant open ai, saying, this voice is actually hearse whats Applicants Ceiling though . Are you in a Cool Industry so on because theres something for Muscle Cramps and spasms their works absorbs quickly for relief. So get back at it. Their works works for fast muscle relief. Their works works, try their works and get back at it. When enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, but you can repair it with pro pronoun will repair it penetrates deep into the two to actively repair acid weakened enamel, i recommend from enamel repair with new pronoun will repair mouthwash. You can enhance that repair beyond brushing. 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The two key players and trumps Election Subversion Case are on the ballot and we are now projecting cnn projects that embattled full Fulton County de a fani willis, who is leading the case against the former president , will win the democratic primary Nick Valencia is out front in atlanta at fani willis, his Campaign Headquarters and nick, this was a crucial race obviously, if she had lost a totally different path in history here, tell us what you know . Now, obviously a lot is on the line yeah, aaron, in this primary win for fani willis comes as zero surprise to anyone that knows whats going on here. And Fulton County, it is just a primary but well over 1 million votes are expected to be cast when its all said and done according to georgia secretary of States Office and theres a lot of attention on it, principally because it involved fani willis, but also what was at stake here if she lost the case that shes handling over the former president and 14 remaining codefendants. She could not worry about that for a few more months now that shes won or primaries is going to face off in november against gop challenger courtney kramer, who is a trump ally and an election denier, talking to her allies here in the leading up to this primary de they joke that fani willis could be de here until shes 100 years old if she wanted to. And her competitor, christian wise smith was polling in the single digits, but even still, it was clear to us that she was taking know can chances. We caught up with her earlier today at a polling sayyed, where she was encouraging people to come out and vote. And she got people to turn out for her as it stands right now, this is an election shinier oddity, not only was she on the ballot, but so was the presiding judge, scott mcafee, over this case. Hes expected to win, not a primary, but an election for him. Hes expected to win that. Hell go on to likely continue to preside over this trump case at any minute now, were expecting fani willis to come out and address her supporters here at her campaign. Payne headquarters were hearing some audible high fives and some cheers to those results here that we just projected error. All right, next, thank you very much. In atlanta tonight. And as the atlantic case with finding a willis is victory, obviously continues on the path that its on there is also news in arizona and the courts, Rudy Giuliani is pleading not not guilty in the state of arizona, the former new york mayor and ten other trump allies were arraigned today for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 Election Results in that state, which had a narrower margin of victory for biden than georgia did. Giuliani angrily pushing back in court after prosecutors detailed how he evaded his Court Summons for weeks. But for they finally tracked him down at his 80th birthday Birthday Party in palm beach, florida on friday. Sara marie is outfront Rudy Giuliani. Sorry, late about the time wrong. Could you making a chaotic first appearance before an arizona judge today ive been a complete embarrassment. To the american legal system, but i just saw no tendency not to comply yearly. I dont want to mute you, but i need to move on. Trumps former Attorney Pleading not guilty to allegations he took Partner Conspiracy to try to overturn the 2020 Election Results in a state, joe biden won by more than 10,000 votes arizona is a state that were looking at very, very carefully according to the indictment, giulianis spread false claims of Election Fraud pressure local officials to change the election outcome and was responsible for encouraging republican electors in arizona and six other contested states. Now he faces charges in tuesdays Arizona Georgia Giuliani denouncing the arizona indictment, calling it part of the destroyed donald trump. And only appearing in court after a wild goose chase to deliver his summons, are agents had traveled to new york city to try to serve him. We were not allowed in his building there where he lives. We stayed there for two days. We mailed him a letter we we made phone calls in the courtroom, a prosecutor highlighted giulianis taunts on social media as officials tried to serve him. He had posted the twitter on friday night as you can see, its a picture from his 80th Birthday Party in palm beach, florida. If arizona authorities cant find me by tomorrow morning, one, they must dismiss the indictment two, they must concede. They cant come boats right after his 80th Birthday Party giuliani was served. I havent been hiding from anyone his antics prompting a judge to order him to post a 10,000 bond given his latest twitter posts and then his lie about communicating with our office, we decided to be appropriate to ask for some relief these conditions to ensure his appearance in arizona, also pleading not guilty today Christina Bobb bob, who is accused of lobbying arizonas gop legislators to disregard the popular vote in arizona. Now serves as Senior Counsel for Election Integrity for the Republican National committee. The arraignment when as planned and well deal with the case. Nine others who served as prodonald trump Fake Electors in arizona also entered not guilty pleas. Quite not guilty on all counts now it was, just such an unusual day in court for what is normally a quick and uneventful proceeding. Giuliani didnt have a lawyer. He said he was fine to represent himself, although we pointed out yet and actually seeing the indictment against him, and we did not as you saw, there, have a mug shot yet of Rudy Giuliani, the judge says, he is 30 days show up in arizona for processing, so we would expect that we will get the mug shot from him whenever he does. Aaron. All right. Sarah, thank you. And i want to go now to the former republican congressman ken buck, who is also a former federal prosecutor. With both of those perspectives, congressman Rudy Giuliani Tonight Pleading not guilty to Helping Trump overturn the 2020 Election Results in arizona, appearing in court today, along with nine of the 11 Fake Electors who put out the video in 2020 that im showing of them actually signing the document with a fall slate of electors are saying that trump won the state. How strong do you think this case is . Great question. I havent seen the evidence. I havent heard the witnesses, but i do think that Rudy Giuliani and others knew what they did was wrong Rudy Giuliani was a prosecutor. He was the us attorney in the sort of highest Us Attorneys Office most respected Us Attorneys Office . The country, the Southern District of new york. And as such, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was submitting a false document to the government he knows thats a federal crime. Its a state crime, its a forgery. He knew that was wrong. The defense seems to be this idea that under the First Amendment they were allowed to challenge the election. The First Amendment doesnt allow you to commit a forgery and thats in fact what was happening here. And i also think this what the reporter was mentioning about Christina Bobb is fascinating a Senior Counsel at the rnc resigns because theres this litmus test now that you have to agree that the election was stolen in 2020, and hes replaced with a criminal defendant from arizona, Christina Bobb. I would think that the rnc could find someone who isnt a criminal defendant, who could make sure that there is Election Integrity. In the next election. Very odd choice in my mind can also he the whole issue of giuliani being there to begin with right . He had evaded his Court Summons and he had taught and prosecutors publicly about it. But then when it came up in court today, he tried to defend it and say that he wasnt wasnt evading anything. Heres how we put it. I have a fair number of threads including Death Threats and i dont have security any longer since ive been a bankruptcy so i have i have very very strict rules about who gets up and he doesnt and obviously, the context here is they eventually found him and his 80th Birthday Party and we were playing a little bit of that, right. You know, surrounded by a gaggle of people what do you think happened here . Im gonna see lucky, he wasnt arrested i think hes lucky. He wasnt arrested. I think he was like he wasnt held without bond because someone who does axon that way is often considered a flight risk. And given, given who voted gianni, Rudy Giuliani is, i think the judge took that into account, but what a sad decline of a great reputation mayor who was did significant good in new york city. A prosecutor to see him acting in its just sad. All right. Congressman buck, i appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you. Next actress, scarlett johansson, Accusing Tech Giant opened ai of using her voice. So can you tell the difference between these two voices learning everything about everything . You about to reveal something about ai like and just touching down in iran as it more its president and foreign minister is live next with so many choices on booking. Com there are so many tina fey i could be. 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Whats dog ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when youve got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan Wealth Management welcome. To the roots of our legacy where excellence comfort and electricity, are forever welcome to beyond the mercedes my buck, he qs suv Artificial Intelligence is transforming agriculture, advancing lifesaving healthcare, and strengthening Small Businesses this Game Changing technology is supporting every sector of americas economy. Today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the Global Leader in in technology. Are leaders in Congress Need to stand up for innovation and protect americas competitive edge. Why choose a Sleep Numbers swipe that can keep me warm when im cold weight know im always hot for doesnt can i make my side softer . I like my side firmer squeeze number. 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So like other people have it and its not recover back, the Newscaster Field Are Healthy Plus Lawn through today this is, no secret, war. Secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb cnn Closed Captioning brought to you by meso book. Com our firm only represents Mesothelioma Victims and their families. If you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial kalisa. Now Breaking News, cnn just touching down on the ground in iran tonight. Our reporter, Fred Pleitgen, landing inside the country moments ago following the Helicopter Crash that took the life of irans president and foreign minister massive crowds turning out in cities across the country, two mourn the fallen iranian president ebrahim raisi, Fred Pleitgen is live from tehran and fred, you obviously have just gotten back in. Youve been in and out of the country extensively, including very recently. So how are things on the ground tonight following the shocking death of two of the top leaders, there yeah you can, first upon landing, you can see that a lot of things have changed here in this country. A lot of things are different. And one of the main differences that you see is that the entire city here of tehran, from the airport all the way to the city is absolutely plastered with billboards commemorating those who were killed in that Helicopter Crash. Of course, not just the president ebrahim bringing very easy, but also the foreign minister, hossein amir abdollahian, who of course you interviewed very recently and was a fascinating interview. Hes also on that billboard as well. So you can see here that those who are in power really want to make the Mourning Process very public and want as many people as possible to take part in that. And so you have these gigantic Morning Processions that weve seen in a couple of cities are ready and that we are going to see in a couple of hours here in attack iran as well. But for many of the folks that you speak to hear aaron, of course, they are in that Mourning Process, but they also of course, want to know what comes next and what the leadership here of this country has been trying to project is stability. They say that theres no, not going to be a break in the government. They said everything is going to function as normal and theyve already called for those elections. And with that, a lot of people are asking are. Things going to remain the same as iran going to continue job that hard conservative line of the raisi government . Or could there be a more moderate government coming up . Aaron . All right. So fred, i mean, its fascinating, isnt it originally in social media, you know, there were reports that some people were celebrating the death and now youre seeing this mass outpouring of, of, of government are in power sanctioned morning thing a few details have been given for the crash beyond foggy weather, right . It was an old bell helicopter, 40 years old. Are people in iran believing that i think most of them are. I think most of them understanding that the Helicopter Fleet said that the government here flies that Many Airlines also here fly as well as far as aircraft are concerned, are indeed very old, new, of course, he did have adverse weather, but of course there are a lot of rumors flying around there as well whether or not there could have been some foreign influence on the machine, whether or not there was some sort of technical foul. I think two things are quite interesting in that actually, on the one hand, the iranians have launched an investigation to see whether there was any technical of fault with that aircraft. Of course, the weather definitely they believe played a role, but investigation is still coming up and then you also in this case, have Vladimir Putin in the mail now as well, who is offered a russian experts to come here on the ground. And as he put it, find out what was really, as he said, behind the crash. So some ominous words, theyre coming from the russian leader as well, erin. All right. Thank you very much. A Fred Pleitgen and also tonight, she said she said Actress Scarlett Johansson, Lawyering Up Against Chatgpt and ceo sam altman, accusing him of copying her voice without her permission. Jason carroll is outfront good morning. Theodore. Morning. You never saw her face in the scifi romance titled her, but audiences knew it was scarlett johansson, distinctive voice im trained samantha, the synthetic siri like character in the 2013 film you have a meeting in five minutes. You want to try getting too find the actor is now speaking out against open ai and its ceo sam altman, saying her real voice sounds too close to the one openai created for chatgpt is updated model. The artificial voice goes by the name sky. Heres a sample of what sky sounds like. Hey, there, its going great. How about you too similar for johansson, she released a statement saying, my friends, family, and the general public all noted how much but the newest system named sky sounded like me. I was shocked angered, and in Disbelief Altman fired back saying the voice of sky is not scarlett johansson. And it was never intended to resemble hers. We cast the voice actor behind skies voice before any outreach to ms johanson an openais blog it said the company wanted a voice that was timeless approachable, and it narrowed the field of more than 400 Voice Submissions and settled on a different actress saying, we believe that ai voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrities distinctive voice. Altman would not reveal hell who they hire to voice sky. He says to protect their privacy. Johansson isnt buying that, saying, not only did Altman Reach Out Last September with an offer to have her voice

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