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Every turn this party it cant be like A John Of Adrenaline right to the heart youre in the cnn newsroom. Im Jessica Gene In Washington and we begin with Breaking News in the middle east. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reject ding, a new ultimatum this time, from within his own war cabinet. Cabinet member and former Israeli Defense minister benny gantz is calling on netanyahu to agree on a war plan by june 8th. Thats about three weeks from now. Or he says hell withdraw from the government also breaking today, the Israeli Military saying its recovered the body of another hostage inside gaza. Officials saying ron benjamin was killed during the october 7 attacks has body taken into gaza by hamas on friday, the idf discovered the bodies of three additional hostages all of this unfolding as new humanitarian in aid arrives in gaza through a floating pier set up by the us military this week, Officials Say the goal here is to bring in 500 tons of aid daily, joining us now seen and political and Global Affairs analyst, barak ravid and cnn political and National Security analyst david sanger and david also the author of the new cold wars chinas rise, russias invasion, and americans struggled to defend in the west. Thanks both to you. Thanks to both of you for being here with us barak. Lets start first with you because you broke this reporting on this ultimatum from benny gantz we now know netanyahu has rejected it. What now well gantz actually leave the government and if he does, is that enough to force netanyahus hand well, i think after what gantz said today, if by june 8th, does not gonna be some significant change in the policy over the war in gaza, which i suspect is not going to be the case you wont have any other choice but to leave the government and he wanted to do it for some time now and he didnt find the right way to do it without losing a lot of the votes that he gained over the last six months so i think the speech today in this ultimatum was a way to prepare Public Opinion for his departure from the government. But theres a big, but here even if he leaves nathanial still has a 64 members of knesset majority, meaning is still the Prime Minister, but if gantz leaves and ganim, the one whos leading in the polls right . Now if elections were held today, ganim will be the Prime Minister. All of gantzs supporters, once he leaves can join the protests in the streets that we see every week. If it is still small, but every week its getting a bit bigger and you also report that in his statement rejecting gantzs ultimatum, netanyahu made clear that he is against a Palestinian State as part of this Normalization Agreement with saudi arabia. And thats normalization of relations with saudi arabia plays a lot into so much of this of course, in the specialty that i think that right now as we speak white house National Security advisor isnt saudi arabia. Jake sullivan. Hes there to meet the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to speak exactly about this. And hes supposed to be in israel tomorrow. And so sullivan will come between israel, which is in a deep political crisis with the award thats not going anywhere. And with a Prime Minister who just poured a gallon of cold water over President Bidens idea for some sort of a mega deal with saudi arabia. Thats not good news for the white house at all. And david, i want to ask you going off, what barak just said, the white house saying that the National Security adviser, jake sullivan, it will be in saudi arabia, israel. How do you think those talks are gonna go . Well it, theyll probably goh as each of the other encounters that Prime Minister netanyahu has had in recent times with mr. Sullivan, with the secretary of state, anthony blinken, with President Biden himself, with the cia director who has been the envoy trying to work out a hostage deal here . Bill burns in each of those cases, The Americans have emerged with enormous frustration about dealing with Prime Minister netanyahu. In part because the Prime Minister has refused to take on their cautions in part because he very publicly rejected giving them a plan for what to do with the million plus people in rafah to move them out of harms way. And in part because President Biden finally a few weeks ago two weeks ago, made the decision to withhold a very small number of weapons, 2000 pound bombs. So theyre not used in the ongoing rafah operation. So the relationship with the Prime Minister couldnt be any worse and my suspicion is that President Biden is not unhappy to see benny gantz make this threat and let this, let this government crumble. If, if thats whats going to happen a little more from within and i just want to tell everyone what theyre looking at right now on their screen. These are live pictures from tel of protesters on Saturday Night protesting for a new government. That is whats going on at this very moment. David, to your point, we also heard from you have glaad, israels defense minister, whos a member of the same party as Benjamin Netanyahu, which seems important. And he said he did not support israeli million but terry rule of gaza. So here we have what we got today for many ganz, we have this from golan. It seems like The Domestic Politics have had been unsettled, but it seems to be reaching a new moment does and you were seven months plus after the law awful events of october 7 it was a horrific Terrorist Attack but even then, at that moment, the Prime Ministers government has been shaky. And Prime Minister netanyahu was not wanted to move to the next step because he knows the next step probably involves his removal from the Prime Ministership. So he has everything be gained from keeping the status quo going and now youre seeing the fracturing you knew was going to happen. But problem is and this is more in other well houses than mind is that the internal politics are grinding so slowly within his cabinet that its not moving at a at a rate to allow in the greater amount of av was is demanding or the kind of political shifts that would enable a different plan for dealing with hamas. And barak. If we zoom out and you look more broadly at these talks, trying to get a ceasefire and hostage deal so much all of this is interconnected in one way or the other, and its part of a lot of this is what is the plan for what comes after this war is over . What will happen in gaza . Who will govern gaza . And the us certainly has it has feelings about that Benjamin Netanyahu certainly has his own feelings. What is the way through here right now . Theres no way through. Yeah right now right now, it seems that you mentioned glance remarks, what garland was saying basis degree that he just gave he gave the public indictment against you for the fact that he is unwilling to put on the table or discuss seriously any day after planning gaza. And golan said that because netanyahu refuses and he refuses to do it because hes dependent on the mode. The most radical excreted he most rightwing politicians in the history of israel, Itamar Ben Gvir and metella smotrich. And because of that, israel is going towards a perpetual occupation of gaza and the need to impose military rule, which we are disaster for israel. Shortterm and longterm i think that you cannot disconnect the internal The Domestic Politics, and the Bigger Picture here. And many people in israel right now see what netanyahu is doing as the war of survival. But but his own political survival and not the survival of the country david, you mentioned a little bit when we were talking just a second ago about about the us and the relationship with the us but what does this all mean for what President Biden . And the administration are asking for . How hard do they push . What levers do they have left to pull . And is that going to be effective well, jessica, the main lever they have to pull is the one that the president has already pulled once and in a small way, which is withholding some of the weaponry, the weaponry that would be used in the us view. Against civilians, theyre not going to pull the defense of weaponry that i can fall. All that fact, you swale Administration Push congress recently for another very large longterm package of arms for israel. But that would come well into the future the interesting thing about the timing of this threat that youve now heard to begin to pull look government apart. Is it if it did come on june 8, that would be just a week before the president is meeting his closest allies the g7 allies in italy i think that meeting begins on the 13th runs 13, 14 that would be the moment where all of the allies together could try to come together with a common position. Now, whether that would bend Prime Minister netanyahu after all, for pressure, hes been on i dont know he so far has resisted just about every piece of advice hes gotten from every country that is providing both arms and relief to the palestinians all right. David sanger and barak ravid are thanks to both of you thank you race for the white house is in full swing as the two likely nominees speak at dueling Campaign Events this hour any minute, warmer President Trump give remarks at the National Rifle Association Convention in dallas. This is President Biden set to speak in atlanta as he makes his push to shore up support among black voters the latest from the trail. Plus right now, the worlds number one golfer, Scottie Scheffler, back out on the course. But more questions than answers remain about his arrest. Up next, what more were learning from police and schefflers attorney. Youre in the cnn newsroom assignment with Audie Cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts from medium rare two well done so many ways to save life ruddy, while it happy. But 3605 by whole foods market. 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Texas Governor Greg Abbott and nra president Charles Cotton also set to speak, cnn reporter Steve Contorno is joining us now, a steve what can we expect to hear too . Night from the former president jessica, it was only eight years ago, really almost said his day that the National Rifle association adores donald trump for president. And at the time, no one would have questioned that organizations influence in american politics. But that is very much at question today as donald trump prepares to address this organization once again, this is a an organization that has been badly damaged by scandals, by Financial Mismanagement and multiple leadership crisis. And now there are serious questions over whether they can help donald trump and to what degree they can boost his president ial bid, helping him win back the white house again eight years ago, they helped with 30 million. Do they have that kind of money in this Election Cycle, donald trump for his part, he is standing by the embattled organization. He recently held them meeting at maralago with many conservative organizations planning their gao ground game for 2024, the National Rifle association was part of those meetings and donald trump is promising to be a Second Amendment president if elected. Once again, he said he will undo all the work that joe biden has done on gun safety since taking office. Now, this is a contrast that the Biden Campaign is very eager to make. They are more than happy to let trump playing the mantle as a stalwart for the second can amendment and for the lack of action he took as president after all the Mass Shooting he saw during his four years, the trump campaign, theyll believes that this is a moment and opportunity for him to rally his base. They are some of these are some of his strongest supporters, which is why hes spending time with them in between all these court appearances, jessica all right. Steve contorno for us at the lake it is from dallas. Thanks so much for that reporting. Also this weekend, President Joe Biden making a fresh appeal to black voters into close battleground states. Georgia and michigan. Hes also set to deliver a Commencement Address tomorrow at atlantas Morehouse College pledge. That visit is highlighting some deep divisions though that are felt on College Campuses across the nation, seen in White House Correspondent Arlette Saenz is in atlanta and are let the president spoke not too long ago to supporters. Whats he saying . Yeah, just a big part of President Bidens time here in georgia is to focus on drawing more for support among black voters, black voters, of course, had been a key portion of bidens support back in 2020 helped propel him to the white house. But there have been some signs of narrowing and that support as he prepares for his rematch against former president donald trump. Now, the president s advisers say that he has several tasks at hand. One is true trying to remind voters that things his administration has done to help black voters including things like lowering the cost of insulin Infrastructure Investments and also canceling student debt. But then there is also the need to try to draw that contrast with trump. And that is something that we saw him tried to do when he met with supporters here in atlanta just a short a while ago, the president warned of what trump would do if he were reelected, potentially undoing many of the initiatives that biden had put into place as president. And he also took a bit more of a swipe at trump as well. Take a listen not about me. Its about the alternative as well. You know, he think its fair to say i wont use the exact phrase, sayyed, use still plant ball my opponent is not a good loser but he a loser now, you often hurt here, President Biden kind of tried, tried to tweak and get under trump skin with comments like that, but he is making those comments in a critical battleground state of georgia, this is a state that biden won by less than while thousand votes against trump in 2020. But recent polling has shown that trump currently has a lead. Here are biden. Theres a poll in the New York Times. It shows trump leading biden by ten points. Now part of bidens success here in the state of georgia was with a black voters trying to put together a diverse First Coalition to send him to the white house back in 2020. That is part of the reason that you are seeing him do that outreach here in atlanta today as he meets with voters tomorrow when he speaks to graduates at a more houses commencement as theyre trying to rally more of that support from black voters heading into november and our lot, we also know some morehouse students have said they plan to protest the president s speech tomorrow. I would imagine that they have prepared knowing that was likely possibility. Yeah, the white house and President Biden are well aware of the frustration from some faculty and staff about the fact that the college had invited him to speak at this Commencement Ceremonies so much of that frustration from students and faculty has stemmed from the president s handling of the conflict in gaza. But the white house has been preparing for the president s Commencement Address for weeks now, they actually sent down a senior adviser, steve benjamin, director of the White House Office of public engagement. He traveled here two more house ill suggest last friday and held a roughly more than two hour meeting with faculty and staff to hear their concerns. Im told about half of that meeting focused specifically on the issue of gaza, the white house, and the president have also been reaching out to prominence of Morehouse Alums to help them with the crafting of this speech. Uh, one of those alums is tony allen, who is actually the president of another hbcu who told us in an interview that he believes the president will discuss the impact of peaceful protests. But all eyes will be on that Commencement Address tomorrow, seen whether there will be any protests on hand, and how exactly President Biden handles it. Absolutely. Arlette saenz for us Live In Atlanta tonight. Thanks so much for that. And joining us now is literacy bono. Hes the director of the university of virginias center for politics. Larry, thanks for joining us. We just heard. Are let lay out the president s plan for the next a couple of days with these appearances, hes seen his numbers soften with black voters specifically, young black men. How serious of a problem is this for the Biden Campaign . And what can they do to fix it . Well, its less serious problem than some of the numbers being thrown around. What suggests one recent poll, you mentioned it. I tried not to mention it because its gotten too much attention but to have black voters at 23 for trump, that is laughable. And its not going to end up anything like that of the normal breakdown in a twoway race is maybe 9808, 90 for the democrat, ten or 12 for the republican. I cant give you exact percentages, but thats a lot closer to reality than 23 for trump. So look, the point is that black voters, just like every other category of voters, wants to be wooed they dont want their votes taken for granted. They dont want to be taken for granted. So the president as any candidate, would have to do has to do some makeup work under these circumstances. And thats what theyre doing its may its may well, so two things i wanted to ask follow up with you about that because were looking at the numbers here that you just referenced from that New York Times santa poll. And even doing this a long time, youve, you know, policy lets take so well, what makes you say thats laughable . These numbers just arent right because the early numbers are reflection of messages that voters are sending. In this case to President Biden. Other surveys to former President Trump. Theyre sending messages because everyone knows it doesnt matter. Matter what the polls say, what the polls show. Those numbers mean nothing in terms of consequences, the consequence comes after you vote. So they send a message. The message is being received. Some of the issues were talking about today may indeed be resolved or nearly resolved by the time people well vote in october and november, well see what happens in the middle east for example so this is all very preliminary. Its easy to take polls in the spring of an Election Year because youre not held accountable for anything. The only poll that matters if for you is the one you take right before the election, you are either right or wrong. But youre excused for all the other folds you take for them and it is youre right, we should underscore may no ones this. This isnt happening until november and that is important to remember and to, and to keep it in context. I do want to ask you before i let you go about the debate thats now set for june 27th here on cnn its historic for a number of reasons, is an historic Election Cycle for a number of reasons. But what is your take away from this being set . And what we know about it today well, ive seen all the debates, including the jfk, nixon ones live that a lead is consider going home. You got tv so i can say truthfully, i never thought there would be a president ial debate. June 20, seven nov an Election Year. Theyre normally held in the fall, but you know, in a way it makes sense because more and more voters with each passing year are voting earlier and earlier, most of us use devote because we really had to on election day, we didnt even have the opportunity of mailin or inperson validating before then. So many millions, tens of millions of americans are voting in late september, early october, et cetera. It makes sense to move the debates earlier. I dont know. June 27 is too early. I let other people debate that, but this is voter education. Im delighted that this has been arranged, that in fact the candidates were able to agree on these two debates because i think its important to have debates whoever sponsors alright, larry somato, always good to see you. Thanks so much thank you, jessica like calm Michael Cohens crossexamination in Donald Trumps Hush Money Trial in new york resumes on monday. Next were going to speak to a former trump attorney about what to expect. Youre on the cnn newsroom when the competition is a nuclear competition, spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying in a spy on us. We were spying on them its very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was telling frank everything got Out Of Control this is a war but secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn. Kinda riva support your brain health. Mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. Franck, bread. 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Com or amazon how it really happened tomorrow at nine on cnn Donald Trumps criminal trial could be wrapping up as soon as next week. The former president leaving Court Thursday on a competent note as his Defense Attorneys crossexamined trumps former fixer Michael Cohen, under questioning, cohen appeared to contradict himself on the topic of a phone call with his former boss, potentially raising doubts over his testimony altogether. Former trump attorney Tim Parlatore is joining us now. Hes also a cnn legal commentator tim, nice to see you. Im curious what you think could the outcome on of this trial Hinge On Cohen and that phone call or is that kinda blowing it out of proportion . No, i think it really does come down to that. Yeah. When you look at the evidence in this case, they have a lot of corroboration for a lot of the story. But the problem is that all the things that they have corroboration for are not the actual elements of the crime. Its all the background or the hush money and catch and kill things like that . The evidence that they need to actually tie donald trump personally to the false Business Records is Michael Cohen and him coming into testify about conversations like this one to the extent that you have Text Messages that you can then use to crossexamine him and show that phone calls he claimed were about this. Were actually about Something Else that does undercut really the only connection that they can make between him and the false Business Record entries i think it can certainly have a big impact particularly dont forget there are two lawyers on this jury, and so i think that they two of them can have significant sway in cutting through all the noise and getting down to that element and the prosecutors are likely going to try and firm up cohens credibility next week before this all comes to a close. A. How do you foresee them going about that a lot of it is going to depend on what what they can do as far as the actual facts of that phone call. Yeah. Theyll try and go to them mean say do you think that you actually talked about this as well theyll try and make it worried packs both conversation into that 90 seconds. I think that theyll probably tried to focus on all of the other things that they do have corroboration for and try and shore up some of that thing. That part of it too see if they can make the jury believed that this phone call really was what he said it was given the weeds yeah. Its a difficult position from no doubt and given that we could hear Closing Arguments next week, if youre trumps attorneys, what is that last message . You want the jury walking away with . What do you want to emphasize . Really, it is that Credibility Piece that they have not been able to corroborate his connection to the Business Records. And what i always try to think about, im Closing Arguments is you have a complex case with a lot of different moving parts to the extent that you can kind of figure out he a separate, you know, what is in dispute from whats not in dispute and yes. Said all this stuff aside and basically focus on the one key element that really the case rises and falls on. I think that that if they keep laserfocused on that and use this phone call to really focus the jury. I think that thats where theyre going to have the most success. And the former president had complained he wasnt getting, he felt enough support in the courtroom. So this week we did see several republican members theres a congress showing up and others, but the speaker of the house was there. There are obviously politics involved here, but what do you think their appearance in that courtroom, what kind of impact, if any . Do you think it has on the jury you know, i always tell clients that when it comes to a criminal trial, theyre only 12 opinions that matter. And yours is not one of them. And so what impact is that going to have on the 12 people in the box . And i do i am concerned that by parading these figures in and out, that that would have a negative impact on the jury. I know that there was an incident where a couple of members of congress came in. Yeah, not during a break and they were somewhat disruptive and the judge was looking angrily down thats the kind of thing that jurors notice. So its not something that i would be encouraging but, whether the jury actually take something from that or if they just kinda set it aside juries are fronting things. Yeah. They get to decide thats the bottom line, right . Turn former trump attorney Tim Parlatore. Thanks so much. We appreciate it thank you. Coming up, Scottie Scheffler is out on the course playing in the Pga Championship as we speak. 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Scheffler the incident unfolded just before dawn yesterday, outside the Valhalla Golf Club in louisville, kentucky scheffler, one of the worlds top golfers is accused of injuring an officer who tried to stop him from driving through the scene of a fatal Traffic Accident outside the club. He was booked in jail, is now facing four charges, including Felony Assault on a police officer, seen in correspondent Gloria Pazmino is joining us now from louisville war. What more are we hearing from scheffler and his attorney today yeah. It is a Significant Development that there will be no Policing Scam Video because a scheffler and his attorneys story is a little bit different from what the police have been telling us about this whole incident so far jessica, they have said that scheffler missing understood the whole thing, that it was all just a bad miscommunication. And that he was not trying to cause any trouble. He has been cooperating with the investigation and as you said, has been performing actually quite well at the Pga Championship. The incident report says that its scheffler did not listen or obey the orders of the police . Officer that he continued to drive forward pulling that officer in him, sending him to the hospital. And now that we know that theres no police cam video, its going to be interested interesting to see how this investigation plays out, because were not going to have real evidence are real pictures of how that interaction began. Listen to Scheffler Attorney He was directed by Traffic Control officer to go around a stopped bus and to proceed into the grounds at baja . Never at any time that he disregarded any Officers Directions. He followed a another Traffic Control Officers Directions as to how to proceed so jessica, the Police Incident report, which we have reviewed, it says the exact opposite of what the attorney is saying. It says that he did not listen. He continued to drive forward therefore, injuring this officer in the process. One thing that is not clear to us just yet, we ask the mayor or whether that Police Officers should have todd their cameras are rolling. If they didnt, why not . And was there any sort of rule broken in that process regarding the department . Bodycam policy . We are still waiting to hear back about that in the meantime, scheffler is scheduled to be arranged on tuesday. The mega there are would not say whether or not he believes the charges should be dismissed or downgraded. He simply said that he will let the Legal Process play out all right. Gloria Gloria Pazmino, fourth in louisville. Thanks so much. And lets talk now with Rachel Nickels, the host of Showtimes Headliners with Rachel Nickels rachel so much for joining us. Youve worked in sports news for very long time. Youve seen a lot. Scottie scheffler is known to just be this great guy its an excellent reputation. Have you ever seen anything like this i have never seen a postgame or post round interview where a golfer talked about or any athlete talked about stretching to get ready to play that day in a jail cell i mean, thats insane. The entire process has been incredibly chaotic and strange and something weve never seen before. And that goes what happened inside the club in the morning. Weve had many other golfers since this all happened, come out and describe their experiences and theyre also sort of once in a lifetime, weve never encountered this before. You have to remember, this is a tournament dealing with the fact that one of its own buses hit and killed one of its own workers. That is definitely the most tragic and serious thing that happened yesterday. Then you had the practical issues that came after that, which is that this happened near the Club Entrance and so so much had to be blocked off that it caused a massive traffic jam as both fans and golfers were trying to get into the club. This all started when it was still dark, it was raining. One of the other golfers who is now an eighth place describe the fact that traffic was at such a standstill. He was a myelin half from the club, but he just thought theres no way im gonna make my tea time. So he left his car, got out, and walked before he teed off, which is also something ive never heard a Golfer Walk A Myelin Half before their tee time at a major the Jail Cells Story is obviously a little bit more dramatic, but there were just so many events going on at the club yesterday morning, we had golfer say that they got conflicting directions on where to go. So its not surprising that all of this happened. Its just an incredibly unusual situation usual and im so glad that you brought up what was at the heart of all of this was that somebody was hit in killed by that, but thats what started all of this and has gotten somewhat buried in a lot of this but to your point, its about also to remembering the chaos of the moment. It was dark, it was what five, 30 in the morning. And theyre all trying to figure this out. There just seems to be a lot of layers to all of this. People or what else do you think moving forward . And hes been able to compartment and allies and keep playing what do you think kind of comes next and how do you see this developing over the next day or two well look what he did in the moment is also pretty incredible and shows why he is the number one golfer in the world. And by the moment, i mean, when he had to tie off the fact that he arrived at the club and within a halfhour was on the first tee and then birdied to have this first three holes thats just remarkable and something the other golfers were marveling at, even for a professional golfer, they said that thats why hes the best player in the world, because he can do Something Like that. You have to wonder if the events of the past 24 hours having to explain to the media what happened, deal with the fact that he is to have an arraignment and just a few days that hes facing a Felony Charge if thats going to end up sort of weighing on him in these last two days because i cant imagine you got a lot of sleep last night. But it is it is just incredible that he was able to have the round that he did yesterday. He shot is 66 after getting ready, warming up for that round in a jail cell it is remarkable. What do you, how do you think the pga is handling this well, i mean, look, there are two of the tournament officials actually drove to the police station, facilitated his release and drove him back to the club so all of the conversation around this, would this have happened if he was just a normal guy . Hes not a normal guy. He is the number one golfer in the world. Hes a white man. He was facilitated by officials that are very important tournament in this town. We dont know what would have happened if he looked different, if he was someone else . The pga did what it had to do to get the best golf from the world back in its tournament. And i think theyre trying to sort through themselves, not everything that just happened with scottie, but again, the most important thing here is that one of their own bus drivers killed one of their own workers and the fallout from that and the tragedy of that is something the club has handling two and that the tournament two yeah. All right. Rachel, nicole, thanks so much for joining us. We appreciate it we continue to follow Breaking News, a new internal strife insight, israels coalition government, the countrys Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rejecting an ultimatum put forward for by a key member of israels war cabinet. Weve got new details for you here in the cnn newsroom whats a road everyone comfortable. Yet theres plenty of space debris, gun no, no, dont go just wait. The mouth the volkswagen atlas with three he didnt seating for seven. Everyone wants her right okay. Good and see despicable me before and theaters july 3, rated pg thinking im thinking about her honeymoon. I dont africa so far, hot air balloon rides, swim with elephants, weight 24 to safari. Great question. Like everything takes a little planning for what the mind towards the down payment on a ranch in montana with horses lets take a look at those scenarios. 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