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Designers that get your heart racing. Had inside a prices new every day, hurry. Theyll be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 or so of guilt. Com today its friday, may 17, right now on cnn this morning, a break in the Trump Hush Money Trial after a tense confrontation in court between the defense and Michael Cohen, how badly damaged is cohens credibility in the eyes of the jury Hurricane Force winds and torrential rains lead having four dead in houston. Parts of the south now facing lifethreatening flooding and power outages. And the Defense Strategy in the Bribery Trial of both menendez coming into focus, the embattled senator, winning everything on his cancer stricken wife all right. 5 00 a. M. Here in washington im going to live look at New York City very early on this friday morning, the morning, everyone im kasie hunt. Wonderful to have you with us developing story right now in houston, texas this Hurricane Force winds cutting a deadly path through the area, leaving at least four people dead and nearly 1 Million People across the region without power wow, those wins taking down power, leinz tris, and residences in the city. Downtown houston hit hard. So you here the Wells Fargo Plaza where debris and remnants of buildings are still swirling. Were going to get much more coverage from our weather team coming up in just a few minutes, but stay safe out there this morning. If you are in the houston area all right lets turn now to law and politics because there was a pivotal de, for donald trump, and it might have honestly been his best day yet in the course of his hush money trial the prosecutions star witness, Michael Cohen faltering on the witness. And as trumps attorney Todd Blanche Needled Him over inconsistencies in his previous testimony earlier this week, cohen testified to an october 2016 phone call with trump on his Bodyguards Phone in which cohen said they discussed the Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels on thursday however, Defense Lawyer revealed Text Messages that cohen had sent to trumps bodyguard, Keith Schiller immediately before the call. Those texts asking for help with a teenager who had been prank calling Cohen Blanche then asked cohen, quote, on tuesday when you were under oath and testifying, you were certain it was accurate, you had a phone call to President Trump but now youre saying youre not certain it was accurate. Cohen responding i believe i also spoke to mr. Mr. President trump and told him everything regarding the Stormy Daniels matter was being worked on. And its going to be resolved Blanche Firing back. Were not asking for your belief. This jury doesnt want to hear what you think happened outside the courtroom. Trump was joined once again by a crew of republican allies, eager to defend him. This is a crooked sham trial to try to hurt the nominee whos going to be the president United States, whether or not they like it. This is a scam. It is a sham, it is a show. And we are here to expose every bit of it. Mr. President , we stand with you. Were here of our own volition because there are things we can say that President Trump is unjustly not allowed to say okay, joining me now, axios politics reporter steph. Steph. Good morning to you. Thank you so much for being here this really in some ways feels like it could have been a Turning Point yesterday in this trial as we were watching this unfold in real time. Here in the studio yesterday. It, it really did. I think show potentially that cohen may not have been consistent in this moment, right. The prosecution went out of their way to say yes, he has lied before. He has lied to all of these different aldis to congress to other places. But they were saying to the jury he is telling you the truth now, and todd blanche does seem to have exposed Michael Cohen here. How important do you think this is gonna be . Yeah, i mean, it goes to show how risky it is when you are resting most of your case on someone like Michael Cohen when someone who has a history of lying under oath and the jury is going to take that into account. And what we saw yesterday was a very aggressive effort by trumps attorneys to bring into question cohens credibility and poke holes in this anterior point and actually raise real questions about whether what hes saying whether what hes saying about trump being involved in knowing about these Hush Money Payments is actually true. And again, this is so reliant on cohens testimony. Everything about this, he is the one person connecting trump to the other evidence weve seen laid out so far in this trial and so to have any kind of questioning about his credibility could be a huge moment for trump moving forward. Yeah. I mean, its it seems like if theyre going to plant reasonable doubt, they only need one juror to potentially have this end in a hung jury so lets talk about the politics of this. We showed those Freedom Caucus members who were the ones we showed calling this a sham trial they said that they went up their of their own volition. That was matt gaetz is phrase. They were not the Trump Campaign didnt pay for them to be there, which we have seen in other instances, they have the Trump Campaign has brought people in. They did not do that. In this case. What, what do you think this particular crew doing . This says and isnt any sort of statement that the Trump Campaign didnt ask for these guys to go, that they just kinda showed up. I mean, i think this particular group of members is not surprising. These are some of trumps loudest advocates and have been for a long time. These are also many of the same members who are part of the Oversight Committee who have made attacking the justice system, attacking the Department Of Justice Central Focus of their efforts on that committee and so even the fact that they were in new york yesterday delayed so a hearing and a vote on holding and content attorney the Attorney General, over these over bidens classified documents case. So this particular group of people isnt surprising, but it is notable that we have now seen so many republicans make this move. We saw rick scott, weve seen other senators kind of make the voyage to show their salt, their solidarity with trump. This is clearly becoming a theme and something that republicans feel like they need to do to kind show that theyre on the former president s side. And this is all within the context of 2024 elections. Yeah, its worth noting that matt gaetz tweeted this photo of himself behind the president and he says, standing back and standing by mr. President , lets not lose sight of the fact that that is a reference to the proud boys and all of the White Nationalist themes that go with that stuff kite for us this morning, happy friday hi thank you. Very much for being here. All right. Just ahead here at least four people are dead as severe storms slam the houston area also developing this morning, Police Grants say they took down an armed man who was trying to attack a synagogue. Well have more details ahead. And arizona prosecutors are trying to indict Rudy Giuliani in their 20 in 20 Fake Electors case what they cant because they say they cant find him more than 500 million theres an art stolen. They saw what turned out to be the biggest archives in history. You cant help but wonder if this was some sort of inside job. How would really happen with jesse . Hello, martin, sunday at nine on cnn. 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Now to gaza where its just past noon and were desperately needed humanitarian aid is being delivered at this hour through the floating pier built by the us military. Central command says trucks have started moving ashore with International Aid and the maritime corridor is entirely humanitarian in, in nature. Part of an ongoing multinational effort to deliver more aid to palestinians. Official say, no, us troops went ashore in gaza. Cnns max foster joins us now, live from london at max. Good morning to you at this pure, a step in the direction that palestinians need, but still so that invasion of rafah is seems to be ongoing. If not escalating. Yeah. So youve got thousands and thousands of people leaving rafah going to wherever they can find really. And there arent many places to find where they can settled down. So its getting the keeping up with them, getting the aid to them but all the aid workers are suffering from the same problems of course as well because theyre having to move around. The big issue currently is ill see that the Rafah Crossing is closed and thats where much of the aid was coming through. Thats not possible, which is why this is seen a such a lifeline then just thinking about what you said that casey about. No us boots actually touching the beach there. They dont want to be seen to be going in or being involved in this invasion, but theyve managed to build a 300 here in stormy seas and actually get it connected to the land without actually touching the land. So all credit to the us forces involved here and theyre hoping to get 90 trucks a day into gaza. Its not enough and theyre going to struggle to get out to the people. But its positive news for palestinians, at least yeah, what i want an engineering project, those pictures are just absolutely remarkable, nice to have a little bit of good news on that front that that is underway. Max, i also have to ask you, we get the new edition of the economists lins on our desks on fridays and they ask, in this issue is america dictator proof and you and i have spent some time talking about this and the view from europe, especially on the possibility that donald trump may be reelected. And what that is going to mean . For the world and they write this. The answer is if americans believed their constitutional loan can safeguard the republic from caesar on the potomac than they are to sanguine, Preserving Democracy Depends today as it always has, on the courage and convictions of countless people all across america especially those charged with writing and upholding its laws. This just really struck me, especially as weve watched images of people who are charged with writing the laws going and criticizing standing behind donald trump criticizing the proceedings that are in theory is supposed to be up holding them yes. Theres that big debate in america. I mean, what were seeing this side is how a lot of those ideas really are translating into other countries. Youve seen in georgia, people in a lead is being accused of being dictators and also in other countries as well around the area, had this assassination didnt we . As well . This assassination attempt, theres this idea that to be a strong leader, to be in inspired by donald trump, you have to be autocratic im not im not trying to imply anything on donald trump here, but theres lehman that hes inspiring is seen by many protesters, at least to be undermining democracy the scene as undemocratic and dictator like im not sure thats how it intends it. Im not sure thats how you wants to be, but thats how its being interpreted in parts over here. Yeah. I mean, look, its clear his affinity for strong leaders is something that is a central piece of how donald trump led when he was president in United States and how he interacted with vladimir putin. She his affinity for Viktor Orban In Hungary in particular, or ban traveling here to a major conservative conference. It is all connected as you say, max foster for us in london, max, thank you very much. Have a great weekend. All right, still ahead here hurricaneforce winds leave four dead and a Path Of Destruction In Houston Plus The Corruption Trial of senator bob menendez off to an explosive start. Shady characters and a Defense Strategy that blames his cancer stricken wife ga the advanced form of dry agerelated Macular Degeneration can irreversibly damaged your vision. It can progress faster than you think. When ga threatens your eyes. 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Plus, ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Call today for certain im rafael rama, the Georgia State capitol in atlanta. This is cnn all right. Deadly storms, powerful winds, and a possible Tornado Blasting through parts of texas and louisiana overnight wow, winds up to nearly 80 miles an hour and two rental rains have left at least four people dead in houston. Flooding streets across the city and knocking down trees and power lines across the region. Nearly 850,000 customers across texas still in the dark this morning according to power audit outage. Us or meteorologists elisa rafah has been tracking it all. Elisa good morning to you. Were also seeing windows blown out and skyscrapers. These scenes are just intense its, its incredible what we have seen overnight in houston. I mean, you can see the damage lining the streets of the city, their Traffic Lights that are toppled over holes in skyscrapers were windows have been blown out. We also have video of customers and costco totally losing power. Look at them in the dark as those storms blew through we had wins upwards of 84 Miles Per Hour at the airport in new orleans at two Miles Per Hour at a different airport, a couple of wind gusts already over 75 at tenure, 80 miles prover over parts of texas will need to survey the damage in houston to figure out what those wins speeds were there. This is the storm system as it continues to progress, ease, it does have a weakening trend here this morning, though it does pack a lot of lightning just south there, panama city and some heavy rain as well right now, no watches in effect. But well continue with the Severe Threat along the gulf coast as we go through the day today, heres that level two out of five slight risks there. You can see in the yellow from new orleans to mobile up towards montgomery damaging winds, large hail, additional tornadoes all still on the table as these storms can continue to fire up and progress eastward, an additional line of storms as we go into saturday morning as well for hard hit new orleans areas. And then along the florida panhandle, all of this coming with excessive heavy rain, we have that moderate level three out of four risk for heavy rain and a lot of this area is already so saturated the ground simply cannot take any casey all right. At least a wrap up for us on this friday, at lisa. Thank you very much. All right. 23 minutes past the hour. Heres your morning roundup. Former trump attorney john eastman said to be arraigned in an area Arizona Court later this morning for charges he is facing related to the 2020 Fake Electors case Rudy Giuliani, also due to appear in court, except prosecutors have not been able to locate him in order to serve him in texas. Daniel perry is now a free man. Governor greg abbott pardoned the man convicted of murdering a black lives matter protester in 2020. Perry shot and killed 28 yearold air force veteran Garrett Foster after driving into a crowd of demonstrators in austin the secretary of state, antony blinken, said to meet with palestinian and arab leaders this evening, the Biden Ministration has been trying to reach out to aerobe American Voters good rising tensions over the israelhamas war are just ahead here. Prank phone calls, a porn star and a revenge podcasts. Just another day with Michael Cohen cohen on the stand in new york how do you top that . How about these middle School Insults in a House Committee hearing oh girl baby girl. Oh, really dont even play baby girl. I dont think youre going to move and were going to take your words down five good things. Listen wherever you get your podcasts hi, im tally and i lost 85 pounds on gala i started gullo because that was unhealthy due to my weight. 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Heres a live look at capitol hill on this friday morning. Morning, everyone, kasie hunt. Wonderful to have you with us. A dramatic day in Donald Trumps Criminal Hush Money Trial that seemed to tilt in trumps favor. Trumps legal team going after key witness Michael Cohen on thursday over inconsistencies in his testimony and trump seemed quite pleased after that day in court i think theres a very interesting day fascinating and it shows scam herself thing earlier this week, cohen testified about a 2016 phone call that he said was between himself and the former president using trump bodyguard Keith Schillers phone. Cohen had said it was to quote, discuss the Stormy Daniels matter and quote, this became in essential piece of evidence in yesterdays crossexaminati on when trump attorney todd blanche revealed Text Messages for minutes before that phone calls or place in those texts, cohen complains about a teenager who has been prank calling him. Schiller responding quote, call me trumps lawyers then pressed cohen saying, quote, when you testified on tuesday that that that you had specific recollection that you called Keith Schiller and he passed the phone to President Trump. You finalize the deal with Stormy Daniels and you said were going to move forward and he said yes because you kept him informed all the time. That was your testimony, right . Cohen said thats correct. Blanche then responded that was a lie. You were actually talking to mr. Schiller about the fact that you were getting harassing phone calls from a 14yearold, correct . To which cohen replied, part of it was the 14 yearold joining me now for federal prosecutor, gene rossi. Gene. Good morning. Thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me so how much does this matter . I think its a left hook to the jaw, but i dont think its a knockout and heres why i represented Keith Davidson. So im very familiar with the timeline. Yeah. And on october 24, there was discussions between Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen that a deal may be imminent but to deal was enclosed. So go into this october 24 call around 8 00 p. M. I blame the prosecutors on this one they should a fronted they should abroad out into direct exam. Hey michael mr. Cohen, you have all these texts when you were calling schiller, trying to reach trump . Were you talking about just the kid who was harassing you or you also throw it in. The Stormy Daniels status. He could easily have said, you know what, i remember calling him schiller and i may have talked about the deal with mr. Trump that would neutralize the cross. So i blame the prosecutors why i only call it a left jab, who are left hook is there are calls on october 26, 27, and 28 where are you can tell that cohen is calling trump directly, maybe through schiller because thats when the deal was closed thats when he had the document signed. And thats when the money was going. What i dont understand is the defense is trying to say that trump didnt know about this at all that don is not going to khan. A jury is going to believe that cohen was keeping him a prized and a jury will believe that trump nude at 130,000 or money was going to her. So is it a knockout . Know does it make cohen look bad . Of course but its not the whole case. The case is still good so how if you are the prisma, how the prosecutors just miss the existence of these texts. Eye been gazi, i hide venue where you have your witnesses like cohen, i had 100 cohens and the defense find some innocuous document and a take a lemon and they make lemonades and they do your dramatic raise your voice walk around. So he did a great job making a relatively and my my view relatively minor point that did show he may be lying but youve got the cause later that override that. I want to say this in a fourhour cross there were several things that todd blanche, where he stepped in, you know what . One is when cohen lied to congress and said, in june of 2017, that the moscow deal was no big deal. Yeah, he lied who told him to lie, who gave him the Talking Points to lie on cross, it came out it was trumps Legal Advisor so thats supporting perjury. Second thing is it came out in cross that meloni really wasnt thought about by trump. He didnt care about karen mcdougal. He thought it actually in a sick way would help him and end. The third thing is in Cross Blanche brought out that trump reimbursed cohen when you pay for legal services. Thats not reimbursement, right . Right. Yeah. No weve definitely look into that. So on on the on reexamine are redirects rather . Yes. How do the prosecutors how should they try to dispense with what we saw . That is a fantastic point whenever i had a moment like that on cross, my redirect saved the day. So this break actually helps the prosecution more than a defense on redirect. I would go back to the october 24 call. I would put up those Text Messages and have cohen looked at jury in the eye . And say, you know what, i did talk about that. But i also talked about the deal that may be coming. So i forgot to mention that, and i apologize. Just have them own it. And also, i would go back to his statement before congress and reaffirm that trumps Legal Advisors told him to lie to congress thats devastating. Im sorry. That really makes trump look bad. Interesting all right. Jean rousey for us this morning, jane. Thank you all right. A pair of republican House Committees voting yesterday to move forward with Contempt Proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland after he refused to turn over Audio Recordings of President Bidens interview with special counsel robert hur that is the doj interview that led to hurs report that states the president retained a number of classified documents because he was quote, a wellmeaning elderly man with a poor memory. The president claimed Executive Privilege over those tapes and news outlets including cnn, are suing the Department Of Justice for their release in the hours before the Committee Moved Forward with those Contempt Proceedings we heard from Merrick Garland himself in a pretty unusual moment for someone who doesnt speak out this way very often, watch there have been a series of unprecedented and frankly, unfounded attacks on the Justice Department this west, this effort to use contempt as a method of obtaining are sensitive Law Enforcement files is just the most recent the effort to threatened, to defund our investigations at the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and r prime prosecutors at risk. These are wrong all right, jordi me not to discuss is grace panetta. Shes political reporter for the 19th grades. Good morning. Wonderful to see you. Lets dig into this hearing around or first the big picture question, then were going to show you a little bit what actually happened at the hearing. Its just here then what this might suggest. This is about tapes, Audio Recordings that republicans want of President Biden talking about his classified documents case. They argue its transparency and as we noted, News Organizations want to hear them as well. However, its clear that the white house, the Biden Campaign believes that these would be weaponized for political purposes. And thats the point of getting them out there. Where does this contempt go next . And what more is behind it . Absolutely great to be with you, casey, i think the contempt motion, its unclear how far its going to go if itll leave and make it to the house floor, republicans have a very narrow majority of that vote could put a lot of swing district republicans in a tough spot. And of course the Department Of Justice is not going to prosecute the Attorney General. So this is really about the politics of it, and its about House Republicans blinkens broader effort to make the Biden Administration look shady, potentially corrupt will also making biden look weaken in decline the House Oversight chairman james comer said as much they said the white house doesnt want this tape release because it would show that biden isnt, quote, unquote mental decline, which is really a statement more about really, i think the campaign, then the heart of it there investigation. So its really more of a political gambit at this point yeah, i mean, this is, of course the central theme that republicans want to use against President Biden. Now, in the election, one that that our poll show voters are focused on, for sure. So lets watch a little bit of what actually played out at this Contempt Hearing because lets just say kind of showed the level of contempt that some of these members of the house have for each other why dont we start with which one should i pick lets start with aoc and Marjorie Taylor greene and it starts with jasmine crockett. Its its a dispute over fake eyelashes. Watch do you know were here for . Were here for well, you dont want its talking about i think your fake eyelashes or messing up order. I do have a Point Of Order and i would like to move to take down ms greens words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you some another person are your feelings, her words down . Oh, oh, girl, baby, girl. Oh, really dont even play baby girl. I dont think youre going to move and were going to take your words down i dont know to say. I dont know what to say, does not have control over his committee. He was unable whos kind of like the disappointed parents saying, i will turn this as car around and hes able to gain control over its own markup. And that really casts doubt on his ability to advance these kind of contempt motions. For example, against Attorney General garland and to really make this broader case hes trying to make about the white house in the Biden Administration. Yeah. Lets calmer. Did try to defend himself, which i mean, it clearly he felt he needed to after all of this, watch what he said i dont know if youve noticed that i have two hearing aids very deaf. Im not understanding everybodys yelling. Im doing the best i can. Can we not recognize ms green and lenders . Not because of the rules of the committee. Mr. Chair okay. So basically hes saying i couldnt hear it. I couldnt hear it so at here, Senator Bob Man and as his legal team blaming his wife for his corruption charges, plus Supreme Court Justice Samuel alito, under scrutiny for reportedly flying an American Flag upside down. It was previously a signal of dire distress. Now, its become a symbol of the stop, the Steel Movement this was flying at his home just days before joe bidens inauguration held its Climb Inspector get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country, because climate spectrum is an Award Winning team with five dr. Lawyers the most of any firm in the United States. And thats why the New York Times calls client inspector up Powerhouse Law Firm so if a defective product Motor Vehicle accident or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury call klein inspector Arthritis Pain. We say not today. Tylenol, eight hour Arthritis Pain has two layers of relief. The first is past, the second is longlasting. 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Com for call 805, 163978 thats 800 and theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Four imprint in brynn, or certain. Im even mackenzie in washington and this is cnn close captioning is brought to you by Skechers Massage fit sandals check these out. Skechers massage that sandals they give you what massage with every step is secret is skechers patented Wave Technology that gently massage is your foot with every step Skechers Massage that sandals gold bars, envelopes of cash, a luxury vehicle. All things prosecutors alleged senator bob menendez received an exchange for favors. But as his trial kicks off, his defense says menendez was merely unaware and loves struck theyre placing the blame on his wife, nadine. According to the senators lawyer or quote, she kept things from him and quote and kept him in the dark they didnt. Menendez is also on trial, but separately from her husband and the other defendants. We now know that the trials are being held separately, at least in part because shes undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Joining me now, criminal defense attorney lexi rigged and lexi. A good morning to you what is up with this legal strategy well, chivalry is dead. Hes blaming his wife he hes basically saying it was her. She had these longstanding relationships with the codefendants. She knew them predating her marriage to him, and that anything that she did, he didnt know about. He was just the innocent husband and the dark and theres gonna be an issue here with whether he was willfully ignorant as to what she was doing because theres a difference between not knowing and choosing not to know and sort of keeping yourself in the dark, which he cant do in terms of escaping consequences, then this prosecution. Yeah. I think we should also note that this is not the first time and then does has faced questions about his conduct. He has not been in the past. Its basically gotten off. But this is a recent are more recent marriage how does Something Like this, how does this like this play with a jury . Do they take into account the the sort of you called it chivalry i like how are they not going to like dig him for that well, i think hes playing the only card that he has. He needs to distance himself from all of the things found in his house. I mean, this is hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash that was found both in his personal life items in the house and also in her closet. The gold bars. And so this is like the best shot that he has also, he was very careful to not necessarily talk to these codefendants directly. He usually went through his wife and thats what the prosecution wants everyone to believe. Obviously, thats the allegation is that he used his wife is a conduit, so hes playing the card that he has here, which is essentially lynge her. Now, i find the revelation of her Health Issues to be kind of curious because you would think that that would actually garner some sympathy. I mean, hopefully nobody wants these jurors to necessarily hear that, but because they need to stay impartial, but you would think that that revelation, which wasnt necessarily she needed to have been made, would actually garner some sympathy with the jurors with regard to her status. But again, i think that this is his best play in addition to the arguments that are being made by all of these codefendants saying this wasnt a crime, its not a crime to have friends, its not a crime for brands to give you gifts. I wish i had friends that would give me gifts that would anywhere close to that. Unfortunately, i dont. But its going to be up to the jury to decide whether those gifts were actually bribes or not. And its i think its pretty hard to justify having hundreds of thousands of dollars in your house. I mean, thats just not thats not typical for normal people and there was actually an expert who was going to testify the defense wanted a psychiatrist to testify about his Childhood Trauma growing up in cuba, which is why he was hoarding large amounts of cash in his home. But that that expert was barred. So the jury is not going to be able to hear that justification for why there was so much cash in the home . Yeah. I was going to ask you about that actually. Is that a typical type of thing to ask for Something Like that . It sounded i it sounded unusual to me well, you know, he has money to obviously throw at this hopefully not that money was not the way that was confiscated, but hes got money to throw it the best defense that he can get. I mean, he is a skilled lawyer who has a lot of experience. And so if you have a Litigation Budget in order to present whatever evidence and testimony that you can then his lawyers were smart to try to get an expert to try to explain this type of conduct. I mean, a lot of people, they dont have a Litigation Budget to hire experts and everything along those lines. But if you do, it was a smart move to try to contextualize why he had so much money because this is just not, this is not typical. I mean, this is certainly not typical of people in the United States. We have a pretty good banking system. I mean, this isnt cuba. So anything to contextualize why he had literally, i think it was over 500,000 in cash in the home. And so the fact that the defense cant present that i think is a blow to his case yeah. I mean, how many mattresses does it take to hide hidden in his clothes, in Jacket Pocket to meet it. If his wife rod, or apparati enter closet. So there was money everywhere in this house all right. Lexi reagan for us this morning. Lexi regretful you for your time. Thanks very much for being here thank you all right. Time now for sports, the timberwolves blow out the defending nba champion nuggets to force a winner take all game seven. Carolyn man who has this mornings bleach report, carolyn good morning. Good morning. Casey. Well, this series has been a Roller Coaster all the way, so its only fitting that this one will go the distance, but nobody expected just how last nights game six is going to play out after looking out match for the past three games, minnesota roaring back to life, they lead by 17 at the end of the First Quarter and never looked back in this game going on to win one 15 to 70 the 45 point when the second largest by any team facing elimination in league history, denver shot in a bismol 30 from the floor. They became the first team to score 70 or fewer points in the playoffs since the grizzlies back in 2016, and Anthony Edwards has been its such a superstar yet a gamehigh 27 points flashing seven fingers to the roaring crowd as he walked up for a fourthquarter timeout Game Seven Set For Sunday In Denver you really tell the Locker Room Staffer in denver you are going to be best for you. Yeah. Day nobody. I was in there. Yeah. I told him i said i see you game seven in this daily get playoffs arrangers look like they were headed to a game, said that it gets the Carolina Hurricane zoo york down by two goals heading into the final period. Then chris kreider, singlehandedly flipping the script, he scored three goals capping off the natural hattrick for the eventual winner. Weve four 19 left in the game, so he joins Wayne Gretzky and marc messy as the only rangers to notch three goals in a period during a playoff game, new york winning 53, punching, their ticket to the Eastern Conference Finals and check out this great moment after the game to kreider scathing off the ice, handing his stick to a young fan. Before heading to the dressing room. How sweet is that . Anytime the conducts have the eulers on the brink of elimination and theyre all Canadian Series with the game tied to vancouvers Jt Miller Find in the back of the net, which is 33 seconds remaining, that conducts when it three to two, they take a 32 series lead as well. Game six scheduled for tomorrow night. It edmonton in that series at a soldout crowd on hand at the Indiana Fever first home opener for Caitlin Clark. Shes still getting adjusted until life as a wnba rookie, the number one pick in the draft, managing 9. 7 rebounds, six assists in a lopsided 10266 loss to the new york liberty, the leagues reigning mvp brand is seward though putting on a show she is a wily veteran in the league 31 points, ten rebounds, bounds four assists, three steals for her, but for Caitlin Clark or ability to balance scoring and play making still a Work In Progress here she continues to get more exposure to the program i mean its, a process and shes shes gonna be fudge. Shes shes figured it out she just needs to get a little bit of confidence right now. I think shes taking some shots that she normally would not down there making it really hard on her. Weve got to do a better job of finding ways to get her some easier. Okay. More open looks and lastly, for you this morning, gulf war Xander Schauffele had a round for the record books of the Pga Championship and louisville yesterday, the world number three made nine birdies and zero bogeys and route to a 62 that dies a single round scoring record at a mens major championship. And it comes almost 11 months the day after he and Rickie Fowler broke the us record with opening round 60 2s. And you take a look at the leaderboard shockleys incredible round seeing him hold a threestroke edge over the rest of the field, a total of 64 players at breaking par on thursday. Thats the most ever in the opening round of the Pga Championship. Unfortunately, tiger woods its not one of them, casey, 15 time major champion, could only manage a one over 72 in the first round, leaving him ten strokes behind the leader. This was his tense rate round of evenpar are worse at a major dating back to the 2022 pga. But he doesnt play a lot of rounds of competitive golf anymore. Actually look good. Caseys the first 16 holes, but he three plotted the last two holes and he said, listen, theyre just not the same as when i play my flat course in florida. So getting a little bit stronger, but unfortunately looking tough for the weekend. Yeah, thats rough, but glad to see him at least i get out there and as you say, Getting Better every day. Thanks, carolyn, coming up next here. Did Michael Cohens testimony actually help trumps case plus multiple people are dead after severe storms, tear through houston for moderate to severe Crohns Disease, sky rosie is the first il23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage to the intestine its been a serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to Liver Problems may occur in Crohns Disease control of crohns means everything to me. 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