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Im sara marie and washington whitfield with this breaking news, was millions in the southeastern part of the state are under Flood Watches after five Straight Days of heavy rain. Entire neighborhoods are inundated with water more than a third of texas counties had been declared Disaster Areas and Texas Governor greg abbott could expand it to include more counties as the flooding spreads, the highwater rescues have searched as well so far in Harris County, which includes houston, more than 200 people have been rescued from homes and vehicles, and more than 150 pets have been pulled from the floodwaters in north houston. An officer was able to save a man and three dogs from rising water using a jet ski. Watch this im trying to get them out of the water. He is trying to make it black dog over there are yes dogs circle all right its like Attention Judge all right. Lets catch your breath a little okay. You can have a seat up here im officer scott norton, our pretty incredible. I mean, we have Team Coverage now from cnn correspondent rosa flores and cnn meteorologist chad myers. Rosa, lets begin with you there in texas youre on the ground and Harris County where Evacuation Orders are still in place. What have you been seeing . Well, fred water has swallowed roads. It has inundated communities and created very emotional, intense moments where people who had to be rescued. Let me set the scene for you. Im standing it probably in less than a foot of water on a street that leads to a Community Behind me. You can see a restaurant back there. There is a community that people call a home. This street is not passable at the moment. This is part of the mandatory evacuation zone, and you can see that the water levels are still very high. We cant get back there in a car. So what we did is we went on a ride along with the Harris County sheriffs office. We have video of this. Take a look and youll see we soft floating debris we literally went over fences because the water is way deeper back there and also over mailboxes, we saw stop signs at eye level. Now the team that we were widths, it says that they started rescuing people last wednesday and theyve rescued a close to 100 hundred people. They also rescued their pads. We made several stops. They tell me that yesterday there were going door to door asking people to evacuate some people decided to evacuate, others did not want to. And they said that they also evacuated their pads and they explained how difficult it is his when individuals refuse to be evacuated, refused to be rescued when the conditions are lifethreatening, take a listen weve been evacuating people since last wednesday, and all day yesterday in this area here and there are still some people that they dont want to leave for whatever reasons we do have mandatory evacuations as you can see, its extremely flooded here. And unfortunately, were getting more rain and as you take a live look, this is giving people hope the water levels have receded. You can see the debris line on this fence however officials here still saying that people should evacuate this area for obvious reasons because the water is very high now, fred, just to put this under perspective, Harris County is one of the largest counties in this country and according to the latest estimates, only several hundred homes are impacted. And officials are still urging people to evacuate if they are in these mandatory evacuation zones because ive got to tell you theyre still people back there who refuse to evacuate. Now, when i see you next hour, ill let you know why official say that even though its not raining white now, they are still worried about the water levels rising, bred back, right. All right. Rosa flores, well check back with you, chad myers and the Weather Center so how much more rain should they expect . Its done no, Array1 Hit The Hammer really over. Okay. But the waters could crest but it rained all morning long, two to three more inches on top of that, some spots for 24 inches of rainfall came down in the past ten days and to give you an idea in west texas there have been ten Straight Days of tornadoes on the ground. This has been a violent couple of weeks here, weekandahalf, four parts of texas gets all the Flood Watches, flood warnings. The rivers will still rise the closer you get to the gulf of mexico, we still have water in the system, which means that the water is still going to be going up until it dumps in to the gulf of mexico. So farther up along the line, yes. The water is going down farther down the river. The waters could still be going up and more rainfall is expected later on this afternoon into louisiana. This is now moved away, but eight places in rivers are in major flood stage. Any different rivers are in major flood stage, but here it goes. The best news i can show you is that theres not reign over houston, theres not rein really over texas in by tomorrow morning. There wont even be rein in arkansas. Its going to be moving all the way toward georgia. There will still be the chance of a tornado or two today, which would make 11 days in a row with tornadoes on the ground. So far the past ten days, fred 224 huge number on the ground confirmed not just leno warnings or something that no chasers have been out there risking their lives trying. Many of them have been pretty significant. Yes. Theres been real damage all right. Chad myers, well check back with you. Thank you so much. I guess some good route and good news though that no more rain in the forecast, but you gotta get rid of all that water. Im its still a big problem. All right. Thanks so much, chad. All right. New today police are cracking down on a large campus protests. The university of Southern California says police cleared a propalestinian encampment early this morning there. The campus remains closed as the school announced a family graduation celebration. After canceling the main ceremony, cnns Camila Bernal is on the campus there at usc, can be left out what happened when police moved in . Hey, fred, so police moved in and they were able to clear that encampment. And whats interesting here is that the university is saying not a Single Person was arrested. They call this a Successful Operation and it is completely different from what we saw about two weeks ago on april 24th, when authorities people to disperse or face arrest at that point, you saw the tense situation. It was chaotic, it was violent. There were many confrontations and authorities then said that this was essentially not the school that this was just extreme violence. What we saw on april 24 yesterday, though it was a very, very different scene. Take a listen to how one student described it seemed like the people and they cant meant followed lapd is orders they evacuated through the north side of campus, through the tuesday outside some of them chanting, youre playing drums and as they went, some bringing their personal belongings so as you heard these protesters were still passionate, they were still chanting, they were still trying to express what theyre trying to get through this encampment, but they listened, they dispersed when authorities said to leave the area. Thats obviously again, in comparison to april 24th, officials here in this schools say that 93 people were arrested on the 24th and they say out of those 93, 51, were students, three were faculty, three were staffed. So as you can see with those numbers, there were a lot of people that were arrested that were not associated with the school, the people that are associated with the school, the school announced saying that theyre starting a disciplinary process to figure out exactly what the punishment could look like for the people that were arrested on the 24th. Theyre also saying that they violated the School Policy and they violated the law. And we just heard from the university moments ago, theyre saying that the university is open for students but that no one is allowed to bring any Camping Material into the school. Fred. All right. And camila, the main Commencement Ceremonies as still been canceled. Right. But there will be a smaller scale one for the family explain what thats going to be like yes. So they announced this Family Celebration on may 9 and they said theres going to be drones and fireworks and a marching band, but it will not be that main commencement, that huge Commencement Ceremony that normally happens here at the school. And what the university is saying is that the individual schools will hold or give out the diplomas and it will be smaller and it will be separate into the schools within the university. But again, this is clearly something that the university wants to avoid because they are worried about more protests during the commencement on, during these celebrations. So thats why they sort of shifted gears for all right, Camila Bernal. Thank so much there at the usc campus, well check back with you. All right. For more now, on all the demonstrations that weve seen on College Campuses, im joined now by Shamil Address of a ceo for search for Common Ground and global peace building organization. A shamil, great to see you. So i understand that you see these demonstrations, these protests as an important display of what todays Youth Leadership looks like what do you mean by that well thanks for having me on. I mean, one of the things that weve seen in this country and globally is that Youth Movements especially the ones that attract a huge diversity across race, religion, ethnicity like this one has make them world a better place. Eventually weve seen, i think in this country one of the most consistent patterns over the last 60 years has been that those movements manifest through College Campus protests that at the time of the protests is oftentimes opposed ridiculed, kinda set aside, or violently even suppressed but then years later is looked back upon with a lot of credit and recognition that they were onto something has happened with the Civil Rights Movement and the freedom riders. This happened with the vietnam war movement. This happened with the Antiapartheid Movement that doesnt address the charges of antisemitism visavis this, these protests. But i think that is one of those consistent patterns thats why we work everywhere in the world. World we not only work with the top leaders, heads of state, et cetera, but also always with Youth Activists so demonstrators today are vowing to keep these protests up. What challenges do you see for students with opposing views . To coexist on campus well, there should there should be certain things that kinda go without saying are beyond the bounds. You know, violence and threats of violence. And i think, you know some of the things that weve seen publicly like, the testimony, question testimony of University Leaders when given this specific question was asked, if somebody explicitly threatened genocide against the jews, is that bullying, harassment . And there wasnt just a clear and obvious yes that really is giving people pause and concern that universities arent handling this well, i think to answer your question one of the difficult things with this conflicts with all conflicts, but we definitely see it here, is that the very same words and slogans mean really, very Different Things to different people. What is the word zionist mean . What is the word intifada mean . What is from the river to the sea mean im seeing very confident statements by critics across the board what those things mean when other people say them. But i know, for example, i knows selfdescribed zionists who are among some of the most persistent and courageous defenders of palestinian rights. But also think that israel has a right to exist and needs to be safe. I know people who talk longingly about the first intifada, which was a nonviolent movement. The mobilise young people and women and men in equal measure and look at that in that way and look differently on the second intifada. I think when we hear these things, the only way to really get to the bottom of them is through dialogue. When i hear somebody who describe themselves or use one of those terms, my first instinct, i dont think should be two project onto them. My bias is what they mean, but to ask them what they mean and i think we really have to reinitiate that kind of dialogue in Questioning Process among young people, right . Because i had perhaps among a lot of young people, some dont really know i guess the history of everything that theyre saying or from what the derivatives our and their learning as they go. So then given these things are happening on College Campuses, places of learning, how do uc campuses are trying to foster harmony while allowing various voices of dissent to be heard. What should they do differently perhaps, or does everyone learn from what has, what has been transpiring thank you. Yeah, i i think there are three very clear things that campuses can do before i send my just say i think we should give some of these people more credit than we are i dont think the older generation, my generation and im certainly the Political Leadership at our country. I dont weve set the best example for the current up and coming generation of how to deal with difference. Since i know we havent, and so when i see the jewish student at yale talking about the discussions that were had about how certain slogans land differently and are hurt fallen, those slogans that werent used on the yield campus. I think theres a lot more of that kind of dialogue and cooperation going on, but theyre three things campuses can do and should do and the first is to build relationships of trust across the dividing lines on your campus. Theres a saying in the humanitarian sector that you dont Exchange Business cards in the middle of a hurricane so doing this in the middle of the most heated conflict is hard, but but the first time that the hilal, the Student Association leader and the muslim Student Association leader on your campus meet shouldnt be an opposite leinz of about picket line or a demonstration and campuses that are organizing ad hoc committees, committees about anything the meal plan on the campus, how to make the campus safer anything that can involve hello, students, especially across some of those divided communities, they should be brought in so that they can collaborate on common issues that have nothing to do perhaps with the conflict of build their trucks. I think the second thing campuses could do teach and train, and dialogue, and frankly not just the students with the faculty and the administrators as well. We just are my own organization invested some Surge Capacity just to meet the demand that were getting from campuses for training. And how do you have and how do you facilitate dialogue across difference and thats a really powerful thing that we can do, rather than just put more rules down on young people actually invest in their capacity and thankfully, the facultys capacity to navigate differences well, i think the third thing is we have to acknowledge that the way that wed been teaching, i think about identity and oppression in these issues has been necessary in some ways, but oftentimes overly simplistic i just had a example. Very close to my family where a student was asked to write a paper about oppression and wanted to write about his grandparents and then was told that because they were white european jews, they didnt count as a pressed, disliked the fact that they survived the holocaust. And i think that the lens of oppression thats very reductive, that sees everything through a us lins erase isnt really very helpful in understanding the complexity of whats going on in the world. But those are three things that can be done, build those relationships across difference, train your students and your faculty in dialogue skills. And look again at how were teaching about identity and oppression. So we can capture the complexity of whats happening in the world. All right, advice, well see how or when or where it might be applied. Shamil address. Thank you so much. Thank you all right. A new witness will take the stand tomorrow in the trump Hush Money Trial. Who might it be a preview of week three of testimony coming up . Now theyre shooting. He to play into the cloud. Ill show you whats happening from him as a whole now. 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This is cnn the worlds news net. All right, new today the University Of Mississippi is opening a Student Conduct Investigation after what officials call actions of hostility and racist Overtone Overtones were about to show you some of that confrontation and a warning you might find and some of this disturbing all right adding to the outrage that video was shared on social media by Georgia Republican congressman mike collins, who posted quote, ole miss taking care of business. Cnns rafael romo has been looking into all of this. Raphael cnn actually spoke with the woman being taunted in that video and what did she say . Yeah, fred, first of all, she confirmed that as she was indeed the woman that appears in the video and she also explained what happened on that momentum. And fred, there are multiple videos circulating online showing the protest at the University Of Mississippi in oxford. But theres one video ones that you showed up a moment ago. That video in particular that has gone viral and is at the center of this controversy before i show you the video, we need to warn again, our viewers that it may be offensive to some people as you can see the video shows a group of mostly young white men in the counter yelling at a black woman, at least one counter protester is seen on video and appears to be making gestures at the woman we now know who the woman in the video is, her name is a jaylin r. Smith, and shes 24 years old. She confirmed to my colleague, Dianne Gallagher that she is the woman seen in the video, Smiths Smiths said that during the protest, propalestinian demonstrators were kept in an enclosure, which police said was for their safety. She also said that she briefly stepped out of the enclosure to go live on social media and that was when the confrontation took place. Cnn has made efforts, but has not identified any of the counterprotesters seen in the video. We have also learned that the University Of Mississippi has opened when done investigation into student conduct, but didnt say who or what they were specifically investigating in a letter, chancellor glenn f. Boyce says University Officials are, and here i quote, aware that some statements made were offensive, hurtful, and unacceptable including actions that conveyed hostility and racist overtones smiths tells cnn she said some insults back to the counter protesters, but adds the following. And here i quote, again, people calling me fat or lizzo. Lizzo, i should say didnt hurt my feelings because i know what i am. I am so confident in my blackness. I am so confident in my size, in the way that i wear my hair and who i am, they do not bother me. If anything, i felt pity for them. She goes on to say for how stupidly they acted. And fred, the controversy took another turn when us representative mike collins republican representing parts of georgia, shared the viral video on x the following day saying, ole miss taking care of business. Cnn has reached out to collins office, but there has some been an answer at so far, and then yesterday congressman collins tweet prompted the double the end the end of lacp, to send a letter to congressional leadership asking for an Investigation Into Collins Conduct and part the letter says the following. These actions conducted by a member of the house of representatives, regardless of intent . Legitimize and propagate racism and undermine the principles of equality and justice that justice that our government is sworn to uphold. And finally, fred, some of our viewers may remember that the University Of Mississippi has a long history of racial incidents, including deadly riots that broke out there in 1962 when James Meredith became the first black student to enroll at the school, fred back to you. All right rafael romo. Thanks so much. All right. Tomorrow morning, court is back in session in former president Donald Trumps hush money case, who will be the next witness for the prosecution will break down what to expect when we come right back. Every piece of evidence tells a story how really happen with jesse l. Martin tonight at nine on cnn . Not so fast. The general is coming with you, mom. He gave us a particular Car Insurance and hell look after you too. Yep. With flexible payment options. Okay. But why shack coming to to show you how its done for a great low rate, go with the general. 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Com, im kevin lipped, ttac at the white house. And this is cnn close captioning brought to you by meso book. Com if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 808 to one 4,000 all right. Former President Donald Trump will be back in Court Tomorrow morning as testimony in his criminal Hush Money Trial enters its third week. Now, fridays proceedings wrapped up with a De Of Dramatic Testimony from one of his top and most trusted former aides, hope hicks. Cnns jack cohen joining us now, zach, i how does the testimony from hope hicks of fit into the prosecutions case against trump fred went up testimony of hope hicks, prosecutors did inch closer to addressing the alleged crimes. The center of this case, which is of course, the allegation that donald trump obscured the way that Michael Cohen was paid for this 130,000 hush money payment made to Stormy Daniels in order to keep that story about their alleged affair from coming out before the 2016 election. And look, hope hicks did two important things during her testimony. One was allowing prosecutors to introduce a transcript of the access hollywood tape, the now infamous access hollywood tape, which prosecutors to argue is what fueled trumps concern about this alleged affair coming out before the election. And it could hurt his election chances. The other important thing that she did is she described for the jury about this chaotic and this crisis that happened inside the Trump Campaign as rumblings about the story potentially coming out happened. She talked about the action amongst Campaign Officials as they tried to stop this or this information from coming out and concerns about how it could impact trumps potential president ial bid and the last thing is she described this interaction in 2018 when the story was inevitably going to come out, Michael Cohen gave a statement to the New York Times and she raised suspicions that she didnt believe that Michael Cohen would have just paid Stormy Daniels this amount of money out of the goodness of his heart. I want to read what hope hicks said. She said, i didnt know michael to be in especially charitable person or selfless person. She goes on to note that cohen is the kind of person who seeks credit. So shes addressing this statement, Michael Cohen gave saying trump at knew nothing about the payment of course, now that sets the stage for prosecutors to argue through that trump not only knew about the payment, but facilitated. Its the reimbursement of cohen and tried to obscure it by falsifying his business records. Okay. So then who might some of the potential witnesses be upcoming this week . So were really looking to see if these individuals who have firsthand knowledge of this reimbursement do take the stand. We dont know who will be first with some big name star out there, including Stormy Daniels herself, as well as Michael Cohen and look, Michael Cohen is the witness that really we have all been waiting to take the stand, prosecutors every witness they put on the stand, and they even warm the jury in there Opening Statement that Michael Cohen is a little bit of a difficult witness of sorts. He is somebody who has lied in the past. Theyre trying to set the stage for him and in his mind or the jury to know that he has lied, but tried to take the facts as they come out of his mouth all right. Is that cohen thanks so much. Lets talk more about all this now with michael moore, he is a former us attorney and cnn legal analysts at great to see you. Good. Okay. So lets begin with that dramatic moment involving Hope Hicks Testimony. What might the jury have been thinking about all weekend long as it pertains to her testimony well, im happy to be with you here. Ill set anytime that you have a witness, its close into the organization. If theres a trial about a group or an organization, this case, an alleged conspiracy when you have somebody thats sort of an inside player thats a big deal to the jury. And so my guess is that they were watching to see what did she felt like she had to be loyal to trump that felt like she was maybe caught in the middle between the prosecution and trump, and they were probably watching to say who did she look at . How did she react during the time, sort of the offscript times when she had a chance that she look over at the defense table. I mean, theyre watching their Body Language is much frankly, as theyre listening to her testimony. And so therell be drawing inferences from that. Theyll also be then count sort of compare in what she says with what other witnesses may have said ultimately, was she a good prosecution witness . At this juncture week two of testimony yeah. I mean, nothing really unexpected from her, but i think she was probably a good witness for them to help establish. I think that shes the prosecution. Yes. She laid out some of the reasons that the payment would have been made she, did a little bit to sort of disarm the mystery of what was going on in the white house during this crisis or during the campaign, rather, during this crisis when the, when the tape came out i mean, people who are non trump people thought it was a crisis, right . I mean, hes now this is a big de, right . She could imagine what was worried, but also helped establish that the former president was also worried about his family. And i think thats thats important for the defense. I mean, because theres another reason and so youve seen this in other cases where theyve charges and that is i wasnt just trying to do this to keep it from the American People in the voter and to help the campaign. But i had another reason and that can be enough to give a juror a doubt to say, well, he he may have been doing it for some other reason as opposed to just trying to hide it as a Campaign Costs and expense. So thus far that the Witness Testimony is kind of set a mood, right . I mean, its been kinda the, the outer fringes of what is it, the crux of the prosecutions case. So now, entering week three, how important is it cic continued to engage the jurors is it to call witnesses who will fill in the blanks, who will lean now more toward the alleged crime of falsifying business records. Well, i mean, piper cases and thats what this is really are not interesting once they get him to the weeds about looking at the documents and a check was written, does it show up on a later though . Just arent interesting cases. This one has a little nuance in that its a former president. And so theres so much hype about it that it wont remain initiative. The prosecution now is going to have to schedule their witnesses in a way that keeps the jurys interests so theyve thrown the baby out, theyve set the hook in the mouth and now theyve got just want to keep them real and oh man. Tell a strong for like michael could maybe or is it time for a Kellyanne Conway and the white house howard things i was the former president feeling or is it Stormy Daniels herself . Theyre going to have to think about which whos the most vulnerable witness and theyre also going to have to think about the trial calendar and that is this theres that whole corn on wednesday, so they dont want to end on a tuesday with a weak witness, nor did they want to end on a friday where the week witness, so theyre gonna be thinking how long will this witness be on the stand is something that we can get through quickly and then move to a stronger place, or do we have a weak witness . We need to deal with quickly and then move on to a stronger witness. So all those calculations will be going on oh, but i think were really logically at a place where were talking about maybe Kellyanne Conway, Michael Cohen, maybe ms daniels. I mean, shes not something that really has a lot to do with the paperwork, but shes obviously a central figure in the story. And they might want to put her up and get going to get get her her testimony. Youre looking for fireworks this week. There might be some i think it would be a mistake disorder. Have written up the Hope Hicks Testimony and had this emotional moment and then to drop back down and have some paper pusher testify. I think they made the map kind of build on up. Theyve theyve built their case a little bit and so it seems like to me like it its time to put up a strong witness. Things up. All right. Michael moore, good to see everyone. Thanks so much all right. According to congress, woman Marjorie Taylor greene, is this will be the week she tries to oust House Speaker mike johnson, but does she have enough support to do that were here to get your set in stone. Affairs, bribery, prostitution. Why do we keep ending up here . You cant write this stop United States of scandal with jake tapper. Now streaming on macs see idp disrupts cid p derails. Lets be honest. Sucks but living to see idp doesnt have to. When you sign up at shining to see idp. 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Talk to them about lowering your risk the heart attack, or death im pete muntean at Reagan National airport this is cnn a dramatic, showdown is expected on capitol hill this week as georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene vows to force a vote to expel House Speaker mike johnson, a move that Democratic Leaders say would be dead on arrival in the house because they plan to Support Johnson keeping his Job A Floor Vote to oust johnson would require a majority to succeed for more on this and joined now by Michael Schnell congressional reporter or with the hill and julie grace breath gke, capitol Hill Reporter with axios, a great to see you both. So michael, you first green wasnt even in maralago this weekend. She often spends time there so were also learning that from sources that donald trump is rather annoyed by this whole saga and finds that it hurts the partys image. So where is the momentum behind what congresswoman greene is trying to do . Yeah, truthfully, fred, there isnt much momentum behind it at all. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene is lean right now, an army of three. Its just for congressman paul gosar and congressman thomas massie. Are the only three republicans who have publicly said that they will back this motion to vacate notably, there have been a number of opponents. Top of that list being for president trumps saying a number of times that he supports mike johnson. He stood behind beside mike johnson at maralago a few weeks ago, and said, i stand with the speaker and the number of other conservative republicans, including many of whom are in the conservative House Freedom caucus. Even some who voted to oust former speaker kevin mccarthy, are saying that now is not the right time theres no clear alternative really. They just say that they want to bite their tongue. Theyre not thrilled with Mike Johnsons leadership, but they want to hold off on a rash decisions, right now, let the election in november come and then hold those Leadership Elections after the november elections. So as i said, at the top, Marjorie Taylorgreene, not much momentum, but nonetheless, shes valley to move ahead with it this week. So we are expecting to finally see that vote on the house floor. So julie grace, could this potentially be a costly risk for the congresswoman . I mean, i believe so. I think there could be a lot of backlash from trump ruled on this. I spoken to sources that are very annoyed with her behavior. Theyre worried about how its going to impact november, both up and down the ballot. They are the fear that it could hurt trump on the ticket come november, hes dealing with enough chaos with his own trial right now. And i think shes shes definitely going to face some raffa around party okay. So were were were seeing these deep fissures within the Republican Party at a time. And democrats say they will back johnson, take a listen weve. Made clear this is a vote of conscience. Its time to end this chapter of pro potent obstruction amongst the extreme maga republican wing on the other side of the aisle and were prepared to do just that now contrast that with what we heard from congressman thomas massie, who is one of only three republicans. Thats actually back in green this is unprecedented that somebodys in leadership, the leadership that immigration would offer to save the leader of the result so michael, i mean, pho, i mean, hes already sending the signal there that there is no i guess, love in anything by partisan. Does this also underscored the divisions are only getting worse within the gop yeah. I mean, absolutely. And that those remarks right there from tom and he sort of laying the foundation of what the messaging is going to be from mtg, massie and gosar when this vote happens and when democrats are undoubtedly expect to come in and save him essentially then tg and mass, youre going to say that there is a coat court. Of republicans in the conference who voted to vote to support a republican speaker whos being propped up by democrats. This is going to be mtg and massies way of saying that these are not true republicans, that they are not hardcore enough of republicans because they, at the end of the day ended up voting for a man who was being supported by democrats. Now of course there are a lot of factors that have been leading to this moment right now, and extremely slim majority, the fact that there was already three weeks of Paralysis Back in october when the house voted to oust kevin mccarthy, nobody really wants to go through that again and the fact that we are so close to the elections. And finally, mike johnson put the foreign aid package on the floor with billions of dollars for you praying thats something that democrats said needed to happen for him to win their support. So while democrats have their reasonings here for supporting my johnson and republicans do as well. Mtg and mass years playing their own messaging playbook here and saying, hey, i dont care about those other factors. The fact that you supported a man who got democratic votes, that means that youre not a true republican. And then julie gracefully look at the election. I mean, several reported members on trumps Vice President shortlist are members of congress. Theyre now putting themselves in the position of both defending trump while he is on trial and upholding the electoral process. How are they going to navigate that . Whats the messaging that they will convince . Hey, on where theyre real allegiance is nothing. Its going to be interesting to see how they navigate this. Now, ive spoken to a number of republicans and i think weve heard from some members, including tastes, got some people that have kind of just said that there not necessarily completely committed to. Its second year. Election results in november. So i think theres a lot to kind of watch out for their and well kind of see how it plays out is things kinda get closer to election day all right. Julie grice, breath gay. Michael chanel. Well leave it there for now. Great to see you, ladies thanks all right. And new developments in israel as the Israeli Government closes, a key arabic news channel in the country stopping the correspondence from reporting and confiscating their Broadcast Equipment how it really happened tonight at nine on cnn work play relief, work, play. Blake, really, the only three and one extended Release Formula for you dry eyes, like gin, sugar, ray leonard, you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves bird. And now putting on his new arch bit sketchy lipids. 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Its response to israels proposal and that quote, indepth and serious discussions took place. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the hamas counterproposals, calling them unacceptable cia bill burns, who has been a key figure in the talks, is now on his way to doha for a meeting with the the qatari Prime Minister, cnns Paula Hancocks is in the middle east forests. So have the talks essentially broken down at this point, has there been any progress whatsoever . Well, fread, we dont understand that they have broken down at this point. This is not the information or the impression that were being given. Its certainly not progressing further this evening though. The fact that hamas has now left, they have responded to this really egyptian lead proposal that was given well over a week ago. Now, for this hostage ceasefire deal, according to ismail haniyeh, the leader at political leader of hamas saying that they have had indepth and serious discussions but when you hear from the israeli sayyed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that israel is the one that has been willing to go much further saying that hamas has not moved from its extreme positions, at pointing out hamas still once a complete end to the war, something israel is not willing to give. And also once a complete withdrawal of it the Israeli Military from gaza, when this temporary ceasefire takes place. Again, something israels not willing to give the Prime Minister saying that would effectively give hamas a chance to regroup, to take over gaza again. And to become militarily strong once again. And a threat. So it does appear as though there are some key differences that is still in place at this point, we have heard from the us sayyed, Secretary Of State blinken saying that this was a very generous offer on the table on behalf of israel and hamas should accept it if it doesnt, then it is hamas who was standing inbetween a ceasefire and the lack of a ceasefire so at this point, there isnt the feeling that things have collapsed, but certainly that this round of negotiations has ended and it has not ended as positively as some may have hoped. All right. Paula hancocks in the middle east, well leave it there for now. Thanks so much. All right. Still to come to campus of the university of Southern California is now open to students hours after police cleared out a propalestinian protest encampment chasing life, dr. Sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcast, he there, brenda. Its carroll stack, which like are we operating on . You mean arm . 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