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Right now cnn stories this hour on opposite coasts of the United States of america and Los Angeles Police are Making Scores of arrests as they swept through and antifa the war in camp man in the heart of uclas campus. Im taking tapper washington. Youre watching sports, Cnn Special Live Coverage and im Kaitlyn Collins in new york mark where in minutes Donald Trumps Hush Money Trial is going to resume. My weeks ago, we saw the former president of the United States walking back into court where he has no choice but to sit and listen two witnesses tell a story in which he is the main character and for which he could potentially end up in prison soon. Keith davidson, who was the former attorney for the Adult Film Star Actress and director stormy david. Stormy daniels will go back under the oath in minutes. The judges also going to hold a hearing to consider if the former president has again violated his gag order for me more times. So you will be able to see on the left hand of your screen minute by minute updates from our reporters inside the courthouse. There it is. Even as we go live to the breaking news out of los angeles where we are again seeing tensions hit a Tipping Points seen and teams are on the ground and watching as police in los angeles load arrested Student Protesters and perhaps others onto buses cnns Camila Bernal has been at ucla all morning as police moved in to dismantle the campus encampment, i think at roughly 1 00 a. M. Pacific time, compelled to tell us whats happening now hey, jake, just moments ago, were hearing more flash bangs. We had not heard these flash bangs in a while and its unclear exactly where theyre coming from, but it is clear that this is still very active there are many, many Law Enforcement officers still on the scene. This is the current focus. Next to the encampment. What youre seeing is a group of protesters who were still shouting and screaming at Police Officers, still talking about divestment, still talking about the fact that they want to be heard and that theyre hoping that they are allowed to remain here. Theyre telling chp with this loudspeaker that they have been beating children. That is the language that they had been using towards these Police Officers. And its hard to see from where i am, but the group is large youre right in that area where the protesters are stairs going down. So we believed that that group is a lot bigger than what youre seeing on your screen. Again, it is just a line of Police Officers in riot gear. They had been here all morning and we saw them in circle this in camp get meant just to show you where the encampment is. Im going to turn around and show you what they cleared. This is the area that Police Officers cleared. This morning using those flash bangs and essentially coming in through all sides of the encampment. Men two then horner all of those protesters into one area. They tried Holding Hands and linking arms to try to Stay Together and avoid arrest but one by one, every single protester that was inside of this encampment was arrested by Law Enforcement. They were taken to nearby buses, which actually i still see a bus right now. So its unclear if theyre going to continue arresting people, but we do know that the people inside of the encampment had been detained and taken to those buses. And so again, the focus has now shifted to this area, which is still very much an active seen jake all right. Camila bernal at the campus of ucla earlier this morning, roughly 1 00 a. M. Pacific time were told police came in to take down the encampment their of the antiisraeli antiwar protesters will continue to check back on that scene as well as College Campuses throughout the country. But let us turn now back to whats going on in the courtroom, which is what kaitlan collins, why dont you handle that yeah. Jake just to get you up to speed, just in those few moments there as we were hearing whats happening on ususally tlas campus, donald trump has entered the courtroom. Prosecutors are there the jurys not yet in there because what is happening right now is prosecutors are making their case that donald trump has violated his gag order. Four more times. They are now going through this the judge theyll make their arguments and then trumps defense team will get up to make their arguments. Well see last time it didnt go so well for them because the judge did find that he had violated it nine times for instances are now up for discussion. Question im here with our chief Legal Affairs correspondent, paula reid and karen friedman, agnifilo, who is the former chief assistant District Attorney, in the Manhattan Das Office. I should note karen is of counsel for a firm that represents Michael Cohen, but she doesnt have any contact with them. She doesnt work on his case. Theres no restrictions on what she can say as were focusing on what trump can potentially say on whether or not hes violated his gag order i should note the first alleged violation is over trumps statement that was related to the jury when he commented and said the jury was picked so fast that was 95 democrats, paula, obviously, a statement that trump made with no base he says, but it does prevent him in this gag order from commenting or directing other people to comment on the juror. Yeah. This is arguably the most serious alleged violation because anything that was scare the jury away from you coming in doing their job, that is really at the heart of what the gag order is meant to protect people who are just doing their jobs are complying with their civic duty. Now, in addition to this alleged violation, theres three others that there alleging and all of these occurred before the trump find hit the judge fine to trump 9,000 a last week to the other two are two statements that are highly critical of Michael Cohen. And then another ambiguous statement about david pecker where he says hes been really nice. I know some people could say, well, whats wrong with that, but you could interpret that sort of intimidating in some contexts, which is why you have a gag order all right. Now the prosecutors are saying that the gag order was issued because of trumps persistence, attacks on the protected folks under the gag order goes on to say that trump, you use this is his platform here to criticize the jury seated in this case. And again, i think this is the most serious of the four alleged violations and the one that is gonna be the most difficult for his lawyers to defend. Yeah. Thank karen. Were seeing this picture. This is trump in court today. Every day we get a photo of him as he enters the room. I can tell you i was in the room the other de it makes a big difference to actually be in the room and to. Watch all of this happening until you see, you know, what americans arent seeing by not being able to go into the room. I mean, the public can but its a very limited amount of people. But, but on this front, jury is not in the room as this hearing is happening, but this is important here because the jurors had been at the forefront of wanting to keep them anonymous, but also to keep them safe from threats they are weighing this case. And the prosecution is now moving on to what paul was just mentioning there when he commented on that first witness, david pecker. Yeah. So for the judge, the jury talking about the jury protecting the jury as policy, thats like the third rail, right . Thats its one thing to talk about Michael Cohen, who often criticizes trump and trump is well say hes reacting to that. Its another thing though, to talk about the jury in any way. So i think what were going to see here is youre going to see the judge not only hold him in contempt, but hes the more important thing is hes going to really admonish him and say do it again at your own peril and look right now, thats what exactly the prosecutions arguing they say he knows what hes doing, that hes talking about the witness who was testifying, david pecker, and saying, well, hes night, so theyre basically saying its not just what he criticizes the witness even when he says something nice. I mean, thats we actually have the four moments that are at the heart of this hearing right now. I just want everyone to feel to listen to what trump has been saying about the witnesses and to his comments about the jury as well and what are they going to look at all the lives that did the last trial . He got caught lying in the last trial so he got caught lying, pure lime and what are they going to look at that thats yuri was pick so fast, 95 democrats the areas, mostly all democrat. You think of it as just a purely democrat area . Its a very unfair situation that i can tell you. My goal cohen is a convicted liar and hes got no credibility whatsoever. He was a lawyer and you rely on your lawyers so far davids been very nice and nice guy that comment that you heard there about Michael Cohen is exactly what is being discussed at this minute inside that courtroom as prosecutors are pointing to that and saying paula, that the defendant they say believes that the rule should be different for him yeah. They they do actually argue that they argue because he is a candidate for the white house, that anything he says is protected political speech and entitled to heightened protections that he should be able to punch back against people want like Michael Cohen who have made a career out of attacking campus so far that has not been a winning argument in this court, but i will say over the past week or so, we have seen trump even before he was fine and even threatened with jail by the judge. We have seen him back off of the prolific violations of the gag gag order. Instead, he goes after the District Attorney, alvin bragg, which is fine. He goes after the judge constantly, including yesterday, but instead, hes pivoting to having his allies attack some of the folks who are covered by the gag order. Now were learning that trump is leaning over and whispering to his attorney, todd blanche. Its prosecutors will lay out the alleged violations of the gag order and youll remember the last time we were in court for a gag order hearing. I mean, this did not go well for the defense. They tried to make those constitutional arguments and thats not what the judge wanted to hear. Sure. He wanted to go post by post. Now, the Prosecutor Says cohen and his credibility are a theme for chomp. Yes, that is absolutely not is absolutely its a theme for the whole case, like nobody but it seems the judge seemed to suggest in that ruling that i finding that trump did violated that. Maybe it wont always apply to Michael Cohen because Michael Cohen has been out there. He has been speaking in publicly and very critical of trump and saying these things that trumps team has argued, okay, he should be able to respond to this and karen, what theyre raising right now is when trump spoke to the cameras outside of the courtroom on april 22, the moment that you just saw there trump was campaigning last night and i was listening to his remarks in michigan, i believe is where it was. And theyre talking about how trump is able to speak outside the courtroom about Michael Cohen, who is expected to be a witness here and expected testified. Trump was saying he cant talk about this case at all, but he was on camera talking about the case at a rally. He is allowed to talk about the case he just cant attack witnesses or the other prosecutors on alvin braggs team that we can still dr. Alvin bragg himself exactly the judge just says, look, you can talk about the case as much as you want. You could campaign mean as much as you want. Just cant intimidate witnesses intimidate the jury. Thats where the judge has to keep control of his courtroom and the trial so that and he cant do that. And thats what hes doing here. And i think Michael Cohen preemptively said last week hes no longer going to comment on on this trial, on donald trump, and i think as you you pointed out in the Gag Order Decision last time the judge specifically said, look, this is designed to protect witnesses, but but if witnesses go after you, then it might be fair game for you to respond. I think youre going to see that todd blanche is slightly more prepared this time, then the last one because todd blanche is an excellent attorney, is a really good reputation and theyre making a point right now that a lot of this has to do with the timing theyre saying that this is the most critical time the time that the proceeding has to be protected because thats really what did the harb that is paula is a concern that the judge has made clear. He also shares that trumps speaking out can affect this trial, that it could disrupt this trial, whether thats a witness or a juror absolutely. Particularly when it comes to the jury, if you have some instance that creates a situation where jurors, a Critical Mass of them dont feel safe coming in. If you dont have those 12. And the defense likely would never agree to do it with just a latin. You could have a mistrial thats why that common of all of them are the most concerning. Now, theyre saying that the problem prosecutor saying that trumps statements are corrosive to the proceeding and the Fair Administration of justice and that is the spirit of why you have a gag order sound to prevent him for speaking to violate his constitutional digital rights. Its to protect the integrity of the process. Well, i was in the courtroom the other day and you see these jurors come in. They dont make eye contact with trump, and i should know, obviously were not going to describe them, but theres 12 jurors who sit in there. Theyre paying rapt attention to what is happening in these proceedings are watching very closely. You can tell they take their jobs very seriously here. Republic duties here, and i should note, the prosecutors are making the argument, pushing back on what you were just saying. Todd blanche is defense could be the same. Michael cohen is not Donald Trumps political opponent. Hes the witness in this case because theyve been arguing trump should be able to speak out, but theyre saying its not like you cant talk about joe biden. He is talking about Michael Cohen. The other prosecutors now saying that the defendants trying to make this bot politics, but its really about criminal conduct. And. They want to focus on the criminal conduct of the trial and have this jury render a verdict, whatever it is and the jury cant be worried about their safety they cant be worried about them, their Identity Being outed or the order verdict being secondguessed because people know who they are, thats thats really upsetting if the jury greek cant focus on the trial and the evidence that they have to worry about themselves. Thats distracting. And it actually can properly, in fact, the jurys deliberation. So the judge is going to do everything they can to protect against that. And thats why hes not going to allow trump to comment on the jury at all. Its so interesting, polo, when the jury leaves the room for the brakes or when the days over, none of them make eye contact with donald trump. They they love to him twice when i was in there and they just they filed right past donald trump his defense team at the table, and also the prosecutors, but they dont make any eye contact. Thats fine. Thats fascinating to me. I mean, he can be intimidating, but it just speaks to like you said, how seriously either taking this, theyre not looking to curry favor with him or get his attention. Now this argument though, from the prosecutors right now that hes trying to make this case about politics. I mean, lets just be frank. This case is about politics. Its about allegedly interfering with it. An election, you have an elected District Attorney sector suggested he would go after trump. Now, we have another update, the Prosecutor Says trumps attorney assured the judge last week that President Trump does. In fact know what the gag order allows him to do im not allow him to do. And again, the alleged violations were dealing with today happened about ten days ten days ago, and theyre not seeking jail time. Theyre making that clear. Theyre just they want those 1,000 fines, which is interesting because the judge was lamenting that he could not charge he could not find trump more in this case because he acknowledged it doesnt really make a big difference to trump to find them 9,000 will continue to see what the judge decides here as this hearing is going on, whether or not donald trump has violated his gag order four more times trumps attorney just stood up and is now going to defend his client. Will tell you what that defense looks like. And if its any different than last time you were watching cnns special live coverage how wed really having with jesse l. Martin. Sundays at nine on allergies with a leg gra they wont stop me. Nothing beats allegro. 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Its the only solution with two maxstrength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. So, do your thing like a pro, painfree. Absorbine pro. At cardia. Com or amazon im omar jimenez at Columbia University in this is cnn welcome back to Cnn Special Live Coverage of Donald Trumps hush money cover up prior to the prosecution says they are not seeking jail time yet for the alleged violations of the judges gag order on mr. Trump government attorneys, prosecutors also say krepp is doing everything think he can to make this case about politics when it is not necessarily all about politics, trumps Defense Attorney just raised comments that President Biden made get about the case at the white house Correspondents Dinner. We are here with our panel and just to go into what is going on exactly in the courtroom right now. Right now, they are having the hearing on the gag order. The judge is considering for other alleged offenses that the prosecution says are times that mr. Trump violated the gag order by attacking the jury or attacking witnesses, especially Michael Cohen and the judge is Hearing Arguments from todd blanche, who is trumps mean attorney and blanche is arguing that Michael Cohen is attacking trump. And joe biden is attacking trump and he should be allowed to respond to these attacks. Judge merchan is reiterating the trump cant discuss foreseeable trial witnesses. He can respond to anything biden says can can, but not Michael Cohen and elie honig. What exactly is the argument that trump attorney todd blanche is making right now when it comes to why its okay for trump to make these comments that the prosecution says these four new comments youd already been found guilty of violating nine previous comments of violations of the gag order. Why is he saying its okay for these comments . So todd blanche is making the just responding defense, and that is a viable defense. The first set of hearings that we had, the judge found there were ten alleged violations. The judge found that nine of them had occurred where in fact violations, but the one that the judge said, i do not find a violation. He said, i find was not a violation because trump was responding to an attack by Michael Cohen. There was some statement Michael Cohen made. Trump had reach truth it and then attack Michael Cohen. So the judge has left the door open for trump to respond, but the question now being raised is, how specific does the response has to v doesnt have to be Michael Cohen made this statement against me. Now, i will attack him on the basis that statement or it can be more broad as todd blanche seemingly start doing right now. Well, joe biden made these comments about the trial at the white house correspondents association. Therefore, trump is entitled to respond. So trumps attorney, todd blanche, right now is seizing on the judges order earlier this week that suggested some of the witnesses. I suspect hes mainly thinking get Michael Cohen might be using the gag order against mr. Trump as a sword and a shield. In other words, dana bash, Michael Cohen taking advantage of the fact that trump is not allowed to legally attack him, to attack them, although i should note, i think last week Michael Cohen announced that he was going to stop talking about the case on social media and on his podcast, the new supplemental materials are in response to judge merchans order on tuesday Holding Trump in contempt for the other nine gag order violation. Yeah. And youre right. Our colleagues in new york, were making that exact point about Michael Cohen unilaterally saying, im not going to engage i just also want to go back as we look for new updates to what blanche trumps attorneys said about joe biden. It was noteworthy that President Biden, really for the first time he did it cloaked in humor because it was at the white house Correspondents Dinner for the first time you went there . On the trial and he talked about stormy weather, and that was clearly what blanche was referring to when he said that the current president referred to a potential witness also noteworthy that we just heard from the judge explicitly that when it comes to the Campaign Trail, if joe biden does that again, trump can respond i mean, it maybe seems obvious, but when you have a former president and somebody who is on trial, saying that he cant speak, and the judge explicitly saying you can write when its on the Campaign Trail and when at your political opponent. Thats on the record now, although we should note david urban, we should note also the todd blanch trumps attorneys arguing that trumps comments on david pecker the Tabloid Magnate sidestepped the question about his Testimony Trump gave a very factual and neutral answer. This is one of the four alleged violations in which trump said that mr. Packer was being nice and was being nice. Blanche says that trumps comments about pecker, were not a warning or a commentary on what pecker would said the prosecution said that trump saying that david pecker was being nice, was basically trump along the lines of a mobster saying its a nice place you got here, itd be a shame if anything happened to it and it kind of like a veiled warning. And mr. Blanche is saying thats preposterous. He was just saying hes nice. Neutral statement. Yeah. I mean, this is the playbyplay, the blow by blow is so very interesting to me and im just having to think, what are those jurors sitting there listening this right . Sorry go on the gag order . On the gag order . Yes, there you go its just the American People. Its just the jury pennsylvania so exactly. To the people out in the realworld thing they get lost in all this. Its just like loss in the backandforth and i think overall, when when when elie points out the, you know, kind of asked and answered response, right . Well, if youre attack, you can attack back and i saw last night that Michael Cohen was Live Streaming again, right . So i dont i didnt watch it, but i so he was doing it. I think i didnt know you were subscriber judge merchan basically said that its not just about mr. Pecker, its about what other witnesses might be discerning when trump talks about mr. Pecker, roshan saying i express concerns about mr. Cohen and his daniels and my decision. Those are valid plant by inch arguing of trump. He cant just say no comment repeatedly. So hes running for president , which is another argument. And so i just think the realworld right, gets lost. This is getting lost on everybody. Its so in the weeds its really, really granular and it just a lot of white noise to america and i think americans and youd walk up to 70 and safe if Michael Cohens punch and trump in the face, cant eat, why can you . Hunchback . And thats the argument that trump, i think seems to be making that maybe sticking a bit. I dont think anybody thinks that he should be able to attack the judge or the prosecutor, or other witnesses. But Michael Cohen seems different here. First so judge marchand is saying there are no surprise that when it comes to the Media Coverage in minutes, we may soon get a ruling from the bench on whether donald trump broke a gag order for additional times. Were going to have much more from reporters and sayyed corn. Youre watching Cnn Special Live Coverage the trump Hush Money Trial, gavel to gavel coverage, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. 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And our california lawmakers those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Direct redefining insurance. So its the playoffs, great teammates trust each other. Were going to do a trust stand up, trust. What you sent me up docn merchan in Donald Trumps hush me, cover up. Trial is listening to arguments, right now about whether the defendants, the former president of the United States, broke a gag order that he had issued for additional times. Youre watching Cnn Special Live Coverage. Judge, were sean pointedly saying moments ago that mr. Trump does not have to speak to reporters when he walks in and out. Of course, thats his choice and a choice that raises his exposure to penalties when he crossed as the leinz outlining what he can say and cannot say my panel is back here with me and kasie hunt todd, blanche, trumps attorney right now saying that Michael Cohen is making comments about trump that are personal attacks on his character, mocking him for being on trial, and also his candidacy for president of the United States. Unquote. So hes basically saying its not fair to say that donald trump can respond. Yes, this guy is a witness, but hes out there, beaten the snot out of my client every day one way to put it and thats the clean version. Michael cohen has. I think it seems recognized that potentially hes in a different position because it come out and said, okay, im not going to say anymore of these things now that were this far because i mean, ill be honest, i think all of us sitting here can tell the difference between a Michael Cohen, who is a public figure in his own right, who went to cotton lied to congress basically on Donald Trumps behalf, was part of his inner circle, went to prison, et cetera very much cuts a different figure than the jury especially, which is the other one on this list that i think is actually one of the more interesting things that could come out of this, because we havent seen that as well as even some of these other witnesses that at are not as front and center in the public eye. Killing. Can we just talk about whats behind intimidation when what the judge is worried about here is that when donald trump says these things some of his followers or people might act upon them. Thats why at the very least, death rats and perhaps even worse, right . Thats why jurors are worried. I dont im not excusing what Michael Cohen is saying, but i dont think there is the same level of concern that people who are going to rally behind Michael Cohen two to intimidate trump. One other thing about donald trump, which we have known for years and years he, as a friend of his said to me, he doesnt just get up every morning and decide hes going to punch someone. He gets up every morning and decides who is he going to todd blanche on trumps attorney is right now showing the judge, one of Michael Cohens retweet its not tweets, but retweets from april 8, as well as a post from Michael Cohen and april 14 where Michael Cohen post a photo of trump in an orange jumps jumpsuit, not a a real photo of two trump in an orange jumpsuit, either. Lets call it ai, perhaps, but elliott limbs . Yeah generally speaking, if mr. Trump were not running for president of the United States, this would be pretty open and shut. Who cares . You just have to take it, right. But there is an argument here that Donald Trumps running for president and his First Amendment rights when it comes to responding to attacks need to be respected. Absolutely. And this is partly why they are hammering these Michael Cohen points. So so aggressively wait, because of the fact that these are probably of the four arguments. The strongest one that the trump team has, its someone who is in some measure going back and forth with the foreign presence. Okay. I apologize for this update ahead of time, a boy, but blanche todd blanche trump, attorney, is specifically reading a post and Michael Cohen we made on twitter on april 22. And when in which he refers to donald trump as Von Shitzinpantz that is just a factual record that im bringing before you this is in the Court Transcript Von Shitzinpantz. Blanche also said, there are repeated attacks on trump in his candidacy on cohens podcast and tiktok account, dana bash, i know you want to weigh in on Von Shitzinpantz i think did it on behalf, taking care record. I have been calling it von poops and parents are weeks now, but now its a part of the official transcript i do think that when it comes to just the rob politics of this, the argument that donald trump is making out in the world, not just when he comes into court and when he leaves court, but when hes on social media, when hes at his rallies about im gagged. I cant speak. When you look at this, which should say he can speak about the judge, he can speak broadly about a lot of things. Its very narrow what the gag order is about, but it does include Michael Cohen because Michael Cohen will be a witness. And when Michael Cohen makes very clearly political statements against donald trump, it gives donald trump a much more credible political argument saying, this is ridiculous that i can spoke speak. Blanche just showed articles, Quote And Cohen quote, talking extensively about trumps president ial campaign thats the point i was making earlier, right . It doesnt matter that theres a legal aspect to this. And then theres the political aspect to it. And the political aspect is trump is every rally from now to election day. Hes going to talk about this if Michael Cohen is out there just just its punch in and punch in a way and, you know acted like beavis and bud head. And theres going to be retribution from the president in terms of response. Now, this is not Von Shitzinpantz. Goes to one, one Second Coming right back to la todd and shows the two additional articles about Michael Cohen attacking mr. Trump, judge merchan dropped some saying you made your point. I made your point. All i was going to say is Something Interesting in the gag order, but the judge said having resolved the question for the first time retweets can count as speech or statements for the purposes of the gag order, one of the ones that was just quoted with Michael Cohen retweeting something about donald trump will be interested thank to see how the judge handles that, saying that knot bunch had some pants, but i think this ones another account that was critical of trump and he retweets, but i think youre also saying suggestively that retweets do constituted. Ink youre also say suggestively that retweets do constituted. Lets has said nightly. And literally making money. So there is some hope that we can emerge from this mac. The timing is important here. The for alleged violations that are being heard right now, they all happen early last week, donald trump is now gone worlds record, eight or nine days without a specific civic violation, but blood todd blanche is saying of Michael Cohen. Yeah, this is not a man who needs protection from the gag order. In other in other words, this is not Karen Mcdougal being quiet in her life or even Stormy Daniels, whos being relatively quiet these days. This is somebody whos out there throwing punches, seeking the limelight, goes to caseys point from earlier, theres a real question of whos vulnerable and whos not. You started it. Well, you then youre opening yourself up to attacks and the jury always has to be number one. You saying comment and one of the four comments at issue right now, hows about the jury completely unacceptable. I think the judge is going to snack that. Oh, here we go. The judge asked trumps attorney to address the comments that the former president made about the jury. This this is the question about donald trump saying that 95 of the jury are democrats right . An assertion that he has absolutely no basis, in fact for making, although manhattan is generally regarded as a fairly liberal area to live he does not know the political leanings of the gerry plan says, we very much believe this is a political persecution. The judge cuts him off saying, did he violate the gag order . Yeah. Yes or no. If i may blanche right before that told the judge it was only 15 seconds of a 20minute interviews, which has nothing on this one here, he has a plausible defense on Michael Cohen just striking back, but comments about the jury and lets remember these comments were made the jury was seated, so hes no longer Talking Hypothetically or about hundreds of people in a jury pool. Its talking about these 18, 12 plus six alternates. These 18 people, the judges definitely going to focus on that. And lets also note that when you talk about jamie, what National Security experts referred to as stochastic terrorism in which is another words a politician says, oh my god, i hate barbers. And then all of a sudden his followers start beating, beating up barbers that stochastic terrorism you never gave a direct order to do it, but you create an environment thats unsafe. Michael cohens one thing. Hes out there throwing punches, his right tiktoks. These jurors want to be anonymous and we have already had juror is expressed the fear that they are going to be ousted. Want to see one of the left trumps Minions On Fox were out there like talking about how one juror or shouldnt be on the jury. Trump right now leaning back in his chair with his hands clasped in front of them, as attorney argues, he didnt violate the gag order, but this is one of the concerns about the jury, and i think its probably more more of treacherous terrain for short, trump then Michael Cohen, casey yeah. I mean, i think that thats absolutely right. And, you know, its it seems very as much the way that todd blanche doesnt have anything to say seems to say everything in terms of the jury you just said it very well. Elie, right tabulations have anything on this and it seems like this is why. And in some ways id be interested now, if trump, he made this one comment. It was part of this really long interview it was something i thought i might hear more from him, but i do wonder if behind the scenes they said, hey, you cant do this because its a very trumpian thing to do. He does this generally speaking across the board with the travails they want policies play thats argues that trump didnt single out any specific. That is when he made an overarching statement about thats ridiculous. Its a group, but just to follow up on what casey said, i think it is also important to remember that donald trump pushes the envelope. This is his mo hes been doing this january 6. There we have seen real time results when he goes home after people. One other point, the ones are interrupted, but blanches reiterating that cohen should not be protected by the gag order. Blanche is just making the argument there. I like just the did it makes no sense for your gag order to protect Michael Cohen, judge marchand is wrapping the hearing. Lets take five minutes. He says, before we bring the jury in he says before leaving the bench, lets take five minutes is not a bad idea. Lets take five minutes right now. Not five really, just a few. Were going to squeeze in a quick break. Well be right more with more coverage of Donald Trumps hushmoney cover up trial. Youre watching cnn stay with us a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday this became the bureaus not a war crime to solve. How would really happen with jesse l. Martin sunday at nine on cnn allergies with allegro. They wont stop me. 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You see there on the right and testimony will pick up in Donald Trumps hush money cover up, Criminal Trial. Right now, the former president is inside that courtroom and so far, the morning is focused on on whether he violated that gag order. Again, after he was found to have violated it nine times. Now at question or for more instances where donald trump has commented on witnesses or the jury the hearing just ended, but judge merchan did not yet rule from the bench, so we are still waiting to see what his decision here will be. Back with me now is my panel, karen friedman, agnifilo, and paula reid and karen, what were about to see after just a very brief break in the courtroom is Keith Davidson is going to get back on the stand. And how tuesday ended was Keith Davidson, the former attorney for Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, who helped negotiate their payments hes going to get back on the stand and the line of questioning on tuesday when they stopped, was about that Stormy Daniels payment and Donald Trumping at the heart of it, as he argued, and also his interactions with Michael Cohen when you read, go back and read the transcripts of his testimony from tuesday, you can start to see the defense is starting to take shape by what theyre objecting to and what theyre not objecting to. And really what the defense i think their strategy is. Theyre not going to attack whether these things happened because of course it did, right . Of course there were payments made to Stormy Daniels. What theyre trying to do is distance trump from that and so theyre gonna make it all about Michael Cohen. But somehow Michael Cohen orchestrated this. Michael cohen is the one who if there was a Campaign Finance violation, it was him. If those false business and those records that was Michael Cohen thing that youre only dealt with Michael Cohen. Youve never dealt with donald trump, and that somehow this was just all by Michael Cohen who was trying to curry favor with trump or something and maybe get a position in the white house, whatever it is thats what it seems like theyre doing. Theyre not going to dispute the facts. Theyre just going to say trump had nothing to do with all michael. We are told across of Michael Cohen or excuse me, Keith Davidson is expected to be pretty lengthy from trumps team, but whats funny about how the prosecutor, prosecutors are handling this is Michael Cohens obviously the star witness here, but theyve kind of been letting the witnesses make fun of him. I mean, there was a moment on tuesday where everyone in the courtroom laughed to the jurors and attorneys from both sides when Keith Davidson testified that nobody wanted to talk to Michael Cohen, no one wants to deal with him. It doug mile difficult if he was to deal with yeah. One thing that everybody agrees on is that no one has anything nice to say about Michael Cohen . That is a real problem for the prosecutors when hes your star witness. So thats what they have to work to really buttress what hes going to say. But Keith Davidson testimony is so critical because hes the one who personally received Stormy Daniels hush money directly from Michael Cohen and you can hear it through his testimony that he believed that his client really had a Good Opportunity hey, here to make some money, but he believed in the wake of the access Hollywood Tape, he said that there was renewed interest in her story. So that that is certainly good for the defenses argument, right . Perhaps this was opportunistic, but hes also clear that he knows that suppressing the story will help trump in the election. And that of course off the prosecutors and Keith Davidson is back on the stand right now under questioning from prosecutors. I was in the courtroom on tuesday. Hes a really compelling witness. Keith davidson has this thing that he does or when the prosecutors asked him a question, sometimes ill look at them directly, but often he turns to the jury and speaks directly to those 12 jurors who were sitting there paying close attention. And often taking notes, looking at the screens in front of them as the evidence in the Text Messages are being presented at any comes across as genuine, maybe certainly involved in some unseemly dealings. But telling the story of his negotiations with Michael Cohen and with donald trump and davidson, we should note just glanced into the galleries. He walked to the Witness Stand. Trump has a stack of papers that he shuffling. I should note the witness walks in front of trumps political team, but behind trump at the defense table, we also have former New York State retired New York State Supreme Court justice joe kahn visor, who were this and judge, just as youre watching all of this, i mean, the question is still hanging open. How the judge is going to handle potentially for more violations to this gag order i think youre going to see much of what youve already seen, which is a very measured response from judge marchand. Hes going to review the arguments and make his decision on his timeline. You saw in the firstorder that he handily rejected every one, but one every charge, but one would that the people did not prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt from his perspective and handily rejected all the defendants arguments from reposting to First Amendment to sort of selective enforcement here, i expect he will take his time continuing to be measured and reasonable well, and i should note the jury is back in the courtroom. They werent in the courtroom for that hearing earlier today. One question that karen a good point that she made earlier was why not just have everyone gagged the witnesses here . Why should they i mean, i understand, you know, theyre not the ones who are under indictment here. Were facing these charges. But but is that not a reasonable point for the judge to consider . I dont know that thats reasonable. Theres one defendant in this case and its donald trump. And the gag order applies to him, but youre right. There is a Bigger Picture here, which is that the integrity of the process must be maintained. And that is of paramount importance. Hortons here to the court and it should be two, all of us i can pretty much guarantee that the das office called up Michael Cohen and gave him a Tongue Lashing and said stand down, stop, it. Youre not helping things. So in a very unusual circumstance, the judge probably could do that. I dont see that weve gotten to that point, but you did see in the decision that judge merchan wrote that he talked about witnesses and he talked about whether or not a witness can use this order as a shield and a sword saying, listen, you people, you want me to hold the defendant responsible under this gag order for things that he says if your witnesses persist guess what . This may not be proven Beyond A Reasonable Doubt. He sent that message loudly and clearly judge kohn visor, thank you for your perspective on that. Its very important and qarrah, now that Keith Davidson is back on the stand and we are seeing prosecutors question him once again. What do we make of of what i observed on tuesday, which is him speaking directly to the jury. I mean, is that a usual is that typical . I mean it just stood out to me that he was rectally like telling them a story. Basically. Yeah. Well, prosecutors often tell witnesses to look at the jury because really thats what youre doing is talking to the jury, the jury and the jury alone are the ones those who are going to decide the facts Beyond A Reasonable Doubt. One way or another. And its not about the judge. Its not about the prosecutor or the prosecutor tries to fade into the background and not make it about themselves because it really is about the jurys. So its common for prosecutors to say, just talk to the jury, look at the jury. Youll even see prosecutors standing at the end of the jury box so that if they are looking at the prosecutor, theyre looking at the general direction of the jurors. And one thing that theyd been doing is bringing in Text Messages and emails that Keith Davidson is involved and hes reading them aloud planning what happened there, showing an email right now from dylan howard, who was at the National Enquirer to Michael Cohen and keith david said they were kind of the three at the heart of the emails, the texts, the calls of figuring out how much money who was going to buy this and what they were going to do with it . And there does seem to be an acknowledgment within these communications that they know if they suppress her story, it will help trump with the election. Now theres an october 26, so were excuse away from Election Day Email from dylan howard to Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson saying, thank you for both chatting with me earlier. So clearly there in discussions in these final days, this is such a critical period. I mean, this could help the prosecutions case and that clearly the reason for all the expediency here is that theres an election few days away. And in the wake of the access Hollywood Tape, its important for them to suppress this. But as karen pointed out earlier, for the defense, you dont see trump on any of these emails. You only see him occasionally reference theres no indication that he is directly involved in the initial step to this hush money payment. Yeah. Trump just now started texting. I think a year ago or so. He was never famously never texture. He always just calls multiple times a day. Im told he still does most of his phone calls or early in the morning to his attorneys, but october 26 has been a singular date in this trial that was the date that Michael Cohen was desperately trying to get that account open. The home line of credit to which we know as a visually what was used just to pay Stormy Daniels, the 130,000 and Keith Davidson is testifying that he had lost trust and Michael Cohen and then it had to do with the delays in bunny. He was basically saying Michael Cohen has given him every excuse under the sun about yn paid jewish holidays. Trumps campaigning, banks being closed, and he was saying, the other day i just couldnt deal with Michael Cohen and they thought he was stringing him along until after the election. Yeah, thats what youre going to see. I think on cross its all about how you dont trust michael kahn. You dont like Michael Cohen . Michael cohen he thought was a liar that theyre just going to use its the prosecutions witness to make their own case. I mean, thats how they they dont have to put on a defense and they dont have to put any witnesses on, but when you can use the prosecutions witnesses to get all the facts out that you want youve got them all right there. I mean, the cross is clear what theyre going to do because you cant deny that this is right before the election. You cant deny that these were false Business Records, right . You cant deny that the payments were for made. Can follow the money. But what they can do is distance donald trump from it and say, this is all about Michael Cohen. Michael cohen was the one who wanted to do this and the only thing tying trump to this or Michael Cohens words. And you cant trust Michael Cohen. He is a convicted liar. He nobody trusted him. Nobody liked me, lied here. I mean, that thats what youre going to see the defense is going to be here because you could just tell from the questions that theyre asking and not asking. And Michael Cohen responded in an email 6 47 a. M. The day after october 26 on october 27th, saying that the money asking davidson to confirm that the one fire had been received, davidson said, i confirm that i will work in good faith, that no funds shall be disbursed unless and until the plaintiff personally signs off all necessary settlement paperwork. All of this is going on. I should note that many times is Keith Davidson has been answering questions from prosecutors. Youll see donald trump with his eyes closed for sustained periods of times hes not always sleeping. He ease often. It seems kind of ignoring the answer that is coming from the Witness Stand only relatively and intermittently, looking over there, this is Keith Davidson, the attorney who broke are these Hush Money Deals to keep Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal quiet. He is now back on the witness stan, we have much more insight from inside the courtroom in minutes as you were watching cnns special live coverage ive, never once had to wait for insurance to approve a test or approved medication didnt have to worry about any of those things. Thanks to the donations and o give it a try. Visit pretty litter. Com today how wed really having with jesse l. Martin sundays at nine on cnn cnn central, tomorrow. Lets seven eastern ego, the number one rated brand in cordless Outdoor Power brings you the select cut mower, customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge no exclusively, lows ace and ego authorized dealers, right now, you can get a free foot locker sub weight just by enter foot login to add to get one free. Just scan the qr code and Enter Promo Code, fal fogbow. 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Keith davidson is now walking through, walking the jury through how he brokered this deal at the heart of this case to keep her quiet is allegations that mr. Trump, in his keen falsified those Business Records for that deal . That is at the heart of this case. My panel is back with Me Elie Honig Steinglass is the prosecution attorney. Joshua steinglass is walking Keith Davidson through this confidential Settlement Agreement paperwork between Stormy Daniels and donald trump, this was the agreement between David Dennison and peggy peterson. These are the pseudonyms that Keith Davidson had come come up with for donald trump and Stormy Daniels. So Stormy Daniels is peggy peterson. And donald trump is david debt dennis. And according to Keith Davidson and davidson testified earlier that he got that name, David Denison from a High School Classmate of his who has none too happy with it now ten is an important condolences to mr. Dennison and all and mrs. Dennis and especially for real Keith Davidson, isnt important gobetween in this case, hes a lawyer who had a very specific Niche Practice where he represented both Karen Mcdougal and then Stormy Daniels, both of whom were seeking to market their stories, what they were looking to do is get paid in order to stay silent and he spent most of his last day on the standard explaining the whole negotiation that he had with ami, the company that runs the National Enquirer, primarily with this guy, dylan howard. Were not going to hear testify in this trial. And davidson laid out the backandforth how the ended up selling Karen Mcdougal story to ami at the end of that negotiation Michael Cohen gets involved and davidson testified it was my understanding that this was being done on to protect Donald Trumps campaign. And then weeks later, and thats where we are now in the testimony Keith Davidson is representing Stormy Daniels and now ami, the National Enquirer theyre out theyve had enough of this. They dont want to keep paying, but also, right. They dont want to keep paying because david pecker thought that he was going to be repaid is high tunnel trump, according to his testimony, he got stiff and he got stiff. The prosecution right now is going over the liquidated damages provision, right. In this nondisclosure agreement, the stated amount was 1 per breach of contract. So if Stormy Daniels one out there and told her story against the orders of this nondisclosure agreement. She went have to pay donald trump, aka David Davidson or whatever the name was dennis. Dennis innocent, then adenosine, 1 million, right . Exactly. So they end up of course, entering into this deal through Keith Davidson. The contacts here, Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson, the representing on behalf of donald trump and Stormy Daniels, respectively. And this is what leads us to the 130,000 Dollar Payment to Stormy Daniels that lies at the heart of this case and elliott, i mean, again, there is nothing necessarily illegal about an nda. There is nothing necessarily illegal about a hush money payment. No, theres nothing necessarily illegal about puffing. This is actually why steinglass is asking these very questions. Now, how do mbas work, right . Right now, were asking Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels, attorney, whether its unusual to have an amount so much higher for the penalty for breaking it, than the amount in the Contract Davidson testifies. He doesnt think that would have been actually legally enforceable because, quote, it is so far in excess of the settlement amount of the contract. In other words, 130,000 to keep quiet and if she doesnt keep quiet. She has to pay 1 million and part of what the prosecution has to do here is sensitize the jury to how ndas work as contracts, but also what the penalties are and what might have been normal or abnormal about that. Michael cohen, according to davidson, is the one who demanded that the provision be included and set at 1 million million who knows if he was doing that at the behest of mr. Trump or just serving as his lawyer. But either way, they wanted a tough penalties as Stormy Daniels could not tell her store and it can it can absolutely be a normal thing and contracts that theres a very high penalty for breach to disincentivize people from going out and breaking the contract. So even though its 130,000 dollar amount, that Million Dollars doesnt really jump out to me that much. Casey, one of the things that the trump attorneys are going to argue is that he did all this because he didnt want it out there for the trump brand, for his wife or his children. Maybe incidentally, for his campaign, but the campaign was not the focus. You cant say this is an entirely election unrelated expense, right . And that of course is the burden of proof that the prosecutors have right. To make the case that this is a cover up because at the end of the day, thats the case that theyre trying to make. There was a reason why they falsified these Business Records that makes that crime more significant, right so i still go back to the calendar and the place where we are in the election campaign, which is when this is all going on, which is just i want to be precise. Im not sure exactly when this kind of nda is floating around. But the dates that these all lining up, october, october 20 if 2016, right . Literally i mean, likely we would have described that as days before election day. Right. So that i think is probably where were headed here, at least thats how we saw it kind of unfold earlier in this test. Moreover, this is assuming its happening at that moment. This is when folks, for instance at the National Enquirer, are texting with davidson about the potential impact on the campaign. They were aware of the political moment that they were in Josh Steinglass, the prosecutor is asking who was accepting service on behalf on behalf of david dennis and aka donald trump Essential Consultants. Thats the name of this Shell Corporation in delaware formed by Michael Cohen Essential Consultants and care of Michael Cohen, esquire. Steinglass is showing davidson a Side Agreement which includes trumps real name and not David Dennison and jamie again, go something to think about here also, is it donald trump stands a decent if not better than decent chance of becoming the next president of the United States. If todays balls approved predictive and by the way, davids in a saying that trumps name in this agreement in the Site Agreement is written in his hand and handwriting proving that donald trump was actually involved. The David Davidson or whatever david dennis im sorry. All right. David, that is fictitious. David dennis and is actually donald trump, et cetera. It is further agreed that Neither Party shall keep a copy of this document is i want with trumps actual signature and then only Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels attorney, and Michael Cohen as counsel for the parties, would maintain possession of it, but something overshadowing all of this, donald trump has a decent chance of being reelected president in november, and he has sworn retribution and revenge against his political enemies. In a recent interview with time magazine, he said that if us attorneys did not carry out his instructions to prosecute people, he wanted prosecuted he felt it it was with totally within his rights to fire them and replace them. Davidson explaining the side Letter Agreement decodes the agreement that uses the synonyms exactly. I am your retribution. I believe is the quote we keep hearing that just goes back to the need the gag order because people are intimidated. They are fearful. And if hes the next president , hes given them some reason. Hes been very transparent about why they might be just to go back to Keith Davidson, i thought it was interesting. Kaitlan collins was in the courtroom and she mentioned earlier that hes a very good witness for the lawyers that when he answers a question, he turns to the jury. You them that he he he he knows what hes doing in there and he said earlier in earlier testimony that trump was the and a fischeri that he believed it was electionrelate d. And lets not forget to caseys point that this is october 2 weeks. We have heard testimony that it was possible they didnt. Stormy daniels, they were not sure they were going to get paid they thought that they were being stalling was the word and there was some discussion that will if we get past the election, we wont have to make the payment that connects it to the election as opposed to the brand or so most jurors right now in the courtroom are looking at the monitors in front of their seats as the Daughter Document is displayed on it. This is the actual document. There are only two copies of one Keith Davidson had on behalf of Stormy Daniels one, Michael Cohen had on behalf of donald trump. It had Donald Trumps actual signature, Keith Davidson says he never saw a copy of the agreement where there was a signature on the line for David Denison only thats the pseudonym for donald trump in this agreement, only Michael Cohen signed the agreement on trumps behalf. So Keith Davidson never saw that agreement so i suppose its only Michael Cohen actual that had the unless Stormy Daniels had a copy of for herself, but this one document that actually had donald trump signature was elusive. And so the question is whether or not this testimony that were seeing right now helps the defense i wouldnt go as far as they helps the defense, but its certainly something that they can and should crossexamined, meaning, worried about. You dont know it because youre not, its not its not clear. Absolutely. Based on the signature here that trump was involved you dont even know what theres other evidence that youre talking about. Who signed it, who saw it. And i think thats a smart Defense Attorney would really push that point. Well, one of the continuing features that were going to see here is to what extent was Michael Cohen freelancing act . Obviously, its acting on behalf, but to what extent is he implementing the details of these deals without uprising, donald trump and virtually everything in this case is going through gobetweens. Youre not going to see direct contact between donald trump and Stormy Daniels. Keith davidson, he did everything for daniels and for Mccarran Mcdougal for when it came to ami, they dealt through dylan howard, not david pecker, Michael Cohen is Doing Business for donald thompson, the defense is going to say the principles, most importantly, donald trump, theyre not getting there details. This is being worked out at lower levels, so theyre gonna argue a knowledge and intent defense. He didnt know about the specifics, and thats a battleground that were seeing, right . Yeah. And as for donald trump signature, im sure the argument will be he just got thrown documents all the time and they came any design them. You sign i mean, didnt even know what was going on. Im sure thats what the defense will argue is Keith Davidson trying right now to decode the Hush Money Deal to stop Stormy Daniels for telling her story of an alleged tryst with donald trump. Were gonna have much more from the reporters inside the courtroom. Youre watching cnn special so live coverage of The Trump Trial Iraj On Capitol Hill in this is cnn foreign sleep at night chronic warning. Or police get matched at Mattress Firm sleep at night he and helps us motivate our students accustomed gear. We love how customer takes care of everything we need, so we can focus on the kids customer and has hundreds products to help you feel connected upload your logo, or start your design today, hie customer right now, you can get a free foot august of weight just by any foot login to app and get one free. 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Com today any minute we do expect to hear from the president of the United States to address the coasttocoast up four that we have seen on College Campuses. Were keeping a close eye on that as biden has said, relatively little about it so far as we wait for President Biden to begin speaking, we are also closely following the developments in his predecessor it says for president Donald Trumps Hush Money Trial here in new york. A reminder it is Keith Davidson who was on the stand. Thats the attorney who negotiated these deals for Stormy Daniels. He just said something important, talking about how Michael Cohen was complaining about a Wall Street Journal Story About Donald Trump and Karen Mcdougal because its timing so close to the 2016 election, weve all of our experts here with us, judge kohn visor, i would like to start with you because were listening to this line of questioning with Keith Davidson. The prosecutor is where hes saying that Michael Cohen is very upset when a story came out about Karen Mcdougal and donald trump, and their relationship in the Wall Street Journal just four days before the election, actually happened. And what were seeing right now is that Keith Davidson texted dylan howard and the National Enquirer, the night of the election and said, what have we done . Dylan howard responded, quote oh, my god it seems very clear that prosecutors are trying to tie all of this to that date of november 8, 2016 thats right. The prosecutor shooters of course, have the burden of proving this case to the jury Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and an order to do that. They need to convince them that this whole arrangement had to do with whether or not this was going to affect the election. Thats their thats their theory as opposed to just cover his tracks because you ms cheating on his wife. So the closer these texts get to the election, the more people from the campaign or who eventually work in the white house, who are involved in this are going to be the focus of the prosecution to show that this was about something bigger than just a man cheating on his wife. This one buzz about the concerns that former president had about how this would look on the Campaign Trail yeah. And Keith Davidson is describing it, right . I always kind of Gallows Humor as theyre watching the Election Results come in that night and he said there was an understanding and our efforts may have in some way or activities may have in some way, assisted the president ial campaign of donald trump. I mean, that is where prosecutors have been leading Keith Davidson to getting to drawing that direct line between negotiating these agreements and at least the people who go shaded them on behalf of Stormy Daniels with trumps attorney, believed it was going to help him in the election that is powerful well evidence not just because of what the people need to prove, the people have a problem as youve talked about, all morning and on prior occasions that Michael Cohen is a damaged witness, they need to make sure they get as many of his comments corroborated by as many people on as many avenues as its possible, because the jurors are going to need to make sure that they have a good reason to accept his testimony because a man has lied under oath judge khan, dies or wheels have amd kaufman here with us whos here in new york. Hes a former executive assistant District Attorney for the Manhattan Das Office watching this trial very closely, and adam looking at what Keith Davidson is testifying right now, hes doing the same tactic that i witnessed him doing on tuesday, which is when hes answering these questions, hes a little i can directly at the jury, even when theyre asking basic questions like who won the 2016 election and hes answering, obviously, it was donald trump is looking at the jury as hes answering these questions, i wonder how impactful you believe that is no, its always good for a witness to remember who who, who your audience is and you often, when youre prepping your witnesses, tell them, look know youre im asking you the questions, but, your honor, is the jury. And so having a witness who is a lawyer knows this area. And so we know that providing information, court could be directing it to the jury. So im not im not surprised with the someone who is a lawyer in court system knowing how to do that . And adam, i this were getting these updates in real time from the remal. Want to read to you what, what we just heard. Keith davidson said he remembers near the holidays that he was in a weird apartment or Department Store strangely decorated, and that he got a call from a very despondent and saddened Michael Cohen and he said, Keith Davidson says referencing Michael Cohen he said something to the effect of jesus christ. Can you effing believe im not going to washington after everything. Ive done for that effing guy, im quoting Michael Cohen here. Im not going to actually say the word, but that is what Keith Davidson is saying. Michael cohen said to him upset that he wasnt getting a job in the trump administration. Where do you think prosecutors are going with this line of questioning well i im not sure. I think im not sure where the prosecutors are going, but its clear where the defense will go with this. And it brings up a point we talked about this with david pecker the other day where no, when we get to the crossexamination with pecker they didnt really have to go after pecker and destroy him because as he gave the defense a lot of material that they could use. So there was a lot they could bring out from him that would help the defense case. And so with a witness like that, and i think were probably going to see it with this witness. Theres a lot that hes saying that the defense will embrace and they will elevate thing things like cohens obvious dissatisfaction with trump at this moment, things like someone was commenting earlier the fact that they never saw trump sign this, the trump wasnt a part. Theres a lot of material for the defense to work with. And also, i would imagine that well see you it also attacking cohens credibility through this witness in many ways. So i think itll be interesting when we get to the cross to see how they react and what they take from the direct examination and try to amplify to make certain points with the jury yeah and paula reid, i mean, just reading this, there was an update that we just missed. There where Michael Cohen is treated, Keith Davidson like a therapist to a decree, i guess every single sentence has the effort and its apologize. I wont actually say it, but davidson said he recalls Michael Cohen saying that f and guy is not even paying me the 130,000 back person he is referring to and he says that f and guy is the president elect of the United States of america exactly at that time. So i think Defense Attorneys are really going to seize on this first. Theyre going to say, clearly this guy has an ax to grind hi and with the defendant going back all the way to the winter of 2016 and then also the idea that he didnt think at that point he was going to get paid back the hundred and 30,000 now right now, were told trumps eyes remained closed while davidson is testifying. His lawyer, todd blanche, whispered something in trumps e or while has i stayed shut, which trump acknowledged, but didnt react to you, but i think Defense Attorneys are going to seize on that and argue, look, there was no grand conspiracy. Some brilliant plan that we devise to suppress Stormy Daniels story. But Michael Cohen paying her and then were going to pay her back. No prosecutors will also be able to try to untangle that. But i think this right here this is something that theyre definitely going to revisit when they have a chance to crossexamine him. Well, and what about the significance of Michael Cohen complaining that he didnt get a job in the white house. I mean, that was the time when trump was interviewing people at trump tower for cabinet positions white house counsel, all of these positions and Michael Cohen did, as we report at the time, wanted to join the admin yeah. I mean, what the prosecutions doing right now now, is theyre taking the sting out of the bad facts in the case. Theyre not going to wait for the defense to bring this up. They know its coming out and so prosecutors will often bring up these what i would call bad facts like heating, get paid back like he didnt get a job in the white house because its coming out one way or another. You dont want the jury to hear it from the first for the first time from the defense, as if youre hiding from it really you have to embrace all your facts as a prosecutor, the good, the bad, the ugly, and then tell the jury what it means. Ultimately, in summation. So these are the facts of the case. It is what it is from the defense is going to use this as a way to show Michael Cohen has an ax to grind against donald trump. Yeah. Also citing denials from Keith Davidson to reporters about this story. A reminder for you as we are watching closely whats happening in court, we are waiting to hear from President Biden. We are told that he plans to speak about the chaos that were saying play out with these protests on college College Campuses across the country. Meanwhile, here in new york and sayyed the core, prosecutors trying to connect the dots using this testimony to show donald trump wanted to keep Stormy Daniels quiet to boost it its chances of winning the election. Were covering both stories very closely. More cnns special coverage next the future is here. Weve been creating it for more than 100 years, from the most advanced technology to the broadest, most Reliable Network of sales and service dealers. Always moving forward. We lead. Others follow. Really having with jesse l. Martin. Sundays at nine on cnn, the trump Hush Money Trial gavel to gavel coverage away only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and realtime updates live from the courtroom. Follow the facts follow the testimony, follows. Cnn right now, you can get a free foot august up wait, just buy it foot login to app and get one free. Just and a qr code and Enter Promo Code, fifo go. It only works. Im not a satos three buddy, you still got a landline or your house . Auto noun that subway app critics and audiences are raving about that. Number one week in america. Ill make them suck Luca Guadagnino is challengers it would have miraculous its pure filmmaking booleans challengers. We did are now playing in theaters everywhere that should moves fast. So we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level with a custom private 5g networks, we get more control of production efficiencies and greater agility. Thats enterprise intelligence. 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We are told he plans to make remarks about the chaos were seeing on College Campuses with these antiwar, anti protests across the country biden has really said very little to this point about the protests and the arrests and all the rest weve seen on College Campuses night after night, were also getting some updates from inside the courtroom in new york where our reporters theres are following every detail of Donald Trumps hush money cover up for all the prosecution, dispensing with some potentially bad facts for their case. Keith davidson the attorney for Stormy Daniels is now detailing for the jury how trumps former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen was furious over donald trump refusing to pay him back in a timely fashion. Also, we have learned that he was furious that donald trump had not tapped him to come with him to washington, dc, were joined here in washington by former trump attorney tim parlatore. And tim as we as you watch this play out, the jury being shown the january 18, 2018 statement from Stormy Daniels davidson, Keith Davidson, her attorney being asked whether he prepared the statement in which she denies the affair. He said i believe so. Steinglass asked, how would you categorize the truthfulness of the statement . This is do you agree with the assessment . This is the prosecution trying to get some bad facts out of the way so that when the defense introduces them as they no doubt will, because they undermine the case of the jury, wont oh, i didnt i didnt know that its already been its already been established, but thats absolutely detroits its something that prosecutors do a lot. It doesnt change the crossexamination and certainly, you would try to bring that out and try and make it sound that much more salacious than then that which the prosecutors tried to blunt it, but thats absolutely whats going on right now in one more thing about that, its not just the surprise factor for the jury hearing of the first time its also because the prosecutor can control the questioning and ask it in such a manner that it comes out in a positive way when the defense has a crack at him, itll be leading questions. Thank you. You said this didnt you . And he can only really answer yes or no. So its really just its almost like a stage craft thing as much as it is surprising the jury. And here it is. Keith. Keith davidson is arguing that the truthfulness of the statement in which Stormy Daniels denied the affair or the interlude or whatever you wanna call it how would you characterize, how would you categorize the truthfulness of the statement the prosecution asks and Keith Davidson says, well and extremely strict reading of this denial would technically be true. So all of all of you folks out there who get frustrated by lawyerly statements that dont actually deny deny something of although those of us not used to reading lawyer statements might actually say, oh look, he apologized or oh look, he denied it. Davidson is saying with an extremely fine reading, id have to go back and look at this, figure out how it was actually true elie honig is trying to thread a really thin needle here and im interested to see what comes next. What davidson is doing is walking the jury through the payment structure to Stormy Daniels, and thats really important to the charges here. People need to understand theres two steps to this first, Michael Cohen, the individual pays Stormy Daniels through Keith Davidson, hundred 30,000. The way Michael Cohen got that money we know from a prior witness is he drew down on his own personal mortgage without telling his wife and while misleading his banker, that was gary farro testified a couple of days ago. So cohen pays the hundred 30,000 first and davidsons giving us a really important insight into cohens anxiety and fear at that moment, cohen saying hes not going to pay me back. Im doing this for him. And thats going to allow the defense argued again, this is my go cohen acting as a freelancer. Hes keeping donald trump in the dark. Hes paying on his own now, the second half of that transaction is eventually donald trump and the trump organizations reimburse Michael Cohen and that comes over the course of the next several months, including after trump has become president through a series of checks. So theres two parts here, but its going to enable the defense to argue Michael Cohen was doing this on Michael Cohen was the architect here, not donald trump. And that really, i mean, the lawyers here, we have easily have to keep in mind the consumers of this information and thats the 12 people and the six other let me just interrupt for one second because were all interested in the how how Stormy Daniels bernie is saying that the statement is technically true. He says, quote, i think youd have to hone in on the definition of romantic sexual way. And then affair. I quote, i dont think that anyone had alleged that any interaction between she and mr. Trump was romantic . That is clean. Tonia the modern burden of it depends on the definition. Yeah. Unit part of the problem. Theres as a lawyer, hes not supposed to be putting out false information. And so he has to thread the needle here of how does he testified truthfully now and at the same time that say, i was facilitating a fraud back then and i was putting out a knowingly false statements. So ive had such an interesting point now that hes not just a witness, but hes a lawyer and he has to protect the fact that he wants to continue to be a lawyer or a member of the bar . Yes. So this steinglass asked davidson whether statement was cleverly misleading. David says he doesnt understand the question. Well, thats cleverly is meetings the lawyerly way to put it. I think the plain language way is were you being two . Two cubed by half by parsing this language and the way you did with differentiating between romantic versus sexual versus versus not. So the statement and boy, this is really getting silly, but this is in 2000 hours, just get going to meet a new words. He said as the fact this is what she said. Okay. This is a statement and he was actually asked about this by jimmy kimmel when she said something like, well, that looks like my signature doesnt it . But steinglass is asking how quote, rumors that i have received hush money from donald trump are completely false, unquote is a true statement davidson says, well, it wasnt a payout and it wasnt hush money. It was consideration in a civil Settlement Agreement. So this is how the parsing is done the statement of 2018, the fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011 in 2016, 2017, and now again in 2018, the sine Statement Reads im not denying this a fair because i was paid hush money as has been reported in overseas own tabloids. Im deny it because it never happened. And so heres you have the attorney kasie khan saying, well, it wasnt hush money it was a civil agreement or something along those lines. So what do you use the phrase hush money to describe the money that was paid to your client by donald trump steinglass asks, i would never use that word davidson says its actually two words, but anyway this is what no offense to this side of the table is what people hate about four years oh, hold on. Here as President Biden, few moments about how much going on on our College Campuses here. Weve all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental american principles, excuse me the first is the right to free speech. And for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law both must be upheld. We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent the American People are heard. In fact, peaceful protest isnt the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. But, but neither are we allow us country where our Civil Society an order must prevail throughout our history, weve often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, freethinking and freedom loving nation in moments like this are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isnt a moment for politics among them, for clarity so let me be clear peaceful protest in america violent protest is not protected. Peaceful protest is its against the law and violence occurs. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. Its against the law vandalism trespassing breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. None of this is a peaceful protest threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. Its against the law the senate is essential to democracy, but to sent must never lead to disorder or to deny and the rights of others. So students can finish the semester and theyre College Education look, its basically a matter of fairness. Its a matter of whats right theres the right to protest. But not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education all, right to get a degree the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked but lets be clear about this as well. There should be no place in any campus, no place in america for antisemitism or threats of violence against jewish students there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether its antisemitism islamophobia, or discrimination against arab americans are palestinian americans its simply wrong. Theres no place for racism in america its all wrong, its on america. I understand people have strong feelings in deep convictions in america. We respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesnt mean anything goes it needs to be done without violence, without destruction without hate. And within the law and ill make no mistake as present, i will always the friend free speech and i will always be just as strong and standing up for the rule of law thats my responsibility to you. The American People my obligation of constitution thank you very much force you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region . No. Thank you. Do you think the National Guard should intervene . Know mr. Reed, are calling for mr. President. The former president all right. President biden giving some comments about the unrest weve seen on College Campuses talking about how these protests bring an odds two important american principles. One, of course, the right of free speech to demonstrate peacefully, and the other one, of course, the right of students to feel safe and secure in an academic establishment. He did on his way out of the room also say that he didnt think the National Guards should be dispatched to College Campuses, which of course has been going on in texas for one, as well as other Law Enforcement agencies in other states. Lets talk a bit about this before we go back to the trump trial dana bash, i know that there there has been criticism of President Biden for waiting until today, quite late in all of this to give a statement what were your thoughts . Yeah. We have heard from his spokespeople yesterday on the white house podium, and the Deputy Press Secretary before that, since the unrest really started, but there have been cause not just from his political opponents, but from his political supporters to go out and to Say Something that is, it gives clarity and a very solid argument for what is okay, and what is not okay . And its hard to imagine that anybody heard that and didnt hear a very, very clear argument that as you said, jake, you can be somebody who opposes any policy and you should have the right that is a fundamental right in the United States of america. But you cant intimidate, you cant do anything to stop people from going to classes or from feeling unsafe. And it is it is complicated. It is something that is steeped in nuance, but its also something that a leader can and should. And i think probably in this case, did be able to clarify and make easier to understand for the American People. Thats what a leader is supposed to do. And lets also be clear, we went way past nuance with the violence that weve seen in the last two days. I mean, break and that is i think the distinction that President Biden was trying to make, breaking into the building at columbia, the images that we saw out of ucla. We were just showing some of them on the screens here. There have been all these conversations about these vary in many cases, terrible signs and messages that have been on these College Campuses in terms of antisemitism but the escalation in recent days, i think is clearly what motivated at president to come out now, even after i will say every morning, i have gotten up looking at the previous day. What did the president say about this . Because ive been waking up and covering and five in the morning, these protests breaking out on these College Campuses. And the answer has always been until lets afternoon, well know, heres some paper, here are some offcamera comments from the administration. Clearly, they felt like they needed to finally Say Something. And i think you could really here for President Biden and dana, you were talking about this as we listened to him, you could hear the conviction in his voice in this speech. Yep. So when you were doing your showed this morning, casey 5 00 a. M. East coast time im is 2 00 a. M. Pacific time. And it was at 1 00 a. M. Pacific time, i believe that Law Enforcement went into the encampment at the campus of ucla in los angeles to clear out the encampment there, which obviously is generally not as smooth and easy process. Josh campbell is there are Law Enforcement correspondent and former fbi official looking at the well, that does not look ready for graduation. Ill just say that Josh Campbell no it certainly doesnt. And you know, after that clash that we saw last night with Law Enforcement here, ultimately deciding that it was time to go in. They did this in steps. They issued an Unlawful Assembly order and then ask this crowd to disperse and then they went in the california highway patrol. There were some skirmishes weve talked to some of the officers inside so that they had things that were thrown out. I saw one officer who was covered in the powder from a fire extinguisher, but no injuries being reported at this point, we are learning and ill ill tell you as we kind of zoom in about whats left here, you can see behind me there were 250 protesters approximately in this its camp thats what they chp tells us they brought in 250 officers of their own so essentially one officer for one protester bringing all of those individuals out we are told that 130 of those protesters were taken into placed under arrest were waiting to see what those charges actually are now overnight, we started to get a sense that this was about to go down because yesterday this gets to the Presence Point about lawful versus unlawful. The university itself, up to the point of last night, didnt ask the police to come in and actually clear this camp, but that all changed. We started seeing resources come in. We saw the fbi field office, which is about a mile from here, essentially we turn into a staging point for dozens and dozens of Law Enforcement officers, multiple prisoner buses were brought in. And as you mentioned, j. Around 1 00 a. M. Time, we are a little further than that, but that was the time when they actually made entry into the actual camp itself. Ive going in conducting those arrest right now, it is really quiet. What youre seeing. I dont know if you can see in the back brown there, but a line of lapd officers just showed up along with private security for the university here and essentially did a complete sweep. There were a few protesters that were still milling about there was a standoff of sorts early this morning between the chp and protesters on that perimeter, then the chp just laughed. But now the officers are back. Theyre clearing that camp. University tells us that this is the beginning of the cleanup process. After a very, very tense several days here, jake . Yes. And thats usually i said note a beautiful, spotless campus in los angeles, not what it looks like. Right there before we turn back to the trump trial, i do want to ask the lawyers some questions because there are some important legal questions here. Its very easy to say. I support peaceful pop protest. I dont support violent protests. The fact of the matter is that its the kind of speech that has been heard at these protests thats in the grayer, right . When you have protestors saying go back to poland, to jewish students when you have protestors saying that what hamas did on october 7 was fine and praising individual terrorists. That is free speech. It is protected by the First Amendment private College Campuses are not places that have to adhere to a First Amendment protection necessarily write and it is in that nuance however, ugly and hateful, antisemitic that nuance is where we find some of the real issues here that are not so simple. So a couple of things. First of all, free speech is protected, even hateful speech up to the point of imminent incitement. And this may bring to mind Donald Trumps rally speech. We did a lot of analysis along those lines. Was this likely to imminent . Italy incite people to commit crimes in this case . Yeah, it has to be clear enough, specific enough that you can look at it and go thats likely to cause someone to break the law, to assault somebody to destroy property. The other thing is when were looking at these encampments people do of course, have very broad first minute rights to protest, to assembles, right in the First Amendment. But thats always subject to reasonable what the law calls time, place, and manner restrictions, meaning you cant take over the quad, you cant live in an area thats available for public consumption. You cant block other people from getting to class. So all of which weve seen all videos, stuff. Yeah. I dont think theres any First Amendment defense for the actual physical and cabinets. And as for the individual speech that weve heard, it really depends on the nuances of whatsapp, but the key leinz, you cannot incite someone to commit a crime soon. Can i just add one thing . You talked about when the president walked out of the room, he was asked two questions, one of which, as you said, was, should the National Guard to be deployed . He said no the other was a question about whether he will change his policies. He also said, no, that should not get lost in this because the people who are protesting peacefully, doing everything right on these campuses and elsewhere, what they are saying that they want is for the president to change his policies because of the way that the netanyahu government is acting. Whether the prosecuting the war and so forth, they want to divest from israel. They want the us to stop funding, or at least at helping with the weaponry that israel had. He said one word, no, hes not going to change any of that. Yeah. One of the other things a lot of these protestors are calling for, of course, is also that universities divest all money from companies that do business in israel or military companies such as boeing as weve been talking about what we just heard from the president s important moments happening inside the manhattan courtroom. Keith davidson stolen the stand were going to tell you the latest from Donald Trumps hush money, corrupt, prowling minutes. Youre watching Cnn Special Live Coverage every stories of the morning in five minutes or less. Cnns five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on on max, itch. Scratch must not itch stop the if sanity with cortisone ten for bug bites, poison ivy, and other riches, cortisone ten is number one. Doctor recommended. It works fast and lasts for hours. Cortisone ten men tell, us. When they use just for men to eliminate gray, theres a great before and after then. 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And with ai, we can look at so much more than sales data by our behaviors, social engagement see that predictive analytics, how long have you been doing this . As long as weve been with bds people who know no bd, you im Arlette Saenz at the white house, and this is cnn welcome back to cnns special live coverage is Keith Davidson, the former attorney for the adult film actress Stormy Daniels is still on the Witness Stand now living the jury there, what he branded as Michael Cohens pants on fire stage as public reports were coming out about Stormy Daniels is alleged relationship with donald trump. Im here with cnn chief Legal Affairs correspondent paula reid, and karen friedman, agnifilo. Agnifilo, the former chief assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan Das Office and there has been a really interesting line of questioning happening right now inside the courtroom where the prosecutors are asking Keith Davidson simple things like, do you consider this to be hush money . This, what do blue, this was a relationship and a fair between donald trump and Stormy Daniels because the statements they were putting out at the time from Stormy Daniels dont rules and from Keith Davidson, karen, were basically saying that there was no relationship that she was not paid hush money and Keith Davidson is pushing back and hes refusing to call it hush money. What do you make that . This is the of slippery language that people really dislike . When whether its a lawyer or politician, i dont know. This reminds me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Comment. Its its clear that this is not true that he was being too cute by half as they say and whats happening right now as Josh Steinglass has to just say, look, this is what it is this is the cd world that donald trump lived in. These are the people he dealt with. You dealt with with the underbelly of media of lawyers of amino Michael Cohen. Youve rudy giuliani, you have this guy Keith Davidson but prosecutors going to say, look, i didnt pick these people, donald trump picked all these people. And this is what youre seeing. But theres no way theyre going to embrace this kind language in this parsing of words. But it is what it is. Yeah, i mean, hes calling it a consideration instead of calling it hush money, even though we just saw the contract polo that says Stormy Daniels couldnt speak publicly about it. They were riding her denials when people for reaching out about it. I mean, what else would you call it . Exactly . Shes getting hundred and 30,000 and they are getting her silence. Theyre getting hurt to hush. So the idea that that was consideration for something else, it just doesnt hold water. I think even calling it slippery is being generous. And then the idea that hes well, were denying there was a romantic relationship no. Read that statement. It specifically says that shes denying any sexual or romantic relationship. So him trying to weasel out of that. Its just not going to play well with jury. Well, because hes tried to parse it. He said a relationship. He considers to be an ongoing interaction with any endeavor had sex multiple times, allegedly in her statements, you saying, i am deny a sexual encounter or end or romantic relationships. So he is hes really not doing himself any favors here. But again, like karen said, they have to get some of this out of the way. Adam kaufmann is watching all of this along with us in his back with me now and adam, you know, what is happening right now inside the courtroom is theyre talking about what Stormy Daniels went on Jimmy Kimmels latenight program after donald trump delivered his state of the union address. This is january 2018, just to take us all back. This is when all this reporting was coming out in the Wall Street Journal and other publications, i remember because that was the state of the union where it belonging to trump, the first lady at the time refused to ride in the motorcade with her husband to capitol hill for that she instead went separately, i believe she was wearing a white suit that night. A lot of subliminal messages there and right now, were say were seeing that some of the jurors are smiling. Is Keith Davidson is explaining a text message. And what he meant by wtf as they were were talking about her appearance on jimmy kimmel where shes denying the allegations of the affair and of hush money which we now can see her signature on these agreements shocking. There there are people get caught up in lies about sex who would have thought get theres an interesting thing thats happening in the courtroom right now, because you have both the substance of what is being said, but you also have the appraisal of the witness and through the witness the peoples case. So the juries are sort of both look, listening to what is being said, but theyre also watching this guy and at least four commentators this morning. Ive used the word weasel and he doesnt look good and its something that the defense will get up on crossexamination and make a lot of hay width and theyll feel continue to make this guy looks slippery to make him look untrustworthy and hope that by association some of the jurors will start to be a little bit skeptical about the das case. So theres both the substance of the cross and the feeling in the courtroom that you have to be in the room to really get that. But it sounds like its coming over on the text screen as well and thats an important part for the defense to try to get some jurors to be skeptical and perhaps reject portions of the District Attorneys case thats an important point because obviously prosecutor hasnt been questioning Keith Davidson for several hours now, but the defense is going to get their chance to crossexamine him soon, which i was told could take up most of the day and davidson is saying he was kinda exasperated as Stormy Daniels was appearing on jimmy kimmel because he was learning think about it all from Michael Cohen and Text Messages who was in pants on fire mode as he described it as all this was coming out. They were continuing to text until early in the morning on january 31st, was the prosecution trying to get out with Michael Cohens state of chaos and whatever you would call the pants on fire description as all of this information is coming out publicly i assume its not liar, liar pants on fire. Its a different a different pants on fire so as people have said one of the things to prosecution needs to do is to bring out some of the negative aspects of their witnesses. Michael cohen has got a lot of baggage. This is all going to come out eventually. And as the prosecutor, you want to bring that out first. You dont want the jury to have the sense that youre trying to hide it, that youre covering up for this witness, who you are calling to the Witness Stand . You want to bring all of this out in advance to take the sting out of it. And then the other thing is im just listening to this and it almost feels like the direct could be the cross but the pants on fire the panic. This is all just more eventually will be used as part of the hearing down Michael Cohens credibility as a witness and were hearing now how Michael Cohen threaten to sue Stormy Daniels many times, and Keith Davidson talking on how he described it as like threading a needle, trying to navigate the parameters of this agreement, which hes refusing to call a hush money agreement. And paula reid, what we both covered the trump white house. This is january 2018. Donald trump has been president for a year at this point. Hes delivering his first state of the union address. It just shows that all of this was going on well into when donald trump was in the white house, when david pecker is showing up to the white house, Michael Cohen is still handling columns for donald trump, even though he was upset that trump didnt give them a job in the white house exactly. Its very chaotic. And what we often see behind the scenes at the trump organization, or especially in the trump administration, is that there is chaos and you dont always have the most adept actors executing things for thenpresident , now former president and what we know here is theyre about to completely lose control of Stormy Daniels and about a month from this this time, shes going to do an interview with Anderson Cooper and admit that yeah. All these denials were complete lies but as chaos has often been a defense against conspiracy right . That it was so chaotic that there was no there was no way that these people could execute, design and execute some sort of vast conspiracy among themselves. So i think youre going to see the Defense Attorneys when they have a crack at davidson really seize on that and also the apparent absence of their client and any of these conversations. I mean, that does seem to be something that todd blanche in them is a good moment for them to begin their defense, their crossexamination of him because hes refusing to say its whats at the center of all of this i think hes going to come back and say, i think what davidsons going to say is, look, i wasnt trying to be tarred, karen, let me just add this before youve that thought. And Keith Davidson characterizes those things. Coal would say to them, including dont f with us, you dont know who youre effing with, things like that. Apologies for everyone who is watching in the middle of the day right now, a lot of f words and almost every text message it appears that Michael Cohen sit during this period of time. I think what davidson is trying to say here is look, im not slippery and thats on me. I wasnt trying to be two if i have i was trying to not be in violation of the order of being asked questions and were trying to respond in a way that didnt violate the order and then unleash the wrath of Michael Cohen and on Stormy Daniels. And so i think thats a slightly different spin on this this feeling that oh, hes just a liar. So well see how it plays out about trying get back to donald trump saying he wanted her to deny her story to protect his client, his client, of course, the president of the United States. And thats gonna be really important for the prosecutors getting davidson to make the connection to the defendant that he was actively involved in trying to keep Stormy Daniels quiet because he knew if that story got out, it will be damaging to him all roads lead back to donald trump will see how effectively the prosecution makes that argument. Here. Right now, donald trump, before president of the United States is in court listening to all of this, these updates that we are bringing you hes listening to this. Suppose details of his sex life, and hes hush money payments and what happened. There are much more from inside the courtroom. After a quick break the best mothers day food gibbs are shipping nationwide so what you want Martha Stewart strawberry layer cake jacques torres, signature chocolates danielle volutes Award Winning beef and butter kit or legendary cheesecake from juniors restaurant gold belly. It shipping the greatest food gifts to your door. Order. Now for mothers day and get ph install the free keepsake app. We would love a chance to frame it for you. Im kevin liptak at the white house, and this is cnn every piece of evidence tells a story how really hundred jesse l maga, sundays at nine on cnn the furniture business. Things move fast. Ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. 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Dont f with us without the asterisks is now part of the record. And Donald Trumps hush money coverup trial. Those are the words that Michael Cohen said to davidson according to davidson, when cohen was in davidson view and all in an all out frenzy to try to keep the Stormy Daniels story quiet. The prosecution has finished its direct examination of this attorney, Keith Davidson, and trumps team is going to begin their crossexamination after this brief break that theyre in right now, i want to review what happened while we were covering other things in a second, but before i do, lets turn to our legal experts. Its and see what they anticipate. Trumps lawyers, the defense team will try to do when they have Keith Davidson on the stamp. So two things. First of all, the Donald Trumps lawyers are going to use Keith Davidson to attack Michael Cohen. And thats already started to happen in the direct examination. Keith davidson is already testing fight that he hated dealing with Michael Cohen, that Michael Cohen was outrageously aggressive, most important one point, Keith Davidson says to Michael Cohens face, i dont believe a word you say to me. So prosecutors are going to really focus in on that. The second thing i think theyre going to try to get across is this is all just a bunch of lying liars leinz, to each other about sex. And that came through with mega tail end of davidsons testimony, where hes trying to say, well, it was i wouldnt say its a hush money payment, but it was a payment for her to stay quiet. And while i wouldnt say it was a fair because they didnt have romantic feelings. I mean, this is nonsense. All of them are lying to each other. Theyre lying to the public and they want the jury to just say, who can sort all this out. This is just scoundrels. Theyre all lying to each other. And just wash their hands if theres one of the exact quotes to get at the parsing that Keith Davidson was in how is it true to say that Stormy Daniels and donald trump didnt have a relationship. He said, quote, because i dont think that anyone has ever alleged that there was a relationship between Stormy Daniels and donald trump . I believe a relationship isnt ongoing interaction. Did they actually teach this takes a holistic view of what what do you think i have coming . I did not get to take that glass. I did not take a class. Sounds like a good one, but not are saying 1,010. 01 is onetoone. No. I actually think nothing to see here. Normalcy of these types of arrangements or agreements. This whole idea of what we were interacting about was the language was consideration in exchange for a contract between parties that we were just talking about, payment for an agreement here. Not all this business about hush money and falsified records and so on. So i think what they do is simply get him to walk through again, the parameters of the agreement and just normalize it as a former attorney for donald trump, would you be relishing this cross or how would you see this opportunity . Mishneh going to be as much fun as Michael Cohen himself. But of course certainly, i mean, i think that theres a lot of stuff here and i dont know what the discovery was on this guy, but everything that the prosecution just put out on direct theres a lot you can work with here. So i would go and use him to attack Michael Cohens credibility and theres a lot of different angles, so you can use on that. I would use him to kind of separate michael kahn from donald trump because theres a lot of things that apparently is doing on his own without getting approval from above and the parts were Michael Cohen is even saying say it came from me, not him so you can try and use that to separate them the idea that he, Michael Cohen is calling this guy up when donald trump goes to dc and is complaining about not going down to the white house. You can go into that and how thats crazy to me. The idea that why why would you say to Keith Davidson if youre upset with something your client did the call up opposing counsel and crying and shoulders, just its insane and went away maybe for normal attorney, its insane. So let me let me just read some quotes to our this side of the table, which is stuff after that we missed cohen threatened to sue Stormy Daniels many times, Keith Davidson said, he can be a very aggressive guy. Cohen threatened to quote rain legal hell down upon her. Dont f with us. You dont know who your effing with . And things like that. Davidson said, this is Michael Cohen doing his job as opposed to using mr. Davis my son would say that tracks that is one thats ever interacted with Michael Cohen who hasnt been threatened words out of my mouth. Very pleasant. Now. But when he was in, donald trump attack dog mode, that was classic. I mean, you could cut and paste that and put it on the phone of Michael Cohen and hit send and it would look exactly the same to so many reports. Is that so many lives that not his job . Thats thats my thats my point. Is that he was doing that on behalf of were going to call from rahm emanuel when he was obamas white house, j. I did. I did. And you can hold the phone out of here without the speaker phone. Can i just say though it is clear what the prosecution has done here, i think all three of you will agree. Theyre trying to inoculate the way yes. Theyre bringing all of this up ahead of time in front of the jury. And then i assume we will get to some point where they will say the equivalent of the point is what isnt whether or not you like Michael Cohen or he was a jerk or what hes not the one whos on trial. And these are the facts and the documents were falsified. Okay. Yeah. I mean, i think this again goes back to what weve been talking about as theyve been going through this. And it speaks to what cohen is doing day by day. The questions about the gag order. It all goes to his credibility and the way that he interacts with trump and whether this is going to be enough, right . That is this inoculation going to be enough to overcome the vast mountain of evidence that we all have that Michael Cohen cohen has told a lot of lives seems to be willing to tell lies and its hard to trust him. Right . I mean, thats thats the the hill they have to climb. No. Yeah. Youve car is in a break right now. Were going to have much more cnns special coverage ahead. Stay with us. 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Keith davidson, the onetime attorney for the adult film actress Stormy Daniels just love to stand as donald trump has also left the courtroom in a few minutes when the judge returns with the jury, trumps team will get their chance to crossexamine Keith Davidson, obviously going im just something to watch very closely, joining me now is criminal Defense Attorney bill brennan, who represented Donald Trumps Payroll Corporation and a tax fraud trial. And trump himself in his second impeachment trial and mr. Brennan, thanks for being here. And i just wonder, first of what your takeaway was from the closing questioning and that line of questions that prosecutors had for Keith Davidson well, good morning, caitlin. And thanks for having me. Josh steinglass was smart to try to get this out at the end of direct to, maybe take the edge off the cross a little. But these are the types of lawyer witnesses that personify why the general public has a bad taste in its mouth for lawyers, i mean, for this man to get on there and play linguistic jeanette gymnastics, saying, well, it really wasnt hush money. It was consideration. Thats like calling a robbery and involuntary loan. I mean, its all going to come down to believability and credibility he yourself in the place of one of those jurors. And at the end of this, mr. Blanche is going to get up and hes going to say, look, you know, it comes down to who do you believe and what has the ring of truth . And lets say you took your fiveyearold daughter down to the skating park and theres Little Island in the middle and theres a big sign that says no scale hitting the day thin ice. But Michael Cohens on the ireland and davidsons on the island and saying, come on over the ice is fine. Would you put your daughter on that thin ice on the good word of Michael Cohen and thats the problem here theres these colin particularly is a polluted source. And so far i heard somebody say all roads lead to donald trump. Now, all roads lead to cohen. Cohen is unhinged. Hes erratic, hes hes calling and crying on davidson shoulder one day about not getting a job in dc and then telling him you dont know who your effing with. I mean, this is this is a witness that the defense will have great fodder with on cross those are too strong analogies backtoback. If youre todd blanche, or whatever trump attorney is going to handle the crossexamination here whats your first question right out of the gate for Keith Davidson monies back on the Witness Stand and you didnt believe cohen. So why should this jury he says what he was when he said he didnt believe Michael Cohen. I was in there. That was that specific line of questioning where cohen kept basically delaying when they were going to wire the money for Stormy Daniels, he was saying, well, its jewish holidays. The banks are closed trumps campaigning and five different states, he was saying i didnt believe his excuses about why he couldnt pay me oh, well, again, we can drill it down and it sets and subsets, but he didnt believe him. And thats, thats huge for the defense. Cohen as a conviction for lying to congress, he is a convicted felon. Hes a polluted source. And davidson was davidson should have embraced the hush money payments. So yeah, it was hush money. Thats thats what thats what was four to try to dance around that and say, well, was there the romantic, i dont know those romantic. It was really consideration it leaves a bad taste in the fact finders mouth well and prosecutors really tried to drill down on just how unbelievable the denials from Stormy Daniels were, how memorable of a moment do you think that will be for the jury potentially . Well, i mean, think about a caitlin, youre going to have cohen, a convicted liar. Youve got davidson, whos doing fred astaire all over the dictionary. And now youll have ms clifford, who on video on some late night show saying, but never happened. I mean, youve got three people the light at some point, whether its macro or micro theyve been liars at some point at least two of the three. So i think that theres a lot to work with. The jury and the Crucial Point here too, is even if all this happened and even if i dont think the prosecution is tied it directly to the defendant yet, but even if they do with other witnesses over the other means unless its shown to be in furtherance of another crime, they dont get the felony bill brennan, the gi thank you very much for many of those analogies that you squeezed in there those few minutes, i should note the judge, the jury, the defendant, the witness, all back in the courtroom now is crossexamination of kenya davidson is going to start and just moments. Well bring you all of those updates live here on Cnn Special Live Coverage at Morgan Stanley School Hardware meets Bold New Thinking At 88 years old we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possible abilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real norman, bad news. I never graduated from med school. What . But the good news is. 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This is whats going to happen, trust and well mix it really easy and succinct for people to grow out their create their estate plan its such an important thing to have if things in the people that you care about are taking create your estate plan, not trust, and well dot com welcome back to cnn spectral live coverage donald trump, hush money, cover up, trial crossexamination is just getting underway for a critical witness. This is Keith Davidson, the former attorney for adultfilm star director stormy again, you also as well as 1998 Playboy Playmate of the year, Karen Mcdougal mr. Davidson, being questioned by trump attorney emil beauvais. Davidson, just confirmed for the jury that he has never had any interactions directly with donald trump, the former president of the United States. Cnn reporters inside the courtroom telling us that trump is staring at the witness as the answer questions, answers questions from Donald Trumps attorney johnnie, doing this now in studio is Michael Cohens former attorney, former lanny davis, to answer some of our questions. First of all, lanny, thanks so much for being here. Appreciate it. Have you spoken with Michael Cohen recently at all . Last week or so . Yes, it has you doing has to fill the trial is going i think hes feeling the pressure, but still weights to tell the truth as he did when we first met when we decided to work together. If you listen closely, you can hear trumps attorneys salivating to do crossexamination against Michael Cohen. Is he read not only is he ready, but the salivation is to his credit or the low expectations about his lying and going to prison being a perjury and all those words were used when michael testified in front of a Congressional Committee where the rules of evidence were an applying and he was on national and international television. The first words he said to the republicans, id be interested my fellow attorneys. What you would do on Cross Examination with this . Is i am ashamed of what i did im here to tell the truth. I dont expect you to believe me. But im here to do an own what i did for donald trump. So this witness, when he testifies, i am sure is going to say yes, i allied and yes, i did wrong in many cases for donald trump. But i own that now im telling the truth and it will be up to the jury to decide whether he is credible. The people who cross examined him, of course, we will try to suggest that hes not credible so right now, just so just to tell you whats going on inside the courtroom right now, emil bove, hey, who is Donald Trumps attorney, is getting Keith Davidson to talk about the deal, the Hush Money Deal with Karen Mcdougal, the Playboy Playmate of the year from 1998 and she said that the deal hundred and 50,000 and she doesnt have to talk about her relationship with donald trump was her dream there was ongoing value and her image and likeness, right . But they asked yes, davidson said davidson confirmed that he did not speak with Michael Cohen about the Karen Mcdougal deal to separate deal until after it was closed, dana land eight. Good to see you. You talked about the testimony that Michael Cohen is going to give but the other question now, i remember for you when you worked with him saying that you do have the receipts, meaning its not just what he says, its what he can show and what were seeing this morning is the trumped event defense trying to separate what Michael Cohen was doing from Donald Trumps direction just cohen have the ability to say at this wasnt me freelancing. This was at his direction. Well, he certainly will say that to show it to show it. The case is documented for everything that michael says. And the documents, our emails and Text Messages from others not for mr. Trump and i always start when im doing these interviews that mr. Trump is innocent man until he is Proven Guilty under our system. So everything i say today, certainly with the knowledge of the gag order. But respect for the gag order is that everything i say is left up to a jury to decide my ultimate answer. The attacks by the quest examination were doing their job. Its up to the jury to use common sense to answer your question. And the documentation of what michael says will be part of the establishment that what hes saying now, even if he lied in the past is documented and the jury just may believe lanny, did you talk to Michael Cohen recently about his decision to come out and say, im not going to pack mr. Trump anymore while this is going on as these gag order backandforths have been happening, do you think he understands theres potentially repercussions for him if he keeps doing that. So you know, i hate not answering questions. I can definitely answer the question that we have discussed the subject and youll probably see not the results for my advice. But youll probably see him showing more caution anything you think thats the right idea. Ive certainly im not again, going to tell you my advice, but and im no longer acting as an attorney, but yes. I think youll see a different of course of conduct, could i just quickly ask about the receipts as you say, and youve pointed out the emails and Text Messages are not with donald trump. They are with others when you talk about the jurys decision and common sense but the bar here is Beyond A Reasonable Doubt you know, whats in those emails and Text Messages. Do you think they make the case Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so the answer is yes, but it will be up to a jury to use is common sense. I cant predict what a jury will do and i respect the jury system, whether its me or against me, but i do think based on what i know, ive been in the room for three years with michael wall. This case was being prepared. And even before this particular case, the previous case on financial fraud that mr. Bag decided not to bring i know that michael is backed up in everything that that he says by other witnesses, mr. Pecker if for example, of mecole, simply corroborate what mr. Parker said and we up to the jury on the testimony involving mr. Trump and himself and nobody else, whether mr. Cohen should be believed or if mr. Trump takes the stand and he denies whether mr. Trump should be i believe and ill leave that up to the jury. And lanny, im sure that Michael Cohen and the prosecution will offer exactly the narrative that you just described, which is Michael Cohen did what he did back then when he was with donald trump committed a lot of crimes. Now hes come clean and he has done that as you note, effectively before but part of the problem from Michael Cohen is the narrative that i only ever committed crimes were donald trump is not true. He pled guilty to tax fraud and bank fraud, having nothing to do with donald trump and now having to do with the taxi medallions, right . Exactly. His own business. It was a taxicab medallion lawyer, so he pled guilty in federal court to those two crimes in 2018. Now, he testified at the civil fraud trial a couple of months ago he said, i actually did not commit those crimes. I actually lied under oath in front of judge pauley in federal court when i pled guilty. So did he commit tax fraud and bank fraud or did he lie to judge pauley . So again, i cant sorry. I cant answer the factual. Are no. Did no longer represents him. Not only that is elie wouldnt answer your question. Did you client can but his argument is he only pleaded guilty to those crimes because they were threatening to us those wife. Let me answer your question. His lawyer, whos a great laurie unsure, you know, danya perry of former posture has said publicly, so im safe quoting his lawyer that he testified to the commission of those tax crimes because he was coerced, because his wife was threatened with an indictment on a friday night to be announced on monday morning. And so he had to what his lawyer has said Say Something to the court that was not true and hes going to pay for that just a quick follow. Does he say the same thing about the Campaign Finance crimes that he pled guilty to, the same day does he said i pled guilty to those only because i was pressured or because actually committed those. So ill just let the Public Record speak that the crimes that he pled guilty to and didnt go to trial he didnt even get a chance to talk to the prosecutors on friday night, his attorney said on monday morning, you and your wife will be indicted including five counts of tax fraud and he just had no choice according to danya perry, to say yesterday now, more than anything else, im just truly curious as to how the jury will see all this. Only because the narrative that i was lying to protect donald trump or are engaging in behavior at his direction . Yes. It helps Michael Cohen somewhat, but theres still lies and i thank it, can both be true that he has a compelling reason for behaving the way he did, or even that the receipts support the things that he says. But i think any Defense Attorney worth their salt can really undermine this is more a statement in the form of a question. Anything else . But i think any defenses during worth its all can really undermine everything he says here so of course youre, youre saying something that might be the case for this jury, right. But there are some very checkered past defendants in rather witnesses in organized crime cases that have a lot of apologizing to do for the murders and other things that they committed. Yet they become the chief witnesses for the prosecution, giving interrupt for one second. I apologize just because whats going on in court is significant right now and well beauvais, who was Donald Trumps attorney, is talking to Keith Davidson, the attorney for Stormy Daniels and current trouble about Michael Cohen and beauvais is zeroing in on call. The davidson had with Michael Cohen in december 2016. Davidson testifies of cohen, quote, i thought he was going to kill himself this is because colin had thought he was gonna get a job in the trump white house, the trump administration, and he did not get that. We know that Michael Cohen was frustrated by that from davidsons previous testimony, but this is the first time weve ever heard Keith Davidson express that he was convinced of Michael Cohens being so distraught as to actually be in the realm of selfharm. Atlanta davis this is obviously being cited as an example, being brought forward as an example of of cohens instability, his rashness. Davidson says that cohen had times at times talked with him about being trumps chief of staff or attorney general i dont know if you have any thoughts on this, but, you know, Michael Cohen better than the rest of us freshwater, thats an opinion testimony by a lawyer, right . Its not necessarily a fact. And secondly, no, im not going to comment on that. I know michael is going to tell the truth and it will be up to the jury, given those kinds of assertions whether hes believabull and i think the key question for everybody watching is whatever Michael Cohen did in the past when he testifies, will the jury use common sense and reach a conclusion that what hes testifying to this moment is backed up and its true and it will be up to them to decide what by the way, just telling we know attorneys are approaching the bench because so steinglass, the prosecutor has objected, probably based on what you just said, this is opinion testimony and he is not qualified mr. Davidson, to render a psychological analysis or opinion. I was just going to say its not its not just evidence of someones rashness or behavior, but also his motivation for going after the defendant because thats evidenced of his having a beef with the defendant and a bias that would waive his testimony and make him want to testify. There is no dispute that Michael Cohen has a beef with donald. Absolutely. No one would disagree with that. One would but the defense has to put that on the record. Theyre gonna put that on the record now. And then really push cohen on it when they cross examined. I remind everybody that documents dont lie and tapes dont lie. There is a audio tape of me trump, and ill let a jury decide what the interpretation of that audio tape is. Ive heard it many times. I was on this particular cnn show it in the evening when that tape was first. So were going to at least remind us what the tapes house the tape has mr. Trump and Michael Cohen talking about the payment of 150,000 to mcdougal and theres a word that was attributed to michael and correctly that was used by trump on tape of that, you mean in cash. So thats a tape that speaks for itself. Theres ways addressing the tape critically, but the jury will hear all the evidence. You have to depend on Michael Cohen. All right. Fascinating stuff right now its Donald Trumps defense teams chance to poke holes in the prosecutions narrative. Emil bove, j. Trumps attorneys currently the crossexamining Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels, and Karen Mcdougals attorney much more at Cnn Special Live Coverage in just minutes. Thanks so much for watching. Well be right back hey, brian, its kaitlan collins, how loria hi. How are you . Thank you for having me im lovely. Thanks for joining us onald trump looking as the witness, Keith Davidson and his attorney, emil bove vey, as emil bove is crossexamining that former attorney for the adult film actress Stormy Daniels. This is seen as a special live coverage of donald trump its Hush Money Trial. And trumps attorney is now asking Keith Davidson, is of questions. Questions on Michael Cohen in his state of mind. And the former president s fixers pattern of behavior as he is on the Witness Stand, the crossexamination now current is were looking at this line of questioning, essentially what a meal beauvais is asking Keith Davidson is if he was trying to make sure to avoid the appearance of extortion as he was negotiating this payment, getting this money from Michael Cohen to his client, Stormy Daniels. What do you make of this line of questioning that theyve started with . Well, theres always concern if youre negotiating one of these deals on behalf of a client that you could be or there could be an insinuation of extortion because in essence, they want to get that issue out in front of the jury because it is a form of extortion, right. Pay me or im going to go forward. Its legal well, its lawful because youre using an attorney and youre not actually saying those words that its this or that but then all lawyers are really careful to do that when youre negotiating those. So im not really sure why davidson isnt admitting that because you have to be careful of that when you are negotiating these types of deals. But thats what theyre trying to show. Just plant that seed in front of the jury because thats what theyre going to argue that look, donald trump was being extorted. Its right before the election. They pay Michael Cohen paid it off and drilling down on this because trumps attorney, just ask keep davidson again, keep davidson is the man who was acting a Stormy Daniels as attorney at this time to say that in 2016, he was going right up to the line without committing extortion davidson responded and said, i dont understand the question, paula. I mean, we knew that they were going to get on your own essentially make Keith Davidson look bad as he was negotiating these deals and had been commenting on how little money they believe trump had what else stingy, he was worth it and now suddenly theres this surge of interests. So he admitted on the stand during direct the right. She knew this was her opportunity to potentially make money, and of course, he is applying a lot of pressure on Michael Cohen to get this money. He also knows theres an incentive to pay him before the election. So it is a fine line and like i said earlier, we knew that the Defense Attorneys were going to seize on that. And one thing thats interesting is trumps demeanor, as this is happening because earlier he was kinda doing that thing that he did when i was in there where hes kinda closes his eyes for a sustained period of time im hes not sleeping. Hes just almost not listening. When Keith Davidson took the stand and it was trumps attorney to do the questioning, were told by reporters in the room. Trump was looking at Keith Davidson. Yeah, im sure he wants to hear the answer. So this these are also probably easier for him to hear because these are things that could be good for his case issues that they are raising. And theres probably a part of and that at some level may feel that this was extortion. Quite different than what prosecutors are alleging here. And here, davidson agrees that he knew in 2016 you had to be careful not to violate the law prohibiting extortion because karen just said hes aware that theres a line and hes trying not cross it. And we also have Brian Ketchum joining us, a whitecollar and criminal Defense Attorney, who i should know used to represent trump torque manager, paul manafort, who was there as a lot of this was happening and about to potentially about to break as they were trying to keep it out of the public eye. Ryan, right now where trumps attorneys are going with this line of questioning. Im curious your take because Keith Davidson has just confirmed is theyre talking about how common in agreements our nondisclosure agreements. He confirms in 2012 he was investigated for extortion in connection with a situation involving go get i think its fascinating testimony, and i think its fascinating to the extent that youre the viewers here and the public that people following this trial are getting real insight sometimes into how the sausage is made. If you will, between lawyers, particularly in a pre a pre complaint, a pretty lawsuit situation because it lets be lets be real about it. Its a little bit like extortion. Ill see you in this will be a public lawsuit or you can pay me and it wont be a lot by lawsuit. And so the Text Messages between mr. Cohen and mr. Davidson are fascinating to me. Its a reminder to myself to be careful what i say in Text Messages. And its its fascinating to see the line, the line you were just talking about between settlement negotiations and nda and extortion and so thats been fascinating testimony whats happening right now, brian, this update says he is being asked by trumps attorney, you never linked these negotiations to the 2016 election with anyone. Is that your testimony . Keith davidson to this line of questioning is pushing back and saying yes i made sure this was when the guidelines that it wasnt extortion, but he seems to be pushing back on the slide of questioning from trumps attorneys i think thats to be expected. No lawyer is going to want to be wanted to be insinuated that they engaged in extortion and this case isnt really about whether or not there was extortion. This case was whether or not there was a crime committed by the former president. But mr. Trumps lawyers and theyre excellent lawyers are doing exactly what they should be doing, which is basically putting mr. Davidson on trial yeah. Keith davidson, of course, is not the defendant. Here. The defendant is seated in there, were told he is paying much closer attention to davidsons testimony than he was when it was the prosecution questioning Keith Davidson now that its trumps attorneys questioning him i wonder where you believe that theyre going after this line of questioning about extortion. What do you think would be a natural next step for the defense team . Is theyre expecting to spend a significant chunk of time questioning Keith Davidson i think theyre going to just hammer this point over and over and over again. And i think thats the right strategy i think it might get a little bit repetitive, but i think that is what you want the jury to really take away and you want his credibility to be an open question, and you want his credibility to be challenged over and over and over again. And i think its an appropriate strategy. And the strategy i would do well ill note Keith Davidson, i was watching as he first took the stand on tuesday and he was a pretty compelling witness in a sense of describing these interactions that you have with Michael Cohen. He was saying it was clear to him he had to reconcile a statement with the prosecution before they finished earlier where today to go . He said it was clear to him that the source of the funds ultimately it was going to be from donald j. Trump. Today he was saying that he believed it was Michael Cohens money and the prosecution said, well, thats not what you argued to us or what you testified to us on tuesday right you got to rehabilitate your witness with that instead of inconsistency. So i understand why they did that and its difficult though to change your statement in front of a jury will see what the jury makes it that they have been paying very close attention by and ketchum. Thank you for joining us and we are now learning that trumps attorney is pressing Keith Davidson on whether he helped someone get paid in connection shin would that story theyre talking about a Lindsay Lohan story and a tmd story about her polaroid. I wasnt quite expecting Lindsay Lohan to get brought up at the first Criminal Trial of a former president. But here we are. Yeah. Was not on my bingo card either, but clue theyre trying to establish davidson as being a bit of an opportunist. This is the game he plays. This is how he makes money profiting off of this tabloid culture. And people were in a situation like Lindsay Lohan not in a very vulnerable position. And it appears that theyre now going through other instances as well. I think were going to hear a lot of other really surprising names about to come up. Whats the point of bringing up whole cogen and Lindsay Lohan. I mean, what is the pattern that trumps attorneys, qarrah, do you believe are trying to establish here with this line of question, i think theyre trying to dirty up Keith Davidson and make him look like hes somebody who goes out and extorts people on behalf of his clients. Right. And i think what hes he keeps entering. I dont recall to six questions so far from a male beauvais i mean, of course youre going to remember whether or not you represented a celebrity like Lindsay Lohan or whole cogen or whoever theyre talking about. That doesnt that thats the kind of thing that theyre gonna be able to say, oh, come on, this guys a liar. Its not like theyre talking about some when you dont know, youre going to remember if this person you represented or that you were involved in was a particular celebrity and once again, theyre going to try to paint donald trump is the victim of extortion and victim of political persecution, but isnt, isnt this Keith Davidson thing, i mean, you could go look at Keith Davidson website right now. I just looked at it the other day and he has pictures of a lot of this that he has represented and Karen Mcdougals picture was on there for a time. I dont know if its still as she was unhappy with the fact that was on there. I mean, this is kind of qt davidsons lane. I taught people went to him and he was connected with people like Stormy Daniels. Yeah. And trumps lawyers here are arguing that you werent trying to secure a great deal unnecessarily for your client to do the best thing by her you were trying to get as much money for yourself in addition to your client when you knew someone in this case, then candidate trump was in an especially volvo normal position, may go back to his direct where he talked about how he knew Stormy Daniels story was suddenly more valuable after access Hollywood Tape. And while he says that he testified here on cross, that no one talk directly about it as impacting the election they do later on in the transaction there, this Text Messages. Now the defense has moved on to here we go. Davidsons work with clients who are paid by Charlie Sheen, asking whether he took steps that caused sheen to pay his client, again, bringing up more examples of how davidson may have targeted people for money. We asserted there were some tortious activity committed and valid settlements that were expected. Now, the Defense Attorney jabs at davidson, your memory seems a little little fuzzy around some of these issues you in karen were just talking about that, how he keeps saying i cannot recall. So now, im only the undermining his credibility in terms of the type of work he did and whether it was extortion, but also the fact that hes not being completely upfront about exactly how some of these deals with other celebrities came to. I mean russia, this is getting to be a really testy lot of questions shooting, not that we thought it was going to be all roses and angels are various, whatever you want to say. I mean, davidson is responding to that. He said 1,500 clients that these issues were for many years ago. Hes trying to defend himself and also trumps attorney was asking him about supposed 90 day bar suspension that Keith Davidson was under acute david since said he did not recall that in trumps attorneys seemed to be skeptical of that. Trumps attorney says, quote, were both lawyers. Im not here to play lawyer games with you. The judge judge marchand sustains an objection to that remark. I mean, this is getting contentious i mean, all theyre trying to do here and its quite effective is if they can make him out to be shady and someone not to believe than any points that the prosecution scored with this witness. Theyre going to say, you cant believe him either. Hes another liar. Hes shady. He says he doesnt remember these things. Of course, youre going to remember if you negotiated something on behalf of a celebrity or that you were held that you were suspended your bar license was suspended. Any lawyer would remember that. So hes not like hes saying no, it didnt happen. Hes saying i dont recall. That shake their head and say im not sure we can believe and davidson is pushing back saying, im giving you truthful answers that im not going to discuss confidential answers, checking out the trump or the client attorney privilege. I mean, i think its important to keep in mind here that what trumps team knows, theyre only gold their mind, they just need one juror, two, essentially sayyed would them here. Thats exactly right. And i think youre gonna see them do this with many of the witnesses. I mean, the idea that you cant talk about certain aspects of agreements because of your data, your former client. Okay. But not remembering a bar suspension. Now, attorneys are approaching the bench talking to the judge for a sidebar after the Defense Attorney asked judge to instruct davids to answer a question about whether he remembers Charlie Sheen paying his clients will sue the judge does here. It also it seems to be going back to the david pecker tactic, the technique that trumps attorneys use, they are where they brought up mark wahlberg. They brought up arnold schwarzenegger. They were basically saying this is something that rich people do. This is commonplace. Now theyre bringing up Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, whole cogen as well. Davidson is in a bit of between a rock and a hard place because these if he did do these things on behalf of his clients, its to sign ndas. He is under not only an attorneyclient privilege, but a contractual obligation to not reveal these things on the stand, yet hes being asked these questions. He shouldnt be saying, i dont recall. He should be saying i cant answer that question or attorneyclient privilege or something, but to say, i dont recall isnt really being honest or truthful potentially if thats it seems to be where theyre going with this. Yeah, we are watching trumps attorneys now crossexamining Keith Davidson. Youre trying to undermine the credibility of someone who could be a critical witness for the prosecution. We are watching all of it very closely inside a courtroom that is turning quite hostile right now, much more with cnns a special live coverage ahead. 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Youre watching cnns federal live coverage of Donald Trumps Hush Money Cover Up Trial trumps attorneys, right now are trying to destroy the credibility of this witness. His name is Keith Davidson. Hes the onetime lawyer for adult film actress and director of Stormy Daniels and 1998 Playboy Playmate of the year. Current mcdougal both of whom were allegedly paid hush money for keeping quiet about their liaison with mr. Trump, alleged liaison mr. Trump denies them. Trumps attorney, emil beauvais is right now running the jury through a laundry list of clients with whom davidson dealt on a routine basis, ones that perhaps to some witnesses, to some jury members, to some of you out there are somewhat cd situations bringing up the davidson was at one point suspended from the bar and getting davidson to answer. I dont recall at least half a dozen times. All right. So let us tip toe through the tulips of mr. Davidsons client list here, if we can just to help illustrate what exactly the defense is getting at, they talk about bove asked davidson about a tmz story regarding Lindsay Lohan treatment at a Rehab Facility hulk hogan sex tape hes bringing up davidsons work related to a t tia is a tot tequila sex kp ti lot tequila sex tape and his work with a man that beauvais referred to as a quote, sex tape broker. The first time i have used that phrase in my entire life. But they bringing up a 2,000,000 payment made to davidsons client from Charlie Sheen. Davidson says, i dont recall to that beauvais jabs at davidson, your memory seems a little fuzzy around some of these issues. Theyre going in and out of issues like this bove a pushing davidson to discuss chines settlement with a woman named Capri Anderson and on and on what is the point of all this to mean . Anyone is entitled to an attorney and it seems like mr. Davidson has created a niche firm for himself for show two points, one visceral, one technical. The visceral point is Donald Trumps lawyers want the jury to be disgusted. Yes. By this guy. They want they want the jury to be repelled by Keith Davidson, by Stormy Daniels, by Karen Mcdougal. And they want to make the point that this happened because Keith Davidson, theyre going to argue is an opportunist. And this is the technical point the timing is important here. The alleged affairs with both mcdougal and Stormy Daniels happened a decade before 2005 and and 2006. 2007, right. One of the arguments the prosecutor is going to make his gee, why would donald trump, Michael Cohen, only care about paying them off in september and october of 201610 years later, the answer theyre gonna say is because the election was looming a counter to that is going to be the reason they paid in september, october 2016 is because thats when this opportunist ill say it nicely pounced and came to us in a threatening way, the way he did with many other clients. I think thats where prosecuted work. Trumps lawyers are going with this. Yeah. I think something prosecutors like to say as this locked immoral point, is that you dont we did not pick the witnesses here. The defendant did. And this is just who were with and were building our case around. Well, Defense Attorneys rightly pounce on that is sort of empty moralizing because look, no, these are pretty rotten guys and i think there are the defense cant say the words porn star in sex tape and not because it distracts the jury from the mechanics of how contracts are structured and what counts as consideration and so on. If you make the defence, pardon me . If you make the jerry think about sex tapes, important stars, and this sort of distasteful man whose brokering at all, it hurts the prosecution and somehow we have meant managed to make a through 44 or 43 rather previous president s that never had any reason to deal with a man like Keith Davidson and attorney like keith, things that we know we know we know. Thats right. Our end director and Playboy Playmate of the year and a guy who brokers deals for the likes of whole cogen and Capri Anderson, whoever that is, et cetera, et cetera but guess what . Thats the world of donald trump. Thats not the world of Michael Cohen. I would thats the argument im so i would stipulate that the jurys know about the access Hollywood Tape by this time, i am not sure that Donald Trumps reputation in 2024 is going to be a big surprise to then they know this. I think the other thing that is theyre doing here is in crosses, their normalizing this kind of behavior deal. And theyre saying, look, all of these other people have done this. All of these celebrities have now this and guess what none of them were running for president. A lot of people do this for other reasons. So when selecting the jury and important series of questions were, what are your politics . What do you know about donald trump and so on . Because its not relevant to the jury, they would not have asked the jury, what do you know about Charlie Sheen or too tequila . Or how cogen and there are probably jurors who are disgusted by the nature of this conduct here. But its perfectly fair game for them to be asked about and sort of prey on biased jurors and obviously the burden of proof and the burden of the prosecutors have when when all is said and done is to convince the jury that maybe this is normal behavior for a celebrity. And in this case, donald trump equals Charlie Sheen equals whoever else was involved in this. With this broker but thats not what he used it for. He used it to help us election. So one of the other things that the defense is bringing up when it comes to Keith Davidson is the whole legality when it comes to his business of to simplify it in the way that the defense is characterizing it oh, look at this really awful thing. I have itd be a shame if i release this to the public. Maybe you and i can have some sort of deal. And how is that different from extortion and right now but emil beauvais is noting that mr. Davidson was involved in hulk hogan tape coverage. Remember there was a sex tape regarding how cogen sex tapes beauvais asking if the experience with all of this gave him a familiarity with extortion law. Perhaps i dont know. Davidson says, but just to recap over what was going on davidson confirmed and investigators were in close proximity listening to his conversations with whole cogen representatives, beauvais shows davidson a report from the tampa Ball Police Department related to the investigation and apparently there were concerns expressed about extortion the report, though davidson notes, i was never charged with anything. This is the context by which beauvais asks, did this experience give him familiar, familiarity with extortion lawn again, kasie hunt put on your juror hat right now, if you would. I dont have an actual physical one, but an imaginary one if you next time, i will. Next time, ill order one amazon. And just if youre sitting in the jury, what are you thinking as you as the defense is talking to this guy about his business that also got him into proximity to the world of donald trump ill be honest, jake, im kind of thinking, what is any of this and how did we get here as a country . Like, i mean, what do you even do with all of this my, my my current question is the extortion law. Im curious from your guys perspectives, what what portion its a fine line it is sort of using force or threat to extract something from someone else. Well, what are these types of arrangements . While youre extracting something for money but is there a threat involved . And there is actually a fine line and thats the defenses threading this needle quite well by saying that wait a second. Youre talking about threatening someone getting money for them and having them not do something house that not extortion. And i think for for exactly the point youre making, casey, its sort of planning and the jurors had the vistas, if not illegal sort of flirting with the line and stepping up to the line and he even says the real questions about whether i might have been charged, but no, i wasnt everything. I wasnt charged in trumps attorney right now. Emil bove, eight circling back to Karen Mcdougal Karen Mcdougal, the 1998 Playboy Playmate of the year, who alleges that she had a ten to 11 months long relationship between 2006 and 2007 with donald trump trumps attorneys now highlighting what some might call sorted dealings of this prosecution witness, including and that he was targeted by an fbi sting operation. Were going to have much more from our reporters inside the courtroom giving us all these realtime updates during this process examination, youre watching Cnn Special Live Coverage. Were going to squeeze in a very quick break. Well be right back the trump Hush Money Trial gavel to gavel coverage, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. Legal insight, expert analysis, and realtime updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony follows. Cnn, these underwear are period proof and sneeze proof and swept their leakproof underwear from knicks, comfy and confident protection that field, just like normal with so many styles and colors to choose from switching his easy at nixed. Com ego been number one rated brandon cordless Outdoor Power brings you the ego power plus string trimmer with power load technology. Feed the line, push the button and get back to work ego exclusively at lowes, ace and ego authorized dealers. I brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. 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Com if you or a loved one have mesothelial not well send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 808 to one 4,000 welcome back to cnn semester live coverage of Donald Trumps hush money and cover up trial tele tequila, whole cogen, Charlie Sheen in Lindsay Lohan, all names im not sure any of us had on our donald trump trial bingo cards heading into today. But all names we have heard on crossexamination as the Defense Attorneys for donald trump tried to undermine the credibility of a key prosecution witness. One man named Keith Davidson. Davidson, the onetime attorney for both adult film actress and star Stormy Daniels and playboy 1998 playmate of the year, Karen Mcdougal. And it is Karen Mcdougals deal that they are going through right now . Now, emil beauvais, the trump attorney, talking to Keith Davidson, Karen Mcdougal, and Stormy Daniels, attorney about the deal. But they asking davidson about the settlement deal. He tried to negotiate someone seeking 100 million from many pack it out. Anyway moving on. Davidson says, when trump was is sending in the polls, a former friend of Karen Mcdougal attempted to publicize mick googles alleged almost yearslong affair on the press. Obey returns to how davidson retained Karen Mcdougal is a client noting he was referred by her brotherinlaw, davidsons former client, bove, a questioning. Davidson about how mcdougals brotherinlaw and another man who provided security. Were paid in the agreement. Theyre going into this. Again, we have heard from previous testimony that Karen Mcdougal actually did not want her story out there, but she did also want money. She perfect solution for somebody who does not want to tell her story. But once they get paid, this line of crossexamination goes to the question of who started it. And what trumps lawyers are trying to establish now is this was not donald trump and Michael Cohen contacting Karen Mcdougal or Stormy Daniels saying hey weve got this election coming out, we need you to be quiet. It happened the other way around that mcdougal through this network, including this lawyer, Keith Davidson, including her brotherinlaw they approached the trump people and said, weve got this thing that might be an issue for you, and thats how this started. That matters to the jareh also matters in terms of who chose this timing right before the election, but isnt ultimately the question not so much about mcdougal, but about Stormy Daniels it comes to the question of whether or not he was trying to hide something because if its very, very poor point the charges here, im not relate to Karen Mcdougals that payments that Karen Mcdougal, the charges relate to the payment to Stormy Daniels, the one leads directly into the next mcdougal. The payments to mcdougal lead timewise within days into the deal with stormy, i would just add one more thing to that. That Stormy Daniels also comes forward publicly with her story and something im certain the defensible point out is that well, this is another person who has an incentive to come up and speak ford and whether its make a buck off of this or just attack the defendant. And it sort of speaks to her credibility a little bit. And i think its something theyll pick on her rebel. The Karen Mcdougal case is an interesting one because it does contrast with the Stormy Daniels case, Stormy Daniels case was first of all, donald trump denies them both. We should note that upfront. Stormy daniels cases and alleged interlude of ours if were point that theyre trying to say that were being generous, denying an affair and that was a correct. Right. She was not lying in that statement because she wasnt tonight. There wasnt an affair we have lost. There wasnt around me. A number of times there wasnt relations are 11 wasnt a relationship, although i do think while they were allegedly canoodling, there was some watching shark week that was happening, but the Karen Mcdougal way too much actually about that believe me, this is not what i signed up for, but reporter all right. I thought it was going to be talking much more about policy anyway, the Karen Mcdougal situation lasting ten to 11 months wasnt alleged relationship and she said she was in love with him. She says she was in love with him. And it is it is different and he has said she was a nice girl, which she was nice. So i do think there are two other things in Keith Davidson, some of this has gone by very quickly, but two things worth mentioning when he talks about Charlie Sheen, thats 2 he doesnt verify that, but it chose this is relatively little in comparisons, much more Cnn Special Live Coverage in minutes as a key prosecution witness is still being crossexamined by Donald Trumps attorney. 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