Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240703

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[sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient laughing. So anytime, join me a charmed. Com how wed really happen with jesse you, martin, sundays at nih on cnn this is Breaking News Breaking News tonight, and eerie, calm at Columbia University tonight, the nypd says university of property is clear just about now, three hours after hundreds of officers entered the campus at the universitys request, this the new video of Police Clearing Hamilton Hall, which is taken over by propalestinian protesters just last night the doors had been barricaded with chairs and tables and Vending Machines, flash bangs, were used to breach the building according to the police. And police say miraculously that nobody was injured during the operation. Cnn on the Scene Tonight Reporting dozens of people have been arrested and also loaded onto buses. And were learning tonight that the wife of an indicted terrorist was on the campus last week. Its worth pointed to a post on x by sammy lrn, a former University Of Southern Florida professor who pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiring to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic jehad in 2006, he posted on x last week showing a photo of his wife on the campus of Columbia University saying, quote, my wife nala and solidarity with the brave and very determined Columbia University students. I want to bring in cnns Miguel Marquez and also julia jones, miguel, youre out with more alonso . Foresman officers in the streets. What are you seeing tonight yeah. Police and the university of going to be looking to see how many of those arrested tonights were actually students here when there were arrest two weeks ago in 108 were arrested a large percentage of those work were not students here at columbia. I want to show you whats happening being here. This is Amsterdam Avenue, still a large number of police here, although the protesters, for the most part, have gone home, its gotten very, very quiet out here up to street on columbia are on amsterdam. You can see that bus up there, that that bus is one more down 114 street but these buses are waiting for anybody else that is arrested there were a couple of people that were protesters outside the university that were arrested. Thats Hamilton Hall. Just up the way here. This is a john j. Hall and hamilton has all the way up at 116 street. And Amsterdam Avenue it looks to me like police have finally opened up. Wed see now a lot of people just walking down Amsterdam Avenue that had been blocked off for most of the evening. Now, people are able to get down Amsterdam Avenue and walk past hamilton whole thats where police made entry of all of this abroad off of this road for this avenue, amsterdam. Under the second floor of Hamilton Hall, using flash bang grenades, the doors have been barred with tables and chairs and Soda Machines and anything they could and the police now say that it is completely done. It it is amazing how heavily they came in. It was very clear this was happening, this latest afternoon just from the number of barricades that were going up and how they were shutting down broadway and Amsterdam Avenues. Police enter. Theres nobody on the canvas now that shouldnt be there so students who live in the dorms, there can be on campus essential workers. Weve seen them coming and going they are also on campus but they want i keep a Police Presence now on columbia through the commencement commencement to the 15th the university has asked nypd to stay on canvas through at least the 17th of may to make sure that what happened last time, which is that they clear the encampment and then immediately we constituted itself the next the next day, and then we had the backlash across the country. They dont want to see that reconstitution of any sort of encampment or anything else on columbia through the rest of this semester are really important point now the question will be, what will the Police Presence look like in that current iteration . Thank you so much. My golf. All your according. Julia, want to bring in you here. You were on campus when the nypd moved in to clear Hamilton Hall, what did you see so basically, we saw come in russia where were walking they came through and the front of the library and building that Butler Library on new straight into pebbles in calls, where we have seen that human chain by a protesters there. I think do you have. Now write this is the middle of campus. Im it is pretty late at night quiet. You can hear a pin drop here. At this point. And what did you did . Definitely the job that they couldnt get to clear insecure campus, trying to walk us in halls, we have access what that looks like. Right now. Im not sure if he allowed in some students are slowly being allowed fast making sense to you earlier, are allowed to go back to the School Of Journalism according by nypd back on to campus only way to get the high khan two cancels at this point, but it is really calm. Feel like obviously i want happen here tonight theres been a lot of action in this site nypd officers on Campus Community happened i think actually, i think theyre starting to offense on a this is going started all of this or about two of the ten on the west lawn symbolic you know, where we are right now absolutely. Thank you for bringing us this reporting and it does seem that they are Milling Around that and camp an area. I see also stands. There have been set up in anticipation for that may 15th graduation. I want to bring in senior Political Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal molly ball, also former senior congressional gop advisor, arena shaw. Thank you both for being here. I mean, we are weve been watching this live as its been coming out. Of course, and we are seeing that weve got some people have been using all the rhetoric and discussions. This has been all over the airways from Speaker Johnson Visit recently to president farmers and trump talking about this and beyond, begin with you, molly, on this. What are you making of the political reaction that is he has already happened. And what was likely to become. Well, look, this is these protests have deeply divided the democratic party. I think its fair to say that the party is on fire over this. Weve had some Progressive Democrats appearing with the protesters, show wanting to show solidarity with them other predominantly jewish democrats decrying the protest, pointing to the antisemitism that we have seen all over these protests all over the country. And i think the president s silence is becoming conspicuous. It is his policies that are extensively being protested here and he said very little and again, this is at a time when hes being criticized by the opposition when summer, even comparing this to charlottesville, which was the reason why he supposedly first ran for president another protest in which a president at the time equivocated about which side he was on i, think i think the politics of this are going to continue to reverberate even if it is the case that the protestors are cochlear permanently from campus, our own jeff zeleny has some reporting as well, apparently more than 250 former obama biden staffers are blast and the white house over gaza and the latter, i have the letters dated today and they are imploring the administration to speak up and say more and call for an immediate ceasefire. I was redoing a one portion of it. It says President Biden you not uncommitted voters or Third Party Candidates are risking a Trump Presidency and our democracy by Defending The War Crimes and agenda of a foreign far right government. You are ignoring the growing majority of democratic voters recognize israels war in gaza as a genocide and demanded immediate and permanent ceasefire you are abandoning your duty, represent us the majority and you are responsible for the consequences of your own actions and inactions. Thats just page thats paragraph two of an otherwise lengthy letter. So clearly from these Trinity Staffers are very upset is this, if you were to extrapolate to the larger audience though, is that in line we are months away from october 7. And of course, the horrific actions that happened over there on that day. And i think so much has been lost in this time. And number one, we can fully expect for trump and Congressional Republican leader peters to come out and message as soon if they havent already attempted to prompt you to play as on what you respond to, that clip because trump actually did it. Hes on fox news earlier tonight perhaps repression about what youre getting ready to say, listen to what he had to say we have to stop the antisemitism. Thats just pervading our country right now and bike nasa do septic biden is supposed to be the voice of our country and its certainly not much of a voice is the voice that nobodys heard yeah. I mean, there it is the painting of this as Bidens America a week america, not just on the global stage, but a weakness here on The Home Front where youre seeing the tensions really would tonights intense rate at columbia. And i must add, im breathing a sigh of relief like many are that this did not result in any loss of life because anytime theres something at a university campus, we can expect that theres a certain recklessness people were willing to risk it all. But i think whats been lost, we is at the core with these students are protesting coasttocoast. This isnt just happening at ivs. Why are people organizing . Its not because theyre pro hamas or their antisemitic maddock. There of course, those people, but they are very few. I mean, theres bad actors in every movement, right . But these people are largely antiwar, an anti netanyahu. So what they feel is our Taxpayer Dollars are going to do this hypocrisy to give this unfettered support to netanyahu, say take our weapons take our money, do what you want, and netanyahu is breathing. He just knows hell get a slap on the wrist from biden on one hand, but here on the other hand, were giving billions of dollars in humanitarian aid in gaza, which is only trickling in for various reasons as we know, its all very complicated and looking at the politics of the moment, i am just sad that this is where our country is right now in an election year, were so much is on the line for all of us. Our freedoms, whether you are man, woman, black, white, brown, whatever, you identify as, there are a lot of things that have complicated themselves this year because our leaders have failed us in many ways. So on the one hand, im happy to see the student putting democracy in action because its far better than apathy. But this painting with a broad brush that speaker johnson and Congressional Republicans did last week. It sat in me, it was a missed opportunity. They could speak to the future of american instead, they were admonishing them, saying that they were all part of hatefilled speech. Well, i was just simply not true. We bring you into tamales because the white house would say no, president has condemned. He spoke about the word he used about to taking over of Hamilton Hall was that it was wrong. Now, obviously there is far stronger rhetoric to use and thats part of the reason that hes been criticized about whether he has gotten far enough. There has been reporting about a backandforth between himself and netanyahu where Secretary Blinken as described some tension and of course, Cringe Empire as well as press secretary. But what, what, what does it take in terms of the political Course Correction if youre biden, i mean, this is a president ial election year, true. But even if it were not, the fact that there are comparisons being made to the charlottesville at all. There are their voices and good people on both sides what would it take for the biden imitation to course correct . I dont think there is a safe place for the president politically on this issue, given that so much of his base is demanding something that he cant give them, right . It is not what it is not within the us power to impose a ceasefire on a war that we are not fighting. And our leverage over israel is limited, right now Secretary Blinken is in the middle east trying to negotiate a ceasefire that the leaders of hamas have repeatedly rejected. So when, when Neither Party in the middle east really wants a ceasefire, its not really within the us power to impose and that i think has been a problem for these protesters from the beginning. Number one, that theyre trying to put pressure on an institution whose connection to these events and overseas is very tenuous. These demands for divestment when they dont even know what the investments are in the first place. When its not clear that that would have any effect on the conflict overseas so obviously, you know progressives liberals democrats are very deeply divided on this conflict. And i think thats part of the reason that we havent seen the president really definitively take aside and exert leadership and i think that is part, and i think thankfully, i think these protesters have lost the country. I dont think that the American People are broadly on their sayyed, and i think that they are continuing to marginalize themselves when we see scenes like these tonight, even if it is the case that most americans do support peaceful protest and do support the right to free speech, losing the country on the moment of the occupation of Hamilton Hall, perhaps is a standard line in the sand for some, but we asked me, we all know recently on capitol hill and then obviously, President Biden is the president of the United States but congress was the one, to the power of the purse to appropriate funding for not only the indopacific region and ukraine, but also israel. Why do you think its not congress, which is led by, i know its not even a razor then majority at this point its like a majority were with republicans. Why is congress not getting the brunt of the wrath in terms of the policies if theyre also giving funding. But we did see a few dozen democrats, mostly on the far left vote against the funding for israel when they were broken up piece valle well, as some republicans on the far right and yet it was a robust, broad, bipartisan vote. And i think that reflects the fact that in polls, the vast majority of americans support israel in this conflict. Now support for israels conduct in the war is a different story. Support for foreign aid is a different story. It tore for netanyahu, perhaps a different story, right . And so i think its possible to see a lot of subtleties in Public Opinion on this issue, but it is still the case that israel has broad bipartisan support in congress. Well, it quick rain as were watching the live footage from outside of Hamilton Hall, a very different place. The doors now open no longer barrel k, the property has been cleared and we know that dozens have been arrested. All that we do not know the exact numbers and of course unlike the scenes we saw yesterday of a loan st. Pub gives the official who is being pushed back as he tried to move back the crowd of people who is coming inside, you see a Police Presence right now, liquid written when you look at this, this this now under control is this also true . This will reflect well on biden its hard to tell what this is going to do for biden really in the moment its so easy to pin this all on one person instead of on congress writ large, which i think should be included. I think its its an important thing to draw these distinctions that you just mentioned. But in essence i think theres just so much tension and frustration with the status quo being what its been this unfettered support we give for israel and not everybody subscribes to it the way nikki haley paints it out to be that there are only ally in the region and we have no choice but to give them that support. These students are engaging and have been engaging in what i think is an important Critical Thinking exercise. But its gone too far. Ive always been a big fan of assembly and nonviolent demonstration, but i also have one for law and order, which is what the vast majority of americans or four, i think tonights response was appropriate. Im somebody thats been invited speaker to columbia via three times over the years and greatly enjoyed that University Community and my heart really hurts for them today because this is a Forward Community of what i would consider normal and tolerant people. Largely what well see what happens in the courtrooms in manhattan tomorrow. Although the former president will not be sitting but remember these students will in fact be called and arraigned, possibly on charges. When we come back, ill talk to a Columbia University student about how this falls administration has handled this entire ordeal. Plus our Law Enforcement analyst, john miller, on how the nypd went about clearing the protesters from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy. Thats 3605 by Whole Foods Market. Smile. You found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis cant filter out the real you. So go ahead, live unfiltered with The One And Only so tick to a oncedaily pill for moderate to severe Back Psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, its like the feeling of finding youre so ready for your closeup are finding you dont have to hide your skin. Just your background. Once daily. So tiktok was proven better, getting more people clear skin than the leading thank pill. Dont take if youre allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. 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Cnn on the Scene Tonight Reporting dozens of people have been arrested and have been loaded onto buses i want to bring in columbia student John Towfighi. John, thank you so much for joining us this evening. We are hearing and following about whats going on there have been more than 100 students or hundred arrests on other students or not, but 100 arrests tonight. Im wondering, has the president of columbia communicated with you all yet . Laura, thank you for having me on and id like to say that the communication from the president has been quite lackluster to the point where students have not received a direct email from the president addressing the student body as to the decision what happened tonight . Of course, the University Spokesperson and the office of the presidency did put out a statement around 9 00 p. M. Addressing the decision to bring the nypd to campus. But i can tell you as a student of columbia, an undergraduate who is proposed to graduate dismay. I have heard nothing and my peers or feeling quite left in the dark what was the nature of that communication that came from their rep was explaining why was it supportive of the students . Was it condemning of those at Hamilton Hall . What was the content . The announcement that came out was condemning the protesters who took over Hamilton Hall of course, in the past 24 hours when protesters move from the encampment to Hamilton Hole there was an escalation in the response from university. Today, the morningside campus of columbia, thats the main campus, was locked down only accessible to students who actually lived in Residence Halls on campus again, this was a decision that was communicated via abroad announcement to the Community Without any real personal touch from the university president. So the announcement they put out today was very condemning, was not necessarily supportive of the students. And in fact, the presidency of money mnuchin fiqh has decided to keep the nypd on campus until may 17 i understand that you yourself are going to be graduating. I think this coming may may 15. And the idea of the presence of the student of the nypd to be there i wonder first what your thoughts have been an anticipation of your graduation, that there was this protest, that there was the encampment that has been there where you concerned about the universities and ability to ensure a commencement for you . And now that police will be present likely after your commencement, how do you feel . About their presence you dont speaking to all of my peers. I think there was always a sense of concern that commencement was not going to be as it should be. However, there was an underlying sense of support for the Student Movement because it was a peaceful protest on the encampment lawns. When the students moved into Hamilton Hall talking to my friends, there was more of a fractured opinion, more real concerns and feeling of sadness that we were the covid generation who didnt have our high school graduation. Were we going to see a similar fate. Personally myself i was not too concerned. I think im speaking on behalf of the community when i would say theres frustration with the university and any impetus for graduation not being as it should be, would fall on the university from my opinion. And those that ive spoken with well, it quick, john as well, has there been a change in sentiment towards the president of your university . Before and after the barricading of Hamilton Hall well, id like to remind your viewers that Minouche Shafik joined columbia just last summer. So shes been president for less than a year. And she made the decision on thursday, april 18, to call the Police Department to campus, which from then on really change the sentiment in terms of kind the favorable views towards your presidency. I would say, given the escalation to Hamilton Hall, there were people who and i would agree with you need a sense of order on campus. And of course, there are tough decisions. However, the lack of communication, the sense of kind of a rash decision behind it and the lack of transparency over why this decision was made tonight, as opposed to another time and why more of the faculty body was not consulted has left, i would say somewhat of a sour taste in the general Columbia Community when thinking about Minouche Shafik John Towfighi is such a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you so much for giving us the perspective of yourself as and congratulations on what youve accomplished over these last several years. And i do wish you a wonderful graduation, commencement, and for your peers. Thank you so much. Thank you i appreciate you having me on we have more on our Breaking News out of columbia in just a moment or two, were taking these live pictures from the campus of ucla where there have been reports that bottas have turned violent this evening. And of course, we are monitoring this and were also welcoming our viewers across the United States last weekend, we brought your reports of Dueling Protests between propalestinian Protest Groups and jewish groups. There. And now were seeing this happening. And of course this is just as weve seen, wrapped up the situation at Columbia University in new york, were police were sent in to bring out students who had barricaded themselves inside a building. There Hamilton Hall. So we will continue to watch this story. And as we say, this is ucla. Weve been looking at aerial shots and shots from the ground. There were violence is increasing on the campus and we will of course, continue to bring any new information on that so lets we mentioned colombia campus, so lets bring you the latest on that new york police have cleared propalestinian protesters from the campus of Columbia University of resting more than 100 people both at the school as well as the nearby city college. Please sit face algiers as they approached campus to remove protesters who had barricaded themselves inside one of columbias main buildings, as we mentioned, Hamilton Hall Authorities Say the occupation of that building was led by individuals not affiliated with the University Police have been asked to remain on campus for the next twoandahalf weeks to make sure protesters dont rebuild their and cabinets with Graduation Ceremonies set for midmay. Cnn was on the scene as the Police Operation unfolded. Here are some of the most compelling moments as they played out on our air police are now going in. They are now going in to the columbia campus on i can feed them going into campus on the 114 street, sayyed to disperse right with them right now, they are moving in, they are Walking De The Search Teams that we were with earlier. They are now making their way towards the campus were moving humans i see up there mind that palestinians like theres someone serving everything thats going on a rather large Armored Vehicle that has sort of a crane leg, arm thats brought them up to that window and now it looks like theyre gaining entrance into that weibo yeah, so thats a bear cat. Normally thats a bulletproof Rescue Vehicle that they use when cooper pin down by gunfire, not the purpose here. We are seeing people arrested coming up down the streets, coming down another theres another entrance down 114 and theyre starting to bring people out of the columbia grounds. If you look at these buses, you can see the number of people inside the buses. There. Many of them with columbia sweaters, a lot of the morning cafe is i see at least what you said at least a dozen people in that bus, this box has lots of Police Officers who are Width Arrestees on this bus. If it must be in the dozens at this point in here are more people who are coming out of hello, well be right now. Lets just a stunning pictures to think that this is a university cullum Columbia University that the police are entering in such a way because the doors were barricaded. The group broken in the morning and its been there all day they unfurled flags here or science here today, there were up on the roof at one point. So the nypd really spent the day planning for this and then surged i mean hundreds, if not at least 1,000 officers here all right, we want to go back to these live pictures coming out of ucla. And of course, as weve been reporting these protests have turned violence and violent on the campus. We understand it clashes between competing groups around the encampment. And of course, we did report a similar situation last weekend between propalestinian protesters and jewish students there on the campus. And that got very heated and violent in some instances is it appears that we were looking at a similar situation and the la times has been reporting that the ucla has moved to shut down propalestinian and cabinets calling them unlawful and warning students cert to leave. So were looking at these areas shots now you can see and of course we do. Its just after midnight, so it is 12, in la at this time. So just after midnight and were looking at these students, the encampment presumably, its underway, although we cant make any assumptions from these pictures, but from what the la times is reporting, it appears that they have been warned to these students, these protesters that the encampments or unlawful and that theyre looking to shut them down. So warning these students to leave, and this comes of course, as weve been bringing you reports of Police Moving in in new york on the Columbia University campus, where students that had very much escalated to the point that some activists and students had barricaded themselves inside an Academic Building, the Hamilton Hall. But those plays that was very smooth operation. The police moved in to the campus and eventually into Hamilton Hall and remove those students arresting those who refuse to leave quietly. So now were looking at another campus and all of this is coming as we have been covering multiple campuses across the United States, across about 16 states. In fact where students have been protesting against what is happening in gaza, protesting the loss of civilian lives as a result of the war between israel and hamas and of course, all of this coming as we could, perhaps be at a crossroads, we know that us Secretary Of State Antony Blinken is in israel, whos just met with israels president and he has spoken to some of the protesters there in an israel two. And at this point there is theres a proposal from egypt to hopefully bring the war in gaza to an end. But at this juncture, we are waiting to hear from hamas and mass is considering the various points and cause as were talking to you, we can see that there are some scuffles here. Goes its in the dark. Were talking its, its 12, 30 at night in los angeles. And obviously here weve been learning from the various affiliates that are covering, covering this. Were seeing some exchanges here, clashes between competing groups. We were reporting last week he can those clashes between propalestinian protesters and jewish students. And they got violent in those instances, we appear to be witnessing a similar situation. Again, its very difficult to make assumptions when youre looking in the dark at vision from above. But this is the situation the encampment, their ad to ucla and the protests on that campus have become violent at various times. So we continue to cover this as we have watched this happen on various other campuses across the country where they have been rests and various points of scuffles and violence. And again, causes we watch this. Weve been bringing you all of the footage and all of the coverage throughout the night because at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time, police went into the campus in new york that Columbia University campus and very quickly and promptly removed those protesters, not all of them was students. In actual fact, in Hamilton Hall, some of them were activists outside of the student body. But now were watching again, a similar sort of escalation of these protests happening on the ground. Theyre at ucla. And this this huge campus, its an incredible campus in actual fact. And we will continue to follow this story, well take a short break now and well be back in just a moment as a gynecologist, im embarrassed to say this. We use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they get on other parts of our body. Thats why i created lumi whole Body Deodorant for pits, Privates And Beyond. Its clinically proven the block odor all day controls odor for 72 hours. Soap cant do that. And since your pits and privates go everywhere, you go, keep them competently fresher with lumi, that reassurance is priceless to learn more, go to lumi de. Com home the place where you create those special moments we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. 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And we know, of course, last weekend, we covered the Dueling Protests between propalestinian demonstrators and those supporting jewish students. And now were seeing this unfold. And of course its difficult in the dark. We have not seen any Police Presence, said not certainly not at this juncture, but as we take these aerial shots and ones from the low, its a little easier to see the shots on the rider a little brighter. There certainly, but we did see some violent exchanges between students there at the encampment. This is the protests in campion base now, we know the la times has been reporting the university has grown weary of these protests and has asked the students to move on and to close down this encampment. We yet to see that occur and just reminding Everyone Calls as were watching this, again, we make the point no Police Presence at this juncture. Of course, a lot of universities preferred to hold off on that and to allow these sorts of situations to play out naturally. But of course, we did see in new york are very different to turn of events there as it started to escalate. So lets lets look at that. Well continue to monitor these pictures, of course, and watch that situation. But lets talk to you about what happened and in new york where police cleared propalestinian protesters from the campus of Columbia University, arresting more than 100 people, both at the school, as well as the nearby city college, i believe is phase loud cheers as they approach campus to remove protesters who had barricaded themselves inside one of columbias main buildings at Hamilton Hall and Authorities Say the occupation of the building was led by individuals, not affiliated with the University Steve moore is a retired fbi supervisory special agent, and cnn Law Enforcement contributor. He joined us now appreciate you being with us thanks for having me, rosemary so we all watch Police Moving to a rest propalestinian protesters who had occupied Hamilton Hall and Academic Building on Columbia Universitys campus. How would you assess the way they carried out their duties . It was it was impressive. It was surprisingly smooth some of the things that i saw that really i think led to this outcome was the fact that they had overwhelming force. And when you when you hear the term over whelming force, you think violence, but its actually the other way around. When you have a large surplus of officers, essentially going into clear location, people tend not to not to resist as much when theyre out numbered studies have shown that the more superior years numbers are, the less the people who are, you are coming to remove will be injured so the fact that they were able to get that many officers that quickly to handle this was very impressive of course, the speed of the planning of the operation were impressive also, yeah, it went a lot faster than a lot of people were thinking because some people suggested this was going to take all night. Its certainly did not we have learned that Columbia University is now requesting that the new york Police Department maintains in order on campus until at least may 17 to ensure Graduation Ceremonies run smoothly, and that new and cabinets of protests and not reestablish whats your reaction to that request . Well, i think its a wise request because as were learning now and its not a surprise to me being in the fbi. There are outside agitators who are actually involved with the students. Number of them were arrested earlier, at least were part of groups that have been occupying areas so what what they believe, what the Columbia University regents and dean believe is that they are not going to go away. Theyre not going to see this as well. They threw us out of the hall and they took away our lawn so were leaving, were going home. No, no, no, no they will look for the next vulnerable spot and i expect them to be back but probably not in the places that they want to occupy the most, right. And of course it has to be said, i mean, everyone has a right to protect tears but we have been watching propalestinian protests being held across the country and about 16 different states with Dueling Protests and violence, gavels had ucla, but and some arrests at various campuses, but nothing that escalated to this level with the barricading of students so active within a building why did everything get out of hand at Columbia University and not on other campuses well, because i think this was coordinated nationally and colombia seemed to be the location that was catching the public in the presses. I so it had to be the place were the where the stand was made. It had to be the alamo. It had to be the one where the big protest was because thats where the press was so i expected it to make their stand at columbia and youre absolutely right the beauty of america is that we can say things we can protest, we can do this publicly even when its offensive language but you cant trespass and keep people from being able to go to class and going to their graduations. We draw a line between that and civil civil control. But i think what we saw here was the fact that there was a coordinated effort nationwide. It wasnt a coincidence that everybody seemed to be camping on the lawn square the graduations were going to take place, but columbia was was the touchpoint. Columbia was where it started. And colombia i think is worth lets kinda have to aunt and dozens of protesters have been arrested at Columbia University so what all has been learned from this forbad campus and for all the other campuses because its probably not the end of this round of protests no. No, it certainly isnt and i think well know what they learned when we find out what the punishment is there is freedom of speech. But if you are occupying a Campus Building and doing damage to it, burglarizing it. Theres going to be potential well educational problems because you are a guest at that university, you do not own the university and you could lose scholarships, you could lose your right to be there columbia is knock. Columbia is not going to take the disciplinary hearings lightly and there will be serious hearings on this and whether they push for suspension or expulsion, depending on the acts, is going to tell a lot about how they want to go for for worked with this, how they want the next round of protests. Its not just this subject, even it could be around of antinuclear protesters the next time they have to draw a line in the sand and do they want to draw a big line or a small line . Steve more appreciate you joining us. Thank you. Thank you all right. So lets bring up those live pictures again from the campus of ucla, where there have been reports of protests turning violence this evening with clashes between competing groups surrounding camp and base of propalestinian protesters and we have to make point. Its 12, 49 in the morning there in los angeles and 3409 here on the eastern seaboard. So at this stage, we are not seeing any Police Presence, but we are continuing to monitor these pictures from above and on the ground there. And we will bring you more details as we get them into us. I can just introducing mando, the whole Body Deodorant that i created with all body odor in mind. Im dr. Shannon claimant and im the inventor of whole Body Deodorant. Its like body odor never even happens. And youre gonna be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. 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Then, now this happening overnight as la approaches one in the morning, no evidence of any Police Prisons at this time, but we will of course continue to monitor this scene and bring you more details as they come into us looking there at aerial shots and also those from the ground, we will continue to watch this and want to thank you at this juncture for joining me. Im rosemarie church, but cnn newsroom continues next with our max foster here. You can expect to find Crystal Clear audio expensive Display Space in more comfort for everyone but we still left room for all the unexpected things. Youll find out here. The new 2020 greg cherokee lineup, jeep. 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