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Barricade situation and reportedly involving hostages Cross State Lines in new jersey . Yeah. Yeah. I mean to say the least, this has been a terrifying morning in and around this area. Bucks county and now into new jersey. And its still, as you said, very much ongoing, three people dead at this point. And as you said, reports, now that not only is the suspect barricaded, but also potentially holding hostages, but let me tell you a little bit about how this all started. This started just before 09 00 a. M. Thats according to the false Township Police department. They initially got a call of a shooting in levittown, pennsylvania, again, about 30 miles north of Philadelphia Police then said that 26 yearold Andriy Gordon shot and killed two people. Then he went to a separate address in Leavitt Down Pennsylvania and shot and killed a third person then he went to 1 general in morris fill, pennsylvania. Thats right on the border of pennsylvania and new jersey carjack someone at 1 general, then drove over the line to trenton. Now, like you said, police said that gordon knew all of the victims that he shot and killed, not the person that he car jacked just on the border of pennsylvania new jersey. And police also said that they believe he used an Assault Rifle in these shootings. Now, according to jeff dense, thats the chairman of the false township board of supervisors. He is the one who gave us the information that this suspect is now barricaded in a building in trenton, new jersey with potential hostages. The one good news though at this moment is that that shelter in place, that was in place for hours and false township in that Pennsylvania Community that has been lifted again, according to mr. Dense, but its still tense and you can tell that police are going to be untangling exactly what led up to this moment. And of course, the ongoing situation in trenton as we speak. Now, earlier, it was reported that the suspect, Andriy Gordon was familiar with the trenton, new jersey area, perhaps even that was a place of residence at one time. Do we know anything about these reported hostages, people that he knows . Is this a familiar location to him or or is this happen stance that there had been a few Different Things to police have said so far in the broadest sense, yes, he is familiar with the trenton, new jersey area thats according to police but in terms of who may be with him in this Barricade Situation, we really dont have much more information, but i will say at one point of false township, police said that he is known to have been homeless at times as well so its unclear exactly what the ties are to trenton, but again, as youve been watching on television, the choppers are over watching this increasing Police Presence in this area of trenton. Its certainly an active scene right now. Do we know anything more about the starting point . What what transpired at these first two locations that would lead to the deaths of three people thats a good question. And frankly, i think thats going to be exactly what police are investigating. Again, it was just before 09 00 a. M. And the initial phone call to police was for a shooting officers responded and they found very quickly to deceased people at that home. We still dont know the genders. We still know the specific relationship. But they also realized that at that point this is police that gordon, their suspect had already been driving a stolen vehicle. That was how they were able to trace two the second block in levittown are the same community where there was that second shooting and a third person was killed and that was where this all began. Again, police say that the suspect Andriy Gordon, new all three of the victims that he shot and killed so but again, i think the question is to what the relationship was. That is something im still learning. One thing ill note fred is this area has had a tough couple of months. There was a story that i covered up there of a beheading in that general area. This is a sleepy, pretty calm suburban community. Just i cant imagine the fear that especially during that shelter, sesame place is nearby, they had to shut their doors of that parade that you were speaking about, a sick for same patricks day also had to stop very unsettling for this area. People have been through a lot. All right. Danny freeman, thanks so much. Come back when you hear more. I appreciate it. All right and now to a scenes of devastation in ohio and indiana after severe storms and tornadoes hit multiple communities, killing at least three people, one local official says, it looked looks like a bomb went off and now a massive cleanup and Recovery Operation is underway. Cnns Ivan Rodriguez is there in the hardhit community of lakeview, ohio. Ivan, tell us more about what youre seeing oh, for a drink after that powerful ef, three tornado came through lake you here in logan county, ohio as you mentioned, a lot of Cleanup Efforts are now underway in the background and we can hear chainsaws crews have really been added all day long, trying to clean up some of the debris that you can see behind me now this is just a glimpse. Fredreka of all the damage that were seeing across lake view. And you can really see just debris scattered everywhere feet away from me is a roof that belong to the home right behind me. A car. Here, this honda see rv has been smashed in with its windows blown out and this this object here, you cant really make out what it is very well, but the person who lives in his home told us that its actually a dog house that flew out from a next door neighbor thats now on their property. So that Cleanup Process is ongoing, but moments ago we were able to step into the home here of mary and joe baker. They told me that they were were in their living room when they heard the Tornado Sirens go off. As soon as a siren started going off and started heading toward your bedroom . Yes okay. Yes living room . This is the dining room at that point. They continue walking through the living room. She leads me into their main bedroom and she shows me exactly in the home where they hid. They both she says she hurt her husband went into the closet of the home they got their animals, their paths, and just sheltered in place. She said they were there for about 15 minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I asked her as well, fredreka, do you remember the last conversation that you had when you got into that closet and she told me she just grabbed her husbands hand. She prayed and she asked the lord, she said to just keep them safe, keep them sheltered, as well as the other people here and lakeview as well. And if you could see inside from where were standing, this is the room that were talking about here. You can see a beam of would smash through the side of the wall. This roofs completely caved in. So really their home has been severely damaged, but theyre very grateful to still have ciao other and also the fact that the community has really been a coming together through all of this pain, all of this destruction is gonna be a long road to rebuilding. We heard the governor of ohio mentioned how the community is going to bounce back a lot of that he mentioned has to do with the strength of the community here. I also spoke with a contractor whos working for free to make sure that a lot of these roofs are waterproof. So its just one example of how the community is really coming together after such a painful experience, right . Are lots of concerns but a real close call for that family and other counting their blessings i then rodriguez. Thank you so much all right. A man and his children were trapped in a walmart during this devastating a tornado that hit indiana, jacob hudson says, people continued to shop until a walmart employee rushed everyone towards the produce section. He hid with his family in a restroom until the tornado pass and jacob hudson is here to tell us all about it. My goodness, jacob, i mean, what a moment you go shopping and then the next thing you know, you all are taking shelter. So did you know the storm was coming what happened while you were in that walmart . Yeah. Well, we had no idea the storm is gonna be anything like that. Actually, we live about ten minutes away. And when we left our home, it was actually sani a nice our kids playing outside and everything. And we got there, we got to walmart maybe around 730 by the time we got to winchester, the sky definitely turned and it was, you can see storms coming in, but we were just shopping like normal and suddenly everybodys phones in the store went off. And that was the tornado warning. And we were almost done, so we were actually going to just try to get home and then employee said, hey, you guys need to go to the produce area, storms coming in. We just take shelter for now. Some people say in the produce area, some stayed in office and he put us in a Family Restroom and we were in there maybe 1015 minutes. Nothing nothing was happening. We open the door, try to get some mayor and just hear what was going on. And then suddenly a worker, rashi said its hitting right now and came in and dovere with us. We here have been shut the door and within seconds so you could just hear when going crazy and things banging around outside. And so what are the oldest of your kids and while youre in this space and taking cover, are you holding your kids or you hovering around them . Describe for me what you instinctively did yes, thats thats basically what we did. We hunkered in the corner of the restroom and even the worker weve wrapped our arms just all together. And i was on the phone. My daughter, who was at home i was worried about her two and we just set a hail mary and my kids are screaming, crying, were just hunched down. No idea whats going on around us. Oh my baby. 30 seconds and then everything just got very quiet and the open the door and there was thats where you could just see debris in front of us like, oh, my goodness. So when it got really quiet, what were you and all the other shoppers, employees that were in that space . Thinking, did you whisper anything to one another . Was it a matter of is it over do we do we go out just take me to that moment. Yeah, thats we actually the five of us in that restroom. We waited just to make sure everything was fine. We wait for it to be quite a moment. And it was more just okay. Its over. Thats what we told the kids. See, were fine. Its okay. Its fine. We made it. Its okay are they crying yes, they were crying, screaming. I mean, its its something you dont want to see as a father, they were you can see you to see the fear in their eyes and as a father, you dont want that and theres nothing you can do to change that. A very, very scary moment. And then your impressions once the door opener, once you all emerged from the safe space where you are i was just kinda shocked like at first, i just seem like trash and debris in front of us and then i looked around the corner and i seen the doors of the warmer actually pushed in and some workers quickly move that door. And after everything is seen to be calm outside, i took a look outside and there it was a Sheet Metal Plywood damaged cars, and the foreign to the parking like she had a car was kind of turnover i mean, it was it was chaos. I mean, this was littered everywhere. And your daughter at home, how did she fair and everything she was clearly fine. Like i said, ten minutes away, luckily, Nothing Happened here. She was she was in the bath two or a bathtub with a blanket over her. I was trying to comfort her i was literally more worried about her. Yeah. Warning first went off because like i said, this took time until it hit in im worried of her and then it ends up hitting us at the store. Oh my goodness. Well, she did all the right things as did you and all the employees and other shoppers who were with you at that walmart . Were so glad youre able to tell the Story Of Here Survival story. Jacob hudson. Thank you so much. Thank you all right. Were also seeing Severe Weather and there remained concerns all along parts of the gulf coast were 40 Million People are under threat from powerful storm. Cnns elisa raffa is here with me now. Okay, so this this is a crazy system and it only seems to continue. Its the same one that dumped all of those tornadoes up in ohio and indiana that damaged that. We were just looking at continues to work its way south and east. I mean, look at all of the damage left behind, all of the storm reports were Talking Hundreds Of Reports of hail, damaging winds. They 20 information just keep coming in as we go through the next couple of days. And i want to point out that march tornadoes do happen. We just expect them more in The Deep South now where they were in the upper midwest, here is a look at radar right now. You can see weve got lots thats of lightning. Storms start to fire up across texas. Thats the area thats under the bullseye today. You could see that yellow slight risk for large hail damaging winds and a few more tornadoes also possible again today, but theyre threatened really zeroes in on hail in parts of texas today, were talking hail up to two inches in diameter and you might be thinking, well, what does that look like . Were talking about hail to the size of baseballs. Baseball size hail as we go through the day that can honestly, really cause injury to people, it could come crashing through windows. And if that hit you and hit you in the wrong spot, can really cause some injury. So you want to keep that in mind . Fine again, if youre in texas, if youve got a place to put your car inside of a garage, youll want to do that as you go through the day today for that hail up to the size of baseballs. This could also come with some flooding rain. Were talking about rain, two inches per hour possible. So could commit some heavy rain, but thanks fully, fred, the Tornado Threat is less than it was the other day. But again, were still keeping an eye offer extremely long jail. I mean, baseball size hail. Thats tremendous. I mean, its its enshrining enough when its being wrong size so thats a lot. All right. Thank you so much, lisa. Appreciate it. Thank you all right. 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Vegas, the story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn hi, welcome back. We continue with our Breaking News. A suspect in a triple homicide in a philadelphia suburb has barricaded himself with hostages in trenton, new jersey. This after three people were shot to death, in what officials are calling a domesticrelated incident, the suspect is identified as 26 yearold andriy the gordon he has considered Armed And Dangerous, and we are expecting a Press Conference with police shortly. Meantime, cnns Danny Freeman has been talking to his sources. Whats the latest . Yeah. So we have a few more details about what unfolded after the shootings happened that got us to this point. And a few more conformations, unfortunately, that police do believe at this point there are, in fact hostages inside of that trent and residents. So what we told you before is that initially all of this started just before 09 00 a. M. This morning. First, there were two people shot and levittown, pennsylvania, then the suspect allegedly, mr. Gordon here, went to a second residence and shot and killed a third person. Well, now we know that at around 11, 30 just after that police were able to find the car that mr. Gordon is alleged to have car jacked driven into new jersey, into trenton and thats where they are nearby, i should say is where they found him inside of this resonance right now. And now, this is according to false Township Police. They do believe that gordon is currently barricaded with hostages inside of a residence in trenton, new jersey. And i just want to say that because earlier we had just heard that from a politician in the area local official. Now police are confirming that to us at 12 25. The good news that i shared earlier, the shelter in place for that Pennsylvania Community was lifted, but its because police are now dealing with this very serious barricade and Hostage Situation in trenton, new jersey. The other thing ill say fred is that youre correct at 02 00 p. M. We learned there will be a Press Conference or there should be a Press Conference explaining what has been going on, what hopefully lead up to this situation and just more information about the suspect. Do we know anything about this trenton, new jersey location where hes allegedly barricaded along with hostages. Is that a residence . Place of business. What do we know about the community or the location where this has happened . So as far as i understand, this is a bit of a residential area within trenton transmits a city though. So there are businesses. It seems nearby. But as far as the im going to read you exactly the Information Behalf from police what the false Township Police told us is that its believed gordon, like i said, knew all the victims they shot earlier in the de and that hes believed to be currently homeless and has ties to the trenton, new jersey area. So that could of course mean a lot of things as you know, but thats how police are framing it right now. It doesnt seem like this is a location where he currently lives but it may be a place that he has lived before, has some sort of ties to. But again, like i said, well, Police Believe that he knew the people that he shot and killed earlier today, allegedly. We dont have any information about these hostages that Police Believe are inside this residence, right . Now. Okay. When you learn more comeback, thanks so much. Danny freeman. All right. Much more on this Breaking News right after this what happens to the golden boy of new jersey . I engaged in an affair with another man. Did you want to be outed United States of scandal with jake tapper . Get a therapist if theyre having an interview with jade, definitely new episode tomorrow at nine on cnn hi jump purpose to find a place to rent. I know renters when i see him. Who is this guy . 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Were watching a situation that began as a reported Fatal Shooting outside of philadelphia, then turned into a manhunt. A then led to a reported car jacking, then taking the investigation across the state lines into new jersey. And now the focus is on trenton, new jersey, where its believed the suspect in the Fatal Shootings may also be now barricaded inside. What could be a residence here. This is the view that were seeing, thanks to our affiliates or affiliate live shot, theyre outside of trenton, new jersey, which could be a barricading situation involving the suspect who is also according to police, claiming to hold hostages. Cnns Danny Freeman is with me now hes been with us all afternoon long as weve been watching this various developments dana, lets talk about what we believe weve been able to see this Obvious Police activity concentrated on this what appears to be a residence there in trent, new jersey. You see the ladder now going up. We were able to see some of these images earlier as it was happening. You bring us up to date. Now on based on the information that is being corroborated with investigators. Sure. Absolutely. And i should say i believe those images incredibly from wrong those were not live correct. Those were my right now to go moments ago. Right. We watched it kind of law as it was happening, but were bringing to our viewers the tape version because we also dont want to compromise the Ongoing Investigation right exactly. Just illustrate the viewers that this is happening right now as we speak and we dont want to, like you said, give away any position that officers might be. So lets describe what were seeing right here. So all of this started early this morning, like i said, just before 09 00 a. M. Started with two shooting locations three people shot and killed, than a car jacking, as you said, and then it took us over to new jersey, trenton, which is where you are looking or what weve been seeing on our screens right now. And you could see it. Its a very i would say, typical residential area inside of trent and you see there a row homestyle homes with also a duplexes. And what weve been watching fred to share with viewers is basically Law Enforcement officers decked out in Tactical Gear approach. This one particular home at one point, even staging on what looked like the roof of the home and trying to what it looked like was free hostages from that particular house. Now, we had heard earlier in this afternoon from a Township Supervisor that they feared the suspect that weve been talking about, Andriy Gordon, 26 yearold, was inside of that home, barricaded with hostages. Well, the false Township Police department they then confirmed to cnn as well, they believe that theyre hostages in there. And now weve been seeing excuse me again, these images of police dressed in that tactical year approaching that home. And at one point, it seemed carefully taking someone out of that home that did not seem to be after citing the latter, which would take them to the second hint floor of what appeared to be that residence. Right. Watched as they then penetrated a window, you very much so. And then very shortly after we saw them escorting a person out, but unclear who that person is, what the demeanor was, but what ill say you know, obviously, you know we have chuck ramsey and others who are Law Enforcement experts whove seen this number times. But as reporters, weve seen this end, the person that they were taking out of that top story window, they were not handcuffing them. They were not treating them. What you would imagine if there was someone suspected of committing a triple homicide, they were not treating him that way. They were treating him as though he potentially was a hostage and potentially a victim in this whole incident. And now authorities have not indicated how many hostages were using the word plural. But do we know with specificity how many there may be . No, but that is their word. They the Law Enforcement have been referring to them as hostages, plural but again, i dont i think its safe to ask the question if authorities are 100 sure how many people may or may not be in that home. And ill note that the suspect, Andrea Gordon, he suspected to have ive been homeless, so its also not 100 clear why he went to this specific home after he allegedly fled from these homicides in pennsylvania, except to say that authorities did acknowledge that he had some familiarity with trenton, new jersey. We dont know whether he was once a resident there whether he has family or friends there, but for some reason, there is. Its a comfort area potentially. And maybe this was intentional for him to leave the false township and make his way to trent, new jersey . Yes. They knew to look there. It seemed when they realized that this car that had been carjack to buy again, allegedly, mr. Gordon, it seemed they knew to look at trenton and then ultimately that is where they found the car. They were looking for a honda crb and they put that alert out for their own officers a little early in the morning after they learned of that car jacking and then around 11, 30, they were able to find it in this general area. And thats where weve been seeing this scene unfold with this massive Police Presence in trenton. Again, presumably trying to rescue some hostages and look where were trying to be careful with the responsibility of the access we have to those live images because it is an Ongoing Investigation. If indeed there are a number of people who are being held against their will, and if there is television in that residents, we certainly dont want to give the alleged gunman the advantage by seeing play by play exactly what Law Enforcement is doing. So thats why we are showing this on delay the access that they had to this house and escorting one person out by a window. But we can only share what authorities are allowing us to share in terms of information as well. And again, fred, i should say that hopefully we should have a little bit more clarity as to what led up to this moment what has happened in the intermediary and how many Hostages Police may believe are inside of that home. Because were expecting a Press Conference set the top of the hour, 02 00 from a number of different Law Enforcement agencies. Because as you can tell, this has been a now multistate effort by Law Enforcement and certainly a Multi Township Effort as well. Okay. I mean, this has been an incredible day for Law Enforcement for various jurisdictions, beginning with the Falls Township outside of outside of i felt was alpha pennsylvania and now making its way through various communities and now Cross State Lines into trenton, new jersey. Danny freeman, thanks so much going to take a short break for now. Youll be back with this on the other side of the break all right back on the chasing life podcast, dr. Sanjay gupta goes inside the world the weight loss, the numerical drugs, and what we really tells us about our Health Chasing Life with dr. Sanjay gupta. Listen wherever you get your podcasts you know that thing, your family does yeah. That thing someone made it a thing. Wade . 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So danny, this has been a very difficult investigation because it started out as a killing involving three people and a suspect who was just identified not long ago, maybe within the last hours are 26 year and then it led to a manhunt only aCross State Lines into new jersey. And now we have this. Yeah. And i just want to emphasize again my day job is covering pennsylvania and the philadelphia area. And this area of pennsylvania and bucks county, about 30 miles north of philly. It is a fairly quiet suburban area. The Police Departments in those areas are pretty small and you could tell how important and how quickly this particular situation escalated. Because not only was the congressman in the area, congressman brian fitzpatrick, he commented on it saying that he was monitoring the situation as it was unfolding of a governor. Josh shapiro of pennsylvania, also saying, were monitoring the situation and watching it closely. We know that Pennsylvania State Police Resources were brought in as this was unfolding, as as the search went on after the discovery of the three killings for the suspect, 26 yearold, Andrea Gordon and the search for his vehicle and then of course, as you noted, it has Cross State Lines where were seeing this intense Police Presence there in trenton, new jersey as well. So it really has ballooned especially in an area at least the Pennsylvania Side where were really dont see large Law Enforcement presence is like this on a daily basis. So currently its reported that thus aspect the 27, 26 year old Andriy Gordon, maybe hold up barricading inside, at least from these visuals that were seeing, aerial visuals thanks to our affiliate, it looks like a residential area, but we havent heard anything definitively from investigators. But this person allegedly is barricaded. That there are hostages we saw earlier as we are watching these aerial views, we so police putting a ladder to a second level of the residents, escorting at least one person out. What is being corroborated by investigators thus far, what do we know about this situation . So it seems the big question that i think a lot of the public had initially, which was what started all of this. It seems seems that police, if they dont know the answer to what started all of this, they certainly know that the suspects, you, Andrea Gordon, has a connection to at least the three people that hes accused of killing early on the de in pennsylvania, and he has ties to trenton, new jersey where this Barricade Situation is unfolding right now. So one would think that investigators are getting more of a clue into what the motive behind this may be. But thats thing that we definitively know from polices that he knew those people, that he shot and allegedly killed, and that he has a reason to go into trenton and that was just to describe the area a little bit more veteran bucks county. Its on the border of pennsylvania. Id rather the border of new jersey and where hes alleged to have stolen the car and more severe, new jersey had 1 general its right across the river, run across the delaware from trent, new jersey. So between that and between him having allegedly connections to that at city, it makes sense that police would have been able to track him there. It seems fairly quickly but again, this Hostage Situation that weve been watching unfold basically this entire Afternoon Still Nerve Wracking has such a large Police Presence are swarming this Home Investigators have acknowledged that he has a connection to trenton, new jersey, but were still waiting details. What kind of connection . Yeah. Exactly. An end. The only hint that we have at least what has been publicly stated on the record by and this is from Falls Township, pennsylvania police. Is that gordon has connections to trent, new jersey, but is currently believed to be homeless, but but really beyond that, we have very Little Information about the suspect and again, an initially as youve been seeing under television, we were given his mug or is i guess its drivers license photo right there just to put the alert out because police were searching for him and his car after leaving behind a triple homicide but in terms of why specifically, he is in this particular home with again, as police say, multiple hostages that we dont know the answer to, there was a stay in place, edict enough Falls Township that has since been lifted. Do we know if theres anything similar in this location . Thats a good question. I am not 100 sure when it comes specifically to trenton, it seems that they leased by what were seeing from this Wpvi Helicopter Affiliates there, that it is contained to this home and police have been focusing on and surrounding this home. But again, the shelter in place was predominantly for this false township area in pennsylvania, but a lot of surrounding areas took it very seriously as well. Sesame place, not too far. They close their doors earlier today. A st. Patricks day parade also had to be postponed or understand canceled because of this Intense Police activity. But it seems right now well, i can tell you for sure the false township Children Place that was lifted, i believe it around 12, 30 or so. Around 12, 25 because the they are focusing in on this home right here. You could just see the Police Presence is it seems to be growing some tactical vehicles right there. But this, of course, as youve noted was this is a tape delay. Were not showing you live images. Yeah. Yeah. We dont want to give any advantage to those might be using any kind of live coverage of the police. And theyre planning on trying to put an end to this safely. All right. Danny freeman. Thank you so much. Stick around with this as you continue to do your reporting and digging, well be right back with more if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen my dad died doing what he loved Space Shuttle columbia. He final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine no yeah. Its great yeah. I can do a cartwheel in here would you like . Join us now . We would love to join you i was just feeling shake was to wash day my always buying i was i was diagnosed with rob no miles should coma. Once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears sickness, and your stomach . Just dont want to get about abed that statement. Well, you got to look on the bright side of things tell me what the bright side of Childhood Cancer is its a long road. 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A suspect in a triple killing in a philadelphia suburb has barricaded himself with hostages, reportedly in trenton, new jersey. This after three people were shot and killed, in what officials are calling a domestic related incident. The suspect is identified as 26 yearold Andriy Gordon. He is considered Armed And Dangerous and we are expecting a Press Conference with police shortly. Well bring that to you as it happens. Also, were learning the Us State Department is coordinating an Evacuation Flight for us citizens trapped in haiti as Gang Violence wreaked havoc on the caribbean nation, the agency released a bulletin from the us Embassy Today telling residents with valid american passports where to go if they are able to get to the airport. Cnns david culver has more on the ground in haiti. Theres a tense. Youre really quiet at times, feeling here on the ground in portauprince, though that is often interrupted by rounds of gunfire it gives you a sense of just how unpredictable things are here in haitis capital comes amidst just what is a worsening crisis. And one, that the haitian people have been struggling to deal with Government Dysfunction and increasing gang from troll and many communities have actually started to barricade themselves in. Some have even taken on selfharming brigades to defend themselves and their neighborhoods from encroaching gang activity. And the health care system, the food supply in Food Security in particular are thirt certainly threatened. If you look at the healthcare, the Healthcare System itself, youve got some 80 of the hospitals in portauprince according to one local Hospital Executive that are now shutter, theyve been ransacked, looted that medical workers themselves who have been targeted. And three of the hospitals that operate in the porous of areas here in portauprince . Are among those that are closed. So it shows you that some of those who are in most need arent going to get that treatment. Food security is a huge concern here, especially with un officials trying to figure out how to ramp up Food Security rule foods fine lines rather and try to get as much into this capital city as possible as gangs have obviously made getting around increasingly difficult. 90 of the food consumed in haiti is important. Shows you how much of a crisis is could become if its not resolved immediately. In fact the un estimates that about 1 Million People or a step away from famine getting into portauprince is in of itself a huge challenge, particularly from outside the country. We spent six days and then a Mannequin Republic trying to figure out logistics, how to get on the ground here. And it of course involves some your credit red tape. But beyond that, just the logistics of making sure that where you are flying into the landing zone that you are going to choose with secure enough that could change by the hour. In fact, Helicopter Pilots that we spoke with just a couple of days prior had a had a landing zone that they felt they were confident going in at today. Security officials had declared that to be gangcontrolled, shows you again, just how unpredictable these situations can be. Heres a sampling of our journey into haitis capital where i dont know what you like im going to pick one. I would forget them logistics up this trip alone and have been incredibly challenging to say the least, theyre confirming with us something that weve been working on the entire day and that is the land itself, trying to figure out where well touch down. Its a very dire situation in portauprince gunshots to hear that if it is already. Hearing gunshots, just a few seconds into stepping out of the car after arriving here, portauprince, our pilot sell us that they had been shot at at previous trips and yet they still intend to continue to make these missions as often as they can, not just to bring people in who like us want to cover this and bring this story to the world. But more importantly to bring those who are desperate to get out its been, a lot of diplomats in particular that have left, but others are on the list. In fact, some of the pilots that weve spoken with say they have lists that are hundreds of people desperate to get out. Of course that is really a luxury. Any of the haitians dont have that opportunity, nor can they even consider it so for them, its about having to deal with what is a worsening situation with each passing day and hoping that the un or other Foreign Forces that might be able to bring aid can do that as strategically and quickly as possible david culver, cnn, portauprince, haiti. And back in this country, were also following the latest on this Breaking News unfolding now in new jersey, where awaiting a Press Conference and neighbors bring pennsylvania following what was a triple killing their and now the focus of the investigation aCross State Lines in trenton, new jersey stay with us. Well be right back tomorrow on the whole story. Two men missing are lives, just both tied to one deputy. He was the last person to see them a lot and a decadeslong search for the truth, the whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn. Businesses go further with 5g solutions. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Pga of america the most poor partnering 1 5g powered analytics to help improve player performance. Tmobiles Network Helps aaa stay connected nationwide to give their members back on the road. And Las Vegas Grand Prix chose tmobile to help Fuel Operations for one of the Worlds Largest racing events. 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A suspect in a triple killing in a philadelphia Celsius Suburb has reportedly now barricaded himself in a building. Theyre in trenton, new jersey. And youre seeing thanks to our affiliates they are live shots of the trenton, new jersey area where investigators are now focusing on and all of this comes after three people were shot to death in what officials are calling a demand stick related incident in pennsylvania. And then there was a reported car jacking that took place. And then the focus became here across eight lines into new jersey and a photograph of the suspect identified as 26 yearold Andriy Gordon. He is considered Armed And Dangerous according to police and may have an salt rifle. The shootings took place in Falls Township, pennsylvania earlier today up bucks county community, about 30 miles northeast of philadelphia and then the Hostage Situation now ongoing in trenton new jersey

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