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Ignite, enacted a 2,000,000,000,000 tax cut when he was president overwhelmingly benefited the very wealthy. An exploded the federal deficit exploded. We cut the deficit and we added more to the National Debt than any president in his term. And all of history. And under donald trump these guys talk about, oh too many corporations raise their prices and pad their profits charging you more and more for less and less. Thats what were cracking down on. Corporation is engaged in Price Gouging and deceptive pricing looks Like Companies that you wouldnt notice. They thought you would notice, but, you know, if youre you give me the same size bag of page eight chips, about 20 fewer chips know. By the way, its not a Joke Somebody may see there was a tv thing on how snickers bars. Same exact price was. I dont hold me the exact number, like 20 less barr im serious Congress Needs to sigh. Bobby casey is build a stop spent place these are a family i grew up in. These are Kitchen Table issues. Im also getting junk fees for those hidden fees. That is the end of your bills without your knowledge . Why understand you Just Announced were cutting credit card late fees from 32 to 1 by the way ive got freed arbitrary. The law says they can charged for life through what a cost them, the collective. It does not cost anywhere near 32, but they make over time, over that period, billions of dollars, literally it started me. Youve got 450,000 people pay those late fees and they charged this over, they end up paying over 2 billion the banks and Credit Card Companies dont like it. Why . Im saving American Families 20 billion a year with those junk fees by 20 billion by the way, i grew up i grew up in scranton and claymont, delaware. There are the two places i grew up and you know what made a difference in my household if you had to pay extra 50 bucks a month, 100 bucks a month with things it wasnt fair. It matters. And so does this, folks does anybody think the tax code is fair . I mean, im serious. I dont i dont have to keep fighting like calvin make it fair under my plan, nobody making less than 400,000 year, which id never made so i became president will pay one penny in additional tax. Nobody, not one penny. A Big Corporation big corporate, will finally has to begin hey, their fair share really this is just fairness. Fairness and decency. This is not were not making this stuff up in 2020 50. You might remember this is a big fight i had with the republicans in 20 2055 of the largest corporations in america, made 40 billion of profit. And paid zero in federal taxes well, i was determined to change that. Guess what . Not anymore. Thanks to the law i wrote and signed Big Companies now have to pay a minimum of 15 its, only 15 . So less than Working People pay in federal taxes. This time, were going to raise the minimum tax for corporations, at least 21 and so every billiondollar corporation finally begins to pay their fair share. And look, i want to end tax breaks for big pharma, big Oil Corporate jets, massive executive pay that gets deducted as i said, there are 1,000 billionaires in america in their federal tax rate is 8. 2 . I said three before thats far less than the vast majority of you pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax than a teacher, a sanitation worker, a nurse thats why i propose not the highest fact, the minimum tax of 25 for billionaires just 25 guess what . Now how much money that would raise over the next ten years . 500 500 and imagine what that could do for american, for our future it could cut the deficit, could provide for child care, can find me so much that we need to do and not raise the deficit lets invest less, continued investment in the future by confronting Climate Crisis, not denying it. I dont know since ive been president , ive gone with with all the folks my administration ive flown over those wildfires out west and northwest and southwest ive literally the helicopter, all of them and guess what is burned down, more timber, more housing, and comprises the scott tyre, state of maryland weve taken the, most significant action to climate ever in History Of The World i said i couldnt get past we got 369 pass for climate still cut the deficit the american save america is safer today when i took office year before i took office, murder, rachael went up to 30 nationwide. The biggest increase in American History under the last guy and now through the American Rescue plan, whichever republican voted against, i might add, ive made the largest investment of Public Safety ever last year. Further rate saw the sharpest decrease in history. Violent crime lead fell to one of the lowest levels more than, than more than 50 years. Im ramping up federal enforcement to vows for violence against women act, which i proudly wrote. So we can finally end the scourge of violence these guys for taking away guns from domestic abusers i mean, i dont know where that we beat the nra when i proposed and signed most significant Gun Safety Law in 30 years now, we have to beat nra again. Im demanding a ban on Assault Weapons and highcapacity magazine i didnt want pass universal background checks the immunity that protects Gun Manufacturers. They look a badger. Imagine if tobacco had the same limitations. Companies that Gun Manufacturers. The only Major Corporation in america, industry, america, you cannot sue is Gun Manufacturers think about that. Magen had that been the case with tobacco . How many more people be dying of cancer . Look, theres a lot more to say, but im keeping a standard too long. I know i was watching on television the last night about two in the morning after he got back to the house House The White house still think of hard to figure this home. I had the tv on fox news commentators saying you know, biden is changi from trickledown economics to build from the middleout, the bottomup going to ruin America Ruined American we have the strongest economy in the world right now like i said like i said i mean, it sincerely and i believe that my whole career finally got it done if we focus on the middleclass first of all first of all, there, the Heart And Soul and sinew of the country if you focus on them and give an even chance, the poor have a way up. And the wealthy still do very, very well still do very well. As i said, im a capitalist but capitalism when it turns to engaged in on cotton, noncompetition it ends up being just stealing well, let me close with this i know youre thinking that i couldnt have been around very long when you get to be my age, certain things become clearer than ever before. I know the american story ive seen it again and again in contest between competing forces, the battle for the soul of this nation. Semi may remember when i ran in 20 i got criticized by the press for santa is running for three reasons. One, to restore the soul of america to build a middleclass so we can begin to grow again, everybody have an even chance. And three United Country theres still my goals are still my goals the soul of the countries who we are you know, did you ever think those you are over 40 did you ever think wed been a situation where we talk each other like three why you see things that we see that no matter how tense things were theyre really tough and other parts of our history we arrived down the street there was a trump banner with the fu on it and a little at a sixyearold kid putting up as Middle Finger did you ever sit . No, im serious. The jeffrey, thank you. Hear people talk the way they do look at domains, domains who we are thats not who america, thats not america those between those of us who want to pull america back at the past and those who want to move it into the future my lifetime has taught me to embrace the future i mean, it sincerely freedom, democracy future based on the core values that have defined america honesty, decency, fairness, equality just treating people for fairly. No, i really mean it. We dont always live up, but that thats the american creed donald trump sees the story differently. He sees a story of resentment, revenge, retribution ive been working like hell unite europe, nato and make sure ukraine doesnt get crushed by this dictator and russia fact is that you have a president who literally is invited food to do it at once with hell, it wants to come into ukraine. He thinks putin is a strong, basically easy, decent guy. You know who hes meeting with today. Down to maralago or ban hungry who stated flatly he doesnt think democracy works. Hes looking for dictatorship only member of nato thats who hes meeting with i see a future where we defend democracy, not diminish it defend our freedom, not good one way i see a future the middle class has a fair shot and the wealthy pay their fair share for. The planet move from the Climate Crisis in our country away from gun violence. We have so much i see a Future America remains a beacon of the world. Ive been doing Foreign Policy since i was a kid in the senate i was chairman of Foreign Relations committee. And ive gone now i spent over almost 200 hours with the leaders of europe, the heads of state. I know them all. Ive known them well and guess what . Know what everyone im says to me virtually except or ban. Im serious as we leave these meetings well, indirectly, they grabbed my arm and i pull my side. Im serious it pulled me aside and say, youve gotten it. He cant win again because my demak leaving their country, my democracy is at stake why do not above all, i see a country for all americans a future for all americans a presidency for all americans because i believe in america, i believe in you, the american people. We just have to remember who and how we are. Where are the United States of america and beyond our capacity . If we do it together thank you. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time weve been. Listening to President Biden, pennsylvania kicking off the tour of Key Battleground States only hours after his fiery state of the Union Address last night im wolf blitzer in the Situation Room. We want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and Around The World. Want to go straight to our senior white house correspondent, mj lee. Shes on the scene for us in welling for pennsylvania. Thats outside of philadelphia, mj. The president is working to build on the momentum he appears to have gotten from his speech last night at the scene for us, this is just the start, right thats right. Wolf. We just saw the president s postState Of The Union tour officially get underway. Both the president and the first lady, we heard echoing some of the themes and issues everything right and maureen costs for everyday americans. But unlike last night, wolpe was really interesting heard President Biden, referring to his predecessor, but this time multiple times by name, using very stark language last night report many of the presence of floaters basically saying that they saw a version of President Biden, that they had badly wanted to be. They saw the bigger they sought clarity, they saw energy and they are now hoping that President Biden can take all of that replicated as he travels the country. Now to that end, we know from the campaign that the president is going to be doing korea proble in the coming days probably could face like georgia, new hampshire, wisconsin and michigan. And were also going to see the campaign beefing up its operations even more open getting new offices, launching a new ad campaign at basically everything that we see the campaign do from this point onward, is going to be with an eye towards november with donald trump in mind as we clearly saw from the presidency. Just now on the stage, now, just one last thing that i do want to know from where we are here in the suburbs of philadelphia we are seeing every day will find that the issue of the israelhamas war continues to be a big political complication for this president as we were coming the into this gymnasium we spoke with the protest or who said that she is here because she wants to call on the president to back a permanent ceasefire. Now, of course, as you know, the president so far only called for a temporary ceasefire when we saw him telling reporters just moments ago that he is not hopeful. That is deal can be struck on that front by the time that ramadan comes around, around this week well, or to mj lee on the scene for us and pennsylvania. Thank you, mj very much. I want to bring in our cnn political commentator Scott Jennings and karen finney along with Biden Biographer evan osnos, who is here with me in the Situation Room right now. So what do you think evan, you know, President Biden, youve written a terrific biography. You recently spent some time with him in the oval office for an article so you wrote in a Particle Board an article in the New Yorker Magazine is his best as he believed, his message is resonating right now. Yeah. I think youre starting to see the outlines of what the message is going to be. We heard some of that last night, and just now, were seeing what is going to be really the thrust of this in the very foreground, there is going to be talk of abortion every day there is a real feeling in the white house that they know this resonates with people theyre very concerned about losing that access to and losing there a right that has been established for 50 years. The threat to democracy. And then also these daytoday issues, things like Price Gouging, things like junk fees. I know it can seem like these are two very different kinds of problems. They see them as generational challenges. On the one hand, and then real practical daytoday issues. You put these things together and its important to add, you make a joke or two about your age, you invoke it as a sign of wisdom, as i remember when we were more decent to each other in public life. Thats a formula were going to hear a lot over the next few. What do you think about the fact that last night he really went after trump, but he didnt refer to him by name. The only referred to him as my predecessor, but today it was trump trump. Trump. Yeah. I think last night it was bidens night, you know, of course it isnt official speech that was a heavy political element, but he was there to talk about what it means to be the present United States. This was a Campaign Rally areas out on the road. Hes talking about the man he is going to be running against, not the man who he replaced and drove out of office the last time. So interesting, i stand by karen finney it seems to me, based on what im hearing from a bunch of democrats out there, they were pretty pleased by what the president did last night. I think theyre going to be pleased by what he just did now in pennsylvania, what are you hearing . Absolutely. I did some checking in today with particularly some the groups, the outside groups that are supporting the campaign. And they were very pleased and it was a big win. And as you can imagine, folks made a win. I mean, in a campaign you need to feel like you are clear about why youre doing it, your support, your guide, your guys out there fighting, and youre fighting for him in particularly they were pleased we saw in dial groups overnight, some of the internals showed independents, democrats, and republicans really resonating particular with this economic message. They also obviously modern campaigns youve got to be in the Digital Space and so different clips, they were testing from the speech did very well, particularly when we talked about he talked that Social Security reproductive rights, as evan pointed out also, towards the end, when he talked about the future. And so to what evan said, you arent going to hear more about that because again, the testing is showing that is resonating with people. So i think youre going to see and hear more and in the hours after his speech during a speech, in fact, as well, this campaign was raising a lot of money online. Yes, they were. And im obviously theyve been doing very well in in fundraising, despite what the polls might say. And again, last night, i think thats another sign of how well it was received. Very interesting indeed, Scott Jennings said, do you think President Biden has been able to surpass the very low expectations set by republicans in his remarks today. And last night, did they set the bar too low . Well, he thrilled democrats. I mean, he gave a Campaign Rally speech instead of the State Of The Union and he just gave another one today. And yeah. I mean, i think democrats are thrilled if you can hear it all day long last night, democrats are very happy. What i wonder about is the rest of the country happy with it are Middle America swing voters happy with it . I dont think single republican who thought it was a very good speech. And so i think he really was scrambling last night, frankly, to convince democrats that hes still got enough juice to run this race. It sounds like maybe democrats think that he does. I my personal view is that a lot of the people who have driven down joe bidens job approval would have rather heard him spend more time on some of the issues there worried about i mean, hes obsessed with snickers more than he is obsessed with the southern border. And i i dont i dont know if theyre gonna be able to run a whole campaign on snickers bars. But i guess were going to find out because he did it again today. He repeated what he said last night about shrinkflation as hes calling it lets talk a little bit about the whole nature of his speech was a fiery very strong speech last night, as well as today. Why havent we heard these kinds of speeches from him over these past several months. I think theres a rhythm to a campaign. I mean, over the last several months, ive been talking to the white house a lot. They were watching the trump battles in the primary against it, pretty weak opponents, but that was, they were essentially letting that play out because there was going to come a point when it was going to be a trump versus biden fight. And if you go to early, you start making speeches like this. It diminishes the impact of it on a night like they had last night, theyre not going to have a larger audience than they had probably until the convention. So you have to pick your shots and pick them right there. He picked last night as tens of millions of americans were watching on television, the broadcast networks, the cable networks. Everybody was taking it live. It was a very serious moment indeed. Do you think at least among democrats, he put his Mental Capacity . The issues that come up to rest. Absolutely. And just to respond to scott, again, what were seeing internally and dial groups independents and moderate republicans were resonating with what the president was saying. So i think it was a win all around. It was interesting to note the vigor in his voice, particularly evin after reading in your piece about the sound of his voice, i think there were some there were conscientious about really projecting strength and confidence on, again, you saw that today. I think people like this, that switch feels like a campaign. I think people like to see that. What do you thanks scott i dont think theres any republicans that heard much in that speech last night that are going to cause them to say, yeah, lets do four more years of what weve really hated about the last four years, i think thats totally bogus. And i think though we are going to see an extremely partisan, Nasty Campaign, the speech last night and the speech today. I mean, its really all about trump. I mean, bidens main pitches. Im not trump and heres a little bit of democratic boilerplate thrown in. Trump is the center of this Universe Biden obviously thinks that by scaring people with trump, thats how theyre going to win the race. I think youre going to see a really, really, really negative, Nasty Campaign out of this democrat. And obviously youre going to stay one night, a trump two its interesting, evan, the february jobs numbers came out earlier this morning, 275,000 new jobs created in the United States in february alone. All these other economic numbers that have been coming out, the dow jones, the nasdaq people swirl one ks unemployment, theyre very, very strong but he doesnt seem at least now, at least the most recent polls to be getting any credit significant credit for that, why, you know, your beginning to see some shifts on that Consumer Sentiment has been rising over the course of just the last six weeks to months there was actually a poll of Business Executives recently that says that theyre seeing conditions improved. It takes a while for this stuff to trickle into the into the populace, you know, i i think its worth responding to something scott said to which is was there anything in that four on a bipartisan basis . Look, there was an opportunity for republicans to cheer the idea of pushing back against Vladimir Putins aggression to cheer the idea of cutting drug costs, cheer the idea of going after abusive practices by corporate by corporations. There are opportunities, there if they want to do it after all, the biggest example is a border bill, which 70, which passed the senate 70 to 29. So it is sitting there if republicans want to take it up, it was supported by conservative republicans in the senate indeed, and its just laying flat the House Of Representatives republicans will put it up largely because trump told them, dont give President Biden any victories right now for political reasons, everybody standby. Were going to continue to watch whats going on. President biden voicing deep concern about Donald Trumps meeting tonight, the farright Prime Minister of hungry a strong man and an ally of vladimir putin. Thats good to see you. This kristen holmes, shes in west palm beach, florida, not far from maralago, where trump is hosting hungarys viktor orban. Chris that tell us more about this meeting well, i do want to tell you one thing is as listening to biden speaking just now hearing him really go after or ban was quite striking for somebody who has sitting an unknown number of speeches of Donald Trumps and usually hears the former president praising or ban saying how much so they are aligned, saying that orban has really done wonders with his country. And then hearing biden actually calling him and authoritarian saying that he wants to take away democracy, just a very interesting juxtaposition particularly as you said, because orban is currently meeting with donald trump at maralago. The two of them were set up for what one advisor called a social meeting the idea there being that there was no agenda, that this wasnt some kind of formal Sitdown Meeting which of course, in some ways that it couldnt be because donald trump is not currently a world leader. But one thing to note is that the white house never issued good or ban any sort of official invitation to come to washington to meet with joe biden and orban never reached out to the Biden Administration to sit down with anyone from the administration or with the president himself, which gives you an idea of where or bonds head is at. It also gives you an idea where donald trump might align himself if he is in fact brought back to the white house. The reason why this is so significant is because donald trump is not just the former president , but he is currently the Presumptive Republican nominee. And this really gives you a look at what a trump second term might look like in terms of a world stage, donald trump has repeatedly leah, as i said, praise or ban on the Campaign Trail and on top of that, the two of them seem to have the same political playbook. They are almost identically aligned when it comes to immigration. They have both said that wouldnt have invaded ukraine if donald trump was still in the white house. They have both attactive free press and called it fake use there is a lot of similarities there to point out whether or not we have an agenda for this meeting. It is telling him of what the next several months and possibly another Trump Administration would look like . Kristen holmes in west palm beach, florida, not far from maralago. Thank you very much for that update. And theres a lot more news were following, including more breaking news. 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Democratic congresswoman Debbie Dingell of michigan, congresswoman. Thanks so much for joining us, the president in these remarks repeatedly took on trump by name, this time as opposed to last night, hes touting his record on the economy, reproductive rights and healthcare here does that resonate you believe does that resonate more than his arguments about protecting democracy here in the United States and Around The World so i think its going to be all of them, you know, today was political speech. Last night was the official State Of The Union speech. So thats why you saw them direct naming of the person today. I think being worried about whats going to happen to our democracy, treating each other. Sibleys an important issue but there are a lot of different groups that are going to matter that have to show up in november at the polls, women are going to be the biggest or michigan two years ago when abortion was on the ballot, had one of the highest voter turnouts weve ever had. We need to turn out women. A lot of the economic discussions hes having right now, hes got weve got to get in the union house. Weve got to talk to those workers. These are issues that are going to resonate with them as well. And theyve got to get to the polls. So these are very, very important issues in terms of some of the people that after vote in november as you know, the president , it seems to be dialing up his public rhetoric against the way israel is conducting its war in gaza against some mass and resorting to plans to deliver aid to the Palestinians Of Gaza by air and sea. Is that too little too late for the 101,000 people in michigan who actually voted who im committed to protest the president s policies so first of all, wolf, im going to remind people that were a state that often votes uncommitted though the number was higher and the Community Called the Campaign Listen to michigan. And they did want to be heard because so many members of the arab American Muslim Community have lost members of their family, members of their families. They cant get out that are struggling. Theres no food, theres no medicine that we need to get significant humanitarian aid. Theyre quite frankly i was disappointed to hear today that we are not likely to get a temporary ceasefire by ramadan. And that temporary ceasefire needs to go into a permanent ceasefire at some point, people are hurting here and until they dont see any more children dying, until they dont see the innocent loss of civilians. Its going to be hard for them to have some of the real conversations and the comparison thats got to be made and will be made at the right. Now, lets hope there is a ceasefire and that happens soon. The United Auto Workers president as you know, congresswoman shawn fain, was one of the first ladys guests at the state of the Union Address last night. How far does the president s economic message go with a Rank And File Union Workers in michigan where you are so shawn fain and ive talked a great deal about this. He has endorsed the president. We know weve got to get into the union halls and really talk to members about what the president s done. And its one thing to say, okay, today we had 245, 85,000 new jobs. They need to understand how much but she has helped them and they arent look, lets be real there a lot of Working People across his country that are half felt the effects of inflation. But they are beginning to see a Better Things are costs are coming down. We have to make it very personal to them and im not going to kid anybody. Weve got how to get into the union halls. But the joe biden us saw Last Night To joe biden, youve seen today, he connects with these workers and i do believe that i was worried about the union house in to 15 and to 16, you know that i think that this job biden is one that will connect with Union Workers what happens in michigan, a Key Battleground State congresswoman Debbie Dingell, thanks so much for joining us coming up. Donald trump just posted a nearly 92 million bond for the E Jean Carroll defamation ruling, but he still owes hundreds hundreds of millions of dollars for other cases. We have details thats coming up next right here in this situation why choose a sleep number smart bad . Can it keep me warm when im cold . Wait, no, im always hot. Sleep number. Does that can i make my side softer i think my side firmer speak number. Does that can i help us sleep better and better . Sleep number . Does that 94 of smart sleepers report better sleep . 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Our nation is a Global Leader in reducing emissions innovators and delivering more Energy Sources to secure our future nine in ten americans agree, american oil and natural gas are vital to oger. Com or stopped by great journey for the ones who get it done. Im Clarissa Ward in jerusalem, and this is cnn tonight, were tracking Donald Trumps enormous cash crunch from multiple legal judgments, fees, and penalties. He just posted a nearly 92 billion bond in the E Jean Carroll Defamation Case against them. And thats just a drop in the bucket. Hes on the hook right now for mega millions, brian todd is taking a closer look. They attack my business. I built a great business, but the former president s projection of himself as a Star Businessman with deep pockets facing a strong challenge tonight. Donald trump today posted a bond of nearly 92 million to cover the damages in the E Jean Carroll Defamation Case. As he appeals the judgment against him in that case, an Insurance Company called Chubb Underwrote The Bond Trump posted today, but trump still owes damages of 454 million for a separate judgment against him in the new York Attorney generals civil fraud case. While hes appealing the case, hes only got until march 25th to pay that off i isnt really big bind up, particularly because theres a Clock Ticking on it. Its a very tight timetable wanting someone would that wealth might be able to raise cash if you give some enough time. But with this kind of situations where hard, another hit, hes been ordered to pay 385,000 in legal fees to accompany. He sued in the Christopher Steele dossier case and hes got other mounting legal fees that he owes for litigation in the four criminal trials, hes facing all of this raising questions about trumps ability to pay. This has gotta be really straining his finances. A donald is always had a house of cards financial structure. The former president s finances are an opaque, complicated, tangle. Forbes estimates his net worth at about 2. 6 billion. But most of it its tied up in real estate could he sell one or more of his Famous Properties to cover it . Thats hard to sell real estate very quickly unless youre doing a fire sale on the assets which you would want well be doing. Could he spend Campaign Money to pay the new york civil judgment, the New York Times recently reported that one of trumps Political Action committees spent about 50 million in donor money last year to pay Legal Expenses for him. But because that new york civil case was not related to his campaign or his its conduct as president , he likely wouldnt be able to use his packs to pay that judgment. He could sell his stake in his social media platform, truth social, a pending merger between the Parent Company of truth social and another firm could make trumps stake worth about 4 billion. But if this company can even merge to go public he would have to wait six months to be able to sell anything that raises another possibility. I think donald may file personal bankruptcy as a strategic move to delay collection of these cases. His goal would be to get past november 5, day of the president ial election. One other hurdle donald trump is facing is that some of the worlds biggest banks actually stopped lending to him a while ago. Wolf, brian todd reporting brian, thank you very much for that report. Just ahead, what President Biden is saying about a potential ceasefire in gaza as the fate of hostages hangs in the balance. And ill get reaction from a new jersey couple whose son was kidnapped during the october 7 attacks cnn Saturday Mornings starting tomorrow at eight on cnn the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard from my retirement the second best, stay healthy enough to enjoy it. 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The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Weekdays at six on cnn tonight, President Biden says efforts to secure a pause in the fighting and our hostages exchanged by ramadan are in his words, looking tough. This is talks for a sixweek ceasefire between israel and hamas stall before the muslim holy month begins early next week, joining us now, yeah, l and adi alexander, their son, eden, was kidnapped by hamas on october 7. They attended President Bidens state of the Union Address last night in congress, they were guests of the new jersey congressional delegation. Yeah, l and audie, thanks to both of you for joining us. Our hearts go out to you. How do you feel . First of all, Hearing Today that President Biden is casting doubt on a hostage deal. It seems anytime soon after he promised to get this done, as soon as he could during the state of the Union Address we hoping that the deal will be executed. I think its a great deal. Its on the table or it could be behind us days ago. But our understanding that hamas walked away from the table and thats the situation right now. I know you had a chance to meet also with the National Security advisor, Jake Sullivan on wednesday. What did you hear from him, marty, i did that conversation give you hope yeah. We we meet with jake almost on a weekly basis and just to show us the commitment of the administration and to give us a little bit of the updates of what is going on. But whatever was discussed in the private meeting i could not share, but most of it its out in the news right now. Yeah as you know, israel as the many that hamas provide a list confirming which hostages are alive. Have you gotten any information at all on your son edens condition no, we didnt get nothing. Its 154 days it was. Five months yesterday, since october 7, and we dont know anything what about like a dan situation there . He didnt get the medication that we ask them to get him like nothing so we dont have any new info and we know he turned 20 years old. What, in december in captivity, right . Right at the end of December December 29 fits its birthday. So it was the First Time Since october 7 that i flew back to tel aviv. And weve done some celebration for him i thought that if he could hear us like on the news or the Radio Station or whatever and knows that the family and friends, everyone is loving him so much. And i just, you know, i hope that maybe heard something party. What worries you the most as this war enters a sixth month without a deal to free the hostages and stop the fighting i think we need to implore all the local players and our partners. Qatar is no egyptians and israelis as well. Not walk away from the negotiation table. Just it was five months and enough, its enough the Ceasefire Deal is on the table and we need to execute it. Well, lets hope for the best our hearts go out to you. Thank you so much to both of you for joining us. Well continue this conversation to be sure. And coming up efforts to Airdrop Aid Into Gaza turn deadly as a parachute malfunctions, what it says about the ongoing struggle to fine to an exploding humanitarian crisis in gaza with fast sides create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process thats sides, make your statement at Morgan Stanley Old School Hard Work meets both new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. And relentlessly work with you to make them real one to works all day. So i can keep working just want to leave 12 hours of uninterrupted painrelated colleagues. Who do you take it for and for fast topical pain relief, child leave x. Wow can go to the movies, not mouse sweetie how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget . And that fits all of us i dont want to spend more than 30 k j. I want something we can go camping style. 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Im kaitlan polantz in washington, and this is cnn deadly setback in gaza tonight and the ongoing struggle to provide desperately needed humanitarian aid. Video obtained by cnn shows an airdrop of aid going very, very wrong. When a parachute malfunctioned and the contents fell at a high speed towards a residential building, at least five people on the ground reportedly were killed, ten others injured. I want to bring in cnns chief international correspondent, Clarissa Ward. Shes joining us from jerusalem, right . Doc, clarissa, does this underscore how badly the aid Delivery System is failing the people of gaza theres no question, wolf and theres still a lot of questions here. We dont know exactly what nationality that a drop was. The us has said that all of their bundles were safely delivered today so it could be a different nationality. We just dont know. But as you say, really this underscores the absolute tragedy and frankly the impossibility of trying to effectively deliver aid relying on things like aid drops. We heard from one humanitarian official who said, quote, airdrops are good photo opportunities, but a lab hows the way to deliver aid . And thats why youve seen i think well, President Biden trying to establish a new Mechanism Building appear to allow the us to deliver aid directly to gazans by sea. But as we heard today, hey, that could take up to two months and those are two months wolf, that gazans dont have. And again, aid workers saying even the pier, its a glaring distraction. The best way to deliver deliver aid is on the ground, but you cant deliver it properly and effectively without some kind of a ceasefire in place, wolf, we saw something very disturbing today. You were there, you saw in person you saw some israeli protesters attempting to block aid going from israel into gaza. Tell us about that. So will this has been going on for over six weeks now . Its a group called tsav 9, its made up of some settlers and former reservist, but also ordinary families who believe fervently that all the aid that gets into gaza as going to hamas and that there is a better chance of getting hostages out safely if they completely cut off aid from getting in. Now, weve seen israeli authorities who had been kind of Turning A Blind Eye to these guys, taking a much tougher line. And preventing them from actually crossing into the area where this trucks are entering into gaza. But still these protesters are going on a regular basis spending hours trying to the skirmish and outmaneuver the police. And whats interesting wolf is, according to a recent poll done by israels top polling institution, the israel democratic democracy institution, sum 68 of jewish israelis believe as these protesters, due to that International Aid should not be able to get into gaza. Wolf, Clarissa Ward reporting for us from jerusalem. Clarissa, thank you very much into our viewers. Thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the Situation Room. The news continues next on cnn tonight on 360, the race is on two president ial candidates its two very different

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