Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

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Fani willis, the da there is investigating efforts to overturn the Election Results. He is an Unindicted Coconspirator in jack smiths indictment of donald trump. Im told that the feds, the federal investigators have not reached back out to chesebro since he informed them whos Gonna Take A Plea Deal in georgia, hes interviewed with again ill five different State Prosecutors in his time since taking a plea deal. So ramp to see, but lying to State Prosecutors or not being fully truthful with State Prosecutors can be a problem anymore all the time. Zack cohen really appreciate it. Thanks so much. The news continues right here on cnn outfront next, the Supreme Court hands trump a win and we are now just hours away from the biggest de, the campaign yet, Super Tuesday tonight a competent trump celebrating the high courts decision to keep him on ballots nationwide plus the price of loyalty to trump. Two of the former president s top aides are now facing prison time. And a new guilty plea could put more of trumps inner circle in jeopardy and seizing ukraine. Russia is rolling out a new map that consume much of the entire country of ukraine. Tonight, you go to the front lines where putins men are facing little resistance tonight. Lets go outfront and good evening im Erin Burnett Outfront tonight. The Supreme Court does it again handing another major wind, donald trump allowing him to stay on the colorado ballot and choosing to ignore the question at the heart of the case, which is whether trump is an insurrectionist under the 14th Amendment it comes just hours before trump is set to have his biggest Election Night yet, voters in 15 states, as you can see on that map, heading to the polls, there are 865 delegates up for grabs, and trump could win nearly all of them. The New York Times right now is estimating 90 of those delegates will be awarded to trump tomorrow. That would leave him just shy of the 1215 needed to secure the republican nomination for a third time. Obviously, well see how those votes go tomorrow. But today, trumps sure is feeling the wind at his back praising the Supreme Court it was a very important decision, were very wellcrafted and i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together, which our country needs essentially, you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. Well, todays ruling by the Supreme Court was historic and what it means in addition to colorado is a trump will be on the ballot in to other states where he had been removed for inciting an Insurrection Maine and illinois but just to be clear, when you heard trump, theyre talking about the ruling. He is praising the court because it ruled in his favor. He is not praising the court because he believes in the american judicial system every case it gets filed in the ninth circuit. We get beaten. The courts are not helping us. I have to be honest with you. So ridiculous somebody said i should not criticize judges, okay. Ill criticize judges have been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judges of mexican heritage. Im building a wall and twitter, after the Supreme Court ruled against him regarding the release of his taxes, trump said this is all a political prosecution. Well, the Supreme Court rejected his effort to overturn the Election Results in texas he tweeted the Supreme Court really let us down no wisdom, no courage. Is Attorney Raising Eyebrows when she seemed to suggest that the court owes trump because he appointed three of the current Sitting Justices you know, people like kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place hell step up of course, thats not what its supposed to be about at all. Now, kavanaugh did join for other conservative justices by writing that no state can kick any federal candidate insurrection are not off the ballot and even though the final ruling in terms of being on the colorado ballot was unanimous, the liberal justices and one conservative justice appointed by trump, Amy Coney Barrett did take issue with how far the ruling went to the liberals, writing the American People have the power to vote for and elect candidates for national office. And that is a great and glorious thing. The man who drafted and ratified the 14th Amendment, however, had witnessed an insurrection and rebellion to defend slavery. They wanted to ensure that those who had participated in that insurrection and impossible future insurrections could not return to prominent roles. Kristen holmes begins our coverage. She is outfront live near maralago in florida and kristen, i know you have been talking to your sources in the trump cane and obviously this is a big win, unanimous from the court where is the Trump Campaign now focusing . Well their, focus really is on the General Election. I mean, they want to enter this week feeling very optimistic, both politically and legally, talk about what happens next. Legally well, first of all, playing those clips was really something its very striking to see how donald trump talks about the court in various different stages, particularly when he is not winning, but today he was very gracious. Now he is going into this week, Super Tuesday. He is poised to win. So many delegates that he becomes just shy. Of the gop nomination or when i talked to is various advisers, they say they want to look past anything primary related and focus just on joe biden, just on this General Election in fact, there were starting to talk about how he could counterprogram state of the union. They were looking at different ideas. He could live posted on truth social, he could put up videos at one point theyre talking about having him do some remarks as a prebuttal to the state of the union. But really again, they are entering this week, as you said, feeling very good good about where they stand both politically and legally, and its not just about winning this case. They thought they were going to win this case. They felt like this was the case of all of their different legal cases that they had the most legs to stand on, the most evidence, they thought that they were going to be successful here. The part thats really carried them is this Immunity Claim as the supreme or deciding to take up that argument. And the reason for that is because they believe and if you talk to many, if not all of trumps advisers that ive spoken to, they do not believe he is going to face a federal case before the November 2024 election. And remember, this was their big goal. Their goal was to push and delay an exhaust every single avenue it was not a any kind of trial in terms of federal trials before that november election with the hope that donald trump wins in november, that can dismiss these cases and they move forward for the cases go away. They believe that is happening now, particularly given the fact that if you look at the Supreme Court timeline and of course, we dont have confirmation that its going to be pushed past november. But if you look at the timeline hearing, the remarks in april late april getting an answer in june, having to prep for the trial, giving them months of disgust every of preparation, they believe its going to push it past that november deadline and the deadline, of course, being the election and that is what theyve been trying to do this entire time. All right, kristen, thank you very much in our coverage continuing here, i want to go to the democratic governor of colorado, jared polis, and thank you very much. I appreciate your time, governor. So you know you hear kristin, that trumps team, they feel good, they feel great legal side of things. Theyre feeling good they dont believe any trials are going to happen in the federal cases until after the election. So youve had a few hours here to digest this. Do you think the Supreme Court today made the right decision in saying that the trump path to beyond the ballot in colorado well, tomorrow Super Tuesday in colorado, of course, of the republican ballot are not only donald trump and nikki haley, but several people who dropped out after the filing deadline. So in november, i think the democratic nominee should face the republican nominee. And frankly, if the republican nominee is donald trump, and that seems like clare, im confident colorado, well, well go for President Biden but i guess just to try to understand in terms of the decision itself i, guess youre not, surprised by it. Probably no ones really surprised by it where you surprised that it was unanimous. I mean, do you feel disappointment or not no, im im glad its unanimous. I mean, i think this anything really adds authority to the court. There overseen a number of Different Cases related to the former president , including cases that could affect the timeline for his criminal charges and potentially even the civil charges against them. So again, i ive always said i think the democratic nominee should face the republican nominee in november. And i think that Donald Trumps brand is frankly toxic to the republican brandon, colorado, and thats one of the reasons that hes running so far behind here. So the group that brought the Trump Ballot Challenge in colorado, theyre arguing, governor that they lost on technical legal technicalities at the Supreme Court. And theyre honing in, obviously on the crucial thing here, which is the courts opinion, did not address the heart of the matter. Right. Which is the reason why trump would have been removed from the ballot, which is where hes an insurrectionist they just avoided that, which of course your states Supreme Court had, had done. Do you think the court should have gone further given whats at stake, given in fact, that this timeline is kristen is just laying out means that the American People may not get any kind of illegal verdict other than this, right . Should they have made a statement there on the insurrection issue well, first of all, you know, when talking to me, youre talking to a nonattorney, so i just want to make that disclaimer. There are governors that are attorneys as well. I was in business before i went into politics i dont think i think former President Trump became less popular with january 6, but frankly, it was a lot of the shenanigans during his presidency that i think made him is unpopular as he is in colorado and frankly underwater across the country as well i think hes really the weakest possible republican nominee and while as an american, we wish that both parties had strong candidates. I also happen to be a democrat and obviously he somebody that im confident we can defeat november so youve said having trump on the ballot is better than biden for biden than facing nikki haley, at least youve made that point before governor and now theyre of course the New York Times poll this weekend. Perhaps gave you pause as it did many and understanding at least the current state of the race according to that poll, it shows trump beating biden and nearly threequarters of voters in that New York Times poll say biden is just too old to be an effective president. And that includes 61 of voters who supported biden last time around governor. Now, i know that you were recently with biden at the white house. Youre the vice chair of the National Governors association. So you just had a chance to spend some time with him personally. What can you tell us about that . Do you have any concerns about his mental acuity or ability to do the job . Look, first, of course, is going to be erased down to the wire was last time to look. No, i spent a lot of time with the president and he actually sat in his table for dinner. He was nice enough to entertain me and governor cox and my daughter was with me and he and jill were terrific he just spoke frankly with us and 42 governors or however many were at that event, he answered questions on the spot, even called an additional question. So i mean, he was in colorado few months ago in pueblo where we visited a wind turbine factory. I got to spend a lot of time with them. Look, the president is is terrific. I mean, the same guy he always was. I got to know when he was Vice President was just a wonderful, thoughtful person, always shows that empathy, empathy, and warmth, and he surrounds himself with a great team that i think is doing well with record low unemployment. And i think inflation is on his way down and those fundamentals will help his reelection but in terms of the mental acuity issue, just since this is clearly front and central with voters, is there any anecdote that you could share on that . Well. Again, i mean, first of all, hes same age, basically as the likely republican nominee. I mean, they were in high school at the same time and yes. I think that theres probable if youre comparing Health Problems to Health Problems, theres, its probably more likely than the other guy has more problems and the likely democratic nominee of a no lucky hes, hes right on top of everything. I mean, hes these the same guy that ive always known and hes able to be enjoys telling funny stories and engaging. And i think its great to the staff is getting them out there more. Right. I mean, its been its busy being president. I get that. Im a Chief Executive of the state. You always have to balance the work you do with being available to the public. Im glad hes getting out there more from glady winter, the border. Im glad he shows his strength. I think the more he gets out there interacts with people, the better the better itll do. And you also got to remember that this is a guy that has always had a stutter in issue, is very open about talking about it hes and i think thats part of his charm, frankly, is that very Human Dimension to his story. But youre not going to compare them on oratory to an auditor, but hes somebody that oneonone and in small groups is always been the dynamic, thoughtful leader that he is today. All right. Well, governor, i appreciate your time. Thank you very much. All right. Good to see you, governor and the former Trump White House lawyer ty cobb is outfront with me now and ty here we are you predicted it three months ago. You came on the show. You predicted how you thought the Supreme Court would rule on the colorado case . Less anyone forgot. Here is ty cobb three months ago i think it could be 90 and Supreme Court for trump you are right. So whats it stands out to tay and the actual opinions too, i thought the opinions were solid. I think i think the court picked it past path that brought It Back Unanimity by focusing on the federalism aspects, making it clear that a decision to bump a president ial candidate from state ballot was a uniquely federal decision. How weather and weather a former president and could be disqualified uniquely federal decision . Yes and i think theyre i think there are 100 , right. Its nine, nothing nothing nothing really to argue about there. The argument that they have over whether the court went too far as Amy Coney Barrett made it clear. Thats understandable. She agrees that they they they went too far. On the other hand, they didnt go radically far. And congress is the only entity mentioned in article three that could have enforcement authority. Youd have to youd have to really reach out to derive authority elsewhere. So i dont think you can coral necessarily about the opinion being yeah you know, radical in any way the incremental steps that they took to enforce the perception they only congress could act, i think was the right to was the right move. On. The other end, you know, as Amy Coney Barrett said, the most important takeaway here is the unanimity yes. And that is important and whether you like the ruling or not, something, i hope people can celebrate that those justices who currently disagreed, for example, on the issue of president ial immunity and how to handle that, did come to a unit animus, a decision here. And were able to do that. But this issue of insurrection and obviously you had i know you werent expecting them to weigh in on that, but were you surprised at all that they didnt obviously, as you point out, saying, very narrowly on the issue of federalism here, and not weighing in on the issue of whether the foreign president was an insurrectionist when given the schedule in the calendar here, we may get no ruling from the court that has anything to do with his role in january 6, this mightve been the only know youre 100 , right, erin . And as always, you know, this is, this is a situation where they had no reason. Once you once you decide that the state court had no authority to act you know, whatever they did is irrelevant. So no, there was no reason to parse it and i will say, you know, people forget that on the insurrection side, its not as difficult as some pundits have suggested, insurrectionists. Theyre going to be running wild. There is a statute Congress Already i could 18 usc, 23, 83, which criminalizes insurrection and disqualifies people who are convicted under that statute should should bidens Justice Department want to pursue that . They could do that likewise, keep in mind that the january 6 committee interpreted the statute or excuse me, the interpreter, the section three, and the issue identically with the Supreme Court and recommended that Congress Take action under that under that amendment to declare an insurrection and be disqualified. Trump. Now, Speaker Pelosi would not let that come to the floor largely people suspect because she wanted to have trump to kick around in this election. But congress did at least suggest that they should proceed that way. The january 6 commission all right. Well, thank you very much, ty, as always, for that. My pleasure is not always nice to be with you. All right and next, trump orgs chief Financial Officer is about to go back to the notoriously Brutal Rikers Prison because of his loyalty to trump he is not the only person who is now ending up behind bars for the former president. Plots in tonights voters outfront series of Trump Rematch as voters in one Battleground State looking for another option im going to trigger for a while now at the whole notion of it have a legitimate third party and to us adversaries, both Nuclear Superpowers are joining forces using Artificial Intelligence in their militaries. As i speak, reshaping war. As we know it Super Tuesday coverage begins this tomorrow at 06 00 p. M. On cnn and streaming on max so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and thats when i said deal on your rate is r infinity i am deals deals, army, bernier, heavy price slide. I was just feeling sick i was to watch this day my always crying. I was sad i was diagnosed with raab no miles should coma. 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Probably still living here with mom and dad. Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. Family into the Financial Futures tonight to trump allies facing prison time, the former trump org cfo Allen Weisselberg, pleading guilty to perjury over lies he told in the 2020 deposition less than a year after he was released from prison for committing tax fraud at the trump org the Justice Department also urging an Appeals Court to send extrump adviser Peter Navarro to prison. He is challenging his Contempt Of Congress conviction. They are far from the only trump allies to learn the price of loyalty to trump. Brynn gingrass is outfront Allen Weisselberg heading to jail again after serving 100 days in the notorious Rikers Island prison and not a word incriminating donald trump, the man who secured loyalty from weisselberg for decades, even now, after two more criminal convictions, the former Trump Organization chief Financial Officer and protector of the trump family. Money raising his hand today and admitting that he lied under oath. Are you familiar with that acronym . Ive heard about yet . Okay. In a 2020 Video Deposition and on the stand during the Civil Fraud Trial Last year when the new york good attorney general Accused Trump of inflating his assets for his financial benefit to fraudulent people because they rule the house that was worth they put down as 18 came in at its word, maybe close to 100 times that it all comes down to the Square Footage of trumps 34 triplex in york city. The Manhattan District Attorney says, weisselberg, new trump inflated Square Footage by nearly three times over evaluating its worth by about 200 he had weisselberg lied for him anyway, the 76 yearold joins a growing list of Trump Associates who loyalty to the former president landed them in hot water. This is going to the Supreme Court, former white house adviser to trump, Peter Navarro, appealing a for month sentence for refusing to testify and provide evidence to the Congressional Committee investigating the january 6 attack steve bannon showing the same loyalty to trump, the maga enthusiasts drop, drop. One is also fighting his conviction on similar charges. Courts found separate convictions against trump allies, roger stone and michael flynn, but trump exonerated both men. I think the Whole Manafort Trial is very sad. Then there are other first formerly in trumps orbit who have already seen the inside of a prison cell like his wants Campaign Chairman paul manafort, sentenced to seven years, but released early during the coronavirus its pandemic shooting world. He wants to again, appear to have this thick skin. Hes not thick skinned and the most outspoken former friend now enemy of trumps michael cohen, who served time in federal prison after lying to congress in violating Campaign Finance law. I believe that he will be found guilty on all charges. Cohen now planning to continue his crusade against his former boss by testifying for the state at trumps criminal trial in new york, fringing grass, cnn, new york all right. Ryan goodman, outfront legal analyst is with me. Okay. So you believe that this guilty plea from Allen Weisselberg could have farreaching implications in other trump cases. So what exactly do you mean . So think it has Ripple Effects in the to new york cases. So the upcoming criminal trial for falsifying Business Records at this point, itd be very difficult for trump to put the Stormy Daniels hush money case. Yeah, exactly. And Allen Weisselberg might have been a witness for the defense but its very hard to now put him on because the prosecutors will say, well, look at this person, he lied before for you in this prior trial that just happened in new york, the civil fraud trial. So why would you believe him now . And they could even use it . Affirmative leaders say, this is a person who just pled guilty to lying to courts in order to cover up cooking the books. And what is he here for . But he was involved with you to the defendant, mr. Trump, in cooking the books with respect to the hush money payment. Same kind of set of allegations. I think thats one big one. The second one is the new york city fraud trial. Thats now an appeal to 450 million judgment. It kinda insulates the judgment because thats part of the argument in favor of the lower court factual findings then the judge found that many of the witnesses on trumps side, were not credible. This person dont just noncredible. Hes now just pleaded guilty to having lied in the court about trying to cover up there. So serious implications okay. Means im fulton county. Were still waiting on that, judge, that he had said it could take him up to two weeks, but it could come at any moment whether hes going to disqualify fani willis or not due to alleged misuse of taxpayer funds because of the relationship she was having with their leader the prosecutor. So today there was a state Senate Committee in georgia that subpoenaed ashleigh merchant, who was the attorney, arguing to get rid of fani willis on the trump side here, who had raised the allegations of misconduct. Now that committee doesnt have the power to remove move willis from the case. But is the Committee Still a risk or threat to willis i certainly think so because i think the followup is easily can be the question of, for example, did ms willis make false statements when she testified in these proceedings that weve just had in the last couple of weeks, did she testify falsely about the relationship . Russian ship. And thats the Cell Phone Data that weve talked about that seems to contradict her testimony that that really started in 2021 and that would be very bad for her, said, no, they dont have enforced horseman power, but could they could really raise the stakes, public pressure could be enormous if its found that the district attorney, in fact, lied to the court, that would be the problem for her. Right. And a hugely hugely reputationally issue and also for the people believing in the outcome here. All right, ryan, thank you very much next, are voters outfront series with trump on the cusp of securing the republican nomination, where well nikki haley supporters go with trump. With that bounce, a little vomit. But i cant vote for joe biden and a putin ally saying what he really thinks about a russian power grab that gives most of ukraine to putin United States of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. My name is cody archie, and im erica. And were firstgeneration ranchers from central texas. And because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. We have door per sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain, we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do. 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Now ill be smelling fresh all day long still fresh dont get six times i launched our campaign at this union hall. Lets go win this thing then we hit the road and never stopped. You shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. Your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. It is not too late to realize those dreams. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. This election is about who shares your values. Let me share mine. Im the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. When they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. When trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. I fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Im evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. Absorbing junior prom nothing numbs pain more live pictures right now from fort worth, texas. Thats where nikki haley will be taking the stage in a moment for our final campaign event. For tomorrow Super Tuesday contests. Republican voters and 15 states heading to the polls with more than a third of the gop delegates at stake. Jeff zeleny has the latest dispatch an hour voters outfront series from a battleground Super Tuesday today, state i would vote for joe biden, never done with trump in a heartbeat. What are you doing with trump with that bounce a little vomit but i cant vote for joe biden, kim brand, and Stacey Van Grand again, are both voting for Nikki Haley On Tuesday and dreading what likely comes next. Had a Weekend Rally in North Carolina. They watched haley together but parted ways that the notion of a rematch between joe biden and donald trump should she not win the nomination what do you do in november and a retired bankers said shell back biden banned grant again, a retired consultant said shell vote for trump again. First time i did with joy. Second and time i did with my nose pled. But ill do it again with my nose plug. I just cant believe though that thats what we had to choose from. We have to turn them in the waning days hes of the primary conversations with haley voters offer important lessons perhaps less so for her own candidacy than for trump. Biden, or even a Third Party Candidate in november, if shes not on the ballot at all . Im voting for biden because i dont want donald trump to be anywhere near my country. Ive been intrigued for a while now, at the whole notion of it, have a legitimate third party eve, you dont think you need that 30 or 40 of us. You are showing exactly why youre going to lose a General Election. North carolina, one jean States Holding republican contest tuesday is emerging as an early General Election battleground. The fastgrowing suburbs and collegeeducated voters are in the sites of both parties as the next chapter of the Campaign Take shape, we know that they state is 50, 50 anderson clayton, his chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party its been 16 years since barack obama. One here, the last democrat to do so. Trumps margin of victory has narrowed a little more than one point in 2020 down from more than three points in 2016. I job in my opinion, right, is to go chase every democrat that from 2008 it did not vote afterwards, did not see themselves represented in this party afterwards. Billy ward is Vice Chairman of the Wake County Republican Party in raleigh. He draws a different lesson in the booming population growth. We see a lot of people that are moving in because even though theyre democrats, theyre frustrated with the way the democrats had been running theyre former states, their former cities, and in many ways, the country, the big question is whether the fall election becomes a stark choice with trump or referendum on biden the economy and more, i think people are ready to go back to what we have four years ago. Sir. 3d jones, mrs. Trumps policies and said she can tolerate all that comes with it. Suburban women are afraid they cant pay the bills. Theyre having to go back to work at the end of the day. Theyre worried about personal safety and theyre worried about providing for their families, go out and vote on tuesday as haley ways, whether Super Tuesday will be her last stand supporters like brand and von grand again, brace for a long road to november. So when you try and work on each other over the next eight months, or your, we value independence so of all the states voting tomorrow, North Carolinas stands out for what it could mean for the fall. And those nikki haley voters are squarely in the middle. Now theres no doubt as you heard, there are some supporters are antitrump, but many, many we spoke too, also antibiden but erin, the outcome of this primary could expose trumps vulnerabilities, particularly among College Educated voters in those fast growing suburbs where biden also has considerable ground to makeup. If he wants to turn it into a winning battleground and earn those 16 electoral votes. All right, jeff, thank you very much. Fascinating. Everyone could learn from those two womens friendship and valuing independent thinking and being able to be friends, such Close Friends with someone voting the other way. Id run now, Kristen Soltis hes anderson republican strategist and pollster along with karen finney, the former senior spokesperson for Hillary Clintons 2016 campaign. All right. So kristen, you just heard those Super Tuesday voters telling jeff that theyre intrigued by the idea of a legitimate third party is how they put it and obviously no labels that group has said theyd be opened. Nikki haley leading that ticket. Shes publicly rejected it, but shes got a lot of money. I mean, she just raised 12 million in february so what do you think it would actually due to the race if and i understand its an if shes currently rejecting, but if she pursued an independent run, what would it do . Justin if nikki haley pursued an independent run . It would really make things challenging for donald trump to put together the coalition he would need to win in november. You do not want to go into a General Election in these polarized times . With a divided party. Now i think it is highly unlikely that nikki haley would ever do this. She has a long career in politics. I think she has her sights set on a future republican nomination, running as an independent would really just sink that particular boat for the long term. But i think if somebody was compelling as an independent, we do see a real dissatisfaction in both major party presumptive nominees this time around, right. And of course, as you point out, when you look at the generational divide and she talks about this new generation, i mean, she is young, shes got a lot ahead of her if she does want to pursue more in republican politics, obviously but karen, for those sitting at home, they suddenly say, wait a minute, what if there was a Ballot Choice and its joe biden, donald trump, nikki haley, and rfk junior. What the heck happens. Donald trump likely becomes our next president. Thankfully, no laotzu. One thing about no labels. Theyve said theyre interested in hurts my understanding. Shes not interested in them and thats smart because that is a slush fund for the two people, the donors who founded it. Theyve even said their goal is not to win its, to offer a choice i would just remind people, all those women who were bawling when donald trump won in 2016, those folks who voted for jill stein and gary johnson, how did you feel when you found out that trump won one so i think thats a history we dont want to see repeat itself but i think we look as democrats, we are taking it very seriously. The potential challenge i just wanted the onethird other thing i would say about nikki haley, though, she is a smart politician and i think she probably knows her future is in the republican party, not as an independent. And if she was seen as a spoiler, that could be a problem. I think she should go out and campaign for other candidates down ballot so kristen, the context here of course, is heres another poll id mentioned the New York Times that beginning of the show. So let me give you the ap1 now, 80 of independent voters are not confident in bidens mental capabilities 56 say the same about trump. I mean, it is overwhelming in terms of people feeling this way about biden much more than they do about trump. And yet, listen to trump this weekend. Putin has so little respect for obama that hes starting to throw around the Nuclear War Terror youve heard that nuclear, the biden border will well, you know this right the biden border bill. Did you just see maduro venezuela . Its unbelievable. We are in station that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will repeat, will be reducing and you know people pull together these clubs, kristen, weve all seen them on twitter, you know, to theyre trying to make the point that, oh, look at trump, he stumbles, He Confuses Pelosi and haley and he can fuses biden and obama but why isnt that resonating with voters in the same way that it is with biden on age well, this has been part of nikki haleys message for the last couple of weeks now, is that it is unfathomable that as a country, this is the choice that were going gonna be facing. I think the reason its hit biden a little bit harder thus far is that he has stayed more off the radar. Most of what americans hear about him are these gaps where for donald trump, theres a lot of well, hes just weird. Well, he just says stuff priced into how people already think about him with that said, i do think that clips like the one you just showed, if that begins to at least eliminate some of the advantage trump has over biden on the who is older and more with it question that could be a problem if enough of them accumulate as we get closer to november and karen, evan osnos just got a rare interview with the president. I wouldnt when youre talking about him appearing more and evan said he did not see much of a difference in the president physically and he writes in his article for the new yorker that he wrote about this quote his voice is thin and clotted and his gestures have slowed, but in our conversation is mine seemed unchanged he never bungled a name or a date. Thats an honest assessment, right . I mean, no one wants to hear their voice being clotted and thin, but mine seems unchanged, never bungling a name or a date. Is that bar high enough for voters . Well look i think its going to play itself out over the coming months. I mean americans are going to have to see that for themselves. But i will say as someone who has had worked for people in evan osnos profile is no joke. And thats it. Those are tough long interviews. So thats for those of us who know that, thats a positive sign but again, i think its going to be more about the president getting out there and talking to people for folks to see for themselves. I will also say though the amount of coverage of joe biden and his age has far out, matt . Yes. What weve seen about trump so i agree it we may see that even out. All right. Thank you both very much. I appreciate it and tomorrow we will have special coverage of the Super Tuesday contest. It starts live at 04 00 eastern with wolf blitzer in me and next ukraine is definitely russia, those are the words of a top putin ally while standing in front of this map ukraine is basically swallow but hold comes as dwindling american support is being felt on the battlefield. Were going to take you live to Eastern Ukraine. Our reporters been embedded with those troops per day. And a Dangerous Alliance. China and russia comparing notes on the military capabilities of ai i was just feeling sick i always want to day. My was crying i went i was diagnosed with rob, no miles should coma once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach . Just dont want to get about a bed that statement. Well, you got to look on the bright side of things tell me what the bright side of Childhood Cancer is its a long road its hard but the same job has gotten us through st. 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And if you look at that map, it makes it clear russias goal is to completely, to consume consume ukraine. And the reality on the battlefield tonight remains grim. So our Nick Paton Walsh has been on those front lines now for days to see with his own eyes and now he has this report that you will see first outfront its a lonely path ahead. The russians have never been louder or closer occupied. Bakhmut is just up the road. But now some ukrainian tank guns are silent just when theyre needed. Most here they dont have enough shells sometimes they just wont far at all for a whole day. Other days still shooting constantly. And it is loud on the other side of that hill. Sort of surreal to hear that sort of noise over there and see this tank unit having a russia there but was able year. The year i mean, its given the for coolest Mitchum Chablis so too is what these soldiers had to say easily in regard suddenly shirt, found the dinghy, stonewalled, moisture muses are hearing them overall tanks, how angry does it make you . Yeah, im im absolutely off. Theres no point in trying to paint this in any sort of light where its good for us that russia takes ukraine. Thats going to be very, very, very bad for us geopolitically south near avdiivka, homes that dealt with about ten years of war just up the road. Finally emptying out the mona of money in the maneuvers valley to i put on should do merge no. Never leave. You rookie of kennedy you made the skyline is bleak enough as it is, but now rumbles with russia advancing ukraine said it would hold steady at three villages near here after it left avdiivka. That hasnt happened all three are now heavily contested at best. And the noise of the russian approach is louder. As a whole lot of sonar doublewide many off guard ms so so much dallas dorsky usca when hughes will do my spotco is are surely is a technique these firing American Rounds in a donated paladin but still less than before we didnt see much in the way of heavy defenses around here and the worry is was and will be that russia does not stop it may not be huge and southern enough to make the west pay urgent attention but thats exactly what putin wants anyway now, president Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying that in february, ukraine has managed to down 15 russian jets. And also so his Defense Intelligence officials suggesting theyve managed to take out a bridge 500 miles inside russia. Thats the changing nature of this war though, because ukraine is showing capabilities, it didnt have at the start the war frankly, but still facing relentless russian assaults along a key line of villagers. And without holding them back, there is the risk that it begins to look like a sense of inability for them to hold the defensive line. They so clearly stated they wanted when they pulled out of abdivka and thats extremely bad news right now. All right. Nic, thank you very much. In Eastern Ukraine tonight next, this photo show him or President Trump meeting black voters like a look at that picture because theres one problem with it. Its fake so, yeah, dp disrupts the idp derails. Lets be honest he sucks but living with cdp doesnt have to. When you sign up at shining through cid p. Com, youll find inspiration and real patients stories helpful tips, realize he pulled information and more. Cid p can be tough. But finding hope just got a little easier sign up by shining through cip. Com. Be heard, be hopeful scout is protected by sim parick, a trio, and hes in it to win it. Sympatric. 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Its all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 tonight, former President Donald Trump posing with black supporters except for the picture is not real. The image was generated by trumps supporters using ai to target black voters. But this picture, and were putting a thing on, so its very clear, its not real, has been viewed more than 1 million times in an election, already ramping with ai misinformation and misinformation that often comes from us adversaries like russia and china. And tonight our will ripley is reporting how those two countries are cooperating more than ever using ai and this time for military purposes to Nuclear Superpowers forging what some call a Dangerous Alliance that could reshape modern warfare china and russia long time us rivals meeting in Beijing Strategizing A new battleground. The military use of Artificial Intelligence detailed discussions. The Russian Foreign Ministry Says potentially delving into ai powered weapons systems, a top Military Priority of russia, china, and the us. Autonomous submarines and warships, fighter jets, and Ground Combat vehicles, even testing swarms ai powered drones, as shown in this Chinese State media video, weapons that could deliver increased firepower. Experts say ai could even influence military decisionmaking analyzing vast amounts of satellite, radar and online data giving commanders better and faster asked her understanding of the battlefield President Joe Biden and chinese leader xi jinping, agreeing to hold talks on ai in the spring at their San Francisco summit last year, were going to get our experts together to discuss risk and safety issues associated with Artificial Intelligence the worlds Major Military powers, all investing heavily in ai, the Us State Department warns there are risks and military ai us has to be done responsibly. A warning in the west and the far east fund china is opposed to using Ai Advantages undermine the sovereignty of other countries. Chinese state media, picking up reports on open ais policy change, potentially allowing cooperation with the us military. The report says, be aware of the us militarys collusion with tech giants, moscow and Beijing Can Bq Asli Absent from a us led coalition, promoting responsible military use of ai and autonomy, raising questions about their intentions at a critical time. Military experts warn the risk of a major global conflict, no longer a distant threat, but a looming crisis, ongoing wars in the middle east and ukraine threatening to spill over highly sensitive technology, moving at Lightning Speed golden rule to china pays close attention to Security Risks posed by Military Applications of Ai Technologies chinas military capabilities, expanding at an unprecedented pace simmering tensions over taiwan and the South China Sea setting the stage for a catastrophic showdown. As the world teeters on the brink of a new era of warfare, machines making life and death decisions on the battlefield will ripley, cnn, Taipei Thanks For joining us. The lead

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