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Call 1803558999, or visit home serve. Com im eva mckend in washington and this is cnn all right everyone, thanks for joining me. Im omar jimenez in today for fredricka whitfield. Weve got some Breaking News to start this hour. The us has begun airdropping desperately needed humanitarian aid into gaza its three cargo planes dropped a total of 66 bundles today, they included mainly food but no water or medical supplies. Cnns Priscilla Alvarez this is in washington. Paula hancocks is in abu dhabi and the united arab emirates, which has also been airdropping aid into gaza. But priscilla, i want to start with you because were getting some news around the possibility of a ceasefire ceasefire. What are you hearing . Yeah, omar, were hearing from Senior Administration officials here in the last hour who said that israel has quote, basically accepted the framework of a hostage deal that would include a sixweek ceasefire. This would do two things and would allow more humanitarian aid into gaza, a critical a critical need for the people in that region, but it would also allow for the release of some hostages particularly those who are considered most vulnerable. Now, of course, this is all very sensitive. They are ongoing diplomatic talks that are happening today. But there was sounding message from these senior ministration officials was that the ball here really is in hamass court. Theyre waiting to see if they can commit to the elements of this framework and how exactly it would be executed. Again, the idea here is to have a sixweek ceasefire to get aid in hostages out. And then over the course of that cease fire, continued the talks for a more enduring plan thats how one Senior Administration official described this. So clearly, there is some movement in these talks that have been ongoing. We know that earlier in the week, President Biden spoke with leaders of qatar and egypt. And those talks will continue this weekend, but we are at least again seeing some type of moves movement here with israel for basically accepting the framework which is the way it was framed by Senior Administration officials, omar. And as you mentioned, were still waiting on a lot of factors to come into play here. And we know that that negotiations at this level of diplomatic level can be credibly, incredibly detailed in strenuous. I just want to ask you one more thing, because obviously we came in talking about the airdrops that were successfully as we are getting reported, dropped into gaza for aid what does successful actually mean from the administration standpoint, what do we know . Now on that front Senior Administration official said that theyre seeing movement where these airdrops occurred. That is to say that they drop them where people were sheltering and where they thought there was the most need and since that theyve been dropped there the us has been monitoring and people has been getting those aid in those airdrops and also distributing among themselves, they being the civilians. So that factors into the white house seeing these airdrops as as successful. Now, i will share some details that we have lard. It was 66 bundles that were dropped. This was done with the Jordanian Air force so in total, this was about 38,000 meals. Meals critical here there was no food or im sorry, there was no water or medical supplies that were part of this airdropped and again, they are monitoring the location of these airdrops and have seen civilians get those meals since theyve been dropped. I will also note Senior Administration Officials Say this is part of an effort to flood the zone as get food in there through these airdrops and potentially actually Maritime Operations in the future. Omar. Thank you, paula. I want to go to you because look, the us is not the first or only country to airdrop aid into gaza, but, but what impact is it actually expected to have here . Well, its interesting, omar, because what were hearing from humanitarian aid groups, at least some of them is a fairly damning idea of what will achieve now clearly, any aid getting into gaza at this point is important when you have the United Nations warning of famine. Certainly in parts some of north, north gaza, that could happen if humanitarian aid does not get there quickly. But what theyre saying is that this is really a drop in the ocean, one called it a bandaid measure to relieve the guilty conscience of some countries. So really what they want to see is the us putting more pressure on israel to open up more crossings between israel and gaza to allow more to go through by land across these crossings. The aid is there, it is waiting. We know it is woefully inadequate. The actual amount that is allowed into gaza, and weve also been hearing from un agencies on the ground. And other humanitarian groups that they do not have the ability to move this aid around. They are restricted by the Israeli Military. We also heard from one un group saying that they were fired upon by by the Israeli Military while airdrops or one element of this. And we have seen in many cases in the past, they usually a last resort effort to try and get us any kind of aid into the area. Its certainly not the ideal way were hearing from these groups, especially when it comes to the distribution we saw what happened last thursday, when thousands of desperate, hungry people were flooding humanitarian aid trucks desperately trying to get some kind of food that ended after israeli fire as well with more than 100 people being killed what these humanitarian groups want is to see the distribution being monitored as well, which you simply cant do when it comes to airdrops. But the eu when, and many groups are calling for more access. They are calling for more cooperation from the Israeli Military to be able to get to where they need to go to of course, sees these aid getting into the country is one thing, but how it is distributed is Something Else entirely. Paula hancocks, thank you so much, Priscilla Alvarez. Thank you both i wanted, to dive a little deeper into this because even as the us becomes the latest country to airdrop aid into gaza, there are growing questions over how israel controls the overall flow of aid into gaza. Our chief International Investigative correspondent, nima elbagir has this exclusive Report Pallets of food aid with messages of love. Air dropped into gaza for a desperate population this is a jordanian flight with more countries looking to join the aid effort. Among them, the us. But this isnt a good new story. On the ground a glimpse of how much more is needed to keep starving gazans from falling into fani. Air drops are inefficient and expensive. You just cant drop enough food for a Starving Population to stave off Famine Unit Thousands of trucks filled with Food Flooding into gaza. But thats not happening we were granted rare access to this warehouse in jordan. One of the key waypoints for aid. Now a choke point all of the aid that you see here is sorely needed in gaza, but it still waiting for clearance. Why . Well, cnn spoke to dozens of humanitarian workers and donor Government Officials who detailed arbitrary israeli restrictions on aid often with little to no explanation. Impeding a multibilliondollar humanitarian effort. Even as gazans are desperate to receive it about 1,000 trucks worth of essential medical aid and Food Supplies meant for gaza. Collecting dust waiting to be cleared by israeli officials. I mean, these are baby wipes why are you still waiting for permission on baby wipes . I dont know. When you have bandages were coming up over here. Youve got wheelchairs, crutches in that kind of war situation. These are really, really important wouldnt things for people, medicines, vitamin c over here . Yes this is what we think what we believe it is crucial need that need to be sent immediately to gaza. There is no executes. Why its still in our warehouse its not just hear that theyre confused. Previously, israel has said its restricting military use items and provided a list. Now humanitarians tell cnn they have not really saved an update. So theyre relying on Guesswork Cnn has obtained documents from three major participants in the humanitarian operation. A ghost list compiled by organizations piecing together the most frequently rejected items among them, anesthesia, crutches, generators, Water Purification tablets, and Filtration Systems solar panels, ventilators, tent poles xray machines, oxygen cylinders publicly, these way haley Government Agency cogat claims that it has abided by a 2008 banned items list. In private cogat has said that that document is now obsolete. According to humanitarian official in direct contact with the israeli unit the human cost of miscalculated thing is it measurable for months now, even one rejected item means trucks like these filled with aid can be turned back even after waiting for days to get into gaza. And on the ground, the reality is that without these critical supplies to people like dr. Ghassan abusittah, a renowned war surgeon or working conditions. Even he has never seen a hospital courtyard was because we didnt have any antiseptic. I had made a solution of washing up liquid and vinegar and some say line and so i would have to pour that over the wound and then scrub the wound down. Its probably the most the darkest moment of my life because youre doing it. The patient is screaming, the child is screaming knowing that if you hadnt, that child would be that by the end of the day, dr. Eberstadt, this experience in gaza is not unique. What you are about to see here is very disturbing with very little basic medicine doctors are making decisions. They never thought they would have have to wound when Racha Dichter honeybees say so turned his kitchen into an Operating Theater to save his nieces life after she says she was hit by an israeli tank in her he amputated her leg with a Kitchen Knife without anesthetic but we dont bench brockie leslie survived. At just 18. She has already experienced enough pain for a lifetime when aid does come into gaza, thousands gathered, clambering onto the tracks even as israeli gunfire rings out torn between fear and hunger, over 100 killed and hundreds more injured. Yet you can see here people still clinging to what little they managed to get. The israeli army says, its not responsive typical for what happened here. But as our investigation shows, at the very least israel created the conditions for this tragedy now im unbothered a zircon jordan thank you for that report. With me now, is shaina low Communications Advisor for the norwegian refugee council. There an independent humanitarian group working with displaced people, including those in gaza. Now some aid groups are saying these airdrops or just a bandaid solution . Shaina, what impact is your group . Think they will have realistically i think even a bandaid might be, be generous because really the amount of aid that can be dropped in these airdrops, i think it was about 35,000 meals that the us dropped today. Thats only one meal for about a tenth of the population trapped in northern gaza. Its simply is an adequate and the ridiculous thing is that we know what the solution is. Its for israel to open up the crossing, use the Kerem Shalom Crossing at its full capacity, 1,000 trucks could go through their day and 500 were prior to october 7. And yet we have hundreds and hundreds of trucks lined up in Egypt Waiting To Cross Into Gaza with the food and supplies, which still are nowhere near enough to meet gaza is growing needs, but certainly can provide more for the population they shouldnt in gaza, then these airdrops can yeah. And look the Un World Food Program is one thats been warning of a possible famine by may. In gaza how real of a concern is that for your group and how real is that of a concern for folks who are walking ok. Jane, from the outside and trying to figure out when things may change for the folks in the enclave here starvation is already happening in gaza this past week, we heard reports of children dying of Malnutrition Dehydration and were and we know that the numbers will continue to rise. Its simply unconscionable that were allowing this to continue. Were all watching this on 24 Hour News Networks like cnn, streaming on our phones, On Social Media. And yet nothing is being done to were not enough is being done to fight off the starvation and the looming famine in gaza. This isnt entirely preventable catastrophe and not enough is being done to insist that israel allow the aid in thats needed to protect and prevent the deaths of hundreds of thousands of palestinians in desperate need yeah. And look we know there are diplomatic efforts going on, but all the while that does not change the everyday suffering that, that millions that not just displaced what people and families are feeling and your group said that letting people in gaza suffer is a political choice. What do you mean by that this is a choice if weve seen the un cancel veto, Un Security Council resolutions calling for a season its fire. We know that the International Community can put more pressure on israel to stop bombarding and bombing Palestinian Civilians in the gaza strip and to allow for aid to get in. Each should never be something thats negotiated upon. This as a human right, israel as the occupying power in gaza since 1967, has obligations under International Law to provide for the basic needs for survival of the palestinian people. And they simply arent doing that and they arent allowing humanitarian agencies to pick up the slack where they are failing to provide for the people in desperate need. Shayna before it before we go, how culpable do you see the United States . And this . I think at this point, any country that supporting israel with arms allowing them to continue to bombard people and is not using the leverage that they have to put pressure on israel and the parties to come to a ceasefire and to allow for the, for the aid while they may not be i cant lets speak about whether we have a legal culpability, but certainly a moral culpability as americans to be pushing to save and protect people who are being killed by one of our greatest allies yeah can allow. Thank you for taking the time. Really appreciate your perspective elsewhere. Getting round parts of california here in the United States and nevada is a mess several feet of snow have fallen with more expected in the coming hours and some areas are experiencing Hurricane Force winds. Were going to break it all down, coming up cnn newsroom brought to you by progress passive, get a Business Insurance quote online in as little as six minutes, visit progressive commercial. Com when, youre a Small Business owner your todo list can be a log thats why progressive makes it easy to see with commercial auto quote online. So you can take all your other dues or you did see if you could say that progressive commercial. Com this is a future Go Daddy Arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes. Ai, ai like it who wants to see the view get your Business Online and minutes with godaddy arrow wont scalp label this anymore. He has something called osteoarthritis pain. Its joint pain that hurts him all the time. 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The storm packing a punch with Hurricane Force winds and increasing threats of avalanches in the region. Now, a very different but also extremely dangerous situation in texas, high temperatures and dry blustery conditions are raising the threats of more wildfires as all of that is happening as fire crews are still battling the largest wildfire in this states history, which has already scorched more than 1 million acres. Cnn meteorologist, at least a rafahs here with more on all of this. So at least lets start on the west coast in california. What are you seeing there right now with the snow and the wins that were still finding snow falling and these extreme conditions really unfolding. Weve got all these purples on the map. This is where i need extreme impacts here in the Sierra Nevadas were talking impossible travel. Why . Hideout conditions, the wind so extreme not only will they create those whiteout conditions, but theyll could be damaging, knocking out power and were talking about Snowfall Rates up to four inches per hour. Snowfall totals have already exceeded a foot. Were looking at one to two feet already down with several feet still to come in the orange thats where youve got a rare Blizzard Warning in fact, for these mountains there in california, where you can see the snow just continuing to pump, look at where that moisture coming off the coast really just hit some of the peaks of the mountains kind of meeting up with that cold air and pumping all of that snow. And this radar has looked at the same for several hours and well continue to look like this through today and into tomorrow. All those Blizzard Warnings really lasting a long time. Were looking at locally up to 12 feet of snow possible. And that is whitson blustery winds, omar yeah. Yeah. And look on the other side of things as well. Obviously, we are dealing with the snow, but in texas, when are people going to get a break from these dry condition . Unfortunately, it looks like were going to have that extreme and critical fire weather through the weekend. We have the wind thats so extreme actually because of the storm thats impacting california. You can see were in Sierra Nevadas where youve got these gusts up to 65 plus miles its per hour, but gusts up to 30 Miles Per Hour possible in the panhandle of texas and oklahoma and thats because of this storm in california. So because we have these extreme gusty winds with very dry conditions, we have red flag warnings in effect from nebraska good into texas. And not only do we have the gusty winds, we have the relative humidity that air is just so dry, its only at 10 or so. So with the dry conditions, we already have burned scars. The when the dry air is just a recipe for disaster, still looking at some of the fires that again have already burned over 1 million anchors in northern texas. Their biggest wildfire in history. At least rafah. Thank you so much. A lot of factors to keep an eye on there coming up for us in illinois family is suing a suburban Chicago Police department there officers shot and killed the man inside his apartment bedroom last month. Now, police are releasing Body Camera Video Showing what happened moments before the shooting coming up. Im going to talk to the family and their attorney about what happened and why theyve now filed a federal lawsuit tomorrow van jones. Its home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics. There has been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn any drives jack yeah. 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Now, police in the chicago suburb of carol stream say they were responding to reports of a Domestic Violence incident from a girlfriend who police say reported she had gotten into an altercation with her partner in the Early Morning hours of february 3, now, Police Arrived around for 15 00 a. M. And in this newly released body camera video, youre going to see them enter the apartment, kick open a bedroom door, and then almost immediately you hear two gunshots. Its important to cds events unfold in real time, but i want to warn you some of what youre about to see. You may find disturbing may happen almost immediately after, after that door kicked in, Isaac Goodlow was shot once in the chest. He died shortly after his family has now filed a federal lawsuit against the carol stream Police Department and the officer theres involved in the shooting. So joining me now is Isaac Goodlows sister can either barnes the family is represented by andrew m. Stroke and steven heart and steven heart also joins us. Thank you both for speaking with us. I know its it cant have been easy over these recent weeks. And can you i want to start with you because this isnt the first time youve seen the video. Youve now probably seen it multiple times, one too many times. Im sure. What was your initial reaction seeing this video after nearly a month of trying to get it out there there was needed yeah. Cover up so now what were seeing, the first video what when you say devastated, what does that word mean to you . What, what are you feeling in your head when you thinking about well we heard yeah i know i know its difficult yeah. No. Go ahead. Steven omar is going to be with you. Good to see you again and always doing good work. The families devastated, theyre struggling as you can see the the incident is three weeks passed theyre in shock dismay. Morning the death of their son and brother they have so many questions that are unanswered they see the carol stream village of Carol Stream Dripping Out Information dropped by drop. Not answering any of their questions as to why this occurred we see the most dramatic events on the snippets that theyre providing to the family. It looks like vigilante Law Enforcement shoot first ask questions later guns blazing when what they expected was that the police was there to serve and protect isaac that they were too not enter his house without his permission. Yeah. That for 15 or 430 in the morning. And certainly not do it behind a ballistic shield. Tiptoeing in, and then shooting him in the heart while he lay in his bed. In his own apartment . Yeah. And im curious for you because look, ive covered too many of these Police Involved shootings and manners like this. And a lot of times the police might Say Something to you initially, the video may show something different. Im curious for you what were you told initially by police about what happened to your brother we got answers we dont know anything yeah so then you see this video and to you everything is really a surprise to yes yeah i want to shift just a little bit because can you who who was Isaac Goodlow . Tell me about who he was he was my baby brother, Little Brother my voice is gone he loved to laugh. We always laughed together he loved his mom all of his nieces and nephews. It was he just show love to the family and to people he didnt even know i want to show one other part of the video and can you feel you dont have to look at this if you dont want to, but i do think its important to show people as far as the case that you all are filing because in the immediate aftermath of this shooting, i just want to show folks what happened again, can either you can turn away for this part if youd like you have and for folks he had already been shot at that point and they were putting handcuffs on him just for either of you what is your initial reaction seeing that can make that is my proper training . I dont know what there was yeah. Yeah. Omar its devastating because again, they had the expectation that these officers were there to help him an assist him. Instead, they barged into his house and shot him in his heart while he lay in his bed and not only did they do that, but they fired at isaac again, he was unarmed, by the way and after they fired at him twice, then they tased him while he was on the ground and if that wasnt enough, Excessive Force instead of rendering any care and treatment and aid immediately they handcuffed him behind his back youll see that a third officer appears to kick isaac. This is not reasonable treatment for anybody, let alone Law Enforcement and so losing a family member, losing a son, losing a brother is hard enough to have it done at the hands of those that take an oath to serve and attacked and then handle him with such disregard after they shoot him in the heart its devastating. And to add insult to injury to gear up a Propaganda Machine and drip, drip, drip out information nearly a. Month after the shooting fail to identify the police officers, which weve asked for multiple times fail to answer the families questions as to why they were even in his apartment without his consent . Why they shot an unarmed man and sadly, this is a narrative that we see play out far too often starting way back with Breonna Taylor and before and subsequently the policing in minority neighborhoods the mindset that these officers have is completely unacceptable. And can you we have to go on a little bit. I just want to know from you what does justice look like in this case for you . Officers be in charge . Yeah. The names, pill release yeah. Yeah justice for eyes its the polices me and charged yeah. This cant keep happening and before we go, just i can hear for it in your voice, but what have conversations been like as a family trying to process what youve seen on video and what happened now, a few weeks ago its like were still stuck in day one i think got better well, i want to thank both of you. For being here really appreciate the time. Steven heart can either barnes. Thank you. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. And i do want to read this statement from the carol stream Police Department as well, saying the carol stream Police Department is devoted to respecting human life and will continue to listen to the concerns of our community during this trying time as the family and loved ones of mr. Goodlow navigate the tremendous grief that comes from the loss of a loved one. We offer them our most sincere condolences on their loss. We appreciate the publics patients and understanding as this investigation progresses, the men and women of the carol stream Police Department are committed to the full independent investigation of this incident. They say therell be providing the results of the independent investigation to the public as soon as they are able well be back in a moment of greatest stage they talk about for a lifetime, Regrow The Trip the Tv Progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto online so you can get back to your model strict todo list. Really get a quote, progressive commercial. Com dot coms Bad Dad Holding back only were ambitions all in one low fixed rates far left 100 thank no fees required. So phi get your money, right when youre the leader, is as the cleanup and restoration. How do you make like it never even happened . Happened brand whatever comes your way. 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Well, omar, this of course comes at a critical time as the us pushes for a temporary ceasefire to allow more aid into gaza, as well as for the release of hostages still held by hamas. And also, as there is a push for more humanitarian aid to get into this region. So those are two topics of discussion that well be coming up in this meeting between the Vice President and these really war cabinet member benny gantz. This all according to a white house official. Now, the other part that will come up in this meeting is going to be the day after planning for gaza. This is something that the Vice President has been very involved in. Its been priority of hers since those october 7 attacks. And so she is expected to talk about this in more depth with this israeli war cabinet member as well. But again, omar, there is a Ticking Clock here when it comes to that hostage deal, theyre looking at ramadan, theyre trying to get this done before then. So of course this is a meeting that comes on on day that gives the Vice President opportunity to talk with benny gantz. Hes also expected to meet with National Security adviser Jake Sullivan while hes in town, omar Priscilla Alvarez. Thank you for staying on top of it. I know well have more updates from you today. Appreciate it. In iowa tomorrow College Basketball may crown a new alltime leading scorer and ticket to that game are through the roof. Were going to break down exactly what that means. Im enough Frank Sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. You didnt want to make those guys the heat was too vegas. 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Sleepiness and stomach issues are also common side effects may not appear what do i see in peter dixon . I see my husband. The father of our girls. I see a public servant. A man who served under secretary clinton in the state department. Where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. I see a fighter, a tenacious problemsolver. Who will go to congress and protect Abortion Rights and our democracy. Because he sees a Better Future for all of us. Im peter dixon and i redefining insurance. The whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn Closed Captioning brought to you by Christian Faith publishing, right . For a higher purpose published with us Christian Faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands that your labor is more than just a Book Color Scan for your free riders his guide, 804551827 iowa guard Caitlin Clark is breaking more records this time in Ticket Sales Tickets for the sports stars last regular home season game tomorrow, or the most expensive Womens Basketball tickets ever, according to the ticket website, tickpick, thats tick. Pick them be careful with my words. Theyre on thursday, clark announced On Social Media that this will be her final season at iowa. She responded to the news yesterday at a press conference. I think just going into senior night, having that decision clear, not only for myself, but our fans, my teammates i think that was super important and honestly i dont know getting the weight of the world off my shoulders and being able to enjoy this last these last, this last month with my teammates, i think is the biggest thing she only needs 18 points to break the alltime ncaa doublet scoring record tomorrow, currently held by Pete Maravich and im an average of over 32 points a game. Shes pretty much expected to pass it. Thats why weve got cnn Business Reporter Nathaniel Meyersohn joining me now. So one that means how much are Ticket Prices to see her last home game . Omar, it is Caitlin Clark is the talk of the country right now in basketball and the tickets to tomorrow nights game between iowa, her last home game, and ohio state or about the average price, about 570, which is at 1,000 whos in percent increase from your average College Basketball game. And you see why. I mean, she just as nailing these threepointers, everybody wants to see her play. Her last home game. So theres just so much excitement right now around Caitlin Clark and Womens Basketball yeah. I mean, look being successful in College Basketball today or any college poor today is different than it was ten years ago. Youve got nil deals, name, image, and likeness. You can make money off of how well you were doing playing the college game. So how is someone like clark, how is she capitalizing on her success financially . Yes. So its a completely different landscape for college athletes, right now, are as you said, just in the last few years, we have these Name Image Likeness agreements where they can profit off of off of their images. And so Caitlin Clark is in high demand for brands right now a Gatorade State Farm and nike, they all have Endorsement Deals with Caitlin Clark and in a few weeks we have march madness, the nc doublet tournament coming up. Youre going to see Caitlin Clark in lots of lots of ads. I know ive seen a few state farm ads with her recently and look if iowa goes deep into the into the tournament next month, i think its going to just be really, really exciting. Yeah, i dont know where this nil was when i was playing, but neither here nor there. Look, she also said shes going to enter next months wnba draft. Im sure shes considered the consensus number one pick, right . She is she is the consensus number one pick. And omar this year, the indiana fever, they have the number one picks or that shes likely headed to indiana, an indiana. Its a big basketball state. And not only will we have Caitlin Clark and indiana on the mens side, you have tyrese haliburton. So look, youre if youre in Indiana Basketball Fan One Night you get to see Caitlin Clark the next tyrese haliburton. Im just disappointed that the New York Liberty dont have the number one pick, then wed have her here in new york and Jalen Brunson with the next itd be very exciting. Well, look, the Sabrina Ionescu and Caitlin Clark future matchups are going to be incredible between liberty and potentially the fever. So we will see Nathaniel Meyersohn. Thank you so much, maam all right. Lies corruption, bribery, prostitution. Do have your attention. Sometimes the goal of upholding ideals like Truth And Justice and American Politics go awry. And the stranger than Fiction Situations that result leave the voting publics head spinning. Now, the new cnn original series, United States of scandal, cnn anchor and Chief Washington correspondent jake tapper dives into some of the most sensational political controversies and talks to some of the most infamous political figures of the modern era to dissect the truth from the spin it changed. You see, the reform you thirst for, the new york, you dream of begins tonight by the time Eliot Spitzer is running for governor in 2006, everyone expected him to win in 2006, new york had been stuck in a Holding Pattern for years, and Eliot Spitzer, that seemingly upright pillar of Moral Rectitude was just the candidate for them. Polls close at 09 00 p. M. An election was called for spitzer at 09 01 p. M. Elliott spitzer was elected governor with what percentage of the sixth, almost 70 . 69 andahalf. Its insane. Almost 70 of the vote by far the greatest plurality in the history of new york, more than than franklin roosevelt, more than teddy roosevelt, more than mario cuomo, more than anybody. 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