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A florida courtroom as he pushes to delay his classified as thousands of russians gathered to pay their respects to Alexey Navalny crowds chanting his name and turning his funeral into a protest against Vladimir Putin plus An Extreme Winter Storm is slamming california, bringing 100 mile per hour wind gusts and dumping up to get this ten feet of snow will talk about that in a little while from now. In the meantime, im jim acosta in washington as the news right now and we begin with for President Donald Trump returning to his playbook of attempting to delay another trial this morning, trump is set to appear inside a florida courtroom as a matter of fact, we think he just five moments ago and the federal criminal case over his handling of classified documents, a judge could determine whether the trial will go ahead in may or be delayed. Cnn chief Legal Affairs correspondent paula reid is live outside the courthouse for us in fort pierce, florida paula, what do we think were going to see today . Well, jim, we know the former president did just arrive a few minutes ago. And any time now this hearing, this highstakes hearing, is expected to get underway, and the judge overseeing this case, trump appointee, judge aileen cannon, has scheduled this trial. This is the trial where trump faces approximately 40 charges related to his the alleged mishandling of classified documents. She had put this on the calendar for may 20, but signaled she will likely push it back and ask both sides of this case, the Special Counsel and the Trump Legal Team to come prepared today to talk about scheduling. Jim, and any other Case Scheduling would be a routine matter. But here, timing scheduling, this is the most consequential issue. We know theres a tension between the Special Counsel and the Trump Legal Team. The Special Counsel wants to move as quickly as possible, but trumps team wants to delay this potentially until after the november election in terms of lawyers are arguing that their client should not be in a federal courtroom when he wants to be out campaigning. They since thats a violation of his First Amendment. Now i will also note though, jim, if trump is reelected, he could through his Attorney General, make this federal case. And the other one he faces go away. So another incentive for him to delay, but the Special Counsel is urging the judge to put this trial on as quickly as possible, suggesting july 8 as a possible start date. Now, ill note the trump team conceded that if this trial has to go, they would be okay with it starting on august 12. Now, i want to note theres a little bit of gamesmanship going on here. If they can take up some time with this trial on the calendar and august, it could make it more difficult for other trials to be scheduled and they could always come back and try to get it delayed again. So very high stakes here. All eyes on judge aileen cannon. Yeah. Paula, i thought they wanted this trial postponed until i dont know the next millennium or something approximately as i think theyd be down for that because they hope that their client will be reelected and he could make his Attorney General fire jack smith and get rid of these cases. But jim, we know right now the only thing we know for sure is that the former president will face his first criminal trial to statelevel case. So not one that he could make go but even if it was reelected in just a few weeks on march 25th, he faces that hush money case in manhattan. The District Attorney there, alvin bragg, also framing that as an Election Interference case. But if you look at that calendar, thats the only trial that we know for sure. Who go before the november election all right. Paula reid outside the courthouse in florida, one of many courthouses youre outside of these days, paula. Thank you very much. Turning now to a different trial and forming involving former President Donald Trump. We are just hours away from final arguments and lana were Fulton County District Attorney, fani willis is fighting to avoid disqualification and prosecuting the Georgia Election subversion case against trump in cnns Nick Valencia joins us now from outside that courthouse. Nick, i guess trump cant be at both of these at the same time, but slightly different matter where you are. Its final arguments there. What can you tell us yeah. Good morning, jim, Defense Attorneys for donald trump and his allies are expected to trying to prove that fani willis, the da here in Fulton County, and the top prosecutor, nathan wade, lied on the stand about the extent of the relationship. And when it started in order to underscore that their argument, theyre going to introduce Cell Phone Data that they secured through a subpoena, which they say Shows Thousands of Phone Interactions between wade and willis during a time period that was before they said they started dating that cell phone communication, according to trump attorney steve sadow, also allegedly shows that nathan wade visited the area where fani willis had a condo at the time multiple times and some of those visits allegedly going late into the evening and Early Morning hours the judge presiding over this case, scott mcafee, he spoke earlier this week and he talked about how we expect today to go dry. They would just be argument and counsel can proffer why they think its significant. And if once ive heard the law and the argument of counsel at assigned that that is going to have some material bearing on the outcome, then we will we can reopen the evidence and have a properly admitted and authenticated and subject to crossexamination the motion to disqualify fani willis began over allegations that she financially benefited by hiring nathan wade as the top prosecutor. But now Defense Attorneys arguments have evolved in to whether or not fani willis and nathan wade lied on the stand during questioning. Jim. All right. Nick valencia. Thank you very much lets discuss more now with former us attorney for the Southern District of florida, marcos jimenez, and cnn legal analyst and former House Judiciary Special Counsel in trumps first impeachment trial. Norm eisen norm youre here in the studio, at least start with you first what do you think . I mean, obviously, i mean, were talking about delays with the documents case down in florida. This is a delay in the georgia case, potentially, how do you think this is going to play out . Do you think fani willis gets disqualified here . Jim . Just based on georgia law, which requires some actual harm to the defendants to have a sufficient conflict for disqualification. And the evidence that has come in here including fanie willis is very Strong Performance as a witness in rebutting the judges primary concern was she essentially setting up a secret Bonus Arrangement for herself where she was incentivized. She said, no, we went dutch. We were a couple. We went dutch the law and the evidence do support disqualification, but the judge has had to preside over a gigantic disqualificatio n. And he is going to be struggling with can he just say, oh, its all fine moon will move along. Thats why ive said there needs to be some compromise. Mr. Wade should say, hey, im willing to voluntarily step away. We dont know if hell do it, but on the lawn, the facts know fani willis should not be disqualified. Yeah. Really gotten into the weeds of her personal life during all and marcos, just this week, trump succeeded in delaying his other federal trial when the Supreme Court got him baldwin, that how do you how do you think hes gonna do is going to be successful with this documents case down in florida. What do you think well, thats his best play. In my opinion, this classified documents cases, the one that presents the most legal jeopardy to him. Recall that most of the conduct that occurred in this case was after his term in office. So his legal or president ial immunity claim is extremely weak. I think the other defenses hes raised are very weak. So the Defense Attorneys here are doing a very good job so far of delaying this and i think judge cannon will delay the trial shell probably said it prior to the election but i doubt very much that this case will go to trial before the election. I think that the judge will listen to the Defense Attorneys and give them as many opportunities as possible to delay this case. Yeah. Im hearing a recurring theme here. These delay tactics, working norm i mean, it sounds as though hes gonna hes gonna get away with delaying or almost all of these cases potentially except for the alvin bragg case up in new york, which youve talked about many times. What about this documents case . Do you think that he might be successful here as well . Well, certainly marcos is right. This is a judge, judge cannon, whos shown outrageous bias and partiality towards donald trump. Shes been reversed twice by the extremely Conservative 11th Circuit earlier in the investigation for moves she made favoring him. They repudiated her for saying a president has special legal standing. Its an unbelievably bad pattern that being said you do see the elements of a compromise, possibly emerging. Jack smith says july, trump says, i dont want to go to trial, but if i have to august and trump has some motivations to do this, the Supreme Court in his dc case is good how reject absolute immunity. That case will go to trial. They wont decide that any later than the end of june. That case will go to trial. If this one doesnt. So maybe trump will say, well, favorable, judge florida jury, thats a lot better than dc. Were going to use this case as a Blocking Maneuver and then of course, you have the 2016 Election Interference and hush money case that is definitely going to trial. So i wouldnt be surprised if we got two trials. Theres room for two. If i were betting, i would say dont rule out that second trial is a companion to the 26th teen election tampering case. Margaret, what do you think about that . Do you think jack smith is going to be able to present some kind of a case. I have some kind of a trial and one of these two cases before november well, i look i im im a pessimist by nature and i would like these cases to go to trial before the election but i dont see how that happens. I i agree with norm that there is an avenue for something to potentially happen but first of all, lets go to the classified documents, case. Classified documents cases are very difficult procedurally because they involve classified documents and review and specialized procedures you have a defendant who is in four Different Cases and has conflict schedules. Youve got he just fine ill motions to dismiss, which if theyre denied, he will appeal. And thats going to take additional time. So there is there are many avenues and the classified documents case for this to be delayed and i dont want to speak about judge cannons motivations or her prejudice i think she is a fine judge. However, she was appointed by this president. And i think she has shown some inclination to listen to his lawyers, which all judges actually do. And if they can, if the Defense Attorneys can present credible grounds to delay this trial past its the election they absolutely will. I dont think their strategy is to try this case first, i think their strategy is to try no cases. First, they said august, well do august now, margos so that i know where they said, well, well do august now. Because they have to Say Something before the election. They cant say to the judge because its so obvious, hey, judge how about december . I mean, thats thats just very obvious. So theyre picking a date in august thats relatively close to the 11th and gives them enough time to employ additional defensive maneuvers and delay this its trial. Yeah. I mean, normal to the folks who are sitting at home and watching this, theyre saying only donald trump, im have to think that some folks are saying only donald trump can get away with this just about anybody else on planet earth cannot delete this many trials and employ these kinds of tactics to push everything. Password is an obvious date that he has marked on his calendar, november 5. Well, jim, i made a good living for over 30 years as the white collar defense lawyer. Yeah. With delaying cases. And i will tell you that in our country, the wealthy and powerful can take advantage of the inherent caution of this system, which is not a bad thing. Were country that is built on checks and balances. We want prosecutors to be tested so its not some of these, you know, the Supreme Court consideration of immunity. Thats actually an expedited schedule, relatively speaking, for the Supreme Court, its a its a structure of the system that hes taking advantage of. Mark milleys playing the system like a fiddle that is, and hes, and hes doing it he is pushing the levers that are there in the system. We dont know if hes going to succeed with that second case. Theres three candidates for that second case, team may not be able to dodge all three of those cases. No one knows for sure. I think theres reasons for trump thats why i think maralago might go. He wants to use that case to block the case that hes the most afraid of the federal 2020 case. If that case is going, then if when the Supreme Court rejects immunity, judge chutkan cant put that case back on if maralago is happening to what so its trump has motivation and wed, nobody knows for sure. Marcos and i are having a heated agreement lot of uncertainty. I just think its too soon to say never in my hunches, youve got a shot at a second case to go with 2016 Election Interference. All right. Very good markus and norm guys. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Coming up. Its the one thing President Biden and Donald Trumps seem to agree on that something needs to change at the border. They have radically different ideas how to do that. Well talk about all that. And just few moments plus thousands of Defiant Mourners gather and moscow to say there final goodbyes to election. Navalny for us and for me personally was like i had no russian Nelson Mandela or brushing Martin Luther king so people know last name. Now no by now but eliot spitzer, crusading governor by de, wanted to be present in the United States client number nine by nights this guy who was a crusader against Human Sex Trafficking is actually a customer, United States of scandal with jake tapper. New episode sunday night on cnn. Lot of people asked me, kathie lee, what are you doing these days . Well, i have a new farm. Im working too much. Im going strong. Im doing the things i love to do. 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The President Slam Trump for torpedoing a bipartisan Border Security bill for political purposes and invited him to collaborate On New Legislative Solution Trump blamed biden for recent crimes allegedly committed by migrants. He spewed baseless Conspiracy Theories and incendiary rhetoric widely associated with white nationalists. And joining me now to talk about this is democratic congresswoman Veronica Escobar of texas. Shes also the cochair of President Bidens reelection campaign. A congresswoman, thanks so much for being here at what was i mean, people were talking about this split screen yesterday, these dueling visits, what was your response to what you saw yesterday . President . Kinda call on trump to come halfway and solve something. How did you feel about that . To me, it was a sig know that the republicans in congress will take their orders from donald trump. And as soon as donald trump told them not to support the Bipartisan Senate bill, which by the way, gave republicans everything they wanted, offered nothing that democrats wanted basically said, well do it your way. But when donald trump said to them, we, i need you to walk away because we want the issue not the solution it what President Biden said yesterday was a recognition of that, that it will take donald trump giving the greenlight to republicans because they take their orders from the former president. And trump was talking about actions that he would take if he gets back into the white house. Of course, this has been in the news. Hes talked about a massive Deportation Programs. Some of his aides have talked about Camps Detention camps for migrants. Lets listen to what trump had to say. We have to deport a lot of people and they have to start immediately. Were going to give immunity to police and were going to let the police do the job that they have to do because the local police are going to turn them over and were going to have to move them back to that when it was going back to using this rhetoric that theyre poisoning the country. I mean, he was doing doing all of the stuff that hes done over so many years. What was your response to what you heard from him . It should be terrifying to every american in our country. He is wanting to take us back decades to very dark areas in our countrys history. And i think its so important, jim, for us to have a broader context democrats have been willing over the decades to not just address Border Security as a whole, but also to address our Workforce Needs and to make sure that we remain a country of immigrants. Immigration is good for us economically. Its, its important for us to recognize that in 2006, in 2014, 2018, this year every time democrats have said, were willing to work together, were willing to compromise to create security, but also legal pathways. Its been republicans whove walked away hey republicans have created the Current Situation and we need solutions. But what trump is signaling is horrific. He really does want to take us back to an era where people feared being in their own country simply because they belong to a minority group. Yeah. And he was talking about again hes hes lying about what is taking place and saying that countries are emptying out there insane asylums and their jails. And hes been asked his campaigns been asked several times a wheres the evidence of this . Doesnt present any evidence of this do you think the president should be making this appeal to donald trump if hes going to employ this i mean, wildly dishonest and racist rhetoric. I mean, should the president just call out republicans and say, you guys had a chance to pass something and you didnt do it . What do you think he needs to be a little tougher . Hes hes been doing that and im very proud of the way the campaign and the president both separate and together, have been pointing out to the American People we we, i should Say Senate Democrats and many House Democrats were willing to give republicans everything they wanted, and they walked away because donald trump instructed them to. And i think hes been pointing out the president has been pointing out that that he would have signed that bill the minute it got to his desk. Theres any hope of that legislation getting out of the congress no, not unless donald trump signals that its okay for republicans to do it. I mean, the constituents of these House Republicans and Senate Republicans need to recognize that the party that once existed is gone forever. And it is now the Match Trump Party and whatever donald trump wants, that his acolytes will follow their orders. Donald trump wants a serious situation at the border. Republicans are going to follow suit. Donald trump wants no solutions. Donald trump has even said he wants the economy he did collapse. These people are willing to do whatever he tells them to do. And when you hear him talking about detention camps, a massive Deportation Program what does that say here . That signals to me that hes willing to violate the constitution, violate our civil rights, violate constitutional rights. And let me tell you, it is impossible to deport every undocumented person in this country. There simply are not the resources nor is it advantageous to us i mean, im sure youve seen the reports, jim, that it has been immigrant labor, the Immigrant Workforce that has actually propped up our economy. The, the challenge we face is that congress has not created legal pathways for them. We can have both manageable Immigration System and a wellmanaged border, but it takes congressional action. But when you have cases like the case down in georgia, the case up in new york where you have migrants committing crimes that get a lot of attention, horrific crimes is there a is there a need on the president s part . Shark calling some of this out, even though you look at crime in these cities where migrants have been bussed up to places like new york and so on. Crime is actually coming down in those places. When you do have these highprofile cases, as the president to speak out more on some of these cases. It look, we every human being from the president to members of Congress Every american mourns the loss of anyone, and we need to see justice prevail criminals prosecuted but as you mentioned, the fact of the matter is immigrants commit crimes at less significant rates than native born americans. And in in communities where migrants have been bused, crime has gone down anyone who commit such a horrific crime . Absolutely needs to be prosecuted within the full extent of the law. But also the fact of the matter is when donald trump was in office, over 1 million migrants were released. Im im sure that there was a fraction of those migrants who all so committed crimes. The issue is not that migrants commit crimes. The issue is we have not reformed a system that is badly broken and its been republicans standing in the way of that every year that weve tried this for decades, we can still do this but we need republicans to have the spine to come to the table and take a vote. All right. Well congressman, thank you so much for coming in. Congresswoman Veronica Escobar. Thanks for being in the studio with us. Thanks so much. Appreciate. All right. Thanks so much. Ill coming up next. Thousands risk arrests to attend the funeral for russian Opposition Leader Alexey Navalny will take it a moxa moscow next vegas story of sin city. Sunday at ten on cnn its just your mother and i went different thing which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app thats right thing is really keeping this family together. You have no idea . I had no idea you need new replacement windows, but you just not sure if theyre in the budget this year, right . Im gary here with ted from renewal by anderson and hes here to talk about how to make Window Replacement more affordable. Well, first, brian, you dont have to do them all. You could just replace your worst windows first or another way to make them affordable is to change the style of window. For example so you could do a gliding window instead of a casement. We have a lot of ways to make Window Projects really affordable compared to other Window Companies, you have a completely different business model. 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Mourners there were heard chanting russia without putin and just a short time ago, navalnys widow posted this heartfelt tribute on social media because she thanked her husband for quote, 26 years of absolute happiness and quote, cnns Matthew Chance is in moscow and he filed this report lets take those been very dodgy here. They put an umbrella blanket. It seems over the whole area and we couldnt get signal out, but were here now and you can see the line of people stretches into the desk distance. Thousands of russians have come out to pay their last respects to Alexey Navalny, even though youve just said that the funeral in the church, which is a short distance from here, it is now over. You can see people are still coming along carrying flowers and messages to lay at the cascade are inside the church where Alexey Navalny has just been taken away from. Hi, thank you. Sir. Thank you. Why have you come here today with so many other russians to payers, i guess its symbolic value for people who dont agree with everything thats happening in russia, right . I can be specific because we can say like a bird words, you know, its risky for you to be here. Yeah, its certainly raised to why take because if thats most tense and fragrances and i believe thats to show solidarity that you are not the one who is has to deal with this all right. So thank you very much. Ive got ive got polina over here as well. The fact that Alexey Navalny is dead. What is that United People here. What does it, what does it say about the state of the united . Some people, but its the same time. Its quite obviously horrible, says it upsets me. Obviously, other people here in this group what i think its kind of uniting thing since a lot of people come, we came here to pay their last goodbyes, shows. What does it say about your country, about russia theyre obviously some people who are, i guess against the whole thing. Thats happening right now, i can say obviously but there are some people who have good hearts. Basically it right . Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. We dont have it a lot of people here coming out, theyre very careful about what they say because obviously it can be risky. Speaking your mind out publicly in this way. Remember, hundreds of russians who was simply putting flowers that memorials across the country over the past couple of weeks have been detained by the authorities. And so people know that theyre taking a risk here. But look, so many thousands of people have come out despite the very intense Security Operation has been underway here, riot police have been put in place all along the route to cold people back. But at the moment, we havent seen any crackdown yet by the authorities. The authorities are still allowing these thousands of people to file past, to go to this church, which is right right behind us. There and to pay their respects to russias most prominent opposition figure from here in the next few hours, the funeral will take place at a cemetery which is not not far from here and so this parade, this procession will continue throughout the course of the day. We expect all right. Matthew chance continuing to do some Brave Reporting there in moscow. Join me now in washington, cnn anchor and chief National Security analyst, jim sciutto. And in addition to matthews bravery there, i mean, just to see all of these russians taking the chance. To go out into the streets to pay their respects, to speak to an American American based journalist in Matthew Chance its pretty remarkable. You can be certain that russian authorities are taking names and faces. Theyre recording faces, taking pictures to know exactly who showed up. Those people you see in those long lines there here are showing enormous courage in that country because they already know how russia punishing, not just dissidents or political opponents, but people willing to show support for dissidents are political opponents. A lot of them end up in jail. They get followed, they get harassed, they get financially penalized, or worse, thats an act of courage and you know what struck me about those photos as i watched, not just the interviews on Television Broadcast Around The World. The interview with matthew, but but showing up, laying flowers, chanting his name. Their faces are uncovered. Whose faces are covered . The Security Forces, i dont know if we have it in this shop. All the Security Forces i saw there were wearing face masks. Its a classic contrast of false strength versus genuine courage. And in a country that has had two decades of harsh repression that a show of support like this is still possible, is remarkable. And if any americans have, i mean, obviously we hear Different Things from trump in the us when it comes to Vladimir Putin. And whats going going on in russia, he compared himself to navalny, which was obviously silly, but this, i mean, this gives the world what life is like inside a thug accuracy. No question that is what Vladimir Putin has run here. And Alexey Navalny is dead because the state killed him. No question. Yeah. Lets and by the way, as we know, they they tried to kill him for right. With the most powerful nerve agent in the world, nova check during trumps presidency, we should note back in 2020, navalny is the latest in a long line of people who had the courage to stand up to putin and various ways and are now dead or have been punished and other ways you think of navalny, you think of yet have geny prigozhin, im not calling them to say, but prigozhin led a brief coup, died in a quite mysterious plane crash. You think of Mikhael Hoda Roski who was an oligarchy, but putin viewed as a threat to him. He went to prison for many years. Garry kasparov, former chess champion, has to live in exile. Now, go back even to people who challenge putins preferred candidates and others country, other countries to ukraine. Viktor yushchenko, who challenged putins favorite candidate and ukraine 20 years ago and was poisoned with that. You remember the pictures of his face poison with some sort of metal poisonous metal that nearly killed him as well, as well as dissidents or Alexander Litvinenko poisoned with radioactive polonium. But something here is really little spark collection navalny, hes an interesting one because hes not just a political opponent to putin right here. He is someone who exposed putins corruption. And thats one reason he drove so much support there because putin is corrupt. Putin, putin and his cronies still from the people thats why they are billionaires. Thats why they own palaces. And so on. And farret, that money away Around The World and navalny documented at the russian people are smart enough to know. Thats right here on the respect for that, i think thats one of the reasons you saw them out there today . Its really inspiring, and not just election evolving and the life he led, but the response that weve seen today, it really is just a very inspiring jim sciutto. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. In the meantime, a massive and extremely dangerous winter storm has already slamming parts of california. Were tracking the rare Blizzard Conditions in the cnn Weather Center thats next vegas story of sin city. Sunday at ten on cnn growing up in fiji, carrying isnt sometimes its just the smile. Other times, you can taste it enough food in the way that we are generous without time boy in the wall, that most people reserve for the closest of family because all way of caring comes to us so naturally. 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Shell partial helped me save over 2,000. Look, let me break it down for you. The average labor rate for a mechanic is over 120 an hour thats on top of parts diagnostics, and taxes, and could easily make the cost of an Engine Repair over 5,000. And thats a lot of dough unless you call car shield before you vehicle broke down. Not a lot of people in his world really do what they say. Theyll do. A car, shell is the real deal called car shield today. Tell my search if your car is out of warranty, you need protection with a plan through car shield. Its not a matter of if but when your car will break down, make sure to call car shield before it does call 804 to 80671804 to 80671 Closed Captioning brought to you by mesobook. Com. Our firm has offered a free book about mesothelioma for over ten years. Mesothelioma is really all we do. 80087 to 4901 happening right now, a powerful winter storm is slamming parts of the west coast. Blizzard light conditions are creating dangerous scenes across california in a matter of days, the Sierra Nevada mountains could be buried in up to 12 feet of snow. Cnn Meteorologist Derek Van Dam joins me live in the weather their center. Derek, how long is this going to last this snow will last right through sunday, maybe perhaps even to monday and tuesday, jim, this is about as extreme as it gets in terms of Winter Weather across the United States. Were talking about disorienting Whiteout Conditions to 0. 1 gusts have already exceeded 100 miles per hour. Were talking about cat to cat three. Hurricane equivalent strength. This is a serious storm that will bring major implications, especially for the mountainous terrain of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. A lot of people wondering how much snow will we actually received . While we debated whether or not to show this actual map. But some of our Computer Graphics dont even have a color table to represent the amount of snow that is being projected here. The highest elevations within the Sierra Nevada could see up to 12 feet of snow by the time this is all sudden done, were talking all the way through sunday and monday right . Where humans live and operator around 6,000 feet lake tahoe level, were talking four to six feet. That is crippling Snow Conditions and its not just for the mountainous areas, this will spill over into the leeward side of the Mountain Range as well impacting places like reno, nevada, for instance since let me take you to the donner pass, this is i at still open at least from the last moment we checked and you can see just how treacherous conditions are within that area. Jim, we have blizzard warnings, very rare for this area as it continues to just get pounded by very, very powerful winds and very heavy snowfall and right now, weve got fire crews and texas battling that states largest wildfire. What can you tell us about that jim, this is the other concerns. So as this major storm moves in along the west coast, what it does is has an impact on the winds over the entire western half of the us. And unfortunately it will allow for winds to pick up near amarillo, the texas and Oklahoma Panhandle that will start to pick up from a southerly direction. So the snow and rain we received across the Texas Panhandle yesterday will dry out as temperatures warm, relative humidity levels drop winds pick up. That is a recipe for fire danger, and thats why Weather Prediction Center has increased this to critical fire weather for both saturday and sunday across some of the hardest hit areas throughout the texas and Oklahoma Panhandles ongoing fires, including texas largest wildfire, the Smokehouse Creek fire thats burned over 1 million acres. So this is not good news for firefighters on the ground. All right. Hope they get some relief very soon, arent Meteorologist Derek Van Dam . Derek, thank you very much. And for more information about how you can help fire victims across the country, please go to cnn. Com slash impact or text wildfire to 70, 70, 70 to donate. And well be right back back room deals. Cia secrets of fares, bribery, corruption, prostitution theres so much more to the store. United states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn hi, im brian gary, and today were talking about the biggest misconception there is about replacement windows. Im here with ted cones, the Project Manager for renewal by anderson to talk about it. Yeah. One of the big things we hear from homeowners is i shouldnt need to replace my windows. Theyre just not that old. Heres the thing homebuilders put in highend kitchens and bathrooms, and low in windows, just arent that good. So even if your windows are only seven to ten years old, they may still need to be replaced to this so many Window Companies out there, whats different about your company . Well, besides being the full Service Replacement Window Division of anderson were the Company People tend to call when their particular about their home. They dont want just any old window or any all installed. So your standards for installers are pretty high, right . Yeah. Brian, you can have the best window or door in the world and if its not installed correctly, its going to fail. So we dont hire these Jack Of All Trades installers that do gutters inciting on the side but our Window Installation Teams do our windows yearin, yearout and have done thousands of them anytime a homeowner has to deal with multiple Home Improvement companies, they get stuck in the blame game. Yeah. With other companies, if theres an issue, the manufacturer blames the installer. The installer blames the manufacturer with us. Theres no fingerpointing are blaming each other. Were both the installer and the manufacturer said, is it easy for a homeowner to get a price very easy. We will come out to your house, will assess your current patio door windows, and then well give you an exact price. Thats good for an entire year. So thats great information. Thank you. Its renewal by andersons 31 day sales event before march 31st, safe 377 on every window and save 777 on every patio door and entry door with no money down, no monthly payments, and no interest for 12 months are 30 he won day sales event ends march 31st for a free appointment during our sale call 1805011400 meet milo, hes part Border Collie and part party animal meet the new bissell little green hydro steam pat its part Steam Powered Stain Remover and part partyanimal patrol this on a new breed of clean. If you lived or worked at camp lejeune North Carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 through december 1987, and have been diagnosed with cancer, neural behavioral affects, fertility issues, or more, you may qualify for financial compensation. A new law passed by congress now allows veterans and survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp lejeune Coal Settle Rock Legal Group to discuss your case now called bunny hundred 8149977 its time to feed the dogs a real food in the right amount. A healthy weight can help dogs live a longer, happier life. The farmers dog and makes Weight Management easy. With fresh i launched our campaign at this union hall. Lets go win this thing then we hit the road and never stopped. You shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. Your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. It is not too late to realize those dreams. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. Overflowing with ideas and energy. Thats the San Francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. Porter is easily the most impressive candidate. Known for her grilling of corporate executives. With deep policy knowledge. Katie porters housing plan has bipartisanfriendly ideas to bring Homebuilding Costs down. And the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. Lets shake up the senate. With democrat katie porter. Im katie porter and i approve this message. The difference at moon pod. Co, vegas, the story of sin city. Sunday at ten on cnn now to a few other stories, were watching this hour in boston and air National Guardsman accused of posting classified documents online is expected to plead guilty to federal charges next week. Thats after he initially pleaded not guilty after his arrest in april 21 yearold max, teixeira is charged with six counts of willful retention and transmission of classified material related to National Defense right now its unclear which charges he plans to plead guilty to or if he has struck a deal with prosecutors plus new developments in a case that could have sweeping First Amendment implications for journalists and News Organizations across the country. A federal judge is holding veteran fox news journalist Catherine Herridge in contempt of court, fining her 800 a day for refusing to reveal her sources. Thats in connection to a story in 2017 about a Chinese American scientist at the center of a federal probe. Herridge has fought the case vigorously and is expected to appeal. And the worlds richest man is suing the Company Behind chatgpt pity elon musk is alleging that open ai breached a contract after a supposedly diverged from its original Nonprofit Mission by partnering with microsoft and a 10 billion deal. Hes asking for the companys ceo, sam altman. And another cofounder to return profits they received from the business. We should also note musk is a cofounder of openai, and since parting ways with the company has launched his own ai business. And finally, on this friday for us, take a look at the last picture from the lunar lander known as odie. Intuitive machines, the Company Behind the lander plan to lose communication as the sun disappeared from that part of the moon, preventing odious solar panels from charging. It sent one last photo of the lunar landscape. Look at it right there. Pretty fascinating stuff featuring a tiny Crescent Earth off in the distance, the lunar night is expected to last up to three weeks. Its unclear whether odie will be able to survive the frigid temperatures and start transmitting again after that. But the company is hopeful. So heres to hoping for all that and good luck to odie. Okay. Youre back with us soon. Thanks very much for joining me this morning. Im jim acosta, our next hour of newsroom, blitzer starts after a short break. Thanks for great work. First week, everybody have a great erin burnett outfront. Tonight at seven on cnn. Awkward question is youre going to be anything leftover. Oh, absolutely my kids dont know what they want. You know, who knows what she wants with empowered. We get all of our financial questions answered. So you dont have to worry in power, whats next . I do when you add you back to connect with skilled professionals to get all your Home Projects done well, ill get started today. It angie. Com. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment. 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