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♪ ♪ you're watching "cnn news central." we begin with breaking news. two major stories we're following right now. one overseas and the other on capitol hill. any moment we expect to hear from secretary of state antony blinken after a series of key meetings during his high-stakes trip to israel. soon the house is expected to debate an expulsion resolution for george santos. santos lashed out at colleagues during a news conference, accusing them of bullying in the wake of the scathing house ethics committee report. the report says santos spent thousands of dollars on botox, personal vacations, paying off personal credit cards and luxury goods. lauren fox is live on capitol hill. lauren, as lawmakers weigh whether to boot santos, what are the chances he survives this vote tomorrow as he's done on two previous occasions? >> reporter: that is the key question and what we'll be watching in the hours and day ahead. we expect this expulsion vote will come to the floor tomorrow in the house of representatives in the morning at some point. we also know, of course, that there are a lot of questions about whether or not some republicans will be too uncomfortable with the fact that santos has not been con vvictedf crime to vote to expel him. momentum has grown since the house ethics report has come out with these allegations that he misused campaign funds on some of the items you laid out there, on only fans and other luxury goods. so far, despite the fact that reporters have pressed him repeatedly on if these allegations are true, he says he doesn't want to go line by line. he said they'll be a time for that, but he won't get into specifics. he also just wrapped up a pen and pad meeting with reporters behind closed doors. this was not on camera. he answered additional questions about his future, about whether if he's kicked out of congress tomorrow he would continue to show up using floor privileges that members of the house of representatives have as a member or former member of the house, if indeed he is expelled. again, the key question is are the votes going to be there? right now, despite the fact that there was growing momentum after the ethics report came out, it's not clear. you heard yesterday from house speaker mike johnson that he was concerned and had some reservations about moving forward with expelling a member who has not been convicted. obviously a lot of members are looking to their new speaker as to whether or not they'll be willing to move forward with that either. boris? >> congressman santos would be the first member of the house kicked out since 1861 without facing a conviction. lauren fox, thank you. brianna? america's top diplomat will answer questions from reporters after a day of significant meetings with both israeli and palestinian officials. secretary of state antony blinken trying to lengthening this truce between israel and hamas. hamas released two female hostages and are expected to release others as well. there's video of mia shim reuniting with her mother and brother. israel will set free another 30 palestinian prisoners and detainees. the truce has been put to the test in very tragic ways. three people shot to death by a hamas member who opened fire at a jerusalem bus stop. blinken calling the shooting a terrorist attack. hamas saying these killings were in response to israeli defense forces killing two children in the west bank, shooting them. let's start with cnn's jeremy diamond who is talking with us about the situation there with hostages and also the state of the truce. jeremy, the hostages, as we understand, are coming from different locations. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. so far we've seen two of the eight israeli hostages we expect to be released today come out of the gaza strip and now on their way to hospitals. those first two are mia shim, the 21-year-old having the emotional reunion with her mother and brother. she was the first hostage that hamas released a video of early in the conflict. the second hostage was freed alongside mia shim. there's six others we're expecting to see tonight. the reason why these releases are happening separately is because it's believed they are held in different locations within the gaza strip. amid all this, there's still a question about what comes tomorrow. we saw today that truce between israel and hamas that allowed for the release of the hostages, allowed for the release of palestinian prisoners was renewed only minutes before it was set to expire. we could be facing the same situation tomorrow. yesterday over the course of the day there were extensive negotiations to try to salvage that truce to ensure that hamas would release more israeli hostages, to allow for the palestinian prisoners to get out, as well as hundreds of trucks of aid that the people in the gaza strip have benefited from. we're witnessing something similar brewing now. both hamas and israel made clear, if this truce is not extended, they will return to the fighting very soon. the israeli prime minister saying, once this operational pause has ended, he will unequivocally return to the fight. we know that hamas made a series of proposals yesterday that weren't acceptable to the israelis. at the last minute israel accepted eight hostages released today and include those two russian israeli women released last night. we're getting to the point where hamas may be running out of women and children they can find and release as part of the deal. that's brewing. beyond that, just their ability to actually abide by the terms of the deal and israel to accept the terms hamas is willing to offer leaving a lot in question and the very real possibility that war could be back on tomorrow. >> jeremy, thank you for that report. i want to go to ben wedeman to talk about the deadly bus stop attack in jerusalem. three killed, but also seven people wounded. can you tell us what you learned about what happened here? >> reporter: what happened in the morning during rush hour here in jerusalem, two men driving a car from a palestinian neighborhood in occupied east jerusalem drove up to the bus station, opened fire according to israeli police with an m-16 and a pistol killing three people, two women and an elderly man, wounding seven soldiers and bystanders. had weapons and killed on the spot the two attackers. both attackers had been in israeli prison. one just finished in 2020 serving a ten-year term. very soon after this attack, hamas put out a statement on its telegram channel accepting, in their words, full responsibility for this attack. obviously here in jerusalem nerves are on edge because of the war, but certainly this is the first major attack of its kind in jerusalem since the 7th of october. brianna? >> horrific as we watch it there. ben wedeman, thank you for the details there in jerusalem. boris? we want to get some perspective from if retired u.s. army major mike lions and david sanger. major lions, the idf will focus their target on more precision strikes in gaza in an effort to prevent more civilians from dying. what do you think that looks like? >> israel is going to abide by the laws of the land warfare and they won't target civilians. they'll do all they can to destroy hamas. i think they start back with an air war, turn the drones back on and see what the situation is before the ground forces start to move. they know the world is watching as it deals with civilians. they know they have a tremendous amount of fire power they can use. i think they're going to do all they can, but they'll proceed in a manner to make sure they accomplish their military objectives. >> david, how likely is it do you think we'll see the idf shift tactics? >> you know, boris, i think it's pretty likely. our sources are indicating that in the conversations with secretary blinken the israelis have taken a hard line. their first goal is to destroy hamas and, if this process of getting the hostages out breaks down, they'll move forward with that again. it puts them in a problematic situation. first of all, they have to start moving the operation to the south. the south is where they asked everybody to move to a few weeks ago. there are a lot of civilians stuck down at the bottom end, trapped there and the war may follow them there. the second problem is they have a lot of international pressure. you're seeing that now. not to be the ones to resume here even if they're not getting hostages out at the numbers they hoped. secretary blinken is pressing for time at this moment. he's hoping he can, you know, buy some time here to be able to get more hostage releases happening. >> major lyons, israel switching its focus to southern gaza, they're weighing options of moving the civilians from the south back north. what would that look like? how would that keep hamas from moving as well? >> i think david's point is spot on. the last four or five days here, hamas has likely moved their fighters to the south trying to fight for another day. i don't see how they regress back up to the north, the civilians at least, because as we've seen from satellite shots their houses are destroyed. there's not a lot of place to move those tens of thousands of people. this is where it requires other countries to come in and potentially take on some refugees. that's the real solution that has to be negotiated at this point because the fight is eventually going to the south. israel is going to pursue hamas through the tunnels to the very last one standing and it's likely that ends up in the southern part of gaza. >> david, on the question of a solution, we know that secretary of state blinken is meeting with a number of officials overseas, one the head of the palestinian authority. how clip call is the palestinian authority toward a two-state solution? >> well, they're critical, but it's whether they're capable of it. there's been discussion of a two-state solution for many years, as you know, boris. during the obama administration i remember going to see him with secretary john kerry and everybody thought he was at the end of his time, that he was so weak physically and politically that he wouldn't last. he's still there. most american officials concede when you get them in private there's no way the palestinian authority has the heft and capability to run gaza, which is right now the u.s. proposal because the other alternative is israel runs it. so at this point they don't really have a partner. >> dave, quickly, from the current secretary of state to the most infamous, henry kissinger passing away. you wrote his obituary for "the new york times." some see him as a war criminal. others see him as a leader who prevented nuclear calamity. how do you see his legacy? >> it's complex. he was a complex figure. he was one of the most fascinating people in the 20th century. i think he was also clearly, as you indicated, one of the most controversial. without henry kissinger there may not have been the first arms control talks and agreements with russia which brought down the arsenals. he negotiated an end to the vietnam war. each one of these was controversial, particularly vietnam where he could have had the exact same deal years before. one of the concerns is he could easily have cost a lot of lives, including american lives by delaying -- taking that deal at the time. then, of course, there were human rights abuses elsewhere. indonesia, chile where he turned the other eye or turned his back on it while allies conducted great human rights abuses. that's the complex legacy of henry kissinger. it's fair to say he had more influence over american foreign policy in the 20th century than any u.s. president did. >> we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate you both. >> thank you. coming up, history in the house of representatives. lawmakers expected to debate the expulsion of congressman george santos. we'll bring you that debate live. plus, one of the three palestinian college students shot while walking down the street in vermont is speaking out, describing how his training as an emt may have saved his life. and the influx of my gigran in chicago, combined with dropping temperatures, has officials worried about the winter ahead. more on that potential crisis coming up. we are following breaking news and live pictures now from capitol hill where any moment the house of representatives is set to debate an expulsion resolution for congressman george santos. this ahead of a vote set for tomorrow to expel the new york republican in the face of these damning allegations about his use or misuse of campaign funds. >> if he's voted out, he would be just the sixth member of the house ever to be formally ousted from congress. let's start with cnn's manu raju. manu, what are we going to be seeing? >> reporter: the question is whether there's enough votes to kick him out of the chamber. that's still an uncertain question. there are significant amount of republicans concerned about setting this precedent. others are privately concerned about the political fallout by losing a key vote in a swing district that democrats could pick up narrowing the already very tight republican majority. i spoke to a number of republicans this morning. some of them said it is absolutely time for george santos to go amid the laundry list of scandals that he's endured all year long. some said it's a difficult decision for them to make. >> i'm in one of those difficult situations that the voters put him here. he said he's not going to run again, but removing him prematurely is a tough decision. notwithstanding that he certainly is not -- >> it's clear george santos does not need to be in congress. the sooner he's out, the sooner the people of his district can get real representation. >> reporter: do you worry this resolution might fail? >> i worry about a lot of things in the house. we tend to shoot ourselves in the foot on some things. >> reporter: at the moment there are not enough republicans who have announced publicly where they'll come down. we don't know where this may come down. republican leaders aren't whipping it. they're not telling members to vote one way or the other. that's an indication that tomorrow we'll head into this vote with the unclear sense of whether or not santos will face the unprecedented nature of being the first member ever to be kicked out of the house without being convicted of a crime or being a confederate. a lot of questions here still, but some scuttlebutt in the hallway suggests he could survive this because the republican leadership is opposed to this, including speaker of the house mike johnson who said he has real reservations about the precedent. >> lauren fox, you're talking to members up there. listen to congressman lalota, a fellow new yorker, initially he said he thought they would get 150 republicans. man, did he dial that back yesterday to 75. that speaks to how uncertain they are in the outcome of this. what are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah, he made the comment before he heard speaker johnson say he had real reservations. that's why he corrected and pulled back the number that he thought republicans would get on this vote. i think that is why there's so much uncertainty because republican leadership is not whipping this, because there is concern about starting a new precedent. no member wants to be on the other end of a scathing ethics report and find themselves out of the job they were elected to do. they want to make sure they're not prematurely moving forward. on the other hand, this ethics report was scathing. it was extremely damning for representative santos. he also has yet, despite being pressed by reporters, gone point by point to refute claims made in the ethics report saying he believes there's a time and place to do that, but now is not that time. it's a major question for republican members. do they want to start this new precedent? on the other hand, do they think santos acted improperly? if they do, do they think it's time for him to go? that's what a lot of members are weighing. >> tim, congressman santos could be joining quite the fraternity here. we heard manu say three house members that had previously been expelled were confederates in the civil war, 1861. two others convicted of bribery, fraud. what's the historical context here if george santos is exp expelled? >> well, the context is that the house doesn't like to do this. it's going to be remarkable if the majority party expels one of their own before there's any trial and a verdict in a trial. that would be extraordinary. on the other hand, we right now are suffering from a deficit of trust in our institutions. the glass half full part of me suggests it would be healthy for the country to hear members of the majority party talk about the need to restore trust in the house and that having a con artist as a member of the party hurts the brand and undermines trust in congress. that would be very healthy to hear. i'm not sure there are enough votes to expel congressman santos. the fact that this debate is a free debate, the fact it's not being whipped, the fact that the speaker said he's not sure of what should happen, but he's not coming down hard on keeping santos in the house, a lot of those are good signs which means we could actually have a useful, healthy, nonpartisan debate today. >> allison, what do you think the political calculus is here? we hear republicans. they don't want to be talking about george santos because then they're not talking about other things. on the flip side how important is it to have his vote? is it really george santos that you want to have as your deciding vote on something politically? >> if it's a deciding vote, yes. he's self-righteous. he's ridiculous, but he's a reliable republican vote. those who will stand behind him are looking at that. i've spoken with many over the last few weeks. they have a different tune. that ethics report was damning. it was embarrassing. it was scathing. they think that someone who engaged in that behavior has no business being in the house. he talks about how he's being bullied and he's a victim. he's claimed so many things -- being a financier, saving the animals, being a collegiate athlete. he's not a victim. he talks about due process. the rational republicans i talk with say he'll have due process in the court of law where he's facing 23 indictments. in congress there's a standard of behavior that is set by them and enforced by them. those who are looking at this as a distraction and embarrass say he doesn't deserve this position and he's engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of congress. the numbers will be higher for his expulsion than we think. >> leann, some 150 republicans hostage it was reported might e expel him. that number has been gone down. how much influence as speaker mike johnson had? >> it's interesting. over the weekend, they were pretty confident santos would be gone and now their tune has changed. a source told me close to leadership that there are conversations among leadership about what to do with this precedent-setting measure. there's some heart burn about it. speaker johnson yesterday really seemed to tipped the scales even though he said -- he might not even have to vote. the speaker of the house doesn't usually vote. he could choose not to vote. those comments have changed the calculus here. i think everyone is watching to see what everyone else does and that's why there's no clear answer on how many republicans are actually coming out for it. >> what precedent are they worried it's going to set? you can't spent voters' money on only fans? what's the matter with that? >> they're saying the threshold of kicking someone out of congress is usually treason, as in the confederacy, or conviction. santos has been charged with 23 crimes, but he's not yet been convicted. i would say this house of representatives is a precedent-setting house of representatives anyway with all they've been through this year. right now they say it's the precedent, but there's also a lot of politics in play. >> we should point out he hasn't been convicted, but members of his staff pled guilty to crimes and are implicating him. >> he can make his case before congress and the court of law. he's had the opportunity repeatedly to address these claims individually. as he said this morning, i'm not going to unpack this at this time. there's no time like the present. people deserve answers. >> we're watching. thank you, everyone. stand by as we wait for this debate to begin. coming up, elon musk isn't looking to woo any boycotting advertisers back to x. instead he has a four-letter word for them that you can't say on television. we'll have the details next. elon musk is finally apologizing for an and semi tweet he supported earlier this month. when he addressed companies, he didn't apologize. instead he -- just watch. >> if somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising, go [ bleep ] yourself. go [ bleep ] yourself. is that clear? i hope it is. >> cnn's oliver darcy joins us now. oliver, what do you make of this defiant stance by the head of x? >> reporter: it's not going to bring back those advertisers that left his platform, those advertiser he desperately needs if he wants to keep x afloat. x is primarily -- they generate most of their revenue from advertisers. without companies like disney, apple, ibm, advertising on the platform, they're not going to be bringing in much revenue. listen to elon musk. he explained what's going to happen to the site because these advertisers are boycotting it. >> what this advertising boycott is going to do, it's going to kill the company. and the whole world will know those advertisers killed the company. we'll document it in great detail. >> those advertisers are going to say, we didn't kill the company. >> oh, yeah. tell it to earth. >> they're going to say, elon, you killed the company because you said these things and they were inappropriate things and they didn't feel comfortable on the platform. >> let's see how earth responds to that. >> reporter: what's remarkable here, boris, is that elon musk is not taking any real responsibility for these advertisers leaving the company. of course they're leaving because of his unhinged behavior on the platform. over the last year since he took over he has smeared journalists, he's launched ugly attacks against the anti-defamation league. he's promoted conspiracy theories like pizza gate and he made that anti-semitic endorsement. there's a lot of behaviors advertisers are seeing from musk they have don't want to social media associate with. he's blaming them. it's remarkable to see. >> oliver darcy, thanks for telling it to earth. appreciate it. well, it was like being in a living nightmare. that's how one of the palestinian college students who was shot saturday in vermont is describing his terrifying ordeal. 20-year-old kinnan abdalhamid and his mother appearing today on "the view" to talk about the trauma they're both living with. >> it was almost surreal how quickly he did it. i still kind of remember it and even at the moment it was kind of moving in a nightmare. it's, like, not -- the way i perceived it wasn't the same. it really felt like i was in a living nightmare. >> we're incredibly concerned for his friends still in critical condition. it's hard to make sense of this. it really is except just to say, when people are dehumanized and there's rhetoric by government officials and by the media where palestinians are not really seen as human, right? we, you know -- with this conflict in gaza, we have the u.s. administration doubting the number of people that have died. we have to sort of prove how many babies have been killed and at this time, quite honestly, i feel like no palestinian is safe anywhere. >> now this is the suspect jason eaton. he's 48 being held without bail on three counts of attempted murder. law enforcement is still determining whether this can be charged as a hate crime. we're expecting secretary of state antony blinken to speak. he's speaking after critical meetings in the middle east. we'll have those comments ahead for you. this is a live view from a podium in tel aviv, israel, where we're anticipating remarks from secretary of state antony blinken. he visited the middle east and israel since the thnovember 7th terrorist attack three times. we await word for whether the truce between israel and hamas will be extended. we'll bring you his remarks live. stay tuned for that. we want to pivot to another global conflict and a view from inside the trenches in ukraine. soldiers are fiercely fighting from keeping russia from surrounding a key city. we spoke with an ukrainian commander as russian tanks nearby shelled their positions. >> reporter: in the pre-dawn light military fire power fills the air. incoming explosions, outgoing fire. one of ukraine's assault infantry units tries to take back trenches in a city captured by russian forces. we need drones, says the company commander. they're sitting in the tree lines shooting at us, he explains. in a rare interview, the former film maker imprisoned by the russians in 2014 for five years tells me about last month's mission in one of the hottest spots on the eastern front. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> translator: my goal was for people to watch this and know what this war is really like. it's very important to record it so that people know now and know later what a cruel and terrible war it is. >> reporter: one of his troops has been hit. they remove his body armor to reveal a bullet hole. as they apply chest pressure, there's more coming. duck, one of them yells, and then the war from the sky begins. drone, drone, fpv, cries a soldier. i see it, another shouts back. minutes later another soldier is hit. this time shrapnel to the legs. while talking on the radio reporting on his injured troops, oleg also gets hit, but doesn't realize for a few moments. there's a small hole, i see the blood, says the female paramedic. quickly patched up, oleg is focussed and composed until suddenly they hear the rumble of tanks. oleg's unit tries to bury themselves in the earth as one drives by. the female paramedic cries -- [ speaking in a non-english language ] -- we are surrounded. tanks are shooting. approximately 40 tons of terror so close the earth is shaking. drone footage taken by the ukrainian military shows four russian tanks firing. positioned in those trees are three ukrainian assault groups spread out over a kilometer. oleg's unit is in the middle. they were the only ones to be spared. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> translator: we failed to hold our position and had to retreat. we had injuries and survived. the other two groups were almost completely destroyed. >> reporter: this is the first time oleg has failed a mission as commander in the almost two years he's been fighting. the 47-year-old tells me he wants the world to know the truth on the frontline. a war this father of four is returning to this week. anna corin, cnn, kyiv. >> thanks to anna for that look at what life is like on the ground for soldiers in ukraine. we're tracking two live events. another look at the room where the secretary of state is going to take to the podium to answer questions from reporters as we await word on whether the temporary truce between hamas and israel may be extended. meantime, major news out of the u.s. capitol. lawmakers introducing a resolution for the third time to try to attempt to expel republican congressman george santos of new york. santos accused of a slew of crimes. he could become the first member of the house of representatives expelled from the body without being convicted of a crime since 1861. we have a live report when we come back. all right, let's listen now to secretary of state of state antony blinken. >> on my last visit here i discussed the potential for humanitarian pauses to facilitate the release of hamas' hostages, the surge in humanitarian assistance, the protection of palestinian civilians. and i said that there were a number of issues that needed to be worked through but that the united states was committed to achieving these goals. today -- today marks the seventh day of the humanitarian pause in gaza and the united states worked closely with israel, qatar and egypt to put in place. the seventh day that hostages have been freed and are returning home to their families. the seventh day that significantly more humanitarian assistance is getting into the people of gaza who need it and the seventh day civilians in gaza have been able to move to safer areas. i've come again here today to advance a number of goals. our immediate focus is working with our partners to extend the pause so that we can continue to get more hostages out of gaza and more assistance in. we share the elation, the relief of the families from more than a dozen countries including the united states who have been reunited with their loved ones. and yet there are scores of family here in israel, the united states, and around the world whose loved ones continue to be held captive and who are desperate to get them home safely. we will not stop working until we get every hostage back home with their families and loved ones. at the same time, we continue to surge humanitarian assistance to palestinian civilians in gaza. together with the u.n., partners in the region, we have significantly increased the flow of food, water, medicine, fuel to power desalination plants, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure. just over the past week the mechanisms that we helped to negotiate and implement, had more than doubled the number of trucks getting into gaza. but this is still not enough to meet the needs of its people, which is why we continue to work urgently to get more aid in and to get it in faster. sustaining and increasing the flow of humanitarian aid in particular fuel, restocking stores with commercial goods, these are vital to lives and livelihoods and well-being of men, women, and children. that's especially true for the most vulnerable parts of the population -- children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with disabilities. and it's even more pressing as winter sets in, bringing with the heightened infection of disease outbreaks. prime minister netanyahu also made clore that israel intends to resume its military operations against hamas when hamas stops releasing hostages. as we've said from the outset, israel has the right to do everything it can to ensure that the slaughter hamas carried out on october 7th can never be repeated. hamas cannot remain in control of gaza. it cannot retain the capacity to repeat that carnage. that was only underscored by this morning's appalling terrorist attack on people waiting at a bus stop in jerusalem, which killed three israeli civilians and wounded at least six others including two american citizens. hamas has claimed responsibility for that attack. it called its perpetrators heroic. we warn those killed just as we mourn the life of every suvellian life, israeli or palestinians. but as i also said since i first came here after october 7th, the way israel defends itself matters. it's imperative that israel act in accordance with international humanitarian law and the laws of war. even when confronting a terrorist group that respects neither. in my meetings today with the prime minister and senior israeli officials, i made clear that before israel resumes major military operations, it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians. that means taking more effective steps to protect the lives of civilians it including by clearly and precisely designating areas and places in southern and central gaza where they can be safe and out of the line of fire. it means avoiding further significant displacement of civilians inside of gaza. it means avoiding damage to life critical infrastructure like hospitals, like power stations, like water facilities. and it means giving civilians who have been displaced to southern gaza to return to the north as soon as conditions permit. there must be no enduring internal displacement. all of this can be done in a manner that still enables israel to achieve its objectives. of course we know that every one of these elements is made more complicated by the fact that hamas intentionally embeds itself with civilians within and below hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, refugee camps. but israel has the most sophisticated -- one of the most sophisticated militaries in the world. it is capable of neutralizing the threat posed by hamas while minimizing harm to innocent men, women, and children. and it has an obligation to do so. ultimately, that's just not the right thing to do, it's also in israel's security interest. the prime minister and member of the war cabinet agree with this approach. we discussed the details of israel planning, and i inunderscoring the loss of life and civilian displacement we saw in northern gaza not be repeated in the south. as i told the prime minister, intent matters but so does the result. at the same time, hamas ha

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Breaking News ,Cnn News Central ,Stories ,Two ,Antony Blinken ,Israel ,House ,Secretary Of State ,Meetings ,Series ,Mother ,Overseas ,Trip ,Capitol Hill ,One ,Congressman Santos ,Santos ,Colleagues ,Expulsion Resolution ,News Conference ,House Ethics Committee Report ,Bullying ,Wake ,Report ,Lauren Fox ,Goods ,Botox ,Vacations ,Credit Cards ,Reporter ,Question ,Vote ,Lawmakers ,Occasions ,Chances ,Republicans ,Lot ,Point ,Questions ,Course ,House Of Representatives ,Fact ,Expulsion Vote ,Floor ,House Ethics Report ,Crime ,Momentum ,Allegations ,Campaign Funds ,Some ,Con Vvictedf ,Reporters ,Fans ,Luxury Goods ,Items ,Meeting ,Line By ,He Won T ,Specifics ,Pen ,Ipad ,Behind Closed Doors ,Camera ,Member ,Members ,Whether ,Floor Privileges ,Congress ,Ethics ,Votes ,House Speaker ,Mike Johnson ,Reservations ,Speaker ,Boris ,Conviction ,The House ,1861 ,Officials ,Palestinian ,Diplomat ,Brianna ,America ,Hostages ,Hamas ,Truce ,Video ,Shim ,Others ,People ,Fire ,Prisoners ,Brother ,Another ,Detainees ,Test ,Ways ,Death ,Three ,30 ,Jeremy Diamond ,Children ,Cnn ,East Jerusalem ,Terrorist Attack ,Response ,Killings ,Bus Stop ,Israeli Defense Forces ,West Bank ,Situation ,Estate ,Locations ,Southern Gaza ,Way ,Hospitals ,Mia Shim ,21 ,Eight ,Hostage ,Conflict ,Reunion ,Releases ,Reason ,This ,Six ,Release ,We Saw ,Palestinian Prisoners ,Negotiations ,Aid ,Trucks ,Fighting ,Something ,Brewing ,Clear ,Hundreds ,Prime Minister ,Pause ,Fight ,Proposals ,Saying ,Women ,Israelis ,Israeli Women Released Last Night ,Weren T ,Deal ,Part ,Terms Hamas ,Terms ,Possibility ,Ability ,Vietnam War ,Attack ,Ben Wedeman ,Seven ,Men ,Neighborhood ,Car ,Rush Hour ,Soldiers ,Oman ,Bus Station ,Police ,Pistol Killing ,M 16 ,16 ,Attackers ,Prison ,Spot ,Bystanders ,Weapons ,2020 ,Responsibility ,Statement ,Words ,Term ,Telegram Channel ,Ten ,Kind ,Nerves ,Edge ,7 ,7th Of October ,Details ,Perspective ,David Sanger ,Mike Lions ,U S Army ,Precision Strikes ,Lions ,Target ,Civilians ,Laws ,Effort ,Land Warfare ,Forces ,Target Civilians ,Drones ,Air War ,Manner ,World ,Amount ,Fire Power ,Objectives ,Shift Tactics ,Conversations ,Sources ,Goal ,Line ,Process ,South ,Wall ,Operation ,Everybody ,End ,Pressure ,Problem ,Numbers ,Ones ,Secretary Blinken ,Focus ,Lyons ,Options ,Point Is Spot On ,Five ,Four ,North ,Houses ,Fighters ,Satellite Shots ,Place ,Solution ,Tens Of Thousands ,Refugees ,Countries ,Tunnels ,Number ,Palestinian Authority ,Two State Solution ,Head ,Administration ,Discussion ,John Kerry ,The End ,He Wouldn T Last ,Theft ,Proposal ,Run Gaza ,Capability ,Alternative ,Henry Kissinger ,Dave ,Partner ,Leader ,The New York Times ,Obituary ,War Criminal ,Passing Away ,Legacy ,Calamity ,Figure ,20th Century ,20 ,Russia ,Agreements ,Arms Control Talks ,Lives ,Vietnam ,Arsenals ,Concerns ,Cost ,Human Rights Abuses ,Elsewhere ,Delaying ,Back ,Indonesia ,Allies ,Chile ,Eye ,Influence ,Foreign Policy ,Coming Up ,Conversation ,Expulsion ,President ,Debate ,Life ,College Students ,Walking ,Plus ,Street ,Emt ,Training ,Vermont ,More ,Influx ,Winter ,Gigran ,Temperatures ,Crisis ,Chicago ,Vote Set ,Pictures ,New York ,Use ,Misuse ,Face ,Chamber ,Manu Raju ,Precedent ,Fallout ,Laundry List ,Majority ,Swing District ,Democrats ,Decision ,Scandals ,Voters ,Situations ,Things ,Resolution ,Representation ,District ,Foot ,Sense ,Indication ,Leaders Aren T ,Nature ,Whipping It ,Leadership ,Confederate ,Scuttlebutt ,Hallway ,Congressman Lalota ,Outcome ,New Yorker ,75 ,150 ,Comment ,The ,Concern ,Uncertainty ,Hand ,Job ,Claims ,Congressman ,House Members ,Fraternity ,Tim ,Context ,Confederates ,Civil War ,Fraud ,Bribery ,Doesn T ,Majority Party ,Trial ,Trust ,Verdict ,Institutions ,Deficit ,Suffering ,Country ,Glass ,Party ,Con Artist ,Brand ,Keeping Santos In The House ,Calculus ,Signs ,Allison ,Side ,Many ,Self Righteous ,Yes ,Someone ,Behavior ,Victim ,Tune ,Business Being ,Due Process ,Animals ,Financier ,Athlete ,Law ,Say ,Standard ,Court ,Indictments ,23 ,Position ,Distraction ,Conduct Unbecoming A ,Leann ,Weekend ,Source ,Speaker Johnson ,Heart Burn ,Measure ,Scales ,Everyone ,Comments ,Answer ,Matter ,Threshold ,Money ,Crimes ,Confederacy ,Treason ,Politics ,Play ,Hasn T ,Staff ,Opportunity ,Court Of Law ,Case ,Elon Musk ,Isn T ,Boycotting ,Advertisers ,Four Letter Word , Say On Television ,Semi Tweet ,Companies ,Somebody ,Advertising ,Bleep ,Go ,Platform ,Sex ,Stance ,Oliver Darcy ,Revenue ,Advertiser ,Most ,Ibm ,Disney ,Apple ,Advertising Boycott ,Site ,Company ,Earth ,It ,Detail ,Elon ,Attacks ,Journalists ,Anti Defamation League ,Musk ,Behaviors ,Pizza Gate ,Endorsement ,Don T Want To Social Media ,Conspiracy Theories ,Thanks ,Being ,Associate ,Living Nightmare ,Living ,Trauma ,The View ,Kinnan Abdalhamid ,Nightmare ,Moving ,Condition ,Friends ,Media ,Government Officials ,Rhetoric ,Human ,Babies ,Jason Eaton ,Counts ,Anywhere ,Attempted Murder ,Bail ,48 ,Hate Crime ,Law Enforcement ,Middle East ,Podium ,View ,Tel Aviv ,Remarks ,Thnovember 7th Terrorist Attack Three Times ,Word ,Trenches ,Ukraine ,Tanks ,City ,Commander ,Positions ,Russian ,Assault Infantry Units ,Hair ,Explosions ,Light Military Fire Power ,Company Commander ,Interview ,Tree ,Film Maker ,Russians ,2014 ,Language ,Mission ,Translator ,Spots ,Eastern Front ,Hit ,Troops ,Chest Pressure ,Body Armor ,Bullet Hole ,Drone ,Coming ,Duck ,Sky ,Fpv ,Soldier ,Radio Reporting ,Shouts ,Legs ,Shrapnel ,Oleg ,Paramedic ,Whole ,Blood ,Unit ,Rumble ,Paramedic Cries ,Drone Footage ,Terror ,Ukrainian Military ,Tanks Firing ,40 ,Assault Groups ,Trees ,Kilometer ,Middle ,Time ,Groups ,Injuries ,Frontline ,Truth ,Father ,47 ,Look ,Room ,Ground ,Events ,Anna Corin ,Kyiv ,News ,U S Capitol ,Slew ,Body ,Assistance ,Protection ,Pauses ,Right ,Potential ,Surge ,Goals ,Issues ,Families ,Home ,Egypt ,Qatar ,Partners ,Areas ,Relation ,Relief ,Family ,Loved Ones ,Scores ,Around The World ,Flow ,Desalination Plants ,Medicine ,Water ,Region ,Food ,U N ,Infrastructure ,Mechanisms ,Needs ,Fuel ,Restocking ,Parts ,Livelihoods ,Well Being ,Stores ,Disabilities ,Population ,Elderly ,Infection ,Winter Sets ,Clore ,Netanyahu ,Military Operations ,Disease Outbreaks ,Slaughter Hamas ,Everything ,Control ,Outset ,October 7th ,Hamas Cannot ,Morning ,Capacity ,Carnage ,Perpetrators ,American Citizens ,Terrorist Group ,Accordance ,Imperative ,Laws Of War ,Israel Act ,Plans ,Steps ,Casualties ,Displacement ,Places ,Central Gaza ,Damage ,Line Of Fire ,Power Stations ,Water Facilities ,Conditions ,Elements ,Sophisticated ,Schools ,Apartment Buildings ,Refugee Camps ,Militaries ,Threat ,Harm ,Obligation ,Thing ,Security Interest ,Planning ,Approach ,War Cabinet ,Northern Gaza ,Matters ,Loss ,Result ,Hamas Ha ,

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