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situation room live from tel aviv. i will see you tomorrow at noon eastern. happening now, breaking news. hamas releases 11 more civilian hostages from gaza on this, the first day of a temporary truce. back in israel where hospitals are preparing to treat them after more than seven weeks in captivity. the pause of hostilities has gotten. right now about this very fragile agreement. also tonight, my special interview with the uncle of a 13-year-old hostage who was freed on saturday without, repeat without, her mother despite demands from israeli officials. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv israel, and you're in "the situation room." this is cnn breaking news. the breaking news this hour, moments ago israeli hostages began arriving at the hospitals here in tel aviv, just hours after hamas released 11 more civilians from gaza. with a trace of extension now in effect, we expect additional captives to come home in the immediate days ahead. cnn correspondents are standing by here in the middle east, as well as back in washington. they have new details. first let's hear from cnn's oren leeberman who has a closer look at all of today's very dramatic developments. >> reporter: a nation celebrates as more israeli men and women feel freedom. the truce extended for 48 hours, sealed with the release of hostages. already some of the freed hostages like moses are being discharged from hospitals, ready to head home. >> i need to tell you how amazing you are, really, for everything you have done. >> reporter: meanwhile, others rejuice in their first moments, a reunion. among those freed over the weekend, four-year-old israeli american, still the only u.s. citizen to be released from gaza. all of monday's group. the truce said to be extended by two days. hamas will release another 20 women and children and israel will release 60 from prison. the temporary cease fire will last a bit longer. >> we will return to fighting. we will apply the same force and more. therefore, this is the mission now. >> reporter: the pause revealing a hellscape in parts of northern gaza with barely a building left untouched. a few days of quiet does not mean peace. >> i came from the north. there is nothing left in the north. the north has become a large plane. nobody knows where their houses are. we don't know what happened to us. overnight, we became displaced from the north to the south. >> reporter: aid trucks are bottlenecked at the truck to gaza, needing relief for the crushing humanitarian crisis. palestinians rallied as women and children have been released. according to the palestinian women society, twice as many have been detained since friday. at best, this remains an uneasy truce between two sides that vow to keep fighting as the sun sets on the first stage of this agreement. >> reporter: and oren is with me here in tel aviv. what do we know about the locations of these 11 hostages? >> we saw that video a moment ago. that was one of the helicopters landing at the hospital which isn't that far away from us right now. that, according to the ministry of health, is where today's group of 11, 3 women, 8 children are being taken today. we heard from the idf that a number of other helicopters left. they will also be headed to this hospital. they have undergone their first group or their first batch, i would say, of preliminary health checks to make sure they're okay. obviously, they will follow up on those checks as they get here. that includes physical health checks but also mental health checks. one more point that's worth making, when this process began, israel released a list of 300 names who could be released from israel jails in exchange for the release of prisoners. the prime minister's office added 50 women to that list saying they too could be released if more israeli hostages are released. we know the process will continue for at least 48 hours. it seems israel is preparing for the possibility of it continuing beyond that. it will require a massive diplomatic effort to get there. but at least some of the pieces appear to be moving into place. no guarantees yet. but a tremendous amount of international effort will try to get it over that line. first, of course, let's see the next 48 hours. >> yeah. let's hope all of those hostages eventually come home and home soon. oren, thank you very much. right now i want to bring in jeremy diamond. he's at a keyboarder crossing where the hostages were brought back into israel today. jeremy, what did you see today? and what's the status of these freed hostages right now? >> well, wolf, we have witnessed israel hostages leaving -- coming into israel via this crossing and entering israel via motorcade the first two nights of this hostage release scheme. tonight, wolf, was the first night we saw helicopters landing at the border crossing and then taking off shortly thereafter with hostages aboard and landing later on at the hospital in tel aviv. wolf, we saw these held cicopte coming in right by our position, landing before the -- departing shortly thereafter. this is the second night in a row, wolf, that these hostages have been brought directly into israel from the gaza strip by passing that initial stop in egypt via the rafah crossing. yesterday, we saw that happened near central gaza but today happening at this crossing, which has really been shut down between israel and gaza since that attack on october 7th. so a very notable moment. a very notable development in the way in which these hostages are being brought back into israel. we know the hostages are being brought to a hospital where they are going to face all kinds of care, psychological, medical, et cetera. the question now, wolf, is how will this continue over the coming days. we know that truce has now been extended for two additional days to allow for the release of 20 additional civilian hostages, but questions remain about the days to come after that. hamas does not have all of those hostages in its captivity that others are with other militant groups as well. so questions about their ability to bring them in. >> and, jeremy, what's the situation inside gaza for civilians during this temporary truce. >> well, wolf, these last four days have offered a much needed respite for the people of gaza, who have suffered continuous nonstop bombardment for over seven weeks inside the gaza strip. it has been an opportunity for people to take stock of what they have left, to bury their dead in some cases and to try to retrieve belongings from their home, some of which have of course turned to rubble. there have been hundreds of aid trucks that have been able to enter gaza in recent days, also provided much needed aid, including in the northern part of the gaza strip which has not seen much aid enter it until this humanitarian pause went into effect. much more aid, wolf, could still come in if this truce is extended. >> yeah, good point. jeremy diamond reporting for us. jeremy, thank you. no americans are among the hostages released today, something i pressed a key white house national security official on earlier in the day. here's john kirby. listen in. >> it's difficult to know and tos a tan how they make up these lists. we are working hard to keep this flow of hostages going. glad to see there is a two-day extension and we would hope in the next two days, in this next couple of installments that we'll see some americans coming out. >> let's go to washington right now where chief national security alex mark is joining us. why were american hostages not released today? and where the u.s. goes from here in order to try to get them home? >> wolf, you can sense the disappointment from the white house. during the four days of pause when 50 women and children were to be released that those americans would get released at the same time. there was an expectation. president biden said this several times that three americans would get released during those three days. there was young abigail adan and two american women. that did not happen. now, you heard john kirby confirm to you no americans were released today, talking about how he hopes the flow of hostages will keep coming. there is certainly a hope from the biden administration that during these two extra days that not only will more aid go into gaza, that more hostages are released, but specifically that these two american women will be released as well. you have to imagine that hamas understands the value of these hostages, understands the value and the potential of holding on to these american hostages so that they can get more of a pause. and, wolf, certainly the biden administration is applying pressure to hamas to get these american hostages released. we know that earlier today president -- that secretary of state antony blinken spoke with his qatar counterpart. we know over the holiday weekend, president biden spoke with the prime minister of israel about this extension in the pause and about getting those americans home, wolf. >> all right. thank you, alex. coming up, i'll get reaction to the latest hostage release and the extended truce from a senior adviser to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. also ahead, my special interview with the uncle of a 13-year-old little girl released from hamas captivity but without her mother. why israel says that's a clear-cut violation of their agreement. you're watching cnn's breaking news coverage of the israel-hamas truce now extended by two days as more hostages are released. let's bring in the senior adviser to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thank you for joining us. first of all, what, if anything, if you tell us about their condition? >> obviously they have just arrived. and they go through thorough medical inspections when they arrive. we want to make sure they're okay and, of course, psychological. we have to see how they are from the point of view of their psychological state, after being over 50 days hostages held by hamas, it can't be easy, especially for the children. we can presume they have gone through a level of trauma. >> the temporary truce has been extended for another two days, another 48 hours. what will it take from israel's perspective to extend it even more? >> there is a cabinet decision from last week which said four days, as agreed. >> so the first four days are now over? >> yes. 50 hostages, that finishes tonight. then it was open ended in that israel agrees to the continuation of this special humanitarian pause each day for ten hostages. so in many ways you can say hamas will decide how long this will last for because as long as they keep releasing hostages to the day, the humanitarian pause will continue. so people who want to see the pause continue should be putting pressure on hamas, continue to release hostages. >> cnn confirmed there are nine american hostages still being held by hamas in gaza. what is it going to take to get those nine american hostages out? >> you have to ask hamas. they're deciding who is coming out. at the moment, preferential treatment to children and women for obvious reasons. and i think that will continue for the time being. i don't know. i remember the americans talking about there were two women amongst the americans. so maybe they will be coming soon. i hope so. >> why do you think only one has been released so far? >> that you have to ask hamas. >> do you think there is a political decision on the part of hamas or anything? >> it is very difficult to read hamas. the only thing we can say for certain, wolf, is they are brutal and they are fanatical. today they released twins, three-year-olds. what sort of people kidnap three-year-olds? you have to be sick. there has to be something wrong with you. unfortunately, that's the enemy we're dealing with. every time we get one of these releases, it is like pulling teeth. it is never easy. hamas is a terribly difficult interlocutor. >> you probably know this. says the military will fight with even stronger force when combat resumes against hamas. is there any concern these sorts of comments should disrupt continuation of the release of hostages? >> on the contrary. this went -- the fear hamas has of israel resuming combat actually is an incentive for them to continue with the pause because they know when israel goes back to the campaign against hamas, we'll be destroying their military and in infras infrastructure. we will be taking out their senior leadership, their senior command. they will be on the receiving end of massive blows from the idf. that motivates them now to keep this time-out. so actually, the two goals of destroying hamas militarily and at the same time getting hostages out, they compliment each other. >> different but related matter, there is an increased amount of violence imploding right now on the west bank. israeli settlers are going after palestinians right now. you have seen all those reports. president biden even complained about what's going on in the west bank. how concerned are you about this? >> the prime minister has spoken about this and he opposes any vigilante violence. he's gone to the settlers themselves and said, this has to stop. he said the police and law enforcement community will bring people who break the law to justice. he says, though, it is important not to blame the entire settlement community, the overwhelming majority, the law-abiding tax paying citizens. they're good people. there is a small minority. there is no tolerance for them. but if one looks at violence in the west bank, it is not matched. but if you look at the terror coming from the palestinians, what are we doing today? you have hamas cells across the west bank, and we have been pre-empting. we have been arresting people in the middle of the night and taking out hamas extremists, dealing with the terrorists there to keep the situation calm. compared to what's going on in gaza, we're managing to keep the level of violence in the west bank low, and that's a good thing. >> let's hope it stays low. keyword low. thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. all right. there is more breaking news we're following, including my emotional, very special interview with the uncle of a young teenage girl released by hamas this weekend without, repeat without, her mother. we're following breaking news here in the middle east. the newly extended truce between israel and hamas with hamas releasing more hostages. israel is handing over palestinians in its custody. israeli law allows palestinian prisoners to be detained indefinitely without a trial or formal charges. >> the moment a mother finally sees her daughter for the first time after eight years in an israeli prison. the relief, the anguish, the utter joy. she was the first wave in prisoner exchange between israel and hamas. >> it was painful because i was leaving the sisters i made inside prison. and i feel like my freedom was paid for with the blood of the 14,000 gazans killed. >> israeli authorities say no one was injured, and, yet, she was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to ten years. when her family appealed, it came down to nine. she served almost eight of those years, spending the remainder of her teenage years behind bars. her family maintains her innocence. fatima had dreamed of this day for years, to embrace her daughter, to share that joy with her community. she says this was denied. >> the israeli authorities were with us from 2:00 p.m. they surrounded the house and ripped down the decorations of any display of celebration. they stole the joy of my daughter's release. >> to be released doesn't mean you are fully free. israeli national security minister who is, himself, found guilty in 2007 before he was a minister of incitement to racism against arabs and supporting a terror organization, he instructed israeli forces to use an iron fist, preventing palestinians from celebrating the release of their loved ones saying the prisoners were terrorists. >> expressions of joy are support for terrorism. celebration of victory give strength to the same human scum, the nazis. the policy here is very, very clear, not to allow these expressions of joy and strive to make contact and stop any support of these that sis. >> another night, another scene. taking a heavy handed approach as ordered by their national security minister. in bethlehem, in the occupied west bank, they were able to defy, celebrating the release and others from the city. they returned almost seven months later with life changing injuries. shot by israeli soldiers and accused of attempted murder. >> they accused me of carrying out the stabbing. it's not true. they opened fire on me. i was hit in the spine with two bullets. two vertebrae were damaged. they replaced them with titanium. i cannot feel my legs or stand up. they removed five centers from my liver and one kidney. >> her family say they were denied access, even as her detention stretched on. >> it was forbidden for my relatives to visit me or even the lawyers. i was not allowed to make any calls. >> israel says she attempted murder. and, yet, she was only detained, not charged. she didn't twgo to trial. she wasn't given any opportunity to defend herself. this is a story we keep hearing again and again from released prisoners. but they aren't given due process. and, yet, this prime exists alongside their names. the israeli prisoner service responded saying national security prisoners released from the israeli prison during the last two days were serving time for serious crimes, such as attempted murder, assault and throwing explosives. all prisoners in ips custody are held according to the law. that's not true. cnn broke down the numbers. in a list of 300 palestinian prisoners identified by israel as eligible for release, 80% are listed as just detained, which means they have not been formally sentenced. israel operates two systems of law in the occupied territories. palestinians under the military. israelis under civil law, creating a low bar for the arrest of increasing numbers of palestinians. as israeli hard liners in this far right government seek to characterize every palestinian as a terrorist, that number is rising every day. cnn, jerusalem. >> thank you for that report. this just coming in right now. according to the israeli prison service, 33 palestinian prisoners have been released today. we're following all the breaking news, but coming up next, my interview with yahir. his niece was released from gaza on saturday without her mother, despite demands from israeli officials to keep parents and children together. watch this. >> i know this is very emotional, pretty sensitive time for you and your loving family and, obviously, if there is anything very sensitive you don't want to discuss, we totally, totally, of course, understand. you are here at this hospital. it is a major hospital outside of tel aviv because your 13-year-old little niece is here. she was released. she was a hostage. she was released by hamas. she was supposed to be released together with her mother, your sister. but she is still being held by hamas. so what goes through your mind? >> what goes through my mind is what is the reason for not releasing my sister as well? i mean, they were held in captivity together with another girl callle emily that was kidnapped with them. they were together in the same place. the agreement between hamas and israel says you don't separate kids from their parents. and hamas just ignored that and just chose to release her without her mother. >> which is a clear violation of this agreement, according to the idf. they said it was specific in the agreement that if little children are with their mothers, the mothers have to be released with the children. let us walk-through when you reconnect with your niece. how did that feel? >> it feels great. first of all, to just see her with my own eyes, to see that she's not hurt, to see that she communicates, that she's not hurt in any way, she can smile. she talks to me. she hug me. so i feel it is the same kid. she is a little bit distant now. she's a little bit cold. she talks about things that happen like it's in third person, like it happened to someone else. she say she saw horrible things, but she say it with a straight face. it is like she's describing the scene of a movie that she watched anywhere. >> how have you been informed that your niece has now been freed? >> yeah. they just told us the names the night before that. so we knew my niece is gonna be released, and we knew that my sister is not on the list, 100%. she was supposed to be released together with her mother, not separate. >> she is here now, your niece, in this hospital. >> yes. she is here. we are taking care of her. we have a wonderful stuff here and medical hospital. they are doing everything to help us. they have a whole team of doctors and psychologists and ptsd experts and, you know, nothing is left behind. they're taking really good care of her. >> and she's now celebrating today, is that true, her 13th birthday? >> yeah. >> she knows it's her birthday? >> yeah, of course. actually, i was surprised she even knows. she said, no, from the first day, we counted the days so we know what date it is. >> and this must be so sad for her knowing her mother is still being held hostage. you have talked to her about this? >> yes. i talked to her about this. she doesn't cry. but she tells me everything in a really cold way. she told me, yeah, mother is here. they came and they took us. and they didn't give us a lot of time to prepare, but i had time to give her a hug. and my sister, her mother, was crying when the girls -- the children left. and, yeah, that's how it ended. >> and how is she going? >> she's doing okay. she's physically okay. she speaks -- she answers questions when we ask her, even about some bad things that she saw. she tells us everything that she know. she tells us the story of how they got kidnapped from the home. >> tell us about that. what happened on that day, october 7th, that saturday morning? >> so october 7th, saturday morning, we woke up to the sounds of -- i think it was iron dome probably intercepting hamas missiles. and then we also have alarms in our building. so everybody went to the safe rooms and pretty quickly we started to get messages in the different whatsapp group of people saying there are terrorists here. there is shooting. that person is dead. this person's house is on fire. help, my house has been set on fire. i can't breathe. where is the army? >> and you were there together with your sister and your niece? >> yes, i was there, but i was -- i was in my home, and they were in their apartment. so my house, the terrorists didn't get to my house. i locked myself in the safe room. and my sister in her house, she locked herself in the safe room. but the terrorists came and they went in the house. she probably assessed her chances and she felt i might as well give up and this way maybe i'll save myself from dying. so she decided to not fight with the terrorists. they probably opened the safe room door without any problem and she just gave up and went out with the two girls. and they actually prepared some shoes for them to wear because they -- she sensed they were going to be kidnapped because there were messages in the other groups as well. >> emily had -- she was together with ela the whole time? >> yes. they were together while they were kidnapped. they walked through some neighborhood and eventually they got into a car and they put them in a car. she said there were like tenter errorists in the car. they were sitting on them and on the side with the doors open straight to gaza. she saw places she knew on the way. >> this is what ela told you? >> yeah. >> and then she was held hostage captive for, what, almost 50 days. and finally she's released and she has to say good-bye to her mother because her mother is being held still to this day? >> yeah, that's right. she had to just say good-bye to her mother. she don't know what is going to happen with her mother. the mother doesn't know what happens with ela. i'm sure my sister, ela's mother, don't know what's going to be next. are they going to set her free? are they going to jail her again? are they going to murder her? >> it is such a painful experience, and my heart goes out to you and your family going through what you are going through. every minute must be so painful just thinking about this. >> it is really nerve racking and things we have to deal with. you can see my eyes are a little red because i'm just, you know, dealing with messages and interviews all the time to try to pressure the international community to -- to help us in the situation, to talk with hamas and tell them to stop listening. it is not right. it is not human. it is cynical abuse. it is violation of the agreement. i do whatever i can, you know, but unfortunately i am not the media tor. qatar and egypt are. they need to press hamas. >> are you convinced that israel, the united states and everyone else is going enough to try to reunite this mother and daughter? >> judging by the results, they are not doing enough because there was a violation of the agreement. so where is my sister now? i urge all the parties involved to pressure hamas to just respect the deal, respect their agreement. do whatever they need. do the right human thing, you know, not be cynical. show that we can do business with them when we're talking about cease fire. we need to respect them. they need to respect it. stop playing those games. >> and you heard their excuse, hamas, that they didn't know where the mother was. >> yeah. that is ridiculous because the first thing they saw -- that they said when they met me was, yeah, we have been with her the whole time, my sister. ela also told me look at my hair. my mother cut it for me when we were in captivity. so they were together, you know. >> i know there is a fear out there that other children still being held by hamas will be released but their parents, their mothers, their fathers, will continue to be held hostage by hamas. what do you think about that? >> well, it is really heart-breaking. i mean, they already did it once. what prevents them from doing it twice or three times, you know? we see that we have no problem of violating the agreement. >> is there a final thought you want to share with all of our viewers right now about what's going on? >> so today is ela's 13th birthday. we hope that she would celebrate it with her mother in israel. that thing was about to happen, but then hamas decided to break the agreement and to violate it. so she is not here now. she is still in gaza. and ela is here and she's celebrating without her mother. that's all that i have in my head now and, you know, my heart goes to her. >> and my special thanks to yaheir foror that interview.w. we'll bebe right bacack with mo news.. irir for that t interview. we'll bebe right bacack with mo news.. yair for that i interview.. we'll bebe right bacack with mo news.. a suspect has now been arrested in connection with the shooting of three palestinian college students in burlington, vermont. he's been charged with attempted murder. cnn looks at the shooting that's now being investigated as a possible, possible hate crime. >> saturday evening shooting of three young palestinian college students visiting on their holiday break is one of the most disturbing events in this city. >> reporter: three young palestinian men scarred forever. three counts of attempted second-degree murder. jason eaton was arraigned in burlington this morning. he pled not guilty and is being held without bail. >> upon knocking on one door, the atf agents were greeted by a man who stepped out of the hall, out of the door towards them with his palms up at waist height and stated something to the effect of, i've been waiting for you. the atf agents said, why is that? and the gentleman said in sum and substance, i would like a lawyer. >> the three victims are each 20 years old, a student at brown university who now has a bullet knowledged in his spine, a student at college in pennsylvania who was shot in the glut and a student at trinity college in connecticut who still has a bullet in his chest. they studied together at a non-profit quaker school in the west bank. the students were walking down the street saturday evening while visiting one of their relatives for thanksgiving. >> they were speaking in a mixture of english and arabic, which is their wants. two were wearing kafias. they had no knowledge of this individual. they produced a fire and began discharging that firearm. >> the report targeted violence against jews and palestinians since the outbreak of the war. the shooting prompted calls that should be considered a hate crime. >> i believe the families fear that this was motivated by hate, that these boys were -- these young men were targeted because they were arabs, that they were wearing kafias. i think that is our fire. >> federal officials investigating whether it was a hate crime in the eyes of the law. the family of the victim say they thought their loved ones would be safe here. >> he grew up in the west bank. we always thought that would be more of a risk in terms of his safety. and sending him here would be a -- the right decision. we feel somehow detrayed in that decision here and, you know, we're just trying to come to terms with everything. >> less than 24 hours after recovering a weapon from inside the suspect's home, the investigators have been able to establish ballistic links between that weapon. the next step for prosecutors, establish a motive. without a doubt, this was a hateful attack as prosecutors said today. but the challenge will be moving this was a hate motivated attack. that is difficult in court. >> thank you, paulo, for that excellent report. coming up elon musk visits here in israel as he and the social media platform he owns are under a lot of fire right now for anti-semitic content. tech billionaire elon musk met with israeli leaders here today as he tries to quell the backlash over his endorsement of an anti-semitic conspiracy theory on x, his social media platform formerly known as twitter. brian todd has the story. >> when the terrorists infiltrated into the kibbutz itself. >> reporter: the kibbutz is the home of 4-year-old abigail adan whose parents were murdered that day and who just was released by hamas. musk looks at bullet holes in a ceiling, captures some images with his cell phone. musk says hamas needs to be neutralized and spoke of the need to combat hateful propaganda. >> we have to do whatever's necessary to stop the -- i mean, essentially, these people have been fed propaganda since they were children. >> reporter: musk's trip to israel comes less than two weeks after he publicly agreed with an anti-semitic conspiracy theory on x, who accused jewish communities of pushing dialectical hatred among whites. >> going to israel and meeting with the prime minister in the middle of a crisis is a very high-profile way to try to coderize the problem he's been having. >> reporter: an exodus of advertisers from x since his tweet. huge brands like ibm, disney, paramount and cnn's parent company warnerbrothers discovery all suspending their ads on x. >> will this visit cure everything? no. but i do think that it will show his critics that he's in the game. it will show advertisers that he is not yet defeated. >> reporter: musk was scolded by israeli president isaac herzog about the content on x. >> under the platforms in which you need, unfortunately there is a lot of jew hate. >> reporter: esther solomon, ed better and chief of haretz in israel posted on musk's own platform is musk is a, quote, blatant anti-semite. and said of musk and netanyahu, quote, profane, venal, both of them. another editor more sympathetic to netanyahu asked whether musk's visit will produce results. >> the proof will be in the pudding. we'll have to see what happens on his platform which, indeed, has been turned into a platform for all sorts of hate targeting a variety of groups that perhaps most prominently antisem tizzy. >> reporter: since that tweet, elon said that any tweet that claims he is anti-semitic couldn't be frusz from the truth. >> brian todd reporting for us, thank you very much. and we'll be right back. as newly freed hostages arrive at israeli hospitals, we want to take a closer look at the eight children and three adult women released from gaza today. they include these individuals

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Building , Untouched , Quiet , Hellscape , North , Nothing , Houses , Peace , Plane , Nobody , Palestinians , Aid Trucks , Crisis , Truck , South , Relief , Bottlenecked , Palestinian Women Society , Many , Stage , Vow , Best , Sun , Hospital , Helicopters , One , Isn T , Locations , Video , Number , Ministry Of Health , Idf , 8 , 3 , Checks , Point , Process , Health Checks , Health , Batch , Mental Health Checks , Making , Prisoners , List , Names , Jails , Exchange , Prime Minister S Office , 50 , 300 , Place , Effort , Possibility , Pieces , Course , Amount , Line , First , Keyboarder Crossing , Status , Jeremy Diamond , Jeremy , Crossing , Motorcade , Night , Border Crossing , Hostage Release Scheme , Wolf , Landing , Position , Row , Cicopte , Egypt , Central Gaza , Stop , Gaza Strip , The Rafah Crossing , Way , Attack , October 7th , Kinds , Development , 7 , Psychological , Care , Question , Et Cetera , Questions , Groups , Others , Ability , People , Situation Inside Gaza , Respite , Opportunity , Stock , Cases , Nonstop Bombardment , Left , Aid , Part , Some , Belongings , Hundreds , Rubble , The Americans , Jeremy Diamond Reporting , Something , John Kirby , White House , National Security , Flow , Lists , Tos , Installments , Chief National Security Alex Mark , Let S Go To Washington , Order , Disappointment , Expectation , Times , Abigail Adan , Three , Administration , Hope , Aid Go Into Gaza , Value , Holding , Potential , President , Pressure , Counterpart , Qatar , Antony Blinken , Prime Minister , Reaction , Senior Adviser , Hostage Release , Benjamin Netanyahu , Violation , Little Girl , Breaking News Coverage , Anything , Condition , Inspections , Estate , Point Of View , Level , Perspective , Trauma , Cabinet , Continuation , Yes , Ways , Ten , In Gaza , Nine American Hostages Out , Nine , Reasons , Treatment , I Don T Know , Decision , Thing , Twins , Releases , Enemy , Pulling Teeth , Sorts , Military , Combat , Interlocutor , Comments , Concern , Fear Hamas , Contrary , Incentive , Command , Leadership , Campaign , Receiving End , Infras Infrastructure , Each Other , Time Out , Blows , Goals , Matter , West Bank , Settlers , Reports , Violence Imploding , Law , Vigilante Violence , Law Enforcement Community , Police , Community , Settlement , Minority , Tolerance , Citizens , Justice , Tax , Majority , Violence , Terror , Looks , Cells , Terrorists , Situation , Middle , Low , Extremists , Pre Empting , Thanks , Emotional , Following , Keyword Low , Uncle Of A Young Teenage Girl , Palestinian Prisoners , Custody , Daughter , Time , Trial , Charges , Eight , Utter Joy , Prisoner Exchange , Anguish , Wave , No One , Sisters , Freedom , Inside Prison , Authorities , Blood , Gazans Killed , 14000 , Attempted Murder , Family , Bars , Remainder , Joy , Fatima , Innocence , National Security Minister , House , Celebration , Doesn T , Decorations , Display , 2 , 00 , Arabs , Minister , Forces , Racism , Terror Organization , Incitement , 2007 , Expressions , Support , Terrorism , Victory , Ones , Iron Fist , Scene , Policy , Contact , Strength , Human Scum , Isis , Nazis , Approach , Bethlehem , City , Life , Injuries , Soldiers , Fire , Spine , Bullets , Stabbing , Carrying , Hit , Vertebrae , Centers , Titanium , Legs , Kidney , Liver , Access , Detention , Five , Murder , Calls , Relatives , Lawyers , She Wasn T , Story , Prime , Aren T Given Due Process , She Didn T Twgo To Trial , Prisoner , Security , Crimes , Throwing , Assault , Explosives , Numbers , 80 , 80 , Territories , Civil Law , Systems , Terrorist , Palestinian , Liners , Arrest , Bar , Government , Report , Prison Service , Jerusalem , Niece , News , Yahir , 33 , Parents , Mind , Sister , Reason , Girl Callle Emily , Kids , Mothers , Eyes , Walk , Feel , Things , Kid , Cold , Person , Face , Movie , Someone Else , Anywhere , Gonna , 100 , Yes , Stuff , Psychologists , Experts , Ptsd , Doctors , Team , Birthday , Lot , Me Everything , She Doesn T Cry , Girls , Hug , She Saw , Sounds , Messages , Everybody , Rooms , Missiles , Alarms , On Fire , Whatsapp Group , Army , Breathe , Set , Help , Safe Room , Apartment , Chances , Door , Problem , Shoes , Car , Neighborhood , Tenter Errorists , Ela , Side , Doors , Hostage Captive For , Jail , Don T Know What , Heart , Experience , Little Red , Interviews , Listening , Abuse , Media Tor , Results , Everyone , Parties , Human Thing , Business , Deal , Show , Excuse , Games , Hair , Fear , Thought , What S Going On , 13th Birthday , Bacack , Yair , Mo News , Interview W , Head , Yaheir Foror , Irir , Shooting , Suspect , College Students , Connection , Burlington , Vermont , Hate Crime , Holiday Break , Evening Shooting , Jason Eaton , Events , Counts , Three Young Palestinian Men Scarred Forever , Agents , Oman , Bail , Waist Height , Hall , Palms , Atf , Student , Victims , Lawyer , Substance , Sum , Gentleman , Brown University , Trinity College , Bullet Knowledged , Glut , Bullet , Chest , Connecticut , Pennsylvania , Students , The Street , Non Profit Quaker School , Kafias , Knowledge , Wants , Individual , Mixture , Arabic , English , Firearm , Families , War , Outbreak , Jews , Hate , Men , Boys , Terms , Loved Ones , Victim , Risk , Safety , Weapon , Investigators , Links , 24 , Prosecutors , Doubt , Challenge , Motive , The Next Step , Elon Musk , Court , Visits , Paulo , Content , Social Media Platform , Backlash , Leaders , Endorsement , Conspiracy Theory On X , Tech Billionaire , Kibbutz , Brian Todd , Twitter , Bullet Holes , 4 , Propaganda , Spoke , Ceiling , Cell Phone , Images , Trip , Who , Accused Jewish , Communities , Whites , Meeting , Hatred , Tweet , Advertisers , Exodus , Brands , Ibm , Disney , On X , Paramount , Warnerbrothers , Game , Visit Cure Everything , Critics , Platforms , Jew Hate , Isaac Herzog , Platform , Musk , Quote , Netanyahu , Chief , Haretz , Esther Solomon , Blatant Anti Semite , Bed , Proof , Both , Visit , Editor , Sympathetic , Pudding , Which , Venal , Profane , Variety , Antisem Tizzy , Brian Todd Reporting , Couldn T Be Frusz , The Truth , Gaza Today , Three Adult Women , Individuals ,

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