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will see children is and women freed today. at 9:00 a.m. eastern tomb, that's when hamas is set to start releasing the hostages. >> the military is ready and prepared to receive those hostages. among the details we're learning, we're told each helicopter with the hostages will have a medical team on board and the hostages will also be given notice-canceling headphones for a more peaceful ride on that flight. it's been roughly seven hours since fighting was passed in gaza. it does appear this truce is holding. >> a column of tanks and armored vehicles was seen head wag from the gaza strip. drone video shows families walking in the streets in southern gaza this morning after this truce officially began. you can see the destruction from the the airstrikes around them. >> now part of this hostage deal is allowing desperately needed humanitarian aid into gaza. that is also underway. this morning our teams have seen lines of trucks crossing in from egypt. an official says some 200 trucks packed with with food, water and medicine will be entering daily for the first time since the start of the war. >> but right now, it's an agonizing wait for families of hostages who do not know if their loved ones will be among the 50 women and children set to be released under this deal. president biden says he has his fingers crossed that the youyo youngest american hostage will be among those released. today is her 4th birthday. we have team coverage from doha to the west bank and the gaza border following all of these developments. let's go to becky anderson live from doha. >> reporter: this is fragile. there's no trust between these two parties. i'm told that very speskt iical by the mediation team, who worked these talks from here in qatar, it is fragile. therefore, the team baked in very specific obligations for both sides every single day tone sure that they can keep to this deal. one of those obligations today, the first is that the 13 hostages will be released by hamas into the arms of the icrc. they will then be taken through gaza and into israel by whichever route seems most appropriate. that really depends on where these hostages are being held. they may not all be being held in the same place. once, as we understand it, once the israelis have seen those hostages have been released, then they will begin to release 39 prisoners, woand mostly youn men under the age of 18, palestinian prisoners from a jail. they will be taken to another jail. those are the first obligations. the second is that there's no hostility. either on the ground or through surveillance drones or drones being flown in the air. very specifically around the period of time that these hostages are released. they are the expected to be released around about the same time every day. today that will be around or after 9:00 a.m. eastern time, 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon there in gaza. and the third is ensuring the border crossing is open for at least 200 trucks worth of supplies coming through. let's get more information now in what we understand to be the fine detail here. let's get to jeremy diamond near the gaza border. help us understand the context of where you are in relation to the hostage release. >> our understanding is that these 13 hostages today will be brought to various crossing points to be able to cross into israel. one of those points is near where we are standing right now. that's the crossing just over my shoulder here. this is one of the main crossing points between israel and gaza. it also has a point between israel and egypt as well. this is where we know that a lot of aid has been checked in order to go into egypt. it's also where two hostages, where they were brought into israel by benjamin netanyahu's special representative for hostage affairs. he went and got them at this very crossing, which is just over my shoulder here. so this is certainly one of the potential points where some of these 13 hostages could be brought to. our understanding is that there's an agreement mediated by qatar, where there's several different potential crossing points where these hostages could be brought to, depending on where their location is in the gaza strip. as you mentioned, hamas is expected to deliver those hostages to the red cross. it will be the red cross that brings them to the various crossing points. now once they get to the crossing points, our understanding is that if the hostages are children under 12, they will be met by their families either at or very near to those crossings. if they are over 12, they will be taken directly to hospitals. we know the military has been preparing if this scenario in a number of ways. s they have been preparing hospitals to fly the hostages to the air force base and also to hospitals across israel. there are five different hospitals in israel that are prepared to receive these hostages and also where they will meet their families. beyond that, there are other preparations, psychological preparations, financially, they will be provided to hostages and families. so this is a whole of government effort we're watching begin to play out right now. part of that effort could play out right over my shoulder here. >> jeremy diamond, thank you let's bring in clarissa ward. she joins us from the children's hospital, where child hostages, as i understand it, may arrive their relows. what are you being told there? >> reporter: so basically, if everything goes according to plan, and as you have heard and been discussing, there are many different moving parts to this. but this hospital behind me is where these children and their mothers will be brought if they are not seriously injured or have a serious medical condition. if they have a serious medical condition, they will be taken to the hospital more likely, but if they are in reasonable shape, this is where they will be brought. we have been talking to the staff here. they are extremely tense. they are cautiously optimistic. they have not been sleeping much because there's so many preparations to make to ensure that their return is as smooth as possible. now i think the most sensitive moment when you talk about the various nodes of this operation to release the hostages is just after they are released from the red cross to the idf. they cross into israel. we have seen the idf put out some images, including ones you have been showing of the helicopters with the noise-canceling headphones. we have seen images of teddy bears being put at an undies closed location. that, most likely, is a base where the children and mothers will be asked questions to confirm what kind of shape they are in medically. there's very specific guidelines, a comprehensive list of how to act and behave with these children, given the trauma that they have been through. they talk about one issue from the guidelines. children will ask questions like where is mom. soldiers should not answer these questions, even if they know the answers. any questions should be answered along the lines of, sweetheart, i'm sorry, i don't know. my job is to bring you to israel to a safe place where people you know will be waiting for you and will answer all of your questions. that, obviously, is because many of these children are now orphans. some of their parents and family members and even siblings were murdered in the october 7th attacks. and they may not be aware yet as to who they have lost, wo is still alive. beg given a lot of guidelines as to how to make them feel better, how not to retraum tides them, another guideline is don't pick the children up without asking for their permission. but again, just underscoring in a few hours potentially some of those children and the mothers they may have been released with will end up here at the snoouder medical center. this is the preem nant children's hospital in israel, and staff very much looking forward and hoping to see them here and in good shape in the coming hours. >> clarissa ward, thank you. it's so important to remember that we talk about the schedules, the scheduled release around 9:00 a.m. eastern time, 4:00 p.m. local time. that's why we're talking about this being in a couple hours time. but let's be clear about this. this is not working in normal conditions here. it could be much later than 9:00. we know that it's just going to be at some point afterwards. at this point, there's an operations room up and running here in dohar with members of the mediation team. it was qatar at the heart of this really incredibly tough negotiation. they have basically got phones set up, they are monotorting this truce and the subsequent hostage releases every second of the way to ensure or try to ensure there's no slippage. i started this by saying this is incredibly fragile. no trust on either side of this. so it's clear that many things could go awry at this point, but there's an agreement. there is a process in place and at this point, the hope is for those families of hostages who are on the ground, who will now know who these 13 are today, there will be some sense that this tragedy, this trauma that they have been going through might at least get some closure at sol point in the next hours. become to you. >> it's such an important point how delicate every moment is. hopefully the first of many releases. thank you. hundreds of families, as we have been talking about, anxiously awaiting not just the return, but word on their loved ones. we'll speak with one family of a hostage waiting for some of that news. and our team near gaza did hear fighting right up until this pause began. but it is quiet right now. our live coverage of the truce between israel and hamas continues, straight after this. we are standing by for the first wave of hostages set to be released from hamas in gaza. this is part of the truce deal. 1 women and children are among the first to be freed. it's unclear who they are at this moment. >> the families of the more than 230 hostages have been anxiety waiting to see if their loved ones are coming home. we appreciate you being with us this morning. at this point, what do you know? >>. >> what's that like as you wait and hope that perhaps tomorrow? >> it's good news. it's good for the family. we are optimistic and hopeful. fib out of there is good news. >> we're seeing these beautiful pictures of her. she has 7 children, 20 grandchildren, so all of you waiting for you. so can i is ask how did you find out that she would not be among those released today? >> we know that the families whose family members will be released were notified, so our understanding is if we're not notified, we are not in that group. but that's really the way that we know. but like, there's a lot of pain and suffering. so the aleave yigs of that for any families gives us hope and we'll be glad for them. >> there's been a lot of back and forth whether the red cross will be allowed in to see some of the hostages. have you heard anything further on that? >> we hope to hear her condition through communication, what her condition is. so i think for everybody in involved it would be an important part of the deal. people not relowsed, we get information on what the condition and the health of the people who are not released at this point. >> you have described her as the rock of the family, the glue of the family. can you tell us a bit about her? >> she's also a social work er that retired at the ageover 80. so that kind of characterized. i have also said she's a person who has an open heart and open hands to receive everyone who kind of is lucky enough to come in her area. she's dear to us and the whole family. she welcomes everybody. she's a caring person. she's also very strong. she has a no nonsense streak as well. and just as the pictures show, her feeding everybody with the chicken soup, she also feeds with her warmth and her love. i have always said she's an example for me -- i told her this. she's an example for me of how families should be. we love everyone, who they are, how they are, and everyone is welcome. we are waiting to welcome her back. >> she sounds like a wonderful woman, a really wonderful woman. we look forward to the news of you all being reunited. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. can't wait to see that reunion. right now, we want the tell you about fuel and aid trucks. they are entering gaza. they are loaded with desperately needed humanitarian aid and supplies. we have more on that reporting, ahead. a total of 39 palestinian prisoners are set to be released today as part of this truce agreement. our coverage continue of this critical day. in about an hour and a half from now, the first 13 h hamas-held hostages are supposed to be released out of hamas' hands into the arms of the icrc and out of gaza. this comes as israeli officials tell cnn a total of 39 palestinian prisoners are set to be released. today is part of this truce agreement. they will be taken from two jails in northern israel and driven to a prison south. what more are we learning at this point? >> reporter: this is a process that has been the focus of negotiations for weeks now. as you mentioned, we'll see the 39 prisoners being transported from the two jails southeast of jerusalem, but they will be moving here to the prison, which is just in the distance behind us. there is quite a crowd that's already gathered waiting to see this process unfold, wait ing t hear the names of those who have been released. as we know, there will be 3 released today as part of that deal. but as we have heard recently from the israeli military and government, they will not be are released until you have the confirmation of 13 hostages who are set to be released from hamas captivity once they are brought to this prison, they will undergo checks by the red cross. they will be held there until that confirmation is received that the safety of those 13 hostages and reach this crossing behind me where they will be released and allowed to return to their homes. as we know, there are some 39 people expect odd to be released today. that is amongst 150 who are set to be released over the course of this four-day truce, if the terms of that truce are upheld for the next four days. we did see earlier in the week a list of 300 palestinians held in custody, who well be amongst those released. still no clarity on who is set to be released. as we know, many of those who were listed in that initial release of 300 names are men between 16 and 18, not charged with various offenses. there are women and children amongst those in the list. no clarity on who is set to be released, but this is seen as a welcome step for particularly here in the occupied west bank, but this is just a small fraction of the more than 8,000 palestinians currently held in custody, including more than 3,000 currently held under administrative detention, which means no clear charges have been laid out. there's no ongoing legal process. that is a process that could go on indefinitely. so a small fraction of that total figure. we have been speaking to some of those families and friends waiting to see if their loved ones will be amongst the 39 released today. many have told us they will not be celebrating theirile they ar loved ones will be freed today, this has come at a heavy cost. they are referencing the lives lost in gaza in this exchange. they see this as a terrible situation that they are faced with. while they are welcoming the prirdss in the occupied west bank, they are thwarting the lives of palestinians lost gaza. >> this hostage deal, the exchange of hoostages held by hamas for the release of these prisoners, these palestinian prisoners from israeli jails, alongside the increase in humanitarian aid also baked into what is this humanitarian pause over the next four days what happens what's the status of the aid trucks entering gaza at this point? >> we see the trucks lined up now waiting for access to the gaza strip for some time now. as we understand it, more than 90 trucks have already entered gaza, including more than seven fuel trucks. that will be crucial as we heard the warnings repeatedly from aid agencies for weeks saying they need long-term humanitarian pause in order to allow aid and fuel to get into gaza for those most in need. the hope is that they will begin to see some 200 aid trucks as part of this truce agreement coming into gaza each and every day. that is reliant and dependent upon the terms of this truce being upheld, but that will provide much-needed respite for the people inside the gaza strip. >> thank you. there have been reports from doctors on the ground of patients with gastrointensal issues now as a result of the dirty water is that is being consumed in the gaza strip. that fuel to ensure that sewage works, that water works, that this infrastructure can actually work to ensure that what is a near catastrophe did yooesn't g worse is so important. 130,000 liters of fuel is part of this agreement per day. it's so important that that gets in and we have seen so the beginning of those trucks roll ing in of aid, plus those fuel trucks. important stuff. not to be forgotten in this hostage deal today. >> you're right. that fuel that wasn't able to get in for weeks upon weeks and now it's expected to continue. we'll get back to you. thank you so much for that. let's go to mj lee in washington, who has some breaking news about the american hostages. >> yeah, u.s. official tells me that american citizens are not expected to be among the first group of hostages, the 13 that are released today. the official tells me they are still hopeful that americans will be among the first 50 that are released in the coming days. we have said all along that there's been no expectation, no sort of set schedule, certainly nothing to indicate when exact ly the three american hostages will be released in that four-day truce period, but certainly, you can imagine the urgency here as far as the u.s. government is concerned about the two women and then of course, 4-year-old alabigail a don. the fact that the three women and abigail have been held in who knows what kinds of conditions for weeks now in gaza, the president has made clear in recent weeks just what a high priority it is for them to get the americans in the mix out of gaza, but again, the news that we are breaking right now is that according to a u.s. official, american citizens are not expected to be among the first group of hostages that are released today. >> there was a lot of hope there would be americans. today is her birthday. appreciate it. take a look at these new images in from the defense forces. you're seeing stuffed animals and toys they are bringing for the child hostages who maybe released today. our coverage of the expected hostage release contntinues ththrough the e morning. stay rightht here. underway and just about 90 minutes from now, the first round of hostages are scheduled to be released. that should happen at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. they are expected to free 13 hostages. cnn has learn ed that americans will not be part of that exchange toid. >> in ireland this morning, 34 people are under arrest after violent clashes broke out between police and protesters in dublin. the mob set buss and police cars on fire these riots come after three children and two adults were stabbed as they left school. a 5-year-old victim is in very serious condition. a man has been detained in that attack. traffic is moving again in both directions on the rain bow bridge, which connects the u.s. and canada at niagara falls it was closed for most of thanksgiving after that deadly crash on wednesday. the fbi did rule out terrorism. the investigation has now bye-bye turned over to local police. two people were killed in that car accident. officials believe speed was likely a factor in that crash. it's the busiest shopping day of the year. the national retail federation expects to see 180 million people out looking for those deals through the holiday weekend. 15 million more expected than last year. they expect the shopping season to be slower. we have the ceo of macy's. we fully enjoyed the parade yesterday. now people are out looking for deals early. >> amazing, what a turn around in 24 hours. but the doors of macy's opened and the hundreds of people that were waiting in line to shop black friday calmly made their way inside. this is happening across the country at many retailers. i'm here with the ceo and the chairman of macy's. thank you for joining us this morning. >> we know from many analysts, they are all predicting consumers to spend less this holiday season is. are you seeing that? how will that impact shopping here at macy's? >> i will tell you that black friday has started well. it started well online last night. all day yesterday, we were open on our websites. and then this morning, as we opened at 6:00 a.m., it was better turnout than we had last year. but it's a competitive season. it's a competitive environment. we're ready. when you think about macy's, bloomingdales, we're destination. this is our super bowl. we're going all the way through the next six weeks to be ready for the holiday times when whatever is on your gift list, we have the content for you. >> speaking of competition, analysts are calling this black november, gray friday, because the deals start much earlier than today and they go all the way to christmas. are you feel ing the pressure t make sure that you are doing that in order to get a piece of the consumer spending pie? >> the month of november has changed since the pandemic. the deals start sooner. but this is still an important pilg pilgrimage. everybody in america is set is theed into their homes. they always want to spend time in stores. so we see that. we see that all the way through cyber monday. going through that's the first kind of stage of what we do with the season is. then we go into a lull when customers reset. then the last ten days, they include four weekend days. so that's going to be a very important period for us. making sure that we have the right content for the customers. and our inventory is in good shape. we have all the right deals. i just walked the store and saw all the setups. and we're ready. >> speaking of inventories, a lot of these retailers learned they had too much stuff and they couldn't move it. what was the lesson that you learned last year and how did you adjust this year? >> our inventory has been under control for a couple years now. we exited the third quarter with 6% less inventory than last year, but it's in the right stuff. it's in the right concept. so when i look at a the categories that are important, cashmere and fine jewelry, sweaters and coats, all of that, we have great content. and we're ready to replenish that. so we have lots to move. >> consumers, no doubt, are still spending, but we know that consumers are spending using their credit cards. americans have put over a trillion dollars on their credit cards. that's debt they are carrying. to take out a credit card all the macy's, it's 30% in interest rates. are you concerned you're having to deal with that debt? >> we talked about that on the last earnings call. they are under pressure. but they still have open to buy on their credit cards. and so they have clearly open opportunities to spend. it's our opportunity to win those customers. it's a competitive environment. do we have the right gifts, christmas time, all of the holidays that are scelebrated, they are special times. you have to be competitive. we're ready for it. >> ceo of macy's, thank you so much for being here with us. happy black friday. back to you guys. >> i was just saying vanessa with the best questions for these interviews. thank you. for millions of americans, thanksgiving day is about food and family. but it's also about football. the long day of football start ed in detroit with the the lions looking toened the losing streak. the packers had other plans taking down the lions 29-22. my kids say there's a wax and give us moon at play here. i need time to explain. cowboys quarterback tore the washington commanders defense apart throwing for 331 yards and 4 touchdowns leading the kou boys to a win. but the real winning moment, that happened at halftime. ♪ that's right. the legendary dolly parton a fierce 77 years old, oeng center stage in a dallas cowboys cheerleaders uniform. it was capped off by a west coast rivally in seattle. a 2-touchdown effort from mccaffrey helped the 49ers take down the sea talks. >> i love that. >> in just over an hour, we should see hamas release hostages. it's expected 13 women and children who have been held for nearly 50 days will be released this morning. our live coverage of this temporary truce between israel and hamas continues after this. in an hour and a half, 13 hostages are expected to be released out of gaza. it comes as israeli officials tell cnn a total of 39 palestinian prisoners are also set to be released today. this is the beginning of this four-day truce agreement. let's go to orrin lieber man in tel aviv. we have learned now that americans are not in that first group set to be released. what do we foe about the state of play? >> reporter: as of right now, we're waiting for the final 90 minutes to tick down. we have seen the beginning of this agreement play out. that is to say the firing over gaza stopped a few minutes after 7:00, but it appears to have held. and then the next stage in this timeline that we're watching is the entrance of humanitarian aid into gaza in the form of aid trucks, that is fuel and desperately needed supplies as the humanitarian crisis inside gaza has unfolded. in the meantime, the idf has dropped leaflets and sent warnings in social media that the northern gaza remains closed. they say it's an active war zone. we know and have seen social media images and video of palestinians who are displayed in southern gaza trying to get north. there's been reports of warning shots fired to try toy make sure palestinians stay southern part of gaza. it's not allowing them to return home. they have to remain in southern gaza. so that's another part of this we have to keep an eye on. and then the idf is preparing for the transfer of hostages, the first 13 women and children from hamas to the military. they will be brought in on hospelicopter. we have seen images of those want hoppers. they have been prepared with notice-canceling headphone meant to play a calming noise to try to ease the transition from the hands of the captivity of a mass into israel. we have also received images of an intake center with toys and games, pillows to try to ease that they will be brought to hospitals and put in contact with their family as soon as possible and into the arms of their families and this is just the first part of an incredibly sensitive deal supposed to play out over the next 14 days. there could be changes to the last second, including after the deal has gone into effect. so everybody here watching this very closely, especially as we tick down those last couple of hours here. >> okay. oren liebermann, thank you very much. this morning, as we await the release of expected to be 13 hostages held by hamas for nearly 50 days, israeli's health ministry came out with guidance on how the children should be cared for. instructs israeli soldiers what to do when they receive the children. quote, children will ask questions, where is my mom, where is my dad. soldiers should not answer the questions, own if they know the answer. any question should be answered, sweetheart, i am sorry, i don't know, my job is to bring you to israel to a safe place where people you know will be waiting for you and will answer all of your questions. >> that guidance instructs soldiers not to pick up or hug the children without asking their permission. the freed hostages as oren was noting will be taken to a hospital in israel for medical and mental health, assessment and treatment. experts say they are preparing to deal with a level of trauma that has never been seen before. our next guest is the head of the medical team for the hostages and missing families forum. he said they were treated by an object by hamas to frighten and cause terror. now they need to be human again. that is our challenge. good to have you back with us this morning, professor. i noticed in that guidance the fact that they were telling soldiers not to pick up and hug the children. this is something you told us about yesterday. you said you learned about this from one of the hostages who had been released how important it was to almost let them lead in moments like that. >> yes, it's really complex and i also want to say to the other side, maybe they will need to be led. we don't know what exactly would be the situation. maybe some of them would want at the first moment to be told what to do because they still don't feel they can decide for themselves. so i'm saying this is very delicate. what's very important is early as possible to bring to them, especially to the children, someone they know and trust. that's very important part of being human again, is to reestablish the connection with the family. that's so important. obviously, for the young child, that's obvious, but also for, you know, old woman who wants a granddaughter to be with her at this moment. so we like to be very delicate and meet their needs. >> i understand you are with some of the families whose loved ones are being held hostage. i wonder what that is like and how you are helping them as they wait? . >> it's hard for the families. some families, and they consulted us and some request from us, expecting good news today. and that's also very, very difficult for them because, you know, the waiting is difficult and we are trying to be prepared as much as possible. and for the families of the beloved will not come home to -- i must say, the hope that maybe there will be a surprise and we are with them. we are calling them, you know, actively, reaching out to them, not only they ask for it, but also to suggest and see what exactly is helpful and just being with them. you know, this time, that means a lot. also, i am saying i told you maybe the other day that also the support of the world means a lot for them to know that they are the families and hostages are not alone. i must say, because this now, you know, like we forget about the hostages that remain there. i think it shouldn't be remain for a later stage. no. right now. this week. it's the time to use tools also to bring them medications for those who remain in captivity because they need them. i know from some of the families that expect to see thundershower beloved that some of them from our medical records suffer from severe chronic diseases that must be treated and we will see what will be the situation. >> we should point out, too, there has been time spent gathering information on the hostages, gathering medical information from their families so that when they have now arrived at this point, the medical teams that are going in there and all of you folks are ready to get to them what they need. that's also crucial in this moment. >> we have to, you know, not to stick to what we know, but to assess at the moment with what we see now because, you know -- and also, i'm saying by the blood samples, for example. maybe something looks bad like someone could have anemia. there is a great question. is it because of something recent or low for a long time? so that's a different treatment. that's something really to pay attention and to be professional to take the time and, if needed, several days in hospital to take the time to provide the treatment they need. i really hope this time not only the media and the politicians, israeli politicians, sometimes tend to come to this kind of event for their own sake, to, you know, stay away now. this is time for the medical staff to treat them for the families to be with them, not for the media as much as, you know, we want to know, and not for politicians. >> of kourns, we understand that. dr. levine, thank you for being with us and what you are doing for these families. and these loved ones, too, as they, hopefully, come home today. thank you. >> thank you so much definitely. we are hoping for good news today. >> yeah. all right. we are continuing to monitor minute by minute the situation in gaza. now almost eight hours into this truce between israel and hamas we will take you along the path that the hostages may take when they are expected to be released about an hour from now. cnn has also learned americans will not be a part of this initial hostage release that is expected to happen just a short time from now. more on that ahead as our coverage continues. #. this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to cnn. as we follow this significant breaking news in gaza right now. just one hour from now, hamas is expected to start releasing

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Southern Gaza , Something , Question , Reporter , U S , Reporting , Officials , Changes , Eye , Part , Deal , Surveillance , Four , Hostages , Point , Cnn , This Morning , American , Ability , Track , Truce , Breaking News , Official , Mass , Two , Grandchildren , Set , Hamas , Women , Military , Details , Learning , Eastern Tomb , 9 , 00 , Team , Headphones , Helicopter , Bride , Flight , Seven , Families , Gaza Strip , Holding , Streets , Column , Fighting , Wag , Tanks , Vehicles , Drone Video , Aid , Hostage Deal , Destruction , Airstrikes , Teams , Trucks , Medicine , Time , Water , Food , Lines , War , Start , Egypt , 200 , Loved Ones , Biden , Wait , Fingers , Youyo , 50 , Hostage , Wall , Birthday , Team Coverage , Developments , Let S Go , Border , Becky Anderson , West Bank , 4 , Trust , Parties , Doha , Speskt Iical , The Mediation Team , Obligations , Talks , Tone , Qatar , One , First , 13 , Northern Israel , Arms , Route , Icrc , Place , Israelis , Prisoners , Men , Age , Palestinian , Woand , 39 , 18 , Jail , Second , Hostility , Ground , Surveillance Drones , Drones , Hair , Either , Eastern Time , Border Crossing , Third , Information , Supplies , Detail , Understanding , Context , Hostage Release , Jeremy Diamond , Relation , Gaza Border , Crossing Points , Crossing , Points , Shoulder , Lot , Order , Benjamin Netanyahu , Representative , Hostage Affairs , To , Agreement Mediated , Red Cross , Location , Crossings , 12 , Hospitals , Number , Scenario , Ways , Air Force Base , Five , Preparations , Effort , Whole , Government Effort , Children S Hospital , Clarissa Ward , Child , It , Plan , Everything , Relows , Condition , Hospital , Mothers , Staff , Shape , Return , Images , Idf , Ones , Operation , Nodes , Likely , Base , Helicopters , Showing , Teddy Bears , Noise Canceling Headphones , Undies Closed Location , Questions , Guidelines , List , Kind , Medically , Soldiers , Mom , Trauma , Issue , People , Job , Sweetheart , I Don T Know , Many , Answers , Some , Family Members , Attacks , Parents , Siblings , Orphans , October 7th , 7 , Don T , Permission , Guideline , Beg , Retraum Tides Them , Preem Nant Children S Hospital , Snoouder Medical Center , Release , Schedules , Being , Conditions , Heart , Mediation Team , Members , Operations Room , Dohar , Way , Negotiation , Phones , Side , Slippage , Things , Process , Hope , Agreement , Sol Point , Sense , Closure , Tragedy , Hundreds , Releases , Family , News , Pause , Hostage Waiting , Word , Coverage , Anxiety Waiting , In Gaza , Wave , 230 , 1 , Coming Home , Pictures , Fib , 20 , Group , Suffering , Spain , Aleave Yigs , Back , Anything , Everybody , Communication , Health , Glue , Rock , Social Work Er , Bit , Person , Everyone , Hands , Area , Ageover , 80 , No Nonsense Streak , Example , Chicken Soup , Love , Feeding , Warmth , Woman , Reunion , Truce Agreement , Fuel , Total , Half , H Hamas , Jails , Prison South , Negotiations , Focus , Prison , Crowd , Distance , Jerusalem , Names , Israeli Military , Wait Ing T , 3 , Captivity , Government , Confirmation , Homes , Checks , Safety , Course , Terms , 150 , Custody , Clarity , 300 , Offenses , Step , 16 , Fraction , Detention , 8000 , 3000 , Charges , Figure , Friends , Exchange , Theirile , Cost , Situation , Prirdss , Of Hoostages , Aid Trucks , Status , Increase , Access , 90 , Warnings , Fuel Trucks , Aid Agencies , Most , Need , Doctors , Patients , Gastrointensal , Respite , Result , Water Works , Sewage Works , Catastrophe , Infrastructure , Liters Of Fuel , Yooesn T G Worse , 130000 , Beginning , Those Trucks Roll Ing , Hostage Deal Today , Stuff , Wasn T , Citizens , Let S Go To Mj Lee In Washington , Americans , Expectation , Nothing , Set Schedule , Ly , Sort , Three , Fact , Urgency , A Don , Alabigail , Kinds , Priority , Toys , Look , Defense Forces , Animals , Contntinues Ththrough , Stay Rightht , Police , Bed , Clashes , Protesters , Arrest , Exchange Toid , Ireland , 34 , Children , Adults , Police Cars , Victim , Riots , School , Dublin , Mob Set Buss , 5 , Traffic , Crash , Attack , Oman , Thanksgiving , Directions , Rule Out Terrorism , Niagara Falls , Canada , Rain Bow Bridge , Fbi , Investigation , Factor , Speed , Car Accident , Bye , Deals , Season , National Retail Federation , 15 Million , 180 Million , Ceo , Macy S , Parade , Line , Black Friday , Doors , 24 , Retailers , Analysts , Country , Chairman , Consumers , Holiday Season , Impact , Last Night , Morning , Environment , Turnout , Websites , 6 , Content , Times , Whatever , Gift List , Super Bowl , Competition , Bloomingdales , Six , Piece , Consumer Spending Pie , Gray Friday , Pressure T , Pilg Pilgrimage , Stores , Pandemic , Stage , Customers , Lull , Cyber Monday , Ten , Inventory , Store , Saw , Setups , Inventories , Lesson , Categories , Control , Concept , Jewelry , The Right Stuff , Coats , Sweaters , No Doubt , Credit Cards , Debt , Spending , Credit Card , Carrying , Pressure , Interest Rates , Earnings , 30 , Holidays , Opportunity , Opportunities , Gifts , Scelebrated , Interviews , Guys , Football , Lions , Millions , Start Ed In Detroit , Streak , Plans , Packers , Wax , Moon , Kids , 29 , 22 , Halftime , Defense , Commanders , Win , Boys , Washington , Cowboys Quarterback , Kou , 331 , Dolly Parton , Oeng Center Stage , Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders , 77 , 49ers , Sea Talks , Rivally , West Coast , Seattle , Mccaffrey , 49 , 2 , Release Hostages , Group Set , Orrin Lieber Man In Tel Aviv , State Of Play , Timeline , Entrance , Firing , Form , Social Media , Leaflets , Crisis , Reports , Northern Gaza , Warning , Video , War Zone , Shots , Toy , Home , Transfer , Headphone , Transition , On Hospelicopter , Want Hoppers , Noise , Intake Center , Pillows , Games , Contact , 14 , Oren Liebermann , Effect , Guidance , Health Ministry , Dad , Answer , Quote , Oren , Treatment , Level , Head , Mental Health , Guest , Assessment , Experts , Human , Challenge , Terror , Professor , Forum , Object , Cause , Led , Yes , Someone , Connection , Granddaughter , Obvious , Needs , Request , Waiting , Beloved , Surprise , Support , World , Shouldn T , Snow , Tools , Medications , Records , Thundershower Beloved , Diseases , Folks , Blood Samples , Low , Attention , Anemia , Politicians , Media , Sake , Event , Come Home Today , Kourns , Dr , Levine , Path , Eight , More ,

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