Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

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group of hostages being held by hamas is expected to be released. wolf? >> 13 women and children are set to be freed in that first group. the israeli government says it has the list of names and has notified the families. but in advance of all of this, israel says it has conducted hundreds of strikes in gaza. cnn's jeremy diamond is a few miles from gaza right now. he's joining us from sterot and he just heard a bombardment last hour. we also have oren leiberman here with me in tel aviv. oren, let me go to you first. walk us through what we'll see on the ground. >> wolf, a few moving parts here and it all requires meticulous planning which is why we might have seen that delay last night. we'll see hundreds of aid trucks begin to enter gaza for that desperately needed humanitarian assistance there, then nine hours after that pause in fighting begins we'll begin to see the release of those 13 women and children, the first group of hostages. they'll go to the red cross from hamas, transferred into israel military custody and be brought out into two different border crossings from israel straight to hospitals. those younger than 12 will meet their families quickly. those older than 12 will meet their families at the hospital. after that part is done a number of palestinian prisoners, women and children will be released from israeli jails at the same p3 to 1 ratio. 39 palestinian women and children from israeli prisons, they'll be taken to a prison in the occupied west bank and from there released to their families. you get a sense there how many parts there are to this and how delicate this is. that's why the first day and second day are viewed as sort of testing period for this to make sure this can work. earlier today the qatari foreign ministry said they tried to go through every possible scenario to troubleshoot what might go wrong here so it can keep moving forward as planned. but a lot of moving parts. >> i understand the palestinian prisoners being held by israel, they'll be released around the same time that the hostages will be released by hamas. >> that's the plan. israel will first confirm the 13 israeli hostages are in israel, and from what we understand from the israeli officials, then the release of the palestinian prisoners will begin. >> oren, standby. i want to bring in jeremy. this truce was postponed by one day, so today the guns are anything but silent. what are you seeing right now? what have you been hearing? >> no doubt about it, wolf. just moments ago an enormous barrage of sounded like a bombardment, heavy bombardment of the gaza strip. it appeared to be coming from the same direction where we were hearing explosions last hour, which is in the direction of the jabalia refugee camp. that is where we know israeli forces in recent days have been operating very, very heavily. they have told us in recent days that they have encircled that refugee camp, and they say that hamas militants are still inside there, and they are fighting them. so moments ago we just heard an enormous barrage of bombardments in that area. what is clear, wolf, is that israeli forces are going to continue to operate in the gaza strip up until that truce actually begins, and then after that truce begins we're told that israeli forces will not move past the truce line. that truce line, i'm told, is effectively the north-south divide in the gaza strip where israeli forces have told civilians to move south of that line. that will be the line that israeli forces will not cross as this truce goes into effect at 7:00 in the morning local time and expected to last if everything goes according to plan for at least four days. now, one thing that is also clear is that israeli forces are going to continue to fight after this pause is over. the israeli prime minister as well as the defense minister both signaling very strongly that this war will continue until they reach their objectives to destroy hamas, to get all of the hostages, all of the nearly 240 hostages back, and the defense minister, in fact, saying the fighting will last for at least two months after this initial pause is over. >> and jeremy, as you know many involved in these very delicate negotiations, the hostage negotiations, are hoping it will be a starting point for more releases and longer truces. what are israeli officials saying about those next steps? >> well, like i said they're making very clear that the fighting will continue after this pause, and so it was interesting to hear the spokesman for the qatari ministry of foreign affairs talking about the opportunity this might present to try and establish some kind of a longer cease-fire. for israeli officials, at least, that appears to be off of the table. but one thing that is on the table is the possibility for additional release of hostage and additional days of pause beyond those first 50 and during those four days of pause in fighting. in fact, i spoke with gal the special coordinator for israeli prime minister for hostage affairs who emphasized that this first 50 hostage release is simply phase one. phase two could be those ten hostages per day in exchange for an additional day of truce as well as three to one ratio of those palestinian prisoners. and israeli officials making clear they're committed to securing the release of nearly 240 hostages whether that is through negotiations or through military operations on the ground. >> and jeremy, amidst all of these developments i understand there are also some serious developments over at the al-shifa hospital in gaza, which israel raided last week. get us up to speed. >> that's right, wolf. israeli forces as well as israel's internal security service apprehended the hospital's director earlier today. we are told that they have detained him and taken him in for questioning by the security services. the israeli officials say that they detained him because of the evidence they have uncovered in recent days of a massive, sprawling tunnel system below al-shifa hospital, only some of which we have actually seen evidence of in recent days. but the evidence we have seen in recent days, wolf, has been pretty compelling in terms of the extent of this tunnel system that appears to exist under shifa hospital where there are areas and tunnels they've shown us in video so far. this hospital director we're told israeli officials effectively saying, look, this tunnel system existed under his direction and appears according to israeli forces hamas was using electricity and other resources from the hospital. israeli officials want to question him about his knowledge and potential cooperation with hamas. of course al-shifa hospital and health ministry officials inside of gaza, they have denied hamas operated tunnels underneath shifa, and they've denied any information of that. so we'll see where that situation leads. wolf? >> very sensitive issue, indeed. jeremy diamond, oren leiberman, guys, thank you very, very much. for more on all of this right now i want to turn to the spokesperson for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thank you so much for joining us. we're just a few hours away from the israel-hamas truce. a lot of specifics so far have not been shared, but can you provide any further details on what this hostage release will actually look like? >> so, wolf, at this point i can confirm that israel has received the list of the hostages who will be the first to be released from the gaza strip in the first stage of the outline that we have agreed upon. for various reasons we have not made this list public, and i'm sure you can understand why, which we have informed the families of these hostages as well as the families of all hostages, nearly 240 families who have been going through this torture of mind and soul, and we are with them in this together. we are all feeling the pain. we're still living the october 7th moment in israel, and it is going to be a bittersweet moment for us because while some hostage said, we hope, will come back, others for this point will remain behind. you know that our government took a very difficult decision here, and i know you talked to some families. not everyone are seeing this in the same way. we have various opinions in israel, but this decision really reflects a wide consensus among the israeli public. we want to see our sons and daughters back all of them, and we'll continue to work tirelessly towards this goal and the goal of dismantling hamas. but in the words of the great thomas soul, there are no good solutions, only the tradeoff. so this is the tradeoff we have agreed for. >> tal, what happens if hamas breaches this agreement? >> so you see first we have to ask, well, what is the definition of breaching an agreement. and i would say that we will define it as just the same as any other normal modern civilized country would. and we will see. we will act accordingly and we will monitor every kind of movement on their behalf. you know back in 2014 hamas reached a u.n. mediated cease-fire. there was a cease-fire in place. they've done that several times. and during that cease-fire they killed three israeli soldiers and kidnapped one of them into gaza. to this day his body has not been retrieved. so we will have to act accordingly. but we hope it doesn't -- again, there are no guarantees here. >> yeah, no guarantees at all. prime minister netanyahu said that after the current truce that's expected to begin -- and i'm quoting him now -- he said we will continue with our war aims mainly to eradicate hamas. and he added this, "there is no hope for peace between israel and the palestinians and between israel and the arab states if we don't eradicate this murderous movement that threatens the future of all of us." how does that impact the truce right now? what's the impact of that going to be on this goal of trying to bring all the hostages home? >> well, we said that we are willing to extend for every ten hostages that hamas will release -- extra ten hostages rather, we will be willing to extend another day of pause in the fighting. but the prime minister is correct in the way he defined it. we need to make sure we eradicate terrorism if we want to have any kind of hope, any kind of prospects for peace in the region. and it's something that arab partners in the region understand. it will also benefit their causes, because we need to send an unequivocal message against terrorism. first, pure evil. the pure evil cult of hamas that mutilated, raped and butchered need to be eradicated. hamas is also in a sense an ideology, and that will be a longer commitment, a difficult process to root out these ideology that, you know, that they call for, that the state of israel should be obliterated. they say in interviews hamas leaders that they want to sacrifice the palestinian people of gaza to achieve this goal of the destruction of the jewish state. we will not let them achieve either of these goals. and wolf, i'll just add that today maybe even -- part of the nation that leaves nobody behind and we are so committed to this principle. >> all right, tal heinrich, thank you very much. we lost a bit for technical reasons the last couple of sentences or so, but we appreciate you joining us. thank you very much. meanwhile, a convoy of trucks could begin halling humanitarian aid into gaza as soon as the truce begins. cnn's special live coverage will continue right after a very quick break. the israel-hamas hostage deal also means critical humanitarian aid can be delivered to gaza. a convoy of aid trucks is lined up at the rafa border crossing from gaza to egypt and egypt into gaza ready to bring desperately needed food, water, and medical supplies. the international rescue committee says it welcomes the four-day proposed pause in the war but warned it's not enough time to address the very dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. let's start with cnn's elany giokos. you have an update on the plan to allow those aid trucks into gaza from egypt. the egyptian government says it's not clear what kind of aid nor how much of it will be allowed. tell your viewers what you're learning. >> reporter: yeah, so we know that under this agreement that 200 aid trucks will be able to enter gaza daily as long as this truce upholds, which is really important. this is a bigger number than we've ever seen since october 7th, and i want to remind our viewers that before october 7th we had 455 aid trucks going into gaza. that's on a good day. so we've seen very little going into gaza, frankly, and this is what's contributed to the dire humanitarian needs on the ground. a lack of fuel, a lack of water and food. we've been hearing some accounts, wolf, which are frankly hair-raising over the past few weeks. now, importantly, fuel has now started to enter gaza sense november 21st. and according to the egyptians we've seen a fair amount going in, and this is specifically to help the hospitals that need to run on generators, to ensure that operations keep going. and of course it's going straight to the humanitarian agencies because the big fear from the idf has always been that if fuel enters gaza it could go to hamas. this is a big move. i mean i know that the truce is really focused on trying to get hostages out, but this is a welcome relief. and i want to remind everyone what the u.n. has said overnight, reminded everyone that while they have negotiations on the go in terms of hostage releases, in terms of the humanitarian front they negotiate on a day-to-day basis not only with the egyptians but also with israel about how many trucks can go in, will the fuel be allowed in. and the final say israel has. so that is where the basic information comes from in terms of what is allowed in. additionally the egyptian president sisi said today the raffa border was never closed for aid and reminded everyone israel shelved the raffa border on the gaza side four times since the start of this war, which delayed so hutch. in terms of incapsulating what gazans are going through right now lack of food, lack of fuel, lack of water. one of the most difficult and important evacuations out of gaza were those 28 neonatal babies. and five of those babies had died before they were able to get to egypt because they weren't in incubators, and that is because they didn't have fuel at the hospital. so, wolf, i mean overall the macro picture really dire in gaza. if this is prolonged truce, that would be good news to alleviate some of the pressure in the gaza strip. >> elani, talk a little bit about the experiences of those people who were able to be evacuated from gaza. i know you've spoken with some of them. >> reporter: yeah, i mean at my hotel we spoke to some of the foreign nationals and dual passport holders. and we met one family that were describing how they were just scrambling for scraps of bread and water. they were being displaced from area to area, and eventually they found out they were on the list to evacuate. they had american passports as well, and they were saying they were trapped at the raffa border. we also spoke to one eldererly man who came across the border on the egyptian side and he fauked about the fear he felt, but he again describing the situation where there wasn't any bread for him to eat. i want you to listen to the fear he describes. >> translator: we prayed for martyrdom, but the fear -- this fear, i can't describe it. we die every night in this war. we hear the sound about to strike, and we don't know where it would hit. a missile destroys a block, so imagine what happens when we are hit with three missiles. >> reporter: you know, wolf, i also went and visited some injured palestinians at hospitals here in egypt, and they were saying it's not just the fear of the bombing and the shelling and whether they'll surrive but just the fear of finding food on a day-to-day basis and not knowing what the future looks like. the qataris today said this aid going into gaza is very needed, but it's only a fraction of what is required on the ground. and international aid organizations say that this needs to continue. the amount of aid that will be going in during this truce needs to continue, and that is essentially in israel's hands. >> all right, eleni, standby. i want to bring in nada bashir. she's joining us from jerusalem right now. the irc says this four day pause should be used to increase supply deliveries and a massive sustained effort is what's really needed urgently inside gaza. what are you learning about that? >> absolutely. we have been hearing from aid groups including the irc calling for these longer term pauses in order to allow this crucial aid to get in. as you heard from elani, this isn't seen as enough aid for those inside the gaza strip facing this deteriorating humanitarian situation for weeks now. and of course the irc as well as other aid organizations have welcomed this truce, this four-day respite for civilians inside the gaza strip and they are saying this will not be enough. they require more type in order to really fulfill the needs of those inside gaza. and i have just a few lines from the irc which really captures the warning they are issuing alongside other aid agencies saying four days is not enough time to meet what are now catastrophic levels of humanitarian need. a scale of suffering requires a massive and sustained humanitarian assistance effort, and civilians must have protection that has been gravely absent. of course we do know there's a huge amount of concern for the many civilians internally displaced. about 1.7 palestinians are now displaced inside the gaza strip. we have seen that mass exodus of palestinians fleeing northern gaza where the bombardment and on the ground fighting has really been concentrated, fleeing to southern gaza per the orders and warning of the israeli military. but now there are hundreds of thousands of people in southern gaza taking shelter in temporary shelters including u.n. run schools but also many now in these tent cities that have we have seen established where, of course, the security situation is fraught. where the humanitarian situation is fragile to say the least. and as weather begins to turn and temperatures drop, many are warning the situation being faced by palestinians in southern gaza is simply unlivable. they require sanitation support. they require more food, more safe drinking water. and crucially, there will be a huge need for further medical aid to get in. we have seen gaza's hospitals collapsing under the pressure of this war. this window will provide some aid, of course, to get into those hospitals. but it certainly will not be enough to alleviate the pressures that have been inflicted on gaza's hospitals, on gaza's civilians over the course of last few weeks of this war. wolf? >> nada bashir, eleni giokos, to both of you thank you very much. tomorrow's release may be a small comfort to the loved ones thus far who are not part of the gremt at least not yet. i spoke with one father whose 35-year-old son was kidnapped by hamas on october 7th. he says he welcomes the release of any hostage but does express feelings unsettled because what it doesn't mean for his son and the others still in captivity. >> this news, honestly, for me it's a -- for all of us it's a mixed bag because he in all likelihood will not be released in this round. however, we -- i expect that we know very well, and our friends with many of those who will be released in this first batch. and so we couldn't be happier for those families that will be reunited over the course of the next few days with their little children and moms. since the morning of october 7th we and many other of the hostage families have heard absolutely nothing about or from our loved ones. i truly hope -- it's kind of outrageous the red cross wasn't able to visit with them until now, but it will be really important for all of us to know, all of the 240 or the 190 that will remain after this first stage to get proof of life, to know if our loved ones are healthy. so that is an important step but only one step, of course, towards what is the goal for all of us, which is the release of all of the hostages. >> we're following the very latest news from the wider region here in the middle east as well as including a u.s. warship shooting down multiple attack drones over the red sea. standby. new information coming in. we'll be right back. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. an update now to a story we've been watching closely. residents in a central kentucky town are being urged to evacuate after more than a dozen freight train cars derailed spilling molten sulfur and sparking a fire. officials say that fire is now 50% contained, but the toxic smoke that's in the air is actually the biggest threat. because when molten sulfur burns it releases sulfur dioxide, and that gas has a very strong scent and can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat as well. csx, the train's operator says specialized equipment is now being used to monitor air quality in that area. kentucky's governor andy bashir has issued a state of emergency. we're also following major break news out of new york. new york city mayor eric adams is being accused of sexual assault. according to a new court filing this happened 30 years ago in 1993 i should say, and the plaintiff is seeking $5 million in damages. cnn's jean casarez has been tracking this story including how the mayor is responding. >> well, the latest is he's come out immediately to refute this, but this is all because of the adult survivors act, this was signed into law by the new york governor in 2022, one year ago, gave that one-year window for adult survivors of a sexual assault alleging that to come forward. and the allegation against mayor adams is that she was a city employee back in 1993, so long ago but that he sex welually assaulted her. she's also suing the new york police department and the city of new york. now, listen to the mayor this morning just hours ago when he was giving his thanksgiving remarks. >> my career speaks for itself, and just really -- it's something absolutely that has never happened. and i don't even recall ever meeting the person who made the -- this allegation. >> next jamie fox. there's a complaint that's been filed civil court, new york supreme court alleging that there was unlawful touching back in 2015 at a new york city restaurant. we have just gotten a response from jamie fox representatives who said this alleged incident it never happened. in 2020 this individual filed a nearly identical lawsuit in brooklyn. that case was dismissed shortly thereafter. we are confident this will be dismissed again. and then we get to axel rose and the lead singer for guns and roses, a very high profile plaintiff has filed this suit. a former penthouse pet by the name of sheila kennedy, and she is alleging that he violently sexually assaulted her in a new york hotel room back in 1989. axel rose's attorney has come forward simply telling cnn this incident never happened though he doesn't deny the possibility of a fan photo taking in passing, mr. rose has no recollection of ever meeting or speaking to the plaintiff and has never heard about these fictional allegations prior to today. so at this point all of these will proceed in civil court, and there will be answers filed by the defendants refuting the claims that are being made. boris. >> jean casarez, thank you so much for the update. we have new details about the threats received by the new york judge that's overseeing former president donald trump's civil fraud trial and his law clerk as well. but still to come a u.s. warship shooting down multiple attack drones over the red sea. we'll have the very latestst on ththat as soonon as we come e b. stayay with us. welcome back. i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv. with just hours until the israel-hamas truce goes into effect, we are now learning there has been an exchange of attacks between hezbollah in lebanon and israel. israeli forces say they struck heads bola infrastructure and rocket sites in lebanon after the terrorist group launched nearly 50 rockets targeting an israeli military base. cnn senior national correspondent ben wedemen is joining us live from beirut. what more are we learning about this latest round of attacks. this sounds very serious. >> really today was intense on the border between lebanon and israel. last night an israeli air strike hit a house in which there were five hezbollah fighters including the son of the leader of hezbollah's parliamentary bloc. and what we saw today was perhaps some of the most intense exchanges so far since the 8th of october. now, you were referring to that incident where hezbollah fired 48 rockets at this israeli base. and that was just one of the many volleys that were fired today. now, hezbollah is claiming that they killed four israeli soldiers in the course of the day. however, we have yet to hear any comment on that from the israelis. now, also significantly today the foreign minister of iran was visiting beirut. he met with the secretary-general of hezbollah, and they talked about bringing the israeli war in gaza to an end. now, also today the iranian foreign minister had an interview on a local lebanese satellite channel. and he said that if the truce does not hold in gaza, the scope of the war will expand. now, hezbollah is not part of obviously this agreement between israel and hamas for a four-day pause. but a hezbollah source spoke to al jazeera arabic and they told they do plan to abide by the truce and hold their fire unless, of course, israel fires at hezbollah. wolf? >> we will see what happens. a very tense situation. ben wedemen in beirut for us, thank you very much. be sure to join me later today 5:00 p.m. eastern, for a special 3-hour edition of the situation room as we follow the latest developments with the upcoming truce between israel and hamas. in the meantime, boris, back to you. >> wolf, we will certainly tune in for that. thank you so much. ben was just talking about hezbollah and the threat that they pose. they are just one group threatening to turn this war into a broader regional conflict. another the iran backed houthi rebels, and today we learned a u.s. warship patrolling the red sea shutdown multiple attack drones launched from the area that they control in yemen. cnn's alex marquardt has been tracking this. alex, what do we know about this engagement am. >> boris, this is very concerning. it really plays into the fears of an escalating conflict, one u.s. forces could be drawn into. what we've learned from central command which in charge of the middle east from the pentagon they say houthi rebels in yemen thursday morning fired multiple one-way attack drones as they called them. there was no damage to the personnel onboard the ship that took them down, which is a u.s. destroyer called the thomas hoodner which was patrolling in the red sea, there were no u.s. personnel hurt. it is unclear right now, boris, what the actual target was. but this is really part of a pattern by the houthi rebels backed by iran, extremely well equipped in terms of the efforts to potentially escalate. we saw them a couple weeks ago firing ballistic missiles and drones in the direction of israel. it took several hours for another u.s. destroyer to take those down. a couple days ago over the weekend houthi rebels commandeere pgd and hijacked a cargo ship. there's real concern what they'll still do. hezbollah and houthis really are the most formidable proxy groups that iran controls in the middle east. >> yeah, and of course they're not the only ones. there are other offshoot groups. this would be at least the 67th, i believe, attack by iranian backed militias on u.s. and coalition forces in the area since october 7th. we've seen the u.s. carry out some measure of response, right? >> yeah, we're getting close to 70 attacks on u.s. and coalition forces across the region. one of the latest ones was arguably the most dramatic against the u.s. al assad air base in iraq. it was on monday. and a group, this is an iraqi group, they fired short range close range ballistic missiles. that's really significant. this was -- it was the first time since this spike in attacks since october 17th. you're right. there have been almost 70 of these mainly in iraq and syria against u.s. and coalition forces. the u.s. responded to this one by targeting two facilities related to qatari hezbollah, it's the first time the u.s. has responded in iraq. however, there have been three different sets of air strikes in syria against facilities that are connected to the iranian revolutionary guard as well as these iran backed proxy groups. essentially the u.s. telling iran and its proxy groups to knock it off. boris, these attacks continue. >> yeah, even as this truce between israel and hamas is just a few hours away doesn't mean hostilities across the region will slow down overall. thank you very much. still meantly to come on cnn news central. a new york judge and his law clerk facing hundreds of credible threats in their roles in the civil fraud trial against former president trump. the details straight ahead. donald trump is going on the attack again. targeting the judge overseeing his new york civil fraud trial and others. the former president lashing out on truth social earlier today, calling the judge a psycho and accusing him and his top clerk of political bias and corruption. this comes just a week after an appeals court put a pause on the judge's gag order restricting the former president's comments and after we learned the judge and his staff has received hundreds of harassing messages that court security has deemed serious and credible threats. joining now to discuss all of this is norm eisen. thank you so much for being here on thanksgiving. we do appreciate it. so, obviously, last week, that judge undoing the gag order, given the fact these threats have been deemed credible, do you anticipate it might be put back on the former president? >> it should be turned back on, boris, because while we have strong first amendment protections under the constitution, the courts have held, including the supreme court, that those protections must yield to the administration of justice during active cases. we have an open trial here. with targeted restrictions. and when you see this latest filing by new york, explaining how, when the gag order was lifted, these threats against the judge and the judge's law clerk shot up, that really makes the case for the gag order to be perhaps narrowed, but reinstated. >> even when the gag order was in place, though, donald trump violated it numerous times, he was fined, what, $15,000 by the judge. if it's put back on, to what extent do you see the judge going in trying to limit what the former president is tweeting about? or social truthing about? >> well, i think that the judge has made clear that when the gag order is in place, he is going to respond to violations of the order, particularly -- this is really the core of it, the out of court attacks on the judge's law clerk. that is a place where, while there has been a temporary lifting of the gag order while the appellate court considers what to do, that's really in the core of what these kinds of orders are tended to prevent. and when you look at the filings that the court has made, and the threats, really horrific an anti-semitic threats, assassination, death threats, i will kill you, i'm coming for you, when you look at that, and the sheer volume that this law clerk is getting on her social media, her email, on her cell phone, that information has gotten out. i think the courts are going to allow those narrow protections. >> trump's team obviously set to respond on monday. we've heard from them previously is that he's a candidate for president, this is political speech have you ever seen the system tested this way, with a defendant that says, i'm protected, not only by the first amendment, but the fact i'm running for office and i can make my pitch to voters. >> we have not had a president running to return to the white house -- >> right. >> with so many active legal matters, both civil, fraud, as we have here, four active criminal cases. there is also a gag order dispute going on at the moment in the federal criminal case that judge chutkan is overseeing. no, the system has not been tested in this way, but the first amendment has been tested over and over again in the history of our country, and this balance where, yes, speech, political speech is allowed, but it must stop where personnel of the courts, judges, or witnesses or jurors are being threatened. here you have court personnel being threatened. the law, if it's applied, should allow a narrow gag order. now, there's things that may be trimmed away. speech in court by the judge's lawyers, objecting to the law clerk, that's different. the courts of appeals may say no, you can't do that, but the out of court statements, i think those are going to be limited. >> yeah, it is fascinating to watch and grover cleveland, when he was running for re-election, didn't go through any of this, did he? >> grover cleveland nor any of the other prior 44 presidents. >> norm, thank you so much for the time. >> thanks, boris. >> happy thanksgiving. so, just hours from now, this truce between israel and hamas, it is expected to start. israel says the families of the first hostages to be released have been notified. we've got special coverage on cnn. stay with us.

Related Keywords

Cnn News Central , Boris Sanchez In Washington , Top , Truce , Coalition Forces , War , Israel , Wolf Blitzer , Start , Werewolf , Tel Aviv , 7 , 00 , Hostages , Women , Group , Government , Children , List , Names , 13 , Al Shifa Hospital In Gaza , Families , All Of Us , U S , Jeremy Diamond , Bombardment , Hundreds , Strikes , Advance , Sterot , Ground , Oren Leiberman , Moving Parts , Pause , Fighting , Planning , Assistance , Delay , Hundreds Of Aid Trucks , Nine , Release , Red Cross , Border Crossings , Israel Military Custody , Two , Palestinian Prisoners , Part , Hospital , Hospitals , Number , Jails , 12 , Parts , Sense , Prisons , Prison , West Bank , 39 , 1 , Foreign Ministry , Scenario , Testing , Plan , Lot , Planned , Officials , One Day , Guns , Oren , Standby , One , It , Barrage , Gaza Strip , Hearing , Silent , Anything , No Doubt , Direction , Forces , Hearing Explosions , Jabalia Refugee Camp , Area , Militants , Bombardments , Refugee Camp , Truce Line , South Divide , Line , Civilians , Effect , South , Everything , Four , Prime Minister , Thing , Defense Minister , Signaling , Fact , Objectives , Hostages Back , 240 , Negotiations , Truces , Releases , Hostage Negotiations , Starting Point , Steps , Kind , Cease Fire , Opportunity , Spokesman , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , Hostage , Table , Possibility , 50 , Exchange , Hostage Release , Phase , Hostage Affairs , Gal , Special Coordinator , Ten , Prisoners , Ratio , Palestinian , Three , Wall , Developments , Military Operations , Up To Speed , Director , Security Service , Security Services , Questioning , Some , Evidence , Al Shifa Hospital , Sprawling Tunnel System , Terms , Extent , Tunnel System , Hospital Director , Tunnels , Areas , Video , Course , Electricity , Resources , Cooperation , Knowledge , Situation , Information , Issue , Health Ministry , Tunnels Underneath Shifa , Benjamin Netanyahu , Spokesperson , Guys , Point , Details , Specifics , Pure Evil , Reasons , List Public , Stage , Outline , Soul , Torture , Mind , Spain , October 7th Moment , Others , October 7th , Way , Decision , Everyone , Consensus , Opinions , Goal , Sons And Daughters , Public , Dismantling Hamas , Words , Great Thomas Soul , Agreement , Tradeoff , Tal , Solutions , Country , Same , Definition , Place , Movement , Soldiers , Times , Behalf , U N Mediated , 2014 , Doesn T , Guarantees , Body , Impact , Hope , Peace , States , Future , Will Release , Home , Terrorism , Region , Something , Message , Partners , Prospects , Causes , Butchered , Pure Evil Cult , Ideology , Estate , Commitment , Interviews , Leaders , Process , People , Wolf , Goals , Destruction , Jewish State , Bit , Nobody , Nation , Principle , Tal Heinrich , Aid , Trucks , Convoy , Coverage , Couple , Sentences , Break , Aid Trucks , Hostage Deal , Rafa Border Crossing , Water , International Rescue Committee , Safe Drinking Water , Egypt , Supplies , Gaza To Egypt , Update , Aid Trucks Into Gaza , Crisis , Elany Giokos , Reporter , Viewers , Learning , 200 , 455 , Fuel , Black , Needs , Accounts , Hair Raising , Amount , Operations , Generators , Egyptians , Gaza Sense November 21st , November 21st , 21 , Fear , Move , Agencies , Idf , Hostage Releases , Relief , Go , Front , Has , U N , Basis , Sisi , Raffa Border On The Gaza Side , Gazans , Difficult , Incapsulating , Evacuations , Hutch , Babies , Five , Incubators , Picture , 28 , News , Pressure , Experiences , Elani , Family , Nationals , Passport , Hotel , Holders , Bread , Passports , Scraps , Oman , Border , Side , One Eldererly , Translator , Martyrdom , Missiles , Strike , Missile , Block , Sound , Hit , Bombing , Food , Shelling , Finding , Fraction , Qataris , Looks , Hands , Eleni Giokos , Organizations , Effort , Supply Deliveries , Nada , Jerusalem , Aid Groups , Pauses , Term , Calling , Aid Organizations , Isn T , Order , Lines , Inside Gaza , Respite , Type , Need , Warning , Scale , Aid Agencies , Suffering , Levels , Concern , Protection , Palestinians , 1 7 , Northern Gaza , Borders , Southern Gaza , Ground Fighting , Military , Concentrated , Mass Exodus , Many , Tent Cities , Security Situation , Shelter , Shelters , Thousands , Run Schools , Temperatures , Least , Weather , Sanitation Support , Window , Pressures , On Gaza , Nada Bashir , Loved Ones , Both , Comfort , Son , Father , Gremt , Feelings , Hamas On October 7th , 35 , Bag , Captivity , Likelihood , Friends , Batch , Hostage Families , Mother , Moms , Nothing , Red Cross Wasn T , Outrageous , 190 , Step , Proof Of Life , Attack , Drones , Warship Shooting , Middle East , Red Sea , Businesses , Most , Internet , Business Internet , Prepaid Card , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Yep , 000 , 1000 , Possibilities , Business Today , Company , Anyone Else , Network , Story , Fire , Sulfur , Smoke , Residents , Town , Freight Train Cars , Spilling Molten , Central Kentucky , Hair , Threat , Gas , Scent , Irritation , Eyes , Nose , Throat , Sulfur Dioxide , New York , Eric Adams , Andy Bashir , Break News , Equipment , State Of Emergency , Operator , Air Quality , Train , Kentucky , Csx , Court , Sexual Assault , Jean Casarez , Plaintiff , Damages , 5 Million , 1993 , 30 , A Million , Law , Latest , Governor , Adult Survivors Act , 2022 , Adult , Survivors , Mayor , Allegation , Adams , City Employee , He Sex Welually , Career , City , Remarks , New York Police Department , Person , Complaint , Jamie Fox , Next , Incident , Response , Civil Court , New York Supreme Court , Back , Restaurant , Representatives , 2015 , Case , Axel Rose , Profile Plaintiff , Lawsuit , Individual , Guns And Roses , Brooklyn , 2020 , Name , Suit , Penthouse Pet , Hotel Room , Sheila Kennedy , 1989 , Attorney , Passing , Mr , Fan Photo Taking , Defendants , Allegations , Recollection , Judge , Donald Trump , Threats , Law Clerk , Civil Fraud Trial , We Come E B Stayay , Soonon , Ththat , Attacks , Hezbollah , Rocket , Sites , Infrastructure , Lebanon , Ben Wedemen , Rockets , Terrorist Group , Military Base , Beirut , Air Strike , Fighters , Leader , Hit A House , Exchanges , Bloc , 8th , 8 , 8th Of October , Base , Volleys , 48 , Foreign Minister , Iran , Comment , Secretary General Of Hezbollah , End , Visiting Beirut , Interview , Scope , Satellite Channel , Source , Al Jazeera Arabic , Fires , In Beirut , Back To You , Situation Room , Eedition , Eastern , 3 , 5 , Rebels , Conflict , Warship Patrolling , Houthi , Fears , Yemen , Engagement , Alex Marquardt , Central Command , Attack Drones , Pentagon , Charge , Personnel , Destroyer , Damage , Ship , In The Red Sea , Thomas Hoodner Which , Efforts , Target , Rebels Backed , Down , Rebels Commandeere Pgd , Groups , Proxy , Ones , Cargo Ship , Offshoot , Coalition , Militias , Measure , Carry , 70 , 67 , Air Base , Dramatic , Iraq , Al Assad , Time , Spike , October 17th , 17 , Facilities , Syria , Air Strikes , Sets , Revolutionary Guard , Doesn T Mean Hostilities , Still Meantly , President , Roles , Trump , Facing Hundreds , Civil Fraud Trial Against Former , Truth , Clerk , President Lashing , New York Civil Fraud Trial , Gag Order , Appeals Court , Court Security , Staff , Comments , Corruption , Messages , Bias , Judge Undoing , Norm Eisen , Courts , Protections , Amendment , Constitution , Cases , Trial , Restrictions , Administration , Justice , Filing , Law Clerk Shot Up , 15000 , 5000 , Tweeting , Violations , Core , Appellate Court , Where , Lifting , Kinds , Filings , Death Threats , Assassination , Social Media , Volume , Cell Phone , Femail , Speech , Candidate , Team , System , Office , Defendant , Voters , Running , Pitch , White House , Civil , Gag Order Dispute , Matters , History , Balance , Chutkan , Yes , Judges , Jurors , Witnesses , Court Personnel Being , Things , Appeals , Lawyers , Presidents , Court Statements , Re Election , Didn T Go , Grover Cleveland , 44 , Thanks , Norm , Special Coverage , Stay ,

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