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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. you are in the "cnn newsroom." i'm paula reid in washington. we're continuing to follow the sad breaking news. former first lady rosalynn carter has passed away peacefully in her home this afternoon at the age of 96. she is being remembered as a mental health champion and a tireless humanitarian. governor brian kemp of georgia praising the proud georgian, saying she had an indelible impact on our state and nation. former president george w. bush calling carter a woman of dignity and strength. and first lady jill biden noting carter's commitment to mental health. >> former first lady rosalynn carter has just passed, and she was well-known for her efforts on mental health and caregiving and women's rights. so i hope that during the holidays, you'll consider saying -- include the carter family in your prayers. >> cnn's wolf blitzer takes a look back on her remarkable life and legacy. >> reporter: a soft-spoken, small-town girl, rosalynn smith carter became one of america's most charming first ladies. born in plains, georgia, on august 18th, 1927, she was valedictorian of her high school class and met and married jimmy carter when he was in the u.s. navy. >> my love and respect and cherish and honor my wife rosalynn. >> reporter: when mr. carter's father died in 1953, they moved back to plains to manage the family's peanut farm. >> i didn't want to go home. i was having a good time. i think i had thought i had outgrown plains, georgia. i had gotten a little too big for my britches. i only pouted for about a year after we got home. >> reporter: they had four children, three boys, jack, chip, and jeff, and later daughter amy. in 1962, jimmy carter entered politics and rosalynn hit the campaign trail. >> campaigning was fun up to a certain point because i got to travel and see the whole country. the most fun are the people you meet. >> reporter: she supported her husband's successful bids to become governor of georgia and later president of the united states. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. [ applause ] >> reporter: mrs. carter was actively involved in her husband's presidency, attending camp david meetings and cabinet briefings. she was a strong advocate for equal treatment of the mentally zb ill. >> if they had coverage for their mental illness, then the overall health care costs would come down. >> reporter: when the carters left the white house in 1981, they spearheaded a new challenge, habitat for humanity, building houses for the poor. >> the whole community has come together to get rid of poverty. >> reporter: a year later, they established the carter center, a foundation devoted to promoting museum rights, resolving conflicts, and eradicating diseases. mrs. carter continued to focus on reducing the stigma of mental illness. >> i'm really, really proud and i'm very impressed. >> reporter: another focus, caregiving, an issue close to her heart as she told a congressional committee. >> it's been part of my life since i was 12 years old, and my father was diagnosed with leukemia at age 44. we lived in a very small town, and all the neighbors rallied around. but i still vividly remember going to my secret hiding place, the outdoor privy, if you can believe that, to cry. that's where i could be alone. >> reporter: in 1999, rosalynn and jimmy carter were honored with the presidential medal of freedom, the nation's highest honor for civilians. >> rosalynn and i have visited now more than 115 nations in the world. >> reporter: mrs. carter was often irritated that her husband was praised more for his achievements after his presidency than those of his administration. but she accepted that was politics. >> it doesn't matter what you do. you're going to be criticized for it. and so do what you want to do. >> reporter: and they were a remarkably close first couple. jimmy carter used to say rosalynn was much more than his wife. >> it's always rosalynn to whom i turn for the primary advice and we make the decisions together. she's the matriarch when our 11 grandchildren and our 4 children have a problem. they call rosalynn first because they know they'll get a sympathetic ear. >> reporter: she remained by his side, occasionally joining with other first families, and later supporting each other in their twilight, she with dementia and mr. carter in hospice. in the 39th president, rosalynn carter got more than just a husband. >> my life with jimmy carter has been more adventuresome than i ever dreamed it would be. >> joining us now with more, presidential historian douglas brinkley. doug, thank you so much for being with us. i want to start our conversation talking about the moment when the carters first arrived at the white house in 1977. that was such a fractious time in american history. the watergate scandal had toppled the nixon white house. former president ford had suffered by association and his decision to pardon nixon. and in many ways, the carters were really a breath of fresh air. so tell us about how different they were from their predecessors. >> well, they were a breath of fresh air when they were in the governor's mansion in georgia. it was jimmy carter's one term, but rosalynn carter pioneered that role. she started really creating the idea of taking care of people with mental illness, taking care of people that were incarcerated, working for poor people that didn't have ways to go to school. and she brought those talents, and along with being the one who paid all the bills in the house and, you know, wrote all the letters and was the archivist, if you'd like, they came to washington, and it was a breath of fresh air. it was exemplified on the inaugural when they walked down pennsylvania avenue together, and she created this new role, actually created the east wing in the white house with the first lady chief of staff. and she would sit in on meetings and be a key adviser. i believe she's one of the most underrated, underappreciated first ladies because she was a symbiotic, siamese twin, so to speak, of jimmy carter. >> and rosalynn was naturally shy. in fact, she said once that her knees would knock together when she had to give speeches in the early days of her husband's political career, but she worked tirelessly to become an asset. she eventually earned the nickname the steel magnolia. talk about that evolution. >> it was slow. i mean she loved, as said in the clip that world did so well, she liked being in the navy. she didn't want to come back to plains. they returned there in 1954 out of -- you know, they were in hawaii. they had been in virga and rhode island and suddenly back in plains, georgia, their hometown. there was drought in the '50s. and instead she kind of started really becoming tough. she saw she had to defend her husband. she hated losing. it's a side of her people don't see. in fact, when jimmy carter lost to ronald reagan in 1980, she was more upset, more bitter than her husband. but she gained her chops going out there and meeting people, and she was good at it. and, in fact, in 1980 when president carter really was a lot of time in the white house dealing with the iran hostage crisis, it's rosalynn carter who traveled the country, state after state, shaking everybody's hands and really becoming the best surrogate that jimmy carter had. this love of her translated when her book "a first lady from plains" was published. it outsold jimmy carter's book, "keeping faith". i think it's one of the finest, if not the finest written memoir by a first lady. so people really want to zidig deep, make sure you read her book. >> in that book, of course, she talks about how she was born in plains, georgia. she was raised a devout southern baptist but also fought for the passage of the equal rights amendment as the first lady. given the time in history, how surprising was that? >> very much on the side of equal rights for women, particularly galled her that women didn't get the same pay as men. she incidentally became very close to betty ford. in fact, people will talk about this remarkable friendship. here jimmy carter beat gerald ford in 1976. cut to eight years later, and rosalynn carter's great close friend is betty ford and jimmy carter and gerald ford became best friends. in fact, president carter gave the chief eulogy at gerald ford's funeral. you're going to be hearing about what she did in america's georgia and getting rid of the stigma of mental illness. she thought it needed to be on par with physical illness. and she pioneered and championed that. today we're more used to it. but when she was doing it in the 1970s, there was no spokesperson that was as brave as she was. and, you know, she really -- it's easy to roll out numbers. she traveled 150 countries with her husband. she went everywhere around the world. she built houses with habitat for humanity in the heat, you know, hammering nails, without complaint. she would do great outdoor adventures. she loved the outdoors as much as her husband, and they would go fishing and camping. they'd go to the mountains of north georgia and go all over the place. when you look at their legacy, the carters, how much of american land, national monuments, wildlife refugees they worked to save, it's quite remarkable. you're going to see, and we know now in the historical community, you know, people talk about the late story of ronald and nancy reagan. you have an equally dramatic love story with jimmy carter marrying his plains sweetheart. they have that incredible, long marriage of 77 years. and, you know, she was integrated with the carter family. she met jimmy carter because her close friend was ruth carter, jimmy's sister. so when you get down to a little town in sump ter county, georgia, like that, the carters, their lore is everywhere. they never became highfalutin. they always loved being in an agricultural setting. their friends all over sump ter county, but the world, it's large. so we're going to be getting a lot of outpouring of sympathy for this loss of just a great american. >> absolutely. we're already seeing that outpouring. douglas brinkley, thank you so much for joining us to reflect on this incredible life and legacy. >> thank you. >> and we'll have much more coming up on the life and legacy of first lady rosalynn carter. coming up next, cnn goes with israeli defense forces into gaza. oren liebermann joins us live to tell us what he encountered. now to the latest on the war between israel and hamas. israel claims hamas is using the al shifa hospital as a large-scale military compound. but the militant group and hospital officials deny that. today the israeli military released this new video claiming to show what it says is a tunnel shaft on the hospital's grounds. we reached out to hospital officials about this new footage but have not heard back. cnn's oren liebermann got a chance to enter gaza with the israel defense forces saturday and joins us now from tel aviv with more. oren, tell us what you saw during this embed. >> reporter: paula, we spent about six hours inside gaza. we crossed the border fence going into gaza at about 9:00 in the evening. then we came out at 3:00 in the morning. so the entire time we were there, it was in the dark. once we entered gaza city, which has been without power for days, it felt even darker than that. our main purpose was to go to the al shifa hospital complex, the largest in gaza, and take a look at the newly exposed tunnel shaft to see what we can see of it, what we can see down into it, and where it might lead. take a look. we go in under cover of darkness. as we cross the border fence, it's lights out across the gaza strip. escorted by a tank, we switch into an armored personnel carrier for the final stretch. even through a night vision screen, you can see the magnitude of the destruction on the streets of gaza city. we offlo-load at the al shifa hospital. we have to keep our lights off most of the time or risk exposing our position. cnn reported from gaza under israel defense forces escort at all times. as a condition for journalists to join this embed, media outlets must submit footage filmed in gaza for review. now in the hospital compound, we wait inside a structure to make sure the area is secure before moving the short distance to the exposed tunnel shaft. here is the entrance. you can see what looks like a ladder accessing to it. as i step over here, it's very difficult to see how far down it goes. but it looks like there's almost a central shaft for a staircase, and then the shaft disappears then down into the darkness. we move around the opening for a better look at the shaft itself. what's clear from here is this is meant to go deep underground. which direction does the tunnel go? >> we assume that the tunnel goes out, and it has another corridor to this way. >> towards the hospital? >> towards the hospital, meaning it connects the hospital to outside, which implies with the way that hamas is working, hamas is going out somewhere and going back inside to a safe place. >> reporter: we weren't allowed to enter the shaft, but the israeli military sent special gear down to see where it leads. inside, the video shows a spiral staircase. as the camera orients itself, it moves forward into a tunnel. the taunnel makes a sharp left turn, and then there is a metal door they have not yet opened because they fear it's booby-trapped. this man says a body was discovered 50 meters from the compound. >> we have evidence they were holding hospitals in rantisi, but also we have evidence that they were bringing them to she fa hospital. we're still looking for the places they might have held them. >> reporter: this is not proof of a hamas command center, but israeli continues trying to build its case that hamas uses the sanctuary of the hospital for cover, which hamas and hospital officials have denied. the idf's ability to continue its operation in gaza and the credibility of israel are at stake here as the number killed in the fighting surpasses 12,000 according to the hamas-run ministry of health. the idf says one of its missions is to destroy hamas. but with international criticism mounting, israel has to show the terror organization is using gaza's civilians and infrastructure as cover to justify an ongoing war. the idf says the tunnel shaft went about 10 meters down, so 30 or 33 feet down, and then 55 meters until that metal door you saw. so that's a bit more than 150 feet. at the same time, the idf had its daily press briefing earlier this evening in which they said they had more information about three of the hostages taken on october 7th. one of those was 19-year-old corporal knowia marciano. they say they know she was brought in alive, that she was injured in an israeli strike that killed her captor. they say she was taken into the hospital, where they say she was murdered by hamas in the hospital itself. to this point, they simply said she had been murdered. now they give a little more detail about how they believe she was murdered based on intelligence. they also say they have video from october 7th of hamas bringing a na pali hostage and a thai citizen who was a hostage into the hospital. it may be a surprise that there were a na pali or thais here but many come to israel to work as migrant workers on the farms. the idf says they will put out more information on the tunnels as it becomes available and as they continue working to try to expose them. >> oren liebermann, thank you. it has been six weeks since hamas attacked israel, killing hundreds of people, and it's still not clear what has happened to the more than 200 people being held hostage. but the biden white house is expressing optimism that a deal may soon be in the works. >> what i can say about this at this time is we think that we are closer than we have been perhaps at any point since these negotiations began weeks ago. that there are areas of difference and disagreement that have been narrowed, if not closed out entirely, but that the mantra that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed certainly applies here to such a sensitive negotiation. and there is no deal currently in place. >> cnn's natasha bertrand is following the latest developments. natasha, this is clearly a priority for the white house, but even white house officials today conceding details are scarce. what are you learning? >> reporter: so my colleague, alex marquardt and mj lee are reporting they are closing in on a deal here. that would be essentially for a four hto five-day pause in the fighting in order to release a first round of about 50 hostages. now, what actually happens here and whether this deal actually comes together is another question. there have been a number of false starts in the past when it comes it these hostage negotiations. they are extremely delicate. there are a number of different parties involved, including the qataris, the united states, and of course hamas. that makes it extremely complicated. another sticking point here that we're told is that the dynamics of actually getting fuel, getting aid into the civilians in gaza during that four to five-day pause, that is a key sticking point in terms of the logistics. how is that aid going to get in? so there are a number of key points here that are still yet to be worked out. but all of the parties involved, including the united states, including the qataris, they seem to be very optimistic that there is a chance for a large number, scores of these hostages to be released in the coming days. we should note it is expected the first hostages to be released will be likely women and children. >> the u.s. has no direct communication with hamas. so these negotiations are going through qatar. does that slow down this process? >> yeah, it certainly adds another layer to it, right? the qataris have been a pretty reliable partner throughout all of this. they have engaged in hamas in successful hostage releases in the past during the last month or so of this conflict. i would say the more unpredictable actor here is hamas. they actually, according to my colleagues' reporting, they went dark at least once over the last few days during these negotiations. they simply disappeared during the talks, and that was according to a source because of the israeli raid on al shifa hospital that caused them to pull back. but then they reappeared. that just shows you how touch and go this process is. there is no deal really until there is a deal. >> natasha, thank you so much. and next, remembering former first lady rosalynn carter. we'll be right back. ♪ you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ i have been a caregiver, i think, all of my life. i feel like i have. my father died when i was 13. i was the oldest of four children. i had two brothers and a little sister, 4 years old. my mother had never written a check. it was a difficult time for us. but i was put in charge of the little children, and that -- that was hard, and it actually made me grow up very early. >> that was former first lady rosalynn carter in 2019, talking about the more difficult parts of her life. she died at the age of 96. cnn contributor kate andersen brower joins us now. she's the author of "first women: the grace and power of america's modern first ladies." kate, thank you so much for being with us. let's talk a little bit about the legacy of rosalynn carter. >> well, you know, she was a really transformative first lady. she's the first first lady who used the east wing office every day. she considered it her job. she is only the second first lady to testify before congress. eleanor roosevelt was the first. and rosalynn carter cared deeply about mental health concerns. and when she was out campaigning for her husband, she would hear from constituents that they were suffering from mental health problems in their family. and you have to remember this is in the '70s, at a time when people were not talking about mental health in the way they are today. so she was transformative. people would say that she -- they called her the steel magnolia, and she said she didn't mind that at all because steel is tough and magnolia is southern, and she was both of those things. >> do you feel that she set an example for future first ladies like hillary clinton and michelle obama, who were also more involved in their husbands' administrations? >> i do. you know, she was criticized for that. she would sit in on cabinet meetings. she wanted to know everything that was going on because her logic was she was out campaigning for her husband, and she needed to talk to people and bring back the concerns of americans to her husband. first ladies are much closer to the american public than their husbands are. and so she absolutely laid the groundwork for women like dr. biden and hillary clinton, who are changing the role of first lady. dr. biden, by working outside of the white house, which is pretty remarkable. and i'm sure rosalynn carter would really envy that in many ways. but she was also her husband's biggest supporter, and she did so much for the carter center. after they left the white house, of course, when i interviewed her, she had tears in her eyes when she talked about eradicating guinea worm disease, this terrible disease that afflicted so many people in africa. what they did with the carter center was absolutely incredible, and they are the most humble former president and first lady you would ever meet. their house is absolutely normal. there's a lot of things that have been said about it, but i can attest that they are a rare example of a president and first lady who didn't profit from the presidency in the same way that we've seen other presidents. you know, there were not a lot of paid speeches, and a lot of the money went back to the carter center. >> and in many ways, it's a lot of us who really profited from their post-presidency life. let's talk about how they redefined that post-white house phase. what exactly were they focused on during the past few decades? >> i mean it's incredible. they would focus on -- they traveled all around the world. they were looking at elections, making sure that elections were being run fairly in other countries. she was by his side every step of the way, in asia, in africa, every he went. she was somebody who was a lot more political than people think. she was actually much more political than he was by the way. when he was president, there were times when, for instance, he wanted to make budget cuts that would affect new york, and this was right before the new york primaries. and she told him not to. so she could be a very tough politician. but what she cared about was faith, family, and making real change. and i think for her, mental health is how she would most want to be remembered. but she saved countless lives, and she was right by his side. as one of their friends told me, digging latrines in africa, helping build houses for habitat for humanity. and they could be found in plains, georgia, holding hands, walking down the street. you know, they were very humble people, and what you saw is what you got. it was her idea to have the camp david peace accords, the famous summit happen at camp david, because she thought it would be a great way to get the egyptian and israeli leader together. that's one of the longest lasting peace agreements in that part of the world. so she was there for that summit, and she was taking over 200 pages of notes and forming friendships with sadat's wife, for instance. so she understood the power of personal relationships in the white house. >> kate andersen brower, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. and next, we're breaking down the new video from inside gaza as cnn went along with the idf inside al shifa hospital. you're in the "cnn newsroom." shsheifa more now on the latest news from gaza. israel claims hamas is using the al shifa hospital as a large-scale military compound. but the militant group and hospital officials deny that. today the israeli military released this new video claiming to show what it says is a tunnel shaft on the hospital's grounds. we've reached out to hospital officials about this new footage but have not heard back. now, for more analysis on this, i want to bring in our next guest, former middle east negotiator for the state department aaron david mueller and cnn global affairs analyst kim dozier. first, aaron, your reaction to this new video from israel defense forces? >> three weeks ago, the ids spokesman, admiral hagari, in his presser basically said that the israelis believed there was a, quote, command center beneath shifa hospital. i think they probably so far have uncovered clear evidence that hamas was embedding its assets and using the hospital for cover, if not bringing hostages into the hospital. there's some evidence, there's a video clip which shows a foreign national being shepherded by hamas through the hospital. i don't know if that's been confirmed or not. whether or not there's a command center there, a sort of operating system central to hamas' coordination and operational tactics is unclear. the israelis have been in the hospital for five days. i suspect it's a large complex, they'll stay longer to see what else they find. >> kim, the international red cross keeps reminding the world throughout this war that hospitals are protected under international humanitarian law. but it has also said under that same law, hospitals may lose this protective status if they are used outside their humanitarian function. so does this then apply to what we're just seeing from the idf? >> the jury's out. that is why israel is working so hard to gather further evidence. you have to consider every part of the hospital that is hidden, that they're trying to reach, and this whole tunnel network. much of it is booby-trapped. some of it has militants still in hiding. so they're proceeding very carefully and doing things like the video clip that the idf released, that aaron talked about. they gathered that from security footage allegedly from inside the hospital. that means someone had to sit down and watch thousands of hours of security footage since october 7th to find those two alleged hostages. now i'm interested in hearing from the countries from which they've been kidnapped to see if they also confirm that, yes, those are pictures of our hostages, confirming what israel claims because, of course, israel has been just in a couple of incidents in the past caught out saying one thing and then later backtracking. so right now i think that's also why they're proceeding so carefully and slowly with this. every single thing they want to show, they make sure they hope it won't be challenged. >> aaron, more than two dozen newborn babies were moved to another hospital in the southern part of gaza. now the idf is saying hamas is moving south. if there are claims that the militant group is using hospitals as cover are correct, is there a fear that those babies will still undergo the same difficulties they did at al shifa hospital? >> the reality is that there are hamas assets farther south. kahn -- khan yunis -- the israelis have been pressed by the administration to make sure that they can figure out a way to cater to the needs of those gazans who they have basically instructed to move farther south. so, again, i think you have to consider the question of proportionality. if the value of the target has to be proportional to the calculation of how many civilians are in harm's way. so i think based on what we've seen and the uncertainties involved in this israeli operation, that there's likely to be additional palestinian deaths and casualties as a consequence of the operations when the israelis move farther south into khan yunis. >> aaron, i also want to ask you about the hostage negotiations. the white house appears to be working around the clock to reach a deal. two sources tell cnn a possible deal on the table would include a four to five-day pause in the fighting for the release of about 50 hostages. does that sound like a reasonable deal to you? >> there are a lot of parts to this. it's so opaque. middle east negotiations generally have only two speeds, slow and slower. there's a clear component part to this, which involves the israelis releasing and a commensurate number of probably more women and adolescents in israeli prisons. then you have to negotiate over the duration -- three days, four days, five days? and then there's also the question of whether they're going to split up families and whether they're going to release women and children if, in fact, they are related together, which i would think would be a key component in this trade. it reflects the fact that hamas is under great pressure. they're also interested in a p.r. victory, and i think they believe this phased approach to negotiating with hostages will impose further constraints on the israelis in an effort to delay and perhaps, as international pressure builds, create circumstances for what hamas really wants, which is a cease-fire. >> kim, how difficult are these negotiations when both president biden and israel have been rejecting these mounting calls for a cease-fire? >> well, the qataris mainly have been working this behind the scenes as they have some major hamas leadership hosted in their country. a long time ago, that was done at the bush administration's request, as i understand. but you're working through different parties. you're not talking directly. and also especially in the case of israel, the netanyahu government is dealing with the right wing of its right wing that doesn't want to negotiate, doesn't like even two truckloads of fuel going into gaza every day, wants to completely cut the gazans off. and one of those officials even talked about the nuclear option for gaza. so that's what netanyahu is dealing with and making a pause or agreeing to a pause of four or five days means a whole lot of time for hamas to regroup. and benjamin netanyahu will take a lot of censure from his right flank on that. >> aaron david miller and kim dozier, thank you. and coming up, president biden reacting to the death of former first lady rosalynn carter. we'll be back in a moment. president biden just paid tribute to former first lady rosalynn carter, who has died at the age of 96. cnn's gabe cohen is traveling with the president. gabe, what did he say? >> reporter: paula, we just heard from president biden speaking before boarding air force one to head back to d.c. from an event here in norfolk, virginia, speaking about rosalynn carter's passing. let's play what he had to say. take a listen. >> and i was speaking to her grandson, and the family was just showing up. you know, they're really an incredible family because they brought so much grace to the office. and, you know, it's one thing if one is being president and you're putting on a show while you're president. look at what kind of post-president he was. he did the same thing for people after he was president, when he was retired, not for money, for just help. he's an incredible guy, and he still is there. i talked to the family today -- not the family -- the family spokesman today in plains. i was told that all of the family, all the children and grandchildren are with jimmy carter. and i always joke because he always would say to me, you're the first person -- i endorsed him. i was the first person to endorse him as u.s. senator when he ran. but he has great integrity and still does, and she did too. imagine they were together 77 years. anyway, i hope -- they were together. >> reporter: the president ha been holding a friends giving event with the first lady on this navy base, feeding service members and their families. when the event kicked off, the first lady, jill biden, gave her own remarks about rosalynn carter, saying that she was well-known in her efforts, rosalynn carter, that is, on mental health and caregiving and women's rights. so i hope that during the holidays you'll consider including the carter family in your prayers. and president biden has spoken about his close relationship, the close relationship he's maintained with former president carter in recent years. in 2021, the bidens visited the carters at their home in georgia, and they have maintained this close bond. biden even saying in recent months that former president carter has asked him to give his eulogy when he passes, paula. it just speaks to the close connection the two families had, making this moment far more difficult as you can imagine. >> of course. gabe cohen, thank you. and we'll have much more coming up. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. you're in the "cnn newsroom." i'm paula reid in washington. breaking news we're following tonight. former first lady rosalynn carter has passed away peacefully in her home this afternoon at the age of 96. the carter center is remembering her as a tireless advocate for those living with mental illness and as a champion of democracy, who looked to advance human rights. former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton saying she was an unwavering voice for the overlooked and underrepresented, noting that because of her mental health advocacy, more people live with better care and less stigma. and moments ago, we heard from president biden, who applauded her integrity. >> you know, they're really an incredible family because they brought so much grace to the office. i talked with the family today -- not the family -- the family spokesman today in plains, and i was told that all the family, all the children and grandchildren, are with jimmy. but he has great integrity. he still does, and she did too. imagine they were together, what, 77 years. >> cnn's wolf blitzer takes a look back on her remarkable life and legacy

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President Of The United States , Congratulations , Briefings , Cabinet , Applause , God , Mental Illness , Carters , Advocate , White House , Coverage , Treatment , Health Care Costs , Mentally Zb Ill , 1981 , Carter Center , Community , Museum Rights , Building Houses For The Poor , Challenge , Poverty , Foundation , Habitat For Humanity , Resolving Conflicts , Stigma , Diseases , Heart , Focus , Issue , Part , Town , Leukemia , Neighbors , Congressional Committee , 44 , 12 , Medal Of Freedom , Privy , Hiding Place , Cry , 1999 , World , Civilians , Administration , More , Nations , Achievements , 115 , It Doesn T , Couple , Grandchildren , Rosalynn , Advice , Decisions , Matriarch , 11 , Families , President , Side , Each Other , Ear , Twilight , Dementia , 39 , Douglas Brinkley , First , Fractious Time In American History , Conversation , Doug , Watergate Scandal , 1977 , Ways , Breath , Decision , Former , Association , Predecessors , Ford , Fresh Air , Pardon Nixon , Care , Role , Idea , Term , Mansion , House , Talents , Bills , Didn T Have Ways , Wing , Letters , Archivist , Washington , Pennsylvania Avenue , Meetings , Key Adviser , Underrated , Chief Of Staff , Fact , Speeches , Career , Symbiotic , Knees , Siamese Twin , Asset , Clip , Navy , Revolution , Nickname , Hometown , Virga , Drought , Hawaii , Rhode Island , 1954 , 50 , Ronald Reagan , Upset , 1980 , It , Lot , Meeting , Iran Hostage Crisis , Everybody , Hands , Surrogate , Keeping Faith , Memoir , Finest , Zidig Deep , Course , Passage , Equal Rights Amendment , Southern Baptist , Women , Rights , Pay , Men , Friend , Friendship , Gerald Ford , Betty Ford , Beat , 1976 , Eight , Friends , Chief Eulogy , Illness , Funeral , America S Georgia , Par , Spokesperson , Brave , 1970 , Everywhere , Houses , Countries , Hammering Nails , Complaint , Numbers , Heat , Around The World , 150 , Camping , Adventures , Mountains , Fishing , All Over The Place , Wildlife Refugees , Story , Monuments , Land , Nancy Reagan , Incredible , Love Story , Carter Family , Plains Sweetheart , 77 , Ruth Carter , Jimmy , Lore , Sump Ter County , Highfalutin , Outpouring , Setting , Loss , Sympathy , Great American , First Lady , Inside Gaza , Oren Liebermann , Coming Up , Israeli Defense Forces , Hamas , Israel , War , Latest , She Fa Hospital , Tunnel Shaft , Group , Video , Al Shifa Hospital , Officials , Claims Hamas , Military Compound , Israeli Military , Footage , Grounds , Chance , Tel Aviv , Border Fence , Oren , Embed , 3 , 9 , Six , 00 , Time , Largest , Dark , Purpose , Take A Look , Al Shifa Hospital Complex , Lights Out , Under Cover Of Darkness , Gaza Strip , Magnitude , Stretch , Streets , Armored Personnel Carrier , Tank , Destruction , Night Vision Screen , We Offlo , Times , Flights , Risk , Position , Journalists , Media Outlets , Condition , Gaza Under , Ladder , Hospital Compound , Area , Entrance , Review , Distance , Structure , Shaft , Staircase , Opening , The Darkness , Way , Direction , Corridor , Tunnel Goes Out , Deep Underground , Tunnel Go , Place , Somewhere , Outside , Inside , Military , Gear , Tunnel , Camera , Spiral Staircase , Taunnel , Left , Turn , Evidence , Hospitals , Compound , Booby Trapped , Body , Oman , Rantisi , Cover , Case , Command Center , Sanctuary , Number , Fighting , Operation , Ministry Of Health , Ability , Credibility , Stake , Emissions , Hamas Run , 12000 , Terror Organization , Mounting , Criticism , Infrastructure , 30 , Hostages , Saw , Information , Press , Feet , Briefing , You , 55 , 33 , Knowia Marciano , Strike , October 7th , Captor , 19 , 7 , Hostage , Intelligence , Detail , Bringing A Na Pali , Citizen , Surprise , Migrant Workers , Farms , Thai , Thais , Na Pali , Tunnels , Killing Hundreds , Deal , Works , Optimism , 200 , Negotiations , Everything , Areas , Mantra , Difference , Nothing , Disagreement , Negotiation , Priority , Developments , Natasha Bertrand , Pause , Reporting , Colleague , Details , Order , Alex Marquardt , Mj Lee Are , Hto , Five , Parties , Question , Hostage Negotiations , Ground , Qataris , Aid , Dynamics , Fuel , Wall , Sticking Point , Points , Terms , Logistics , Communication , Process , Partner , Hostage Releases , Player , Source , Conflict , Colleagues , Factor , Talks , Raid , Touch And Go , Remembering Former , Internet , Child , Resources , Tools , Internet Essentials Program , Son , Generation , Hidden Genius Project , Skills , Kevin , Fellas , Caregiver , All Of My Life , Brothers , 13 , Two , Mother , Check , Charge , Parts , Age , 2019 , Grace , Kate Andersen Brower , Bit , Author , First Ladies , Office , She S The First , Job , Constituents , Mental Health Concerns , Congress , Eleanor Roosevelt , Mental Health Problems , Suffering , She , 70 , Things , Husbands , Hillary Clinton , Example , Both , Magnolia Is Southern , Michelle Obama , Administrations , Cabinet Meetings , Logic , Dr , Groundwork , Concerns , Public , Americans , Supporter , Guinea Worm Disease , Eyes , Tears , Digging Latrines In Africa , Money , Presidents , Didn T Profit , House Phase , Elections , Run , Step , All Around The World , In Asia , Instance , Somebody , Budget Cuts , New York , Politician , Faith , Primaries , Real Change , Helping Build Houses , Lives , Holding Hands , Camp David Peace Accords , The Street , Famous Summit , Leader , Peace , Summit , Egyptian , Agreements , Notes , Pages , Camp David , Friendships , Wife , Relationships , Sadat , Idf Inside Al Shifa Hospital , Shsheifa , News , Kim Dozier , State Department Aaron David Mueller , Middle East , Negotiator , Analysis , Guest , Cnn Global Affairs , Admiral Hagari , Presser , Reaction , Ids Spokesman , Assets , Israelis , Quote , Command Center Beneath Shifa Hospital , Video Clip , Being , Sort , Tactics , Whether , Operating System , Coordination , Complex , International Red Cross , Law , Status , Function , Reach , The Jury S Out , Tunnel Network , Some , Militants , Hiding , 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Living , Bill Clinton , Human Rights , Voice , Mental Health Advocacy ,

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