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israel defense forces are almost a full day into what they call a precise and targeted operation to hunt out hamas in a hospital. what exactly does that mean? "the lead" starts right now. inside of that hospital, in gaza, now a military scene where israel and the u.s. say hamas is hiding a command center under the hospital. what is the goal of this targeted operation? also brand-new on "the lead." 100 minutes of horror, exclusive video from the body cam of a terrorist for the first time, you could see video from inside of a hamas tunnel. before that group's horrific october 7th attack. plus, you might not believe this, hunter biden wants to subpoena donald trump. welcome to "the lead," i'm jake tapper. gaza's largest hospital is under siege. israeli forces launched a raid on the al shifa hospital in the early hours on wednesday after accusing hamas of operating from tunnels, souped by american intelligence. a report he inside of the hospital said the complex is surrounded on all sides and explosions are shaking the walls and hundreds of patients and staff are blockade inside of the complex. earlier at a different hospital in central gaza, a man described what hamas denies. take a listen. [ speaking in global language ] >> that man clearly upset. and claiming that hamas hides among the people in gaza. interesting. back in the united states, the white house insisting israel did not give the united states any advance warning of this israeli excursion at al shifa hospital as calls grow from democrats and republicans for president biden to use his influence with israel to implore the netanyahu government to be more mindful of the humanitarian needs in gaza. and in a war that seems to have had a tragically high toll on the children of gaza, today's israel's first lady sarah revealed that an israeli hostage has given birth in hamas captivity. so the youngest hostage now of hamas is now a newborn. we're going to start with nada bashir as doctors in gaza are racing to save patients stuck in the middle of a massive military operation. >> reporter: weeks of bombardment had already left gaza's largest hospital in what has been described as a catastrophic situation. doctors at al shifa working under impossible circumstances. caring for hundreds of patients. as the military incursion moves into the hospital. >> the occupation soldiers are still on the ground floor. they are searching employees, civilians and even it injured and patients. some were striped and placed in dehumanizing and miserable conditions. >> reporter: israel's raid has been described as precise and targeted. focused, they say, on claimed of a hamas command center beneath the hospital. but it is civilians, including medical staff and pashs, that have about caught in the center of this unrelenting battle. >> we don't know what is happening. [ inaudible ]. but again it is a totally scary situation. >> what are the sounds, doctor, i'm hearing sounds. >> it is shooting from -- >> reporter: israeli defense officials say soldiers found concrete evidence that hamas used al shifa hospital as what they have described as a terror headquarters. the details were not further provided on the nature of this evidence. with hamas and health care officials have long denied a military presence within al shifa. cnn cannot verify the claims. the idf has not specified which area of the large hospital complex they operated in. and with over a thousand patients and medical staff still inside, many are expressing alarm over the impact of the israeli military operation. >> our concern is for the welfare of the patients of that hospital. which is, of course, in great peril at the moment. we have no fuel to run it. the babies have no incubators, newly born and some are dead already. we can't move them out. it is too dangerous. >> reporter: on wednesday, the israeli military said they had delivered supplies to the al shifa hospital. cnn cannot verify this claim and has not been able to reach out for confirmation. but they have worn that babies at al shifa are in severe danger as conditions in the hospital deteriorate further. adding that there is no place to move dozens of incubators outside of the hospital under current circumstances. but even as israel tightens its grip on al shifa, now said to be under the complete control of the israeli military, according to hamas, doctors say they will continue to do whatever they can to save the lives of those wounded in this devastating war. and jake, the humanitarian chief has described this raid on al shifa as appalling but has called on both sides to prioritize the safety of civilians at the al shifa hospital complex. as we know more than a thousand patients and medical staff there as well as civilians around the complex. and of course, well we are still hearing the calls for civilians to evacuate, doctors say it is impossible to get the vast majority of the patients out safely in the current conditions they are facing. jake. >> nada bashir, thank you. ed lavendera is in tel aviv and he has more information on this ongoing military operation by the israelis in al shifa hospital. ed, let's look more closely at the sprawling hospital grounds. pardon me. what do you know about where the idf is operating? >> reporter: well it is not clear where some of the latest information that military officials have put out. but you could see from that -- that picture of the hospital, it is a massive complex. and israeli military officials had said they have gone through there almost 24 hours ago urging people to get away from the windows and seek safer areas as these military operations began. the israeli military also said that this afternoon they released some details saying that they have concrete evidence of how this area was being used as a kpcommand and control operation for hamas military fi fighters and started releasing information about what they were finding and one of the specific places they were talking about was in a room where mri's are conducted. i can't tell you exactly where that is on the grounds. but that is the latest information that we have. >> and walk us through this latest video released by the idf which we should note cnn has geo located it but can he can't independently verify what is said or shown as cnn is not on the the ground there and we haven't gotten comment from hospital officials. but tell us about it. >> reporter: this is a video that was just published a short while ago but the israeli defense force spokesperson's office and in that video you could see there, as they tour this mri office, we'll let you listen to a little bit of what spokesperson said and what they discovered in that area. >> -- have no business being in a hospital. military kit for one hamas terrorist. a live grenade and ammunition and fighting wrist with insignia and uniformed an last but not least, standard ak-47. inside of the hospital we found another bag. >> reporter: it is important to point out. as they have walked us through this video, they saw a collection of firearms and other military equipment. israeli officials say that as this operation is ongoing, they have suggested that there would be a video concrete of evidence of thi of this command and control structure. what has been released doesn't show it. that is one area of the massive hospital complex. so we're awaiting to see if more of this information will be released in the hours or if not days ahead. >> ed lavendera in tel aviv. thank you so much. and with us in studio is the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, chairman mccaul. thank you so much for being here. the chairman of the house intelligence committee, your colleague congressman mike turner of ohio told me last week the u.s. is, quote, not pleased with israel's attempt at reducing civilian casualties and he said they're trying but it is not enough. do you agree in. >> look, this hospital is a military base essentially. the infrastructure. when i talked to -- >> for hamas. >> for hamas. and they use human shields, civilians and hostages. we talked to the minister of defense and said, you have to release this evidence. of what they're doing and the tunnels an the hospital to get this information out. i was really pleased that kirby and the white house came out with the truth that this hospital is being used as a military base in essence and putting innocent civilians at risk. and hostages. that is what they're doing. now, the humanitarian pause, the israelis support that. netanyahu told us that. that is four hours every day, to allow innocent civilians to take the road through the buffer zone they've created to southern gaza where the humanitarian efforts are taking place. food, medicine and water are coming through the rafah gates into southern gaza. is it perfect? no. but hamas is putting their own people at risk here. and i just -- when i met with the prime minister, he showed the hamas videos of them invading israel, and barbarically killing, raping, decapitating and burning. so let's not lose sight of who the victim really is. >> so, it is interesting, i'm wondering what you make of the fact that we hear criticism from the united nations and from ngo's of the israelis attacking hamas in that hospital for example. but i have yet to hear and maybe i missed it to be quite honest, but i have not heard, and again this might be my fault, but i don't think i've heard the u.n. and the ngo's criticizing hamas for having a command node under the hospital or for setting up bases embedded within the population of gaza. did i miss it? >> no, you're absolutely correct. they are a foreign terrorist organization. designated as such by u.s. law. they oppress the palestinians. and it is very important point to make, that when we're in israel, they want to liberate the palestinians from their oppressor. and there will not be peace in the middle east until hamas is eliminated as a governing body. israel has no intention of occupying gaza, by the way. they want to turn it over. two things that couldn't governor is israel and hamas. and the international community needs to come together and gulf states, jordan, egypt, all need to come together as part of this solution. and the reason why hamas invaded in the first place, in my judgment, is a 50-year anniversary of yom kippur, but also the fact that the saudis were working ought this normalization agreement with israel. that terrified iran and iran lit up their proxies. >> yeah. you said something just a second ago about israelis being the victim and i want to play part of something that you said after you watched the footage that you just referred to of the hamas attack on october 7th. >> they want members to see this, to never forget. to remember what happened on october 7th. as we see the narrative shifting, that somehow the palestinians are the victims. well i could assure you, everybody who saw that video today knows who the real victims are. the victims were the jewish people. >> i just wonder, it is not an either/or. there are victims in gaza too, right? >> of course. and the palestinians are victims of hamas. just as the jewish people are victims of hamas. this is a largest killing of jewish people since my father's war, world war ii and the holocaust. and that is hugely important. our gripe is not with the palestinian people. we want to liberate them from their oppressor. and so for the protests, i'm not sure, first of all, it would be great if they could see this video. and what i'm seeing on social media is a disinformation run by raun and russia and china and tiktok controls this. if you type in israel and palestinian, it is going to feed you information that is pro-hamas. >> today there was another instance where u.s. warship shot down a drone they think originated from yemen. this comes after a string of attacks by iran-backed proxies on u.s. forces in the middle east. what is your message to americans who fear that all of this could quickly evolve or devolve rather into a wider war, whether it is the u.s. fighting hezbollah, or the houthi rebels or more. and people are genuinely afraid. the u.s. has been attacked in syria and iraq and people are afraid this is going to end up with u.s. boots on an ground. >> and this is a nightmare scenario. my committee will provide the authorization of military force. we're not authorized to hit hezbollah, hamas or iran for that matter. we don't want to see that happen. so deterrence is really key here. so you have the carrier strike force in the mediterranean. the carrier strike force going into the persian gulf and a nuclear submarine providing that deterrence. now we've been hit 55 times in iraq and syria. >> riekght. >> with only three responses, i brought up this up at the classified briefing, this is not deterrence. but i do give the administration credit for this. the president has been very strong on israel and they have put force protection into the region to make sure that this doesn't lead to hezbollah firing their 100,000 rockets which would overload the iron dome. >> if all of that presence in the mediterranean isn't providing the deterrence, to dissuade the houthi rebels or hezbollah from attacking u.s. forces, then what will? >> i think they need to respond stronger to these attacks. they're very worried about firing rockets into yemen. again, an authorization of use of military force situation. that is in defense of israel, not our troops. so our troops in iraq and syria, that is article 2 self-defense. but they don't have authorization to hit yemen. or hezbollah and lebanon or hamas for that matter. and gaza. and i think that -- now we don't wan this to escalate and i think deterrence is the best way to ensure that does not happen. and i think congress should be talking about this a lot. we're prepared to do an authorization. if that will deter a escalation. >> you should be talking about it instead of shooting elbows to each other's kidneys in the hallways. chairman mccaul, thank you so much for being here. >> i wasn't involved in that. >> i know. remarkable video. body cam video from hamas showing his unbelievable free rain. it is shocking and horrifying. stay with us. and we're back with our world lead. when hamas terrorists broke through the border offense and began their attack on october 7th, many were wearing go pro cameras an they wanted to document the attack. some of the footage would be used as hamas propaganda, but not all of it. because some of the terrorists were killed. and cnn obtained exclusive video from the israeli military, the idf said it shows the reality of what happened. which many call israel's 9/11. one long continuous video shows 100 minutes of horror. we have to warn you, some of what you're about to see is graphic and upsetting. >> an explosion. before dawn, an october 7th. the time is here, and the attack is underway. god is great, they chant. as they cross the breached fence. go right, go right, go right, they say. less than two minutes later, they cross the second security fence. they are in israel heading towards a kibbutz. the sun is up and a day that will reshape the region has begun. this video comes from the body cam of one of the terrorists who took part in the attack. it was obtained excusively by cnn from the israel defense forces. for the first time, we also see video inside of hamas tunnels before the attack. it is a look into a network of tunnels. with what appear to be supplies and stored in the darkness. writing on walls in arabic said what is hidden is far worse. above ground, the gunman fired his first shots. go on, men, he screams. [ sound of gunfire ] they stop on the way. more than a dozen gather here to prepare for the next assault. one has several rocket-propelled grenades on his back. minutes later a group advances across an open field moving toward a village. the gunman charged the last bit and spots an israeli soldier on the ground. others join in celebration. moments later, he's more composed as he turns the camera on himself. he said his name and that he's 24 years old, he's a father and he killed two israelez soldiers and asked god for victory and well deserved martyrdom. on moater bikes they keep advancing moving together along empty israeli roads or nearly empty. the man cheers as he sees bodies on the road. his is not the first wave. he rounds a corner. here, we have seen this place before. among the first videos to come out after the attack. this is dash-cam video from a car on the same road moments earlier. the car approaches a group of militants who open fire. the car coasts and its driver almost certainly dead by now. it is just after 7:40 in the morning. after a quick reload, the group approaches a military base near a kibbutz. for 65 minutes, since crossing the gaza fence, they've had nearly free reign in israel. the gunman closed the distance with a weapon he took from an israeli soldier, opening fire and firing comes back. [ sound of gunfire ] this man part of the attack comes to an end. the terror is just beginning. one of the questions asked by so many in this group in the 100 minutes of video is where are the soldiers and that is a question the idf will have to answer in the investigations that follow this war and those investigations from those we have talked to will be long and thorough as te try to figure out what went wrong on october 7th. if i may say, this was some very difficult video to watch and we it to look at it multiple times and i would like to thank the team that worked on this and our translators that helped us with this. >> thanks so much. for hours now president biden and xi jinping has been meeting behind closed doors. the length of the meeting might speak how much tension there is to talk through. we'll get into that next. also in our world lead, president biden and chinese president xi jinping are in the third hour of their talks out there in california. both are attending a summit of leaders from countries that border the pacific ocean. this meeting comes as u.s.-china relationship may be at its lower point since relations were normalized in the late 1970s. at start of this meeting on camera, both leaders tried to sound and look optimistic. >> i value our conversation because i think it is paramount that you and i understand each other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions or miscommunication. >> planet earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed and one country's success is an opportunity for the other. >> cnn's mj lee is in san francisco and mark stuart is joining us from beijing. and m.j., what is president biden hoping to accomplish here and do we have any hints yet about how things are going floor this third hour of their meeting so far? >> reporter: well, according to president biden himself, one of the goals is simply to change the relationship for the better. jake, u.s.-china relations had hit such a rock bottom that when the two leaders met a year ago on the side lines of the g20 summit, the goal was to establish a floor in that relationship. now heading into this summit today, u.s. officials are saying that what they want is to re-es re-establish diplomacy and open up the lines of communication that they say are so important between two superpowers like the u.s. and china. and particularly focusing on that military to military communication that china had recently severed. when the two leaders met each other and greeted each other here, they did acknowledge that things had been rocky at times. take a listen. >> translator: china u.s. relationship has never been smooth sailing over the past 50 years and also faces problems of one kind or another yet it has kept moving forward amid twists and turns. >> mr. president, we know each forge for a long time. we haven't always agreed which is not a surprise to anyone. but our meetings have always been candid and straightforward and useful. >> reporter: and candid conversations of course, means that they are touching on some tough issues for two countries. u.s. officials had said heading into this summit that president biden does intend to discuss with president xi jinping issues related to taiwan including the upcoming elections. u.s. officials did not want the chinese trying to interfere with those elections. there is also the issue of china's provocations in the south china sea and the spy balloon is expected to come up. but the big hope for the u.s. is to have the start of improved relations between the two countries. >> and mark, what is the attitude where you are in beijing? how is this meeting being interpreted in china? >> reporter: it is interesting, we've been looking at social media, we've been looking at state media, which is essentially the government's messaging service. and there is very much a theme of encouragement and optimism concerning u.s.-china relations. if fact, one phrase that caught my attention was this idea of cooperation over competition. and this optimism may be very much needed and is important for beijing to project. because if we look at china right now, there are a number of domestic struggles it is facing including a slow-going economy and high youth unemployment and a housing crisis. i was talking to one analyst. one takeaway that china would like to see from this meeting is more foreign investment, including that from the united states. hence this air of optimism that china and beijing are trying to project right now. >> m.j. lee and mark stuart, thank you both. coming up, why hunter biden believes he has good reason to subpoena donald trump and that is not the only name on his subpoena list. stay with us. in our law and justice lead, hunter biden, the president's son, wants to subpoena former president donald trump. and three other senior officials, including former attorney general bill barr. his lawyers claim that the former president applied political pressure to launch a criminal investigation of him that led to three federal gun charges against him, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to them. let's bring in paula reid. the twists and turns of this case is quite fascinating. what information are hunter biden's lawyers hoping to garner with these subpoenas? >> so they would hope to get documents and other evidence that would support their argument that hunter has been investigated and charged as a result of improper political pressure. for example, bill barr talked about in his book how trump called him and asked about the status of that investigation. and barr refused engage. but that is the kind of thing that they're looking for here. now, i will note that when hunter biden's plea deal fell apart this year and he was subsequently charged, it was a trump appointed u.s. attorney handling the case. but none of these other officials were in office. but this is also part of the more forward leaning strategy that hunder and his attorneys have been taking. this is more aggressing, their purging back at people that they perceive has targeted hunter. >> i wan to turn to the civil law case in new york. they filed for a mistrial alleging that the judge who will decide the case is bias against him. is this like a legal hail mary, we're going to lose this case so might as well try to get a police trial. >> jake, i avoid the sports analyst but yes indeed, this is a hail mary. but they're not necessarily focused on winning in court. part of this is about the court of public opinion. because there are arguing once again that the judge and his clerk are politically biased against him. now the former president is under a gag order that prevents him from attacking the clerk but this is another way to make that argument in public. but the jum has been overseeing this trial, has already found him liable for fraud and needs to decide on this. it is expected he's not going to grant this but it could also be appealed. also today, there are so many trials. >> so many trials. >> it is very difficult. >> god bless my job security. >> a judge overseeing the election subversion case in georgia said that he plans to lockdown sensitive evidence after the recent leak of videotapes interviews of defendants who struck plea deals with prosecutors. this was our ablock at 5:00 yesterday speaking of job security. what could you tell us about that? >> so of all of the trials, this is one of stranger things that we've seen. we saw the videos leak that several allies gave. >> sidney powell and jenna ellis. >> and then these leak and they tried to find out who had done it and one said in an email to the district attorney, it was us and then rescinded us and said just kidding. that was a typo. it wasn't us. and then today in court attorneys for another defendant, misty hampton, said we are the ones that leaked this information. we believe the public had a right to see this. so, the judge, understandably, has here issued a protective order to protect the leak of additional information. cnn are opposed to this kind of protective order believing there is a public interest in seeing evidence like this but the judge notes that there are things that the jury will never see and there is a reason for that so it is unlikely but not impossible we'll see any other leaks. >> i'm in favor of leaks. if full transparency. get it all out. >> and let the american people see it. paula reid, good to see you. say donald trump doesn't make the cut as the 2024 gop nominee. it could happen. unlikely but it could happen. who would be a better choice for republicans in governor ron desantis or nikki haley? i'll pose that question to a third republican presidential candidate next. president biden slamming donald trump accusing the former president of using language similar to nazis after trump in a speech in new hampshire on saturday called his political rivals vermin. biden warns donors that trump would use his second term for revenge and retribution. saying, quote, there is a lot of reasons to be against donald trump but, damn, he shouldn't be president. with me now republican candidate for president chris christie. former governor of new jersey. governor, do you agree with president biden's warning? >> you bet. i absolutely do. and look, not only is it awful, but it is reminiscent of the language using in nazi germany during the -- and i'm used to this guy doing it. the republican party ten days or so, got on stage because i criticized him in a speech earlier in the day and called me a fat pig. i mean, this is a guy who -- there is nothing he wone say or do if you don't kiss his rear end. >> i think one of the alarming things about it though, is that dehumanizing rhetoric, isn't just rhetoric. there is an element of violence that he's introduced to in the republican party that we've seen play out. and continues to play out. >> look, i think that what he's done with his use of language is the permission to allow of people who then believe they could take it even further. and they could actionize the things that he's saying. weaponize the things that he's saying. and most people won't use that type of language because they know there is a risk of that. he doesn't care. he just doesn't care, jake. i mean if it is good for him at that moment, he'll do it and then if something bad happens he's disown any responsibility for it. >> you just returned from a trip to israel and you gave a major foreign policy address in which you said the world needs to make sure they have the time and resources before there could be any calls for a cease-fire. president biden has agreed with you on the cease-fire. but he has been calling for humanitarian pause for two reasons, to help secure the release of hostages and also to allow humanitarian aid into gaza for for the civilians. do you disagree with a him pause? >> i don't think it is our call. i think it is the call of the israeli defense forces. look, they're in a war, jake. and fact is that they need to do what they need to do to eliminate the threat of hamas. i was at the kibbutz on sunday, when you see the utter destruction there, i went to one home where a 24-year-old couple used they were both murderred on october 7th. the blood is still all over the homes of their floor. there was 140 bullet holes in the walls. you can't negotiate with folks like this, because their goal is simply to eradicate not just israel but the jewish people. so i understand we don't want any loss of innocent civilian life, but let's remember two things. there was a cease-fire on october 6th and it was ha mags t -- hamas that broke it on october 7. secondly, you cannot allow people in gaza to be used as human shields and all the rest and then blame it on the israelis. it is hamas that is enslaving their own people. >> do you think that there is any good that can come out of this? in other words, is there any hopes for a two-state solution from this? you get rid of hamas, if that's even possible, because in some ways hamas is an idea as much as a terrorist zbgroup. is there some way that a palestinian state emerging out of this? >> it's one of the things i was saying in israel this weekend and publicly here. the first two priorities are to protect israel's territorial integrity, the safety and security of their people. the second is to eliminate hamas as a military and governing force in gaza. the third is to continue to isolate iran. iran is the banker of terrorism in that region. a two-state solution is a way to isolate iran. but we need arab neighbors to continue to work with you. so the very tough needle that israel needs to thread is to do what they need to do militarily, but not go so overboard that it looks just like lehet bugs -- retribution. then you'll have other states to further isolate iran. >> do you support a two-state solution? >> i do. >> one political question. i know you're in it to win it. you want to win. i understand that you definitely think that donald trump should not be president. let me just ask you, when nikki haley and ron desantis, do you think one would be a better president or a least worst president than the other? >> not ready to make that call yet. there's a lot more for them to show. but it's really very discouraging to me that you heard nikki haley on the stage say donald trump was the right president for the right time and have her say that she was inclined to pardon him. and for ron desantis to say all the supportive things he said about donald trump. both of them raised their hand on the stage in the first debate and said they would support him even if he is a convicted felon. george washington, thomas jefferson, ben franklin are rolling in their graves. if they knew they would have had the audacity as a felon, which donald trump will be come this spring, to run for president and other people running for the office would be willing to support someone like that, they would have acted being a convicted felon as a requirement for the presidency. to say you can be the rightful heir of washington with washington, lincoln, fdr, to say i will support a convicted felon gives me great concern about their judgment. one last thing, you can't beat him unless you try to beat him. they're continuing to cuddle up to the guy. he's up by 30 points. and so i'm trying to beat him. they're trying to come in, a very respectable second. i don't think that's the way to run any race and i'm not going to run this one that way. >> chris christie, welcome back from israel. >> thanks for having me today, jake. we are just getting word that the meeting between joe biden and xi jinping just wrapped up in california after nearly three hours. meanwhile, the house committee on china is releasing a frightening new report about the discovery of a drug lab in california that had viles containing, according to the labels, the aids virus, covid, and more. the top republican and top democrat on that committee will be here with their report t t t. that's's next. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. welcome to "the lead. "i'm jake tapper. an all-out war between president biden and the state of new hampshire. no shots fired, but biden will not be on the state's primary ballot. that's big. and it could have major implications on his 2024 re-election chances. plus, fed up in texas. the governor so frustrated with the federal government he's going of the route, trying to make border crossings illegal at the state level, trying to get law enforcement and local judges the power to make arrests. could this go up to the u.s. supreme court? lead thing hour, joe biden and xi jinping may be all smiles in front of the cameras, but there is simmering tension behind the scenes from spy balloons to cyber attacks, to military showdowns and trade wars. fraction as these two meet. the white house just announced the biden-xi meeting has wrapped up, and cnn's david cu

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Don T , Game , Home , Internet , It , T Mobile , Verizon , Xfinity 10g Network , 5 , 10 , Hospital , Hamas , Operation , Israel Defense Forces , U S , Lead , Israel , Central Gaza , Command Center , Goal , Say Hamas , Military Scene , Video , Time , Horror , Terrorist , Inside , Hamas Tunnel , The Body Cam , 100 , Hunter Biden , Say Donald Trump , Group , Attack , October 7th , 7 , Al Shifa Hospital , Raid , Forces , Jake Tapper , Siege , Patients , Tunnels , Complex , Report , Walls , Sides , Operating , Souped By American Intelligence , Explosions , Hundreds , Oman , Staff , Listen , Blockade , People , Language , Back , Speaking , Hides , White House , President , Calls , Government , Warning , Republicans , Excursion , Influence , Advance , Democrats , War , Hostage , Needs , Children , First Lady , Sarah , Doctors , Newborn , Captivity , Birth , Racing , Nada , Reporter , Situation , Military Operation , Middle , Bombardment , Occupation Soldiers , Circumstances , Ground Floor , Caring , Military Incursion Moves , Employees , Conditions , Some , Dehumanizing , Center , Son , Battle , Focused , Pashs , Inaudible , Soldiers , Evidence , Hearing Sounds , Doctor , Shooting , Defense Officials , Officials , Details , Military Presence , Terror Headquarters , Nature , Health Care , Area , Cnn , Many , Claims , Impact , Alarm , A Thousand , Course , Concern , Babies , Fuel , Incubators , Israeli Military Operation , Welfare , Peril , Israeli Military , Supplies , Claim , Place , Dozens , Confirmation , Danger , Control , Grip , Jake , Chief , Civilians , Safety , Al Shifa Hospital Complex , Ed Lavendera , Majority , Nada Bashir , Tel Aviv , Information , Sprawling Hospital Grounds , Picture , Operations , Areas , Windows , 24 , Military , Kpcommand , Military Fi Fighters , One , Room , Grounds , Places , Mri S , Finding , Ground , Hospital Officials , Comment , Geo , Haven T , Spokesperson , Mri Office , Bit , Military Kit , Business Being , Last , Fighting , Grenade , Ammunition , Wrist , Bag , Ak 47 , 47 , Firearms , Video Concrete , Collection , Military Equipment , More , Command , Doesn T , Structure , Thi , Chairman Mccaul , Mike Turner , Chairman , Studio , House Foreign Affairs Committee , House Intelligence Committee , Ohio , Quote , Military Base , Attempt , Casualties , Hostages , Minister Of Defense , Human Shields , Infrastructure , Truth , Essence , Kirby , Risk , Pause , Netanyahu , Four , Road , Southern Gaza , Medicine , Efforts , Rafah Gates Into Southern Gaza , Water , Food , Buffer Zone , Videos , Killing , Prime Minister , Burning , Decapitating , Fact , Victim , Sight , Criticism , United Nations , Example , Israelis , Ngo , Fault , Attacking Hamas , Bases , Population , Command Node , Palestinians , Point , Make , Terrorist Organization , U S Law , Way , Oppressor , Intention , Governing Body , Peace , Middle East , Things , Reason , Part , Governor , Community , Gulf States , Solution , Need , Couldn T , Egypt , Jordan , Two , Judgment , Iran , Normalization Agreement , Saudis , Yom Kippur , 50 , Something , Second , Footage , Proxies , Attack On October 7th , Victims , Shifting , Members , Jewish , Everybody , Who , Gaza Too , Saw , Father , World War Ii , Holocaust , Wall , Gripe , Protests , Social Media , House Committee On China , Controls , Tiktok , Disinformation Run , Raun , Russia , Attacks , Yemen , Instance , Message , Americans , String , Warship , Drone , Rebels , Fighting Hezbollah , Houthi , Committee , Authorization , Military Force , Nightmare Scenario , Iraq , Syria , Boots , Hit Hezbollah , Deterrence , Carrier Strike Force , Matter , Mediterranean , Persian Gulf , Times , Briefing , Responses , Submarine , Riekght , 55 , Three , Region , Force Protection , Administration , Credit , Presence , Mediterranean Isn T , Rockets , Hezbollah , Iron Dome , 100000 , Use , Troops , Defense , Firing Rockets , Self Defense , Article , Lebanon , 2 , Lot , Escalation , Elbows , Congress , Body Cam Video , Kidneys , Hallways , Stay , Horrifying , Rain , Terrorists , World Lead , Border , Offense , Go Pro Cameras , Propaganda , Reality , 9 11 , Upsetting , Explosion , Before Dawn , God , Fence , Kibbutz , The Sun , Body Cam , Security Fence , Look , Network , Excusively , Gunman , Shots , Darkness , Writing , Arabic , Sound , Gunfire , Men , Dozen , Go On , Assault , Grenades , Field , Village , Soldier , Camera , Celebration , Others , Name , Victory , Israelez , Martyrdom , Moater Bikes , On The Road , Roads , Wave , Corner , Car , Militants , Driver , Car Coasts , Open Fire , 40 , 65 , Fire , Firing , Weapon , Reign , Distance , Gaza Fence , End , Terror , Questions , Question , Investigations , Team , Translators , Behind Closed Doors , Xi Jinping , Tension , Thanks , Length , Summit , World , Both , California , Talks , Leaders , Countries , Relationship , Relations , Meeting , Pacific Ocean , 1970 , Leader , Conversation , Mother , Country , Opportunity , Success , Mj Lee , Miscommunication , Misconceptions , Planet Earth , San Francisco , Floor , Beijing , Hints , M J , Mark Stuart , Goals , Better , Rock Bottom , U S China Relations , Lines , Summit Today , G20 Summit , Communication , Military Communication , Diplomacy , Superpowers , Each Other , China U S , Translator , Sailing , Twists , Kind , Meetings , Another , Surprise , We Haven T , Turns , Problems , Mr , Forge , Anyone , Issues , Conversations , Elections , Issue , Taiwan , Attitude , Hope , Spy Balloon , Mark , Start , Provocations , South China Sea , Optimism , State Media , Messaging Service , Theme , Encouragement , Idea , Phrase , Competition , Attention , Cooperation , Number , Domestic , Analyst , Youth Unemployment , Housing Crisis , Economy , Takeaway , Hair , Investment , Coming Up , Subpoena List , Law And Justice , Bill Barr , Lawyers , Pressure , Case , Investigation , Gun , Led , Paula Reid , Documents , Hunter , Argument , Subpoenas , Result , Trump , Thing , Plea Deal , Status , Book , Office , Attorneys , Attorney , Aggressing , Hunder , Forward Leaning Strategy , None , Judge , Purging , Civil Law Case , Mistrial , Bias , New York , Police Trial , Court , Sports Analyst , Hail Mary , Clerk , Gag Order , Court Of Public Opinion , Jum , Trial , Public , Fraud , Leak , Trials , Job Security , Election Subversion Case , Georgia , Defendants , Videotapes , Interviews , Plea Deals , Prosecutors , Ablock , 00 , Allies , Sidney Powell , Jenna Ellis , Ones , Court Attorneys For Another Defendant , District Attorney , It Wasn T , Femail , Typo , Misty Hampton , Order , Understandably , Right , Leaks , Interest , Favor , Jury , Nominee , Cut , Gop , Transparency , 2024 , Candidate , Choice , Ron Desantis , Nikki Haley , Speech , Biden Slamming , Nazis , New Hampshire , Reasons , Retribution , He Shouldn T , Rivals , Vermin , Revenge , Term , Saying , Donors , Chris Christie , New Jersey , You Bet , Stage , Guy , Reminiscent , Nazi Germany , Ten , Nothing , Fat Pig , Rhetoric , Element , Violence , Play Out , Permission , Type , Weaponize , Responsibility , Foreign Policy Address , Trip , He Doesn T Care , Cease Fire , Calling , Call , Release , Aid , Threat , Kibbutz On Sunday , Destruction , Murderred On October 7th , Homes , Blood , Bullet Holes , Folks , 140 , Mags T , Loss , Life , Cease Fire On October 6th , October 6th , 6 , Rest , October 7 , Two State Solution , Good , Hopes , Words , Palestinian State , Priorities , Terrorist Zbgroup , Force , Security , Integrity , Terrorism , Banker , Needle , Neighbors , Thread , Bugs , Lehet , States , Nikki Haley On The Stage , Felon , Hand , Debate , George Washington , Ben Franklin , Thomas Jefferson , Audacity , Graves , Spring , Presidency , Someone , Requirement , Their , Washington , Lincoln , Fdr , Points , Race , 30 , Joe Biden , Word , Drug Lab , Viles , Labels , Aids Virus , Discovery , Covid , Democrat , Tt T That S , 5g , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , Go , Go , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , Airport , Salad , Estate , Ballot , Big , Implications , Plus , Chances , Re Election , Route , Level , Fed Up , Texas , Border Crossings , Power , Judges , Cameras , Law Enforcement , Spy Balloons , Scenes , Front , Smiles , U S Supreme Court , Arrests , Meet , Fraction , Biden Xi , Trade Wars , Military Showdowns , David Cu ,

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