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the news continues. "the source" with kaitlan collins starts now. collins starts now. see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac -- classified documents case. plus four hours a day. israel has now agreed to humanitarian pauses in gaza to let civilians move to safer ground and let aid in. the question is, could it also provide a break through on getting hostages out? the cia director is having secret meetings in the middle east. and a political earthquake rocking washington tonight, as senator joe manchin has announced he is not going to seek re-election, leaving a blue seat open in a deeply red state. does it also open a door to run against president biden? i'm kaitlan collins, and this is "the source." ♪ we start with two exclusives for you tonight. we have the first cnn interview with former president trump's former lawyer, who quit the classified documents case over the summer. and it comes on a night when cnn has learned who could be testifying against donald trump in that very trial. the potential witness list, according to multiple sources and what they've told cnn, could include some of the people who were working at mar-a-lago, a plumber, a chauffeur, a maid, a woodworker, other mar-a-lago staffers, including some who still work there, plus contract workers, secret service agents, former intelligence officials, as well as people who were in the room with trump when he was caught on that audiotape referencing a secret military document that was about potential plans to bomb iran. these potential witnesses have already spoken to federal investigators, and some, of course, can provide firsthand accounts of what they saw at mar-a-lago, where we know hundreds of classified documents were found, including dozens that were marked as top secret. they were found in places like trump's bathroom, his bedroom, a ballroom, and, yes, a storage room. there's a woodworker who installed crown molding in trump's bedroom in february 2022. according to three sources, that person noticed papers that may have been classified. there's also the maid who cleaned trump's bedroom suite. one source telling cnn that the former president went, quote, ballistic, when he learned she had been asked to speak with investigators. there's also a chauffeur who drove around visitors, including foreigners and vip guests at the club, and many, many others in this new reporting tonight. joining me now on this new reporting and much more for his first cnn interview since he left the trump legal team in the classified documents case, jim trusty. it's good to have you on the show. when you hear this reporting and the potential witnesses jack smith's team could call, do you have any concerns about what kind of testimony they could provide. >> i think my starting concern is the leaks. i mean, it's just astounding how, when it comes to mar-a-lago -- and i point towards doj for a lot of this because it helps them more than it would ever help president trump -- that all of this stuff gets aired publicly. meanwhile, up in delaware, it's radio silence. in terms of the witnesses, i got to meet a lot of really nice folks, salt of the earth, good working, hardworking people, down in the mar-a-lago scene. they were aggressively really intimidated by the department of justice and the fbi. we have a decent idea -- or i had a decent idea of a lot of what they would have to say, not necessarily across the board. it's the kind of thing, kaitlan, you could drive by mar-a-lago on the way to the beach and you would get a subpoena. we have people with literally almost no information being told to go to the fbi, threatened to go to washington -- >> how many people would you say you believe investigators spoke with, as this investigation's gone on until, of course, you left the team over the summer? >> i'm not going to join the leak chorus. but certainly it's obvious it's at least dozens. look, i mean, just the fact that in their zeal to find something, anything to justify this case, they were dragging in secret service agents. at least that's -- we just had. that's generally -- i know there's been exceptions in history when it was the, kind of, star investigation. but generally speaking, that's a no go. and that's the level of aggression we saw across the board while i was on the case and i think continues today. >> do you think testimony from the secret service agents could be potentially the most damaging in this case? >> i'm not going to weigh into the substance of what people have to say. it touches not just my duty of loyalty to a former client but work product privilege in terms of any investigation we did. look, i think it will be fascinating when the case is tried. i'll certainly be one of the people that calls in on my regular job so i can watch a lot of it and see how it plays out. again, this is, kind of, unprecedented territory with not just what they're charging and the presidential records act and all the issues that arise from criminalizing this stuff, but the level of aggress ift, telling witnesses, for instance, this has been publicly recorded, give me the password to your computer or i'm going to drag you up to d.c. in three days and you'll have to do it in front of the grand jury. this is heavy handed stuff that's unlike anything i saw in my 17 years at the department of justice. >> i understand you don't like what you say are leaks. this is just reporting that cnn has done on this. there are so many witnesses potentially in this. there's a lot of people to obviously talk to about what could potentially happen here. but when you look at this, a lot of these people still work at mar-a-lago. i mean, trump employee number four, tavarus, just recently resigned, we're told, and trump was not happy we found out was still working at the club. he was someone who had a trump-paid attorney and changed to a non-trump paid attorney and he changed his testimony. do you think the former president is trying to potentially influence any of the witnesses by paying for their attorneys? >> no. everything you just said goes to the fact that there's self-serving leaks coming out of one side of the aisle. it's really, kind of, amazing. and no real respect for the privacy of these individuals. look, it's not uncommon in a widespread investigation of any sort, criminal or administrative, for there to be a group of attorneys that share information under a joint defense agreement, have some sense of what's going on with the investigation, know where there's things that can be litigated, even preindictment. so, look, paying for attorneys means nothing. the reality -- the back story that's really horrific in terms of what this purported conflict was that revolves around that witness is that the department of justice cannot stand stanley woodward, one of the attorneys in this case, because stanley blew the whistle on a doj official, essentially extorting him over a pending judgeship to flip walt nauta. that's been publicly reported. that is a dark moment in doj history that they want to gloss over and then go after all the attorneys saying there's something wrong with attorneys either representing multiple clients or sharing information. >> i know you -- >> it's a distraction. >> in our last interview, you brought that same instance up. i said we had not seen any evidence of that. we haven't really seen it brought up as an issue. stan woodward is still representing a lot of the clients, to where they think it could be -- prosecutors have argued it would be a conflict of interest. on yuscil tavarus, you talk about it's not uncommon for attorneys to share information when they have multiple potential witnesses or codefendants. that's true. but he changed his testimony in a damning way for the former president that led to another codefendant being indicted because he went from a trump-paid attorney to his own attorney. >> well, i think you're looping together a whole bunch of things. it makes for a great story, but i'm not here to -- >> but don't you see -- you can see how there are questions about trump's influence when he pays for the attorneys, given a witness changed his testimony? >> i'm aware there are people that push those questions. i think there's a bigger backdrop, a bigger context to what's going on when it comes to some of the lawyers being challenged by doj. and let me just also give a broader context about the idea of obstruction. we certainly, as lawyers, we obviously look into questions of whether there's things that happened after the substantive offenses that could relate to obstruction or attempted obstruction. it's not something that any lawyer takes lightly. so, i don't want to sound like i, kind of, gloss over it. to me, it's really clear that a political decision was made by a very politicized department that the best thing they have going to try to distinguish president trump's possession of documents from then-vice president biden's is to suggest that somehow obstruction is the difference. and that's been a narrative on this network and others that somehow, well, you know why they're different? because of all the obstruction. we don't have to get any leaks out of delaware, but we get plenty of leaks down here that relate to these different witnesses like the one you're just talking about or walt nauta, all to suggest that somehow there's obstruction. >> it's not suggesting. trump fought a subpoena to turn the documents over. you were there as all of that was going on. >> actually, no. but let me just say this -- >> you were. >> we want executives. we want anyone who's in, kind of, the c suite of life and business to be able to freely talk to their lawyers and figure out, hey, can we fight this subpoena? is there something over-broad, overly burdensome about the subpoena? what happens if we respond? what happens if we ask for more time? those are things that we encourage as a society. it's exactly right. and executives across the country try to have the conversation -- >> so, he did try to fight the subpoena. is that what you're saying? >> no, that's not what i'm saying. anyone that runs a business has the opportunity to talk to their lawyers about whether or not there's some sort of privileges that apply, whether they can fight or -- >> it's a good thing, jim. but let me ask you this. the judge seems to be indicating in florida that she is going to delay this case. do you think it's going to get delayed past the election? >> i don't have any inside knowledge from her or her chambers or really anyone else. but i think what's driving the delays right now is not some sort of a political concern. it's the sip pa process. it's this idea that when you have classified material, you have to go through a very serious scrubbing and review and litigation long before you can enter the courtroom for the trial itself. and that seems to be bogging down a little bit, perhaps unclean hands from the government. i don't know for sure. but the bottom line is that takes time normally. so, the time frame -- these, kind of, artificial time frames for jack smith -- >> but do you believe it's going to get pushed? >> i think it's probably going to get pushed. i don't know whether it goes beyond the election or not. but generally speaking, these classified information-type cases don't go to trial quickly because of that review. and the matter everything else, no matter how many witnesses, how complex, what other defenses and motions there are, that alone usually pushes them outside -- >> let me ask you -- obviously the last time our viewers saw you was when you were on the trump legal team. you no longer are. can you just explain why you resigned from the trump legal team the day after he was indicted? >> sure can't. i certainly didn't suggest to cnn that i was willing to talk about that. the bottom line is -- >> we have to ask. >> no, i don't -- i'm not faulting you for asking. it's fine. i'm not a kiss and tell guy. so, i'm not going to get into anything. it was the right time for myself to leave, jim riley to leave -- tim particle tore left a little before that. >> can you say, did you resign or were you fired? >> it doesn't matter. i'm not here to try to elevate myself or disparage my former client. there was a logical break point, i took that break point, and i don't iszkiss and tell. >> the civil fraud case has been happening here in new york. you saw trump was on the stand. there were testy exchanges with the judge. at one point the judge asked chris kise, who is brought on to be in the documents case, but is now in new york as well, the current attorney, to get control of him. do you think you were better at controlling him as a client? >> no, look, here's what i'd say about that. i mean, you know, the response that was reported -- and i haven't been up in the courtroom in new york. i've got other clients to serve. but the response is reported that chris basically said, ask better questions. that actually is the right response to that situation. it's the attorney general that called him to the witness stand. and when you call any witness to the stand that has some expertise in what they're talking about, they tend to be speech makers. i used to deal with cross examining all sorts of experts in criminal cases as a prosecutor, everything from fingerprints to identification to god knows what. and the reality is you get in and you get out. if you have to call this witness -- and in civil cases, you can call the other party -- you darn well better get in and out with very tight questions and get what you want and get out. they apparently didn't do a very good job of that to the frustration of the judge. but the judge's ire should have been directed towards them. >> he said trump wasn't answering questions with a yes or no answer. also, i think, part of it would be people say trump is a challenging client to have. he's had a lot of attorneys who have come to work for him and left the case. there's a bit of chaos with the new york team as well. when you look at this and you look at what he's been saying in the special counsel's investigation, you used to work at the justice department. you know jack smith, who is the special counsel. when trump calls him rerderange and a psychopath, do you think those are term ls you would use to describe jack smith? >> i would focus -- as a lawyer, as somebody who's been a prosecutor 27 years before i went private, i focus on the conduct. that's me. it's a different situation for a person running for president being indicted in these unprecedented and creative -- and i put quotes around that -- types of indictments. but the bottom line is i've seen things from the federal prosecutors in this case, including extorting a fellow lawyer, that are obstructionist, that are wrong, that are over-aggressive. and that's what i'd call out and i continue to call out. look, kaitlan, that's a fun game to play -- >> it's not a game. i'm genuinely curious what you think. you work with jack smith and you used to represent donald trump. >> i don't think america is waiting with bated breath to see if jim will call jack deranged. it's not part of the public's interest. it's just fun, sensational stuff. >> it's not fun. >> any client would have a right to be frustrated with the behavior he's been facing on behalf of the department, alvin bragg, letitia james, and the wonderful georgia case as well. i don't have to sign off or sign on on anything that the president says, but i can tell you that the grounds for frustration, the concerns about a two-tiered system are legitimate ones. >> i was going to let you go after that, but i've got to ask you. you can't really call it a two-tiered system of justice. look at the number of democrats being investigated right now. i think bob menendez would argue it's a two-tiered system of justice. hunter biden, the list goes on. >> you're using hunter biden as an example of equal justice. >> you can't call it a two-tiered system of justice because there are plenty of democrats being investigated by the justice department, including the sitting president's son. jim trusty -- >> we'll come back and talk about hunter's case some night. that will be fun. >> jim trusty, thank you for your time. appreciate your time. ahead, no ceasefire, but israel has agreed to daily pauses in the fighting, allowing palestinian civilians to flee northern gaza. the question is, will it hold. plus there's been a huge shakeup on shil. capitol hill. >> i will not be running for re-election to the united states senate. but what i will be doing -- >> that's a good question. what will senator joe manchin be doing? that is next. the. after more than a month of non-stop war, a pause, or rather a series of four-hour pauses. t the white house confirming today that israel is going to notify civilians in northern gaza of four-hour breaks from bombardment in their neighborhoods so they can safely evacuate to the south. while these pauses are -- israeli prime minister netanyahu has been adamant there will be no ceasefire until all the hostages are released from gaza. discussions are underway, we are told, to get those hostages out. cia director bill bird is meeting with -- direct line to hamas. while some members of the progressive caucus on capitol hill have joined in calls for a ceasefire, my next guest tonight has called for humanitarian pauses instead. the question for some is, does today's announcement go far enough? congressman ro khanna of california is here with me. sir, what do you say? do the four-hour pauses go far enough in your view? is that what you were thinking of? >> it's a good first step. but, no, more needs to be done. you need to get 2 million gallons of water in there. we need to get fuel into the hospitals. and while hamas is using palestinian civilians as human shields, i have said that they should not be bombing civilian sites, civilian dense sites. >> israel should not? >> israel should not. i don't think they're intentionally targeting civilians -- >> but are they doing enough to not hit civilians in your view? >> in my view, they should operate with patience. they have a right to self-defense. but when you have a hospital, when you have a school, when you have a refugee camp with many children, even when hamas is there, even when hamas is there intentionally, i think you try to get hamas out, you get them into the tunnels, you trap them. it took us ten years to get os osama bin laden. but loss of life there is heartbreaking. i would say do not bomb civilian dense sites. >> they struck an ambulance recently, israel arguing hamas is using it to transfer weapons and fighters. president biden said today he is frustrated that this is not happening soon enough, that he's been pushing prime minister netanyahu for a three-day pause or more. he has a lot of influence on what the prime minister does. he's, kind of, bear hugged him. he's been one of his biggest supporters since this war broke out. do you think he could influence him to do more? >> he does and he doesn't. i think certain things, they're just not listening. my sense is that he has asked for the humanitarian pause. he wants the pause to be longer. i think the united states government has had candid conversations about doing more to minimize civilian casualties. and the president is making progress. and i do think that the white house has really stepped up in talking about palestinian lives and making sure that they're protected. >> your political director just resigned recently because you are not calling for a ceasefire. is there -- would you ever call for a ceasefire? do you ever see yourself doing that? >> i wouldn't rule it out. i mean, at some point, the war has to end. but the reason i didn't call for a ceasefire is that when you have the brutal murder of 1,400 civilians and people have committed that terrorist attack, if you just say, okay, let's have a ceasefire, then you're basically saying there was no consequence to doing that. i think there has to be more operational patience, precision, surgical operations in getting the hamas terrorists that were accountable. and once we do that, i also think there needs to be a peace process with the quality of palestinian rights. >> what is your thinking on this? have you ever been close to a ceasefire? this is really dividing your party, but especially progressives. >> it's dividing the country. there was a sit in my district office today. i've never seen this kind of mobilization since the iraq war. i mean, this is -- there are people out on the street and they're upset with what they're seeing on television. they're upset with what they saw with the israelis killed, they're upset with the hostages, and they're upset with the palestinian children being killed. it's an emotional issue. for me, i said let's get the water and humanitarian aid. i'm calling 20 members of congress and the unwr commissioner is having a meeting with us on monday. so, we're going to hear directly on the ground what's happening. and i said, let's not have bombing of dense sites. that's where i am right now. but every member has a slightly different perspective. >> you're not close to calling for a ceasefire? >> not a full ceasefire because i do think that there's still more to be done to get the hamas terrorists. but there needs to be, in my way, different techniques to doing that. >> congressman ro khanna, thank you for being here on "the source" and being on set as well. >> thank you. >> appreciate you. he has given his fellow democrats a lot of heart burn over the years. now senator joe manchin is giving republicans a chance to flip his blue seat in a deep red state, announcing he is not running for re-election. we're going to ask maryland governor wes moore what he thinks about that. also the future of his party. that's next. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. democrats fresh off their election victories this week were hit with a surprise announcement today. maybe not so surprising if everyone's been reading the tea leaves. this comes from one of their own, senator joe manchin. >> i believe in my heart of hearts that i've accomplished what i set out to do for west virginia. i have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided i will not be running for re-election to united states senate. >> of course manchin has been a pivotal senator on capitol hill in recent years from infrastructure to green energy. he put up road blocks to the agenda that president biden was hoping to put in place when he took office. but before the left could even savor in those wins they saw this week from virginia, kentucky, another victory on abortion rights, now they are questioning what does this mean for the senate majority? and is there potentially more trouble ahead for president biden and his re-election campaign? i'm joined by the democratic governor of maryland, wes moore. governor, welcome to "the source." so glad to have you on. i want to ask you about your state. but first, given this major news today, are you concerned this could mean democrats lose the senate and at the same time potentially complicate president biden's re-election? >> no, i mean, i -- to be very honest, even had senator manchin decide he's going to run for re-election, it still would have been a difficult seat to hold onto. i don't think his decision not to run is a terrible surprise. and i'm not sure how much, you know, that it really impacts a measure of math. but one thing that i do know is i still feel very, very confident that it's going to take work. but i feel very confident in the president's re-election prospects. i think about what happened in 2020, what happened in 2021. i think about what happened in our year, '22, and you saw what happened on tuesday. one thing that hasn't happened to joe biden since 2020 is he hasn't lost on any of these election cycles. we know we have a lot of work to get done. we know there's a lot of things we're going to have to push forward. i know how aggressively i'm going to campaign for the president going into next year. but i also know i have real deal of confidence that the work that president biden has done and the results that he has shown that the people are going to give him another four years. >> you are certainly someone who advocated for him to run for re-election. he has faced a series of polls this week, ones he certainly doesn't like. he was talking about them tonight at a fund-raiser from "the new york times" and from cnn. he was asked about those numbers today. this is what he told reporters. >> he said, he doesn't think he's losing in the battleground states. it's a little bit hard to hear over "marine one" for people wondering what that noise was. when you mention the work he needs to do, what does that look like over the years to change those numbers? >> i think we have to clearly articulate to people what's happening and the role that the president is playing in it. i think about, in our own state, since i've been the governor of maryland, i've announced the creation of over 31,000 new jobs in the state of maryland. i have announced that we're now putting together a red line, the first time a generational investment when it comes to east/west transit within the baltimore region. we've announced that we're putting over $267 million. that's going towards broadband expansion and making sure everyone in the state of maryland by the end of my first term should be wired with affordable and accessible broadband. i think about the roads and bridges that we've gotten done. the thing that i know is this, is that if it weren't for president biden and the biden/harris administration, none of those things would be possible. what people are going to see is the work that's happening, the infrastructure builds that are taking place, the fact that maryland right now has the lowest unemployment rate in the entire country, and we still raised minimum wages to $15 an hour and gave our state workers a -- >> why do you think this is not reflected in the polls? >> well, i think we all have to collectively make sure that we are aggressively and assertively showing that the work that's happening right now in people's communities, that people are excited about, that that's a partnership with the white house. and i think, as people continue to see that and see just how impactful president biden has been, he will -- we will make sure and the people will make sure he gets another four years. >> the other thing we saw on tuesday -- and it was just what a powerful issue abortion is for your party still. i mean, it caused voters in ohio, a deeply red state, to vote -- do you think that will be a powerful edge for democrats in 2024? >> well, i think it's an important issue that we continue to be full throated about. i look in maryland in my time as governor, we passed laws that strengthened privacy, but next year on the ballot in the state of maryland, we have abortion rights on the ballot where we're going to make it part of our constitution. maryland will be a safe haven for abortion rights. and i think what we're continuing to see is all these other states and some of these other governors that continue to push back against it and somehow think that them as governors should have a say as to what should be a conversation between a woman and her doctor, that they'll continue getting pushback from people that that's not where people are. >> that did not work for governor glenn youngkin in virginia. the other bad news that he got this week was that the new fbi headquarters, there was a battle for it to either be in virginia or maryland. it is now going to be in maryland, they have announced. there are some questions tonight about this. we're hearing from the fbi director christopher wray who questions whether there was a conflict of interest and why maryland was chosen. do you believe this was a transparent process? >> this has been an over-decade-long process. it has been thorough. it haez been transparent. the gsa has been very clear there were five criteria they were going to make the decision based off of. they showed the data. what's the most cost effective thing for the taxpayer? are there transportation assets already billed out? we need a site that is billed, ready, right now. what does it mean to have a context of equity into the decision made? and proximity to quantico, a training facility. of the five criteria, maryland won on four of them. the only one that mary did not win on was proximity to quantico, which was impossible because quantico is in virginia. that's the only category they won on. so, i think that the gsa has been going through this process for over a decade. i was clear this was going to be a core priority for our administration as we came on board. and i'm so thankful for the work that maryland did in unity with our congressional delegation to be able to make sure that the fbi building rightfully should be in the state of maryland. >> so, just quickly, you don't have any concerns. you believe, yes, it will be built in maryland ultimately? >> the new fbi building will be in the state of maryland, yes. >> maryland governor wes moore, thank you for joining us for your first time on "the source." we hope to see you back soon. >> absolutely. thank you. and senator manchin hanging up his hat, democrats need a strategy to hang on to their majority in the senate. questions for that. also questions about whether or not president biden needs help fending off a potential third party run from the senator from west virginia. we'll talk to a democratic senator alalso frorom a red sta maybe mymy home statate. that's's next. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. someone else may be getting the in on the 2024 race for the white house. we don't know yet, but it's certainly put out there because, to many in his party's alarm, senator manchin did confirm today that not only is he not running for re-election, he's going to continue exploring the idea that has been out there, a potential third party bid for the presidency, as he announced he is no longer going to be a member of the senate. he says he'll travel the country to see if, quote, there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize to the middle. remember, of course, he left the door open to running for president when he was on this show last. >> i haven't made any decision nor will i make a decision until the end of the year. and my reason for that -- i've never seen a place in the world that basically the next election starts the day after the last election. i've got a lot of work to do for my state of west virginia, which i love dearly. >> speaking of states that we love dearly, former senator for alabama, democrat doug jones is here with me. senator, what was your reaction to senator manchin's news today? >> you know, kaitlan, i was disappointed, not surprised. but i was disappointed. i think joe manchin was the only democrat who could really take that seat in west virginia. and i've always believed he could take that seat. i was not surprised. this is going to be a tough race. he always knew it was going to be a tough race. and he's always put the people of west virginia first. and i think he's done an amazing job for those folks. so, we'll see where he goes from here. >> how much are sit-in democrats, senator schumer, scrambling tonight though, because he was basically the only person who could hold that seat and have a democrat hold that seat? >> you know, look, i think democrats have been looking at this possibility for some time. i don't think it was a bombshell. i don't think they're scrambling. they have a map and they're looking at that map, and they've got some incredible incumbents that they're willing to hold. that's first and foremost, to hold those incumbents. but they're looking to expand the map. they're looking at texas. they're looking at florida. those will be tough races to unseat incumbent republicans, but it's not impossible. i don't think anybody's scrambling. i think they're going to double down on their efforts, especially to protect their incumbents they've got that are going to be in tough races. the elections this week and the elections in '22 i think give everybody hope that the senate will remain in control of the democrats. >> so what did you make of the other part of senator manchin's statement, not that he was not running, but that he was going to be out in the country seeing if there is a force to mobilize to the middle, as he put it? >> yeah, well, you know, joe's been pretty coy about all of that for the last year or so. at the end of the day i hope he doesn't even think twice about trying to run as an independent or on the no labels ticket because they can't win. the numbers are just not there. you can get out and you can try to mobilize and you can get people talking in the middle, but the middle is going to be in the democratic party. it is certainly not going to be in the republican party. look what's happened. look at the elections just the other night with andy beshear in kentucky. look what happened in virginia. those are middle of the road voters. that's where the democratic party is, maybe a little center left for sure. and we've got people on the far left in our party. but, you know, if he wants to really have an effect, he could help democrats across this country bring the moderates back into the fold and do some things. at the end of the day, joe manchin doesn't want to lose, and i think that at the end of the day when you look at the numbers, there is just no way an independent or a third party candidate can win in this country, especially in the polarized nature we've got right now. >> and you think it would help trump? >> i'm sorry? >> you think it would help trump? >> oh, yeah. that's what i was about to say. i was about to say the only thing that no labels or these third parties could do with a moderate, kind of, so-called unity ticket, which is really impossible. think about how a so-called unity ticket might govern. you know, the last time that happened was, you know, abraham lincoln and andrew johnson. we see how that worked out. so, i think it will. there's no question it will help put donald trump in the white house. back in the white house. and i don't think joe manchin, i don't think larry hogan, i don't think others really want that to happen. and when they start looking at these numbers, that's what they're going to see. and the more people get in the race, the more independents, the more third party candidates, the more likely that donald trump will be re-elected. and that's -- that's going to be bad for democracy. it's going to be bad for this country. >> yeah. and it was a notable statement from the white house that we saw as well from president biden on manchin's announcement, tying him to a lot of the achievements that the white house often touts. former senator doug jones, as always, thank you so much. >> thanks, kaitlan. coming up, we're going to check on what is happening in israel. you heard us speaking with the congressman earlier, but also there is desperation outright in gaza. and now we have firsthand accounts from civilians who are fleeing that war zone. >> you really can't find anything that's edible in any supermarket. and it's really hard, like, really, really hard. tonight, israeli officials say as many as 80,000 palestinians have fled through an evacuation corridor today as israel is intensifying its offensive against hamas in northern gaza, one civilian telling cnn, quote, nothing is left. southern gaza, however, has not been much better. tonight we are getting firsthand account from palestinian civilians, the messages received and shared by humanitarian group, mercy corps. when describes it, saying, quote, at night we try to guess which room is the safest. my mom insists on sleeping with us even though it is very crowded, so that if we die at night, at least we will die together. we rarely sleep sleep, sometimes we quiet our minds enough to go to sleep, expulsions with us up. we count the minutes and wait to see if we will survive another day. >> what you guys are seeing on social media, and on tv, is 2% of the reality. know that we are dying here. if we are not dead physically, we are dead inside. >> joining me now is the vice president in global policy and advocacy for mercy corps. i'm glad you're here, just to hear that, saying that 2% of this, you have team members on the ground in gaza with these firsthand accounts. what are you hearing? >> yeah, we do have a 70 staff inside gaza in the situation my colleagues are facing is unfathomable. as you heard in those audio clips, they are facing everything from a fear of being hit by aerial bombardment, to extreme situations in trying to procure water and food, which is dwindling down to almost nothing, to facing medical situations. one of my colleagues has an epileptic brother and has only a few days of pills left which they are rationing because they don't know when this will and. what i can say is that they have all been displaced, all 70 of them, several of them have had immediate family members killed, and some of them have been injured. so, it is an extreme difficult situation to hear about, and we fear the worst for our colleagues in gaza. >> i know that you have even had trouble staying in touch, as well. >> that is correct. it is really difficult in the situation, because everything in gaza comes from the outside, including water, food, and also connectivity, electricity, and internet service. as those things have been actively cut off to civilians in gaza, it is typical for them to connecticut with the outside world with great difficulty. it is difficult to have connectivity. so we try to check in on them every day. we have recently started to lose track of some individuals which is obviously really worrying. >> for the safety of these workers, you have given them aliases. they are able to send accounts of what life is like and one of these, i just i want everyone to listen to it. etiquette is really important. this is about how difficult it is to find food and water. >> you literally cannot find anything that is edible in any supermarket. it is really hard. really hard, to have water. it has been really horrible. clean water, drink the water, my cousin goes and waits in other long queues to find clean water, and the line for water, literally starts at five clock a.m. in the morning and stays until 3:00 in the morning. >> just to hear someone waiting nearly 24 hours in line to get clean drinking water. >> yeah. it's incredibly difficult, to be put in a situation like that, and we actually recognize that when people are not able to get that water, they are starting to drink dirty water. none of the sanitation services are running any longer in gaza. all of the pumps that desalinate the water, which is usually consumed there, are not running because the fuel has run out. and so, we fear in addition to spending the vast majority of the day trying to find these things to survive, the people resort to desperate measures, and as a result, disease will spread, things like cholera and overcrowded conditions like we see, particularly in the south of gaza right now, that we might see a lot of health problems developing in a place were absolutely no medical services for operating. >> it's difficult to hear that, and i'm grateful to your team for letting people know. it is difficult to hear, kate phillips, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> we will be backck i in just momentnt. closeded captionining is brbrought to y you by sketetche walk panants. former house speaker, kevin mccarthy, unloading on fellow republicans, congressman matt gaetz and congress meant nancy mays, those who voted to oust him from his job. >> people have to earn the right to be here, and i think, matt gaetz personally does not have a conservative bent and his philosophy. if you have watched him flip- flopping, i don't believe she wins re-election. i don't think she will win the right to get re-elected. >> we heard from both monikers, congressman gates saying, thoughts and prayers as he works through his grief. congresswoman nancy mays says, we have moved on to a much

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