♪ humanitarian pauses. the white house says that israel has formalized a plan to pause military operations for four hours each day, giving civilians times to get out. what israel is saying about this. and president biden saying the u.s. hid a site in sir ra, quote, because they struck us. what the pentagon is sending to the region to deter more attack. how a man in arkansas received a whole eye and partial fail transplant. it's being called completely uncharted territory. all of this is stories are coming in right here to "cnn news central." ♪ 80,000 palestinians went through a corridor through gaza today. from israeli officials, the white house says israel has formalized a plan for four-hour-long pauses every day to allow evacuations from gaza. it's also to allow humanitarian assistance into the enclave. nic, israel had been carrying out these pauses, to a degree, over the last few days. now it's a formalized plan. >> reporter: yeah. it's interesting here. the idf is saying it's not a shift in policy, but merely a continuation of what they've been doing. they started off towards the end of last week, telling civilians to walk down this certain highway from the north to the south of gaza. they have 3w8d that out a bit, made it a couple hours longer each day. 50,000 people we want down that route yesterday. 80,000 today, according to the israelis. you can still hear the explosions roughly around gaza city. i think that tells us was useful to understand. the humanitarian pauses, they're small in a specific location at a specific time to allow people or medical aid to move along certain routes, to move around certain neighborhoods. they don't stop the overall fighting. this, of course, is the israeli position -- absolutely no overall cease-fire until the hostages are released, so the idf can continue with their activities, looking for ma has, taking hamas out, destroying the tunnels. it all goes on with peril. it's interesting we heard from president biden today, saying getting to this point -- i think it gets back to the tensions between the white house and netanyahu administration over this, that it would taken a little longer that he had hope. the israeli is still talking about a couple hours. they are determined that the idf can keep up going after hamas in parallel, not just have to let up completely for a period of days. >> nic, thank you so much for the update from sderot, israel. how will this impact the crisis we're watching unfold? >> reporter: look, we've been seeing thousands of palestinians attempting to make that trip in the hope of finding safety, of the hope of finding some sang wear there. but as we have seen, the evacuation routes have sustained significant damage. that means the vast majority cannot evacuate by car. they're having to walk long distances, including the elderly, children, those disabled. there are many who simply cannot evacuate from the north, including those inside hospitals. we have heard from medics on the ground who say they will not abandon patients, as we have seen hundreds of thousands of people are trying to find sanctuary around the hospitals despise the relentless air company continues to edge closer to medical facilities. as we have seen repeatedly now, over the last couple weeks, the southern parts of gaza and central parts are also facing relent his air strikes. as you mentioned some 80,000 palestinians are said to have made that move just today. they are limited windows. we are still seeing many left behind, facing these relentless air strikes. of course, the situation in the south is dire. according to the u.n. some 1.5 million palestinians, at least, have been internally displaced across the gasesa strip. hundreds of thousands of them taken shelter around schools. there's very little humanitarian aid getting in. many are saying they're rationing food, they're sharing a single bam with hundreds of other people. as we've been hearing from medics on the ground, we're seeing the majority of gaza hospitals shutting down. they are not able to operate anymore. doctors performing surgeries without the necessary medication, the situation is growing more dire by the hour. >> nada bashir, that is you for the update. we want to go to natasha bertrand who's at the pentagon for you are. there's information that u.s. forces are being targeted once again. tell us about that. >> there have been four additional attacks on u.s. and coalition bases in iraq and syria since just last night when when the u.s. conducted those air strikes against a weapons storage facilities that they want was being used by iran and its proxy groups in eastern syria. this raises a lot of questions, of course, about whether the air strikes that the u.s. has been conducting against the weapons storage facility, yesterday was the second time in two weeks in a they have done so -- are actually acting as a deterrent. the u.s.'s a. is they're not only retaliation, but an attempt to degrade infrastructure and destroy their weapons so they can no longer carry out these attacks. it does not appear at this point to be working, at least not yet. the u.s. says these attacks are used cheap drones, using rockets. they don't on which create much damage or many casualties, but at the same time more than 25 u.s. service members have already suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result of these attacks. more than 56 as this point, or at least 56, have suffered injuries, according to the deputy pentagon secretary, who spoke to us today. this is obviously a serious issue that the pentagon wants to address, but at the same time they're striking a different balance here. they don't want to escalate the conflict any further than it has to be. so, they're trying at this point to conduct these strikes in limited self-defense, the precision air strikes, but at the same time, of course, it doesn't seem to be working deterring these groups. >> natasha, thank you very much. huge developments just moments ago. we just learned joe manchen will not be running for reelection. let's talk about it with manu raju. we also have eva mckend here, and david chalian. manu, you're outside his office, we see. >> reporter: yeah, very significant news here that joe manchin just made. we highly anticipated this decision, because it has such ramifications down the line. just given the key position he's held within the democratic caucus for some time, given he's in the middle, he's been central to some of the key legislative achievements of joe biden in his time in office. he's making it clear he will not run for reelection this year. this is a huge blow for democratic chances to keep control of the senate. there are several republican states that are being held by democratic incumbents, including joe manchin, as well as jon tester of montana, sherrod brown of ohio. with manchen gone, it makes that seat much easier to flip. it's hard to see another democrat that could hold that seat in a very conservative state of west virginia. democrats have another challenge. there are really only two republican pickup opportunities so far, in florida and texas, rick scott and ted cruz, but those would be difficult. that shows you the significant decision by manchin, which would have major ramifications for the next president. and the party in power decision the agenda. who will be in power next congress? right knew republicans are increasingly favored just moments ago. >> he could have been facing, manu, assuming he makes it through the republican primary in west virginia, the republican governor jim justice, right? that would have been a really tough battle for manchin. does this signal that manchin, you know, is he just sort of, you know, done with this part of things for himself? or did he take a look and did the math, and really thinking that he can't win this race? >> reporter: he was looking very closely at running. he had been weighing this seriously for months, knowing it would be an uphill climb. you're right, jim justice is running. he has a primary himself, but he's favored to win in that primary. no doubt that that was a consideration here. what will joe manchin do next? that's another question. in his retirement video, he said he would travel the country, see if there's a movement he can galvanize to bring the two sides together. what does that mean? he's toyed with the idea of running as a third party? maybe on the no labels ticket? is that what he means? unclear. joe manchin is on his way back to west virginia. this is the end of the week in the senate. will he answer those questions about his own political future? that remains to be seen. this announcement is momentous. manu, if you could stand by, i want to talk with david and eva. this reason that manchin has enjoyed for some time, being very relevant, quite impactful in where he's going to throw his weight around. with so many democrats being endangered, that might not have been the case, assuming he was able to pull off a win, i guess. joe manchin finds a way of being relevant to many conversations, no matter which party is in control of the senate. if you're there sitting in the middle, you have sway. to manu's point, this cannot be overstated. what a dramatic blow to democratic chances of hanging on to the senate this decision does. it's a 51-49 senate. let's assume this seat goes republican. the report that does all these ratings, as soon as this announcement came out, they moved it to solid republican in their rating system. in a jon tester, as manu mentioned, in montana or sherrod brown in ohio, were to lose, you need them to win and still the democrats need to win the white house to maintain control of the senate. never mind battle grown states like michigan, nevada or other stuff states for democrats that will be up this cycle as well. this is a huge blow to chuck schumer's math in keeping the majority. >> as a practical matter, it looks immediately dire for democrats, but for a long time i've been speaking to progressives who -- he has not been a reliable ally to this white house. he's not been a reliable ally to democrats. they have long said maybe this would be better, so the democrats can really invest in other states where they know that they can have someone they can actually rely on. all right republicans are gleeful. i see operatives already tweeting out r plus 1. >> he's been more reliability than a republican would be, though. they have to admit that, right? >> that is true. that's the argument that has long been made. it's better to have a moderate in that seat than to not have the seat at all, but progressives i speak to have long said that's money that can go elsewhere, to get someone else who is more consistently a democratic vote. >> let's just pull back a bit. i remember covering the failed reelection of blanche lincoln, and the bluedog democrats, the demise of them in the house. what does that say where we are, and that it really comes down to, if you're like a joe ma manchin, where you're looking more for consensus, you don't mind agreeing with republicans sometimes, just house endangered that mindset is in congress? >> it is endangered. you mentioned blanche lincoln, just to show where our politicians have moved. in 2004 when i was covering john kerry's race, and they announced edward, june kerry was campaigning in west virginia on a very big week for his campaign. that would be unthinkable now. as you know, we've gotten so much more polarized, that the notion of compromise is so much harder. the body is built and constructed around the notion of consensus. in a tester rate or some of these other races, is it much more of an uphill for them, now knowing that manchin is not in the race. do voters then say, their vote is not as important? what's really the point here or there for the democrats? >> they all have to run races tailor made for their states. in covering georgia last year, it was actually on voters' minds a bit, the balance of power in the senate. >> yes. >> there might be some democrats who are cool on this administration or cool on the climate, that don't feel especially mott rate investigated to participate. as things get tighter, this would be a base motivator. >> i that i at one point you would move to georgia, you have so many frequent flier miles. coming up, a hunt in new jersey for a man linked to the january 6th attack on the capitol. plus congress grills top aviation officials for the string of close calls on runways across thehe couountry. you're w watching "c"cnn news central."" we'll bebe right bacack. a manhunt is underway. police with the fbi are searching for gregory yetman, this man. polo sandoval has been following this for us. what is the latest? >> reporter: boris, this is focused in middlesex, new jersey. an army spokesperson confirming for cnn that he's believed to have actually served previously in the new jersey national guard as a medical tear police officer, even included deployments in afghanistan, and guantanamo bay, cuba. even completed service as a sergeant just last year. according to authorities, he fled into a wooded area as they were attempting to execute a warrant. we don't know what that details, but authorities are saying he's wanted in connection to the january 6th attack. "usa today" reports they previously had an opportunity to speak to this individual in connection to analysis that outlet performed of some information that was released by the fbi. as we know since the attacks on that day, they have been releasing information he even told "usa today" that everything had been resolved. yes here we are today, and a massive certain continues for this former military officer in new jersey. aside some advisories, they maintain the public is not at risk. polo sandoval, thank you so much for the update? close calls in the sky. that is what senate lawmakers are grilling federal officials about in a hearing on capitol hill today. they want to know why there's been so 78 troubling reports of near collisions between commercial aircraft on u.s. runways this year. mete muntean is breaking this down for us. the head of the ntsb said this -- there's simply too much strain on the air transportation system right now. it's an urgent warning, in what would be a gang busters thanksgiving weekend, likely to be the busiest in the skies ever the subject of close calls, one of the latest at houston lobby, that was not a close call, but a crash. two private jets collided. the tower told the crew of that hawker jet there to line up and wait for takeoff. the pilots acknowledged by told to line up and wait, but instead they took off anyway. that is what set off this collision course of this plane on a collision course with a landi lan landing cessna citation. the head of the ntsb said it could have been so much worse. >> it only takes one missed warning to become a tragedy, one incorrect response. these incidents must serve as a wake-up call before something nor catastrophic occurs. >> we're also learning from the ntsb more about the houston incident. the air traffic controller told the accelerating plane to stop twice. in fact, the controller beat it by a few seconds. today senators pushed for that to go to even more airports nationwide, brianna. the f.a.a. says there's a bit of a silver lining. the good news is this has led to a lot of transparency, agency groups coming together, but really there needs to be zero close calls like this, the only acceptable number is nothing. >> of course. amazing how close that was. thank goodness. the agency obviously needs more air traffic controllers, too. >> no doubt. there's a huge shortage. the faa wants to hire about 3,000 air traffic controllers, but we heard a startling number today. they have ohm hired in total about six controllers overial in the last year. that's a huge problem. they say that's contributing to fatigue and stress, that sometimes they have to work mandatory six-day weeks, 12-hour shifts, and that's tough on them. the other thing we also learned today from delta's ceo, there's simply a brain drain that's happened at the airlines, that a lot of experienced people have retired, a lot of new people are coming up to the major airlines from the regionals, so there's a huge shift in the workforce. everything is really different. there's always a chain of errors that lead to these incidents. in houston, we saw airplanes trade paint, not something that could have been much, much worse. >> it's when all pieces of swiss cheese line up, and the marble falls through. >> that's it. a first look at the shopping trends for the holiday season. you got to see this. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. it is discounts are only just get started. mad egan, how binge of a jump are you seeing? i'm certainly not part of t how early are we talking here? >> early, like before halloween early. >> wow. >> apparently it's not just my wife doing the shopping. analysts say $77 billion was spent in october alone. that's up 6% year over year. this is really the first look at early holiday shopping trends. they look pretty solid. so that means this is real growth. it is being driven, though, by discounts. appliances up to 6% off list price, sporting goods, apparel, electronics up to 12%. adobe analyst is predicting record-setting online discounts up to 35% during peak hole say shopping. we need to keep an eye on how people are paying for this. so, if people are just piling on credit card debt, that could be dangerous, especially now. when you see the lego sale pop up, let me know. i really need that one. we're getting some of the significant new numbers from the housing market. what are you learning there? >> good news/bad news. the good news is mortgage rates are down. that is the biggest week-over-week drop we have seen in a year. mortgage rates been still high. more than doubled from where they are in 2020. that's very painful. the higher mortgage rates go, the less homes people can afford. let me show you what i mean. if you're buying a $500,000 home, putting 20% down, you're paying $1100 more per month than you were if you bought at this point in 2020. 1100 more. that's not getting you an extra bedroom or bigger garage. that's all money going to the bank. if you talk to people trying to buy a home right now, they're hoping mortgage rates go much lower. it's very tough out there right now. >> wow, that is something that puts it into perspective. matt, thank you so much for taking us through that. coming up, sources tell cnn that steve wozniak has been hospitalized in mexico city. we'l'll have detetails, aheaead. all right. this is just shocking news out of los angeles county. four current and former l.a. county sheriff department employees have died in the span of 24 hours, all are believed to have died by suicide. josh campbell is with us now with the story. three of these workers were current employees, one had retired. do we have any idea what's going on here? >> reporter: brianna, at this hour, no clear through line. the homicide bureau is investigating the suicides. three current employees, one retired. sheriff luna says the department is in mourning. he says, in part -- we are stunned to learn of these deaths, and it's sent shockwaves of emotions through the department as we try to cope with the loss of four beloved members of our department family. now, brianna, this has certainly been a crisis we've heard across law enforcement. this is personal. i've had former colleagues who have died by suicide. the key we hear from experts is officers have to understand that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. we're also hearing calls for solutions, such as mandatory annual checkups for officers. there's a culture in law enforcement you have to suck it up and keep going. it's an inherently dangerous profession they're in. that takes a toll. having those annual checkups, we are hearing from experts, will allow authorities to try to get past the stigma of weakness i talked to chief ramsey, the former head of philly appeared washington, d.c. departments. he tried this, and he was shocked how many officers said i want a second or third appointment. again, it starts with messaging and ending the stigma of see seeking help. >> we've seen it with veterans, too. i do just want to mention if you or anyone you know needs help or in crisis, you can call or next 988 to reach the national suicide prevent lifeline. it is free and confidential. boris? we're following some breaking news out of gaza. the military arm of the palestinian islamic jihad group says it's prepared to release two hostages. what else are you learning? >> reporter: well, we know a video has been released by this group. in deference to the family's wishes, we're not sharing the video, and not naming the two people. the idf was questioned about in ongoing behind the scenes development a few hours ago. the idf spokesman says we will not miss an opportunity to get hostages. i don't know if this hints they're aware of what's happening behind the scenes. this is the first time palestinian islamic jihad has offered to release hostages. one is being released for humanitarian reasons, one for medical reasons. only four hostages have been released so far. how many other hostages this palestinian islamic legitimate has isn't clear. is this indicative of a bigger breakthrough? that's not clear, either, but it's a development for at least two families. that spokesperson for the islamic jihad saying neither the timing nor the circumstances are clear at this point of those potential releases. nic robertson, thanks so much for the update. stay with cnn. we'll be right back. it's being heralded as a medical breakthrough, surgeons in new york have performed the first-ever whole eye transplant in a living person. omar, walk us through what the surgery entails and the story behind it. >> i mean, look, the surgery itself was incredibly complicated, an over 20-hour surgery, of course, that took efforts in two different operating rooms while this was actually happening. when i talked to the person who was the recipient of this whole eye he can't believe he's in the position he's in now over two years after he got a 7,200 volt shock from an electrical line. his doctors can't either. take a look. aaron james was working as a high-voltage lineman in 2021 when his face accidently touched a live wire. he lost an arm and parts of his face. james' new reality left him nearly unrecognizable with no memory of what happened. he was sent to a hospital in texas not long after. >> basically i got up, went up to work, and woke up six weeks later in dallas, texas. >> doctors at new york university soon got wind of his case and saw a possibility. less than two years after the accident, they performed a successful partial face and whole eye transplant, the first time that's ever been done in history. and this is what james looks like now. the new eye still not open but receiving blood flow, his doctors say. when you walk by the mirror do you ever stop yourself and go wow. >> oh, yeah. every time i see a mirror i'll stop. it's unbelievable. >> in the very beginning it was a poor outlook. they were basically preparing me for his death. >> did you ever lose hope? >> no. >> why is that? >> because he was fighting. >> their daughter, allie, wasn't sure what he would look like, but that's not what she cared about. >> most of my worries was just how he was going to be when he was awake and aware. >> did you ever think you were going to lose him? >> yeah. >> i think i'm still a little in shock. i'm just like how in the world. >> the 21-hour procedure was intricate at every level. why is adding an eye to a face transplant much more complicated than the already complicated face transplant? >> it's completely uncharted territory. >> dr. rodriguez helped lead the historic surgery. in one of two operating rooms he dissected the face james would soon receive including an eye. >> we disconnect it from the donor and the race begins. at this point the face and eye are not receiving blood supply. the amount of time it's not receiving blood is critical. the eye could die. so i take the face from the donors room to aaron's room, and i begin all those connections. >> having to use a microscope to connect nerves no more than a millimeter wide to connect the eye. is there a possibility that he will see in the future? >> at this point he does not see, but the fact that the eye is there, we've already made one huge step forward. >> this was james seeing himself for the first time post-surgery. >> you don't look at this as a finish line. this is more of a starting point. >> absolutely. >> through it all james sees a purpose greater than his own. >> that's really my biggest hope out of this deal. i mean if i can see out of it, that's great. if i can kick start the next half in the medical field then i'm all for it. >> look, he still has a long journey, a lot more work to be done. doctors will continue to do tests to see if he can actually see at some point but also he still has to get teeth. he's far from out of the woods yet. that said, one of the things he really told me he thinks about a lot is that on the other side of his celebration, the progress he's made is he thinks about the families, the people who lost someone who then decided to give up a piece of their loved one for him, and he says he doesn't take that for granted and doesn't let a day go by without thinking about it. it's an incredible story and especially over the course of the interview, he even found space to laugh through it all. so just the spirit and perseverance through it all really about as incredible as the surgery itself. >> what an inspiring story and really remarkable just from the scientific medical aspect. omar jimenez, thanks so much for bringing that to us. stayay with "newews central.l." wewe're back i in just a moment. all right, we have some exciting news to share. we love these. our colleague sara murray has welcomed a healthy son. sarah says that archer, andrew, paul, art -- came wailing into the world. also mussed his due date by a few names. >> his two middle names come from his paternal and maternal grandfather and also the name of a taylor swift song. maybe archer attended no

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Pauses ,White House ,Plan ,Israel ,U S ,Pentagon ,Civilians ,Joe Biden ,Times ,Operations ,Site ,Sir ,Quote ,Nra ,Four ,The Eye ,Transplant ,Oman ,Attack ,Region ,Uncharted Territory ,Arkansas ,Palestinians ,Wall ,Stories ,Cnn News Central ,80000 ,Officials ,Gaza ,Evacuations ,Corridor Through Gaza Today ,Nic ,Assistance ,Enclave ,Degree ,Reporter ,Idf ,Shift ,Policy ,Balance Of Power ,South ,North ,Continuation ,Doing ,Highway ,3 ,People ,Explosions ,Israelis ,Route Yesterday 80000 Today ,50000 ,Aid ,Location ,Course ,Position ,Fighting ,Hostages ,Routes ,Cease Fire ,Neighborhoods ,Point ,President ,Activities ,Peril ,Biden Today ,Tunnels ,Hamas Out ,Ma Has ,Hope ,It ,Administration ,Netanyahu ,Longer ,Tensions ,Update ,Parallel ,Hamas ,Sderot ,Crisis ,Thousands ,Impact ,Damage ,Evacuation Routes ,Wear ,Safety ,Finding ,Trip ,Many ,Majority ,Car ,Distances ,Disabled ,Elderly ,Children ,Hospitals ,Ground ,Hundreds ,Medics ,Patients ,Air Company ,Sanctuary ,Facilities ,Southern Parts Of Gaza ,Air Strikes ,Parts ,Move ,Windows ,Situation ,Left Behind ,1 5 Million ,Shelter ,Schools ,Gasesa Strip ,Hearing ,Bam ,Rationing Food ,Doctors ,Natasha Bertrand ,Surgeries ,Medication ,Nada Bashir ,Information ,Forces ,Attacks ,Iran ,Proxy Groups ,Weapons Storage Facilities ,Bases ,Coalition ,Eastern Syria ,Iraq ,Lot ,Questions ,Deterrent ,Weapons Storage Facility ,Two ,Weapons ,Carry ,Infrastructure ,Retaliation ,Attempt ,Rockets ,Casualties ,They Don T ,Drones ,Members ,Service ,Brain Injuries ,Injuries ,Result ,56 ,25 ,Deputy Pentagon Secretary ,Balance ,Issue ,Conflict ,Groups ,Precision Air Strikes ,Doesn T ,Self Defense ,Manu Raju ,Reelection ,Joe Manchen ,Developments ,Let ,Office ,David Chalian ,Eva Mckend ,Joe Ma Manchin ,News ,Line ,Decision ,Ramifications ,The ,Democratic ,Caucus ,Some ,Middle ,Achievements ,Senate ,Blow ,Control ,Republican ,States ,Chances ,Seat ,Sherrod Brown ,Ohio ,Incumbents ,Flip ,Jon Tester Of Montana ,West Virginia ,Democrat ,Estate ,Opportunities ,Texas ,Challenge ,Florida ,Rick Scott ,Ted Cruz ,Party ,Power Decision ,Republicans ,Primary ,Facing ,Agenda ,Power ,Congress ,Part ,Justice ,Jim ,Signal ,Battle For Manchin ,Things ,Race ,Math ,Running ,Take A Look ,Uphill Climb ,Consideration ,Question ,Retirement Video ,Country ,No Doubt ,Movement ,Sides ,Idea ,No ,Ticket ,Third Party ,Way ,Announcement ,End ,Unclear ,Reason ,Eva ,Case ,Weight ,Endangered ,Win ,Matter ,Sway ,Conversations ,49 ,51 ,Report ,Ratings ,Rating System ,Jon Tester ,Montana ,Stuff ,Cycle ,Michigan ,Nevada ,Chuck Schumer ,Rally ,Progressives ,Someone ,Gleeful ,Operatives ,Reliability ,Plus 1 ,Argument ,Moderate ,Money ,Someone Else ,Vote ,Elsewhere ,Say ,House ,Demise ,Blanche Lincoln ,Bluedog ,Mindset ,Consensus ,Mind ,You Don T ,Politicians ,John Kerry ,2004 ,Edward ,Campaign ,Campaigning ,June Kerry ,Notion ,Body ,Compromise ,Races ,Tester Rate ,Voters ,Yes ,Covering Georgia Last ,Rate ,Climate ,Base Motivator ,One ,Coming Up ,Flier ,New Jersey ,January 6th ,Georgia ,6 ,Calls ,Cnn News Central ,Runways ,String ,Capitol ,C ,Thehe Couountry ,Bacack ,Latest ,Gregory Yetman ,Polo Sandoval ,Manhunt ,Police ,Fbi ,Army Spokesperson ,Boris ,Middlesex ,Authorities ,Police Officer ,Deployments ,Tear ,Sergeant ,Guantanamo Bay ,Cuba ,Afghanistan ,New Jersey National Guard ,Connection ,Area ,Warrant ,Details ,Opportunity ,Analysis ,Outlet ,Individual ,Usa Today ,Everything ,Certain ,Military Officer ,Lawmakers ,Public ,Advisories ,Risk ,Sky ,Reports ,Collisions ,Commercial Aircraft ,Capitol Hill ,Mete Muntean ,78 ,Head ,Warning ,Down ,Air Transportation System ,Strain ,Ntsb ,Gang Busters ,Weekend ,Houston ,Lobby ,Busiest ,Subject ,Skies ,Pilots ,Call ,Crash ,Jets ,Jet ,Takeoff ,Crew ,Hawker ,The Tower ,Plane ,Collision Course ,Wait ,Set ,Landi Lan Landing Cessna Citation ,Something ,Incidents ,Wake Up Call ,Catastrophic ,Tragedy ,Response ,Fact ,Controller ,More ,Air Traffic Controller ,Incident ,Faa ,Senators ,Airports ,Brianna ,Number ,Transparency ,Nothing ,Silver Lining ,Led ,Zero ,Air Traffic Controllers ,Agency ,Shortage ,Thank Goodness ,3000 ,Problem ,Six ,Thing ,Shifts ,Stress ,Fatigue ,12 ,Airlines ,Brain Drain ,Regionals ,Ceo ,Delta ,Lead ,Workforce ,Chain ,Errors ,Airplanes Trade Paint ,We ,Look ,Line Up ,Pieces ,Marble ,Swiss Cheese ,Holiday Season ,Shopping Trends ,Lines ,A Month ,Business ,Business Mobile ,Carriers ,Interest ,Providers ,Bill ,Big Three ,Comcast ,0 ,Three ,30 ,75 ,Contracts ,Term ,Line Activation Fees ,5g Mobile Network ,Device ,5 ,Discounts ,Binge ,Mad Egan ,Shopping ,Wife ,Early Holiday Shopping Trends ,Analysts ,7 Billion ,177 Billion ,Sporting Goods ,Growth ,Appliances ,Analyst ,Hole Say Shopping ,Adobe ,35 ,Lego Sale Pop Up ,Credit Card Debt ,Mortgage Rates ,Numbers ,Bad News ,Housing Market ,Drop ,Home ,Homes ,Buying A ,20 ,2020 ,500000 ,100 ,1100 ,00000 ,Garage ,Bedroom ,Bank ,Wow ,Perspective ,Matt ,Sources ,Mexico City ,Detetails ,Steve Wozniak ,Aheaead ,We L ,Suicide ,Josh Campbell ,L A County Sheriff ,Los Angeles County ,Department Employees ,24 ,Story ,Employees ,Workers ,Homicide ,Bureau ,Suicides ,Department ,Sheriff Luna ,Shockwaves ,Deaths ,Mourning ,Department Family ,Loss ,Emotions ,Officers ,Law Enforcement ,Experts ,Key ,Colleagues ,Help ,Weakness ,Sign ,Checkups ,Culture ,Strength ,Solutions ,Stigma ,Toll ,Profession ,Chief Ramsey ,Departments ,Philly ,Washington D C ,Appointment ,Messaging ,Veterans ,Anyone ,Suicide Prevent Lifeline ,988 ,Palestinian Islamic Jihad ,Military Arm ,Breaking News ,Video ,Family ,Deference ,Wishes ,Time ,Hints ,Behind The Scenes Development ,Idf Spokesman ,Reasons ,Breakthrough ,Families ,Legitimate ,Development ,Spokesperson ,Isn T Clear ,Islamic ,Releases ,Timing ,Circumstances ,Nic Robertson ,Stay ,Surgeons ,New York ,Surgery ,Omar Jimenez ,Eye Transplant ,Living Person ,Person ,Operating Rooms ,Efforts ,Recipient ,Aaron James ,Shock ,Volt ,7200 ,Face ,Lineman ,Arm ,Reality ,Live Wire ,2021 ,Work ,Hospital ,Memory ,Dallas ,Possibility ,Wind ,Accident ,New York University ,Eye ,History ,Blood Flow ,Mirror ,Outlook ,Allie ,Daughter ,Death ,Wasn T Sure ,Most ,Worries ,World ,Procedure ,Level ,21 ,Rodriguez ,Territory ,Dr ,Donor ,Blood Supply ,Room ,Millimeter ,Blood ,Connections ,Donors ,Amount ,Nerves ,Microscope ,Aaron ,Step ,Post Surgery ,Starting Point ,Purpose ,Finish Line ,Deal ,Field ,Out Of The Woods ,Tests ,Teeth ,Half ,Journey ,Side ,Celebration ,Progress He S Made ,Piece ,Perseverance ,Spirit ,Thinking ,Interview ,Space ,Aspect ,Stayay ,Newews Central L ,Wewe ,Sara Murray ,Right ,Son ,Sarah ,Archer ,Wailing ,Andrew ,Art ,Paul ,Names ,Taylor Swift ,Name ,Grandfather ,Paternal ,Maternal ,

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