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you are watching cnn's special live coverage of the israel/hamas war. we begin with a devastating and very deadly israeli air strike on the largest refugee camp in gaza. the israeli military says the strike on the refugee camp took out one of the leaders of the october 7th terror attack. eyewitnesses and medics said the strike caused a large number of casualties. >> a spokesman told wolf blitzer that the target was a very senior hamas commander. here's part of their conversation. >> we'll be coming out in the next, hopefully, hour with more data. but i can update you now, that there was a very senior hamas commander in that area. sadly, he was hiding, again, as they do, behind civilians. that's all i can see at this point. we'll be coming out with more data as we learned what happened there. >> can you confirm it was an israeli attack that destroyed bia big chunk of that refugee camp? >> yes, i can. >> and the fact that -- >> we were focused on the target. a senior commander, and we'll be updating you with more as the hour moves ahead. >> we want to show you video of the scene. it shows the inside of the indonesian hospital in gaza, that is treating some of the survivors. and the hospital's director tells cnn hundreds of dead and injured people have arrived there. >> obviously, you make out the profiles of children, as so many of the victims in gaza have been. we're going to turn to nic robe robertson. he is in sterot, israel, for us. describe the situation as you know it there, in northern gaza. we're hearing multiple homes were destroyed in this. >> local officials in gaza, hamas-controlled, say that 20 homes were destroyed. the videos show multiple impacts on the ground. multiple explosions. one eyewitnesses described what they say was an f-16 firing multiple missiles into gaza, at that location. a witness said they felt it was going to be the end of the world. it does appear taas if the casualties are extremely high. you heard from one of the doctors in the indonesia hospital describing the casualties they are receiving. they are treating them on the floors, in the corridors. they are literally running out of space. this is in a hospital that was already on the brink of being on the edge of not being able to cope with the casualties. the refugee camp according to u.n. agencies in gaza, is the largest in eight refugee camps. the population is estimated to be 110,000 people in a small area. densely populated. the idf say they were targeting a hamas commander, who was hiding among civilians. they say, he was in a pbunker with other hamas fighters. hamas has responded, as well. they say the commander that the idf says they killed, wasn't there. the idf isn't saying -- hamas is saying he wasn't there. this is a situation already where we're hearing from egyptian officials saying that israel cannot continue this war, where there are so many civilians and there can be so many nationalities. and casualties. this is putting additional pressure on a government here to take stock, take a breathe, allowing humanitarian aid and have a pause in the fighting, something they haven't been willing to do kwlet. yet. >> we're learning about the first deaths among israeli troops since israel expanded its ground operations into gaza. what can you tell us about that? >> idf say the two men, one a sergeant, the other a staff sergeant, say they died heroes in face-to-face combat, fighting with hamas operatives inside of gaza. we don't have numbers on casualties yet from the idf. it would be expected, if you have soldiers in direct contact, some of them are dying and there will be additional casualties. the death toll so far, two soldiers who died in this face-to-face fight. >> we should mention these are live pictures you are looking at. following the israeli strike on a refugee camp. the largest refugee camp in gaza. we're seeing this and we understand there's been rocket fire in the skies over gaza, as well. let's talk more about all of these developments. we're joined by senior columnist and editor at the jerusalem post, yakav katz and david sanger. first, the israeli military claiming it killed a hamas commander, one who was responsible for the october 7th massacre. obviously, it did so at the expense of civilians living there. we can see with our eyes the collateral damage. what do you make of what we're seeing? >> israel warned that this is how it would happen because hamas embeds itself in civilian infrastructure. for that reason, three weeks ago, after the massacre, israel spent three weeks trying to urge -- about 90% of the people who reside in the north of gaza, move to the south, where there is that american and egyptian-led humanitarian effort. with that said, israel needs to be able to defend itself and take out the terrorists. ibrahim biarri was the target and was taken out in the strike he has secretary of state lincoln. just today testified before senate and gouging out eyes and cutting off limbs of children in front of parents. cutting the breasts off of the mother and sitting down and having a meal. this is tragic what is happening in gaza, right? there's one side to blame here. that's hamas for failing its people and attacking israel. >> you have new reporting in "the new york times," about a shift in tone from the white house, about israel's war. not notably, we're gett ting word fm our team at the white house, that the white house sees indications, despite the bombing we saw at the refugee camp, that israel is trying to protect civilians there. i'm curious what your read is of how the white house is handling this response. what is israel's end game and what if they succeed in eradicating hamas? >> that's right. what we've seen is a shift of the president's tone on this. october 10th, days after the terror attack. the president came out and said the united states would respond decisively and overwhelmingly. if it had been attacked. he's begun to shift his tone. he did during his visit to israel. and you heard jake sullivan, the national security advise herb and secretary of state blinken, saying how israel does this makes a big difference. there is an additional al burdn israel, to make sure they reduce civilian casualties. i'm sure this horrific set of casualties is going to raise this question anew. not whether the hamas leader was a legitimate target. is it an acceptable degree of civilian casualties to go after a bomb like this, if you know there's that many civilians around. that's the really hard question. it's one thing to say, you have to protect civilians and go after the terrorists. it's another thing when it comes down to a case like this. >> we saw israeli prime minister netanyahu on tv yesterday. he was making the case for israel. do you feel he made the case soon enough to be effective in and has he been making the case for israel enough globally, leading up to this? what do you think? >> we know he has the ability of an orator. and he knows how to speak. he could be out there doing more of that. he has been silent since the hostilities. he feels responsible but doesn't know how to take that personally. what we need is one hand, the world tells israel, of course you have the right to act in self-defense. you'rebligated in self-defense. but the other hand says to israel, don't kill civilians. in this type of combat and this type of urban warfare and the use that hamas makes of civilian infrastructure. when you attack a building like the tunnel networks, there's the above ground city and the below ground city. if there's a tunnel network, capsize. and israel can do everything it can. and i know it does to protect the civilians. gave them three weeks notice before coming in. when hamas invaded israel, they didn't tell the israelis hey, we're coming to kill you. they came in and butchered them. what israel did shows another standard in the way we fight as a country. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come, the humanitarian crisis in gaza worsening by the day. what life is like inside a hospital in northern gaza. plus, secretary of state tony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin making their case to congress, to get military aid for isrsrael and uk ukraine.e. and hamas has forced half of gaza's population, 1 million people out of their homes. with so many on the move, we are reporting on the plight. a warning that timmages that you're about to see in this report are graphic. >> reporter: where do you go when the bombs won't stop? where do you shelter your family when the shelters are full? for many, the answer is a hospital. the doctor shows us around. all that separates the families and the icu is this door, he explains. these are not proper, sterile conditions. some 12 people are camped out. and every person you see here has been told by israel's army to leave and move south. an evacuation order that the u.n. called inhumane. this is not a place for children to play. hospitals are protected under international law. israel cliaims they use hospitas as command centers. aid groups and palestinian officials deny the allegations. either way, this is not a safe place. step outside and this is what you face, nonstop israeli artillery and air strikes. everyone here fears the explosions will get closer. but there's nowhere else to run. across the street, people steal supplies. the war is causing civil order to break down, the u.n. says. families cannot be expected to flee into this chaos, this father says. tomorrow, we could be dead. please save us, he pleads. less than a quarter-mile away from the hospital, this is the aftermath of one of the strikes. they can depend only on each other. coms are down. no one can call an ambulance. just try to carry him out on your shoulder, someone shouts. are your mom and dad alive? the sound of war never ceases. you can die trying to help the living. this is one neighborhood during one hour in gaza, a tiny glim i glim glimpse into the war. a casualty of war so many did not choose. >> very difficult images to process there. thanks to sellma for that repor. let's discuss the humanitarian situation in gaza, with the president and ceo of save the children, one of the world's leading humanitarian organizations, for children. thank you so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. i want to let our viewers know. you were able to get a first truck with 45,000 bottles of water into gaza on sunday. that was the first piece of aid your organization was able to get in. bring us up to speed on what the situation has been like since. have you been allowed to get more aid into gaza? >> thank you. not yet. we've got another truck waiting at the border. we're already sending more trucks, as well. we need to be able to get more trucks in, which is why we're also calling for humanitarian pause and seriocease-fire. it's about having the ability to distribute the supplies safely and securely. >> when it comes to supplies most needed right now in gaza, other than water, what would you say you're hearing from your teams on the ground is most in need? >> almost everything. watt and fuel. it's hard to distribute supplies adequately, speedily and safely. you're asking our teams to carry supplies on their back. food is required. medicine, drugs, we heard that from other agencies, as well, that hospitals are running, have run out of painkillers. out of any other anesthesia, any other drugs to help the wounded, and people who already were sick. >> when you answered the questions, you talked about the cessation of hostilities, a cease-fire. we've heard from notable officials, benjamin netanyahu saying that a cease-fire would be surrendering to hamas. i'm woundering how you respond o that? how you absorb that viewpoint. >> yeah, look, it's not save the children's roll to suicide or position the cease-fire. we see a cease-fire as the killing and the maiming of children, on all sides. we see it as an opportunity to get much needed support and more supplies. also, humanitarian human support. doctors and nurses, humanitarians in gaza, have been working around the clock. they are exhausted. they need also help to do their work, safely and securely. at that school to have the fighting stop. children bear the brunt of a conflict like this. >> we should point out there's some 2 million people inside of gaza. half of them are children. we have to leave the conversation there. we appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. we're tracking some breaking news. moments ago, the u.s. senate voted to confirm jack lew as the next ambassador to israel. and just moments, we're going to explain why the majority needer of the senate says this is the most important and consequential vote the senate has taken in a long time. we're following developments on capitol hill. the senate just confirmed jack lewis as ambassador to israel. his role comes despite some key role in the nuclear deal when lew served in the obama administration. how did this vote play out? >> yeah, a close vote. 53-43. jock lew confirmed as the u.s. ambassador to israel, after some concerns for republicans. enough to get him over the finish line. this comes as there's divisions among republicans on how to move forward with aid to israel. people like mitch mcconnell, including aid to israel with aid to ukraine. that's badly divided his republican conference. >> i think he's wrong and undercutting speaker johnson's position. it's a mistake. mcconnell's position is unpopular. both in kentucky and unpopular across the united states. i think will fail or bring down the speaker, which is not a good idea. >> if we're going to have a piece of legislation that's going to include law, it will include support for ukraine and israel. there may be other elements thatry a tached to it. it's not acceptable to abandon ukraine. there may be a small majority that tries to wag the dog, if you will. i don't think that will happen. >> the challenge for senators like romney and mcconnell, is the fact that the house is pushing forward with israel-only plan. $14.3 billion. the future of getting israel aid uncertain at this key moment, as republicans on the opposite sides of their strategy moving ahead, in divisions about whether adding to ukraine should be part of the equation. all of it leaves the fate uncertain at this moment. >> such a huge gap between republicans in the senate and republicans in the mouse. house. funding for israel and ukraine are front and center on capitol hill today. secretary of state blinken and secretary austin making their c case, as demonstrators protested any additional aid for israel, as well. in the senate, we're seeing a rare display of bipartisan unity, as leaders of both parties agree, that israel aid should be part of a package that includes israel aid and funding. mike johnson wants a stand alone bill for israel that does not include any new funding for ukraine. we have beth with us, a cnn national security on list. former deputy director of national intelligence. beth, tell us how you see this, if the speaker is demanding that the funding forces be separated, if it makes any sense when you're talking about u.s. national security interests? >> i think the two things don't make sense. the practical matter. there's a crisis that needs to be dealt, with as well. the practical aspect is very important. u.s. leadership and credibility is at stake here. i think this is something that americans would understand, if it was put to them. whether the united states is seen as a declining power, that china and russia and their friends are putting out there to the whole world and they're getting traction on that because of dysfunction at home. i think that showing strength, the republicans say biden isn't showing strength. well, they're actually making it a lot harder for the president to show strength and u.s. leadership by handling the funding in the way they are with all of the shenanigans. >> what happens if they don't receive this funding? >> well, i don't think in the near term, it's not a crisis. there are signs that there are problems. we have until the end of the year in the practical effects on the battlefield. that said, there's a psychological effect for the ukr ukrainians and what is happening with putin and russia and china, that will gain momentum on its own. we can't forget the european and allies, that depends on u.s. leadership, if we can't come through with this, this is a problem. as we get closer to the election, it gets harder to pass. the last time the bill came forward in the house, 117, including mike johnson, voted against the bill for ukraine. son has voted aid to ukraine. that majority of republicans in the house, it is getting harder and harder to pass these things. >> while i have you, i want to ask you about the idf strike. the israeli military strike that we have seen on the refugee camp in gaza. we know it's killed civilians. we know that in effect, many of them did not. what questions is this raising for you? >> i think this shows the complicated nature of this conflict and the dilemmas this administration and all of us as human beings face, when we're looking at the pictures. this camp has been known as a hamas stronghold. it is the birthplace of the first intifadah, the first palestinian uprising. hamas is in that camp. they live in that camp. they are part of the culture of that camp. not everyone, of course. >> i'm sure the civilians there that don't like hamas were prevented by hamas from leaving. i think the administration, in grappling this, we have to be so much more forward leaning and protecting civilians. we are losing the global narrative on this war, by not being able to say at the same time, hamas is a terrible group and did horrible things and we must protect civilians. >> beth, it's great to have your persp perspective. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. and still to come, the fbi says anti-semitism is reaching historic levels the. how the israel/hamas war is fueling hate in the u.s. the senate only confirmed jack smith for his job last month. but he's been doing two jobs for months. his new one and the old one, because his would-be deputy hasn't been confirmed. that is because republican senator tommy tubberville of alabama, is blocking the senate of group nominations of hundreds of general and glag flag office across the military. he is doing it because he resists the abortion travel policy. they had nothing to do with ad adopting. to be clear, we have no way of knowing that the stress of these demands contributed to general smith's health emergency. safe to say, it did not help. smith himself telling the marine corps, it is not a sustainable thing when the last thing you do is flip your computer off at 11:30 at night and getting up at 5:00 in the morning. general smith is receiving care as they scramble to fill the void. smith does not have a confirmed deputy. the senate hasn't confirmed a commandant of the marine corps. heckle is filling in for smith. and heckle was already doing two jobs because, yet again, tommy tuberville's holds according to now, heckle is responsible for four jobs. the whole affair show confusing that the marine corps announced that heckle would be acting commandant and had to correct itself and said that heckle would be performing the duties of the commandant. that's not a pflex of strength when the u.s. is trying to keep the conflict between hamas and israel, not from ballooning. the pentagon is sending 300 more service members to the middle east, as the marines, the navy and the air force are mobilizing thousands more troops as well as ships and planes in the region. when you have the proxies of iran, the country that finds hamas and hezbollah, and rebels in yemen, attacking bases where americans are stationed in iraq and syria, 27 times in the last 2 weeks. in that time period, the u.s. spent five hours intercepting missiles in the red sea by yemen. there's no commander of the fifth fleet responsible for the middle east. no deputy commander of u.s. central command that oversees the region. no deputy commanding general of command as the forces are in the region. and there is no head, we should say, of the navy. or the air force. as fighter jets deployed to the region. don't worry, tuberville says. his holds are no big deal. >> there's no threat to readiness. the people that we need to be really worried about are her colonels and majors and sergeants and privates. they're the people that get ready to fight wars. the people up here in the pentagon, i don't know what they do every day. but they're more of giving advice. >> actually, these people do stuff. they do important stuff. and they don't just give advice. let's not diminish the value of informed advice. they make decisions and are necessary, especially right now. even tuberville's republicans know this and some have criticized him publicly. but tuberville insists, quote, it's not holding up any readiness. i mean, we're not at war, number one. all these jobs that we're holding, they're all being done. but the marine corps commandant, that might be a bridge too far even from the senator from illinois. just moments ago, he told reporters he's taken the rare procedural step to bypass his own hold. but only on one nominee. assistant commandant of the marine corps, sending a clear message to military leaders, you may be doing two jobs, maybe even four. but you're only a heart attack away from senator tuberville doing his. we'll be right back. fbi director christopher wray said the rise of anti-semitism is reaching historic levels. there is a steady uptick in threats. saying the jewish community is targeted by terrorists across the spectrum. listen. >> the jewish community is targeted by terrorists really across the spectrum. home grown violent extremists and sunni and shiite and our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents about 2.4% of the american public, they account for something like 60% of all religious based hate crimes. >> cnn's nick watt has been tracking this story. so what did you find? >> reporter: boris, i've been speaking to a lot of jewish americans, many of them who are may anyone to safe lived a little and they say for the first time in their lives, they actually feel under physical threat. they actually feel scared they're going to be attacked and here is just one reason why. there was a man arraigned in nevada yesterday, for leaving threatening messages for senator jackie rosen who happened to be jewish. one of the messages includes the words that this guy wanted to finish what hitler started. senator rosen said she feels like many jews in this country and around the world are under attack, under threat. a scuffle at tulane after a propalestinian demonstrator tried to burn an israeli flag. at cornell jews were threatened with death and called pigs in an online forum according to the cornell daily sun. >> no one should be afraid to walk from their dorm or dining hall to a classroom. >> but that is a reel. another post, going to shoot up 104 west, that is the address of the college center for jewish living and the kosher dining hall. >> we'll not tolerate anti-semitism in this campus. >> there is no place for hate in america and we condemn it in the strongest terms. to the students at cornell and on campuses across the country, we're tracking these threats closely. >> reporter: at george washington university, glory to our martyrs ang mong the messag projected on a library wall. >> celebrating those who murdered and massacres israeli civilians. >> and it is not just college campuses, slurs painted on a building in l.a. a florida congressman posted saturday that the temple i belong to was targeted by five people wearing ski masks and shouting kill the jews. >> this is gone into a horrible place that reminds the jewish community quite frankly of the reason why israel was created in the first place. >> reporter: anti-semitic incidents in the u.s. are up nearly 400% since the hamas terror of october 7th according to the a.d.l. >> let's keep in mind that prior to october 7th, we have already seen the highest number of anti-jewish acts in america that the a.d.l. had ever tracked in the last 45 years. >> quite frankly, there are very few corners of world right now in which you won't see that sort of craziness. different levels of course. but it is everywhere. >> reporter: today in paris, four jewish educational institutes received bomb threats. in china, strict state sensors allow extremist anti-semitic posts online. and in southern russia, a mob, some carrying anti-semitic signs broke into an airport on sunday apparently to meet a flight from tel aviv. >> that was an angry mob that broke through security in an airport looking for jews and i'm sure they're not looking to have a robust foreign policy conversation. >> reporter: at least ten people were injured say local officials. the airport had to close. flights from israel are now being diverted elsewhere. now, i mentioned in that piece those threats at cornell, one threat to shoot up the kosher dining hall, well we hear there is now a person in custody in relation to those threats. and you know, here at cnn, we are basically struggling to keep on top of this. there are so many incidents, swastikas here and slants and slurs and it is difficult to keep up and we wrestle with how much do we say. are we amplifying this hate speech by recounting it but it is also very important to make it clear, this is not just name calling, these are threats and i've spoken to jewish americans who have said if anyone asks you if you're jewish, say no. boris. >> it is a frightening time. nick watt, thank you so much for that. >> that is incredibly scary. that that is what peep are dealing with. that they're denying their identity in order to stay safe. this is just awful. and that is it for us. 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