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Collins. All eyes tonight are on gaza where there has been a significant Military Escalation tonight, the largest that we have seen since the start of this work almost exactly 3 weeks ago. Along with a relentless air bombardment, israel says it is expanding its Ground Operation in gaza, but wont yet precisely say whether this is the start of that highly anticipated fullscale ground offensive. Journalist barack notes tonight it is much more intensive than what we have seen in recent days with those minor incursions going into gaza with then Israeli Forces leaving. Right now, youre looking at video from the idf of these targeted raids that are being conducted tonight. Israeli forces say that hundreds of thousands of soldiers amassed on the border, in the air, on the ground, and in the sea. Of course, the hostages are still in gaza, they are still at the center of this. We are hearing from u. S. Officials who say the negotiations are going to continue, but there are major questions of how the actions we are seeing on the ground play out right now complicates that. Of course, 229 people still remain in captivity by hamas tonight but i want to get straight to Cnns Anderson Cooper who is live in tel aviv. Israel is expanding its Ground Operation tonight. How does that look different, how does that sound different from where you are, then what we have been seeing over the last three weeks . Reporter certainly, the level of bombardment has increased significantly for many hours now already. Even earlier today, this afternoon, first of all, the number of Rocket Attacks on tel aviv itself, there seemed to be an uptick. There were a number of Areas Simonson tel aviv which have not occurred over the last several days. But certainly all of us, we have been hearing and seeing significant artillery, significant munitions dropped in gaza, even here in tel aviv, you can hear some large detonations all the way in gaza from tel aviv. It is just a sign of the massive amount that is being put into place and dropped into gaza, but israel says it is targeting specific hamas Command Control centers, particularly leaders from hamas. We dont know the level of troops on the ground, exact locations, obviously, and whether they tend to stay there or come back across the border. We did see about two nights ago, the idf put out a video of a very limited encouragement of some holdovers and tanks going across the border, Literally Leveling Out Burns to make it easier for other tanks in the future to cross over into gaza. Also, according to the idf, taking out any reconnaissance of locations or ideas or explosive devices that may have been around in that area there have been a number of softening operations like that in the previous days, according to the idf. But this certainly seems to be a new phase. And of course, we are seeing how it is affecting gaza already. Cnn has been able to make some limited contact with people who are still inside the gaza strip, all of this just makes it difficult to know what the other side of this look like, what it looks like in gaza tonight, anderson. Reporter yeah, extremely difficult. Obviously, it is not a surprise that israel would try to knock out indications in gaza, you know, given they want to do everything they can to maximize their advantage, to not have hamas operated being able to communicate easily with one another. They want an element of surprise, as much as is possible, given the fact that hamas has spent two years preparing for the terror attack, for the slaughter that took place on october 7th, which also means they had been preparing for two years for the inevitable israeli response, which they wouldnt know exactly what it would be, but they could certainly anticipate it would involve a Ground Operation, given the scale and the scope of the massacre, the slaughter that took place, the brutality of it. So, it is a very dangerous situation, obviously for civilians on the ground, in gaza city, all throughout the gaza strip, and obviously for Israeli Forces heading into a battlefield, an urban comment battlefield that the forces they are going to be opposing is not only within a civilian population and also has a network of Underground Tunnels and more than 200 hostages, but it also has had a significant amount of time to think and prepare for this inevitable Ground Operation. Next Anderson Cooper in israel, think of a different perspective now, i want to bring in cnns Military Analyst and retired air force, colonel layton. Obviously gaza is a small, densely populated place, just about twice the size of washington, d. C. Where exactly are we seeing this new activity tonight and how close do you think that is where we believe this underground hamas Tunnel Network is . Yeah, kaitlan, good evening. The main area the israelis seem to be going for is the northern part of gaza. This is all of israel, this is the west bank, and this is gaza. We expect the israeli is basically to have their forces in this area, around the northern and central part of gaza. There are also reports that the immediate activity in the southern part of the border area between israel and gaza. So, all of these areas expected to be quite active. Now, as far as the tunnels are concerned, well first of all, lets take a look at the damage right here. This is the kind of damage that we have as of the 22nd of october. All of this area right here has been hit by the israelis. Offered here. You see the different impact points that you have here. Also in this area and in this area. These are all the different areas that have all been impacted by the kinds of air strikes that you see here. And then as far as the tunnels go, they are at a minimum described like this could be up to 300 miles of these tunnels, but they are all in this area right in here, particularly in the north and in the upper central part and there are also some here in the south. So, kaitlan, these are the areas where we can expect to find the Command Control for hamas, the hostages, and also resupply efforts, plus the walk ins. Colonel, given your experience in the air force, when we are trying to figure out what exactly israel is doing here, when do we know that the air campaign is done and around operation are in full effect, or do those things just overlap now Going Forward . Reporter they dont necessarily overlap. One of the things you can do is you can take a look at areas that are being targeted. This is a before picture of the place in gaza. You see a fairly extensively populated area right here, intact buildings, some high rises up here, and over this way. Now, that is the before picture. The after picture looks like this. This is october 21st. All of the areas right in here, all completely destroyed, obliterated. You have some damage in this area as well. So, all of these different areas are impacted in that way. And that is one aspect of this. What you do is you do what is known as a Battle Damage assessment. Here is another place that had a similar thing. A very agricultural area right over here, everything intact over here. Again, this was taken on may 10th. After october 21st, all of this completely gone, write in through here. And those areas that are standing, you can tell the buildings are basically uninhabitable, and that is the big idea. Once this is done, then that means that the other campaigns can start moving forward. Yeah, i mean, the before pictures and after pictures are just remarkable. Colonel layton, thank you for breaking all that down tonight for us. Also here tonight, a member of israels knesset and israels former ambassador to the united nations, danny. Ambassador, thank you for joining us back here. Can you give us some insight into what is going on now, is that that anticipated Ground Invasion . Ask kaitlan, we say that we will find them and we will hunt them down, that is exactly what we are doing now. And we explained the Ground Operation tonight, but we are continuing to use the air force, the navy, and we will not sit idly by. We still have 229 hostages, including 30 babies. We havent forgotten the massacre, the brutality, burning the kids alive. So, yes, we are now coming after hamas. We will use the force of the idf. We told the population of Northern Gaza to move to the south, they can still do that. And we will do whatever is necessary, how long it will take us, to find the territories and eliminate them. So, you are staying there still is time for Northern Gazans to leave. That signifies this is not the time for the Ground Invasion. Can you clarify . No, i cannot, i cannot go into specifics. But i am sending a message to the people in Northern Gaza today, they can still leave their homes. About 80 already did it, i would encourage the rest to leave, because it will be a war zone in Northern Gaza. Can i get you to standby for just one moment . This is a really important conversation, i do want to get back to this, but we had some Breaking News that has just happened here in the u. S. We have been following closely what has been happening in maine. Omar gimenez has been there covering the story as the manhunt has been underway for the suspect, over 48 hours now. Omar, what have you learned . Reporter yeah, kaitlan, over 48 hours in this manhunt and multiple sources are now telling cnn this suspect has been found dead in the woods, in a town over from where i am in the west end, which is where both of these Mass Shootings took place over 48 hours ago at this point. As we understand from sources, he was found dead due to a self inflicted Gunshot Wound to the head. He was found in the woods, as i mentioned, near lisbon, maine, the town over from here in the west end. They have been searching since the shootings took place. While obviously this is a Breaking News that is happening right now, there are indications or fears that he may have been found dead, because of the note that was found previously by Law Enforcement, indicating that he did not plan to be alive when that note was found. And clearly, this seems to be playing out now, according to these sources. To give you an idea of what the past few days have been like here, it has created a sense of fear, at the very least audience for the people here in this community, not knowing where this person was as they went to bed at night, as they locked their doors twice and they barricaded their doors, as some posted on social media. Again, unsure of what this person could be capable of. Now, earlier today, we got more details from police on how this attack unfolded, first at a Bowling Alley not too far from where i am right now, and then minutes later, came here to this location, to the restaurant behind me, and continued to open fire. At least 18 people were killed, 18 members of this community, and so many others are now trying to figure out how to put the pieces of their lives back together based on the actions of what police say was this man, 40yearold robert card, who has now been found dead according to multiple Law Enforcement sources, after eight more than 48 hour search. A Press Conference is scheduled for just about 50 minutes from now, where they will likely make that announcement officially, but also likely take us through some of the steps that led them to find it this particular body. I should also say that they were looking by the water, by air, by ground, and where this body was found, the lisbon area. While we dont know the exact, specific location in the woods, that has been a lot of the primary focus, of where investigators have been searching. They were combing through the woods, they were looking along the river, they even told us earlier today what they would be doing, even sending divers into the river to potentially look for evidence. And we are not sure exactly what part of that strategy need them get to this final hurdle, but this is a sigh of relief for so many people in this community, again, who were living in some cases in fear about where this person was. Yeah, so many areas still locked down. Omar, Breaking News there, that the suspected shooter in maine has been found dead, thank you for that, omar, back to you in a moment. For more on this, i want to bring in a cnn state Law Enforcement and intelligence, john, what have you been learning from your sources about how they found him, what this note apparently said . Well, the note was basically a list of account numbers, things to take care of, it was probably meant for his son in the event of his death as to how to handle affairs. Though it wasnt explicitly a suicide note, leaving it in the conspicuous place was an indicator that he wanted to put affairs in order. Now tonight, a search in an area that discovers robert card, only the Medical Examiner can make this determination, an apparent selfinflicted Gunshot Wound. I am told this is a wooded area near a Recycling Center. Why is that significant . Because in the order of events in his life, there was the Mental Health crisis he had in the National Guard that resulted in him being hospitalized under psychiatric observation. There was the loss of his job at that Recycling Center. And then the breakup with a woman he had been involved with. And those things had happened in fairly rapid succession, so, the symbolism of going back to places where he used to go with his girlfriend and opening fire on the people there, the symbolism of going back to the place where he had been fired, to that area, and killing himself, so he would be found nearby there, may speak to a lot of the issues that were driving him. Do we know anything else about how they actually found him . Because the amount of resources this Search Effort was expensive. Next we dont know, we will know at 10 00. But i think we can project that, eight, they have been searching wooded areas around their, almost pending going through a grade. Very challenging. But also, looking in areas that would be significant to him and the Recycling Center, a place where he had been working, and then been discharged from, would be significant to him. So, that is one other thing that is notable. We learned this today in our reporting on the story, which is, he bought the gun. Not just an ar15 rifle, but an ar 10, a highpowered rifle that uses a snipers bullet, it is used for longdistance shots and hunting big game. About january 6th. January 16th, the army calls the new york state police, the National Guard caused the state police and says he is out of control and they take him to the hospital and they referred him for treatment. And that those two things, buying the gun and essentially being put into a Psychiatric Ward for observation for a period of time, are in very close proximity. What we are trying to ask is did authorities from the National Guard ever pass that on to the National Guard in maine where he had access to weapons or received Weapons Training . To people in maine, Law Enforcement authorities, where he was a lawful possessor of many weapons, but clearly a person in crisis. And part of the struggle that they have had in identifying victims who were found at the two murder scenes were using this kind of weapon and that 308 around, this particularly large bullet made it hard to identify people, because the number of them were victims of what appeared to be a targeted head shots. So, taking all that together that is so hard to hear. Very difficult. And even speaks more to the type of weapon he bought. The type of round it carried. And then doing close range shooting of people from the very community that he has been with for most of his life. So, the idea that he has been discovered, that he is a different light of this tragedy, and that people can get back to trying to rebuild their lives and communities. As omar said, that starts now. Just to bring everyone up to speed if they are just tuning in, we were just on the ground in israel, now we are talking about what happened in maine, they have found the suspected shooter dead in the woods, an apparent selfinflicted gunshot went the gun you are referencing, the one that he bought a few days before he had that episode, is not the one that they found in the vehicle or was it with him on his person . So, that is an unusual gun. The one they found in the vehicle is the same make, it is the same caliber, that 308. So, they are waiting to process that through first dna, then fingerprints, and then the ballistics match, which will tell them for sure, but clearly he had another weapon, which he used to kill himself. The date he bought that gun, kaitlan, he bought a second gun, beretta 90 2f, a little bit of symbolism there, too. Has been the official gun of the u. S. Armed forces, it was the gun he was trained on as part of the military, and it may be, we dont know, but it may be the gun that he took for the second part of that set, after he took so many lives with the first one, he took his life as part of the second. Obviously there was the distance between the Bowling Alley and the restaurant that you went to, how far do we believe he is from where they found his body . These are all in four to seven mile drives, depending on which point you are starting from, but lewiston is a talent of 44,000 people or something in that area, and it is surrounded by smaller towns, but they are all connected and close to each other. And i know we have got a Press Conference coming up with officials where we expect them to confirm this reporting, john, i want you to stand by, because we have more on this Breaking News in just a moment. Authorities are telling us, sources are telling cnn, they have found the suspected shooter in maine, dad by an apparent selfinflicted Gunshot Wound. We will get more at the e totop the hour f from authoritieies a they wilill hold that press s conferenence. We w will back h here inin just minutes s with more e reportini the scenene. X [ musisic ] back here with Breaking News tonight, as we have learned that according to multiple sources that the suspect in the lewiston, maine Mass Shootings has been found dead from an apparent self inflicted Gunshot Wound to the head. Robert card was found in an area near the Recycling Center from which he was recently fired, that is from a Law Enforcement source to cnns john miller. We are waiting for a News Conference in maine, that is coming up in the summer. Back now with omar gimenez and john miller. Omar, let me start with you on the ground in maine as we are learning these details. We dont know the precise location of where he was found, but how far is it from where these terrified residents have been sheltering inside with their doors locked, or businesses close, waiting for this news . Exactly, this is what they have been waiting for for more than 48 hours, what has become a third night of this suspect on the run, the suspect that we now know, from multiple Law Enforcement sources, is dead. I am outside the bar and grill, which is the second location where the Mass Shootings were happening on Wednesday Night. Just about 10 minutes from where i am is where the Bowling Alley is. That was where the Mass Shootings began that night. So, he went from there, 6 50 was when the first 911 calls went out, then he made his way down to this location. 7 08 was when the cause cannot from this location. Then, where his body was found, as we understand from sources, the town over from here, just about a 10 minute drive as well. And it is also in that town, was where his vehicle was abandoned as well. So, all of this was happening actually in a pretty small area geographically when you consider the entire state. And when you consider the range of where people thought he may have been, especially over the course of 2 1 2 days, of course people looking along the border, trying to make sure he is not up there, the coast guard involved as well, so everybody is of course covering their bases, but in the end, it does seem that he didnt get that far. Again, just about 10 minutes from here is where that body was found, as we understand from sources but to give people an idea of the manpower that was on the ground over the course of today, one, police said they have gotten more than 530 tips in from the public, so people were obviously concerned, and maybe even more so on edge than they normally would be, calling in things that they likely wouldnt have thought twice about before had been that is one dynamic going on. Then you have people, Law Enforcement moving methodically through the woods, on the ground. We heard from state police earlier today that they were going to not just look on the water, but literally in the water, sending people in, decreasing the flow of the water, working with the Dam Companies to make it easier for them to get in the water to help in the search actions. And then also from the air as well, that we understand. One, to see what they could see from the air and some of the water areas, but also to assist in general surveillance as well. This was a multifaceted approach that was happening not just at the local level, but at the state and the federal level as well, trying to find where this present was. Obviously understanding the urgency that many in the community here were pushing them toward, and one of our colleagues earlier today said it felt like a Law Enforcement helped put pressure when they came out and made a Press Conference earlier today. Whether that is true or not, they did what they were supposed to do here and found this suspect, a sigh of relief for many here in this community. Certainly. Omar, we will wait to hear from those authorities shortly and just a moment. We will check back in with you. Back with me now is john miller, who broke this is that the suspect was found. 48 hours is a long time, it was Wednesday Night when we were talking on this program about the shooting as they were first looking for the suspect. What is our indication of where he went from Wednesday Night, what he has been doing until they found him . Do they have any indication . That is a blank page, because since the shooting, there hasnt been one single confirmed sighting, not by a police officer, not by a witness who said i know him, that was him, we spoke, i saw him, he came to my house, nothing like that. And i say that because, as you know, we recently went for the hunt in pennsylvania, an inmate escaped from jail, managed to pick up a rifle, was looking to carjack a car, and we had multiple sightings of him. Each day, he was being spotted somewhere. This was nothing like that. What it suggests, and this is our preliminary because we are literally working with this information in real time, is he may have gone from the shooting scenes to where he abandoned the car, and then gone to where he ultimately took his own life and could have been there since. One of the other things we learned from the pennsylvania manhunt was how hard it is when you are looking through the woods to spot a person dead or alive. Yeah, so do we have any indication on the timing of when they found him . So, this was this evening, 9 00 or slightly earlier than that. Oh, so just recently . Yeah, this was im sorry i am off a little bit. This was this evening within the last hour or so. I have been here too long today. [ laughter ] you have been doing a lot of reporting, john miller, i want you to stay with me, but i do want to go to someone who this is incredibly personal for right now. A survivor of this shooting. Tammy as late and her daughter, tony, who is 10 years old. They were at just in time recreation, the Bowling Alley, separated as the shooting began. Her cousin tricia was killed in the shooting. Tammy, i am so glad you are here with me tonight, i want to talk to you about what your experience was. What is your reaction to this Breaking News, we have confirmed the suspected shooter has been found dead . Is relieving, so that the community itself can definitely move on without the fear of him out there. But it is also sad because we have so many questions left unanswered. But i know it does give my daughter some peace to know that he has been caught, because that was a fear of hers, that he is still out there. I mean, she is just 10 years old. I can tell this is really difficult for you. Yeah, it caught me off guard just now. I am sorry that we are breaking the news to you. Thanks thats okay. Thats okay. I mean, we have to deal with it at some point, for sure. But yeah, its sad. I mean, all around, the whole thing is sad. We have lost, its its just unnatural, for sure. Its amazing to me to hear you say that, to think of his family as well in a time like this. I know we heard from some of his Family Members, his relatives who said they never suspected this, they didnt expect this. Its an amazing moment in humanity that you just thought of them just now. Yeah, i mean, i am. I have often thought in the last few days, even my daughter has said, i would like to ask him why, why did he pick where he picked and did you know that there would be children there . It is just those why questions that unfortunately are left unanswered and we will probably never have those answers, too, and you know, as much as we are hurting, i am sure they are hurting, too. So, its a fact of life. I mean, i dont have hate in my heart, for sure. Its just so much to deal with right now that this definitely caught me offguard, for sure. Thats completely understandable. I am sure in this moment you are thinking and you, your cousin tricia was there that night, she didnt, and i am sure when you think of that question, why . She is at the top of your mind. Yeah. She is very much on the top of my mind, as well as the dear ones that we lost. When there was the Press Conference this afternoon, they confirmed everybody, so it answered all the questions that i had of people that i had questions about whether or not what their status was, and when i watched that life, it was unsettling. And hard. Because i know what everybody is going through, i know what my family is going through, and its just not an easy moment, for sure. I cant imagine what it was like to see that Press Conference where they had the photos of all of the victims behind them and to see not only your cousin, but also your neighbors. My loved ones, yeah. The ones that we have grown close to in the bowling league, the ones that have always loved my daughter as their own, you know . And tricia always did the same thing, too. Everybody in that community did. It is just an extended family there. You know, we may not necessarily all be blood related, but it felt that way. And we definitely lost a lot, for sure. And it is hitting me right now. How much we have lost. It is at a point now where we can start the healing process. And we can try to get some resolutions and get our kids back in a normal routine and make sure that they are okay to do so. Do you think you could ever go back to that normal routine . X i want to think i can. I think it is important to. It is going to be difficult, but i think with some help, we can definitely get to a point where we can. I think it is important to teach my daughter that this is a moment in time and we can overcome, we can move forward, and i think it is important for our community to be able to do that as well, and to move forward. Its not about forgetting, but it is about living in honor of those that we lost. How is tony doing . I see her sitting next to you, she is just 10 years old. She is doing okay. I mean, would you like to tell her how you are doing . No . Its okay, its understandable. She is doing pretty good. I have been watching her over the last couple of days, processing this, and its hard as a parent to to know what to say, but i feel comfortable with the relationship i have with her, that we have always had an open line of communication, and i have always treated her not necessarily as an equal, but equal enough that she deserves the right to know certain things and to be honest with her. And so, when she asked me those tough questions, i picked the right moment that it is appropriate to talk to her about it. And but i have also allowed her to still continue to try to be a kid. Today, she wanted to play with her friends and i am like, yes, absolutely, go play with your friends. Ask what i keep thinking about, and that is a conversation you should never have to have with your 10yearold daughter, but the position that you are in is one that so Many American families have been put in, where their lives have been forever changed by by gun violence, by a shooting like this one. Yeah. I have thought about that. That was one of my one of my first thoughts, was is this real . Am i essentially becoming a statistic . I never thought that would ever be possible. I mean, nobody ever, obviously, in a situation like this thinks it is ever possible, but when it happens, i am still processing itself might self, and trying to get to a point that i can except, yes, it is real, yes, it did happen, and it is going to take me some time. Because i go in and out of the emotions and thinking, no, it didnt really happen, it didnt really happen. And then i am constantly reminded, it did, so, yeah, it is difficult. Ask tammy, i just want to say thank you for coming on, for being able to speak about what you and tony have been through this week. I am so touched by what you said about robert cards family as well, i know our audience is as well, your compassion is amazing in this moment. I just want to thank you for coming on, we are all Thinking Of You and your family and remembering tricia, so thank you for that. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity, for wanting to hear and learn. Unfortunately, it is a lot of learning and it is all too common. Thank you so much, tammy. Yes, you are welcome, thank you. Of course we are thinking of tammy and her family, we are thinking of all of the families of the 18 victims of these shootings. We will be back in just a momoment. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Have we piqued your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Back to our major Breaking News tonight, the manhunt in maine has now ended. Multiple sources telling cnn that the suspect in wednesdays Mass Shootings, robert card has been found dead from an apparent selfinflicted Gunshot Wound. We are awaiting a News Conference very soon from the authority is. As we wait on those and the official confirmations from the authorities, i want to bring in the fbi Deputy Director andrew mccabe, who is with us. We were hearing just a few hours ago in the Press Conference at 5 p. M. , they had no major leads, no real significant sightings of this of this suspected shooter. I mean, it shows you how quickly all of this can change. It really does, kaitlan. These man hunts, as we have seen even over the last couple of months, with the few we have tracked, you really never know where they are going to go. In september with the Inmate Manhunt in pennsylvania, we had sightings of the escapee on a very regular basis, a couple times of day, he was tripping cameras out in a park near the prison where he escaped, showing up at peoples houses, stealing things from garages. This thing was very different, there hasnt been a trace of him since the shootings on Wednesday Night. Which, you know, raises all sorts of questions in investigators heads, quite frankly, the resolution here is a common one. It is very common that mass shooters end up taking their own lives. And despite that, investigators have to think for the worst case scenario. When you havent seen any sightings of this person in 12 hours, 24 hours, 36, 48 hours, concerned that he has gone beyond the scope of your search, which complicates things enormously. Quite frankly, as sad and as tragic as this whole episode is, this resolution is a relief. It is a relief for the many men and women who are out there in the woods, in the river, on the roads, going house to house, responding to calls, and concerned that any time they may have interacted with him, had there been a confrontation with Law Enforcement for this thing was resolved, you know, there is really no limits to how gleeful and devastating it could have been. So, this is in many ways a sigh of relief, probably can be heard throughout this community. Yeah, many of them were still on lockdown as of this hour, they may still be as we are waiting to hear from the authorities here. As you are going to list in the into this Press Conference, now that they have found him, they can answer more questions. I think before, they wanted to protect the investigation. What are you going to be listening for in just a moment . Yeah, they have been very protective of the investigation so far. I am hoping they will be a little freer with information that they have been thus far, and there is really no reason not to be, there are no prosecutions hanging in the balance here, so they should be able to share with us some details about how they discovered where he was located. Was it just a simple grid search in an area of what they had identified as a possible location or was there some lead that drew them to that point . I would be interested in hearing more about the note that he left from his Family Members and whether that was involved. And of course, there are a lot of Great Questions to be raised about the weapons that he had, certainly the weapon that used during the shooting, but other weapons and how he fired those, whether there have been any violations of law involved. Yeah, john miller saying is typically a long gone used for shooting large animals. Andrew, stand by because we will get back to you in just a moment. In this area today near where the suspect may have been found, we are awaiting for official confirmation. What are you learning tonight . Yeah, so, kaitlan, this area where we believe he was found near this Recycling Center area is actually a location that we believe police were out yesterday, searching. We have been in lisbon for the past few days since this happened, arriving the day after early in the morning, and police were out there searching. But something had occurred yesterday and i believe it was around the time that officials had been searching the suspect some, something was discovered in that home. We now know it is some kind of a note perhaps that led them to this Recycling Center yesterday. We know from the officials that we were talking to on the ground at lisbon, there was a building in this one particular area, it was around 3 00 when we were actually doing a live shot in this area, and we tried to go up the street, the police would not allow us. What we were told by someone on the ground this person was not specific, but said it was something going on in the area, and they believe this is where they found the body, today perhaps, we are being told that police found him. We were there yesterday, we were in this area, we believe this is an area that police knew about that they had searched previously, but i think what has happened today, from what we have seen on the ground, a lot more resources came in. And they were doing deeper searches. So, officers today actually in the woods searching. We had not seen that before today, so i am wondering, im thinking that perhaps they went a little deeper and that is when they found the body. This is about, you know, several minutes from that boat latch, that boat area where they found the car. So, this was it within Walking Distance, a few minutes. So, it would be within Walking Distance where that boat latch is, if that is the location that is what we believe the location is. It also tells you that he was very familiar with this area, so, more planning perhaps. We will have to hear from officials about what happened. I mean, they knew about this location, and today, the only thing i can say is there was an intensity to the search that we have not seen previously. At that is what likely lead to this discovery. Yeah, and we are waiting to get those answers from the authorities that are going to come out any moment now. Thank you, we will check back in with you. We will be back in just a moment as we are waiting to hear from these authorities now, that we have confirmed the suspected shooter in maine has been found dead, more right after this. This is cnn. The County Sheriff in maine has confirmed in a post the suspected shooter robert has been found dead. Chief lawenforcement analyst john miller. I mean obviously there is a lot of questions for these officials but the fact they found him is a huge relief but still a lot of questions about his background. You know a lot of these questions they have put off logically so on the idea that we will get to those questions in due time but right now our focus is finding him. We have a community on lockdown this opens the door for them to look backwards about what were the threats that drove him to this shooting. What were the opportunities if any that might have been missed. But on top of that you have a small city and the surrounding communities that are part of that area that are facing simultaneous death of 18 people which means 18 funerals and wakes that have to be carried out and Funeral Homes around that area in rapid succession. The Big Game Changer here is that as they were going into this morning wondering how long he would be at a large how do we sit here 18 funerals. How do we deal with people who said we know he is still out there we do not feel safe. Like those services in churches and Funeral Homes. So that weight has been lifted. Which will allow people to start grieving with sadness but without fear. A Double Insult to them they are already dealing with a sudden loss. On top of that living in fear for over 48 hours we also have former washington d. C. Police chief former Police Commissioner charles with us. What is your reaction to this Breaking News tonight . It is a relief to the families of the victims, to everyone with this. It ended the way many of these end with the death of the perpetrator. But it is just a huge relief. It is finally over you know when they had the Press Conference earlier they were lifting you know the shelter in place which is something they had to do no question about it but that adds another level that you have to be concerned about from a policing standpoint. When people are backed out and about so something i mean it is a tragedy all the way around but thank god it is over. I think that we will learn a lot more at this Press Conference coming up at 10 00. Hopefully will be answered during this Press Conference. We are seeing the room right now obviously waiting for officials. They have not been very forthcoming in these Press Conferences. It was pretty brief. They did not want to share a lot how much more do you think they will be prepared to share . Into the suspects background. A lot more being done in terms of the investigation, the background of the individual all the things that have to be done. They will continue on. You know things like what was actually in the note for example. From what we have been hearing a lot of information. So probably learned more about that certainly more about the weapon more about the circumstances that led to his body being found. A tip they happened to find him when they were doing one of their grid searches. John miller, the questions i still have especially after hearing such a heartbreaking moment as she learned this news about the Warning Signs that were there. 10 days before that incident. He just bought a gunny. How it slipped through i mean anyones notice. I mean this is a cycle of discussion that we keep going through after each one of these mass shooting incidences. The struggle we have is we have too many of these too often. Looking backwards, so often when they are right in front of people they do not know the seriousness. I mean but we see it time and time again. Those signs were there, i mean what kind of questions, that had hurt him saying he wanted to harm other soldiers. What kind of questions did they have Going Forward. It really boils down, what did the National Guard in new york, what opportunity did they have two pass that on to authorities. Where he served with other soldiers. What action did they take or not take, what did they miss. Thank you for your reporting. Continue watching as we are waiting any moment free the authorities to hold a Press Conference after we have gotten confirmation that the suspected

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