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Hello and welcome, everyone. Im Michael Holmes at the cnn center with our continuing coverage of the israelhamas war. An Israeli Ground offensive into gaza now appears all but inevitable. Hundreds of Armored Vehicles along with thousands of israeli troops now poised to strike at hamas at a moments notice and do it on the ground. On saturday the idf Chief Of Staff again repeating what theyve heard all week. Quote, we will enter gaza. An Idf Spokesperson told Cnns Anderson Cooper that it is not a question of if, only when. We have a mission and a commitment to get all of our israelis back home, and we have an end game to dismantle hamas and make sure that the gaza strip will no longer terrorists that threaten israeli civilians. The Israeli Military says its bombardment of hamas targets will become even more relentless Going Forward ahead of any incursion. On saturday fPresident Biden wa asked if he was encouraging israel to not invade. Have a listen. Are you encouraging israelis to delay invasion . Were talking to israel. 20 aid trucks were allowed into gaza early on saturday, but aid Officials Say its just a tiny fraction of whats needed on a daily basis. And the u. S. Defense secretary has announced that the u. S. Will boost its Defense Posture in the middle east in response to, quote, recent escalations by iran and its proxy forces. The directive includes more Missile Defense systems across the region as well as placing more u. S. Troops under, quote, prepare to deploy orders. Live from london with the latest on all of this. Lets start with the speculation that this Ground Operation is coming. We dont know exactly when. It feels like its been imminent for days. What are the latest indicators . Michael, it does seem were closer than ever to this Ground Invasion. Israel hasnt been specifying but now does seem to be doing so with the Chief Of The General staff telling troops they will be going into gaza. Weve also seen israel saying itll be ramping up air strikes on the gaza strip to minimize the danger to its troops. And on top of that, we now also learn that the idf has been dropping flyers on a southern neighborhood of gaza city telling residents that if they do not evacuate, then they might be considered a partner to the terrorist organization. In other words, hamas. So israel wants civilians to get out of the way. It seems to be very much prepared with the hundreds well, more than 350,000 reservists called up, hundreds of tanks and military assets there in the south of israel. And clearly they cant be there forever. They cant be there indefinitely. Now, perhaps plans for a Ground Invasion were delayed a little bit by the prez nsz of president joe biden. Israel clearly wasnt going to go in while biden was in town. But now hes out, and now it seems that this Ground Invasion is due to happen any day now. Now, on top of that, of course, weve discussed already in the best of times its an incredibly complicated operation for israeli troops to go in on the ground not just because of the potential for large numbers of civilian casualties but for the potential for hamas militants to emerge from their labyrinth of tunnels under the ground to take cover in some of the tower blocks, for example. Theres always the prospect of booby traps, Improvised Explosive Devices and the like and a danger not just to the lee lives of Israeli Soldiers but the real danger they could be soldiers taken hostage to add to the more than 200 Hostages Huhamas is holding and other militant groups are holding now, michael. One other thing turning to the west bank now, and it seems pretty unusual to see israel doing air strikes in the west bank as opposed to air activity. But air strikes. But there was one in janine. There was one, michael. Unusual but not unprecedented. There were helicopters used in june when Israeli Forces seemed to be getting bogged down and an Improvised Explosive Device disabled one of those israeli vehicles. Israel says it carried out this air strike to target in its words a Command Center Being Run by hamas and islamic jihad, which israel says were planning an imminent terrorist attack. Now, they carried out that air strike. They say they discovered the presence of this Command Center during clashes when Israeli Forces went in a few months ago. Ive asked for more specifics on that, but that was the target, and they say this Command Center was operating under neath the mosque, and therefore this air strike was carried out. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent there was one death as a result of that air strike and seven injuries. But israel for its part believes that the terrorists in its words were neutralized. That doesnt always mean they were killed but usually it does. And were waiting on specifics on the number of casualties both from the Palestinian Red Crescent and the idf. Elliot, thanks for the update. Now, there was a Gaza Crisis Summit In Cairo in egypt, and it ended on saturday without an accord because of, quote, differences. Thats according to two officials. Arab leaders had gathered to try to thwart an escalation of the situation in gaza and try to protect gazan civilians. Israels Foreign Affairs minister said it was unfortunate that some of those attending, quote, had difficulty condemning terrorism. The european counsel president said the world was watching for you to make a good faith effort to help resolve the conflict. Translator its a conflict and tragedy that has caused so much suffering, so much hardship. This is a tragedy and a conflict that generates around the world beyond the region so much polarization, so much division, so much tension. And our responsibility is to step up to our duty to make sure that we truly and seriously move forward in the path to peace, stability, and security. Joining me now is journalist gideon levi. Hes with the newspaper. Hes in tel aviv. Good to see you. Good evening. You wrote a piece and you said, quote, the reckoning must be with hamas not with all gazans. How does israel thread that needle . Deal with hamas as a Terror Organization but not destroy the lives of gazas civilians or gaza itself . Because most of the casualties now are innocent civilians. Hamas is in the tums under the ground, and a Huge Population is paying the price. Im not sure that you michael or me can imagine the suffering of those people who are now evacuate today the south and being bombarded also in the south. People without homes, without anything so it must be much, much more careful. I hope israel will listen to the very good advice given by President Biden. Of course israel will and does say we avoid civilian casualties, this is all the doing of hamas what happened on october 7th. What do you want us to do . More suffer of innocent people will not make israel more secure or will make israel more peaceful. Life will be more peaceful here. We have to follow certain restrictions. And im not sure that while you bomb from the air and destroy whole neighborhoods you really can make the separation. Look, what happened on saturday 7th was barbaric terroristic action by hamas. They deserve punishment. Israel has the full right to crush hamas. But the question first of all is it possible, and secondly what will be the price . And thirdly, israel should keep some restraints even after this barbaric attack, israel does not want to be compare today hamas, i hope. And do that point how much of whats happening in gaza to the civilians how much does that risk actually increasing radicalization not just among palestinians but elsewhere in the region . But among those young palestinians, a lot of them were turning away from hamas in a political sense. Could this turn them back . Much more than this, you know, the ismages are shown all over the world. Israelis are exposed less of whats going on in gaza and know less than anyone in the United States or europe about the economy there. But in any case people exposed to those scenes cannot remain indifferent and cannot become israeli lovers. You cant. You cant avoid anger to see those scenes and the scenes are horrible, and they should stop. They should at least be minimized. And i dont feel especially on the eve of this Ground Operation, which im not sure until this very moment if it is a clever step, if its not a risk that could lead us to a much bigger catastrophe, but thats another issue. We have to keep some borders. Youre there in tel aviv. Youre out and about. How do you evaluate the Mood Ipisrael . Weighing the desire for retaliation for October 7th Versus what could be the fallout and also versus the welfare of the hostages. That must be a balance. Unfortunately, the stronger sentiment is now to take revenge. Thats the strongest its Even Stronger than the desire to release the hostages. People think that we can do both. I dont think so. I think we have to make a choice. If the hostages are the first priority, and they should be the first priority, we cannot go wide in gaza because this will be their cost. Unfortunately sorry, go ahead, michael. No, no. Im interviewing you. You finish your thought. So the sentiment, the leading sentiment is now to beat them, to crush them, anger, revenge, nationalism, militarism, its always in wars like this. And this time much more after what happened in the south. Hamas has failed gazans ultimately. The Palestinian Authority has become impotent and unpopular. Those two things not necessarily unrelated. How great is the need once this is over for palestinians to have and to be allowed to hold by Israel Elections under international monitors . Can you even see that happening . I dont see it happening. And in the current political situation, political and social conditions this will be this will not lead to anywhere because, first of all, to do elections in a cage is rather ridiculous and above all the palestinians lack now any kind of leadership. The palestinians they dont see any light from neither hamas and i dont see someone emerging like Nelson Mandlea who can make a change. And also youve got an Israeli Government who wants to continue that weakness of palestinian leadership many would say for expansion of settlements but absent a political track for palestinians. Would a Resistance Track invariably take its place . I guess so. I mean what else is left . We will face now a society which has nothing to lose and this time even less than in the past. People of gaza have no home. I know that the world will give some money to rehabilitate gaza, but they know very well whatever we rehabilitate will be also destructed by israel one or three years later. They have no perspective, and this will push them even more to the most radical i mean we might miss hamas one day because it can get even worse than hamas when we continue to push them to the corner without any hope. Any hope. Its overly depressing. Gideon levy, always good to get your thoughts, my friend. Thank you so much. Thank you. Take a quick break. When we come back well show you how some israelis are honoring their loved ones held hostage in gaza and demanding their government do more to bring them home. All the countries, where are you . You must understand its crazy. We are in in hell. In hell. We are in hell. And we want our lovers back home now. The mother of an israeli hostage there pouring out her anguish at a demonstration in tel aviv on saturday night. She was one of several Family Members of hostages who joined the rally along with hundreds of other israelis. They called on the government to bring all the hostages home immediately and wave signs calling for a ceasefire. Israels military says 210 people are currently being held in gaza two weeks after the deadly hamas attack on israel. And on friday night many of those same families including the woman you just saw were at another ceremony in tel aviv where a shabat dinner table was laid with 200 place settings each one representing a hostage. The family of a 21yearold taken from the Nova Moouzic Festival On October 7th Viith S with Kaitlan Collins about their son and the last time they spoke with him. He sound much more panicked, much more hysteric, and hes on the phone saying theyre running away. They carry a lot of friends but they start to run, so he lost some of his friends. One was running and he say theyre shooting all over, and he say he even see some dying people and i love you, i love you. You must have been so panicked to hear your 21yearold son telling you its not just rockets, theres gunfire and people are running and being killed. Yes, yes. It was like we could understand from his voice this is something we cannot understand even what he experience over there. He told me he was panicked. He was afraid. He said that they got into the car and they are trying to escape from there. My daughter told him send the live location, he sent us the live location, and then the phone was stuck. And then we started to see that the point is moving like not in the right way. Not coming home. Not coming home at all. Its moving to the border, and my daughter start to cry and she tells listen its not the way, its not the way. I called him to say, omer, its not the way. And he didnt answer. The phone was ringing, and he didnt answer. And then we saw that hes getting into he was behind the border. He was behind the border. And then in the evening we got a video that was published by the hamas that omer is hes a hostage over there. We saw omer in the back of pickup. Handcuffed in a truck. Yes, with his friend. They were alive. There was blood or something on his clothes, and that was the only the only signal we got from him. And its been almost two weeks. Tomorrow will have been two weeks. I mean what have these two weeks been like for both of you . We are not sleeping. We we are not eating. We all of the things that we are doing now its to shout over the world our pain that no mother all over the world needs to feel a mother and father needs to feel like we are feeling now. Imagine that your son is going to a party, and the next day people murder, kidnap him, and you dont know if hes eating, sleeping, if they are beating him. The basic thing of a mother is to protect. To protect her son. And i cannot protect my son. And its driving me crazy. And its im not talking not only for myself. Im talking for a lot of families. You must understand that people were in a safe place at their home. They were sitting, eating breakfast. Some of them were sleeping, and then these terrorists came in through their house and murder and took them from their house, from the place that its the most safe place, and they took him, babies, children, teenage mothers, fathers, grandmothers. And hes 21, but hes your baby. I mean whats he like . Whats his personality . What is he you were saying he kisses you three times on the cheek all the time. Yeah, hes an amazing guy. Hes a party guy. Hes by himself, hes a dj, and he likes very much all these kind of festival, music festivals. So thats omer. Very, very happy guy. Very happy guy. Yeah, funny. So cute. We call him sunshine because like the sunshine everybody wants to be next to him. The last time omers family saw him was at shabbat dinner two weeks ago. Hes there as he always is, the life of the party as they talked about, his big personality. And that night was the night he went to the nova music festival. The next time his parents heard from him was in a series of panicked phone calls the next day when they realized the festival he was at was being attacked by hamas. The ceremony tonight in this huge table that you see is for all the families whose Loved Oneerize Being held hostage tonight, whose loved ones wont be at dinner tonight. And omers family is hoping hell be back at their table very soon. Can you show me the video you were showing me a moment ago . Amazing. And that was a picture of your family. Yes. How many times have you watched that video . Oh, my god. I saw it, you know, at the beginning when omer post it i saw it and each time im crying. And get very emotional. Even now when i see it i get very emotional. And also the song say youre going to get out from this. Dont be afraid from fear. Yes, youre going to get out of it. If you could talk to him now what would you say to him . Come back. Enough troubles. What about you . That i love him, inmiss him. That i want every day he is going hes coming to me and hugging me and telling me, mom, i love you, hes kissing me three times, and hes going. So i i want him back. I want i want to hug him. I want to hug him, to smell him. Thats what i want very much to hug him and smell him. It must have been a relief to hear what the idf said today that they do believe that most of the hostages are still alive. You know, for us its it might be some light. But until we dont see them i want to Say Something about that. My son have asthma. He Cannot Breathe well, and i also every day when im waking up and i dont have Cannot Breathe, im taking my inhaler. Yes, inhaler. And im thinking about omer, that hes there and he doesnt have inhaler. Whatever its called, and its the minimum thing that, that monetary thing they need to do most of all. Its unbelievable. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Tens of thousands of israeli troops are preparing for a Ground Incursion of gaza as israel says its going to be stepping up the air strikes on the enclave. The idfs Chief Of Staff said saturday that their military will enter gaza and initiate an operation to in his words take out hamas. But he didnt provide a time frame. Meanwhile, the u. S. Is sending more Missile Defense systems to the middle east. The pentagon is placing additional u. S. Troops on prepare to deploy orders in response to the escalating situation in the region. Now, The Rafah Crossing briefly opened on saturday morning to allow the first convoy of aid trucks to enter gaza since this latest crisis began. The World Food Program says a shortage of basic supplies is pushing gaza to the edge of catastrophe. Billions of dollars in humanitarian aid from the u. S. , meanwhile, is still in limbo. And as cnns Priscilla Alvarez reports the white house faces an uphill battle to get the aid package through congress anytime soon. The white house is asking congress for 105 billion in additional funding to include aid for ukraine and israel. In a break down of the numbers provided by the white house, that includes 61 billion for ukraine, 14 billion for israel, and over 9 billion for humanitarian aid in addition to funding for the u. S. Mexico border and the indopacific region. A white house official tells me over the course of the weekend a white house Ledgislative Affair Team is in support to shore up this package. The white house anticipates there will be bipartisan support for a package like this, but they also face an uphill battle as theres still no speaker of the house of representatives. House republicans ended the week still scrambling to find a speaker after pushing republican representative Jim Jordan Out of the race. And new speaker hopefuls have already begun to emerge, but theres no conclusion in sight putting this Funding Package still in limbo. Now, President Biden is also trying to shore up support with americans. In a prime time address this week he made a direct appeal to americans trying to make clear these just arent ongoing conflicts happening abroad but they also affect u. S. National security, and it is important for the United States to remain involved and provide critical aid. Now, today the president also received a briefing from his National Security team as all of this continues to unfold and his team seeks to shore up support among americans but also members of congress. Priscilla alvarez, cnn, traveling with the president. Now, Aid Organizations are calling for unrestricted access to gaza saying in a joint statement from the u. N. That time is running out to help the thousands in need of medical assistance. Cnns Salma Abdel Aziz shows us the dangers that come with this growing humanitarian crisis. Her report does include disturbing video. Reporter hospitals in gaza are crumbling. Everything is running out from Surgical Equipment to medicine. And the tiniest lives are left hanging in the balance. We need power, we need access to clean water, this doctor says. Without basic services this will be a humanitarian catastrophe. Already seven hospitals and 21 primary Health Care Facilities here are out of service, according to palestinian officials, because of shortages. After intense diplomatic efforts, prayers of relief at the rafah Border Crossing as a trickle of aid was allowed in from egypt. But the 20truck convoy is only a drop in the ocean of need here, equivalent to just 3 of what entered this enclave daily prior to the conflict. More than 200 additional trucks of assistance remain stalled on the egyptian side, according to the u. N. And every hour costs lives. And so far no civilians can leave the enclave. 10yearold Palestinian American adan is among those trapped. We have no place to go. All the streets are bombed. Theyre literally gone. How are we supposed to go out . How . Its all closed. Even if people are allowed out, it will be a limited number. Most likely only those with foreign passports, sealing some 2 million others, half of them children, into this hell scape. But some refuse to go even if they could fearing Israel Intends to bomb and besiege them out of their homes never to return. Even as he buries his children, he says hell keep fighting just to exist here. We will still be patient. As long as we are alive on this earth, we will be patient, he says. We will never leave this land. After the October 7th Terror Attacks when hamas killed more than 1,400 people in israel in a brutal surprise incursion, israel vowed to wipeout hamas. But with hundreds of air strikes pounding the densely populated enclave a day, innocent blood is being spilled. Innocent children were struck down while they were sleeping, this woman shouts. What did they do . Did they carry weapons . These are innocent children who know nothing. Tell us when will this end. There are calls for a ceasefire to get civilians out of the war zone and allow more aid into gaza, but the pleas fall on deaf ears so far. Israel is preparing the next phase of its operations, a potential Ground Incursion that can only bring more suffering. Well, lets bring in the Communication Advisor for the norwegian refugee counsel. Thanks so much for making the time. I know its early there. Look, more than 400 trucks a day crossed into gaza before this conflict. I think its 450 a day. This was 20. Unicef says it took in enough water supply for 22,000 people for one day. Is it fair to say whats being delivered is just dwarfed by whats needed . Absolutely. The needs in gaza are tremendous already and are increasing every day as supplies dwindle. As the situation gets worse and worse, palestinians in gaza are resorting to negative Coping Mechanisms forcing them to forced to drink, you know, unsanitary, untreated water. This is going to lead to spread of infectious diseases. People are already in close quarters. The u. N. Is already reporting the spread of chickenpox, diarrhea, cholera, and other issues based on just the lack of clean water and sanitary spaces for palestinians to be in. Thats only going to increase the needs for medicines and water and food in the longterm. We need more than just these 20 trucks. We need at least 100 trucks a day. Yeah, and as i said 450 trucks a day were going in before this. Now, fuel crucially was not allowed in with these deliveries. Israel says it can be misused by hamas and so on. How crucial is fuel across a range of uses . With no leck trissy, fuel is needed to run generators and hospitals and ventilators and so on. Even if water were in the pipes in gaza, you need electricity to pump it. So how crucial is fuel . Fuel is one of the top needs right now. Last week israel did open a Water Pipeline in the east. Unfortunately, most people arent able to access that water because there isnt fuel to run the pumps needed to access it. So fuel is a necessary thing not only in the hospitals but also to run generators, for bakeries, and other and other the only wheat mill in dpauza is no longer operational gauze of lack of electricity. So the fuel and Electricity Supply which israel cut on october 11th i believe october 10th needs to be restored immediately. Yeah. Im curious what youre hearing from staff and civilians inside. I know communications are really problematic partly because of the lack of electricity. I saw people charging their phones using car batteries. But what are you hearing from people inside . Theres no doubt a desperate humanitarian crisis. What im hearing from my colleagues in gaza is just that the situation could not be more dire. Even simple things like getting bread to feed ones family are proving to be very, very difficult. My colleague told me yesterday he went at 4 00 in the morning to get bread for his family. He had plans to go at midnight, this morning to go and get bread because the line was so long at 4 00 a. M. But he texted me this morning and said unfortunately he wasnt able to go out as early as he planned. He wasnt able to go out until daybreak because it was simply unsafe because of the ongoing air strikes. Hes in the south of gaza, which is where people in the north were told to flee. And yet those people are still unsafe from the ongoing aerial assaults and israeli air strikes. It was interesting the u. N. Offers further coordination for humanitarian Affairs Estimates i think its up to 160,000 homes in gaza have been damaged or destroyed. Its 40 of the homes. 1. 4 million, half the population displaced. Even when this is over, what are gazans going to face . The Reconstruction Process in gaza is going to be long and difficult. Already gaza was facing extreme challenges because of a 16year siege imposed by israel. There was a massive shortage of housing. Much of the housing in gaza was already substandard. The amount of money and time and resources needed to rebuild gaza and get it to a place where the 2. 3 Million People living there can live lives in dignity and safety with roofs over their heads and walls surrounding them, its going to its going to take months if not years to recover. Shaina low with the norwegian refugee council, thanks so much for getting up early for us and for the work your organization does. Thank you. Thank you. All right, coming up next, the latest on the war in ukraine and how the countrys Special Forces are focusing their attention on crimea. Well be right back. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. All right, turning now to the war in ukraine. Officials in kharkiv say a Russian Missile strike killed at least six people there. According to the kharkiv regional prosecutors office, Russian Forces fired two missiles at a building belonging to a Logistics Company with employees inside. At least 16 people injured in that attack, and Search And Rescue operations are still under way. Meanwhile, Ukrainian Special forces are Launching Raids on russian occupied crimea. And theyre using unconventional methods in the hopes of throwing moscow offguard and in order to boost morale during ukraines slowed counter offensive. Fred pleitgen shows us how. Reporter a brazen attack from the sea. Ukrainian forces using jet skis to land in russian occupied crimea. The Fighter Speaking goes by the call sign musician. He tells me the operation was successful but tough. While we were landing the sea was stormy, he says. The waves were up to 2 meters high, plus russian warships were patrolling, the raptors. The ukrainians say they also managed to destroy russian mil military gear before racing off across the black sea, using larger boats to carry fuel for the jet skis on the long journey back to ukrainian held territory. Musician says these missions are essential. We distract the enemys attention towards us and the enemy is forced to relocate their personnel and vehicles to the imian seaside. Ukraine has started a Major Campaign against Russian Military targets in and around crimea. Hitting the hq of moscows black sea fleet, damaging a submarine and a russian landing ship as well as hitting an air base. The ukrainians use drones and Cruise Missiles for some of the attacks but rely on a network of undercover partisan groups Inside Crimea for information and targeting. One of the groups agreed to answer our questions but only in writing for security reasons. We constantly monitor all Military Facilities on the territory of the Crimean Autonomous region with the help of our agents and residents of crimea who constantly inform us The Atesh Group writes. A wide and large system of agents allows you to make a key choice. The bridge linking crimea to the russian mainland. The attacks have led to severe disruptions. Russian leader Vladimir Putin vowing revenge. There will definitely be a response from russia, he said. The Ministry Of Defense is preparing proposals. For the ukrainians missions like these are also psychologically important, one of the planners of the jet ski raid tells me. We are fighting a trench war on the front lines and the armed forces success is not so obvious, he says. And Special Operations of this kind in the rear or in the sea, they inspire and give energy to keep fighting. And the fighters in the unit say their next infiltrations are already in the works but they wont say where, when, or still to come on the program, from europe to africa. Demonstrations and protests continue over palestinians caught up in the israel hamas conflict. The messages people want the world to hear. Thats when we come back. In spain, thousands demonstrated in barcelona and may drids to show their support for Palestinian Arizona Mid the israel hamas war. With protesters marching and shouting Gaza Is Bleedsing Out and the world is watching. And in tunisia, demonstrators waving palestinian flags. They shouted that the world needs to, quote, wake up, stand up, speak up, and stop the genocide. Those two american hostages who were released friday have reunited with Family Members in israel. Juds death ranaan and her 17yearold daughter natalie spent nearly two weeks in hamas captivity before they were handed over to Israeli Special forces at the gaza border. Natalies father said she is expected to come home to illinois to celebrate her 18th birthday on tuesday. Natalie and her mother spoke on the phone with u. S. President joe biden after they were released. The white house posting video of the emotional call on social media. Hey, judith. Hello, president. Im so glad youre home not home, im glad youre out. Thank you so very, very much. Hey, nat, how are you . God love you. Thank you for your services for israel. Look, thats been long serving. Im just glad we were able to get you out. Weve been working on it a long time. Were going to get them all out, god willing. I just want to say, i hope youre both not only feeling good but in good health as well. Yes. Yes, we are. Thank you very much. God bless you. God bless you guys. The release was the result of negotiations between qatar and hamas, according to the idf more than 200 people are being held hostage in gaza right now. The Premier League honored those impacted by the israel hamas conflict. A moment of silence observed at both the chelsea versus arsenal and Manchester City Versus Brighton matches. Players, managers, and officials will wear black armbands for the next round of matches. Thanks for watching cnn newsroom. Im Michael Holmes. My friend and colleague Lynda Kinkade continues our coverage after a break. Pers time to win is running out in our prize packed kick off the savings Monopoly Game hurry in to play for your chance at over 25 million in prizes and money saving offers like this, and this, or even this. Plus, you still have a shot at up to 100,000 in guaranteed prize money. Stop in while you can still win and shop your Favorite Brands sporting the kick off the Savings Monopoly Tag for unlimited bonus game tickets at lucky

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